The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 12, 1903, Image 1

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(T)jss Cc
J" ' ..'i
NO. 13.
Comprehensive Review of tho Import,
nt Happening! o( the Put Week,
Presented In Condensed Perm, Most
Likely to Prove Interesting to Out
Man Readers.
Itobliuri rilled tho in(o of n bank nt
Vlitn, Minn., of f 15,00.
Itnumsnlna In considering topi to
op Americans out o( 1(h oil fluids.
Tint tandoNltawlliiii, Wyo., stage
was Imld up mul tho mail sacks rlfhl.
Tlio Aont rebellion In nt nil mul nml
tho chiefs Imro promised obedience to
llrazll. '
Flro tins destroyed tlio CO,000 plnnt
of tlio Mldlnnd iimnuIurturlnK company
nt Tnrklo, Mo.
Tho 4iMlHlppl capltol building,
uroclodntn cost ol 11,000,000, has
boon formally dedicated.
A treaty will Imi slgnod by tho United
States mid llrazll for tho admission of
Amorlcnn Hour into Uracil.
Thn great alato jmvrplirokiiift estsb
JlihniKiit nt Homo ha been nutted by
lire, nnd damage of f 2,400,000 done.
Tho American consul nt Canton re
porta 1,000,000 nntlv.ii In Kwnint HI n
UrvliiK, nnd make nil appeal for nld.
Two Inrgo whales which pursued
ncliooli of mackerel And themselves lin
prisoned In tlio llrai d'or Jnke, Cnjto
Ottmnwn, la., suffered n long of
(400,000 by flro. A InrgaplnnlnKiulll,
a printing establishment nnd ton roil
donees woro burned.
Tbo iom li suffering greatly from
tlio lutno brnt.
A itorm which swept Valparaiso
wiocked four veiwels In tbelmy.
Water In Kansas In falling nnd tho
ltnntlon li much Improrod.
A. K. Amos it, Co., ono of tbo largest
nnkliiR houses In Canada, bat iui
ended pnymont.
A nephew ol John Wilkes Itooth do
claici that tbo nenassln of President
l.lnooln did not din until 1001.
A tHurllnitton passenger train hm
boon lout sight of nud It In feared It
linn run Into tbo Hood along tho Missis
sippi rlrer,
Klght hundred nro homeless an the
result of tbo Georgia tornado. Ono
hundred peoplo woro klllod nnd 1(50
others Injured, of whom nt least SO
wlli die.
Thn supremo court ban decided thn
WhlUkor Wright, tho promoter, can be
extradited for trial In Knglnnd.
Clillo In negotiating n loan for 9500,
COO to cover tho Inntallmenta due on
two warship and moot debt to banka.
The ilritlnh admiralty li necking a
tillable atuamer to tend to the relief of
the Kngllilt scientific expedition in the
Chicago policemen nro Booking for
three Itnilnni who klllod n fellow man
and then placed n rovoWer in bin hand
to raise tho cry of suicide,
A goefirnphlcal society expedition bna
sailed from Haiti ruore to explore tho
llahnnm Islands Many noted sc.
-entlats made up the party.
The Jnpnn house of representatives
lias ndoptod the appropriations for
naval oxpanslon but has rejectod tbo
proposed expenditure for Fortnosan
railroads nud harbur works,
Tho Quatnmolnn Icglslnturo has Is
oitod n call for a constitutional aneom
nly for the purpose of changing tho
constitution no ns to allow the president
to succeed himself.
Tho Itollance has ngnln defeated tho
Constitution nnd Columbia.
Hlx thousand people nro homoleis in
Iowa ns the result of high wwtor.
Ituiela will enforce its Manchurlnn
volley, dosplto China's refusal tc grant
tho demands,
Nearly CO people woro Injured, eight
seriously, in n collision of Ban Frun
cloco stroot cars.
Uoprosontatlvo Payno says tho noxt
congress will not roylse tho. tariff or
pass any laws against' tho trusts.
Pour cars on tho Bout horn PnolQo
went over a high ombaukmont south of
Santa liarbarn, Gal., Injuring 40 poo
plo, Boino of thorn Boriously.
linllre Population of Village U Massn
cred by Soldier.
Monnntlf, Kuroponn Turkoy, Juno 0.
Horrible details nro arriving barn
of tho HlniiRbtor of tho Inbnintnntii of
tho village of Hinordnsh, nouth of
l.nko 1'ronbn, May 21, by linshl
llnxouks. It appears that on tho ar
rival of tho Ilnnlil Ilnzoukn, Chaka
turoiiff'M bund of Insurgents withdrew
to tho inountnttiH without sustaining
ntiy loss. As no rebels woro loft In
tbo vlllngn, tlio luhfihltnntH oxpor-
loncod no nnxloty until nuililonly nt
Htinsot tho Turku, who hnd completely
surrounded tho plnro, commenced n
logiilnr bombardment, whereupon nil
tho villagers ussumblu'd In tbo streets.
TIioukIi the artillery censed firing
ilurlUK part of tbo night, tho Turklflh
Infantry II roil nil night long. Tho ur
tlllnry botnbnrdmont was recom
in on coil nt daybreak, but ns It wns In
ffTcctlvo tbo Turks not flro to tho vll
Ingo on nil sides nnd commenced n
general mnsnacra. About 300 houses
were burned nnd upward of 200 per
sons, mostly women nnd children,
woro killed. The women and girls
woro murdered wlillo resisting outrage.
Whole households wnro sin In. Not n
IIvIiik soul was left In tho village.
Tho survivors, many of them half
burned or otherwise Injured, fled.
Homo of tho fleolni; villagers woro
captured, nnd hnd their oars nnd noses
cut off before thoy wcro biitohorcd.
Tho report adds thnt H00 villagers
were In tho mountains without food
or clothing. Ono bnnd of these, con
slstlmc of 40 women nnd children.
woro caught by noldlorn In n ravlno
nnd wcro killed nftor horrlulo treat
r . ,
Officers Have Advised Chinese to Leave
Victoria, H. C., Juno 5. -Tho steam
or fllojun Mnm, which nrrlvod today
from tho Orient, brings nddltlonnt
nown regarding tho crisis. The North
China Dally Nown tells of tho adop
tion of Itusstnn tactics by Japan, which
power In gnthorlng forces Into Coron
In tho giilso of rcttlers.
Tho Shanghai papers say. that while
tho opinion of thn best-Informed men
Is that thorn will ho no war thU
spring between Jnpjn nnd Russia,
there Is not thnt footing of cortnlnty.
which Is Indlsponnnblo If comroorco is
to ho uninterrupted. In Japan nnd
Manchuria tho most Infnmmnble mate
rials nro piled up ready for conflagra
tion, nnd no ono can bo miro that
somo nccjdontnl spark will not start
n flro whorfo oxtont It Is Imposlhlo to
forsoo. Tho North China Dally News
says also:
"Reliable nown has been received
by local mandarins of tho great In
creaso of Russian soldtory In Manchu
ria. Port Arthur Is ono succession of
largo camps, bristling with field artil
lery and nrmed men. Russlnns state
In nnswor to Chlncso Inquiries without
hesitation that thoy oxpoct war with
Japan, whoso troops would bo likely
to try to enter Munchurla through tho
Western coast of Llntotung. Russlnn
officers friendly with Chlneso hnvo
oarnonstly advised thorn to remove
their fnflilllca nnd return to China,
nnd not conio back until after tho war.
on thn ground thnt tho wholo of I.! ne
tting and Southern-Manchuria will
soon bo ono groat battloftold."
trains Mnirr head on.
Disregard of Orders Caused Petal Collis
ion In Kansas.
Topokn, Kan., Juno C A disastrous
collision between Santa Fo passcngor
trnlnn nt Stllwoll, thin afternoon, kill
ed nlna peoplo nnd seriously injured
nix. Train No. 1 wns going west at
full npeod and crashed Into tho Chi
cnirn section of No. 8, east-bound.
Tho trnlna woro routod on tho Mis
Rourl Pacific tracks on nccount of tho
llooda which washed out tho Snnta
Fo tracks. Ordorn woro sont out by
tho train dispatcher today for both
trnlnn to mcot nt Stllwoll. It Is
chnrgod nt tho Snntn Fo ofllco hero to
night that tho crow on tho Chicago
t nil n dlBrognrdod thin Injunction, nnd
ran n mllo or moro past tho mooting
plnco. No. 1 did not stop nt Stllwoll,
but on running nlowly by tho engi
neer saw no othor train, nnd nn ho
hnd n clear track according to his or
dorn bo rushed nbond. No. 8 whistled
boforo tho onst-bound train had pro
ceeded far, but too Into to nvotd a col
lision. The pastcst flattleshlp Afloat.
Vlonr.n. Juno 0. Tho snood trlalH of
tho Aufltrjnu Bocoiul-cliisrf bnttloshlp
Arpnd nt Pola proves hor to bo tho
fnstoat bnttloshlp In tho world. Hor
maximum spocd la 20.12 knots In a
nix-hour run. Shu wns constructed by
(ho Trlcatoa Shipbuilding, Company,
Hcctnt Prauds are the Cause of the
Prlctlon-llead of t)t partmenl Holds
Airing Is Too Prce-Nootevclt Will
Pass on the Issutf-Payne Will Likely
Washington, Juno C Strained rela
tions exist botwoon I'ostmutor-Ocner-nl
I'nyno nnd First Assistant Wynne
nnd ns n result, ono of thorn wilt prob
ably have to go, when tbo matter Is
laid before tho President. Tho prob
abilities nro that I'nyno will bo (ho
one, not because ho hn failed In his
duty, hut bocnuso tho work has be
come uncongenial to him, and tho de
partment Is much too largo for n
mnn In his hcnltli.
When Payno took tho department
It was oxpectod that ho would look
after thu political end of affairs for
tho administration, on account of bis
long connection with tho National
committee, nnd acquaintance with pol
iticians throughout tho country. It
wna supposed thnt tho department
would run along vory smoothly and
would not require so very much exec
utive nctlon. Hut tho developments
of tho last few months havo bcon such
ns to chow that rigid care Is necessary
In tho management of this depart
ment, which handles so much money
and whoro thorojro opportunities for
so many Irregularities.
Tho differences between Payno nnd
Wynno resulted, first, from Payno's
criticism of tho First Assistant, be
cause tho latter was too free In giving
out reports of nbuscs nnd Irregulari
ties to tho press, whllo tho Investiga
tion wns In progress. Pnrno believes
that Wynno has alsq.jncouragcrt some
newspaper attacks upon hlrar Wynno
feels thnt Payno has not stood by him
ns ho should, and Is trying to prevent
him from getting credit for tho Inves
tigations ns far nn they havo gone.
When tho matter Is brought to tho
notice of tho President Wynno's posi
tion will bo qulto strong, because he
begnn tho fight on Mnrhen and Denv
er. When Wynne becamo First As
sistant ho found that the two burcnus
presldod over by theso men wero nin
almost Indopondont of tho First Assist
ant, nnd both of them woro Inclined
to defy him. Ho begnn to assert his
position, nnd followed up tho nowspa
por nttnckn upon tho Irregularities of
tho dnpartmont Tho fnct thnt ho tins
forced both of tho officials out will no
doubt help him with tho President In
any contest with Poyno. Possibly
Wynno will bo mndo Postmaator-Clcn-ernl,
but attention Is directed moro
towards Fourth Assistant Ilristow,
who, moro thnn nny ono else, has bcon
responsible for unearthing tbo Irregu
larities in tho department.
Olds for Three New llattleshlps Opened
Will He Our Most Powerful.
Wnahlngtdn, Juno 3. Dlds "woro op
ened today at tho Navy Department
for tho construction of tho Mlnncsotn,
Vermont nnd Kansas, tho throo 16,000
ton battleships authorlxod by tho last
Congress, circh to cost not exceeding
4.212.000. Tho Nowport News Ship
building Compnny, of Nowport Nows.
Vn., wns tho lowest biddor for ono ves
rel; tho Wllllnm Cramp & Bon Ship &
ISnglno Dulldlng Compnny woro tho
only bidders for moro 'thnn ono ship.
Theso battleships will bo tbo most
nowcrful of tbo American Navy. Thov
will hnvo an acquired speed of 18
knots, n displacement of 1G.O00 tons,
a .mnln battery of four 12-Inch, olght
8-Inch, and twelvo 7-Inch broe'chload
Ing rifles, nnd a Becondnry battery of
12 four men, ono rour-pounuer rnpiu
flro gun; twelvo thrco-pound soml-nu-tomntto
guns; six one-pound nutomnt
lo cuns: two ono-noiindor noml-nuto-
mntlo gunaj two thrco-lnch flold piec
es; two macblno guns and bIx nuto-
mntlo guns.
Maine Ono Wall of Flame.
Portlnnd, Mo., Juno C Mntno to
night Is burning from ono aldo to tho
othor and In almost ovory section.
Thousands of dollars' worth of pro
porty nml vnlunblo tlmbor land nro
bohiK doatroyod hourly by forest flros,
nnd there la llttlo proapoct for changed
conditions until rain bna soaked tiro
nrouud nud woodlands. At loaBt 30
flroa woro roportod tonlpbt, nnd many
others nro raging. Tho flro lino at
Romls nnd Raining I-nkca extends
from ono to twelvo mlloa,
Incursion of Troops Causes Protest to
be Untercd.
Victoria, D. C, June ir-The crisis
In China grows apace, according to
.'ions received by tho ISmprcss of
China, for not only Is tho situation
grnvo In tho north, but also In the
south, for with tho Incursion of
2000 French troops across tho Hwang
ill borders, Pokln has become greatly
alarmed. On tho arrival of tho Fronch
forco at Chlnnan, Governor Wang
Chlh Chung, of Kwangsl, askod
asked tho Fronch Consul to de
mand their withdrawal, but ho re
plied ho had no authority ovor the
forces. Pokln correspondents say that
It Is considered, at Pokln thnt the ac
tion of tho Fronch In tbo south In
taken for tho purposo of creating dis
cussion in favor of Russia. An In
fluential petition has been received nt
Pekln from Hong Kong asking for tho
dismissal of Governor Wang Chlh
Chung on the. ground that ho Is In
Icaguo with tbo French.
Tho situation regarding Mnnciurla
waa vory grave when tho Kmprcss
sailed. Rcllablo reports published "by
tho Japanoso papers told of continued
war preparations. A Cheo Foo din
patch said that Russians wcro busily
chartering stenroora to carry troops
and arms to Tnku Sbata and Yniu.
It la reported thnt tho Nippon Yuscn
Kalsba has been asked to hold Its
fleet In rondlneoa for transports.
8torloa of largo accumulations of pro
visions by Russians and Jnpancso nro
frequent la Japan papers. Tho Rus
sian squadron was maneuvering off
the Ynlu when tho Empress sailed on
May 23.
Mr. Sung, governor of Moukdcn. ar
rived nt MoJI. nnd, Intervlpwcd there,
ho said Russia alms at securing per
manent possession of Manchuria and
tho mouth of tho Yalu.
L0VQ8 aivns wayjn iowa.
Crops on Thousands of Acres Aboat Keo
kuk are Rhms4.
St. Louis, Juno 4. A special to the
Post-Dispatch from Keokuk, la., says
Six hundred square miles of rich
farming land along tho tfaslslppl
south of hero Is undor water. The
Egyptian levco broke during tho night
In two places, nod tlicro aro now moro
than 20 brakes In It This leveo rnns
from tho Mississippi -At Alexandria to
tho muffs, and protects tho town and
shoro ns far south at Hannibal from
overflow of tho Dos Moines. A strip
of country ton miles wldo nnd sixty
miles long Is now under wntcr, and the
crops, which never looked better, will
bo n totnl loss. Much of tho land over
flowed hns not been flooded for S3
years. The loss will reach fl.000.000.
Tho town of Alcxnndrin. la., six
miles south of Keokuk. Is entirely sub
mersed, and tho dcodIo aro living in
tho second stories or making prepara
tions to move.
A strip 300 feet long and 25 icec
wide along tho river front Is tho only
land In tho town that Is not flooded.
This Is covored with horses, calo.
hnM and neonle. with their house
hold belongings, and tho problem of
transporting them Is a serious ono,
Oravo fears aro entertained for the
safety ot tho Hunt loveo, which pro
tects tho bottoms iron Warsaw 10
Qulncy. on tho Illinois aldo. Men nre
wnrk nn It. anil It Mh stand a ToW
moro Inches of rise. Tho loss ot live
stock will prove very hotxvy.
Operators Will Not Recognlxe Thetr Se
lections lor Peace uoani.
Wllkesbnrro, Pa., June 4. Another
dark-streaked cloud loomed up on the
horizon of tho anthractto coal re
gion today. Tho oxocutlvo boards
of tho United Minors. In pes
slon horo today, Indorsed tho ae
lectlon of their three district pres
idents? on tho board of conciliation,
authorlxod by tho strlko commlBnlon.
and If theso momoors nro noi rocog
nlxod by tho operators, tho executive
boards will contomplnto calling a con
vnntlnn nt rtilnB.wnrVom to declare n
gunornl suspension of work until their
members nro given recognition.
In a statement tonight the district
nrnjiiimirn RTnm innt mo uuuruium
objected on tho ground that tho mlno-
workers roproseninuveB woro ap
pointed by tneir organisation nn u n
ui in nnph iilntrlcL Another meet
in will Itn hnlil tnmorrow tn dectdo
whether a BUBpenalon of work shall bo
Ounm nnd of Cable Spliced.
Manilla. Juno 4. Tho British cablo
iiuinn. AnpfOln. enenced In lavlaR
tho Commercial Pacific- cnbio nrrlvod
nt (lunm nt midnight. Sho had good
wonthor throughout and hor trip from
this port was ontiroiy buocosbiui, me
Guam ond of tho cnblo wbb ifpllioqd to
day, completing connection boton
Malay and Guam. " ,
Uolnesvllle the Scene of Destruction
Plro Droit e Out In the Wreckage
Stores, Schoolbouxs and Hundreds
of Residences Swept Away Many
Bodies Not Recovered.
Galnsvllle, Oa June 3. Within tho
spnee or two minutes today a tornado
dealt death and destruction to the
City of Galnsvlllo and environs, knl-
Inr; at least 100 people, wounding 16u
more, leveling 100 cottages to the
ground and tearing two stories off tbo
factory of tho Galnsvlllo cotton mill.
Of tho killed, probably two-thirds
were women and children, who wero
opcrntlvos In the cotton mill. Tho
death list Includes only about six Ne
groes. The storm camo from tho south.
from almost a clear sky, swooping
down on the Galnsvllle cotton mills,
near the 8outkcrn Railroad station, at
12MB o'clock. With a terrific crash
the two upper ntorics of the building
wero shaved off smoothly, leaving. 32
operatives dead In. tho room. The tor
nado then swept around tho out
skirts of tho city to the suburb of New
Holland, two miles away, where aro
located the Pacolct cotton mills, ono
of the largest plants In tho state.
The plant of the Pacolct Company was
not seriously damaged, but probably
100 cottages standing nearby, occu
pied by operatives who wero employ
ed In tho mills, were demolished, kill-
Ing 33 people. Theso were mostly wo-
mon and children, as the heads ot
f&nilles wero nearly all in the factory
at work. m
The atoro of Joseph Logan, near tho
Galnesvlllo cotton mills, was crushed
to ruins by tho wind, and eight men .
who had taken refuge In It wero In- '" .
stantly killed. Tho Joses general .
store met a similar fate, and la the
ruins two persons, ono man and one
woman, were crushed to death.
Reports from Wfelte Sulphar "'
Springs, seven miles from Gainesville,
aro to the effect that the storm struck
thero with terrible force, killing- a
dozen people. This, however, is not
confirmed. . .
Tho property loss nt tho Pacolet
mills, occasioned by the destruction of
tho cottages nnd outbuildings; Is esti
mated at J75.000. Tho Gainesville cot
ton mills are damaged to the extent of
The cyclone first hit too town De
low tho Southern (Railway depot. It
dropped almost unnoticed, and bo-
fore any one realized what was hap
pening. Tho second and third stories
of tho woolen mill wero shaved off
smoothly. A Are started in this pile
ot wreckage, and tho fire department
had hard work to get to It because ot
the obstructions In tho street.
Arrested by United States Msrshal la
Seattle for Cmbexxleasent.
Seattle, Jnne 3. Deputy United ' -.
Btntea Marshal Jcbn Stringer arrived in '
Seattle this morning, having nnder ar
rest Ed. L. Wnlto. who Is wanted la
Manila for embeulement.
Waita left Manila May 2, taking
with bim, it is alleged, 0,000 of the
money of Colonel Newberry's bank, of
which he was cashier. Ho waa troced
from thu Philippines to Hong Kong,
where he boarded tbo steamship Tar
tar for Vancouver, U. O. and tba auth
orities at Washington wero notified.
Deputy Stringer went to Victoria to
meet tho boat Friday, and went on
board pretending to bo an immigration
inspector. He spotted his man all
right, and offloer and suspect ooth re
mained on the yosmI until Vancouver
was reached.
Walto left the ship there, and Mr.
Stringer shadowed him and was finally
rewarded Saturday night by seeing bis
man step on board the Canadian Pa
clflo train, bound for Seattle. As soon
as the international boundary Una was
crossed 8tringer Informed Walto that .
he was under arrest. The prisoner ad
mits everything except that bo took
the monoy. Ho says bo worked In a.
bank In Mnniln, and left there May 2,
but denies moat emphatically that bo
is an embezzler.
No Longer An Anarchist.
Chicago, Jnno 3. Horr Johann Most' '
was tho principal speaker at- a ban
quot yostordny attornoon In Sharp-
shootora' pnrK, unuor mo auspices ot
tho Arboltor Zoltung. Many -anarclw
lata wero present and n dotal ofpollco
woro stationed In tho grove, J"An
urchy was not discussed. Most ad
vised hla audlonco to upuoldtho Mac
and Constitution ot tho United States
and retrain from nny acta ot violence.
' ' V.J At.j. '" ,
ku, rijL