The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 12, 1903, Image 2

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,J JKf Jf
The Bend Bulletin
MnUrctl March 1$, l?J," Hi IXachutea, Oregon,
na actond-claw matter.
MAX UIHDDHMANN. rubltaher.
.... J
SU month.. ..........
Three month - J..
' , (Invariably in advance.)
i r "
, Advcrtltera who wish to change their rtdvta
houM In t copy in notlatrr than Tuesday noon
Jrecdjti; the lHe In hlch chaogc 1 ilttl.
u agovi i iu i , -
JUNE'is, 1903
Several of our exchanges seem to
object to the creation of forest re
serves on tlie, ground that such ac
tion is not locally popular. Hut
this is n matter that is not to be de
cided by popular vote of the im
mediate neighborhood. The people
who find immediate profit in ex
ploiting the government timber land
arc, of course, opposed to a policy
that will deprive them of that im
mediate profit. They are not car
ing for the future of the region or
for the general welfare of the conn--try.
They kick because it affects
them adversely just now. No proj
ect or policy for the general good
would ever succeed if it were left to
the pleasure of those immediately
interested in defcuting it. The sel
fish interest of each little locality
would thus tend toward munition
for the whole country. The little
members would rattier cat goose
One result of the smallpox scare
is that a large volume of ravel that
formerly pased through Prinevillc
now avoids that town, coining from
Shaniko direct to Haul without
touching the county seat. Still. the
Ttient today than have the golden Prineville hotels are reported to be
ecc continue to Crop tor the whole uo:ng a orisK uusuies ami iracie
least harm to 'productive industry,
and to bring the largest possible
benefit to humanity. , Properly ad
justed irrigation tolerates neither
flood nor drouth..
It is to be hoped tlmt sobercoun
scl will prevail at the school meet
ing to be held next Monday after
noon, and that the business tran
sacted will be for the general good
of the district. The persons men
or women chosen for director and
clerk, should be actively, identified
with the best interests ot the com
in'unlty and should not only be ac
quainted with sfchool needs but alo
have fair business judgment and
ability. Those who have substan
tial interests, who pay the taxes,
may properly claim the new mem
ber of the board , inasmuch as the
school children are well represented
by the holdover members. Those
who have resided here a consider
able time should have preference
over newcomers, where other con
siderations at nil approach equality.
We all want a good school without
waste of money. The substantial
citizens,' who are acquainted with
all the community needs, should
turn out and sec that the? best means
to accomplish this cud are provided.
Timber I.aml, Act June J, 1828.
U. 8. land Office. The Italic, OicRtin,
May 16, tu,
Notice I hereby glen that In compliance with
the nVuvlilon ofine Act of CougrcM of June ,
H?S, entitled, "Ait net Tor IheMleurtlmlHirUiiiU
lit lliettatea of California, Oregon. Nevada, nml
Wellington Territory, extended to all the
public laud trttrliy Act of Aitrtiat 4, iCo. the
titllowinjvimtiiiHt'i4riH)ii hae lllril In till ofllce
Ihelr twutn alatcnicnl. to Ui
Ttran Vt
or licml, county of Crook. lale of Orrgniii awurii
lautnenl No tut, Bt,,i lrc ij, ifn, fcr the mr
che of the wi( aec H P ' , r 10 e, w 111,
Clinrlra l llrmterhmia
of i:cud,crtmly fCi'k.. ulnteol tltejton; wont
otatemenl No ml, fll.l ! if. it, lor tlie
cha or tht c) licit v M and w
ip 10 . r ie, w in
. lor the tmr
IvrW.nwK n,
for lltiul, county
Mate men 1 jso u
ok, tAleofOtrctiVt ttvocii
toot, for w wr'
wl 1
country. 1 his is not by any means
to say that the provisional with
Mruwals should be coufinned into
permanent reserves just as they are.
Doubtless many changes can be
taade that will be beneficial to all
'concerned. lint they can never be
made in a spirit of hostility to the
forest reserve as an institution, and
that is the spirit that underlies
much of the criticism against recent
provisional withdrawals in Oregon,
A. W. Mnchin, formerly
the free delivery division of the
postoffice department, was popular
among senators ifnd representatives
. because he so generously granted
their applications for rural delivery
routes and was such a good fellow
generally. Iu the first stages of
the investigotion of the department
which is still in progress the state
ment was published broadcast that
lie migTit have been guilty of some
indiscretion, that his good nature
might have prompted him to grant
too many requests for extension of
the free delivery service beyond the
limits contemplated by congression
al appropriations, but that no moral
or legal delinquency could be laid
at his door. Now crimes the grand
jury wjth an indictment for recejv
ing nearly $19,000 as bribery in
connection with contracts for postal
supplies. These "good fellows"
who are so popular with politicians
and senators and representatives
mat their own superiors are prac
tically defied, are frequently of the
kiuu who receive, or should receive,
the attention of the grand jury, It
is easy for one to be a "good fel
low" at somebody else's expense.
generally is pick'tig up in that
town. Now tlmt Prinevillc has
cleansed itself of the pestilence,
travel will probably drift back into
the old channel, for Bend 1ms 110 in
clination to pull for a direct route
to the railroad as against the Prine
villc route when considerations of
health do not call Tor such action.
The number of people now flocking
to the upper JJeschutcs valley show
that the outside world is "finally
convinced that it is n safe place to
chief of P,sit thirty forty arrivals daily
tax an accommodations to the ut
most and the stream is increasing
in volume every day.
Jihim rlw
e retook, wic
a ItaX. fllr.l IKK IU.
clwmoftlie w)f7v), rH U nml mt( m
jj, p re , , w in
Jfolwi t Crtloc
of lleml, county OfCrnok ttKleofOregom aworn
auiiciuem te uoq, nirti iv jo. inii ir uie iHir
cluixortlicwH ), nr Mtf una !( iie)(
j. tp 1;, r tie, win
Clrtflr J Cotlur
of lleml. etHiiitytifCrtmV, ltf of Oreroii; woin
tmeiueni No Mf, iileri IH , lyu, Ak the wt
ehroftlit 11M iiUnd ne)( liw( efi Ji nml
eU iw c A. tp 17 . r ti e, w hi,
Samuel A Zlinmnmn
ofhtlul, ewmty of Humxy. ute ef Mlnne
o. aworn Miileriicut No W. linn Jmii J
10. i ne pir-He rihe "H 'f tw rai i
C4, t l. r II 0,w Ml
Churl I. Ilmet.
ofHeml, comity efCfvok. Male of Ore ton; nvoin
MMteutciit No IM, filnl Ju il. 141. wr til imr
clMMofthe h w t, k nml ! ikCjd,
t 17 . r lie. w hi,
Ole llekou
of Climax, county of ivll., Male of Mlniirls
wet ti nutemeut No i$t), nltj IHw IJ, ipM, Isr
tlw mrcl of th mil t lh $( ei
awl r), HMr(i 7, l m . r new m.
Tint III) will Ifcr proof lo Ihiw tlt IhelyH)
MHiiilit l MMMe nlimhW for It tlHtlxr or tuhie
Umu Aht crkullural pttrvme mt to mtoMWi
tneir i-Ulni to wM Uwl brforc J. M. I.iwrtiteo,
iiiiim, (JteiioM, on
Thev mhh Mr(tuce KntUK WeL lotill
MchII. jolm Mmm. Julia I Wil, Jam ItuHM,
) N lluiiur, amMSIwr. C I' ItfottarlHMH. I) l
MtlU. Ud HtUv. W H Moat. Chario CMtor.
UrviM' HaUa, trab Nvknn awl Ollbert HaiMl,
ull of UA. II4KAII.
Any au4 all tMi cllHlo 4f Ifca
alurrlexTlbe! tan4r wauiwMrt t nivllwr
daiwt in ihM auto ou or httete the uUMIi y
Ut AHliMIt IfM
Z. F;
General Commission
Forwarding Merchant
Prompt attention paid to those who favor me with their pumrtiiigc.
ComniUloner. at
HatiinU)-. the tth day of AaaHat.
ShanikosPrineville Stage Line
n. m. ctmNinr, manaohk.
t.xsnvc Shaniko 6 p. m, Arrive Prfli'oViTle 6 a. In.
" Prineville i p. in. " Shaulko i n. m.
First-Class Accommodations for tlie Traveling Public
Tlwliar I4. Art Jane J. i7.
V . Uml OAec, The Halloa, Otocm,
May i. root.
Notice It hereby rIm Ibat Ih eoaiHUaH wtlh
tbv vruriaHHM oTlti At of CuNtft of Hm X,
Joe Chamberlain, the Dritish col
onial secretary, finds hLs protective
Uriff views to Ihj'cvcij more unpop
ular in Britain than was his war on
the Boers. Corn will enter the
islands free. Tin's will please the
American grain raisers and millers
who have been paying n goodly
customs tax since'the imposition of
war rates to get their productions
into the British inarket.
That' the automobile has not yet
solved the" problem pf transporta
tion over wagon roads is indicated
by the experience of a machine that
reached Lakeview last week, the
fir6t ever seen there. It was on its
way from San Francisco to New
York City. It had been n days
on the road, six of which had been
spent in making repairs and before
leaving Lakeview it received punc
tures that necessitated another day's
delay. I he progress of this fine
and powerful touring machine was
marked with all sorts of annoyances
and delays, although an expert ma
chinist was along to mend it. But
the kakeview people had their first
sight of a horseless carriage and the
vast Sahara of life has become for
them a blossom-covered garden.
This week's wool sale at Shaniko
is reported to be the most success
ful ever held in Oregon. Tuesday
650,000 pounds were sold, at prices
ranging from 12 to 14JHJ cqiits.
Andrew Mftrrow, of Willow creek,
got the highest price. .The B. S.
& L. Co. sold on Wednesday. All
the sales are on b'ids and there is
active competition.
117a, en
la tholataaarCklfOjrala. Ofeood. No-Ootlo.
VhlntoiLTrrHoey," oa tle4nl to all
intUlt laud stale hy Art of AHjLtKt A. .
MIw(Hif.oa4 iifrniww baee fltert In IhU u
lawtHK-HaoMNl nor Ma
llieir aweru atateMcuu. to-wit
WItUam MkMaufh
ef The inltea, cunly of Woku. Mate of OreojttH;
wornataleatent No iao, Wtl No w, tyat, tor
in iwrcHaor ai n H x act maiwi u Kit
and lie , w ac r), X a, r la e, w hi.
Sutannah laaeuea
01 iTlnerllle, county or Cms tate or Oretwii
worn aiaienteni no HU, nu-d .-ijt a. I
iiurchK of tlie K n oKandeH
ip 17 , 1 h e, w in.
Jeaw K Wilkin,
ofrrinevlllc. countr of Crook, tate of Oregon;
worn Uteiucnt No I4. bletl Not to, tool, far
the purcliaM of (tie ufr ut)i anil life uwl k v.
tp ma, riae, w m. '
John It (SuttafMin
. im, lor tat
i iwh rJ.
or ItenO, county of Crook, ttatc of OrcKoni aw
Hatemem .u two, nun mot 17, i, larine
cnawoi inexjt c
or I J. IV, fr the fil
. -r .k. .. it" . ...i. .m. ,.m '
r w. ,i,v wrt ! w , . " "
Solomon I'. Uamea
RP P IP F& u "B" i M
Wholesale and Retail Liquor House
Plncxt Ilrands of Liquor nml C'Knrs.
T voiHirt South nf Hank.
The Portland railroad men who
came to examine the conditions in
Central Oregon could not lc
impressed with the need of this
country for better transportation
facilities. That conviction must
have been driven home to them in
several ways. Now we shall Watch
for results.
In theMississippi valley, in the
Carolinas and iu New Kuglaud
much havoc has been wrought in
the past two weeks by flooding riv
ers. Up the Allegheney mountain
region forest fires have been devas
tating the country. These recurr
ing visitations from unruly elements
teach the lesson that their control
would vastly reduce the losses
which industry must bear. In a
country that "gets its .moisture
through irrigation these natural
forces arejgovernable and they art
made to yield the greatest good and
The Crook county wool clip for
this year is now estimated at 3,000,
000 pounds, which is slightly below
the average, but the shortage in
weight is said ,to be made up iu
Prineville is agitating for a Crook
county lair next fall. A good idea
Bend will be there.
of rrinrrllle, couaty of Crook, .tale of Orcgoni
worn atatement So ijjo, filed Itec A. v, Air
the purcJuKOilheKjf kci.Ip ia, r wc.wm,
ftu4oMon Itarnrfl
of ITIncvlUe. county of Crook, ilatc of Oregon;
worn tatamet No !, filnl Dec 4, loaf, far
ihepurcnaacoflbowK wen. tp i. r wc.wm.
lamea li. Kil
of llenil, county of Crook, tata of Oregon; aworn
atatcmoat Xo luft, gird 0c I, iowi. fur the pur
twe of the ikk ac y. tp i rwe.w m.
JaHa atorill
of Hen4, eoMHty of Crook, rtoU of Ofraon aworn
ataloMWht Mo iji, tied e , lyja, for the pur
cha of the ntfi hc as, tu ij a, r 10 e, w m.
frank W.-at
of Ilena, county orowfl., Ule of Oregon; iworn
tatemenl Mi iui. filed lcc if. hm. for in
ciiatcofllicawu aoc JJ.IP Wo, r lor
CharlM f. Wltaon
of llend, couity of Croqk, atate of Oregon-, (worn
alatement No iui, 6ted'Ivc 1. K.M. for the jmr
chaaeofthe aw w aec , I p 16 a, r 10 e, w m.
That they will otf.r ureof In ahow that the UihI
aoughtUmorc raluabic for IU UmUr or atone
than for agricultural purimaea, ami to eataUbh
llnlr cUlnutoaaW taikl liefcre J. M. Iiwrvrice,
V H. Coimniuloiitr. at l)chutea, Oregon, oh
l'rlilay, the Till Uay of AuouU. iuui
mwy name aa wiinrawH.. Aioaea iiouaugn, 61
gc fkigue anil WlllMHI
John lilieiHore, Maaom
the Kallcn. Oregon, George llogue ami UllIMm
lloai, Kraii Weat, tt'll IKueVauJ I
Iioiiue, of Ira, nicgon
rl'ige. John 1 vi. I
oho Weil. II 31 1'liUlli
N llumer, John MeHl.
i, JuMph N llHiiterJohH
llenil, Oregon.
Watkln, Aaron
mk deacrlued I
of Augu.t, vA.
ray7 II
II Uotd. of
lUniM. WlltUm
alklna, hutomoii liar ilea,
lerraely the
ami John W
bAtemen I' Harare of Prdtevulr, f;tei
cUiina In till uffkr on or before tlie W1 7th ilay
Any ami all petoaa cMlmliiit aderi
i uiHuarc rriuelu iu uic tlielr
IIC1IAIII. T. NOI.AN, Kegl.ter
Timber Land,' Act June j, 1S78.
U. H. f.aud Office, The Dallea, Oregon,
Notice l hereby glveathat In coiiipllanee with
the provUlou. or the Act of Cougreu of June 1,
i8j. entitled, 'An act for the aaleof limber Undo
In the aUtca of California, Oregon. Nevada, and
Wa.hlngton Territory," a extended to all the
public land atatca by Act of Augu.t 4, (&,
Ocorge Mlllicaii
of I'rlnerillc. county of Crook, atate of Oregon,
hat 011 Oct 7, i, filed in thl office hia aworn
statement No 1410, for the purchakc oCjhe nelf
eK and attf iie oec jt ami ai nwW fcc 34, tp
'? '.' 'i w m' "'"' w" a,t I'roofto liowthat
the land sought la more valuable for IK timber or
atone than for agricultural purposea, and to r
tabllali hi claim to (aid land before W A. Hell,
V. . Coinmiailoner, at I'rlnevltle, Oregon, on
I'rlday, the jiU day of July. 1903.
Ilenaniraua witueatra. chnrlra ir rkmlv urn.
1l.M A',1i..1.j ,..,... I,l.. . ,.,' .
.u,l. f '.!, juiiw .IIIUI
01 j-nncviiie, Oregon,
licit, George Kltchlug, all
rvun. .
Any and all neraona claiming a, ihr
abovclcacribed laud, ore rrnueafed lo file their
claim, in thia office on or beforo the aaid jut day
of Julyniooj, ,
Timber Unil, Act June j, 187ft.
V S lAlld Office, The Datlea, Oregon,
liny li, iyj.
Notice la hereby given lhal in compliance with
the prerUion. oftlie Act of Congreaa of June 1,
1878, enlltled, "An net for the aaleofllliiUrlanda
In the atatca of California, Oregon. Nevada, and
Washington Territory," aa ealciuled to all the
public laud ttatea by Act of Augu.t 4, it-ji.
Nil. John Kaller,
if Walker, county of CaM, ttatc of Mlnneaola,
ha. on Jan m, koj, filed in Itila office hla aworn
atatemeut No iw. for the mirchaae of the twU
neW, iK iiwlf ami nw(( wf tec 9, tp iS a, r 10 e,
w.ui, and will olfrr proof to .how that the land
ought It more valuable for Iu Umber or ttouc
titan lor agricultural purpow., ami lo e.labll.h
hit tlaimlo aaid landliefureM U. lligga, U. H.
Commlaaioncr. at Prineville, Oregon, on Tue
dav, Die nlhday ofAugiiat, '!
lie uamea at witneaaea. M l,eagc, IuU Ntl.
on, John hli'more, John Dokken, of lleml, Ore
gon. Any and all pcrtoui claiming advertely Die
alxive-deacribcd land are rr.iuetel to file their
claim. In thia office on or before the aaid nth day
ofAuguat, 190.J,
mjo7 MCIIAII, T. NOf,AN, Kegl.ter.
CarryingiLSjflail and passengers.
Leaves Prineville Montlays, Wctlinaxlays and Fridays. I-'roight ami
Passengers waybilled for Bend, Lava, Kosluud, anil Sllvor Lako. Good
rigs, careful drivers.
C. I. WINN UK. Agent.
Sanford's Cash Store
CAKKIIM A Ilia 1.1 Nit Ol'
General Merchandise,
Groceries, Clothing,
Furnishing Goods
Ifomralead Consolidated
Land Office at Tlie Pallet, Oregon,
. . May jfi. ioi.
Notice I. herebv elven that the fulhiwlnir.
pained tetllert have filed notice of intention to
wake final proof on their rraictlveclalmt before
J,J. Smith, County Clerk, at I'rlnevllle, Oregon,
On Haturday, July u, ,Wl vti
OliOKCl! U. TAVJ.OR, ofBLtera, Oregon)
On homrtteud ppj,flcatlon No 7an, for the
Bl!tfc6,tpija, rue, WM.
UliNKY W. CAKMN, of bUtert, Orcgoni
Oil hotlieateaif afir.llraflnti Nil ifkta tnr ll,
SVjf aec 4, tp is a, r 1 1 e, W M.
Taylor, Ilejiry w Carlln and Ocorge U Taylor,
all ofSi.tcfi, Oregon,
Jjw MICllAia T, NOEAN Kegltter,
& Redby Feed Barn
Stock boarded by the day, week or mouth.
Fine Teams and Rigs, and Reasonable Rates.
First-class Facilities for Handling Locators and Commercial Travelers.
Quick Service and Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Columbia Southern Hotel. ,
Hoi and cbid water oh both floors, Baths for the Use of guests, '
Every hidden! ebnvchichcc at hand,
The dlniilg focim, m$ tli8 dirtci Mtpcrvlslori of Mr. Kcwiey, is n '
very model of taStfeAiI, l$m ciegunccf nfid the service Is.equnl to any '
iu the statd.
AHstogcortivdiai.iitet(lh8dai(.aBlllS6uthcrii. ' '.
UJ Ml KUUNDY, PraprMtih '
' ., wiwiaui, 1, X4UKAN) xegimcr
, " ' '' ' a