Elkins (8h King, PRINEVILLE, ORXGON. WE WANT THE TRADE Of everyone at Hand and it.H violnlty, and arc. willing to meet you all more than linlf way to yet It. ' ' Wc know Hint nftur trntlltijf with ti.i once there Will be no trouble tibout rsoeurlng your Mibsequeut orderH. We will give your MAIL ORDERS The mime attention and prompt shipment that we would were you pres ent In itcrsou. . Wc will sell you nothing but first'CliiM goods nt h low a price an It is possible to make, quality being considered. Scud us a trial order.. Yours for business, CLAIMS ESTIMATED AND SOl.t) ESTIMATINO A SPECIALTY KING, HUNTER. (3b MARSH. TIMBER CRUISERS AND LAND LOCATORS. IHIND CHAS. S. EDWARDS & CO., Druggists and Pharmacists Vine new stock of Drugs and Chemicals on hand. BEND Local Events of (lie- Week. W. II. Hollinshcad, of I.nva.wns down on Monday, making prepara tions to prove up on his homestead. He was accouftuiuicd by" his son, ChcMcr. Two men have opened negotia tions for a livery and sale stable nt ltcud, excctiiig to use the large barn at the Pilot Huttc Inn for the puri)os, but it is not yet decided which of these men will have the now establishment. It is prac tically certain that one of them will come here. Mrs. J. M. Lawrence nud little daughter Marlon arrived from Port land on today's stage and will take n hand in straightening out the new United States commissioner. The family will occupy the easternmost of the row of cottages in the garden near the bridge, three rooms being added to the present structure. Mr. Ili.xou, of Douglas county, came across the Cascades to the Deschutes valley last week. He is acquiring n considerable area of grazing laud in the Deschutes val ley and will establish extensive stock interests here. He realizes that the ojwi range is not to be depended on for re-establishing the livestock industry of this region, so he will pursue another policy and cultivate ills own feed farms. NEW STORE FOR BEND. WII.l, Ol'HN AIIOUT JULY I, With a full stock of General Merchandise of best quality at Lowest Prices. Bend Mercantile Company INCOltrOKATUD WITH CAI'ITAI. 01' $10,000. UNDER MANA0UA1GNT OP A. II. QRANT. New Building, Complete, Fresh Stock, The Largest and Best on the Deschutes River Dcnd. Opposite Pilot Butte Inn. ELKINS Oft, KING. OREGON. OREQON. Chas. S. Kdwards & Co., drug gists, carry a fine line of prescrip tion supplies. Opposite the P. It. D. Co.'s office, Vend, Oregon. When you nrc at Slinniko, re member the Pioneer- Saloon is the place to get fine liquors. The best is none too good for you, ami wc discusc the very best. Passengers on the stage last Sat urday, Memorial Day, say Heud was the only town on the line to show the national colors in houorof the day. "Dad" West had a fine flag flying from the oak of the City Meat Market. He has not for gotten his service with the 2U19 In diana through the long years of the civil war, part of which time was spent in the Southern prison pens of Audcrsonville and T.ibbey. He knows what the old flag means. II. It. HuiTham, who was ranch ing several years in the Condon sec tion of Ciilliam county, with his family of half a dozen and catupiug outfit, passed through Bend Tues day imeruoou ooituu lor some in definite joint up the river. He was looking to see what he could sec with the hope of finding something that would prove congenial to his tastes, from fancy irrigation to saw mill business. The party made camp on the desert between llend and Princvllle Monday night and had n rather uncomfortably dry time of it. Kev. Mr. Altar, of Prineville, conducted religious services at the Hclioollioiiftc last Sunday, Miss Jackie JJrook returned home Tuesday from n WHok'ii vltit to Miss Maude Vnndevert nt I.avu. You can obtain patent medicine and toilet article) at the drug store, opKsile the P. 1). D. Cu.'s office, Menu. Miss JUta Hunter, of Albany, who has lwcn visiting rotative here for a few wooks, left Tlmmday morning to return to liar home. H. Ildud whiskey is to be had at the Pioneer Saloon, Shauiko, J, J. Wiley, proprietor. A good grate ful drink, refreshing, invigorating. A baud of Jean Roberts's ran gers and three bands of mutton sheep sient Thursday night at Jtciul, on their way to the moun tains to the westward. George Sehlceht left Wednesday lor Prineville to make jjroor on his timber claim Thursday. Prom there he went to Portland. He will return in ulout a week. The population of Dcnd has in creased by at least 50 people in the last two weeks. Most (If these peo ple intend to locate here nud are at present camping in the vicinity. The wife and three children of Daniel Ilcisler. of "Dad" Went & Co., arrived Tuesday from Kalis pell, Mont., and the family is quar tered at George Dates' s until a dwell ing can be built. W. A. I.aidlaw, of the Columbia Southern Irrigation Coinjwny, left Monday for Portland, having been called home on account of the ill ness of n little daughter. He ex jHicts to return in two weeks. Millard Triplctl, of Prineville, has made arrangements to open a wagon and blacksmith shopat llend. He has put up a new building on the corner opposite thcschoolhousc. Custom work will Iwgin in a few days. Miss Mary Uiley is now conva lescent. She had n two-weeks' seigc of ccrebro-spiual meningitis, nud was a pretty sick girl for a time, but is now brightening the Inn with her presence, almost the picture of health once more. The last of the smallpox suspects is out of quarantine nt ' Prfncville, both hotels there arc doing business again and people nrc rapidly forget ting the lntc unpleasantness. Tim bermcit arc coming into the country again and business in all lines is looking up. uotu oanks 01 tlie river were oih Sunday lined with auglo'ns, of both sexes. Not less than 1000 trout were taken from their liome that day. At this rate, in a few years the Deschutes will have a well de served reputation of being a cele brated "has been" trout stream. The Reception Saloon, Shauiko, oilers the most tciiiptiiitr induce ments to timber locators going into the woods. The very best brands of whiskies, such as Cyrus Noble, Old Pepper, Hunter llaltimoru Rye nud other 'standard goods, always lo be had here. Call nt the Recep tion. Labor trouble broke out at the Columbia Southern ditch Monday morning. A number ot the men were not satisfied with the $2 a day paid for a mnn or $4.50 for and team, with $4.50 a week for board and horse feed high, ami started a demand for higher wages coupled with threat to strike. Col onel Smith, the foreman, .gave the two leaders in the agitation their time checks immediately. There upon four others said they would quit if that was to be the policy, nud they were promptly paid off. Matters then calmed down nud the work proceeded as before. The district school board held a meeting Monday afternoon and au thorized the legal notice of the an nual school meeting to be iostcd. The election will be held at the schoolhousc, beginning at 3 o'clock Monday afternoon, June 15. A director to succeed Mr. Awbrey and a clerk to succeed Mr. Stella arc to be chosen, and other business to be transacted. The clerk was in structed to scud out bills for the tuition of all non-resident pupils who have been attending the Bend school, at the rate of ;? 1 each per month. There are four or five such scholars. Mr. Wiest was directed to see that a proper contract for the schoolhousc site should be ready for the annual school meeting, George Untcs is the owner of n film gun as the result of buying a ticket for a raffle that cost him 13 cents on Sunday. The gun cost him more than 13 cents, however. It was 'raffled at the Minnesota Duffel, and that institution holds a small mortgage on it for liquid con solation nerved to those who didn't get the gun. The turbine whoa that is to sup. ply iKiwer from tiie JJofacJititcs lor otKiratluK the Steldl & Reed saw mill met with an accident a few days ago near the foot of Grir-zly butle, six or eight miles beyond Prfne ville. Coming down tint mountain the freight team ran away, one horse was lulled, the driver, John Tweet, was hurt, the wagon smashed to smithereens and the outfit miscellaneously scattered along the road for .1 quarter of a mile. It is supposed that the tur bine, having fallen off at the begin ning of the trouble, escaped injury. The incorporators of the Hend Mercantile Company, whose ar ticles, after being filed in the office of the secretary of state, were filed with the county clerk at Prineville this week, arc Alexander Thomson, A. II. Grant, A. M. Drake, T. M. llaldwin. The capital stack is io, 000. Mr. Grant is to Ik manager of the enterprise. The other offi cers have not yet been determined on. The building site has been se lected one block westerly and 011 the opposite side of the street from the Pilot- Uutte Inn, where the work of constructing n two-story store 30x60 feet was be); tin Thursday morning. The- store is expected to be ready for business about the first of July and Manager Grant says it will sell everything at Prineville prices. Alfalfa fur Cows. Is is the opinion of the most ex perienced in the matter that the production of alfalfa is an essential to the successful prosecution of the dairy interests in California. The days of the old-fashioned mountain dairy arc gone. The market de mand now is for the creamery but ter, and the product of small travel inn dairies is no longer sought by dealers. The output of individuals is too uncertain as to quality, and generally stroking, ot too low a grade to find favor with customers 111 competition with butter bearing the stamp of n first-class creamery. It is the uniform excellency of the product of well-managed creamer ies tiiut eives them the control of the market, along with the tendency in all lines of production to develop the processes and methods that arc most economical and scientific. There has long been a prejudice that alfalfa imparts a peculiar aim unpleasant flavor to butter, but this is not well founded. It is not at all true where alfalfa is fed in connec tion with other foods in suitable proportions. There is no better butler than that made in California from cows fed upon alfalfa, but not exclusively uixm that plant. It is one of the best and most nutritious of feeds, and with a certain amount of grain or brnu it makes n well balanced ration. bacramento Uec Timber Land, Act June j, !&. NOTICH 1011 PUBLICATION. U. S. I,and Office. The Dalle. Orrgeu, May 11, 1909. Notice U h.rebjr given that In eewJtncc Willi the ruvUiu otitic Act uf CwigtrM of June , iSj, entitled. "An urt for the Mleof timber lai4 In the Hate of California, Oregon , Nevada, oih1 W'athlntton Territory,' at extended to all (lie public laud time li) Act of Angul4, iftje, ihirnam Kotxrta of IouIm, county of '.avrreHcV, etule of Kentucky, hat on Oct 7. ), filed in till olTk lit .worn ataletucnt No uS. A the nurrthttc of the H uwt amllou j ami 4 ace , tb 19 a, r iit.w w and will uttVr moqf to how thai the land MMichl ia more valuable for IW timber or toe than for agricultural tmrjicwea, and to e.tnUWIi hh claim to uld Und licftirc M K. Hgg. V. S. CotuHtlt tloucr, at 1'riiicvllU, Oregon, un I'rMay, the jut day or July, it lie name aa witneMca O Kretl Kolxrt. John Steldl, SI II Roberta, of llend, ilrvson, and Obu dlah llewwHi, of Oreen l.ate, WWi. Any and all pcron cUlwInc advrly the abnvctlcecrtbed land arc requested to rile their claliut iu Ihla oinc oil or before the Mid jut day of July, luot. tnjyjji MICIIAKI, T. NO I, AN. Keglfter. Timber Land, Act June j, 88. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. V. 8. Land omce, The Italic, Orej;oii. May u. 191 Notlcc U hereby stveu that Iu compliance with the irovUloua ofthe Act of CoiigreM of June. iSrS, vulitleU, "Au act fur the Mleof timber land In the aUtcaof California, Oregon, Ncvnda, and Waihinutnn Territory," a cxteudnl to all the public Und ktaloa by Act of Auguit 4, ifJ, (Iconic Milllcan of Iriiicillc, couut of CiooV, ntutc of Oregon, hnapil Oct j, 19m, tiled lu tlili oftice hta oni atateutciii no 14M, lor me purcnaae 01 111c ncu ac) and ac' nei tv M and h nw'f ec Ji, tji 19 a, r 15 e, w 111, and will off.T proof to show tliat the laud noutiht I more valuable for ita timber or atone thuu fur usrlcullurul imrpoaca, and to ca tablith lib) chilm to aald Und before v A. Dell, V. S. CoiumlMloucr, at frintville, Orruon. on 1'riday, the 31st day of July, ismj. lie iiamca ua wltueaea. Chailea II IXtlly, Wit Ham A lUvi. John Hlllott, George Kitchlns. nil of I'riueWlle, OriKon. Any and all iieraona clalmlne advemly the alx)c-dckcrilictliandaBrcriuctetl to fit their claims in thU ollkc oil or before the uld .111 (lay of July, 190J. HU'JJi .Aiiv.ii.Aiti. t. nui,An. ncgixcr. Chas. S. Edwards, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON.. WIND OREGON. J. M. LAWRENCE, V. . COUMIMI0KHK. Notary Public, Insurance, Township Plats for Upper D&scliutcs Valley. HUM!), OKHCO.V. Attorney awl WHI ptactlce l alt eetitta In the iut. J Notary. M. R. BIGGS, V. S. CawmfMener. 1'KIMltriU.U OKItOOK. lm) fiHfi j ami pref of alt k!nd. treet bawling toumrthMtc. Office on JJout forget to drop into the MINNESOTA BUFFET DUSCIIUTIIS ORB G O N Wc carry only the finest lines of Wines, Liquors and Cigars. TWOIIY & McKEOWN PROPRIETORS. NEWLY EQUIPPED. HOTEL PRINEVILLE C. C. AtcDowell. Electric Lights Throughout the Uoase. All White Help. PRINEVILLE, ORE. City Meat Market. J. I. WltST, Prop. n ma uix iy MEATS OF ALL KINDS Butter, figgs, Poultry, Potatoes, Vegetables In Season. Opposite P. B. D. Co.'s Store, BEND MEN i TEAMS TO WORK OK THK COLUMBIA SOUTHERN IRRIGATION CANAL Steady work. Apply by letter to C. F. Smith, fore man, Deschutes, Or.; or per sonally at the camp on the Wanted grounds. 1