The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 29, 1903, Image 5

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mm row over wmrii paint.
Difficulty Over tlio Jolt on (ho Now
ScIiooIIioiihc. i
The 1 lei id kcIkioI honid litis
tnntblcH Unit lliruuUiu to fjet Into
tliu cotwtM, Tliuru ure two bono of
coiitOlitloti, one the iHilnliiiK of the
Nchoollmttw mid the other the
tuncliur'n milwry wild survic. Two
niuiulwrn, Cliiilriiuiii Awbiey mid
Director Cottor, Ntnud toKulhur and
eonstltuttt h miijorlty of the Ixmnl,
Dlicutor WMem prolwUi uuHvnllliiK
ly. Tliw cUrk. IJoimltl l'. StulTn,
NtduH Willi tlm majority. The dim
ngrtHsmeut rtgnrdinK closing the
school ami paying the teacher won
m. forth hut week in the account of
th .school meeting which npptmred
in The llullctln. An to the print
lug of the mrhoolhottw, the difficulty
is presented in the following writ
Uu ptulMt imbiultted by Director
'iet at the meeting of the board
held April n
lr. Chakataa I MJct la th ttaBl af lit
MlH4tflNcUt meeting of 0 Hwani. that I
m A full 1. il. tor the MtowtMK imm
At lb HMetiaawf Jh. aa, i. tb ttorfc m
lttMa I Mil ft bM tor paMlait lb Ktwot
Ilea, lb bi bbla M ir (riMMl tali to be 1m by
Ma I, Tb mM Marc M MIIhk on
iumtiiy. lb Hoard wet m the aefemilboaae h lb
fttUnrtHic aa tor lb uar of oraMjH( W4 r
i4 There btlae only two bid rci1, lb
HmH HWlMnt a mhmNI at lbr toetM Uh
Maa 4 afa Ibt coairavt tta Ik Mivwlttf,
tear, Marrit jrl. Um aauaNte jt aad uaraea
' lb twa bM I 1.11, which wtr from Mr C t.
HmtMii atari Wm. Maaa. tut yum aad .
Th aawalu raaalairiag both lade loo blgb,
MAmkUn. Aboat two day aft lb oaea-I-
af that bat Mr Cfca. Mark peceated bM
rW fee., owl 4ll bat. Mr. J I Kever ft .
Oa Man ii Mr j i Wm latorawd Mr lottur
Uaat aair.4loaJeea had, bat Mr CUlar r
jm4 to nm( bM rrwM him. Matlna; that the
aaen iMd derfated aut lo let Ibt work by
aaatftal ana taaM Htd re-le M rtertbef baa.
Ou Aa , wt itbMil day alter Mr Cuttar
lW I to rwtw a bM from Mr Wl, Mr Aw
trrvyajM Mr. Cattar xtti In MMatlac arM f
fwii Urt MtwMa af Um raarlia. Marrb M.
wl ' Wbaat ilwbiinlin lb coaiiatn apfolM
4a lb mM Marrb itfrbribMriaMrai'aM'araV
taC a aaauart ttt srilratt to Mr CbarWa amcik
Ml a bM priaud raw 4f aAr lb 4ay iat
fM ta tb mU tm tHt!!! mt Mda awl w
4arH altor IInt 4aly naln4 bMa wm oytnr4.
(M Aavtl atb Wrwtor W arm a wrtUaw
aatifaafwanriMffaM Mr CbarWa Nrwk tbat If
IwamiiiiiiwIUbhaprtrart to Uk Irgal
My af lira aanlratt aaaM W aalanil ky tb
Mani, ba wuaM a wWi lb MR kwxtosta
IbM u payoMMl waa twbjtot to aiilainn.
TtM aMtat wttb lb abn ifrrA toCharla
fejri"i lvnpBV Wm eT eaJPTa'K aWeW vHIB) yM
I Ifct mtWMfi f tM ItH itMMfelllM 9M4
owmtot f all bM. tfcaM to
Ttw Waara bartog aantoMl Mmkal
M lb Mm arM lb arbavihoaw aa lb 4at, In
wtlb Uh mttkm Ibt rtaa4 mM
Ma Miy tor to aara tba bMa. or
aay bM arbaM rai rVa waMrMbai M aay
Urrr Haw r Mac aat at ibr plaa a4 llaw
lb appatolrd. To rrcctnr bMa fur comMira
Uaa aAat Um aay ifartaM I a vMaUua f lb
MKttoa J, aaa J. atbaol Ui nfUrreoa. pro
Ma agaraal lb raablaf oftualract rttb rrla
U wMbaal Ibt voacarrvaer of all lb awaiter.
Oa acvaaal af Wn-ctor Wlcal rrraalaa tv aiiannrv
afibtaoatlrart. thl axtkra U vtulalml ly Ibr
fan Ibal Mr. Cbarta bcak u rtoraly rcUad by
Mantes to Mr Cuttor.
I atiU farther Mtt aa accnaat af Uw (Ml thai
tb aaMraat auM wa M oa bM hwImM 4ar
kne Uaw aaa nair lb tara taaaiUaai Ibal
Metbr bM tar ar lava Um wa raiWM by
aMvaflbcaM'aibmvftb Huant who I a party
Mr. Wicbt nought to get this iro
ttat in the offidiil record but tlM?
clerk would not outer it without the
ortier of the lxxtrd end of courte
the iiwjortiy wni opKMCl to it. So
the minute of the meeting merely
refer tO the fuct tiwt Director Wieet
lKxil4ed, without giving hint of
the iMture or ground of protent.
At vurioitx tiiiictt Director Wiort
made written )roteat Mgeiiut the
method of proceluru in the tmiut
iug uiatter, moet of which piotcnU
he wati nimble to get mentioned in
Uie uiiiiuteti of the meeting. Haul
o took exception to the action of
the present ImmihI in contracting
with the tencher, A. C. Hampton,
for next year's service, on the
ground tlnU the meeting at which
such action with taken was illegal,
the cull not Hpucifyiu.that that
luislneaH wn to be comiidercd, as
rocpilred by law, and aUo on tlje al
logatiou that the clerk was not a
legal voter, not being on the tax
roll of the district, and therefore not
a qualified ollicer to bind the dis
trict by signing contract or warrant.
The other members of the board do
not regard thews objections as ma
terial. Mr. Wioht, however, thinks
them important enough to take to
the courts if necessary to prevent
consummation of the acts com
plained of.
Chairman Awbiey, when asked
what his view was of Director
Wiesl's protest said that he would
not caie to dibemw it without hav
ing the protest before him lo re
fresh his memory us to its contents,
and even then he doubted that there
was enough public interest in the
matter to require a notice or explan
ation from him. He said he had
been acquainted with the work of
the Ixmnl since the organization of
the district and he had never Ixifoic
known any inch dbrngrecitiout
among the member.
Director Cottor wn free to say
that Director Wiest's protcut again!
the (minting contract was not a cor
rect recital of the facts. "I never
hnd a bid from Mr. West," said he,
"and never told him dcflultoly that
we hud concluded not to let the job
by contract. He apokc to me about
the matter, it is true, but it was
merely a imslng remark that he
might bid for the work and I said
it was not settled that the work
would be let by contract. I under
stand, however, that Mr. Went did
prewre a formal bid and deliver it
to Director Wlest. He did not at
tend the meeting when the contract
waa let and it waa itniKMaaible for
it to consider a bid that was in Ida
pocket at home and which we did
not then know was in exiatttice.
Ieor!e of the district were urging
tut to get the bchoollrouae painted
and we did the beat we could under
the circumstance.
"The law Mr. Wleat quote bear
ing on making contract with rela
tives we had before us and gave full
consideration. It imrtains only to
hiring a teacher who may be a rela
tive of a director.
"According to my construction
of the law there was publicity about
the award of lite bide-sufficient
publicity to satisfy the law, and to
protect the interest of the district.
If Mr. Wtest had presented in time
the low bid he hail it might ltave
been difforeui. Now that the work
has been completed and ordered
paid for I don't see how there is
any chalice for the Hiinulliuent he
apeak of."
Mr. West takes a different view
Of his interview with Director Cot
tor. "I asked Mr. Cottor if the
board was going to let the Minting
of the achoolhouse by contract,"
say Mr. West, "and told him I
wanted to bid if they were. He
mm id they were not going to let the
contract but would hire the work
done by the day. Later, when I
foifud out it was not certain to be
done by the day. I made but a for
mal bid and gave it to Mr. Wicst to
pmaeut to the board."
The Reception Saloon, Shnuiko,
niters the most tempting induce
ment to timber locators going into
the woods. The very beat brands
of whiskies, such as Cyrus Noble,
Old ltpper. Hunter Daltimore Rye
and other standard 'goods, always
to be had here. Call at the Recep
tion. Notice for Publication..
V. S. Uml OtTiot, Th Italic.. Ottaun.
Mutter I btrrty glwu that In corupUanVc with
th nnrttahHi uTtbr Act of Cuuam of June y
17. tiillllnl " All act for Ike uk of timber lamb
tu th atatr of CallAwHia. Oiaguii. Nctmlu, and
W'UMtilgtnn Territory," a rtitud4 to all tli
Mull law! tal by Art of All(Ut 4 lr lb
rolloMrliiu-uaUMtl urrtolM bar uu Oct 11. iiui.
Mil III tliW (lifter their iwitn kl(tiiitnW, to-writ'
Auarlti W Ciilp
of Culver, COUltlV of Cmol, Utr of Drroou;
awui u tuttmctu No ijt. for the urv.hM of tli
m( kc 4, l it i r ui c, v in
William (1. Ulllluabrck
of Culvrr, vtunlr m Crook, UI of Orron;
fini HlciiiMl K i7Ui fbr Hit iuretuw ufllir
nrW mc 9, ll It , r la c, ill
hiliiul A. DavU
af Culyrr, rolinly uf Crook, Hole of Orrcuii;
norn tatonrut Kli HP, for the imrclww ufllic
r)( uMf M"i U u( arc 1 11ml ntK tU to u,
lii;a, r 10 c, w m.
Tlmt lliey wilt olUr pruof lualtiiw that th luml
ought U morr -altmtiic fur lla llmlwr or atone
llmu for AurkiiUurul imrKtw, nml to ttnllWU
llielr clnlina IomIiI laud licfurr J M I.nwrruce,
IT. H. CommWiluncr, nt OskcliutM, Drrguii, 011
Hi I, In v. Ilic ulli ilav of I11H-. 11m
Tin.) iiumcttiwlfiirate. WUIbiii O KllliiiK
lifi't, llriiry M Davit, Hnmiul A Davli, frank
at 1 fxuatlLi in! Aiittitti W litt nil uf ti1ir rii a.
11 1,avlaim. Auitlu V Culp, nil uf CuUrr, Oie-
Any nml all nerauut clulmliiff ailveracly the
l)0cilccrlbl laiutiure rtiuplcl to tile lliflr
clalmi in llili oilict uu or Urfurc the aulil 34111
tiny uf July, iij
liiaijM MICJIAIH. T. NOI.AN. UeBllr.
Pilot Biitte Inn
ovin hiijsVi wor
JJIegaut Rooms, and Tables sup
piled, with all the Delicncios of
the Season.
Single Meals 50c.
Hay for team one night - $i.oo
Grain for team one night .75
Timber MihI, Aft June, ify.
U K Illd Offi, The IMIea, Orrgeil,
May it, hi.
M oiler la hereby ajtarvir tlMtt In (mi4(rK with
the tworMoaa oTthe Act of CaaarrM of Jhh f,
Itr. eulllM, "An act for Ibaaawof itmberbttMa
IH lbUtuf CallfofHt, Oirfna, Waraia,an4
Wahii(loti Territory," at mUihUiI Ib at) the
imliile land atalr by Act uf AHfii.t 4, ityi,
Nlla Jolill Kaller,
af Walker, emiiily of Can, fUlr f MlHtiraota,
Imh m Jan n, ivj. filed In I lilt oKee ht awarn
MalPiHent No law, for lit (HirchaM f the awK nwU-ttvi nw)( awlMff (11 H a, r I e,
w m, ami win offer jnoofla ! Ifial the land
mhkiI ta MHttr valitaMe fiir lla limber or atotie
IImii Rk aBitaiilliiral tMirjioae and In eataUUli
hU claim to aahl land iMfbrcM K IMea, I'
CofflMtaatouer. at rrliievttle, oieiroa, ti Tu
ihy, Ibt ulhday of AugK't, VJ
lie Ham aa wh neawi M Lrftr. Unth Xel
wm, John Nimiwr, John Ikktii, of lleinl, Ore
IP"' Auy and all iktmih atatmln adretaaiy the
aUretMleicrlbril Un4a are rrHeHr4 to file their
etalmaln thfa affie on orl-tfwt tlir aal.1 ntliday
uf Awtuat, I'WJ,
T1wler Land, Aet Jhh i, 1.
V. H Und Ofllt.Tbe IXIlea, Ortaan,
ay ii. tait-
Notice t bereb 4i that la CMaaMaMc wMk
the roMni of the Act f Coaarraa af Jane .
la Ibr tuita of Callturala. Orraon, Nerada, aaaal
iwjn, nuiHV, nt act tar lot mhc w llHilrr whw
WaMilnal'Mi Territory." a eatewilwl ta an lt
CMk btiMl aUicaby Act af Aajraal 4, i. tb
lowittf-oaaMa' turiKiii r SM la IMa oaWr
Ibetr aworH atattraaarta, Ui art.
Chartea A. SWnbwraMh
of HM,caaatyCfioaataUaf Oregon: awam
aut unit No iM4, AIM Oat ij. row, fcr tbe par
caaaaofib n awK ami arK HtK t s ami
me'K "" 4. IP IT f it , w m.
OUa A, Wert
af Head, rmtaty of Croak, atal of Oregon: rar
atattraam No 11, SlaS Oal 14, ia. lor lb par
cbaa of the tcf( ae at, (a t . r m , tr m.
Ilranr f.
af Saooaer. eoaaty af WMabara. Mate af WW
Ma in
Im. far lb parcbaa af tb awjf at, tp ra a.
r i e, w m.
oba I. Wet
of ifean, ooaaiy
Croak, aiat af Ormaa: awntH
atatraarnt No liii. Sbat oat 11. taoa. Sir the umt.
ebaM of lb tW aebf, iM MM aefc aar . la .
Jiiua Utt
or Man, roaaty orcraak, rUlf of (Meeon:
atatnaeat No 1441, SbaJ OM i, iao, Ibr the
io, rr th pHT-
chaaeortBrtwK aK
tec a, tp 17 , r w , w
Tbat they wH affeT Hecalo abow that tb km)
aoaght it aaot ealaaMt br Ha Umber or ataa
tbM rbt egiirwUiMal jtMaaaea, and to eaUbllab
their ctalM to aaW aaaTbelwr I Jl Uwrroce.
I' H Coaral..toar. at iarhatcs, ureoa, oh
Matarday, Ibr it dy afAaifaat, mi.
They aarae aa rtaaS Pfcwrttee W Irak
arrtdaUe. joba I Ht,,lHk Otaaa, frank
M'eH, T O lfaealMaaa. rfran Wvm. rtaarite an
mMH, oanta uim HMUHM kmhi, ii j Cray,
aurroan, uarwa -j aailar, ora iw
tteater, Joba M8ean, Jama. Aataaader. Kdward
vrattacy. Jobu ma, ail aTHiMt. Oraajoa.
Aay aad all Mft4NM atelaiirig uraty the
alamw-oearrtbrd HMMla arc ifnaUu ta ftt their
rlalMM in thl oSaa oa or tarfr the aaat lat itay
m Aafa. ij.
41C1IAKI, T. XOI.A.V, Uiter.
Iail OftVr at TV UaBn. Oeeaoti
April ay, laoi.
Notice ta bereb atrea Ibal tbe IbUowtHic
aamed orttler baa olrd notiM of baa inunttoa to
aakr Knal proof la auppatt ala ctalai, aad
that aakl proof ttl be ataah
kLi. I aa. I'.iaaaaMlaaii nine ait
j t ww
oa Friday, Jaa la, 19a), eta:
1'KANK OLAmt. of Ha4. OroaaH)
II KX7U.rartbt lS WltK 4 MM hK
c (a, tp 17 a, r i , W M
II . w
lie aaaiea the awowlag trUltta ta ptave M
cauUaaaai raahUnw Np4t Aim tiWtli of
aaat hmd, viai ' .
w 11 BtaaML caaa j ohm, uew Krety d j
K MiMWi an w ma, tneajan.
Timber Ul, Aet June i, N)t.
Thabvr Laad, Aet Jam ft, MajS.
U & Urn! uaVe, The Dallas Oragaa,
i!r I 14.
ItutUsm U berrbv atvea that In MiatJgar with
th prwrMoua aruT Act of Cowtraw af Jaw 1,
raj, ratltled. "Aa art fcr tb aaHafUwber Uiwta
in the atal of California. (Haaaa, Kawda, and
Waahiagtoa Territory, ' aa asIHieU la ail lb
puhik land atate by Art of AatJHat 4, it.
Httmam kobart
of IhiIm, couaty of liwreact.atahrarKaMtatky.
haaen tX 17, . Sled in Uaa) aSttt Ma awora
atateaieut No 14M, Ibr thr tatlraaar af th 4t
nwK aud Iota 1 and 4 arc 1 tn ta r c, w at,
and wHll elTer Sroof 10 ahow UuH tit laad aouiht
la hmn raluabl far Ua timber at litaaji thaa far
atrricuUural Barpiwe, and la ttlaWlcfe bia ctaiw
to ald laud brfcV M H mjifs. V. a. CoaimM
khMier. at tliHcvtUc, Ongua. Sfi rthlay, the jiat
day of July, 190).
fit nawea a wttneaa O KaaJ HobvtU, JobH
atcidl. M 8 KabrfU,ofttrnd, Ojwoa, ami oIm
diah IUwoa, ofOrtrcH Uka, Wajfil.
Any aad all iimmmm claitiitliif &tlrly the
aUiireleecribed IamU are rMipafai ta flk their
Ulm la IbU ofUce m or U Shi Use aM jiat day
of Jly. laaj.
inrvjji MICIIAHU T NQIjAN, Kegiatcr.
Timber InU, Art Juae j, K7S,
V. a. Und OfBce. Th OrJUa. Dreaoa,
May it, iyaj
Nolle V4 liarulij' given that III wmiillHiic with
the lirovhriona uftlie Act uf C0U(raij ufjmwi,
IM, etitUlrtl, "An act fur the moot timber land
hi the at! of California Oregon. Nevada, and
WaOilngtoii Trrritorj." teinll to nil the
imtalic land atutea by Act ui Aii;ut 4, itea,
tieorLe Mlllloan
of i'tinrtille, county of Crook, atntc of OrtRon
Im on Oct i, ittJJ. lUrd In tli) oflivc lila awoni
atnne than Inr niirlcultural imtjiosea, and tu ea
tubliali hla claim to Mid luml lie "ore W. A Hell
V it. Commliuioncr, nt rrlncvllic, Oregon, 011
1'rlilny, tin jit dny ofjulv iooj.
lie iianie a witneaiea Chatlea II Uauly, Wil
llnm A IMtii, John Hlllott, ticoruc Kitcliinu. all
of l'rluclllc, OriRon.
Any nnd all perton clalmlut; adrcracty the
aliovdHlriierlbcd laiula arc rcqueatcd to file ttietr
clalina In thla oillce on or before the aald jut day
of July, igoj.
mojjl MlCILUtt, T N0IV.N, Ucglalcr.
inieiiirni nn 1410, lurinc imrcjmac 01 tnc nei(
c)( und e) licit' arc u unit W n)( arc Jt tp
19 a. r 15 c, w in, and will 1 Iter irqsflo ahuw-tliRt
the land aoiurht U more voluublc for Iti tluilieror
Slmniko Warehouse Company
Fireproof building, 90x600 feet,
fully oquipped for forwarding
Wool, Pelts,
-DUAr.KP,s ijr
Lumber, Wood, Coal, Flour, Hay
and Grain.
Special attention given to wool; first-class baling and grading facilities.
AH Modem Improvements for Handling Stock
Furniture . and Undertaking
Stoves, Wall. Parer, Building Materials, Etc
Kinds of Rough
Dressed Lumber.
Shingle Mill now on the way here.
You Can't Miss
Stonewall, Monogram and Kentucky
Bourbon Whiskies,
Olympia Beer and Fine Cigars.
Grain, Etc.
VRItf CII fc CO., riANKIIRK, The Dalle
W. WM. The IhtUet.
H. I'. MUOKLIN. Thr DiUci.