The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 05, 1903, Image 1

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NO. 12.
Comprehensive Review of llio Import
ant Happenings of tl)0 Past Week,
Presented In Concerned Form, Mo
Likely to Prove Interesting to Onr
Many Readers.
Tho acnornl Presbyterian Assembly
linn tinniilrnuiialy ndopted tho rovlsed
Tho "Oo-botwocn" of Mnclton tuny
tin allowed to torn states' ovlilonco In
tho poitnt dcnmlal.
Tho plague now rnRltiR nt tqulquo.
Chile, was hrnuRht thcro In n cargo
of rlco from Imlln.
Tho International Telegraph Con
foranco linn opened In loni!on. (Jon
owl Urcoloy represents tho United
A. Undnu hns been awarded $10,000
dnmnges nKftlnn Now Yorlc City for
tho death of hU non by nn explosion of
Ex-Postmaster Mllno. nt Taclabnn.
P I. lit accused of stealing not only
$200 In coin, but tho 400-pound anfo
of tho office
Joioph llnlloy. of Olon Fnlls. N. V..
has greatly surprised tho med cnl
world ly UvInK l monthn with n bul
lot In hU lirnln.
Tho Btenmor Oconnlc. from I.Ivor
pool to I-ondon, hns posted n notlco
wnrnlng Its pnssnnKora to bownro of
Buro-thlng gamblers.
Four men woro bndly Injured, one
porhnps fntnlly, In n stampede that
followed tho liurnlnK of a fuso In n
Ilrooklyn ntrcct-car.
A thlof In tho gulso of n servant
robbod tho rcsldonco bf Ch-orgo II.
Morgan, of Now York City, of bric-a-brac,
sliver nnd objects of art valued
at $10,000.
Rentals amounting to $1,000,000 n
year will bo clnlmcd by property own
iri. In Orontor NeYork for tho o
of their houses na supports for telo
grnph wires.
Ily threatening to kill any man who
dared to open tho doors of n com
partment In tho North IUvcr tunnel,
Superintendent Hrmly ttaved IiIh own
llfo nnd tho Uvea of 14 othor men, nnd
provontcd tho flooding of tho tunnel.
Thotnaa A. Edison haa been takon
Into tho Mnrconl WurolcsB Telegraph
Compnny, na n momber of Its board ol
technical dlrectora. Tho arrange
menta uiidor which Edison nnd Max
conl Join forcea nro not made public.
Tho Wnr Dopartmont U conaldorlnR
n plan to kIvo graduatoa of mllltnry
achoola 12 or 16 good positions, each
year, In tho I'hlllpplno conitnbulary.
it t iwinnlil Mnlillimu. thn French so
ciologist. In n Iccturo nt ChlcnRo.
termed tho American conogo iiruiu
or aa "n hired mnn In n cage."
OrcRon will recelvo $910,001 from
tho national Irrigation fund.
Tho gcnoral l'ruabytorlan nssombly
fltrongly donouncoB Mormonlam.
Llbornla wilt try to forco Ilrltaln to
iihow hor hand on preferential tariff.
Iluaala haa taken Htopa to punish
ihoso taking part In tho Jewish mas
uacrco. Tho llrothorhood of Hallway Train
men haa voted to Increaao Ita atrlko
fund to $300,000.
In n flKht with lnurgonta on tho la
land of Coini. tho Amorlcan aoldlora
hilled 08 rebels and captured 29.
Tho man who forged J. Plorpont
Tdorgnn'a namo for largo Bums of
tnonoy In Londnn,haa beou nrrcatcd.
Flvo Chlnoao woro captured nt Huf
falo, N. Y.. whllo trying to mako their
way Into tho United States from Can
ttdn. A gna oxploslon In n conl mlno near
Pittsburg roBultod In tho death of four
won nnd tho aorloua Injury of two
' Two Italians woro lclllod nnd 18 In
Jurod In n, collision between iv freight
trnln nnd Bovoral box enra nt Colum
bus, Ohio.
Frost has dono gront damage to gar
den truck ubout Manchostor, N. II.
Olanilorfi hns cnusod tho death of n
colored Btnblomnn nt Nownrk, N. J.
Tho contract has boon lot for rock
with which to oxtond tho Columbia
rlvor Jotty.
After burning two months, tho flro
nt tho (Unco Hay (N. B.) colllory ban
boon put out.
Navy Dopartmont will order no more.
Hhlpa to Ilromorton navnl yard until
urothola nro closed.
Flvo oloctrlo shockB woro nocesBnry
to causo tho doath of A. Trlola, nn lta
Han murdoror, at Sing Sing, N. Y.
Earthquake In Astatic Turkey Destroys
Town and Kills 2,000 People.
Constantinople, Mny 30. Advices
whloh ronchod hero todny from Asi
atic Turkey show that n torrlblo
onrthqunko occurred April 29 nt Mol
nzRherd, In tho vllnyot of Van. 80
mllea southonst of Erxoroum, on tho
Euphrates. Tho town was totally de
stroyed with lta entire population,
numbering 2000 nouls, Including 700
Armonlnns, na well ns troopa forming
the garrison of Molaxghnrd. Ovor
400 buildings In neighboring villages
A somowhat Bcvoro enrthquako wnB
folt hero thin morning, but no serloua
damego was done.
Shock Lasts Thirty Second.
London. Mny 30. Tho forolgn Of
flco hero today received some details
from tho Ilrltlsli Consul at Erxeroum
reenrdlng tho recent enrthquako nt
MclnxRhnrd, according to which n
slrong shock, lasting 30 soconds. was
l. ... it. n mnrnlnB nt Atlrll 29
throuRhout tho ontlro district botwtK'n
Lake Van anil mo lllinninn inraiiur
nml as far West n Khnrfnit.
Thn town of Melaxgherd. consist
ing of 600 house, was destroyed, nnd
!..... . w vnf III In Him sill''
llllll'll liniin. "" "".. ... -"",-,
rounding vlllagos. Colonel Klialll
Hoy. commanding tho garrison of Mel
...i, --I will. Ilia wtinln fniiillv throe
ofllcera 'nnd eighty soldlera pcrlshetl
in too ruins. i,imiimiiivv.uiumi ...
id liov. whoso family perished, bo-
cntno Insano.
Tho tulegrapn operator who sum
l. ........ nt tlm r-n In at rnnlln Knld he
himself was bndly Injured, nnd that
his wiro anil Bister nau ucch mra.
ti, ttrniim nfflrn hns annealed
for subscrlptjina for the relief of the
UCStllUtO OI IIIO OTWIBlRliuiu iiinimi.
United States, In Miniature, Will Show
the Products of I!ch State.
St. lmls. Mny 30. On tho south
ern slopo of tho hill that fronts the
I'hlllpplno. exhibit, tho Department of
Agrlculturo U waking a. mop of tho
Unltod StntcB to cover 5.1 acres of
ground. Consldorablo work hns al
ready been dono hero by David A.
Hrodle. superintendent of tho open
air exhibit of tho Hureau of Plant In
dustry of tho Department of Agricul
ture, who hns been In St. !ouls Blnco
early Hprlng In chnrgo of tho map
Mr Hrodlo nnd his nsslstnnts nrc
laboriously drawing on tho ground tho
InRgcd coast lino of tho United States.
Starting at Orogon ho hna hlrcndy
reached Pensacola, Fin., nnd In.n few
dnya ho will hnvo finished tho coast
lino. Then will como tiio drawing of
tho dividing lino between tho statea.
-rim nniim flvn ncrPM has been under
laid with wooden drains to carry off
tho surface water. Products grown
by each ntnto will bo exhibited nt uioir
prpoor plnco on tho map.
World'B Fair Commissioner Crldlor
cnblcd from St. Petersburg, Ilussln,
ns follows:
"Heservo alto for Russian pavilion
nmong thoso of tho gront nations, sub
ject to tho npprovnl of the CommlB-slonor-Oenornl.
who will nrrlvo nt 8t.
I.ouIh In July."
Iowa Tornado Completely Wiped Ou
One Town.
Dos MolnoB, la., May 29. Whon
wlro communication with tho Interior
towns waa oponod up today It bocamo
apparent that yesterday's tornado
caused far grcator loss than was at
flrat roportod. A report cany toaay
from notna, Sholby county, rocolvod
by way of Audubon, aava that tho
town of Ilotna waa completely demol
ished, ond that many farm houses
nenr that piaco woro wrocKou. m
notna a largo church and tho (Iront
Wostorn Depot aro among tho build
Inga known to have boon wrecked.
No doflnlo news of casulltoa from
tlioro hnd been rocolvod up to 11
o'clock todny.
At Crodton ten dwellings woro
blown off tholr foundation, nnd Mrs.
S, 13. Troop nnd dnughtor woro In
jured In tho wreckago of tholr homo.
Ton mllos north of a ray, In Audu
bon county, two chlldron nro roport
od ldllod in tno wrecking or n rnrm
houso nnd flvo othora sorioualy In
jured, All woro occupants of ono
Modoca Still Long for Oregon.
Washington. May 30' An Indian
Inspector hns boon ordered to Qunpnw
Indian Agency, In Indian Territory; to
invostlgato tho dissatisfaction of tho
Modoo Indiana who havo oxprossod a
doatro to return to tholr old homo In
tho KInmnth reservation, In Oregon
Ho will ondoavor to porBimdo tho mal
contonts to postpono tholr departure
until Congroda can provldo for thorn.
Hesd of Prce Delivery Service Is Alleged
to Have Received $19,000 as a
olf on Patent Letter Uox Pastener
Praud Was Discovered AccWentslly
Others Implicated.
Wiinhlnfftnn. Mnv 29-Dy tar tho
most sensational development of tho
nostofflco Investigation up to this
tlmo occurrod todny, when Augustus
w. Mnchcn. tho general BUperlntcn-
iii.nt nf tho free delivery flcrvlco, was
nrrested on a wnrrnnt Issu'od upon tho
information of nostofrico Inspectors
chnrelnK him with having rccolved
"rakc-offa'. from contrncU mnde with
tho local firm of Oroff Hros., for a
nntont nostalbot fastenor. The war
rant Bpcclflcnlly charges him with re
ceiving $18,981.78 slnco August 8,
mnn i. i. niiniriiit nt tho department.
however, that this nmount docs not
roprcscnt all tnni .muchuu UUi...t
from his contracta, It being charged
!.. ... nrnflimi hv them for several
yeaw prior to tho dato of tho first
contract mentioned In tho warrant
Other arrests nro to follow.
Immcdlntely after Air. mcuvn o
..i iin niiiiuiv Mm Postmaster-
IIIKU1I llllt. "'" - ,
Oencrnl Issued nn order removing
him from omco. Ho hnd been practi
cally under suspicion for a fortnight;
ponding invcsiiRauon into
Tho dlscovory of Machcn's alleged
ii...i. In ttin rnntraetM WBS madO
qulto accidentally by tho Inspectors
somo thrco wcoks ago, mm .
.!.. tl.nlv nnnrlrln hnil DCCn UlrCCtCO
toward making out n case. Last night.
after tho authorities nan uccuum i
vlnced thnt they woro In possession
of tho necessary ovldcnco, Mr. Macn
en was notified to appear nt tho de
partment thin morning. Ho did so.
and wan subjected to n "sweating
process by tno inspectors atm ueunm
Hrlstow for thrco hours, but no ndmls
slons that ho had prontdJ,bjabQcoti:
...i. m1.i Iva MniirArl frnm him. II
dccllnod to answer many questions.
on tho grounil tnai inoy rcmiu-u iu n
prlvato business, but Insisted to tho
end that ho had not rc'colvcd a cent
Spanish War Veterans are Freely Asking
Government Aid.
Washington, Mny 29. Pension
Commissioner Wnro calls attention,
ns did hla predecessor, to tho fact that
n greater proportion of tho voternns
of tho Spanish Wnr havo applied for
pensions than did tho veterans
of any previous wnr of tho Unit
ed Statea In n llko plirlod follow
ing tho closo of n National conflict.
Most of tho nppllcntlono on fllo come
frnm mnmbora of the volunteer rcg
Imcnta, CG.436 applications of this
class now bolng of record, nnd all
filed since tho closo of tho Spanish
In round numbers, over 22 nor cent
of tho men who enlisted for service
In tho war with Spain hnvo this early
applied for pensions. Out of tho to
tal number or clalma filed, 67.046 aro
known na "Invalid" clalmB. filed by
tho mon thoms'olves. and 8390 aro
"widows and dopondonta." Thcro
havo boon allowed to data 9881 In
valid pensions nnd 31G0 widows nnd
dependents, whllo 18,186 clalma have
boon rejected.
New applications aro being filed
dally by tho hundreds, and tho Indica
tions aro that by tho closo of tho pres
ent yoar nearly 60 per cent of tho men
who woro enrolled on tho army lists
during tho brief war Avlll havo ap
plied to tho government for n pouslon.
This high porcontago Is said by tho
department to bo duo to tho 'activity
of pension nttornoys. Thoao attor
neys havo boon nctlvo among tho
mon who Borvcd olthor in Cuba or In
tho Philippines nnd especially so
with widows or dopondent rela
tives of thoso who woro killed or died
in tho Borvlco. Thoy havo Induced
many men to fllo clnlniB whon thoro
was lio chanco of securing nn allow
nnco. but In tho hope of securing a
Hinnll feo for their protendod service
Tho high rnto of rejections htghor
by far than tho rato of allowances In
dlcntcn tho clnBB of clalma that have
bcon tiled.
Nine are Killed Outright,
nianchnrd, Iowa, May 28. A most
destructlvo and fatal tornado struck
tho town of Elmo. Mo., eight miles
south of Dlnnchard, and Junt across
tho Missouri Btnto lino, nt 6 o'clock
this ovonlng. Nino porsona woro kill
ed outright nnd flvo woro Injured,
somo of whom may dlo.
Many People are Driven Vtfitn Their
Humes Wheat Crops Ruined.
Snllna, Knn., Mny 20. This city Is
tonight tho scene of tho worst flood In
Its history, fully 100 families having
been driven from tholr homes, nnd the
extent of tho damngo Is estimated to
bo hundreds of thousands of dqllars.
Another heavy rain fell tonight, mak
ing four Inches or rain that has fall
en hero during tho last 24 hours. Tho
northwostern portion of tho city is
entirely submerged, and women and
children woro rescued from their
homes In boats.
Tho Missouri Pacific grado on tho
west in holding back a largo and
threatening body of water. If tho
water succeeds in crossing the tracks,
tho entlro western portion of tho town
will bo under water.
A passenger train on tho Lincoln
branch of tho Union Pacific Is held be
tween two washouts two mllos north
of hero. Tho passengcra were
brought to this city on handcars. Tho
union Pacific tracks for thrco miles
west of hero aro washed out, and all
through trains nro running over the
Ilock Island from Lincoln Junction,
Colo., to Manhattan, Kan. Tho Union
Pacific station hero Is surrounded by
wator and tho railroad yards are
Tho entire district for miles north
west and southwest from tho station
Is flooded. Aa far aa tho oyo can
reach, tho wheat fields have boon
transformed Into great- lakes of rag
ing water. Crops aro ruined and
homes deserted.
Montana Legislature In Special Session
Makes Appropriation.
Helcnn, Mont, May 2C (Special.)
Tho Eighth Legislative Assembly
assembled hero today in extraordinary
session, at tho call of Governor Toole,
for tho purpose of making an appro
priation for Montana's representation
at tho Louisiana Purchase and the
Lewis and Clark Expositions, In SL
Louis and Portland, respectively. In
1904 and 1905.
Doth houses met In Joint session
shortly afor 11 o'clock and listened to
the reading orCovernor Toolo'a .mes
sage, which stated that thcro socmen
to bo a general demand for a display
of tho state's products and resources
at theso Expositions, henco his call
for an extra session.
neforo tho day was over three bills
had been introduced and passed ap
propriating $50,000 for St. Louis. $10.
000 for tho transfer of this exhibit
from St. Louis to Portland, and $15.-
000 additional fox tho maintenance of
the Stnto Capitol and grounds. De
fore midnight tho session had been ad
journed alno die.
New Hampshire Dlaxe Causes a Loss
ol $400,000.
Laconln. N. II.. May 2C Nearly 100
buildings havo been burned, 350 per
sons nro homeless and a loss between
$350,000 r.nd $400,000 hns been caused
by n flro in tho Lakeport section, the
area burned over being about 15
acres. Tho flro started In a boiler
room of tho II. II. Wood hosiery mill.
Tho flames spread brlsMy. and In n
very short time, under tho Influence
of n brisk southeast wind, tho entire
structuro was burning. Next It
spread to tho flnlshod-lumbor plant of
tho Houlla & Gorrell Co., and then to
tho works of tho Laconla Electric
Light Company. In less than nn hour
both theso plants wero destroy
ed. Tho city flro department was
helpless to stay the progress of the
flames, and destruction went on until
tho flro actually burned Itself out for
want of material,
Secret Service Men Find Judges Pro.
mating; Peonage In the South.
Washington, May 20. At tho re
quest ot tho Dopartmont ot Justice
tho Unltod Statea Secret Service has
undertaken an investigation of tho
chnrgo of peonage or holding another
tn Borvltudo to work out a debt, which
hns boon mado against persons living
In tho vicinity of Montgomery, Ala.
Ono man, named Itobort N. Franklin,
has nlrondy been Indicted for kcoplng
a Negro In servitude, and Information
In tho hands of Chlof Wlnklo tends to
show that a regular system has been
practiced botweon certain magistrates
and poraonB who want Negro laborers.
Tho plan la to bring n poor Negro
boforo n magistrate on a flimsy
charge Ho Is convicted, and the
whlto man offer to ndvanco him tho
monoy provided tho Negro will make
n labor contract with him for n
length ot tlmo Bufllclont to rolmburso
him for tho monoy and troublo ho has
taken to keep tho Negro out ot Jail.
Tho Negro la thereupon takon away,
and begins what is frequently a long
term of cruol servitude
Twenty Others More or Less Seriously
Injured Several Towns Visited by
Storm and Every Building- In Irs Path
Blown to Pieces Heavy Financial
Hastings, Neb., May 27. A scries of
heavy storms, two of which developed
Into tho worst tornadoes that havo
visited Southern Nebraska for years,
passed over portions of Clay, Franklin
and Kearney counties last evening.
Fifteen persons nro known to have lost
their lives, 20 odd wero moro or les
seriously Injarcd, and a number of
others received minor Injuries. Every
dwelling and outbuilding In tho path
of tbo tornado was blown to pieces,
and tho financial loss thus far account
ed will reach about $ 00,000.
Near Norman, at tbo homo of Daniel
McCurdy, a number of relative and
friends wero spending tho day, and not
an Inmate escaped death or serious
Injury. Two miles south of Upland
German Lutheran services were being
held In a school house, when tha
storm struck and demolished St, kill
ing four of tho occupants, Including
tho minister, and Injuring a number of
Tho storm was equally destructive
at Fairfield, but the people were
warned of Its coming and sought col
lars for safety. Six dwellings wero
blown to pieces at that place, but
their occupants escaped Injury, with
a few exceptions.
Repetition of Recent Acct4cal May Oc
cur at Any Time.
Ottawa, Ont, May 27. Messrs. IL
W. Drock and R. P. McConnell, tho
geologists who wero sent to report on
tho causo of the landslide at Turtle
Mountain, which wiped out the town
of Frank, have submitted a prelimi
nary reoort to Blr William Mullock.
acting minister of the Interior. -iis3&
Mr. McConnell estimates that be-
twecn 60.000,000 and 80,000.000 tons
of rock fell, tho dobrla of which
covers almost two square miles. The
lido Is attributed to tho steepness of
tho mountain and tho ahattorcd con
dition of tho rock. This waa due to.
"faulting" and crushing of tho rock
during tho process of mountain build
ing. Heavy rainfalls pouring through
tho fissures tended to open them still
The accident waa locally hastened
by a creep In tho coal mlno which
caused a Jar. Tho mountain where
the slip took place Is very badly frac
tured and is now supping down con
tinuously In small pieces. Thero is
danger of another slide, as somo ot
Uio fractures extend back 600 or 600
feet from tho faco, and If theso were
to open another bulk would como
Mr. McConnelLtblnka that thoro will
always bo moro or less risk In living
at Frank and that tho peoplo should
movo as soon as possible.
Oklahoma in Track ot Storm Injuries
to People are Few.
Oklahoma City, O. T., May 26. Last
night a tornado struck tho town ot
Carmen and destroyed ono-thlrd ot
tho place P. F. Drown, of Wichita,
waa instantly killed by flying timber
and Mrs. Wismlller fatally injured.
Twenty peoplo wore moro or leas In
jured. Tho Methodist church was set on
top of tho parsonage, whero it re
mains and can be seen tor mllea.
Tho dwellings ot J. P. Atterbury
and Robort Payno were demolished.
Mrs. Atterbury was carried 50 feet
but not aoriou8ly Injured, while her
son and daughter wero dangerously
hurt. Orchards and crops were dam
aged severely. Tho Arkansas rlvor la
on n rampage aa a result of tho heavy
rains. Tho town of Kaw City is prac
tically under water, many farmers liv
ing in tho bottoms near Ponca' Ctty
and Nowklrk having been compelled
to leavo their homes. Fields and
cropd are submerged, numerous
bridges havo bcon washed away, and
traffic Is blocked.
Locomotive Boiler Explodes.
Erie, Pa., Moy 27. Whllo passing
Mny'a aiding on a hill west of Kano
today, tho boiler on one -of tho loco
motives pushing a Philadelphia &
Erie freight train exploded, killing
ono man and Injuring tour others,
three porhaps fatally.
Tho crown Bhoot of tho bollor wan
blown through tho caboose, splitting
tho cabooso In two. Tho Injured, ex
cept tho engineer and flroman, were
In tho cabooso.