The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 05, 1903, Image 7

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lUptorlnr llxpcilltlon Notnlilo Pur Its
diopter of Noeillcns Discomfort
-All Soreno In ho 'Umber-
Rnllriiml In Comlnj:,
Sulunlny night tlic railroad pron
jwctora citiuu, and lliey wore more
or leas sonicrt ami disgruntled by
tliulr cx'xiricncc ttiucc leaving the
railroad al Slmniko. Monday
morning tlicy dupnrtwl and they
wore mi cKprvwion of witiifuctloii,
In tliu IIiiom of which wii.m HMtiriuictt
llutt the rnilrond would conic to
Ilund. No (Into wriM nniiiud, but
Ilia iudlcutloim arc atroug that pal
nco ctirt will be running to Jlcud
noxt yonr.
The ixirty was coniKd of 1'res
idcut.A. 1,. Mohlcr and Chief Jin
glnucr W. II. Kuiinody, of the O.
K. & N.; 1'rtnlduiit K. U. Lytic
and Chief Kngiuuur A. !. Ham
mond, of the Columbia Southern;
President T. H. Wilcox, of the
Portland l'louring Mil In Coinjmuy,
who is the rcpruKcntntivc of the
coiiiiiicrriHl ItitcreNtt of I'oitlnud in
iicgothUioiiK for a railroad to Cen
tral Oregon; J. Q. Jntnicftoii, nu in
lu(K.tw1ent railroad engineer; Pro
fesfcor II. If. I'ruiich, of the Univer
sity of Idaho, who wh formerly
conuectod with the Oregon Agricul
tural college and Is interested in
studyitiK the natural resource of
the Miui-rld regions; H. V.
Wright, a stuff writer of the Ore
gountn. I.envliit Portland Wedunwlny
(rt'cnlng of last week thin imrty
had President Mohlur's oflicinl
onr ami run apvcial over the Coluin
bin Southern to Shnuiko, where it
Arrived Thurdy niorultig. There
teanw were in roAiliiicnH for the trip
. to the interior, with nuumlnut sup-
fillet nod CHiupiug equipment. The
Irst night wiim spent nt the Hotter
vAac on Trout creek. There Pren
ident Mahler', who had a Imd cold
to start with, found one of hit eye
S rowing no painful that it wa.s
eetticd expedient to ilotugc the
route that hud U-un planned, and
nt s o'clock I'riilny morning . he
MHrtttd with two W three of the
members of the jmrty for Priucville
to get ineilicnl treHtuieuti That
part of the cxwdition icnchcd
Priuoville in good maiaon, Mr.
Mnhter'ii eye wrh attended to and
the wight wa spent there comfort
ably. Hut not so with the other.
Mom. Wilcox, I,) tie. Ham
wood, French and JnuiKrflou were
In tlte aeconu cction of the expe
dition mid they loitered h little so
a not to get loo fnr from the camp
nud eoinmiweary wagon. Having
received some rather Miimitionul iu
imrU to the effect that hiuhIIkx
had broken out won than ever in
Priurville, this party halted nt the
Circle ranch, eight miles from
the town, expecting the ret of the
outfit to come up within an hour
and give them accommodation for
the ulgbt. After three hours' wait
ing no teams were in night. The
Circle, who were panicjitricken
over the auinllKix toportu, rofiihml
to admit the travelers for either
lodging or food. Kugiueer Kuii
nody avers that It vn not no much
the scare as it wat, the ujipenrwice
of the men that was ngauuit them.
Al any rate, the party, which had
had nothing to uat since an early
breakfast, went Miperlc8 and
hlnuketU- to bod in the Circle liny
mow nud shivqrod and swore till
morning. Mr. Wilcox says when
he crawled out of the alfnlfa to
greet the rosy otbof day he thought
he was a brahiun rooster.
JamiuMiu got enough of it by
midnight and he saddled n horse
and went buck to mw what had ba
coiuu of the camp and commianury
equipment. He found that a balky
driver had had a disagreement with
his tunm not far from Culver post
olTico and cutihud the whole outfit to
hull thcie for the night.' The balky
driver did not continue to hold a
position of honor, trust nud profit
with the expedition.
So the party, minus Jtimieson,
who went back to do miudonary
work among the tent raisers and
doctors of culinary science, came on
from Priuevillc Saturday, reaching
Hand some what aweaiy and travel
stained nud desperate. President
Mohlar's eye was much batter,
which, was the only rift in the
heavy "qloud of cUsappohUmeiit nud
discomfort that enveloped the enr
avnu. At Iloiid Messrs. Mohlcr, Wilcox,
I,yllc and Prcuch accepted the hos
pitality of President Drake, of the
Pilot liutte Development Company,
so their views of life began to im
prove immediately. The teams and
the remainder of the party found
acceptable quarters nud nourish
ment at Stunts' hotel.
Sunday morning the party again
got in motion for nu excursion up
the Deschutes. Mr. Drake accom
panied one load and J. M. Law
rence the other, to point out the
pine tiees and the soft places in the
rocks and the piosjxx-tivc utility
and profit joctry of the country.
A brief iusiiecliou of lleilliani falls
was made nud just above there, near
the JJrowucH bridge, 15 miles from
Bend, nil stopped for lunch, which
wns served from the ample lockers
of the O. K. & N. Co. One of the
horses, not content to drink n por
tion of the river, fell in over his head
and hwam three times across the
stream before he wns rescued.
"Thin is something I cnu appre
ciate," remarked President Mohlcr,
with a nod toward the trees, after
the impressive sights and satisfac
tory lunch had put him at pence
with the world. "There is no
guesswork nbout what we have seen
today. It means business for n
railroad, nud lots, of it. We don't
have to dccud on the eye of faith
to see it."
The inference was that the eye of
faith had to be used to see much
traffic in the region the party had
traversed from Shnuiko to Heud.
Hut it was duly explained that the
stage route, which had been trav
eled 011 account of the nccewity for
making time to get treatment for
Mr. Mohler'seye, runs through the
dreariest part of the country. It
was nt first planned to cross the
Agency plains nud come south
through the Haystack country, but
the interruption in the plans left
that part of the trip to be covered
on the home stretch.
Keturniug to Heud the excursion
ists found that Professor French,
who had been left behind to study
the piscatorial life of the Deschutes,
had succeeded in lifting about 100
stKicimeus of the Salmo foutcnalis.
When the other members of the
party beheld the catch they smacked
their lijtf and Mere enger to get on
the road again in order that they
might have a campfirc fenst on the
siKsckled beauties. They called the
specimens trout, but the professor
said they were Salmo fouteunlis,
nud he rather resented the imputa
tion that ho, u sedate man of science
and good church member, should
engage in the plebeian and ungodly
IMisluue of fishing 011 .Sunday.
nu right, ot the Utegoiuau,
who had spent some time Saturday
evening watching from ambiiBh n
native Hcuder pull the fish from the
murmuring stream by methods that
keemetl quite jwinfully crude to a
real city sjort, went out Sunday
evening to show 'em how to do it.
The rest looked on until they be-
rnttn. lirMl. in which ivricvl lie had I
yanked out n pair of little fellows.
Then he was left to go it alone.
When he turned up nt the hotel in
tl.M a.t...1. .r Ml. ,.i.i.ll.t.r liik tla.1 a
tiic .iiwiir. u, mi vivi.xif, v ....M
i,. r.ol...r...a..a ..or.. 1.1 tall Ilnf '
v.uv n.iiniiinii.ijiHii iu ... "",
ne mm lie nuti Kiveit iiiem an nwny 1
1 ,,.- j i.,..'
ground is so near the Hotel that lie
could have cast his line from his
IxMlroout window.
Monday moiuliig nil hands were
ready to start on the return trip by
6 o'clock, but the teamsters had
some difficulty with the horses and
it wns fully an hour later when the
cx)ditiou got under way. Plana
had been made to go douli on the
west side of the river through Sis
ters and to cross the Tctherow
bridge, but the 111 luck that marked
the progress of the party before
reaching Heud went with it after it
left line and it took the road down
the Tumcllo to the Swalley bridge,
thereby missing one of the most
promising regions of tlte Deschutes
valley. Hy that mistake the party
also ulfcsvd its camp and supplies,
which had gone out from Heud a
day in advance, and the Lord only
knows where or how h men spent
Monday night, as Ho further tid
ings eoiiceriliiitf the pilgt image
reached Heud. They are sup
posed to IniVM fowled in juni
per trees. Tim members of
the expeditioft exported to get to
Shnuiko Wednesday night and be
in Thursday motniug.
It would hnVe required a high or
derof malevolent genius to have
planned in adVanco n trip so full of
discomforts and with ho little op
IKirtUnily for seeing the good fun
lures of the country, unless the trip
out was vastly better than the jour
ney itr. The slow progiess, no re
lays of horses having been provided,
was alone enough to make business
men having large Interests in their
hands and whose time is valuable,
impatient nud fretful, though these
men were the very soul of good na
ture while in Heud. Their mission
was certainly executed under rare
difficulties ami discomforts and
Small men would be unfavorably
disposed toward n section so prolific
of personal inconvenience, but these
men are big enough to know that
the industrial worth of n country is
not to be judged by a chance com
bination of tinforttntous circum
Mayor Haldwiu.of Priucville, and
Uditor Holder, of the Priucville
Kcview, having received word thnt
the railroad party would passsouth-
ward through the Haystack dis
trict and 011 to Heud without touch
ing Princvillc, went over to Culver
to meet the visitors and extend to
them the freedom' of the country.
Hut the change of plans took the
party direct to Priucville and gave
the Journal men, who had not
troubled themselves to go out with
greetings, a clear scoop on their con
temjwrury. The niaor'B feelings,
too, were fit to add to the collection
which the visitors themselves had
made since leaving tiie railroad.
An extension of the tripto Klam
ath Palls had been contemplated
when the party left Portland, but
cxjcricncc this far made it seem
desirable to leave further investiga
tion until another time.
Pilot, Butte Iim
UVIII kilkv. mor.
Ulcgaut Hooms, nud Tables sup
plied with all the Delicacies of
the Season.
Single Meals 50c.
1 lay for team one night - $1.00
Grain for team one ujght .75
Petition for Liquor License
III llir County Court or the rtUtc of Orfjou for
L'fuoit GuiHtr
Titlhr llutmtdHc Cwtnty loutt of Ihc PUtc uf
urtgftti iwf (.ram wouHijr
V, tl umlrtitnl. (Uuaif. taxpayer ami
taxpayer am!
Cro&k CouBty
MMtili at I tor prrrUKt
OftglHt, MOultl HMWt mfMCfullv pttltlott tllt
iur 1 1 own uk wmii logiim a iinticiajiu
rU aairtlHOU, malt anil iiMW
UM 111 1'
UUn than imc (allon lu h wtdnrt ol
gallon lu (m mcdiifl of
HVwI. Ill Ibr Cimiilr ftf 1 1
, Sal ar (lrKfl
Cor thr term of Mt maalb.
Tfcit.pNIV W MtClwt
Tilt 01
1 m nmia
h i' Mth
M V AwtM
l ha J 1.4
A WhlK
II f Trtt
1'Hi.lla '
M Hill
W w VrwUpgnc
Hkhnl CTujt
II A lllll v-
j l HfMV ,, .
M J Carry ,. ,
Harm-) CrnTt
It J BnWK-H'
I Km 1
A II Kranwly
JUHuyt ,1'-
1 mot i-ti-mk
n Krtckm
Jnil-wt iuSii
C M Wtttey
C U ItotiUl
MIIIum Vottiij
lohH MlaMI
Vm StvphcH
luhti YouHg
aut WniwHM
NMlt U krrtfey kii that tlys uM lurtiier.
intra W Shaw ami (..-urge nhMatlttoM, will
nrtkmt tht abovr nrtlikon to Wip llotiOTaUU
Hip iimmrauHi
lien far CraeV
vwwty votKi vi iw Mair ui
CiMaiy on Ok am 4r that tlM'eflil CtHitt IU
Rw UMintttaartloaojcoumy iMMuesiaititeni
rwuUi lorn ihmaf. w-ll On-th Mil Oav
hw in intuaactwa m county wwiiw ai ine ink
j, A, j. ivaj oraaaumilhrrauftiU-aa llwaal
i-uwt atar m mm 1
tharaaak fura Iktnw Iok
."omt can bear- thr aatd riiiioaLJMj tbi
11 tUD9d, itialtjIM
iticatlinii am dbIIam
HI t pruriHtt ul IWnd CmutcWalitjr.OrrpHi,
fr Ibr Urm at t utoiitiii
IMlrd al Brwl, v.ruok cuunty, Qrq;oil,tliU th
dl' of Jlay, ia-
mji f.HoKt.i HBojrnfkiiotm.
Tiwbr LaiMl. Ad 'uiie J, (&f.
V. S. '.ami Otter TIM Dalle, Orrf.011,
MR? ?, IJ
Notlc l hereby given tli lu eumMJaiK wllli
''ir; tl June 1,
cgoii, .Ntvuila. anJ
trwlnl to ull Hi
tibIM Und kUtca lu Act l AuuiHt 4, i&a, tlw
ifiiir a
luir-iiaHHu (wraiMu ut nmi 111 tnu uintw
ktm mauwtiiik. n .1
ClMtlcaW hlirrman,
of 7J Jlaniiwiw HLI, lvitlamt county or Mult-
ntad (M I. low. fertile Hinli e ufthft lif uw
.tiaicui urniw, iiiiunjni?iii.-Moiii
tr ac 1. tp jo , r 14 c, aiui 111 w f)r ac Jt,
r ac J. tp
,ri).n 1
t 19
KobcitW VViUm,
r i h irtli at, IVtlUiMl rouutf of Atultnoinnh.
tale uroragaii, aworn uu mrut ij, iilct
Orl 1, IVW. fur Uw tmrdMiK "l itie nwr ijr cc a
ip 19 . r 1 ) e, w m.
Ocorgc I' bthiulu ,
mily of Miiltiii'iiiali, (!
or Ore-
1, wtu atiuviliviit Nu iii nittl (in L u,
the pureliaso of the 11 III w ir aiula hrnw ijr
ec ai, Ip 19 . r 1 e, v 111
lliluflll lUUtfll
of6ai MumlulUt, lHirllaiul. comity of Multno-
filnl Uvl A 1
nun, tUalu Ol UtCkUU, awuru iaigiiirin .no 1319,
6, liaoa, r ijc, ill.
-, i9j, lor uw iurviwtc " yse qr cc
That thry will iiOVr iiroorto aiiow that the laml
aonsht U mure luallc lor it iiiuuer or atone
thuii 1W nerlvoltiiml puriwi-" ami 16 clnliUl
thali claim to Mill Uwl iwlort ihe Ucttittr ami
llrclrnt rtit Italia, iirkon. 011 Ihurlayt
the (jdiluyuf July, ij
Tlicy inline a witne Mwlii Cn'wrtl.Kqht
W Wifwui. Ainoa llradaluw. t.cortjc II Schucb, C
W Shrmittii, I' C Whllttu, all of l-ottlntul, Qrc-
aliove-ileaeraicJ laiuUmi iMiiraltd ji file- their
Claim lu IliU ollice on or before the ajjil jyl ila
ui nil iiemin, rlatiuiii? advcncK- the
orjuly. iwi
llic pnMWuua ortbw Act ui 1
S, uUUmL "An at for ihr
lu lb .lalo urCaluuruia. ui
CaHiliiBlaii Tamtotv." a t
Shaniko Warehouse Company
Pircproof building, 90x600 fectr
fully cquipicd for forwarding
Wool, Pelfs,
-niiAt.HRS IK-
Lumber, Wood, Coal, Flour, Hay
and Grain.
Special attention given to wool; first-class baling and grading facilities.
All Modern Improvements for Handling Stock.
Furniture and Undertaking
Stoves, Wall Paper, Building Materials, ttc.
All Kinds of Rough
Dressed Lumber,
Sli ingle AIM now on the way here.
You Can't Miss
in niujcinrrus, ouisgon.
Stonewall, Monogram and Kentucky
Bourbon Whiskies,
Olympia Beer and Fine Cigars.
Grain, Etc.
l'RIlNCII ft CO, n.NKI!RS. The Dalle
W. LORD, Thr Italic.
II. I'. LAUOIIM.V. The Dallra.
1. " '