The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 05, 1903, Image 6

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I .'
Timber Land. Act June 3, )7.
U. S. Land Oflice. The Dalle,, Oregon,
May a, 19113.
Notice I hereby given llml In compliance with
Ihc provitfoni oflhe Act or CmiRTe or June .1.
IB;, entitled, "An net lor the saleof timber land
In the state of California, Oregon. Nevada, ami
ttv.hliirtnn Territory." a extended to all the
public land state by "Act of August 4. IN. the
fnlluwitic-namcd person have nn ocioner 4i 1911,
file! In tTila oke their aworn ttemetita, to-wlt-
Jen K Riniteii,
of 171 llawartlst, Spokane, county or Spokane,
laic of Washington; awewn statement No 1173,
for the purchase ofthe in. qr cc ll, U M , r 11 c,
w m.
Jane Larson,
of 7 Went Thlnl Aw, Spokane, connly of Spo
kane. Malt of Washington, awunt statement No
1174. fee the purchase oflhe aw qr ace 1, tp w a,
r lit, w ra.
Andrea X Raroien,
of 3n Second at, Spokane, county of Spokane,
staHjof Tfclngtm, sworn atalcnicut No im,
for the pur of the a hf nn qr ami lota J ami
4, sec 1, ip so , r ij e, w m
That they will offer proof to how that Ihelaml
Msht l more wtlaabU for Its timber or alone
than Iter aptleHltHml ptHpoaea, and to establish
thetr esailws 10 mihi tantl otrore me Keener
before the Rrctsler ami
Receiver at The Dalle. Orvfon, on Friday,
t-lk tlar flf lulv. tool
They mm a witne-wes A ml tea K Raamusen,
Arn ftcirfceland, Otc K Anderson. Jane I.aroii,
Jena K Rasnmseu, all of Spokane, Wash
Any awl alt person ctatmirig adversely the
abattajcterlbed land are requested to (lie thctr
claim in thin office on or before the aaid i;th
day of July, 1
"iyiyjy7 MlCllAHL T NOLAN. Register
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1S7S,
IT. 8. Land Office. The Dallea, Oregon.
Mayo, lyo
Notice t hereby given that In compliance with
thprotteuoftht Art of Congress of June 3.
lM, entitled. "An act for the Mlc or timber lamb
In the states of California. Oregon. Nevada, und
Washington Twttlory a extended to all the
public land llw by Act or August 4. if) J, the
Mtowtnc-act persons have on Srpl 96, 1901,
filed In this office thru aworu atatrmenta, to-wlt
Julio 11 Tolcfsen,
rattle. rati ti iv of Klne. state of Washlnston:
aworn stalcmrnt No 1111, for the purchase ofthe
nw qr sec 13. ip jo a. r 13 c, w m.
Maggie K. Tolef.en,
of Seattle, fount of Kin:-, state of Washington
sworn statement No irti, for Ihe purchase of the
w qr aec JJ, lp so a, r 13 e. w m
Charles 1 Lewis,
of Seattle, county of King, state of Washington;
aworn statement No lilt, for the purchase of the
aw qr see , tp a . r 13 e. w m.
Hrnrat II Morton,
of Seattle, county o( King, stale of Washington,
aworn sutctswnt No ui, for Ihe purchase of the
Be qr see M. tp . r u e. w m
George Vent,
of Seattle, county of King, state of Washington:
aworn statement No m, for Ihe purchase of the
ae qr sec ai, tp ao a. r ij c, w m
Julius Singer,
of Kg Cherry st, Seattle, county of King, atate ol
Washington; aworn statement No IJ16. for Ihe
purchase of thenwqr sec 14. tp , r ije, wb
Thema I). Johnson,
of Pendleton, eeuntyef I'matilta.statrof Oregon,
sworn statement No 1117. for the purchase of the
aw qr see 13, tp je s, r 13 e, w m.
John II Rowland,
of 117 liast Lake Are, Seattle, county or Klnr.
stale of Washington; aworn statement No liia,
for the purchase ofthe nw qr sec aj, tp jo a, r I J
c, wm.
That they will offer proof to ahow that Ihe land
sought la mere valuable for its limber or stone
lhan lor agricultural purposes, ami 10 establish
their claims to said land before the Register and
Receiver at The Italics, Oregon, on Monday, the
joth day of July, lysj.
They name aa witnesses Charles K Lewis.
Julius niuger. Julius II Tolefscn, Krncst 11 Mor
ton. George Ford, all or Seattle, Wash.
Any aud alt persons claiming adversely the
abuve-descrHKil lands are requested to file their
claims in this office on or before the aaid Joth
day of July, 1903.
1111JJ17 MiCHAliL T. NOLAN. Register.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 187.
I. S. Land Office. The Dallea, Oregon,
May 9, I9j.
Notice is hereby given that In compliance with
the provisions or the Act of Congress of June t,
tbTS, entitled, "An act fur the sale of limber lands
In the states orCallforuia. Oregon, Nevada, and
Waahingtou Territory," as extended to all the
public land sutes by Act or August 4. 189J. the
following-named persons have on hept y, lyoj.
filed In this office their sworn statements, to-wlt
Pernidla A lis roes,
of ITinerlUe, county of Crook, slate of Oregon;
sworn slatemem No iwo. for Ihe purchase ofthe
bf w qr and aw qr sc qr sec I J, and uw qr ne qr
avc S4, ip 17 a, r so e, tv m
Levi II Wiesl,
of Hend, county of Crook, state of Oregon, aworn
suientesit No ujo. for the purchase of the e hf
ac qr sec JJ. and w hf aw qr sec 34. lp 18 a, r 11 e,
w m
That they will ofTer proof to show that the land
sought t more s-alsMble for it timber or stone
than for agrkuttnral purposes, and to establish
their claims to said laud liefore J M Lawrence,
l 8. Commr!oner. at Dmchutea, Oregon, on
t-riday, Ihe 17th day ar July, uu
They name aa wHuessc William J. Watkins,
Aaron I Watkins, Martha Morris and John W
Ilarnea, of ninevHW, Oregon: and A M Drake,
C J Cettor, J I Wt and Ovid RUey, of llend, Or
egon. Any aud all persona cisimlng adversely the
olwre-described Vaml arc rcqunted to file their
claims In this office eu or before the said 17th day
of July, syatj.
miy-ji7 MICHAKL T. NOIN, Register.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.
U. S. Land Office, The'Daltea, Oregon,
May ij, 190J,
Notice U hereliy given that in compliance with
the provision ofthe Act of Congreaa of June ,
1674. entitled, "An act for the sale of timber laud
in the states af California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Washington Territory," a extended to alt the
public land state by Act of August 4, 19-, the
following-named persons have filed in this office
their sworn statements, to-wlt.
Charles A. htauburreugh
or Jltnd, county of Crook, stale of Oregon: sworn
statement No 1144, filed Oct 13, foul, for the jmr
chase of llienM nw)f and nwJi neJJ sec ij and
swtf tvtf sec 14, lp 17 a, r 11 e. yr m.
Olive A. West
of Bend, county of Crook, state of Oregon; aworn
statement No 13(1, filed Oct 14, 1991, for the pur
chase or the sejf sec 1, tp 19 . r c, w m.
Htnry J'. Schneider
ofspooncr, county of Washburn, stale of Wis
consin, sworn sUtmnt No ijyj, filed Oct ,
lyw, for the purchase ofthe swjjfsec -6, tp 16 a,
rise, wm.
John I. West
of Ilcnd, county of Crook, state of Oregon; sworn
statement No 1413, filed Oct ji, t'u. for the pur
chase ofthe cj nejf , and 11W sejf sec 14, tp 17 s,
r 11 e, w in.
Maxem LeI'age
of Ilcnd, county of Crook, atate of Oregon: aworn
statement No 1441. filed Oct 11. in. for the our-
chase or the nelf.seJi nw) and lotsa and 3
i-c 6, tp 17 , r 10 e, vt 111.
That thoy will offer proof to show that the laud
sought I nuire valuable for ita timber or stone
than for agricultural pjirriovc, and to establish
their claim to said laud before J. M. Lawrence,
I' h. Commissioner, at Deschutes, Oregon, 011
Saturday, the 1st day of August, yr.
They name m witnesses l'loreiice W Drake,
Ovid Kiley, John I West, I'rank Class, I'rauk
West. T O llarsliinan. Kcsiu West, George Cten
dcuuluK, Olenii Marsh, Ulcliard King, O J Cray,
C A StauburriHich, Charlea J Cottor, Ora I'oiu
dexter, John Mitchell, lames Alexander, lidward
Whituc) , John Illoss, all of llend, Oregon.
Auy and all person claiming adversely the
above-described land arc requested to file their
claims in this office 011 or before the aaid 1st day
ufAuuust. 1911,
T. NOLAN, llegUter.
Timber Laud, Act June 3, 1S7!.
V. It. Land Offlcci The Dallea, Oiegon,
May 9, lS
Notice la hereby given that in compliance with
the provision or the Act or Congteas of June ,
iXj. entitled, "An acl for Ihe aaftor Umber lands
In the slate orcalifnrnla, OrrRon, Nevada, niul
Wnstilniilon Territory, ' na cxlcmled lo alt Ihe
public land atalra by act of August 4, Ifyi. the
lollowtnr-nanml persons have tm Hept 17, 1901,
filed In this otllcv their sworn statements, lo-wll:
Saint Smith,
of Rock Creek, county of linker, tlate of Oregon,
sworn statement No itjj, for the purchase of Ihe
aw qr sec 4, l 19 a, r It e. w m
Joseph II Claypool.
of Sister, county of Crook, stale of Oregon;
aworn atatcment Nu llij, for Ihe putchaae ol the
e qr ace IS. lp 19 a, r it e. w m.
That Ihey will oiler Proof o show that the land
sought I more valuable for Ita limber or stone
than for agricultural purpoaca, ami to establish
their clalma to aaid land before W A Hell. V H
Commissioner, at I'rinevlllr. Orreon. on Satur
day, Hit ifih day or July, iu.
They name aa wltnease i'erry Polmlextcr, or
iTiucviiie, ifregon; 11m fuiuuesier, 01 neiui, tir
cgou, Saml Smith, or Rock Creek. Oregon; aud
Joseph II Ctaypoot and Lorcn Alliughani, of Sla
ters, Oregon
Any mid all tieraou claiming advriscly the
aboxe-descrthed landa are reqiiesleil lo file their
claim In this otTtcc on or before thCMld ith day
of lulr. loot
UI15.-J17 .MtCllAHt. T. NOLAN, Register.
Timber Land, Act June), irS
V. 8- Land Offlcc, The IVttlc. Oregou,
May 9. ivj
Notice Is hereby given thai In compliance with
the provision or the Act or Congress or June ,
iSjS, entitled. "An act for Ihe sale or limber land
in the state of California, Oregon. Nevada, and
Washington Territory." as extended lo nil the
public land state by Act of August 4, lS. the
following-named persons have hied In this other
tbelr aworu statements, to-wlt:
Charles II. Adam,
of The Itallea, county of Wasco, state or Oregon,
sworn statement No U.-6, filed Sent , lv'. Tor
the purchase ofthe n hf se qr and 11 hfaw qr sec
9,111 11s, r toe, w m
Jerome N. tjuer,
of The Dalle, countr ol Wasco, stale of Orreon.
sworn atatcment No ill, filed Sent Jo, lyoj, fur
the purchase ofthe n hracqrand nhfswqr sec
B,ipua,r toe. wm.
Charles K Twlnehsm,
of The Dalle, county of Wasco, state of Oregon;
aworn atalcnicut No nil, filed Sept 19, 1901, far
the purchase or Ihe n hfscqr seqr, se qr sec 7,
and sw qr sw qr sec tt, tp 11 a, r lo e. w in.
John Scott Sullivan,
of J Ilclmout st. lortland. county of Multno
mah, stale of Oregou. sworn statement No J44.
filed May 14, IV. for Ihe purchase of the lie qr
sec 9. tp 11, r loe, wm
stclla M. Spear,
of Shanlko, county of Waco, state of Oregon,
sworn statement No 1 JJ7, Alcil Sept 19. . for
Ihe purchase or the wur neqr. n hfseiir audse
qr se qr sec IJ. tp 19 . r 11 r, w m.
That Ihey will offer rrooUo show that t lie land
sought Is more valuable for It timber or stone
than for agricultural purpose, and to estatOUh
their claims to said land before the Register and
Receiver at The Dulles. Orreon. on Wednesday.
the lid day of July. 1901
They name as witnesses J H Sullivan, ol foil
land, Oregon. HdwardOraham, of hlster. Ore
gou, Charlea R Twineham, Jerome Lauer ami
Charles II Adams, of The Dalle. Oregon; and
Henry A Spear. lion Rea. Allien K Hammond
and Pauline Hammond, of hhaulko, Oregon
Any ami all persons claiming adversely Ihe
above-described land are requested to file their
claims in thla office on or before the Aid tal day
ofjuly, 1901.
nyi)-yi7 MICIIAKI, T NOLAN. Register.
Timber Land, Act June 3. IjS.
Notice for Publication.
U. 8. Land Ornce. The Dalle. Oregon,
Mi9, IiJ.
Notice U hereby given that In compliance with
the provisions oT the ActorCongresa or June 3,
IS--, entitled, "An act for the sale of timber lands
In the state uf California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Washington Territory," a extended to alt Ihe
public land suites by Act of August 4, i9J, the
following-named persons have on October 3. lyoj,
filed in this office their aworn statements, to-wlt
Charlea A Moltern,
of Rockford, county of Spokane, atale of Wash
ington, sworn statement No IJto, for the pur
chase ofthe ac qr sec 34, tp iS a, r 11 r. w m.
Louis C Konninr.
of Rockford. county of Spokane, atate of Wash
ington, sworn statement No U61, for Ihe pur
chase ofthe acqr see 33, tpiSa, r lie. wm
William II bottoms.
of Rockford. county or Spokane, state of Wah
Ington, aworn statement No ijoj, fur the pur
chase or the sw qr see 33, tp il. r lie, w m
That thev will offer nroof to show that the land
sought Is more valuable for ita limber or stone
than for agricultural purpose, and to establish
their claims to said land before Ihe Register and
Receiver at The Dalle, Oregon, on baturday,
Ihe lMh day of July, 1903.
They name a witnesses John Sleldl, of The
Dalles. Oregon, Tltorne Dahl, W II ilottoms.
Loul C Kopping, Cha A Moltern, of Rockford,
Any and alt persons claiming adversely Ihe
above-described lands are requested to file their
claims in thi office on or before the aaid 18th
day of July, 1901.
ICllAKL T. NOLAN, Rrgt-tcr.
Desert Und. l'iual Proof.
V. S. Land Office, The Dalle. Oregon,
April JT.iyij
Notice I hereby given lhat William I' 1'ry
rear, or Sisters, Oregon, has filed notice or In
tention to make proof on hi desert-land claim
No 83, for the WM hWjj and WJj NWJf arc 10.
IP IS a, rue, W 31, Ufore J j Smith, County
Clerk, at llinevllle, Oregon, on I'rlday, the nth
day of June, 1903.
lie nmnea the following witnesses to prove Ihe
complete Irrigation aud reclamation of said land:
Marccllu 31 Thomaa, James 11 Hulson, I'rank
M Hodsou and William V Aruold, of Slater, Or
egon, rns-jia 3IIC1IAKL T NOLAN, Register.
Timber Laud, Act June 3, 1S7V.
Notice for Publication.
V S. Land Office, The Dalle, Oregon.
May 11, 1903.
Notice Is hereby given that in compliance with
ic provisions otitic Act ofConerrs of tune -.
HI78, entitled, "An act for the aaTeot timber land
Im (lia .,lMr.rCtir,.,Hl, flr.nAH Vu.J. ...!
Washington Territory," aa extended to all Hie
public Und stale by Act or August 4, 1H9J, Ihe
loiiowing-nanieti person nave on uct 4, 1901,
filed lu till office their tworn statements, to-wlt.
Thorns J- Swift,
of Wamic, county of Wasco, state of Oregon;
aworu atatcment No lull, fur the purchase oflhe
c hfaw qr, ac qr uw qr aud lot 3 sec 3, Ip 10 a, r 13
c, w iu.
Lluie Allen.
of Wamle, county of Wasco, state or Oregon;
aworn statement No 1177, for the purchase of the
ahfncqrandlou 1 audi sec 3, tp jo , r 13 e,
w m.
Andrew C Rolhrock,
or Grass Valley, county of Sherman, state of Ore
gon, sworn statement No 1176, for the purchase
of these qr sec 3, (plus, r 13, w iu,
That they will offrr proof to show that Ihe land
sought I more valuable for it limber or stone
than for agricultural punioaea, and to establish
their claims to aaid land before Ihe Register and
Receiver at The Dalle, Oregon, 011 Saturday,
the 23th day ofjuly, 1903
They name a witnesses. Llitic Allen, Doug
la Allen, Thomas J Swift, of Wamic, Oregon;
Andrew C Uollirock of Crass Valley, Oregon,
and LI Alliughani, of Warm Spring, Oregon
Auy aud all persons claiming adversely the
ahovc-drycribed land are requested to file their
claim in thU office 011 or before the aaid ajth
day ofjuly, 1903.
111M-J14 ilICIIAr!LT. NOLAN, Register.
Timber Land, Act June J, ill.
I'nltcit Slalra Land Oince, The Dalle, Oiegon,
s April i, lyiy
Notice Is btieby given lhat In compliance llh
Ihe provision ofthe Act ufCoiiRtes of June A,
iKra.riilitlcd, "An net fiirllie sail) or limber laml
In theatatcaofColliorula, Otrgon, Neda. nml
Wastllllclult Vrrtllnrv o lrn,lr.l lo nil II, r
public land states hy act or August 4, ifAyi.
Jacob N. Qulbrrg.
ofRlstcr. county or Crook, state or Oregon, ha
on May 19, 1901, llted In this nlhce his awmii
statemeni No ), (Air the punhase or the 11 hf
qr nml w hf se ir avc is, lp 14 , t 10 e, w in,
and will oiler proof to show tlmt the taud souglit
I more valuable (Ar It limlxr or alone limn for
agricnltiirnl imrtKuca, ami lo establish hi claim
lo said land before J J Smith, County
ITIuevlllc, Oregon, on I'rlday Ihejldayof July,
ssxt He name a wltiiMwa Joe A UrnlMm.
SaimirnVellnudChaUulbrrg of Sitleta. Ore
gon, and Stla llrxlge. nf PiliieMlIe, Oregon
Any ami all person claiming adversely the
alane described land are requested lo (lie their
Claim 111 tills office on or tx-tlirr slil 1 dav of
July, ijoj
at iyj M1CIIAHI, T. NOLAN. Register.
Timber Land, Act June J. 17.
V S. Und Office, The Iktlle. Oregon.
,ll m, 194
Notice I hereby given lhat luc.Miivtlauce with
Ihe provision ofthe Act or Cungrrt or June y
iM. entitled, "An act for the rule ur timber latHls
In Hie state of California, Oifguii. Nevada, and
Washington Territory, a rstemlrd l all the
public land state by act of August 4, l"v.
Kdmiind R. While
of Davidson, county oT l"olk. stale or Minnesota,
ha on May 19, 1901. filed in Ihl office hi
sworn statement No.t, for Ihe puichase or Ihe
se qr nw qr and lot j. 4 and j, sec 6 lp i a, r 11
e , w in . and will offer proo! lo show lhat Ihe
Und sought I more valuable for It limber or
stone than for agricultural purpose, and to es
tablish his claim to said laud before Ihe Reg
ister and Receiver of till office al The Dalle,
Oiegon on I'rhlay. Ihe lolhdaviiflulv. IM
He name a wftnesse! J II llaner of llend,
Oregon. Cha Slater, Hayd N up jai and Rich
ard l Cameron, all of llml Riwr Oregon
Any and all ticnum rlslmlti ailvesselt Ihe
above decrlted land arc Teqnesled lo file Ihelr
claim In this office on or twfore Ihe said lath
day or July. ioui.
NOLAN, Register.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1S7S.
Notice for Publication.
I 8 Land OiUce, The IVslle. Oregon,
May 11, tpu
. Notice I hereby given thai In compliance with
trie pruvlsion ur the Act or Cengirs or June 3,
17, entitled. "An act for thesafeoT limber tan
in Ihe lte or California, Oregon. NeriHt and
Washington Territory." a rilri.-led lo all Ihe
fiuMie Und stair by Act or Am.iuI 4, way, the
bllowlng-nameil ierwn ha It ed In thw oce
uieir aworn ststemrnts. to-w t
torge Kcnlner,
orCulver. county or Crook, slate of Oregon;
sworn statement No tilt, filed Oct r 1901, for Ihe
purchase orthc a hrscqr and a hi wqr sec 3,
tp 17, r lee, w in.
(luitave Temke
or Culver, county or Crook, state of Oregon,
aworn statement Na 1193, filed Oct 7, KM, for Ihe
(nirchase or Ihe sw qr sec I, tp 17 s. r le e, w m.
Oeorge II. KUIIiigbeck.
or Culver, county or Crook, stale of Ortgon,
aworn statement No it, filet) txt 7. 191. for Ihe
purchase of Ihe nw qr sec 19, lp 17 . r to e, w m.
1'red L. KUIIiigbeck.
of Culver, county ol Crook, tlate or Orrgon.
awoen statement No 1193, filed Oct 7, 19", for Ihe
purcnasc 01 ine nc qr sec 10, ip 17 . r 10 e. w in
Frank M. LovcUud.
aworn statement No liyt, filed Oct 7. I9l. for the
purchase or the ac qr arc 10, lp 17 a. r 10 e, w m.
Lucy Klllln'xbeck.
of Culver, county or Crook, stale or Orrgon;
aworn atatrmeut No 117;, filed Oct 7, 1901, for Ihe
purchase of thenwqr arc 1 Jjlp 17 a, r i e. w m.
Kiltie LoveUnd,
of Culver, county of Crunk, atate of Oregon;
sworn statement No it. filetl Oct 7, 19a!, for the
purchase or the w hf ne qr and nc qr ne qr arc 14
and swqr acqr sec 1 1, tp 17 a, r lor, w m
Delia L DavU,
of Culver, county of Crook, atate or Oregon;
aworn atatcment No 1199, filed Oct 7. vn. for the
purchase of thenwqr sec Mi tp 17 a, rwe. w m
Kalharina l Oomer,
of Culver, county of Crook, (tale ol Orrgon:
aworn atatcment S'o iu, filed Oct 7, 1901. for the
purchase of the w hfscqr neqrsc qr, and acqr
ne qr sec 14. lp 17 . T la e w In.
Henry M Davi,
of Culver, county o? Crook, date of Oregon,
sworn latrment No 1301. filed Oct 7. Ipw. for the
purchase or the neqr see is tpffa.r toe, w hi
Pros 1 ulp.
or Culver, county or Crook, state of Oregon,
aworn statement No 13a) filed Oct 7. 19M, for the
purchase of the se qr sw qr nhfswqr ami 11 w qr
ac qr sec J6, lp 17 a, r w e, w m.
n a.,,.,,., iintTi .
of Culver, county of Crook, state of Orrggn,
worn stitemeut No 1411. filed Oct J I, Ivor, for Ihe
purchase of the sw qr ne qr and w hfscqr see I,
and nw qr lie qr sec 1 J. Ip 17 s, r lo c, r 111.
Anne l Comer,
of Culver, county of Crook, slate uf Oregon,
worn statement No 1411, filed Oct Jl.lyor.for the
purchase ofthe ehftwqr ami nw qr av qr sec
14, tp 17 a, r loe, w m
That they will offer proof lo show lhat the land
sought Is more valuable for ita llnitwr or atone
than for agricultural urpMr, and to establish
their clalma to said la tid Ik fore J. M Lawrence,
U S Commissioner, al Deschutes, Oregon, on
i'rhlay, the 4th day of July. iyj.
iney name as wunrswi Henry al liavis.
Samuel A Ifclvia. I'rank 31 Iceland. Aiitlln W
cuin, William o Killlugtwek. Oeorge II Killing
beck, ail of Culver, Orrgon
Any and all prawns claiming adversely the
above-described land are rtquritrd lo file their
claim In this office 011 or before Ihe aaid J4t Inlay
ofjuly, 1903.
mii-JM MICIIAHI, T NOLAN, Register.
Timber Land. Act June 3, 1878.
V 8. Land office, The Dulles, Oiegon,
April s, IV"J
Notice I hereby gltcn that in compliance with
the provision of the Act ofloiigress or June 3,
o. km, ,. m, . tor ine sale ui imiocr
laud in Ihe states of California, Oregon, Nevada
and Washington Territory as extended to all
Ihe public Und slates by Ait of Auru.l 4. 1S9J.
the following named person, have filed In thla
omce ihctr sworn statement, to-wlt:
,. . .. Job" J Mcfiulgan,
of The Dallea, county or, tte of Orrgon;
sworn statement No jOo, filed April 14, 190J, for
the purUioteofthc neqr sec , in l a, r 10 e,
w III.
John Iito,
of The Dallea, county of U'.wo, stale of Oregon;
worn .tatement No 144, filed April 7, 190J. for
the purchase of Ihe neqr sec 17, tu 13 , r 10 c,
w 111. ;
I'eler McOulgan."
of The Dalles, county of Wasco, slate ofOregou;
worn talcmeut No 14a, filed April j, 190J, for
the purchase ofthe twqr sec 17, fp 13 , r 10 r,
w III.
That thev will offer nrn.,r in ihn lhat Ihe
land sought l more valuable for Ita timber or I
sion man tor agricultural purpose, anu to cs
tabliih Ihelr claim, tu aaid land before the Reg
ister and Receiver at The Dullc, Oregon, on
I'rlday, the loth day ofjuly, i'ii
They name a witnesses Michael Connor,
John Illos, I'redcrick W Smith, I'eler McOiil
gan and John McOulgau, of che Dalle. Oregon,
aud Jame II. Lane, bfMinnrapoli, 31 fun.
Auv and all nerson rtaih,i a.tvrrsrlv Ihe
aliove described laud arc requested to file their
claim Iu Ihl office 011 or before the said loth day
ofjuly, 1903.
ai-jio MICI1A1',L T. NOLAN, Rcgliter.
Timber l.nuil, Acl June $, lR;n
V. H, Land tllllce, Tht Dalle, Oregon,
April 11, iU
Notice I hereliy given thai hi compliance with
Ihe ptovtMun ir ihe Actnf Omgres of June 1,
1i ritllllcil "An act nr tht; salt of limber
lanll In the sbtlc ufcalltiiriila, oivgHii, N wnln
ami Washington Tftntnry," a ruteiulnl load
Ihe public laud state by ,rl of Augu.l 4, 1N91,
I lie following iiaturd wiiiu have on March ,
1901, tiled In ihl oilier their awoni taleineiilk,
I'rauk I' liucy,
of lariuliigliiii, rouiity of Wlilliiian, stale of
WathliiglHii, awnru stalelueiil No w. for the
purclMs of the lie qr see M. tp ij a, r l e, w lit
Sl Walter,
itutnly or Whllii
01 itiruiiugtmi, connly of Whllmnn
late uf
Washlugloii, awotn alalemrHl No !. (W the
mrvirai or the se qr sec 14, IP 1 a, r i c, w 111.
William H MaCailamt.
of I'nriulngtnu, (iily of Whitman, stale of
wasniugtuti, awotn Matviuent Nu ray, for Ihe
puielMse of the e qr sec i j. lp 1 1 s, r ta e, w 111
Krnest II Walker.
of fMriuiiiilon, nullity or Whitman, slate of
Washington, aworn statement Nu i. for Ihe
purtlMseof Ihe neqr sec 11, tp ijs, r lue, w hi
Ilruce Kitowlen,
uf INirinlHRtoit, rmiiily of Whitman, state f
Waililiigton, sworn laleuifiit No , for the
purchase ir Ihe aw qr see 11, lp 1 j a. r i . w m
Thai Ihey wilt olTrr imHiriosliiiw thai the Is ml
SMight I inure ralimMe for it timber or stone
than fur agikiillitral p.irMe. and tn estahlssli
llmr etaiun lo aaid land Ufore llie Kgllr ami
Rfwlvw al The Dalle, Oiegon, tin HttunUy,
loc 1 1111 iisy ui Jllij , liay
Thv name a wltin..M Ail Will's, of ls.
fouseCily. Wash, Thorns V1, wf The, Dalt,
itirs-oii nmi 11 ri vtnixer,
er. Inner KtMcMtk Vm
Waltsia, fod VSjtrfii and
m Ma til.
H Mil'aiUnii. low nh
1 f nuseyoi I'arniiiision vtatri.
Any aud all person clalmliig adrttMly 111
aloT ilrwr llol land are request! file lrtlr
claim In this oluee on ur Ufwc Iiiv said nth tUy
of July, 1914
Tlmlwr tiud, At June 3. iKt
Notice for Publication.
V S. Und omce, The IKiHe. Orvgtm.
May 11, ini
Nollec I heitinr given IImI In twmpllaH wllh
the pruvUluii oTtlie Aft src)ifs)4 af Jan j,
17, tntllletl. "An act for law sh)w4 Umber Is mis
In the atate urcMlfornia. OreguH, Nvvaita aaxi
Washlngtuii Terrilnry," a vxiended In an tat
public laud stale by Art r August 4, sltyt. the
ridluwlug-nanieil eton4 liave an IM , tf,
file. I In this nfnec Ihelr until tatemetit, lo-wll
Align. tn H ISwrs,
orvltHl Ave, rpokan, esMdly of Hpokane.
stale of WasVlngloo, whh sialefoenl Nat itass.
for ihe imrehas uf the c hf sw qr h4 bf mw itr
see UU I p 17 s, r s e, w m
John llagetn,
or Hem. county hf Hb.HHie. slatr of liUhH
awtwn atateturiit No la, for Ihe purctsase
of the nwqrsrc ta. Ipi7. r he, w in
Oeorge W Htevesi.
afwllnl Ave. Skaue, eouiily of Spokane,
stale of WashlHgtMi, sworn slaleinenl N MsJ.
for the HtrefM ut ihe e qr sea 17, lp 17 a. r H ,
w m.
Arue UerktiamL
of 411 SectHHl Ave. wMkM, cmitty of Htwkaue.
stale of Washlnglwi. awMH statement Na) I!.
for Ihe ptirelsate of Ihe lots 3 ami 4. trcj, Ipatt,
r la e, w 111
Ote II AndsrsiMi.
of4tl Second Ave, hpokanc, esntnly f hlwkaiir,
slatr of Washington, sworn statement 5o isfa,
foe Hie (Hirchaac f Ihe 11 hf sw qr sec 34. lp 17 a,
r h r, w in
That they will offrr Proof lushow lhat the Isml
sought t more valusWr' for II tlmlr er slime
than for agrlnitlural purpMe. and lo esiabHsh
Ihelr claim losaid Und Iwfore Ihe Reghlrr ami
Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Saturday, the
13th day or July I'fil
They name a witnesses Henry W Meol. of
ikiki. utegon. oeorge 11 Taylor. Auguilu It
,fe m.Mia.,,,, ,,,wHlvil IIIHSIKf, . I1VTVWHI IS n
son, lirnesl C lllnury, of Hpokane, Wash, ami
John Haagrtit'iti, of flem. Idaho
Any and all person claiming adversely Ihe
abovr-drscrlhed Isnds air requeued to file Ihelr
Halms in this offlcc 011 or Ufore the s Id 11th day
of July, lyM
niM-jM MICHAKL T. NOLAN. Register
ir s h.ia.... .'.....ut.. , . M-, ..
Timber Laud. Act June 3, Hlsft
Notice for Publication.
I' H Und OOUe. The Dalle. Oregon.
May 11. hi
Notice Is hereby given lhat In iiiiiI1sh with
ine pruvttwn or 11
lie Atl ol LsHlercsa ur lliu .
---.. .... ... ,,....,. ...
rt. entitled. '
"An art for lit sale of llmbtr land
In lite tlalea of Calllwiiia, OrrgtMi. NHsa, and
Washington Territory," a exlen44 l.all Its
pHltlk kind Htalea ly Art et August 4. 19. the
foilowlng-itamed wnotw have on Oct 3. fcM,fikd
111 imfomce ineir awwrn iaiemHIS, Ib-WH
. RkUkrd llnilghl.
of llast Orsnd Porka, cMtnly f lsrfk. slat of
3iiuHsta: sworn statement No 114a, for the
purchase or Ihe uc( ec Mb Ipiis. r 13 m
Irrrmlali Hnrlahl.
orlU.t Ora nd I'ork. county of pn4k, stale or
iinnesosM; sworn iieiriii ho 1147, itte
purchase oflhe aw sec I. lp Jy , r 13 e, w m.
Tlmmaa llnrlght.
or liast (Irand I'ork, county ul I'otk. state ur
Mlniiesota; sworn slaleiudit Nu !. for Ihe
purchase of Ihe nelf sec 7, Ip 19 , r 13 e, w m.
Martin Ittdme.
of Oisnd I'ork, counly of llraml I'ork.. attlrof
North Dakota, sworn statement N 1149, for Hit
purchase crthcaHscJ.'.acK ,
ip 19 , r 13 c, w in
I'rank Smith,
of Thompson, county of Orsnd I'ork., atale of
North Dakota: aworn statement No list, for Ihe
purchase of Ihe nwjf sec it, tp 19, rue, wm
.oul McCallnm.
or Katt Orand I'ork, pounty of I'olk, stale of
Minnesota, aworu statemeni No iiji, forlltsimc
cImm: or the uc) sec 11, tp ty s. r 11 r. w in.
Hdwlii T HiMfford,
of Tliompsou, county of l.taiid I'ork., atale of
North Dakota; aworn Maletnciit No 1151, for the
purchase ofthe sw j; tec 9, lp , r Ijr, w m.
Richard O akxkett.
of Tltotniwon, eutinly of Oraml I'ork, state of
North Dakota, aworn stutenient Nu 1134, for the
purcliu.eof Hie tiw) sec 9, tpo, r IJ e, w 111.
John A Ramstad,
ofOrand fork, county or Ora nil I'ork, atale of
fiiirwi iaxoia; aworn siaieiilenl nu uu. Tor Ihe
Durchascuf theawlf awl, self twit and uwir
- .y .- ..'.-. .7- il-- . " '. - "-"
wx sv iw, anu iiv4 sc4
sec 9, tp jo a, r 13 t,
w m
That they will offer proof to .how that the laud
sought Is mure valuable for it timber or atone
lhan for agricultural purposes, ami to rslsbll.h
Ihelr clalma to said land before the Rglttr ami
Receiver al The Dalit, Oregon, on Tuesday. Ihe
They name a witnesses Thunia McCoy,
I'eler J McCoy. Jerry Untight, Richard Untight.
Thoiiiat Ktiright, of l(at Oraud I'ork, Miiiii.
James J Hrrrhrk, ol The Dalle, Or, Marllu lild
uieat, oftiraud I'ork, North Dak, John A Ram
alad, Iblwlu T KiMlJuril, C II llrisbin, Ultlurd O
Sackett, Prank hiiilth, of Tliuiiipwu, N D.ik
Ally and all person claliiiluir udvrrsely the
nlxivcilescribed land are requested to file their
claim iu this office oil or before the Mid j4Ui day
ofjuly, 1903.
injjjjt 3IICIIAKL T. NOLAN, Kegl.ter.
Dcscit Laud, I'lnal I'roof.
U. H. Laud Office, The Dalle, Oregon,
April 17, 1903.
Notice U hereby given thai William N. Cobb,
of bl.ters, Orreon, lia filed notice or Intention
to make proof uu hUiknert-laml claim No 80, for
the NKlsec 11. Hi 14. r 11 e. W 31. hrfbie I I
Huillh, County Cleik, ut 1'rliirville, Urtgun, ou
rriuay, 111c 12111 ouy 01 jiuiv. t''j
II names the following wllucsse to urove the
complete irrigation and rrclamatlaiiur said land:
Henry Curllii. 1(11 Spark. John Taylor and M
M Thomas, all cfttl.trr, Oregon,
mH-Ji; MICilAUL T, NOLAN, UcgUtcr.
Timber l.nint, Ail June j, m;H,
V, H. Land ontev, The iMllea, Oiegon,
Alilil 11. laal
Apllltl, lssj
NUIIre i hctchy given llwt In uiitiillaiige with
nit? piovisiuiis 111 me nuiii wungre
1 nf lima t.
It, lllllld "All acl for III i Hi (TlHUff
land In Hit stale iifCallrhinl, oirtn, Nevada
and VhIiIiiuImii TetrUory," vxlvmtfil In all
III public bind llr by Art uf AlltlM 4, iltft,
til Inllowlng-Haiilnl prima iMve TIM III inU
utllee their suorn ataloutul, liswfli
CImiIs W 1'huruthwalla.
nf l.rwHnti, nMinlvof Nm lrca, tnli of tititlu
dale nrtijAlim
s ainTw III
swum siitirmeui nu , nwu Apill
iiiv imrxnas wiiif r itiaf iir saw
liwqrsec in. lp it, r 11 r, w in.
Christine L Tliufiiltiwallii,
of l.awlslnn, cHlinljr nf N Peiee, tlalr at liUhm
simuii statement rv an, Hfci April jl, tfot, for
i nr pun-iws 01 in w qr a , III IS , r 11 ,
ve hi
Thai thy will tfVr tifon to show lhat Dm
MmlMNighllt more valnabl for lis llMVtH er
labtuh llMitr ttalma to sakt la ml before iHt R
Unr and Krclrr al 111 Dalits, OtvatHi, "i
I'rhlay. July la, tsstj
Tawr tMmt a alumni U'llllau Hull sa.1
jam 11 iianvr in nnw, uiMini I, SI
of The Itwtfo. OianwM, and CWU t.
.-.. -jvr 1 . ----- :- t:" --
Oimon! Lt M tlraal.
inwaiir ami iimm w 1 imeHinwaur,
tf um
inn, ihshu
Any and all petmtn rtalmlvig sHlvvtMly the
atitv deawrltieilfaimta tt ruiiftl
claliiijiHlhlatHfsn) mi r bvfote lb M
in Rft) Ibtir
ilay nf Jnh . icus.
HAUL T NOLAN, Ktflfslrr.
Desert Land. Wm l-fs.
U. H. Land Olnte, Tit I , Oirgait.
I hMrhy glvaii Itanl IXll&ka,
, OrmsHi. has IT ttotkr af 1 nlimliMi
f t-ssiits
idHMbe iwm
tw nte isaMtM usflm Teott,
for lb HI(H. S tsWM awl Nllkf aVtf sm ,a
HK SKK see l. lp 14 . r 11 1. W 31, kefotr J J
thiinii. County Clerk, at I'i(hvIH, 011111. h.i
14. r lit. W 31, Irefotr J
rk, at I'llmvUfot lm)M.
v uf lune. nu
I'rlday. llie itthday uf juite,
tihe name the folfowliig whh.s
la t-ltwr
llir evmi4lr Ittlgftlkm and rtslarsMliaw
Htule lliliraliwi and rulaasslkui r
. . . ..... ... .. -.-rr - . -..-
iami win wuiwrir ami AHiaKtlcr Tli
1.111 wiirsweiief ami aivsi
f liltatviiu, or , w riwar,
ar, llrpry
bMt)(tt, 1
in, a 11 Aiiinginui ami 1'
ll.l. Ortutm
.1H1.IIAIII, r, rui..t, Hagisier.
Ijiml ONtotat Tht mites, Oiegwn,
Notice I. htetbv rives. Ibal'uli'USl.
tasHHtl Miller h fiM HoUtt a hlVhiiMj4 M
Msakt llsMl Iwitaif IN
MMlOMt kht -A-' iul
IIMt MM pttMfWlU
b, inail tiafof I VI lu.
rctif. I' r Cmmltsrr. al iMasMM. Oftgaw,
iTy. JUH 11, i3. via
OVID W k Rlt.KV. isf Hk4, OvJM.
II MNoi73.for lb HH KWW, MIIK HWlf,
tan Lot j. sec is. In 17 . r 11 1 W M.
lit name the MtH.g wKatrs la fn M
vMtitlsHMt 1 ne uin ansl tulllvalMHi or
. Jossh I W4. Rmm Wh. tabM sHatnsMr Wh1
jattM nenisam, aji of lutst. iirva
llrnlnm. an if liissrt Ougnti
Timber Mml. Act J sine s, itf.
Notice for Publication.
V. S La ml Otfk. The I, lltgaMi.
Nolle I hereby glim lhat iuempHHr wflh'
Ihe prMvl.fons uf lb Art uf Cmialvs! of Jinr 3.
17. trilllted "An aet for lb saf llml-rUmf.
In Hi stale ufCaUfocHsa. orttou. N4, sud
WaihiHglon TenHory," t estu4e.t b all the
ihiMIc Und .late by Aft
Ol AUgsMI 4, it
following. mined prsans have m Oct l. iua,lt
III Ihl oil their awurn ttalrsHaul., lo.wHi
of IJIJrVnith IDeivuih A. MliiUMiU..riii'!nlv
01 ltrnneplq..tlr bf 3llnn)Ml swefn tUlei
ol Hennepin, stale or Minnesota) swofh tjir
ment Nn lajK, for the insrclsas air (he e u,
IpMs, r 13. wm.' n "
Call M. IJ. Cortswii.
f 419 Wth si south, 3llliwws enuiily ti(
I unrplii,.tlciirtliiHol. inoru .isteitHHl
No 1134. for Ihe purthasc of Ihe Heff sat u, in h
s, r 13 c, w 111.
Alfreil Olsot)
fiti Iflewnlh Ave south, MtHNMpvrrt, eoiHity
or Hennepin, state f Minnesota; .wttlli lalr.
in nl No lit, for the ixwcltase f the self see) u.
Ipso, r 13 r, w in.
John It RyW.
ofsiji Chicago Ave, llniMss.e(Nmly f Hart-
n sui vmiar, auniM
neplH, stale of MliiueMU.
nepiH, siaie 01 .iiiiitisaosa. .wot 11 siafobtent N
ili. iw in urcitse l in hwk sss) 11, lp ,
r 13 e, w 111
lull 11 I.
f la IBevenlh An. vmtth IUnnwua.1., csMHty
of lit nutiu, stale tf MlnncssM sworn lat.
mHt No 141, for Hi purchas of ife. sK s 14,
lp sa a. r 13 e, w m
Amlrew N
of Cando, county of Towner stale af Kwth
?it' "5 ataltintwl No 14 j. for Ihe wrfMsv
lb swti ssw 11, tp jo s, r ij ,
, W M.
Thai llwy wilt offer ihouT la sbuw Itwt thtH.I
wssglil liuorviliwM for ita limber c-r .HH
IImIi for arteulturat ihimmiml aiuI h. a.ialjL.1.
i. j. Jii.... ... . : 71 ., Ti!3 vr.T" :." r: ""'i
Ralsr al The OallM iiismui
nt naima iu sil MIHI wsuie III
Rtghler and
Hill dav of lulv. nu
Thtv tMHtr aswitiMMM I 1. Kaekuun
cHaosi. John II Milxra. Ctil'al I', CMtswi, Alfie.
ipih, a s 1
TOI, A N llaaar, anrflllMliatlt. SIhmi.
Any ami all trwns cUImiIh, awvtraily lb,
alMviValescclM Uu4s are rViwrfa4 It ffW lll
tta m In ihrom an or bcAr lb MbliilltJaj
ofjuly, Vftt-iiim-Jm
Timber Mnd, Art June j. ill.
Notice for Publication.
V. H. Ltml Offitt, The IkUbM, Ortawi,
iiy ii awiti
Noll I hereliy given lhat lu cuui4Um wllh
the provl.loii. orihe Acl of Cwyrlss. of June j.
ititk mitflittt. "An act for lb sai ofllwb Utnlf
III ilheatal nf California, ortatMi, Nevada, ami
Washliigltiu Trrlry." a iih4I lo all lb
public land statta hy Act of August 4, itf the
folkiwlHg.iianicil Krsons have filtd in hls)il
Ihtlr two 11 alclcmtHlt, to-wlt,
TliomAS Maf'uv
ut llast tlrand 1'orks, nwnty of Dalk, a(e of
riiiinsnis, sworn siaiemtui lis, ined Oft I,
I'u. for Hie purchase of Ihe sK tec 7, lp tf s, r 13
.... . .. JanteaJ. Herrtclj
or The Dallrs, county of WatM, ttstr of Ole-gsm
worn slattrurnt Nu ijj, flfoil 04 1, j, fur flic
purclMstof HierK uw( ami lot 1 aiffli settk,
ip iv. r 13c, win.
, . Allien Coon
of Ilo.t Oraml 1'oik. nwnly if IVlk. stale of
Minnesota, sworn statement No nei, fifrd fiept
6, 1901, for Hit IMirclw.eof theswM sasttL In it,
r 11 r, w m. ,
I'elrrJ McCoy
of liast omul 1'iirk, county of Polk, ttalc of
Mliiiirsola; aworu No 114, fil.sfikl 1,
190, for Hit purclMtsc ofthe imli to, tp is a,
r 11 e, w 111. " ' ' '
Jame II. Kurlghl
That they will offer proof In show ihaiihalsn.l
sought I more valuable for it llmlitr Or lon
I him for agricultural pimmse. ami to eslubllsh
tlitlrcluliiM lu Mid Und before the Rrgl.ler mid
Receiver at Tlie Dalle., OrKon, on Monday, the
7th day nf July, 1003
ford, of Thomiispu, N, Dak; Jnhii Sleldl, Yho.
iS ' lVi.l ""-J-J "'trick, off fit
Any ami all pernoiu claiming odvctwly the
abovt-drcrlbed a are wpiiwud lu fllc'lh, ?
cla in In till office 011 or beforeinc ald 17II1 ily
of Host (rami fork, tvunty uf I'olk, stale of
Mlunetota; sworn ttateiiicnt No uu, Dltsl Oct 1.
19", for Ihe purcliae of Ihe el, wlf und lots 3 13c win.
tiicy iiaiucus wiuicc jerry lluruhl, Thorn.
o Hiirlghl, Richard Hiirlglil.'Tlioma MiCoy,
'" iVy. J'"" JI. Ituijghl, of Jfol Oraiiil
I'ork. M Inn: irilwsr.l M,,f,ir)rl ,..i 'iT Vyr.r
tfi SJ5r.7sl.J""3e-