h . Elkins Sb King, PRINEVILLE, OREGON. WE WANT THE TRADE Of everyone at Demi audita vicinity, nml are willing to meet you all more tliun half way to get it. We know Unit after trading with.(uAOMcSpljcrc Will be no trouble ubout'securfng your subsequent orders. flW$ ', '' We will give your MAIL ORDERS The name attention and prompt shipment tllrft we would wore you 'prat cut in person. We will ficll you nothing but first'class goods at as low a price as it is possible to make, quality being coiuidercd. Semi at a trial order. Your CLAIA1S ESTIMATED AND SOl.t) KING, HUNTER (3b MARSH. TIMBER CRUISERS AND LAND LOCATORS. UHND ORGGON. The Winnek Co.; Druggists HUCCIHWOK TO C1IA.S. S. KDWAKIW & CO. Carries 'a Complete Line of Pishing Tackle, Toilet Articles, Stationery and Patent Alcdicines. I3END local Events of (lie Week. Wulter Vamicvert rc'iorts the trniiKportatiou business very active, both passenger and express. The stage is loaded to its limit Ixitli ways and cxtnrtcums arc running every day. "Dad" West has taken a partner into lus market businuss, 15. M. Miller of Haystack, who 1ms lccn supplying meat ami green groceries for the market all the soring. The firm Myle hereafter will le Wast &Co. It is as good as settled that on the new plat of Hand the street that runs along the stone wall enclosing A. M. Drake's residence will be called Wall street. That is whore the present road runs and where the first row of business structures is going up. C. I. Winnek, the Prineville druggist, was in Doud Monday and Tuesday. He arranged to take over the drug business of Charles S. Kdwards & Co., which willhere aftor be conducted under the name of The Winnek Company, but Dr. Kdwards will continue to be man ager. Mr. Winnek has decided to erect a store building on Wall street at the corner of the unnamed inter .scctiug street just wast of the store of the Demi Mercantile Company. The new store will be aox.jo feet. NEW STORE FOR BEND. WIM, Ol'IW A1IOUT JULY I, With a full stock of General Merchandise of best quality at Lowest Prices. Bend Mercantile Company INCOUrOKATllD WITH CAHTAI, 01' $10,000. UNDER MANAOEAtENT OP A. II. GRANT. All Goods at Prineville Prices. New Building, - Complete, Fresh Stock, The Largest and Best on the Deschutes River Full Stock of Fireworks for Fourth of July. Bond. Opposite Pilot Butte Inn. for business, ELKINS KING. KSTIMATINO A SPECIALTY OREGON. The Winnek Company, drug gists, carry a fine line of prescrip tion supplies. 'Opposite the P. D. D. Co.'s office, Demi, Oregon. When you arc nt Shnniko, re member the Pioneer Saloon is the place to get fine liquors. The best is none too good for you, and we disensc the very best. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson I.. Hun ter, who recently moved over to Demi from Hums, this week got a locution on the flat where the Owl's Koosuwas situated mid ' enclosed n cosy cottKgu which they will occupy this summer. A. II. Kennedy, the local Izaak Walton, Sunday pulled in 125 fine trout varying from 7 to 17 inches in length. About 50 little fellows craved to be taken in out of the wet but the fisherman was deaf to their apcals and threw them back into the stream to grow nearer his size. Wednesday moriiinir work on an other business structure on Wa'll street was iK'gun. "Dad" West started a two-story building 34X.18 feet a few doors easterly from the storeof the Dcnd Mercantile Com pany. 1 he market of West it Co. will occupy the lower floor and the tinner floor will be divided into lodg ing rooms, about a dozen of them, which will be furnished and rented to those who have need of such accommodations. A. II. Kennedy ha disused of liiSHtockof fulling tackle to the Winnek ComKiuy, which will here after handle the btifllness, Kzrn Ouile and family, of Spo kane, have established camp on the ridge just above the Stunts hotel and will build a cottage there. Daniel Heislug hat commenced the erection of a cottage for his fam ily, on the ridge u short distance back of ",Dad" WoSt's place, U. Dond whiskey is to be had at the Pioneer hnloon, Slmuiko, J, J. Wiley, proprietor. A good grate ful drink, refreshing, invigorating. Melting snow in the mountains usually brings the Deschutes to lit very highest stage at this season of the your, but Uic sttenm is now not more than four inches above the low water mark. Refreshing rains clwred the at modphore on Tuesday and Wednes day afternoons, ami incidentally laid the dust in a first-class manner. Such a mill as Wednesday's little shower would be worth $10,000 to the "desert" were it under cultiva tion. The Reception Saloon, Shaniko, offers the most tempting induce ments to timber loqators going into the woods. The very best brands of whiskies, such as Cyrus Noble, Old Pepper, Hunter Daltimorc Rye and other standard goods, always to be had here. Call ut the Recep tion. A camp of Indians from the Warm Springs ugency, on their way to the Klamath reservation stopped on the river bank nearly ipH)site the Staat hotel a few days the past week. They rcjwrt that 110 more smallpox coses arc at the Warm Springs agency, the disease having been entirely stamped out there. II. J. Naitor, a former Minneap olis bunker but more recently en gaged in mihinass in Atlanta, Geor gia, has been spending several days 111 Dcnd and is now examining the country farther up the Deschutes. He express himself as very favor ably impressed with what he has seen and he is likely to acquire sub stantial interests here and take an active jwrt in the development of this section. lie isactuated largely by considerations of health and he finds the climate of the Deschutes valley just to his liking. Most of the land segregated by the Columbia Southern Irrigation Company hus been disposed of to jHiople who will occupy it when the water tor irrigation shall be pro vided, which will be the coming fall. It is sold at ?ip an acre on contracts that require most of the payments after the contract for re clamation is Approved at Washing ton and the water is actually deliv ered for iue on the laud. It is ex Iected that the whole 27,000 ucras will lie under cultivation next year. That is but seven miles westward from Dcnd. The last load of machinery con nected with the Stcidl & Ueed tur bine arrived Tuesday night and the Work of installing it at the mill be gan at once. The machinery was not materially injured by the run away accident at the foot of Grizzly butte. A 6-inch cast iron shaft was broken but that hus been spliced at the mill, Neither wasa horse killed, as the first re'iorts brought by stage passengers said. t ne wagon was smashed and Driver Tweet and a horse were somewhat bruised. The new turbine is capable of 150 horse power, which will be ample to run the mill. The plant will be in full oiwration in u week or so the first water mill on the Deschutes. A scheme of street names is un der consideration for Dcnd that shall give a definite identity to ev ery part of the town. This scheme contemplates one set of streets to be named after the old settlers of the locality; another set of streets to be named oiler well-known trees; 111 another part of the town the streets would be called after the names 'of flowers. In all these arrangements the names would be run in alpha betical order Awbrey, Drock, Cot tor; Ash, Dcech, Cottonwood; As ter, Duttcrcup, Crocus. Then an other set of streets would bear names of the ordinals. By this ar rangement the vurious parts of the town would be easily fixed in mind and the stranger would soon learn where the various classes of streets are. Something of this sort is like ly to Jte decided upon for naming the Bend streets. " A livery arid sale stable will be established in Dcnd in about a week possibly two of them. Dick 'Vamicvert drove the stage south loday, Walter being absent on a trip to Silver J.ake. D. K. Steffii is a visitor to Prine ville today, havuig proceeded thith ei yostefday for a load of hay. You can obtain patent medicines and toilet articles at the drug store, opposite the P. D. I). Co.'s office, Dcnd. n .A sharp thunderstorm', tha, heav iest of the season, visited this re gion this forenoon and gave the soil a good drenching. . . The first load of merchandise 'for the Ilend Mercantile Company will lenve Prineville next Monday. IJarly in July the stock vill bt com plete . II. J. Palmer lifts been visiting in Portland this week. Miss M. D. Roberts is editor, foreman. 'compos itor, pressman and office boy during his absence. Ovid Riley made a trip to Prilic villc this week, returning to Dcnd at the unheard-of hour of 2 n, 111. on Thursday. He,-had a big load of household goods, and to add to our .suspicions he hasn't been seen since his Arrival. Dr. Taggurt, of Prineville, will be in Dcnd next Tuesday to treat the eyes of Mist Pauline Wiest. Any others who h'aye eye ailments requiring attention may consult him while here at a material saving of time and money. Ovid W. D. Riley and Prank Glass, made final .proof on their homestead claims before Commis sioner Lawrence this morning. Mr. Riley has hived on his claim more than the necessary five years but Mr. Glass commuted his. School Director Cottor has told the other members of the school board that there might be a vacan cy in that body to fill in the course of a few mouths, ashccontcmplates removal to Portland to live some time this .summer or the coming fall. W. II. Ilollinshcad has leased the Sizcmore barn and will manage the same for the next year. He wanted to be in closer touch with progrcssivencss and prospective ir rigation and railroad plans and has changed his postofiice address ac cordingly from I.ava to "Widow ville." Instead of a dance hall over the Dcnd Mercantile -Company's store, the space will be made into a lodge room. The entrance will be by means of a stairway leading up at the rear from the side street. There will be the usual ante rooms and possibly a stagesuitablc fordramatic performances. Wednesday's rain storm, which was ralhcHight at Dend, was a tor rent at some places on the desert between Dend and Prineville. W. II. Staats, who was returning from the county scat with a load of freight, says the road was con verted into little poml for hundreds of feet at a stretch. It was quite unusual for that section. IJarly next .week the merchan dise stock of the Pilot Dutte Devel opment Company will be moved" to the new store of the Dcnd Mercan tile Company on Wall street, which will then be sufficiently enclosed to begin to accommodate the trade. Max Wurzweiler will come out from Prineville to assist Mr. Grant in conducting the new store. A uuml)cr of men who were hunt ing for timber claims west of the Cascades, in both Oregon and Washington, have reached Dend in the past week and report all the de sirable land on the coast taken. Though the trees are npt so large on this side of the range, the ease with which lumbering operations can be conducted here appeals to them. ' The long freight team, of J, C. Conn, of Silver Lake, stopped in Dend Thursday night on the way in with a Iqad of merchandise. Three hea'y freight wagons were drawn by five teams eight mules and two hors.es. On either side of each wagon a big barrel of water was carried, six in all, as n reserve against a dry camp in the desert. Another team followed with a load of provender for the freight team. .Freighting is expensive business this season, but the scarcity of horse feed cannot last much longer. The new crop will soon begin to cut a figure. ' Chas. S. Edwards, (VI. D, I'HVSICLUUND SURGEON. IjriND .... OREGON. J. M. LAWRENCE, V. H. COMMIfVSIONHH. Notary Public, Insurance, Township I'lnU for Upper Deschutes Vnllcy. tliwn, okAVioh. Alte-n er tetry. nd Win prttlee v all Htrtt In (he Ute. M. R. BIGGS, . V. 8. Gent-iMtenr. 1-KfHHY'M.K OKIIOO.f. . ' Ittd filing, hih! pftmfr ef all kind. Oflicc on UtctlN'llngpJtnurlhouie. Dont forget to drop into the MINNESOTA: . BUFFET DESCHUTES OREGON We carry only the finest lines of Wfnes, Liquors and Cigars. TWOHY & McKEOWN PROPRIETORS. NEWLY EQUIPPED. HOTEL PRINEVILLE C. E. McDowell. Electric Lights T&nwgfronrik House All White H&p. PRINEVILLE,- ORE. City Meat Market. J. I. WIJST, Prop. PKALrtX. IN MEATS OF ALL KINDS ' Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Potatoes, Vegetables in Season. Opposite. P. D. D. Co.'s Store, DEND Wanted MEN ! TEAMS TO WORK ON Tim . COLUMBIA SOUTHERN IRRIGATION CANAL 1 r Steady work. Apply by letter to C. F. Smith, fore, man, Deschutes, Or.; or per. sonally at the camp on the. grounds. ,