The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 29, 1903, Image 6

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A Bsautiful Young Sooioty
Woman's Letter.
8r. i'wi.. Mikm.I
Ml Wuhmlm SI. I
Dr. Hnrtman, Columbui, O.,
"I too'c Poruna lost sum
mer whon I wnsnll run down,
and had n hcadocho and back
actio, and no ambition (or
anythlnr. I now fojl ns well
as I ovor did In alt my llfo,
and all thanks Is duo to your
excellent Peruna." Uojs l;.
Tho symptoms of Mimmcr ca
tarrh are mnto unlike In illlVerout
rases, but the most common ouch
are rationd ImMtiule, played-out,
tired-out, mel-u, run-down
feeling, combined willt more or
ie nortvv. sunt iii. inuoxv ment
al condition. KelUli Tor food
and tlie ability to fowl
seems to bo lost.
Nkm rruptlnuj, .'allow com
plexion, illlouMitw, conted
tongue, fitful, irregulnr sleep,
help to coiiiitcto the picture
which Is bo common nt tilts
lVruim so exactly meets nil
the.- condition that the ilemnml
is so great Tor this remedy nt this
evnuu of tho year that It Is notir
ly impossible to supply It.
Ifyoudouot reccUopminpt nud
satisfactory results from tho uc
of lVnina, write tit once lo Dr.
llnrtman, giving n ftill ntntcmoiit
o( your com.', anil ho will ho itlcn.-
ed to give you his vuliiuhlu mlrico
.IWtT,-. J't. ,ltll llllllll. 1 HTf
dent ofThe llnrtman tiaiiltnrluni
Columbus, Ohio.
India's Area Not Large.
India's area is a little mora
. one-half of tho United States.
St local application!, m thej cannot reach too
..diseased lorllon ol tbe ear. There Is only one
nay to euro dralnest, anil that Ii by conitlto
tlontt remedies. Deafness la caused by an In
flamed condition ot tbe mucous Its lgottbe
Xustacbian To be. Whsn this tub e,ets in
lliroed jou have a rumbling sound ov Imper
fect bearing, and when It la tntlrslrcloeed
desf nets la tho retail, and unlee. lha tnflamma
tlon can bo taken out ami this tub ret fired to
lis normal condition, hearing wlllbedestroTed
forever; nine cases out ot teo arecausedby
catarrh, which ii nothing but an Inflamed
condition of toe mucous surfaces.
We will giro On Hundred Dollars for any
-casoof Deafness (causeil by catarrh) that can
not bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cars. Bend tor
.circulars, bey j cnENEV & CQ TAtd0f a
Bold by Druxf lits. "bo
ilall's raauly Pills are tbe beat.
Best Time for Literary Work.
The beiil time for literary work, ac
cording to Tolstoi, is between tbo hours
ot 0 a. tn. and 3 p. m.
Modern Warfare.
Ileus What would you do if you
wore in my shoes?
Teis Well, I think it would be me
to go to the shoemaker and bare them
cut down to my size.
Alfalfa Seed from Russia.
G. 8. Mann, ot Portland, Oregon,
has received from the Russian Govern
ment a quantity ot the famous Turke
stan alfalfa seed, fcnd expects to Itn-
' port more, as tho farmers and stock
I men of Oregon aud the Northwest be-
come acquainted w.,h tlio great pro
ductiveness and splendid food valuo ot
'this alfalfa. Those interested should
addreas Mr. Mann at his Portland
store, 188 Front Street.
A Possible Obstacle.
Clara Ot course you will be nt
church Easter morning?
Allco Yes, unless tho cook wantii
to ko. Detroit Free Press.
Intareatliisr Hole Where Much FrcaUe
of Nature Wouldn't lie nitepecteit,
At n spot eleven mile noiithcnta of
this place In the level prrtlrle tipliiud
Is nn opetiluit nboitt forty fet't In illmn
etrr nml sixty In depth, snys tbu Oklu
htiiuii Htnto Cnpltot. Hy clltiuttiK to Its
rocky nud precipitous walls n person
limy descend to the bottom nud tlioto
II nil the opwiliiKH to two unves, ouu
lending weatwurd mid the other to tbu
east. For years this envo Ims been
known ns Hock I'rnlrlc enve. It Is one
of the most strlktui; imtiiml i'urloHlrs
In the Chlckimnw untloii. The cures
are of tiiiknowti leni;tli iind throucli
one malies n auhterninenn siren in of
Kreut depth In plnces mid Icy coldness.
Kxplorlut; imrtlea Imve veiilured into
these labyrinths for hundreds of ynrds,
but the diiiiKtr of becoiultiK lost bus
prevented n thorough exnmlnntlon ot
the tiudiTurouiid pnssnues.
The cave lendlui; westward I enslent
of nccens nud contains n number of i
apneiuus ehnutberx. The room Is iibout
70 feet Kiinre nml Ml feet from the
lloor to the celling, The tloor Is oln I
Htrucled with hucc bowlders. The
darkness nud stillness are Intense, I'le
ulc parties noiuotlmiM go there, nml.
with large bowlder for n table, ent
their luncheons In the glare of torches
that cast uncanny shadows along the
massive walls.
Timid person, hesitate In venturing
Into the depths of the enstern envc
The piiMsnge stunts downward nt an
angle thnt compels the explorer to
crawl and slip and slide for nearly 100
feel iK'fore reaching a spot where m '
persou may stnnd upright nud walk
safely. Froia tho darkness echoes
the sound of rushing wntcr, which
Inter Is round In be a stream which
runs from 8 to 30 feet In width and
from tl Inches to many fo't In depth.
Men have waded In the stream until
the water reached their chins nud then
gotio In n boat to points where they
were unable to touch bottom with the
longest oars. A fanner carried his
boat Into the cave several years ago to
follow the stream to the end. At a
depth estimated to bo '-'00 feet below
the surface or the ground I a natural
bridge formed by a huge stone that fell
across the stream. The water plunges '
underneath this bridge like n mill rnce.
A boat can be pulled over tho bridge, J
however, and launched on the othsri
side. About 100 feet below the bridge
the stream widens Into a broad, deep,
pool, with a high, vnulled roof. Ileati
t If ill stnlagmltes aud stalactites adorn
this chamber. Two hundred reet below
this pool the passage Is difficult. It
Is claimed Hint this cave has been ex
plored for a mile.
The stream Is believed to find Its out
let nt a spring abour three mltra from
the entrance to the cave. The sprint;
Is of great alxe and volume and flows
with remarkable swiftness. In the
rainy seaaon' the spring bolls and
gushes ns If choked with a flood of
water that pours from Its mouth. The
stream In Dock Prnlrle envo rises when I
there la a heavy rainfall In the sur
rounding country and tho Increased
flow of both springs and stream nt '
such times Is taken as evidence that
they are connected.
Methodist University Is Planned.
I Hilltop McCnbo, ot tho Methodist
.Episcopal church, lifts rxllolled tho aid
ot Plorpant Morgan In tlio erection of
tho proposed American university nt
Washington. It Is mid that Mr.
Morgan views tho project with favor,
"The Klean, Knot Kitchen Kind" nt stoves
keep you clean ami cool, rirtuiomlcal ami al
ways ready. Hold at good stove Mures,
With True I'emlnlns Aim.
Bho-I killed two birds with ono
stono ye (onlay,
Ho Imleedf I nuppotn you throw It
at a dog?'
Ultima. Sold br OruuliK. I
nncnsoN MAOHtftatY oo.
(HiiecvMors In John Tools)
I'oat ot MorrUon Hlrett, IVrtUml, Orrgvn
With us for Haw Mill and Htiluvln Mill Ma.
rhlimry. Wind Mill and llalns rump, Kla
('ream Haparators, regular wire IM, now W,
Hprlui waa-uiii r). Hussy shads M.W.
j i itieken, ijiick unit ueeso leant g
era. Address lj
! 10thnntWavtB8i:.Porilnd.Or
wjxixicoiXMxf xiwvsiMxnsivifxixw''i' '
"Mr wife lil plmtile lier-faee, but
she has beeu luWlnir OASK'AUKTrt and they
hafe all dliapiwarad, J had bean troublsd
with constipation (or some time, but attar tak
Ins tha first Case re i i hatt had no trouble
with this ailment. We cannot speak loonljb.
ly of rasearata " rnan WaUTMAN,
He) Uertnaatonn Ave., 1'blladstils. 1'a,
Writ for 7
mHtt a '
Ttir phone rwnJSf
rsaos Uiss sseterseio
FlMasat. Palatable. -rtnl. Tail OonJ. tVl
Boai, rsfrstkea. Weakea or dm, lte,it.loa.
tiMi.f a.w crf, rsu-s. Hfj, s vs. tit
Mjrn.mgn'siieabf siidruc
P. N. U.
No. II 1 90 i.
Itr.N wrltlne; to advertisers pUaae
Mention this paper.
litis wun.l.rftil I'M
net doclor It eslle.)
Ileal beraiiu be euret
-u. wilbnui etera
Itn thai are slftn us
ladle, lie cure wllh
IhaM watlderrul CUI
nM b.ll, roambu.K.
baiss and .lhl.
thai aie entirely ue
kaawn in utedlt-sl !
m l n tins m i l lliiuuihllie u.eottho.e
bsrioleo. lemedles Mil leliiomilotliir knew,
be Milan ol titer tiuuiB.nm intetl. wblcb
heeurreululiy In illR.i.m imms, lie
sraMle lu rote ruarili. Milmis. lunj.
Ihrvai. rbeuinaluni, neivuutneM, siwnaeli.
Iier. kMuer, eie bMtiiiatlte.W aflMilnKHi.
Kit. t lietaes nixielsle. I sll and him. aul of I he eilr utile (arbtnnkiaad
r.rruutk, IWnd rntfn uin.a. IO.NXUU
1A1IU.A HIKI. Allllltrmn
lil', ThlrJ St., IStftUnJ, Urecon.
SS Meultou raper
Notmo o anoo rrr amour mbaqthc
It fiulu Hssi liy sea Kitpt thirn lijit. it csrts Recp, Oo'eu sm) Alt
Dticsiti, It itftit(thii vsseg thltVi, Md niiM tAemsrsw. rks23tA4X).
Mr thleiene romnwiwed tlflsf, iM ane lt fear tWee 1 fe.
ksM. kf e s( lr 1-IIUeaUN l-OULTRY IlKW hl'k elei-ped Ihttn
fraai)lt adlfcaeenuilrkerMU4eeri I ea reeotnMeod
itMlulajiiUneliliarlilapillr. O H, KlUUlK.Uuk, Wuk
I'OHTLANV 1KKU CO 1'arUaMil, Orifea, CeasS
The mirror nc'er flatters: It tells
truth, no matter how much it may hurt the
Tjridc or how humiliating and disagreeable
the reflections. A red, rough skin is fatal to
beautv. aud blackheads, blotches and pimples
Are ruinous to the complexion, and no wonder such
desperate efforts are made to hide these blemishes, and
cover over the defects, and some never etop to consider
the danger in skin foods, face lotions, soaps, salves
and powders, but apply tnetn vigorously anuoiten wim- 'd
out regatd to consequences, and many complexions
are ruined by the chemicals and poisons contained In these cosmetics.
Skin diseases arc due to internal causes, to humors and poisons in the
blood, and to attempt a cure by exter
nal treatment is an endless, fiopelesa
task. Some simple wash or ointment
is often beneficial when the skin is
much inflamed or itches, but you can't
depend upon local remedies for uerma
ncnt relief, for the blood is continually
throwing off impurities which irritate
and clog the glands and pores ol
the skin, and as long as the blood re
. mains unhealthy, just so long will the
eruptions last. To effectually and per
manently cure skin troubles the blood
must be purified and the system
thoroughly cleansed and built up, and
S. S. S., the well known blood purifier
and tonic, is acknowledged superior to
all other remedies for this purpose. It
is the only guaranteed strictly vegeta
ble blood remedy. It never deranges
4fi ftvfitim at imrtairs the dictation
like Potash and Arsenic and drugs of this character, but aids in the digestion
and assimilation of food and improves the appetite. Being a blood purifier
and tonic comDinea, me Humors ana poi
sons are counteracted and the blood made
rich and pure, and at the same time the
general health and system is rapidly built
up and good health is established, and
this, after all, is the secret of a smooth,
soft skin and beautiful complexion.
If you have any skin trouble send for our free book, "The Skin and It!
Diseases.". No charge for medical advice. Write us about your case.
Osrteravllle, Oa., B. II. Ko. Ii.
X saffsred or a number of years
with a eevere Xtettte-raab.
About twelve years ago Z started
ualnr a. 8 8., and after taklnr three
bottUe I felt myself eured sujd hare
since taken a bottle oesaalonally,
ana had little or no trouble slona
that line. My treneral health has
bean better elnca. Z recommend,
U. B. H. as a rood blood medlelno and
all round tonlo, Vours truly,
Krs. X. I. X'lTXA&D.
Boms two years atro Z suffered St
(Treat deal, oauasd on account of bad
blood. Urn all rash or pimples broke
ont over ray body and kept setting
worse day r day for over a year.
Veeiusr a. 8. a. advertised in the pa.
pars an bavins; heard also It bad
cured several people In this city,
eonelnded to give it a fair trial.
After using; the medicine for so mo
time, taklar in all six bottles, Z was
entirely cured. ,
1080 Olay Street, Psducab, Jty.
Iters ami licit Clover.
Select strains of Italian bees work !
under certain circumstances on the i
blossoms of common red clover, partlc-
ularly of tho second crop, the corollas '
of the Istier being shorter than those !
of the first crop, at least In most cases.
Csrulolan bees also work on these bios ,
soma. Had the iwttno care been be
stowed upon the Cnrulolati race In the
wax selection of brerillue material
during the past forty yenrs that hns
been given to the Italian race no doubt
select strnlns now exist which
would work to a greater extent on red
clover than the best bred Italians,
Tbo longest tonirued honeybees, '
however, are the Cyprlnn race, ami
these work the most freely on red clo
ver under such conditions as any beet
will work on this plant All honey.1
bees whenever seen working on bios-
soma aro distributing pollen, of course,
and effcctlm: the pollination of the pis-1
tils. Yet the main pollinators of red
ciover are sun wild Decs, especially
those of the genua bombus, the com
mon bumblebee.
J e 'C.
SaSh "if tf JlSTk. ".
tBssssssf yPsssssPJW sssfc t5q
..Scarcely a Dmy..
I'aiMis Inn we sf called upon tn rform
(nine dlltlriilt dental oratlou that Is
il.e dim t remit ul neglecting- Urn teeth
Wernnnot urge too ilriiiigljr the boneill
and economy of consulting a dentin at
thoverr rlrst sign of tooth trouble At
the siart these troubles are corrected
quickly and at smalt eut Our molhods
am inlces end our work guaranteed
Hoth phonal' Oregon Niulh li,
Columbia UW, Open evenings till v
buuusrslroin lo U
essssB. SJe'BSSSSsl
Ut V A ! A UT, lil',niM
WISE BROS., Dentists. aaWiVSklafi1
l-OKTLANU. UltKtllltf.
Tlio Ileattns: of tho Heart.
A person tvbo has Irsad seventy
years has bad passed through his
heart about U75.02O tons of blood, the
whole of tbe blood In the body pass
ing through tbe heart In about thirty
two beats. Tbe heart beats on an aver
age seventy times a minute, or 86,
703.000 times In the course of a year,
so that tbe heart of an ordinary man,
80 years of e, has beaten 8,000,000,.
000 times. The heart beats ten strokes
a minute less wben ona Is lying down
than when one Is In an upright posl
tlon. Personal Observation.
"Do you think that riches bring hap
piness" said tbe philosopher.
"Beyond a doubt," osswered Sen
ator Borgtjum. "I cnu point out a
number of members of the legislators
who bavo been made happy by ray
money." Washington Btar.
A woman's Idea of a convenient
house Is one that has tbrco closets m
each room.
cost ot operation
very itm.
Not Running
A um Earner
can Be siancd in
o second
con Be sioppcd
In a second
X Money saver
First and Stark SU.
l'OUTLANI), Oil.
Ever Rcody
810 Market Strut 136 So. Los Angeles SI