The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 29, 1903, Image 4

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    Timber La ml, Acl June 3, ISrft
It. 8. Land Office, The Dailea. Oregon,
Mayo, ioji
Vnlln, It lirrehv rlvell tllKt 111 CAimillulltCC with
the prtnltlous of (lie Art of CWitiiTet or June 3,
-. entitled. "All art for Hie ail! llmlier lend
In the statca of Oilifornkil OrtiiWn Neaili aim
Washington Territory. ' extended to all tie
public Mud male by Act of Artgutl 4, tfor, llie
toiKwiiigMianieu perwns nave mi unwi 4, ivf
filed In Oil office their sworn Statements, lo-wll
Jem K. Haamuascn,
.f 171 Howards!, tqwkane. comity of Spokane,
stale of Washington, sworn statement No 1173,
Tor the rurcle of the ne qr ec 11, ti a) a, r 13 e,
w in
rirWetThtrd Ave. Spokane, county of Spo
kne, alate of Washington. wom statement No
i-4 for the puriie 01 me w qr sec . ip to a,
t 13 e. wm.
Andrea It. KasiuiiMen,
hfKHl t. Hnokane. cuunLv of Snokane,
slate of Washington: aworn statement No IJTJ.
rr the purchase of the a hf nw qr ami lota 4 ami
4. mi. tp a, r 1 . e. iv m
That they will r proof lo show that the land
Sought t more valuable for Its timber or alone
than for agricultural purte, ana to eslaMttri
ii,r 4Im t. taut lAtnl liefore the Hecltler aim
R-cirer at The Dalle. Oregon, on ifloay, the
17th tlay or juiy. 1903
They name a witnesses. Amlrea U Katnuisen,
Arne lierkelaitd. Ole li Anderson. Jane Larson.
ipi w ustimitrn. alt of SiioLanci Wash.
Any ami nil person etelmltig adversely the
anoc-eerioeAi minis nix ieinr!iw w i,,r ,,1,,
claim In thl office on or before the aald ittn
day of July, 1004. , ,
myisJyiT MlCHAHL T. NOUN, Kegltten
Timber Land, Art June 3. infS.
U. S. tand Office, The Dalle. Oregon,
May 9, ion.
Notice U hereby given that In compluiuc with
he provision ofthe Act or Congrej or June s.
sj. entitled. "An Ml Par the ale of timber lamts
Ju the states of California. Oregon. Nevada, ami
Washington Territory, a exienucu io su 111c
'HiMK lamt state oy act 01 Aiigu.i. i!y. mt
., umoushaveon Kent Jo. 19.
iled in iuta office their sworn statements, to-wit.
Jutlu It. Tolefcn,
V Seattle, county or King, atate of Washington;
vorii atatcmcHl No itn, for llie purcluse uf the
iw qr sec S3, tp as . r U c, w m.
Manic K. Totefscu,
'if Seattle, county ol King, state of Washington;
-worn statement No if it, fcr the purchase of the
w qr sec a. lp, a a. r 14 . w ra.
Chnrte K LewM
Sf Seattle, county at King, Mate' of Wnthingtnu,
-sworn stateaseat No m. tor the purchase of the
w qr arc S4. P a, r ij e, w m.
Kraeat II. Morton.
r Seattle cotMrt' of KIh. Mate of VahlHgton;
.worn rtaicateal Mo 1114. tor the purchaKoflhe
tie qr h. tp a . r ij e, w m.
Oeorge mnl,
"f Seallle. county of Klna. Hate of Wathlngtwi;
vrorn Maleawot No 1113. lor the porebaae of the
V qr i, tp jo a, r ij e, w m.
Jalla Singer,
(f 101 Cherry at. Seattle, county of King. Mate of
W athingtoa: aworu ttateowtit No un, tor the
ourchMe of the w qr tee a. lp jo a, r u e. w m.
Thoaaai 1 Jehawm,
t rrndletMi, county of I'matlWa. Mateof Orecon;
wora atatement No tar;, tor the purcluuc of the
-ar qr aet sj tp ao a, r u e, w m.
John It Rowland,
( ir Kaa Lake Ave, beattle, county of King.
Mate of WathingUm; avvra atatcment No lilt,
lor the purehatc of the nw qr aec 4. tp jo a, r l
e. w m
That they wW ofler proof to afeow that the land
nought it more valuable for Ita tlmUt or atooe
than for agricultural purtxiaea, ami to entabrith
their ctatnta to mm) laud before the Kegitter ami
Kceeiver at The IMIlea, Oregon, on Monday, the
xxh day of July, .
They name wiinetaaa: Cliailea H Lew,
Juliot iHnger, Jaliut II TolalVen. Knietl II Mor
ton. George 14ml. all of Sealtle, Wah.
Any and ail perton tfalmlug adversely the
aliove-ilrMrHieil lamltnre'reViunied to file their
dalmt in thla office on Or before the aald oth
day of July, J.
wiyji; MIC
CHAKL T. NOLAN. Kegittcr.
Timber Land. Act June J, lapt.
V. S. Land OAce, The Dallet, Oregon,
May a. 1401.
Notice ia hereby given that In omKiauoc with
the rovMoatof the Act of Cengrcaa of June J.
1 V. enUtled. "An act for the tale of timber janda
in the atalc of California. Orrgon. Nevada, and
M hington Territory." aa extended to all the
public land Mate by .Vet of Augna4 4. ilae, lac
fulUmina-naaaed ptmotw have on ept J, lem,
filed in ihH oAec their awora tUUmrnU, to-wit
trrmelia A. Mamea,
of rrineville, coualy of Crook, atate of Oregon:
awurn auumctrt No ujb, for the purefcate of the
abfaw qr and w qrteqraac ij. and uwqr neqr
tec M, tp 17 a, r Me, w m.
Xevi D Wiott
or Bend. oouBty ofCroot. atate of Oregon) aworn
aiaieavrnt No uy for the pttrdUMe of the c hf
ae qr tec JJ, and w hf aw qr tee J4, tp i r lie,
vr re
That they wNl offer proof to ahow llwntlhcUud
tuught it more valuable for iH timber ur atDoe
than for agrtculiurtl purpotea, and to etUbUth
their cUlaa to -h1 land before J M. Iawrence,
1 b CommlMioarr, at Deachutea, Orcgoir, on
I'riday, the lylh Jay of July, uu.
They HoaM at wiineatca. rilliam J. Watklna,
Aaron I Walhiua, Martha Morria awl Johu W
Haruea, of PrtnevttU, Oregon: and A M Drake,
L J Cotter, J I tfeat and OrM Kiley. of Bend, Or
egon. Any and an luraom eUlmlne adverteiy the
abuve-deteruVwl lawdt are ruaaatfid la Ale their
claima ia thta oo on or before the tatd 17th 4r
of July, 194.
mivj'7 M1C1IA1M, T. NOLAN. Kcgltter.
Tintber Uwl, Act Jane j, tar.
V. a. Ind Oflke, The Dailea, Oregon,
May o, ioju
Notice la hertl, Kivru that in cotnpluiitce with
the MvrWuat ul ihc Art of cottgnaa of Jane f.
i7. entitled, ' An act for the tale of timber Uuda
in the atalca of lalifoi nut, Oregon. Nevada, and
Washington Tcriiiory, aa extended lu all the
uiUk land t4airt by Act of Auauat 4, llaj, the
following-nam.,1 prtona have final 111 tMUofllce
tbir aviorn atairmenit, to-wit:
tlitrlraW hheraMn,
ofrjo Marquaai HUjc. I'orlUnd, county of Mult
uuatab ttalcof rrnu. awornalateHieatNoiajj.
tiled M 1, tout l-r 1 lie purchaa of the e hf uw
qratx3, tpjoa r ij e, and a hf aw qr aec p, tp 19
a, r ijc, ht m.
Kutrrt W. WUmii,
of i5 V, 1 Jth at, I urtlaud, county of Multnomah,
auie of Oregon aworn ataicMeut No itjt, flled
urt 1, iv". for t) turehof llie nwqr tec a.
tp 19 a, r ij e, w 111
(Marge V. Stcnucb,
of Portuind, aWHly of llultnoinali, itate of Ore
tjoii, awurn ttateMciit Ku Hit, filad Oct 1, mat.
for thcpurchateoftheii bfawqrand tlilinVqr
aec jj, lp ia, r ij e, w in
ltdwiH Caawrll,
of 691 Marthallat, lorUaud, eutnity of Multno
mah, atale of Oregon; aoru Matemeiit No 1J19,
hied Oct 7, tv". for the pureliaac of the ae qr arc
o, tp jo a, r 1 j e, w m.
Tlwt they will offer proof lot how that the land
auught ll more valuable for lit timber or tlouc
than for agricultural purioe, mid to eatablUli
their rtaima to aald turn! before the KegUtcr and
Keceiverat The DalUa, Oregon, oil Tliurtday,
the jjd day of July, iyj- ,.
They name a wltuetHct: ltdwlii Catwell.Kobt
V Wilton, Amin llradthaw, Ceorgc U Scliuch, C
W hhermau, 1 C Whlttcu, all of i'ortlawl, Ore-
Any and all ieraoui claiming adrcracly the
t, . f 1. ... .....M.I fn Ala tl.Klv
atwvc-deKribcd lands are requeued to file their
clalmi In thla office oil or before the aald jjd day
TJuly, l9i-nKUAUti y, NqLAN; Kcgltter.
Timber tmnd, Aet June j, JS.
Uv S. Land OITlce, The Dalle, Oregon,
May 0, loiiji,
Notice N hereliy glxen that In compliance "llh
Ihe provWont ofthe Art f Congtct ol June j,
iA, eiitllled. "An act for the aalcof llmlier land;
In the atate of Cnlllornln, Oregon, Nevada, nml
WiKhluglou Tertllory," a cjUetulcd to all the
public land atntct by act of Auguit 4, "Sx. the
following-named peraout have on Sept 17. iou,
filetl lu till otttrc thtlr iworn tlalemvult. lo-witi
Saint Smith,
or Rock Crvek. comity of llaker. stale of Oregon!
tnurii atatcment No im, for llie purchaic ofthe
ir qr aec 4, tp 11 a, r 11 e, w 111.
Juaeph II. Cbiypool,
of Sitter, anility of Crook, Male or Oregon,
aworn alatcmeut No itaj, for the ptitchatc of the
se qr tee IV lp i a, r li , vt 111.
Thai Ihey wilt offer proof to thow that the land
ought Is more valuable for II timber or Mime
than for agricultural iirpir, and to ettabluh
their claim to a.kl laud before W A Hell, V S
Cotnuilaaloner, at l'rlnellle, Oregon, on Satur
day. the lath day of July, 19011
They name a wUiivhm Perry IVIndexler, of
ITinevnie, iiregoui lira ivnmexier, oi iicuu, tr
egon, Sauil smith, of Kk Cteek, Oregon, ami
Joseph II Claypool and Leren AlllliBlwm, of Sc
lera, Oregon. ,
Any and nil lieraon rlalinliig adtcttcly the
above-detcrtbed land are teguetled to Die Iheifj
claim In Hit office on or before theaaM iHlt iUy
or July, ivJ,
mij-JiV MICUAKL T. NOLAN, Kegltler.
Timber Land. Act June J, 178.
U. 8. Land Oflice. The Datle. Oregon,
May W
Notice I hereby given that tn compliance with
the inaviH f the Act of Ceugre of June j.
tfi, entitled. "All act for the tale of Umber lawu
in the tuff, ol :ltfornla, Oieaon. Nevada, and
mthiHgtun Tenltory." a extendetl to all the
pontic land Mate by Act of Augutt 4. ii the
foUoulug-naninl .icrvmt have bled In tint office
Ihelr worn Matemtuts t"-wll:
Charla . A.lam.
of The Dalle) county of Voo. itate of Oregtnu
aworn MatciiKiit No iho, filed Sept 9, iat. for
the iHirchate ofthe 11 hfe qr and 11 hf awqr tec
9, lp 11 a, r toe, w 111.
Jerome N. Lauer,
ofThe Dalle, county of Watcu, Male of Oregon,
worn Matemeiit No ui, filed bent M. iyM, for
thepurcbaeof the iihfteqrand n hfawqr tec
t, tp 11 a, r ia e, w Hi.
Cbaile K. Twlnelvtm.
of The iMUe. county of Wateo, atate of Oregon;
worn Matemeiit No let!, HUM Sept at. low. for
the purehayteuf IhcH hfaeqr aeqr, ae qr tec 7,
and aw qr aw qr tee a, lp ia 1, r 10 e, w in.
lutiH Scott Sullivan.
of Jo BdnHHit at, lMttand, county of Multna-
atan. Mate 04 urrgon. aworn Maiemeui no ax,
Ud May 4. lyoa. for the nurehate of the ne qr
tec 9, tp II a, r 10 e, w
liMelU M. Spear,
of ahanlko, county of Wae, Mate of Oregon;
awora atalcaaeat No 1117. aVrd aept aa, lyoj. for
the parehate of the aw qr ne qr, n hfteqr ande
qr c qr tec ij. tp 19 . r 11 e. w m
That they will oefcr proof b thow that the land
ought it more valuable for Ita timber or Muttc
than for agricultural parpote. and to eMablUh
their claim to mU land before the HegiMcr and
Receiver at The IMUe. Oregon, on Wettneiday.
the aid day of July. lywj.
They name aa wttaeatea J S Sattlvan. o4 Pott
land. Oregon. lUlward tlraham, of SMer. Ore-
CharV K Twineham, Jerome Lauer and
lea H Adam, of The Dalles. Oteaoa
Henry A Siiear, IKw Kea, Albert It Hammond
anil ltdltue llaHtMMind. of hhanlkn. Ortaan,
Any and all perton claiming adverteiy the
abate datertbed land arc requeMed la Ate ibetr
ctalmt In that efhee en or before the aaht nd day
of July, iwj
myijyi7 M1C11AHL T NOLAN, KegUler.
, Timber Land. Act June J, 117.
Notice for Publication.
V. 8. Land Office, The Dalle. Oregon
May 9, mag.
Notice Is hereby given that in cwmplunce with
Hit prorl.lont urihe Attof Congrew. or Jutie J.
iM. .ntlilml. "An act for theaalenf timberlami
in the Mate of California, Orrgon, Nevada, and
Washington Territory, o ratenUM lu an ine
puMKIana slate by Act 01 Auguti 4. iB, ine
ibltawing-nanied jiertunt have on Octulier J. tyaa,
filed in thlt ofnee their iworn Matemenlt. lo-wlt;
Charle A Motleru.
of Kockford. county of Spokane, aUte of M'ath
ington, twurn Matemeiit No iJ4a, for the IHir
chate of the ae qr tee J4, lp it , riic.w m.
Loult C. Kanoine.
of Kockfcnl.eoonty of Sjokamt. Male of Wab
iuettm: iworn Maunmu No ijoi, for Ihc liar-
ctaatcoflheteqraecjj. tp it, r itc, w m.
U'ttlUm II. HatlunM.
of Kcckford. county of Mpokane. MaU of Watb
iagtoa, trorn autewetrt No lias, for the par
chaw ofthe awqr aec Jj. lp ila. r lie, w m.
Tbai thv win otHtr BrooTtothow that the land
ought i more valuable for Ma limber or atone
than for agricultural partHMca, and to aaubiath
their claima to taid land before the Kcnteter aad
Receiver at The Iktlwa. Oieaon. on Mlnmay,
the lathday of July, I90J.
1 aey naate a wtinc eti jwtn mnti, mi im
IikIVm. ntw: Tliarae Ikabl. W II Hotlam.
Lonia C Kopptug, Chat A Meilern, of Kockfoid,
Ahv ami all iihuhm csaliniue adrartely the
above-deacrilMM) land are retracattd is Hie Ihek
dalmt In Ihta omee on or before Hie aald iMt
day of July, mm
fcllAKI, T. NOLAN, Kfgiater.
murii7 'in
Deaert Mml, I'inat I'roof.
U. S. Uml Offiee. The Dalle. Oregon,
April 17. iyJ
yailKlaWKhe eiveu that William F. Krv-
rcar, of aiMera, Oregon, lie filed notice of ia
tenlion Is inaka proof on hi desert-land claim
No ta, for Ui WK aWK and WK NWI tee so,
ipijt, rut, WM, before J J amlth. Cunntir
Cleirl. at I'riiWvitte. Oregon, on I'riday, the ittli
day of June. touj.
lie name lac following wtlneate lo wove the
complete Irrigation ami reclamation of wm iauu:
Maroellu it Thoma. Jame H ilodaun. Prank
M llctbou and WUliam I' Arnold, ofattiera. Or-
Timber UM4, Act June j. 170.
Notice for Publication.
V. 6. Land Omee, The Dalle, OrensH.
May 11, ivag.
HaHam la Iwrabv idea 11 that In eunndianue with
Ike sroeWotw oTlhe Act of Coauraa-t of June J,
i7, entiUcd. "An aet fjr the aaleot timber Unas
in lac Male of California, Oregon, Nevmla. awl
Waaalugton Territory." a extcHdad lo all the
public land Mate by Act or Augutt 4, lias, the
lollowlHf-uanwil iwitont have on Oct 4, loot,
glad In Oils oinca Ihelr (worn Matsiiieiitf, to-wil.
Thoma I hwlft.
or Vamlc, county or Watco, Mate of Oregon;
aworn statement No 117a, for flic purclmaeof the
ehfswqr, teqr uwqraud lot jimhj j. Ipso a, r ij
e, w m.
Mule Allen.
or M'amle, county or Wasco, state of Oregoni
awurn staleaient No IS77. for the purchase of llie
bf neqr sndlott 1 and saec j, tp t, r ij c.
Andrew C llotlirock.
of Oram Valley, county of Hhermau, state of Ore
eon: aworn statement No u;6, for the purcliatc
of the se qr sec 3, tp ao s, r 1 j e, w in.
That lliev will offer liroof to show that the land
sought Is more valuable for Us limber or stone
than for agricultural puriHMes, and to establish
their claims to aald laud before the Register and
Receiver at The Dalit. Oregon, oil naturtlay,
the ith day of July, 1933.
They name ua witnesies: I.lizlc Allen, Doug
las Allen, Thomas J Swift, of Wamlc, Oregon;
Andrew C Uotbrock of liras Vallev, Oregon.
and L li Allliigliam, of Warm Hprlugs, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
aboic-detcribcd lands are requested lo Ale their
claim In this office on or before the said Jjth
day of July, 1903.
IUJJ724 Jln-llAlii, 1. Kuj.nn, negiiicr.
Ylmliet LainL Act June J, iftfa.
I'nlteil Slnlea I.tml OITlce, The Diillt. Oiegnn,
April II, iva
Nnllre I hereby giicu Hint lu complin nre with
llie pnivMumof the Art uf Cuiigir of Jilnu 1,
ifi, entlllrit, "An act for llie Mir of llmlier laud
in the slate Dfl'ollliirulii, Ortgun. Nevmlii. nml
WathliigliitiTertlUr," a extendnl lo alt llie
public hind llalrt by act of AugtiM 4, !',
Jncob N "Jiilherg.
of Slater, coiiuty of CriHik, Male of Oregon, ha
011 May , iuii, filnl In thl olllre Jif wnu
ttatemeiit N'n wv, for llie purchate of the 11 hf
w ur and v IiTm, ,ir tev 1. In 11 a. r 1 e. w ill.
and ulll oll'tr imKii t thow tlinl the land tmntht
I mote valuable fur It llmlier or stone than for
agricultural pitrtKMc, ami lo etah!th hlcbilm
l takl laud before J J Hmilh, Vunlily ClettC, at
rriiieviiie, Oregon, on I'nnay, ine jiua m juiy.
194. lleiiauieaatwilueiMe. Joe A Orarnm,
Samuel Well nml Cha V)nllerg, or SMert, (lie
ton: and Situ llutlce. of I'rliieilllc. tlieuoii.
Any ami nit pcrtou cUlmliig adveively the
alxive dMarlliMt Un,Uare i.iueTMl lu file their
claim lu till office on or IwRhc uhI jt day uf
J 11U', 1903.
al-jyj MICIIAKL T NOLAN, KegWter
Tlmlier Ul. Aet June 3, 17.
U. S. Land Offiee. The IMlle. Ortfau,
AMll . ifa),
Nolke U hereby given Ilia I liieompllaaev with
Ihc tirneHon nrihe Aet of Ctmjtei of June i,
i7, ealitlail, "An act for the sale nf llmlwr Umf
In the stale of CltlofUM, Oiegw. Nevada, Had
WathlHghwi Territory, a eitendet to alt Ihc
puldlc latHl stalas by set of Augutt 4,
IMmund K While,
of lKvbl0Hi, cvmnly of iMlk. suit of Minnesota,
ha 01 May k), im. hle.1 lu Ihl uince hi
Morn ttatemeiit No 30, for the tmrchave of the
se qr uw qr and lot 3, 4 and t,nti, tp it . r 11
e.w in, and will orTcr invxiflo Ihmv IImI the
la ml mmght I more valuable for IM tlmtxr or
stone ttMii for agrleulluiat purpose, ami lo
taWWi hi eUliu to mkI laml before the stag
Itter ami Keeetver of thl omee at The Dailea,
Oregon, oil l'tlday, the i4h day uf July, Htaj.
He nantaxa wiineste J If. Ilaner oflttnd,
Oregon, Chat. hUter. Huyil N hftrwl ami k kh
an! it. Canwren, all wt llul Hi. .r. IHrgtHi
Any and all ierout Maiming advetely the
above doerihed land are rcqumded lo file Ihelr
dalma In Hit atate on or bfote the saM lath
day of July, Hjaj.
aijia MTCIIAKL T NOUN, KegiMer.
Timber Land. Aet June j. itlra.
Notice for Publication.
l. 8. Ii mi omre, i he Da". Oregosi.
May 11, laaj.
Natiee It Isrteky givea that m compliance with
the pravlMwu oflh Act af CotiareM of Jane 3,
ir, eatllhnl. "Aa act for the tele erf timber la wi
la IheMaieac-fCallforMui. Or-goa. Nevada aad
WaahlatpVm Tcrrilory.' a e . ta all the
BttbllcaiHef ttabmby Act mt mi 4. ita. the
totowtag named Berwma he . ,d in lata aeSce
their awtam awleateaU. lo-v
Oeorge I'eutaer.
of Culver, coanty of crook, stale of tMegem.
sworn Malemeut No imi Hied Oct 7. loai, for the
purchase ofthe hfteqr end a hi awqr stc 3,
lp 17 s. r toe, w m.
Outtave 2mke.
of Culver, county of Crook, state of Ofegon.
wora Matement No injj Hied Oct 7. 19a. for the
purchase of Ine aw qraee 1. lp I7,rm.wm.
lMVr II KiltiHiibMk.
of Culver, nmnty of Crook. Male of Oregon;
twrn statement ira 1194. nml oct 7. Mf". tar lite
putchasc of the nw qr tee ra. lp 17 1. r 10 e. w m.
Itedl. Kdlingbeck.
af Culver, nmnty ol Crook, state of Oregon,
sworn statement No 1995. ftled Oct 7, for the
purchase of the ne qr sec 10, lp 17 s, r 10 r. w m.
Prank M lovebtml.
af Culver, caunlj of Crook, stale uf Oregon;
sworn statement ita iA hied IMt 7, . far the
purchef Uicsrtjr tec ia, lp 17s, r ia c. whs.
Lucy Kllllnsbeek,
of Culver, eoflnty- of Craalf. ttale af Oregan;
worn statement S'm i7, filed ot 7, 1901, for the
purchoie of the nw qr see 13. lp 17 , r i e, w m.
Kitlie Laveiand,
of Culver, ewuiuy or Crook, tlale of Oregon;
sworn stalrmeul No lay, filed Oct 7, iaa, for the
parebate ofthe w hf ne qr and he qr Me qr see 14
andswqrseqrseen, lp 17. r lee, w m.
Delta I. Davt.
of Culver, connly of Crook, state of Oregon:
worn Malement No 1X9, Sled Oct 7, teat, tot lac
purchase of the nw qr sec M. lp 17 s, r we, w m.
Kalharlna It Uomer.
of Culver, coaatr of Crook, state t Oregon,
swora sulemenl No us, flunl Oct 7, tarn, for Us
purchase of the w hf s qr, ne qr se qr, ami sear
ne qr see 14. lp 17 s, r ia e, w m
Henry M. Davt.
of Culver, connly of Crook. Male of Oregon;
awora Malemeal No 13a, aled Oct 7, lava, for the
purchate ofthe ne qr sec if. lp 17 . r 10 w m
Hreda Cnlp.
af Culver, coanly of Crook. Male uf Oregon,
sworn stalrment No ijaj, lied Oct 7, lose, for the
parctsaseof theteqrswsjr, u afswqraad nwqr
se qr tec , tp 17 s, r lee. w m.
WilbeiiH flomer.
of Culver, eonaiir of Crook, auie of Oregon:
awora Malemen: Nw 1411. 'nl Oct n.iue, for the
purchase of Ibetwqrae qr and w hfseqr sec I,
and nw qr ne qr tea It, lp 17 r 10 e, w m.
Anac It. Oomer,
of Calver, connly of Croak, state of Oregon;
wora Maiement No Ml. Ate) Oct ii.tgse, for Ik
pur chase of ibee hfow qr and nw qr aw qr sec
14, lp 17. r ie, wm.
That Ihey wUI offer proof la show thai the land
sought t more valuable for lu timber or atone
than for agricultural imri, and lu catebliaa
Ibetr ftaima u, wkTlaim besW I. U. Uwreace,
I", g CammsMsoaer, it Daschaiea, Oregon, on
Krhlay, Ihc tlh day a
day of Jaly, 1903. ,
a Willi eat ta Ifrnry 31 Itavia,
, Fraak M IweUnd, Autilu W
j aey aaau aa
liamuel A Davit. ai
Cnlp, William 1. KlUiagaork, Oeorge It KHIing
beck, ail 04 culver. Oregon.
Any ami all peasant deimlHk- adversely the
abovehncrilied laaaa are requeated to Ale their
claima in I hit oaVx 041 or before the sahl Ml' day
of July, 1903
miJ-jit MICIIAKL T. XOUK, Register.
TimUr UmL Act June 3. igrg.
V. H. Uud Ottw, The Imllat, OtagiMt,
A Mil . 1903.
IMacc I herein- givea that In eompthutor wHh
the imwlMou ol the Act of Coigra. uf June 3.
i7i, entitled "Ah act for the alia of timber
Uuda la the titles ofCallibrnia, Oregon, Nevada
ami Washington Twrllory." ealtmled lo all
the pablk lawl tuta by Act of Auauat 4, 191,
the followiog luiuad ers.n have Hied In Oil
office Ihelr sworn Va(eratnts, to-wit:
J.dtil J. MctlulgJiH. . ,
of The Dalle, county or Watco, Mate of orrgon:
sworn Matemeiit No Jao, filed April 14, 1901. for
thciHirchascoflheiicqrtecig, lp 11 , r lot,
w m.
lolmWo, , ,
ofTlie Dailea, couijtyorwaaco, stale of Oregon;
sworn swlemeiii No t44 flll April 7, iyt, for
llw purchase of tliencqr sec 7, f I' IJ . r io e,
w 111. ,
I'etcr Mcfliilgaii,
ofTlie Dalles, county of Wasco, stale ofOregoiii
sworn Mateincnt NO Ma,fill April 3, I'ftt, for
the purchase oriheswqr aec 17, ( 13 , r is e,
That Ihey will nlfir proof lo show Unit the
laud sought Is more valuable fur Us Umber or
stone limn for agricultural purposes, uud to
labllth their darins to sakl land Ixfure the Keg
Utr and Ktcrivir at The Dalles, Oregon, 011
I'riday, the iuOi any uf July, I9"3 . . .
They name us wituianw Michael Connor,
John How. I'rcdcrlck W hmilh, I'eler Mcdul
gau ami John McOulguii, of The Dulles, Oregon,
uud James Lane, of Mluiiatll. Minn.
Anvaud all iraon claiming adversely the
above described lauds are requested lo file Ihelr
claim lu this office 011 or before tlictald loth day
oi juiy, 1903
bi-io' MICHAIiL T. NOLAN, Kcglster.
Timber l.n.n'1, Ae I June j, 1B7H.
H. Lnml Office, The Dalle, Oiegnn,
Notli'f I hereby glien llinl In mmplliiuce with
llie ihovIsIou urilic Act of Cnugie4 uf June 3,
17. eullttetl "An l for ill sale ur llnilur
Uml. lu the slate nf CiillPitnln, Oregon, Nevmln
and Wathlngtun trrtttmy," a eslrmleit In alt
lite imbllc laml Male by Att of Augutt 4, if,
the lulluwliig iinmeu piin hax-e uu Mart h HI,
lytf, nietl in till umce llitlr sworn laleiueut,
Prank ' lluaev.
Apiiin, 193'
uf Itarmlngtnu, cmiuly of W liltliiail. tUle of
Hntuiugioti: twoiu tinienitni n nq. iut in
puivltate ofthe lie qr nee it, tp 13 , r ie , w in.
of VarnilngHHt, euuuly of Whitman, stale of
watHiugiou, worn iaiemni ,vn 14, lor in
(Miiehat ofthe qr ec 14. lp i,t ", r 1 r, w m.
WllllsmH. MePailaml.
uf Parmluglim, runuty of vh Imam ll of
Washington, sworn stalemiul ho 19, for the
IMichate of the ae qr tee 13, lp ij , r I e, w m
IrrliMl II. WslVee.
of Parmlngbm, nmnty f Whitman, atate of
Washington, aworn statemeHt No lit, for the
IHitehase of Hi seqr see 11, lp 13 a, r is, w hi.
llraee Kmnvlea.
of I'armlngton, county of Whitman, stale af
Washington, ntn Matemeiit No at, for Ine
mrchse of ihe sw qr see 13, lp 13 s, r to e, w m.
Thsi Ihey will a tier woof In slnne Ihatlltetaml
taivM i more va'aahle for II limber or stone
I 1 1 ireg toll urn I purpose, and la rMaMMh
I I itm to buM bind before Ihe MegWer and
Ktce -rr al The Dalles, Oregon, on Italnniay,
Ihe nih day ol July, tyaj.
They name a wllnea.m Art Wvitr, nf IM
bne Cily Wash. Tbom.S Tweet, af The Dalle.
Mca"V ami It M Walker. Hruce Knowlse, Wm
S Mcl'stUnd. Joseph ft Walters. Sal Walter Had
I' r Hutey of Parminglim, W'aeh
Any and all person dalmlnt dversely the
above ileacrlhed lamia ale rtnnetted In Hie lh r
claim In Ihl omee on or before thtahtitlh day
Of jll
my. 1903
10 MICIIAKL T NOLAN. Ksafster.
1 nbe" lu ' A.l I rj 1;,
Notice for Ptihlicatiou.
U. A. Uml oce. The i'e. Oregan.
May 11, inj.
Natiee t hervhy gtvn !' Incompl a ae wlih
the prvtiVM Tihv A'l " Coagrvas ol J ne 3,
171, ram led, ' A . ,1 . 1 s e of I'mU , lam,
in Ihe stales of Ce f-.r , lire,..., Meewl ami
trasningt' i. in 1, . aa iswsmeu io an in
Citi ic land Malt by .t of aagsm 4. 19. ne p, have lid a, IBM.
Hied la that uaare their awora statement. Mt-wtt
Aagattsw a Power.
of asg Ptrat Ave, msrmawe. cuaaly of ajntkaae,
state of Vfaahtagsim, swaeit amieeaeal No ita.
for Ihe pnreae of Ihe hf vw arand e hf nw qv
tee 13. lp 17 s, r m e, w m.
Jaaa llaag"""".
af Oem. roaaly of hhoahoae. Male af Idaho,
awora statetaeat No laak for Ihe inwahaa
of the nw qr tot . lp 17 a, r sa e, w m
Oeorge Water,
af am PtrM Ave. naokaae, coaMy af gaaliaaa.
atate of Waahinatoa; wam atatement Na i7,
for lb parctsaa of the s qr see 17. tp 17 s, r h. ,
w m
Atne Herketaad,
of an gacond Aw, aaukane. roaaly af aohaae.
Mat uf Waaklagtoa, aworn statement No laa.
for the pvtraavaaqaf laa hat 3 awl 4, se j, lp t.
r K, w m
file It. AasWrson.
nf 411 Isicemd Ave. gpoaaae. wunty nf gnakaae.
mate 01 wasaingioa, worn swemeai 10 .
for Ihe psirelsate of Ihe n hf sw qr see 33. lp 17 s.
r la , w m.
Thai Ihey will oeJrr woof to ahaw that the land
sought ta more valuable for IH timber or stone
than far agrtcnltnral parpoft. ami ta esuHum
their dalm to said land Before the MegtHer aad
Hacetver l The Hallo. Oregon, an iar4y. Its
13th day of Jaly, 103
They aaut aa wiiaaste lleary W Mead, of
llend, Oiegoa. Oewg H Taylor. AaawMaa a
ISwrers. tWarge W Meveas, Arise Helurmad, (Me
It AnsleTMm, Thoraton naMtMry, Tinman! Ilan.
s4, Itrmxt C Matsay, f trMkane, Path. and
jann iiageton. or netn. imtna.
ami an person ciaimrai
tainting advetaeiy Ihe
ttuveleaetlbsd land ate faou4ti to file Ihelr
claim In IM wtnee on or before the mM ajlh day
of Jaly. isj
miejtt MICIIAKL T. KHUN, KegHter.
Timber Land. Aft June 3, ttTg
Notice for Publication.
V. t Load omee. The lasttes, Oregon.
May 11, waj
Notice I hereby given that la romplUHce with
the provisions ufih Act of Cemgrea of Juae 3.
7l, eutllled. "An aet for the of timber laud
hi llnr stales of calilornla, orcaoa, Nevada, and
Waahlagtua Ternnwy," a raUaded to all Ihe
public taad ntatea by Act of AaguM 4, la, Ihe
(ulluwiag-aaated p rasnt have on net 3. Kjvt.Altd
in thla omee their aworn statemento, to-wlli
Hiehard Kartghl.
af Kaat Oram! Portu, connly of Polk, state of
Miaaeaota, swora ttatemeat Na im. for the
parehase of the mK sec It, lp nj s. r 13 e, w m
Jeremiah Kartghl,
of Kast Oram! Porks, coanly of Polk, state of
Minnesota, swora statement No ia7, for the
purchase nf Ihe swlf sec a, lp 19 a, r 13 e, w m.
aaanr u
af Kast nrand Ports, aaaai
Polk, state of
MtHorsoU; awora statement No 1st-, for the
purchase of the nclf tec 7, lp 19 a. r 13 , w m,
Msrtin KntNteai,
of Grand I'oeka. cottniy of Oram! Porks, stale of
Ninth Dakota: awora talemeal No 119, for Ihe
putcliaseuf the sM scK, ten: wK and lot 7 tec ,
lp 19 1, r ije, w m
Praak ttmllh,
of Taompaoa, conaty of Urand I'tnU. stale of
North Dakota, aworn Malement No uy, for the
purchase of ihe aw)- sac 11, Iptes, rise, w m.
Loulaa MeCallum,
of Kaat lirand forks, cduiilv of polk, atate of
3llnn4a, awora Malement No 1131, for the pur
chase of the neb; see 11, Ifinjs, r lie, wm.
Kdwln T. RtMOord,
of Thorapsosi, county uf Oread Porks, Mate uf
Nrlh Dakota, worn stalemeal No 1131, for Ihe
purchase of ihe is K m , tp a i, r 13 r, w m.
KlrhardO nackelt.
of Thompson, county of Orsnd I'Mka, Mate of
North Dakota, awora autemenl No 1133, for Ihe
purchaae uf the K sec 9, tp sua, r 13 e, w at.
John A. hamatad,
uf (irano Porks, cuunl of Oraud Porks, stale of
North Dakota, aworn Matemeiit Na lass, for Ihe
purchase of I be aw W wW, sety atsW and nwif
cwli sec to, and nelt self tee 9, If) o a, r 13 c,
w m.
Thl Ihey will oiler nrunf to ahaw I bat the land
sought is more valuable for 'Its Umber or stone
than for aarkrultursl ourooars. and lo estiMlsh
their ctaluis to aabl laud before the KegiMer and
Kcorlver at The Dellce, Oicgon, oil Tuesday, llie
jatti 1 lay of July, 1943
Tlwy nam aa wltoestes- Tlwmu McCoy,
tar J McCoy, Jerry Knrlglil, Itsvbard llaright,
ThmuM Knrlllil, oiT Itasl OiuihI Porks, Mian;
Jauieu J llerrkk, ol The Dailea. or, Jlarllu Kid
iintat, of Oraud Porka, North Dak, John A llam
Mad, Kdwln T HiMflord, Cll Briablu, Hkhard 0
aackttt. Prank amlth, of Thompson, N Dak.
Auv and all nersuns claiuilna aittersalv Ihe
above-descrlbel land are reoiiMReij In file Ihelr
cialiu In this office uu or before Ihc said M4li day
of July, itn-
msa-jtt iikiiAiii, i, nirirAn, itegitier.
Desert Land, 1'IimI Proof,
U. H. I,nud Office, The Dalle, Oregon,
April 17, 1901.
Notice It hirchv uiven that William N: Cobb.
of Sltllrs, Oregon, Tins filed nut Ice of Intention
tn make prootim hi deverl-laud claim No Ko, for
III NUusccji, lp 14. r 11 c, W M, In fore J J
Miuitli, County Clerk, at I'rlnrvlllc, Oregon, 011
l'riduy, the lath lay or June 1903.
He name the following w Unease to prove the
complete Irrigation anilrcclamallonortald laud:
llenry Carllu, it II rlpurk, John Taylor and M
M Thoiuu, all of Hitters, Orrgon.
iiiS-jia MICIIAl!!, T. NOLAN, Kegittcr,
Tlmhei Mint. Art June j, tarH
I', H. Lnml Office. The lull, Otegnn,
Alirll , 1903,
Nnllce I hsfetiv given thai In rainpltajiw wllh
the litnelsloil nrihc Acl uf Congieat ur JHIIC J,
iHT, elilllleil "An atl Oir the t uriliuhor
laud lu the Male nf Callfuriiht, Oregnn, Nevaita
nml WhlngloHTriltmy." a aJiUiHleil In all
the imblulaml state by Act of AugiM 1, ittati
111; lull, iiig-imiued pel tout hate Mini III till
nfflee II" ir torn tlatemrlit, lo-wtli
Charlea W Thuriilhwalle.
hf I.ewUlun, cuunly ur Ne Peter, atale of liUltni
wuiiiMaleinenl No ma. filed Alirll 19, 1901, for
the p. 11 hate of ther lifue qr tee jn ami w hf
nw qt ate 1, lp ia , r 11 e, w m
chiiMIn I. Tlnnnlhwalte,
of Lewltlnn, euiiuly of Ne l"rce. Mate nf Idahm
iMn Mattnieot No ana, gted April at, ly, for
the pnielMte of Ihe sw qr see as, lp 1 s, r 11 e,
w m
Thai Ihey will oiler iHonf to show Unit llie
land sought Is mote valnahlt for ll Umber or
slim than for agricultural purtastes, and la
taMlth Ihelr cUfnit lo said Una before the He
niter and Hteeivrt al The Italic. Oregon, OM
t'tliUy, July ia, lvJ
They Hani a witnesses! William KtaaU ami
Jamea II llaner. of Metnl, OMraoMi 31 OraHl,
of The Dalle. Oeeaua.Hml tifMtW LTbom
Ihwatie ami Cttarta W THornthwaite. of Lewi,
ton. Mai. , ...
Ant '! all pet tan elalmlng adversely Ine
alaive described lands are tanuesTed tn nl their
. urn in this omee an or before the mW isth
v ,y uf July, laat
,,-i .1
lAltl, T. NOLAN, kegtmir.
Ib-svtl Und, IHnl Itnof
l'. g. Uml Omee, The Unite. Oregon,
a urn t7. lass.
Notice U hereby given litai Lvtitaa N anal
of MM era, Ol
. Oistttn. lass RMtl notice
Mtl n
of lotrathtu
lu make
proof on her desert land claim No 94.
Iiy. dh HWIf and NI!U HWU aec 1. aad
for Ihe It
st tee 1, 111 it , r 11 e, w si, i"itwv j j
Smith. CunMtf
Prhlay. Ihc iHI
h. Counts- Clerk, at Prlaeville, Oregan. an
s. Ihc iHh day of JUne. njag
Ms naate lb folWwtltK wtla M prove
the eompUlevliTigalioH isl reeiaawlmai of sahl
land will vYartweiler mt Atesaador Tbomi
ton, of ITIuertH. or . W.P PVeear. llenry Car
tin, A O AINngbam ami I'ranr avdyfoll, alt a)
m-Jii' MICIIAKL T. NOLAN, Hraitier.
!,mt iMHcr at The Dailea. Oregon.
April 17, 1903.
Notice ta hetehr aivea thai lb foUawtaa-
named setller baa Ilea notice uf hie inteattoa ta
make Anal proof ta support nf his etalm. ana
ta nw etaim. ami
liffore J at Uw
that said proof "M q, .j, iaw ; j Law
ivacv. I' a CoatmbHiutier, al Ihasrhatea, Oregon,
aa Prklay. Jane u. iwtj. via
OVIII W H. MILKY, of Head. Oregon:
11 H No. 73. for the KH NWk, NKK aWK.
aad Lot 3. set ia, IB 1; . r ll w 11.
U name the tefiowlag wllaease lo prove hi
tssntlintoaja reaeaetsae agcas aaa aNslvtHlosi of
tatd land, vie:
John I Was. Mean Weal. Joha hliimait ami
Jame Mean, all of head, oteaoa.
aniu MICMAKL T. NOLAN. Itegiater.
Timber Laad. Art Jnae 3. 107a.
Notice for Ptiblicalion.
I' g. Land OaV The Iktltea, Prego,
May 11, lwi.
Nailce la hereby given thai la cvmpliaaev with
Ihe provisions af the A1 uf Congrva of June 3,
T. ealllled, "An an for Ihe sat of limber lamb)
la Ihe Mate of California, iKegm. Nevada, and
Washington Territory." a ealaaded la all the
Kbllc taad Male liy Act of AagaM 4. iai, the
htwing-named yertoin have an Oct 1, insijlleu
in tht timm their sworn staiemratr, its-wit.
tm frusta Iflisialh Aaa, Minuusaaak, luggt,
a? iWuiryei. Mate, af ?llaisautai wtMH ie4a
meat No ieja, for the pstrefatte of the twf s ta.
ip w s. r 13 e w m
Carl 31 II Cartarm.
of 41a Math t stasia. Mlaaeapoltt, 1
llenaepta, stele of tlnnaota, iworn
No nj. for the paiclta.i at tile nK mi
s, r 13 e. w m.
Mtar nf
M. lp
Alfred tsVoa
of irisKteveath Ave totrlh. MlatatapaeK ronaty
of llenaepta, state of Mtnatota. swam state
meal No ia. for Ihe piiichatt ofthe tK sec 13,
lp a s, r 13 e, w m.
Joha H. Kyberg
of 1431 Chicago Ave. MtaaeapnUo, eoaaly of Ileal
npia. atate of Mlaaesota; atrora ataUawal Na
1141, for Ihe parehase of the aa arc 14, la m a,
r 130, w m
John L Keckman,
of im Ktevealh Ave, snath. Minneaaalst. eunaty
of Hennepin, stole of Mlnaraota: awora stale
meal No ia'. for Ihe porches nf the U sec 14.
lp 10 a. r 13 . w a
Andrew N. Mead.
ofCando. coanly of Towner, state of North Da
kota, swora staiemeM No 1143. for laa purchaa
of Ihe t)i sac 14, lp a . r 13 e, w m.
That Usey will rdtVr jsrauf to show thai lb bum
ought la tuoic valaabs for H limber or Moa
than for agrleaharat pnrputea, aad la aauhltah
their eUnus la saM bind before Ihe keatstet and
Receiver al The Dalit. urgoa, on Prlday, llie
Ml h day of Jaly, laaj
aey nanma wiiaeasea. j 1. aeeaman, Aiirea
Ottoa. John H Kyberg, Carl
sera, van at
Carlaoa. AtrVtd
karaoH. A 1 Baao
Ml of Mioaeapoila, Jilaa.
Any and alt nenon rialmiag adversely the
abnve netsilaed I
urMed to Me Ihelr
etalm la that otfke on or awfore the said Mthday
Of Jul v. lanl,
NOLAN, Heaiater.
Timber Land, Act Jane 3, ssei.
Notice for Publication.
V. a. Uml Omee, The ttaltee, OtegoH,
May 11, 1903
Notice ia hereby given that lu couplUBce wllh
the pruvlatoae oflae Art of Coagreaa of June t,
17. entitled. "Auacl for Ihe sale of tlaihrr la wis
lu the stale uf California, Oregon. Nevada, ami
Washington Territory, " aa ralended to all the
public laad atate by Act of Aug tut 4, ivj, ihr
fidlywing named persons have bled ia Ihl ogkv
tbelr sworn atcienienta, bwii:
Thoma McCoy
of KaatOraml Poika, uuuuly of Polk. Mate of
Miaaeanta. aworn atatement v uj;, Men Oct 1.
1901, for the jmrchaae of the acK sec 7, lp 19 a, r 1 j
e, w m.
mi Jame J. iteetk-k
of The Dailea, couiiiy of Watco. Male ur Oregon:
swotn statenteHt No nj. Aled ik-i 1, raaa, for the
puicli of ihe ehj nwb and wis 1 audi tec it,
lp 19a, r 13 c w m.
. . Albert Coons
of ItaM Orand I'mka, county of Poih, atate of
Mlunesotat aworn Matcmem No ni, flisdaent
, lyaj. for the Hirclis of the sw aas I, lp il ,
r 11 , w in.
I'eler J McCoy
of ItaM Oraml I'orka, rotfuly of Polk. State of
Minut-sou; sworn statement Ne ia4t,7llrtt Uct 1,
law, for Ihe imrchntenfllie neK set l, lp 19 s,
r i e, w 111.
. 4'" II- Itnrlghl
of Itast Oraml Porka, county of ivtlks itate of
Mluiieaolii; sworn slateineul Na I4J. tllsd Oct 1,
Hsw, for Ihe mrch.ise ofthe eK w!f hlul lots 3
ami 4 sec 7, IP 19 s, r 13 e, win. .
Tlwl Ihey will offer proof to thftu-lhftl thelaud
sought It more valuable for It tlmhvr or stone
ban for agricultural pimue. uml lu
Ihvir rlaliu lu said lnml before the Iteulttvr anil
Kecelver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Monday, Hit
rjlluliiy of July, iv3,
They imme as wituestes Jerrf Hnrlghl, Thorn
as Itnr gin, Kit hard Knrlglil, Tlibnta McCin
I eler McCoy, Jame 11 Knrlglil, of Knit t.ruiul
I'otks, SII1111, iluward Hpafrurd and 11 T bp'
ford, of IlKiiiipton, N Dak; John Hlelill,
I wecl, 1( U While uud Jame J Hctrlck, of lite
Dulles, Oregon.
Any mid all person claiming adversely th
ahoviw escribed land arc requested to file the t
clujni In thl office 011 or before the ld ajtliilat
of July, ijoj, ' J