The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 05, 1903, Image 2

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    The Bend Bulletin
Huttlnl March iS, I9J. at tteitcltMl, Oi8ri,
n iwcoinl-clA mMUr
vriitiiiiiKi) kvkhv nunvv at uiCmtaVtOitta
MAX LUIUUniMANS. rublltwft
Vxr ytar..
Pin month -
"Nitre month
(Invariably In atlranc 1
l eo
.- jo
Ailrllr who wtah to chant thrtr !
nhmiW Iwrc tow I" not latr man Tir o
tnccllnc the lHf l wMch chantr h etrrJ
JUNK 5. I90J
People coming into this region now
for the first time should rucogniic.
the fact that it has not been from
the beginning and will not be until
the end just as it now is. Up to
ten or a dozen years ago the grass
grew plentifully in the valley, even
reaching out on the "desert" and
making forage for stock that was
not surpassed in the United States.
Too much grazing has destroyed
the grass and made the country
poor. With departute of the grass
the parched soil radiates quickly
the heat received from the sun in
the daytime and the result is cold
nights, nights so cold that no month
is free of frost. When, irrigation
shall water the land utd make it
fruitful the coldness of the nights
will be modified and crops that cnu
not stand the present teniiwrnuirc
will co.nie to thrive here. This re
gion is not naturally barren. Man's
wasteful methods hnve made it seem
so to people accustomed to other
conditions. Hut it still holds the
germ of rich fmitfulness and opera
tions arc now under way to reclaim
the land and bring this germ into
full development. This will restore
the country to agricultural signifi
cance. The possibilities in this di
rection arc enormous. The forest
resources, though of large jwesent
importance and the most in evi
dence for immediate industrial de
velopment and, of course, by no
means to be despised will not have
the permanence of agriculture.
Itrge business thrift, great com
mprcial development, will come
from the forests of the Upper Des
chutes valley, but in a generation
the timber will be on the wane,
while agriculture will increase in
indefinitely. This country' and its
possibilities are ;iot to be com
pletely compassed at a gulp.
It was not to be expected of the
railroad men who came to examine
the Deschutes valley that they
should come to a conclusion on the
spot and announce just what would
be done with respect to providing
the needed transportation for thi.
section. Indeed, they were not
clothed with power to determine the
matter off hand. Mr. Ilarrinian
had received certain favorable re
ports about the traffic prospects in
the Deschutes country, upon which
he had promised to see that a rail
road should come; then came the
curt report from a special agent say
ing the region would not warrant
the building of a railroad. Presi
dent Mohlcr and Mr. Wilcox, upon
whose advice in the matter Mr.
HarriiDsui was relying, were unable
to say of their own knowledge just
what the facts were. They had de
pended on the representations of
those in whom they had confidence.
But Ilarrinian wished to hold them
responsible for their recommenda
tions and it was necessary that they
make the examination personally.
Information thus obtained would
take precedence of second-hand re
ports. To qualify themselves for
a recommendation that should carry
the weight of personal knowledge
was the object of this expedition.
There is no doubt that the informa
tion gained will prevent an endorse
ment of the unfavorable report
caused Mr. Ilarrinian to hesitate.
It seems practically settled that
the railroad will come, and Ixjfore
the end of next year, but many of
the details remain to be settled and
it will be some time lwfore there
will be an official announcement on
the subject.
Binger Ilcrmanu was chosen at
the special election in the Pirst con
gressional district Monday to suc
ceed the late Thomas II. Tongue in
congress. His plurality was much
smaller than had been expected,
about 1800. Clackamas, Jackson,
Josephine and Polk counties went
democratic. But a small vote came
out. In Portland the proposals to
issue $400,000 bonds, for rebuilding
the Morrison street bridge, $50,000
for free ferry nt Album and $15,000
for free ferry tit Scllwood nil carried
The superior quality of the en
ginecriig talent accompanying the
railroad expedition into Central Or
egon this week was attested by the
smoothness of its progress through
the country. No ordinary plug
surveyor could possibly have ar
ranged a trip so saturated with the
very essence of roughing it. Itcan
no longer be denied that the men in
the party have been in close per
sonal contact with the country.
The Central Oregoutan, of Silver
Lake, thinks The Bulletin is yellow
because it prints the truth about the
smallpox. It were better to be
even yellow than to be so very
green as the Central Orcgoninn is;
and such a pale, pen green, too!
The item in the Deschutes Hcho
last week saying that J. M. Law
rence had bought a half interest in
The Bulletin, doubtless kindly in
tended, was an error. J. M. Law
rence lias no proprietary interest
whatever in The Bulletin.
Hcnd Weather for flirty.
The meteorological record for the
mouth of May in Bend, as taken by
Voluntary Observer Charles A.
Statiburrough, shows the following
temperatures for each day:
Itat ' Max. Mln. Date Max. Mill.
1 tt - VJ
ft) M IS. JJ
J. 14 l W S
4 -. . M Jl I SI M
j. .... t tt l M J
a. . . n J
i. r :5 5 a .3
a. ..... l Jt .... ,16
. .. tm 44 an .... ) 4
i. J tf ; f
- - TT M - M
J J M - J
M - jo . .. . W J
M. . .. .. . 14 .J- ft s
I. . ST W
The highest temperature of the
mouth was 93 degrees, on the 30th.
The lowest was 20 degrees, on the'
19th ami 33d. Half an inch of
snow fell on the 20th, but it lasted
only an hour or two. There were
several light showers within the
Law! Office it Th Ikttltet, Oregon
April n. if.
Notice U krrrbv jrlwil that IIh Ml-liit
named Killer taw Ilea Mrtke cf hU inicMtu w
make final proof lu Mippoct of liU daltn, au4
thai hU proof will fee Ma Jr Wore J M Law
rence, V h CwBMieiancT, at Dwsliutt. Orageu,
ou I'rWcgr, June u, w,trii: ;
Y IKtlTk' rtf.A. nt IUui.1. nrreon '
rKsd& o$l- ....
eenlJmHHM rnmeiiee Mpan and eultrmtkm af
ill a taatw a r a uar n hii n wo mwn aim-
Y 11 Ual, Cbaa J Cattor, Odd Hilar ,h1 J
K Raahaia. alt of Sead, Ornw.
mj MIC1IAKL r NuJ,AN. KUlr
Timber La 1. Act Jane j, 1S7.
V. 8. Laiwl CMBee. The ItaltM, Oregon,
Mtf 16, 103.
Notfce t hereby flvra thai la cuoipliaaet wilh
the irforialoo of the Act of CaaareM of jaac 1,
art, eatltlrd, "Ao art ror llw hIi of UiaUr Uwt
In the tlcof Callronila, Oregoa. Nevada, and
Wabingloti rerrltor), ' mtro4 lo all the
mtUUe land utr by Act of AuauU 4, 19. the
fatlowlag-Mamed pefnona have fiUil In tht oilier
tarir mm b Uteaxttt, W-wH
Kl4e U Ktley
of Seait. eooitty of Crook, ut" of Oregon: aworn
UUiBcBt No jj, filed Jan 1. loo. Sir the r
ehaae of the ec ij, tp 17 a, r 11 , w m.
Orhl . II. Kiley
of Head, aounty of Crook, atate of Ore mi: aworn
utemeat No imt, Skd Jan la, toot, for the ur
chaaaoftbecH wf as. tp 17a. r ne, wm.
Oeorgc BroaterhoiM
of Mead, oonaty of Crook, Kale of Oregon, twora
atalcwent No iu. Sled Jaa 4, . for the wr
cbacof the K V aeci,aw( r?( ik,w
ueK atctSandnwii uwy ec7, tp in i, r 11 r,
v m.
That they will ofler ticoof to lmw that the land
auufw u rMire eaiuaaac for 11a llworr or aunw
than for afrtcuHural pariMwea, and t eaUMIah
their dalau to iwtd laud before J SI. Lawreuca,
V. , CoatmlMloucr. at Ifeacbulea, Oreaofi, en
Saiardajr, the UN day of 1901.
They aatae aa wttneaaea' Charlea Slaahar
ronali frank Gl i, Jouu Sleidl, John I Weat
Jaatea Shaw and Jotepli N lluuter, all of Itetwl,
Any ami all terH cialmlng adversely the
ahore-deacrltied latxit are 1 cqucated to Sic tkatr
claim hi IhU otSce on or before the nU ath day
of Augutt.iosi.
t97 MICJIAIU, T. NOLAN, -RegMer.
Tlarler Land, Act June j, 1I7S.
Notice for, Publication.
V. B. IhmI OAtoe, The Datlca, Oregon,
May it, igaj.
Xollee I hreay glren that In compliance with
the tirotruiotu Ohc Act of CoogrwM af June 1,
i7S, eaUUed, "An act tot the Mle of tftabeV UikC
in the tatm of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Waahlngton Territory," aa rstanded lo all the
public land atata by Art of Augut 4, i$yt. Hie
ftjtlowlMi.iwioed nrrxHM liare on Oct 17, i'n,
ftletl In till office their norn ttataiiienu, to-wll.
AtMllii W ChIj.
of Culver, county of Crook, atate of Oregon;
worn auieateat No ij, fwr the purcttaM of the
eK tec 4, lp 17 , t u c, w in.
William (i. Kllllngbrek
of Culver, county of Crook, Mate of Oregon;
aworn ttAlement No ijye, for the purafwte of the
nel co, tp 17 a, r 10 e, w m.
Kaniiiel A. Uurlt
of Oliver, cuunty of Crook, totc of Orrgem
avvern aUietuent No ijyi, for tlie purclutt oftha
ti nef and e c c 1 and netf nf c it,
lp 7i r lee, w 111.
That they will offer proof to (how tint the land
aonglit ia more valuable fur lu ilnibcr or atone
than for agricultural purpewe, and lu rlnbllIi
tlM-ir clalnt to aald laud before J HI. Lawrence,
V S, Couiiiiluloner, nt Deacliuta. Oregon, on
l'riday, the 241)1 day of July, loei
They name a witneutc WillUni O Killing
beck.lleniy l VnvU, bainucl A Davit, I'rank
Jl IiveluiHl, Auitln W Culp, all of Culver. Ore
Any and all peiaoii claiming advcraely the
aborc-ileitcrlbril land are rriiMtrd lo file llielr
claim lu tbU office 011 or before the ald 24th
day 01 July, IWJ.
WU-J14 MiC-llAlW, T. NOLAN, Keguter.
Tlmlxr t."l. Att June J. iRj.
if. u t j.k.1 nnVr. Tlir Italic. (Itruiin.
My 16. IBrtJ-
Nutlet! t hctehy rHch thiU In cumUnw with
th VH'!"' f he Ail r Congtwi of Julie f,
KC OilUUtl, "A t Tor llelef timber latnl
la tliAUeGti.'lirornla, tirKi Ne"(ili, ami
WavtiliifitQlrt'eritiiie)," MlfmW lo nil (lie
IMtWIetnnrt tf lij Act nf Aitetijl 4. tfyl, lilt
rblltmlngnmrt iwrwni he lilnl In Ihl umr
lltViriWUftl KlAtCUKllI". 1TWIII
Hrn Wet
if lieml. roimtv nrcrwtk. ulnle of Orfvon. annrn
KtHtemeitt N ijn-. lt l IJ. '". fhr the nir
citMrurtlie cl; v i). ip is . r ise. w in,
I'll. it. 1 llritri;"ili
of Ikiul, county onrook, utitle nl tteeui aworit
itateiuntt No ijy ,'1 ,H ' "" "n lmr"
ehate wTUin efi 't ' U S n! arc Jt,
il aiirncwm
Jumti sbw
of ltiiul. rtmnlvnTCrook. l(lle nfOlTlnMi: Imitll
Uttjll X TjM Btel lye la, 19M, Ullitr
enane til ihc wh WH' '"H "" n,,u H "It
te , l rt , 1 1 e w in
I imiui I' Cotlur
of Html, TOUHlr of i"nKV, ute of Orajeni aworn
ilataiiiMil 3i itix iiimI lWe M. iu,m. ror Hie iwr-
elMteof Hie wjjVrii nel iK antt e ii)(
o, ! 17 1, r 11 e. w in
Charte J tfuttur
of llf ml. eutntv i.r inxiW. ttale ufOrreoii! anurn
Uilcmtiit No iy; hl"l lec '9! ''"' the mr
ciei menu in , ami nty nn kc jj iiui
U W eo, tp 17 . r 11 e. w t.
rUniurt A Inunermait
ofStl-nul. cwinty r Hawey, lle of Minn
tni wn ftiieiiK-nt No ijai, tlll Jan i, imj,
far UienuetiaeoritieHneU aud tou 1 ami
M4.tlH, r 11 r w in
Clwtlm I. Iltk
of HcihI, eeniity f 1 rook, ttnte of Orrran: awurn
Mattuiwt No IM Hi I J " IM, for the ur
elwrilie ajnwtt eei iw m)( .
U'i?. r Wo, ww
01r KrlckMii
orClimva.rtHimy f iNrik, male f .MlnnewUi
tnurii atatenuiit No in ill J Dee 11. it. far
the iHirtin.ufthr iitt rH bih!H H area
aim 11)1 tuTjj c ;. M . r 11 e. w 111
That they vrflt b(T r pronf lo nhoie that the Unit
aunglil ii more vuluaMr for IM Umber or Matte
llMiintraiileultural iuv ami lo cttablUli
their etalni la uhl Umi Iwfore J M lAwrenra,
U. . CtNuuiUtionrr at lccliuir, Orenon, 011
Mlunlny. the 8th il tf A . laajl
1 iy name B wiiu. .- rmiik !, jwnn
Stetdi, jvtm , j in I Wtjt, janie Hunter
I N llmitcr, Jantet Mirnt. t V r-4efhMM,U I1
1 iy name a wiiu. .- rmiik !, jwnn
mcni vi'iu Hi
(ur,e IUIM. t,
mctr. Qnlil Klley, U llmaat. chart Collar,
,oaM -.
Immi ami (illlwrt llann.
all or :
RMitt. firtiii
Aav awl aH Txrun clalinlHe adeerwlr the
abvad4tBHl UhU4 t riiteMit to 111 tlnrlr
etalaM In tliti wttee un or Iwfbte the wM kill ilay
01 A'
CltAI'I. T NOLAN, Kajl'ter
ThalKS- Land Ad Jane y i7. '
V. S. IHd tiffi The lullaa. (M,
May ia, ib4.
NMies N hereby cten thai la rmapttaita with
the prv1i4 taaltlir Omukm sr Jane x,
iay, rutltled, "Ah att i..r the ale of tlntber land
lu tfwUtaafOaUA'ii orraua. Nerada, awl
UIV'ii orraoo. HenMa, ana
fUory. n eUenaert ta all the
lit) A.t of AuaiMt 4, ia, Ute
tarKn hrr Ml In thU oNlw
Waafewmttm TeftUory
Mtbllt'tMMttutMltt I
fartotrtae-aaatad txroi
their wn riabnawuii to wit
Vtllk.m MMdaach
of The lattta, WHtl U .wco, aUte of OMpoai
ateoen UtcaMMl No t ulcd Nov lu, ia, fW
Ihv partita af the hs H e it and a)t aef
and mtfawtj m to. lu o a 1 we, w w.
SuMiinah Iktrae
of l-rtHteUta, wanly ul t.iook.(atc of tHetMHi.
aworn ftateeaent No MM. fil-d Nov 6, iyt, btth
ptirchaee af the wj hm ee 4 aad S nejf m j.
ipiT. r toe, wm,
Jeaae K Watktna
af I'rtneviUa, eouuty of cruuk. tte of Oregnm
worn Kalaeactit No u u nlcd Nor iv, aa, for
thepurehaaeef tllen't ii'H andaM nn mC e,
lp 1 , r to e, w nt,
Jeljn II i.uMafuHi
of Ileiul, eonnty tf Cjr. Hate of Orecetu ivrora
aUteiaeal No IM. firl So if, tfa. far tht pur
olMtcoftheM arc tptSJi.r iaewni.
tlwparaftateoflht fc jt,tp M. r rae.wm.
aoraaauB latraoe
ef IllncvHIe. eoaaly of Cntnk. tae of Orrgoti,
worn atawateal No ifteMnl Dec at, HM. tut
tbr paretMwe of tae tmC mc 4. tp 1 , r 10 e.w at.
Jinal IL Heed
of llend. coanly of crook. Kale of Oregon: awom
Uteatci 1 No v MfJ Dee 1, iyu, Cf tae par
chaaeof the ht), m ), tp Me, r lav, w m
of Head, rotinty of cnwkHate of rtreaoa: nrarn
UieajMrki Nu 1511 kled DatM, ( the par
cfuuc of llw neK et m, lp ig a, r 10 e, w at.
I rank. Weat
of Head, ruanty of 1 uoti, atatc of Oregoa: aworu
Maieaiew 30 lair uwv iee is, iaof, ror tae
cnaw 01 IN tw vi u, lp it a, r 10 e, m
C'h.iil I.
of Head, caaaty of 1 roeK,
Y of 1 toaK, atata of Orraon, wam
Ui Bint rjac 1, tj, Sir the par-'
'H ' S,I . f ae, wm.
Maitfacai no 1:
ebacofthc aw
That llicy will ..If r preartM thaw thiU the land
aougJil I faore r.,ut5e rVr JU thntar or aloae
than for agrtctdtural parpOMii, and In eatabUtai
their claim to ntid u4 Unre J. (. Lawreace.
V a. Commlaatoarr at llaWlinte. Qiegoa, o
Prhtar. the 71 h dar of Annul. Mau.
They name a witneaii ilaaaa SIMddiiab, of
the laUe. Orcgou iksotM Matte aad WilUam
Baane, of Lava, 'irrKi,n Jotoi HIi-Htof, Uauw
Lepage. John nwi I it Ilmiter. lobn Strati.
John Weal. II H I'IiiIIim, Jaaeph N floater Jatiu
num. Knii W cM V irnroefcaail J H Krcd, of
Iknd, Oregon, ami John W Heme, WUUam
Watkiaa. Aaron I WafKlK, SutaoMiii Naraca,
okMaofi r narue ir miiaimi. UfCgou.
Aav and all im rauna aaafaailatf ati vt 1
Aay and all wimh afctaiiog auetrecly the
juv deacriltcd (alula an ranaeatad to tie llielr
above deacriltcd (alula am ntjaeatatl to tie llirir
claim la thia o5c u or lfW the )W 7th day
of Augutt, ivo.
IIAI'.L T. NOLAN. Kagtaur
limbrr Mad. AaAJua J. 7-
V H. Land offietj, The DaUe, Orrgou,
May to, iyx,j
Notice I hrrrby glirea llftt III oMtdiaiH'e wlh
the provialou of llir AdvlQmitttm of June J,
C-t. Ntrtled, "An ad fortaa tWleoftlMiUerlaud
lite atate of Lalif.runt, Oieifotl. Nevada. IhI
Wavhlngtoa Ternn iy " 01 cxIeiuUtl to all llw
pwbHc land Male. ,y Act of ujra! 4, ,
Nit Joint Kajlir,
of Walker, county or aw, Male of Mlmieaoln.
ha oh Jan je, iwj fitnl In (Id office Id woril
Maleutent Nu law, fi,r the pure ue of the awK
UH, H aartf awl nwi; iwlftwy, lit ta, r 10 e.
w 111, awl will offcr pi Mif bi bfw tlutt the land
OMght U mere valmiMe fbr. fla llmtier or ttoac
than for agrleultural purpOHa, and to eotauIWi
hi claim to wid laml cibfe M. R Illgg, U. n.
CtMaaiiaeioner, al I'mievOfe, Oregon, on Tuce.
ufl.wMNnii 1.. f iiiivTtuv, trtwkwil,
day, In 111I1 day of AiigiHU Itnj.
fie name a wilnrMr; if Li iiage,
on, John Slcemort, John I)f ktiu, of
l.oU Nel
Ikiul, Oie-
Any awl all nrraon clulirtlnif odveraely the
alioveHleacribefl land are roriueetrd In hie their
cbilut in tbU affile on ar btfirc the uld nth day
ofAiiguat, 1901,
lCIIAl'.L T NOLAN, HegUlcr.
Homeatead Coiiolilatl
Mud office at The )!Ie, Oregon,
.May H, iq
Nellee l hereby given that the fotluwlug
named ketllar have fiir notice of Intention lu
make final proof 011 tliclr rosptftlvetlaliiniUfiire
J. J. Smfth, Cmiuly ( lrrk, at mfievjllc, Mrvgou,
011 Halunlay, July 11, iy.j, vln
OltOKOIf I). TAYLOK, of fllnter. Orcgoni
On hoiiimtrad apiillcqllott No 7211, for the
UJ( es 6, lp is , r 1 1, WM.
HltNBV W. CAKI.IN, ofPIlr, Oregonj
.On liomeMtad applleatteu No 719, for the
fitt'Jf e4, p,, vi'L
Vlliiei cryile JoIiiimxi'. f MThoma. John
Taylor, Henry WCatllii and Oeorgc JJ Taylor,
all of fiittcm. Oregon
Jj-Jw MICIIAKI, T, NOLAN, Kcglxter,
Z. F.
General Comniissioit
Prompt intention pahl to those who favor mc with their patronage.
ShanikoPrineville Stage Line
Leave Shnniko 6 p. in. Arrive Princville 6 a. in.
' Princville i p. m. " Shnniko i a. in.
First-Class Accommodations for the Traveling Public
SA11TI! &
Wholesale and Retail Liquor House
Finest llrnttil.t of l.litior ntiil Clears. Two Doors South of llnnW.
Carrying U. S. mail and passengers.
Leaves Princville .Mondays, Wcdnosdnys nnd Priday.s. tiHi6lKhf1niiil'4"
PiiFsenguti wnyhitlcd for Haul, Litvn,- Ho.slund, nnd Silver Lake. Good
rlKR, Csrcfnl drivers.
C. I. WINNKK. Aent. '
General Merchandise,
Groceries, Clothing,
Furnishing: Goods
Hamilton Stables
Stock boarded by the tiny, week or month.
Pine Teams and Rigs, and Reasonable Rates. ,
Kirat-qlass I'ncilitifei fbf Hniidlinjf Locators nnd Commorcml Travelers.
Quick Service and Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Cotafeia Southern Hotel.
nATjjs imoto j.50 up pkk day,
Hot and cold water on both floors1 13nth.s for the use of guests.
Kvory tubdorn coiivolileliee nt hand,
ThU dillillg room, under thtf dil-cct Htipct.Vi.sIon of Mr. Ko.euey, h a
Vefy model of tastsful, spqjlesj olognnco, arid the .service is equal to any
in the statd
All stages arrlvo-at and. lo.iv& tint- CQlutnbin tS'fJIlthenl.
Forwarding Merchant
Cash Store
& Medby Feed Barn
J f,W KHIINHV, Proprietor.
,jzizt "fc"cri