i, ' That Tired Feeling li Common Spring Troubto, It' a lf,'n (lint (ho blood 1 deficient In vitality, just ns-plinploi mid other eruptions aro sltfii that tho blood ' IX Impure. V wnriiltijr, too, which ouljr tho liazuXlous fall to lict'd. Hood's SarsaparlUa and Pills Itomovo It, jrlvo now life, now cour ao, nUaiiKth and nnlinatlan. Tho oleumo tho blood aud clear Uto complexion. Aocopt no substitute. ' "I felt tired alt tu time end could not 'Imp. After taking Hood's Hartiparllla while X could tloep well and tin tired (cellos: bad iun. Ttili great medicine lias alto cured rut ot torufula." Mat. 0. M. Uoor Glletd, Conn. Hood's Saraaparllln promises t9 our and keepa tit premise. I'HOPIIX KI3SIN0. If You Want Your Lover to Love You, Have Uood Teeth. There aro a good many people In lovo, and lovo lead to klrees. At least, If It ilort not immediately lead to klsees, It li uaual that fond persona while conversing lit uur each other. At audi n time the ran eoe wketlior each haa a nice, whlto set of troth or not. And It la mora than likely that if either haa neglected hit, ' or her, teeth, tht reiultlnft offensive hroath will be noticeable to tho other person. Tho question lit Aro fine, whlto. lorfct teeth admirable and attractive! Will they tend to enhanco our cliarmi In tho eyes of our lover? Will yellow teoth, or tho pungent odora that exude from unclcanod or decaying teeth, have the oppoaltn fTvct iion ono who ottarr wlw might In fond of you? Aside entirely from tho fact that It li moro comfortahlo and practically help fill to havo perfect teeth and keop them In good order, you ihould not forgot that the very pertont whom you would wlih tnoit to like you may bo stronly repelled by a neiitocted or foul coudl tlon of your troth. Thrta conplderatlona ars eminently oontlbln thing! for jxxiplo to conalder. They are itiggeitrd by a recant talk with Dr. W. A. Wlw, of tho fatnoui dental Arm, WIm Urothori, Falling building, I'ortlind, Oregon. Thli firm it probably the moat np-to-tlato rotuern In tho Northwest. Thoy put troth In order without cauilng any pain, and their prior are extremely moderate. Tho nigral of thl atory la that Icvon should not neglect tholr troth. There are probably 60,000 bad-toothed lovera within CO mllea of I'ortland, all of whom ihould go Immediately to Wlso Hrolhors and get Axed up for projer klulng. Valuable Cotltctlon of Stamps, A rollrctlon of stamps formed by G. 0on Wheeler of the London 1'hllatolln aoclety wat told by auction recently for fS.676. Chronic Sores Eating Dicers, tigZXsS. Nothing is a aourcc of so much trouble a.i an old core or ulcer, particu larly when located upon the lower extremities where the circulation li vmk and alugxhth, A ranerenona eatln; ulcer upon the lei; la a frightful light, and ax the folion burrowa deeper and deeper into tho tissue beneath and the itorc continues to spread, ouc cau almost see tho flesh weltinp; away and feel the strength golnp out with the aickeninr discharged. Great running sores and deep offensive ulcers often develop from a simple boil, swollen t-lasd, bruise or pimple, and are a threaten lag danger always, because, while all ouch norc are not cancerous, a great many are, and this ehould make you suspicions of all chronic, rJow-heallng ulcers and sores, particularly If can cer runs in your family. Pace sorts are common and causa the greatest annoyance uccause ucy are so per sistent and unsightly anal elciraot so much from oue's personal afecaneicc. Middle aged and old eople and those whose blood Li coutamUatcd and tainted with the germs and poison of malaria or some previous alckaouj, ore the chief sufferers from chronic cores and ulcers. While the blood remains in an unhealthy, jeolluted conditiou heal ing is iiupoasible, and tho sore will continue to grow and spread in spite of washes and salves or any superficial or surface treatment, for the sore is but the outward sign of some constitu tional disorder, a bad condition of the blood aud syritem which local remedies cannot cure. A blood purifier mill tnnln la what von nml. Sotae thing to cleanse the bleed, renter Its last properties, qulckea the clrcula tlon aud invigorate the constitution, aad S. S. S. is just such a remedy. S. 8. 8. reaches these old chronic sores through the blood. It goes to tha very root of the trouble and counteracts and removes from the blood all the impurities and poisons, and gradually builds up the entire system and strengthens the sluggish circulation, aad when the blood has been purified purifier and tonic combined and sale aad permanent cure for chronic sores and ulcers. , If you have a slow-healing sore of Wvny kind, external or internal, write ua about It, and our physician will advise you without charge. BooV en "The Blood and Its Diseases " free, ft SWIFT 9K0IFW CO., ATLANTA A Ilia Idea of Happiness. Mm. Knpock (rending Irani novol) "And no thoy wore mnrrlod and llvnd happily ovor after." Now what do you think of Hint? Mr. Knprtk 1 think they mint have oociircd a divorce right awny. Similarity. Jownlinrp OoorKu I iiippomi after yer rolled around In do street an' got full of mud do hidy In do wayildo coltngo thought yer had been Intoxicated. Olndor Oharloy Not at all. I told her I had bton rldln' In a rncln' auto mobile. Pertinent Inquiry. lllggi (iinoklng)) Tide li something llko a cigar, old muti Ulggi (gutting a whiff) Von or nointithlng llko one, What li it, any- WO) 7 The Mean Man. "Novor hoard of audi an nngratoful man." "In what way?" "Why, I hoard ho wan freexlng and I had a liuilml of coal dumped on hli pavement." "What then?" "Well, ho had tho nervo to ray ai long ai I had mil nod up hit aldewalk ho Iio.m) I would tend someone around to clean It." L?tYS rBtnr o pe f" f aarteeaoaei rile) nrtMfi.rl'r knn'tdf.nwwn CMtnrtr. arrrKMKaj.eetrUlMfliIUM4. t, i.u.ii.Ku.u4..jiArtbturtua.i,Lu.r. Scientific Pact. Fred Do you know anything about lovo? Joe Do 1? My dear boy, I'ro made it a life itudy. Fred With what remit? Joo Well, I'vo lucceeded in reduc ing my Ignorance of it to a aclonco. For nought and colde there li no better medicine than I'lau'a Cur fur CaniuinD- lion. Priced ecu li. Fine Outlook. "What's the outlook for a newspa per In thla town?" "Finest In the world. Kdltor'i np In a treo, an' sees over the whole coun try." No niapilng Ycara. Claude Mice Thlrtyodd scorns to hold her ago well. Maud Hold her ago I Why, ahe hain't let go of a tingle yearilnceihe'a been twenty-flvelJ-IJaltlmore Herald. DltrXKII GANrtOT II K CORES Jlr local application!, m thejr rannot leech the dfareaed vvnloiiiitlne ear, There leonlrooe wer locured.afntn, and that li bf eonatlto tlauelreurdle. Ieluee lerauitd W enls Cemed roadltlon el Hie nuroutti tgoltbe Kuiterbltn Tub. When Ible tube tela In. turutd jaa here a rumbling loand o tmper (eel btflnr, bJ when It le entlrelr cloeed dtelurie le I lie mull, endut.lmllieUflemiii llon cu Utteii out euit title tube retimed to lie auraelroudltloe, lietrlnc will bedrftrorcd loreierililneretee out ol I'D ateceueedbr ceurrli, wlilrli It nolhlm but en InflaraeJ condltltm o Ibe inueuiit eurfecee. We will life One lluedred follere lor ear cueolteluriilrenteit br cttenii) that can not l cured bjr ilell'e Cttarib Core. Vend for tlrculare, Iree. Bold brDruf Uie, JJo UeJl'e Fejilfr mill are the beet. (letting at tho Cause a. Mra. Mugglni How did yon break your hutband of iwearlng? Mn. IUA;lni-I had tho telephono taken out and Rave tho alarm clock away. Milladclphia Record. S0RE8 ON BOTH ANKLES. entleaen i Afcout Ua eej euro a eaeJl tore earn en e-oh of war ajaklea. Saw et Into tke plaeee aad tker be chum Mrre, eating uleera, ftd X Buf fered Intensely for Marir tew yeare. X bad apent laore las SMO.00 try lav to rt wall w X ehajaoed to mm B, B. B. adTartle4 in a Xaaaphla yapejr. X began to take It and wm cured. Mr llrnbe) kave Oaye beet re or eriYon m ar tln e4 alt a4aof. X bar rooauaaaled 0. 0. . to a aTTet rsaJiy people, aad aaa saw lrlac it to say nine-year-old aen for JaVtaama. Durlnr tar loar alaknaae X waa llvlnsr near Memphis, Tean., but bare aiitoo romored to Kantta City, aad am now ratldlng at S. Old Xaat BUUeatU Mtreet. Vra. X. A. KA.KRIB. Xanaaa City, Ho. ana tne system purgeu oi an woroiu, unhealthy matter the healing process begins, and tho ulcer or sore is soon entirely gone. S. 8, 8. contains no Mineral or poison ous drugs of any description, Cut is guar anteed a purely vegetable remedy, a blood HOW FORT SAN CARLOS FELL Gorman OuiiHcre Iwinilrd Hlielle with Mnlbiiruer Clireee. In Fort Han Curio tho Venezuelan Knrrlion was plucklly wltlutnndliig the itcady flro from IUi; (Jrrinnu wnmliljiH. Hlivll nflcr liell had exploded around t bent, mwi wounded or di-nd lay hero and then1, yot manfully they stuck to their guns and knew no fear, accord ing to n writer In the New York Time. "Do you worst I" crlod (Jen. Hello, lionrncly, slinking hln powder-nlnlnrd list nt tho llntiic-lH-lcliIng ships riding beyond tho bar. And, (hough the drnve Vcnraiielan know It not, (he worst was nlrendy coming his way. from tho smoke-clouded gun deck of tho German (lagtlilp "ilrave Hill" I'lltcner, gunner's mate, had climbed to the bridge, where I lie squadron com maniler, In vexation, was pacing back and forth. "1 beg to report, sir," he began, salut ing and speaking with tho peculiar Wllllamiburff accent, "that I have n schemo to put tbcm Venezuelans outer commlealon." "Veil, vni In?" returned tho com mander, Impatiently. "Why," explained the gunner's mate, with n cruel, dcrlllih light In lilt eyes, "we've got sixteen cases of llmburger chceso and nine barrels of sauerkraut left In the hold, and I would auggnt that we load some of our shells with tho stuff." The Herman commander recoiled at first from so dlnbollcoi and uncivilized a method of warfare, but be was bent on victory, and In the end he yielded to the Idea. Hehlnd the defiantly thundering walls of the fort brave Grn. Hello was mak ing nn encouraging speech to bis men. "Kcmcmbcr the custom receipts," he concluded, In n burst of patriotism, and a cheer went up from the powder coated threats of his men. Just then the first of the llmburger and sauerkraut ckargrd thclli from the flngthlp'a main battery exploded orer the fort. As tho thick, dctiic odor settled down around them the patriots, panic-stricken, drew their cutlasses and cutting their way through It lied fran tically from the fort to the clear ozono of tho hills beyond. ecoee I FORTUNES rOK PHOTOGRAPHERS More than f 1,WK),000 U expended for photographs every year In New York city. Upward of 400 photographers reap this hari-ctt, ranging from tne Howery tintype man to the ultra-faih-louablo artltit with a studio on Fifth avenue. He It raining or shining. In war or In the piping times of peace, thous ands seek the skylight galleries every day with the fell Intention of being "took." The present era of prosperity la entirely favorable to the natural vnnlty which prompts the average man and woman to face the camera. Photographers who maintain expen sive establlihmeuts and enter to th i.a.ttll mdki aim.. litvmJu In .t.A I..M..I.' ngea of the good times, but their clien tele, the wealthy folk, who spend from $ 1,000 to $2,000 a year regularly for photographs, do not vary much In their orders whether the times be good or bad. It Is the average business man and wage-earner,' mid more especially their families, who swell tho photo graph man's wallet theo days, nnd thoiiiands of such families speud from $00 to J100 a year. Next to theatrical people, society folk get their pictures taken ofteucit. Actors and actresses, so photographers say, are by no means the best of their patrons, and nouio of the studios de cline their tnide altogether, the prin cipal renion being that they arc bad pay. A member of one prominent nrui said It was found Inexpedient to deal with theatrical people and their regu-J lnr patrons, It was like trytug to mix oil with water, since the requirements of tho theatrical photograph In acces sories and bnck'ground differ widely from ordinary phases of the art. Not n fow fnshlonablo women, however, like their pictures In the style and slmllltuuo of actresses. Ho (after tho proposal) But suppose your father objects? She Just Inform him that I have de cided to marry you, that will settle It. Illustrated Hits. A long story of a hanging, If well written, Is vory , Interesting. Z : -" - ' '"ULS-Ai 1 I Bronchitis " I hsve kept Ayer's Cherry Pec toral in my house for a crest many yesrs. It Is the belt medicine In tho world for coughs and colds." J. C. Williams, Attica, N. Y. ' All serious lung troubles begin with a tickling in the throat. You can stop this at first in a single night with Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Use it also for bronchitis, consumption, hard colds, andforcoughs of all kinds. TbNliMiU(.,fe.,tl. AtlaViffMa. Ceniatt reer letter. If be lave take IR O. a daulu iai. If fee telfa rra aet tfl take It, tb.a eWt take It. He kaew. Leave It wltb Mm. W are vtUiee, A Little TUt. Mrs. IJenbam There Is no mrrrylng la heaven, thank goodnonl Ilenham Of coures not; people get their pnnlsment in the other place 1 Sketchy Bits. Alwavalook forthlatrademark? "The JTIean, Kool, Kitchen Kind." The ttovta without emoke, aahte or beat. Make comfortable cook ing. Only Place for Hint. Bomo one said to Brother Dicker: "Here's a story of a man who bss five wives." Krother Dickey didn't reply for a sec ond or two, then he said: "I s'pow dey'll keep him dar all do time now?" "Keop him whore?" "Why, In de asylum, of co'tol" John Burroughs has an article on "Ibe Ways of Nature" in the forth coming June Ceutury, which contains high praise for Kipling's wiork in nat ural history, lio rays tbst wo are novsr at a tors how to take Kipling in the "Jungle Books;" and of tho story of "Tho Whlt Peal." Mr. Burroughs says that ho could not detect one de parture from the facts ol the life his tory of the seal so far as It is known. Unpaid BrKJab Consult. The British government recently ap pointed unpaid vice consuls In tour large towns In Franc, whfre such poets have not hitherto eziited, and found In each case well qualified Brit his residents willing to undertake the dutios of the poiltioa. ALLTwB-rmumumVmmrmTi aBBBCT'mSBBAaajaBBBg'Vv X KRAUSE & PRINCE, Wholesalers, 879 First St., Portland", Or. 1 (W. etaT uVPH te8K82?: terSJ IW.fflDBaV CiUbtUbt wu t 1VCU Mr4 TaMa)ri4tMUfflUay4HtaatlM 44t eftM SfjlUl eV1 Usxffr afU UaUktf wMfm kateVeU. TietsJ Vt Br Ul ! a i aveM rajf . va4rte astai lleVetasJ ftjf . VkUlietMtlaasiyfeWeTel; inOrUiM, altHUU(HBtl. snsa rausi , esttauafl wt n aV THE FAIRBANHS - ARB OPBRATBO ON QAS, GASOLINE. DISTILLATE OR CRUDE OIL cost ol operation very lull HoEipensGwnen Di Running A lonsy Ecrner SIEDIG sole FlntiiUttfUls. VOKTLANU, OB. KEIEH9QM MAOHmatY oo (Huecentor to John 1'oole) Teat ol MofflKxl Street, Portland, Oregon With ua for Paw Mill and Hhlncle 1(111 M- ieblnery Wind Mill and Jlalnt i'urnp, r.lc, I C ream frparaWir, regular price f , now SUA ' Pprliii vresofie W. lliigfr ibeltj I IO. You ran largely Increase the yield of your crop for ml tic our tpeelat fcrtltlt ere. Write for prlc. z t !i PER CEHT OFF iJd: 13 On all Packet Seeds lor orders of f 1.00 or mora (Thle doea not Include greet aeedl or ganlcn tecdt In quantity.) If In tha market write for tpeclal net tirltei. MANN, the SEEDMAN. rnnnn, ins ccunmn. j ' 189 Pront Street, PortlnnU, Orv. eee)e)eee AGENTS WANTED I I Everywhere Write now. a I RAHJLEK,0LDS!0EIIE.WAVEKl.TlcT0LnO K Agtwhk $S00 wf I RAMBLER, EKPEKUL. H0HARCH, OISOST r fc KA&rU Bkrckt. J20 aa4 eevuti. i MTORaaiS. P Fend for eataloguee. 5 FRED T. MERRILL CYCLE. CO. i Portland, Orrgon. b Seelaae Team SeiUfc M BAD BREATH I fcva watnr CA.CA.tLWm mm t a nils and UkUti laeatlve iaf f alaflr woa eartal. Mr danthtor and I were tiotbarM wiiki alek atooiaca and ear trraatb varr bad. Arter laklac a r dnaaa or Caacarau wa lra ttaprorafl oodartallr- 'trur era a t raa h.lp In tbe taaUj. WiinaufiMA N.K2I1. UJ7 Rltwaaoaae SL.C1aciuntU,Cklv CANOV t m'say tyvrrtAKnc Bf7Jn.lJKIU rieaiaat. paUuKe, reteaw Tau OccC Re OdoOaharersieatB. Weaken. or Ohi.Kw. Uautka. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. .M twet mt trf. nim iMmi. r.i. tet KO-TO-IAC V&VffgSSST P.N.U. No. 2Z-190JT H HeC viltlnr to .i4TrtUm plsu E wfBMaa sis pwptir- Boys' and Youths' Jack Knife Shoes Atk your dtxUr for the Jack 4 Knife Shoe. Every boy gets a j pockrt knife with his pair of 2 woo. cHwcuiaguios.Ki2cr 4 lictl knives. 4 1. DOUGLAS janlEiJBmffSB' S3.8Sand S3.S2 Shoes BfJSS lOUCtn t irOUl eKkUU IO QO.UU jrHtlJ uj wwnuf utuioui;irUikovur9J riio 'rii'Tito Jiut at gooJ In eierr war aa thoaeltab nave dii eoauar voa xroai s txo to I OJM. 1h lmnitute tale of w. I IXiurlu aboaa proTta- their aurxrlorltT orar all olL.r tnak.i Sola lj retail iLoe dcalere ereiher. wTIn gtuulbe have liaise and prlcer autauea on tne twllem. Take no- ubetltute. JiuttUvrtittlttiuuit. XV. L. Uoliglaa 4 (lilt Kdgw una cunnut ixi riualla at a n j price. WBBBoi "W. X Douatevs usai tvatt mUi in or nta1 S25000 R6W2rBrandUiwtlTfwoMi eUiVkU Ot lie 6eH UUviteU ftlkl ADMIlC&a UeUteJlBV iatn ar o nr Denuiaciurr in in werui. MORSE ENGINES con Be sm la aw Gi B6 oiopned inosscori!) i lone m Economical BerReody M 311 Mukit :Uh IK Si. Us Ails St BAN FJIANCI8CO, OAX. 1.08 ANOKUCS, CAL.