V. Timber Utul. Art June j. i? NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U.ft Utnl Office, The ItoUe. Oregon, stay 9, ipaj. Notice I hereby glxtn Hint lit comptutnee with ttif tUtktUllll oi in Art of Centre of June l, it ,.ltttl .i. ..-I for llif Ml nf limb liim .1 IntKertnbnof Olllreriiw. orecon. Nevada,, ami WaafilnMim lrttlnrj,' M eglended to all the iHihlfclttid Mate by Art of Angmt 4. iM, the f.ilHuTlng-tmmtd perron Imee on October 4, hm. filed In IhU offlce their arront aUlemetiU, tu-wlti , Jen K Kmnti. of 171 Itaward t, Spokane, county of Spokane, atate tf Washington, awewii autemtiil No 117s, lor the purchc of the Me qr arc 11, tp o , r ij w in lane Uraou. nrit UTt Tt.tftt A- SlMtkatie. COMHtr f StHV knc.t.U of Washington, twwu statement No U74. for the porch ol the aw nr aev 1, Hi is r 1 j e. w m. Andrew U KetuHH, ufwj second at. Spokane, eounty of Spokane, ain'le of Washington, awor M Matement. No IJ7. AtMhermrchapeofthea bfmvqr ami lot t urnl 4 ec . tp jo 1, r u . w "" That they villi oiler proof to ahow that theUmt aought K more valuable for IU limber or Mom than for atrrtcultural puiwara, and to eetablislj thrlr claim to MM Und before the KeglMer and Kecelver at The lullea, Oregon, on rnoaj-v ine irthday of July. io. Tney name wnncstcs Awurem n m Arne HerkftUml. Ute K Anderson. Jane iru 1; hmm. all of fttMkam. wak Andrea KH aosen Uraon lvn .-- .- - -- -m . - . ny ana ail 1 uraon claiming ""T")."? ud nil luve-dewribed Und are nqutMcd to Bit thetn claims In IhU office on ocrorv lav aum 17m day of July, too) "rWl7 MICilAKI. T. NOLAN, KegUUr. Timber Land. Art June 17. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. 0. 8. Land Oflke. The Uutlea. Oregon, Ma.ro. iia. Vnlkv U hrebv d(vm that In apinuK nun T.,T " ,.,. the nrocMatHi oflhe Act of Congt of Jnne j. ihr. entitled, "An act tat the lc of timber land Iu Hit Hale of Cllforn, Oregon. Neeada and ahlaitaa Territory." it extended to all the public land Mate by Act 'of AHgt 4. iht. Ine rotlowiuK-Hantrd (icrwn hare on Sept . naM. bled In IhUoltk their awoiH atatcment. to-wlt Julhtall ToterWn. .of Seattle, cannfy of King, atate of Waabtntton. niorn atalcweHt No iti 1, lb Ike nnrchaae of tlic iiv cjr tec a, tp a. r ij e. vc m. Maggie K. TotetVn. of Seattle, ratuil) of King, Mate of WamBt, aw-orn Matement No itit.Tor tn pnrchawc oT the u qr at, tp aa a. r It e, r na. . Clmrl K I cwit f Seatthr, county of Ktac.Matc'of WaaMnfton. worn atarcMcnt No tat j,1br Ike pardnwa or the w qr arc 4, tp at a. T ij , w m ttneat II. Morton. f Seattle, county of King, tute'of WaaMntton; awor a atatenttanT M iM. (or Ik parclnMe of Ike c qr aec at, ip m a, r ij e, w m. Oeorge ford, at Sealile. rontitv of Kins, etatr of Waablaaton tarora auttmant o itislor the nurrtUMc of the ,e r aec at, IP , f ij e, w aa. Inlln niaaer, of 101 Cherry at. Seattle, eaaatr of King, atale of WaahinaUal. wimt amUaatt No ll. lor UK purcbaae of tn hw qr ec , tp a a, r IJ e. w m TkonuM O. JoknaoB, of IVodletoa. count afUaaalilU.atatrf Oregoa. wvrn ataument No 1117. forth pnrviHwe of the Wqr , tp a r 14 . w aa. John H Kowtand. of 117 Kaat Lake Ave. (wattle, county of King, Ute of WaaklngUai. avrarn aiatcntcM No III. tor lb pMrthnae of the nvr or tea tf, tp a ,T ij e, w m. That lint)' wU offirr proof to anew that Ike land .Mount Mi more valuable for Ma timber or atone than for agricultural porpoaea. and to nataMUb iheir ctaun to iuxd Und Dttbr tke NegMer and Hecrlver at The Dalle, Oregon, im Monday, the jotb day of Jul , lyj- Tney name a wMHmt Cfcarhta K Lewi, Iuliu4 ninicer, Inlln R Toieatcn, ItrnoH )1 Mar lon. Ceorge loed. att of neattlc, Wnk. Any and an paraon cMinMns adeaiacly the alue-d3iVdJand art reajnaataU le ! their cUIih in tbbeAee on or beftrc the mM Mth mij-frj " " jUrCHAim T. jfctTxifr'KagHter. . Timber Land, Act June J. i7. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. V. & Land Office, The ItaOea. Oregon, May 4, IV. l. Notkc in hereby given that in compliance with the pro villa n oflke Act of Congrraa U Jnne 1. i'V- enlMkaL "An act for the ir uf limber Und in tbcatateaofCalUbnda, Oregon. Nrvoda. and WaabingUm Temtory." aa catended to all Ike yuMK Und atala by Act uf Anguat 4. iaa, tka riiltowing-aaaMd prraona have on kept lyai. bled inrtkU nam their aworn autcmtnU. to-wit PeruirlU A names, of PrloevtlW, county of Crook, ttate of Oregon; wom Matement No in fur the imrckaar oliar a hf aw qr and in 41 k ,r arc ij. and nw ,r ue qr aec 4. I 7 . r l e w m . Levi I) Wicat. uf Mend, county of Crook. Mile of Orenoo , aworn atatcmem No laju fjr the purcbaae of the e hf ae qr aac j), ana w Maw qr tec J, tp it a, r 11 e, ww. ' That they will ofcr proof to akow that t be U nd aongbt U mora ualuabur for tu Umber ur alooe than far agrianltaral porpoaea, and to eaubUafc Iheir ctalaat k taid Und before J M. Lawicnce, C OomaniaiUliir. at Ixackntca. Oregon, on t-'ikUy , the 17th day of July itvj They nam aa wtinraaca WilUamJ Watklna, Aaron 1 WalfeitM. Martha Mom and John W Bamea, of PrituTrHle. Oregon, and A M Drake, C J Cottar, J I Wctt and Ovid Kilty, of Mend, Or egon , Any and ait tieraon tiaiming adversely the aooveMBKnoea lanoa are reuori cUima in IhU omrc on or before located lo lilt ibir Ike aaid i;ihhiy Of lulT. 1M miiji7 MKIUfU, T NOLAN. Kcg.aU. Timber Land, Act June j. itt. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. V. 8. Zind oSot, The lUlUa, Oregon. May y. ij Notice U hereby given that in cumuiuuev with lb provision ofthr Act of Cuugre uT June a. in. cntitlod, "An act for the aai uf litaber Unda in the aulas of Catifornu, oregoa, Nevada, and Waabiagtoa Torritury," aa rausded to aU Ike public Und by Act of Auguat 4. ua. tke follow! ag-named prraona have hUd in Ikw omee iheir aworn aiatomtntt, to-wit. Ckarlet w nharmaH, ofrjo Maramua Iddg, Portland, county of Muit uonah.awleof Orrton awocnatatemrntNoitji, bled Oct 1. tpjg, for the porch me of the e kf oar qr aec 5. tpaoa, r ij e, aud a kf aufijr ae p, Ip ig a, r ne, w m. Hobert W WiUan, . of its If itth at, PortUud. oanaly of Multnomah, tUUoforcgam: aworn ataieinent Mo ijj, AUd Oct 1, 1901, for the puickaae of the uwqr uc jj, ip u a, r 1 j e, w m. . (icorgc V- richnch, of IortUml, omiHly of MutlnomaN, aUtc of Ore gon, aworn Haumtw . , .tf. .. .-& rt AAwtbe purcbaae uf riVirn bfwir and a wnwrir aec it, tp 19 a, r 1 J e, w m Hdwln OaaweU, of 691 Marthatlat, pvrtUnd, cvunty of MuUno mab, Mate of Oregon, aworn ttalemeni Wo ijjg, fileil Oct 7, i'J, for the purcJuc of Om ae qr w 6, tp , r ij e, w in Tin they will offrr proof to ahow that IbeUnd ought U more valuable for ita timlier or ateue lliau for agricultural purianca, and to eaUMUti thir etaiina u aaid Und before the KeicMer and Keceiverat Tlw allea, Oregon, ou Tburaday, the JI day of July, lyy They name aa wituet. Udwin CmtwM.HiAA. W WlUoii, Anvia llradthaw, George V bcliucti, C W nhcrman, P C Whiltcii, all of 1'ortUnd, Ore gen. Any and all prraona cUlmlajf adrrrael the atiovc-dcacribcd laud arc rcquraicd to file thrlr' daunt In thia office on or before the aaid 7jd day f July, 1903 VnijtJ 'MI9"Af T. NOLAN, KtgUtcr, Timber t. , m', Art June j, iljS. NOTICU FOR PUBLICATION. V. 8. I,nnil Office, The Itollea. Oregon, Maya, io. Ollttll AIIVC I Notice l hereby given that In cuntplHtiicc wllh the rmmsiuntnrtiie Act 111 CoiiKreai nl Jim real ii( June 1, iM entitled. "In ftrtfbr the fetfrof timber Uml tti theklateaufCnllRirnM, Oregon, Nevuila, ami Vailn;lil Tettllnry," oxteiidril t all Hie Stubtic bintl nUtea by art of Aiivu.t 4. ity. Ihe onowliunanieil ieiin hni-c on Hept ri, im, itetl lit iTihioince their awotu ilateiiitiil, lo-ivll. SaiiiI Hinllh. of Koet. Creek, comity of llaker, lirtr of Oregon, worn ataieinent no km, tor ine iHircime 01 ine tr ir e 4, tp i a, r it e. w in. iiMeitli 11 CUmhhJ. of Slutera, county of CrtHik, Male of Oreaoti. iTUtn Matement No inj. for the luitCiiaae of Hit- ae qr aee la, ip to a, r it , in Thai they will oner proof 10 above that the land aouunt ia more valuable for Ita timber or nuar than for aurWullnral (mrpwwi, and to eatabliah their clalmt to mm! land liefutr tV A llell, V b CommlMHUier, at I'rtneville, OrKon, on bolui--dat . the litll ibtv at lutv. lunt. They name a wttnec retty IWiulenler. of iTineeiiie, ufvajvii. urn iviiHiextar. in iieini iir egw, Niml Xmltli. of Koci. Crk. OregtHi; and loaeph M Cla) pool ami Loren AlllMfbam, of !Ua ttr. Oieaoti An) aud all etMHia clalmliiK atlvetatly Ine atmve-deribed lamia are reiiueattd to file thetr claim In tht oltlee u or b(M thMld itth day of July, lyaa wiyji? MICilAKI. T. .oLhN. KegMer. Timber Land. Art Jane y iTH. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. V. H. Land Office. The DaUe. OregoH, , May 9, lam Notter I bercfav etren that In romidwiuae wllh the iroviKHM uf the Act of Cbmkic of June J. lira, cntitien. "AH an tor ine aaieat iimuer laau in ih uiim .J oaiiAvni iimon n'm ,mI . " - -- . . ..m. v..-.., .. -. ".. VathinatoH Trttttoey." a eMndetl to all the eiblk Und tut by Att of Augnat 4, ifoa. the lk ing-na'meit Ixro4 have Sled In thw omve their aworn atalenienl. to-wlt. CharUa H. Adamt, of The luUca, mnty of Waacii, aute of Oregon, .worn Matemetil No last, flwd Stht aa, 10.M, f.-r Ihe pnrchaae of the 11 hf ac qr and n nYaw t ace , li 11a, r vac, w ui. Jerome N. Ijiuer, of The I toll, county of Vaco, atale of Oregon, aworn Matement No latj. bUd ketit a, laoa, lor the parcbaaeotthe 11 hfteqr and n hi aw .jr 1 a, tp ita, r 1, w in. Charle R. TwineUim. of The lulle. county of Wn4v. atale of Of aworn atatcment Mat i(, llbjd nept aa, tftt, for ike putckiMc of Ihe n kf aeqr aq, a ifr ace J. and aw qr aw qr aec 8, tp it a, r toe, w m. John soatt nuUivua, of jjo Hetmoul at, PortUnd. county of Multno mah, atate of Oregon; aworn aintemem No j Med May at, , lor the porctuwc of the a tqr aec v, tp it a, r to , w m IMeUn M. Hptor. of Mhanlko. coauitv of Waaco. Male of aworn Maaement No irrr. aUeu aWnt at, im. for the purvkaae of the aw qr ne qr, n hf m qr and ae qr a qr aec ij. tp iv a, r 11 r. w a. That Ibey wflt offer proof to ahow that llacUnd MMtghl u more enlnabie for tu timber or Monr than for agrtcnUnral pnrwea, and to tain blub their eUime to aakt Und before Ike Kcgiater and hcoriver at The lulhn, Oregon, on Wcdnraday. Ihe tad iUiy of July, H. Tbty name aa wllncate J Kautllran.ol port Una, Oregon. Hdward tlraham. of nUtrr. tire goo, charle K Twlnebam, Jerome Laner and Lharbr R Adam, of The lull.-, or goo. and Henry A hoenr, lion Hen, Albert K liammoud and Pauline Hammond, of nhanifco, Oregon. Any and all peraon cUlmHig adecraely Ihe above -docTlbrd land are rvqocMtd to tie llwir cUlma in thu omrc on or before the Mid ad day of July. HMt, ntyiHyi7 MICIIAItL T NOLAN. HeMer. Timber Land, Act June j, irju. Notice for Publication. V. Itnd oMcc, The Italle. Oregon. Mara. nM Notice U hereby erven that in mmpHaiuM with the aruvitioiu 01 ine aci 01 loaxroM h jhhc e 1. am. eotllWuL. "Aa act far Ihe :ww n mirUnd uathcMaitHfrfCaiUbriiU, Oreroo. NeeaJa, Wathlngton Territory.' . IfTTDBIl, . m a exUudwl to an Ihe imbllc Und Ulca by Act of Angnat 4. iat, the following ii mail pcraon hove on OctoWr j, ton, Med In IhU oAot their aworn auicmcnu, Itvwit Charle A. MM tern, of Kockford, conHly of bpobanc, Mate of Waah incton. aworn atalement No ijao. for the nor- chaae of the ae qr aec J4. tp it a. r it c, w m iMbC Koooiua. of Hock ford, county ufbpouanr, MaU of Waab incton. aworn autcment No itti. for the nur- chaar of the ae qr aec jj, tp it a, r lie, wm. William II Hulluma. of Rorkford, count' of npohane. (ale of Waah ington. aworn alnlanitnl No lakt, for the pur cbaae of Ihe aw qr aec jj. Ip it a, r it e. w m. Thai they will otter proof to ahow that the Und aoutfht U mure rnauabie for IU limber or atone than for agricultural uurpoa, and to aatntdiih thrlr cUInu to aaid Und before lb Keaieacr ami krevlver at Thw lullea, Oregon, on latnrday the itb day of inly, hoi They name a Willi raea John iSUrtdl, of The litlra, Oregon; Tkorn luhl, W IJ Hotlome. hbuU C Kopfdng, Cha A Mottorn, of Kwckford, Waah. Any and all ptraon cUintiag adeataely Ihr abuvenleacripad Und are leujiiratail to (IU Iheir cUima In IhU omec on or before Ike aaid lath day of July, ivuj, miyji7 MICilAKI. T NOLAN, KeglMer Iieaert Und, Itaal Proof. NOTICK VOH PUBLICATION'. 17 ft Uud office. The lulle. Oreaon, Notice U hereby given that WUiam P Fry rear, of natlar. Oregon, ha tied notice uf lu trnlion to make proof on bU deaert-Und daim No tj. for the WH HW and W), NWti arc r. 1615 a. rue. WM, before J J nmltb. County Clrrfc, at PrinerilU, Oreajou, on Pihiay. Ike ittb uay 01 jnuc, igoj. ne name 1 name Ike Mtowtug witlieatat to tirovc the comniete urine Uon ami reasamattonM aakl Und- Mutcellu M Thorn, Jamca a H HulMM. Prank iiodaon ana wuium egon meu MICilAKI, V Arnold, of aiaicre, Or T. NOLAN, KegUter. Timber Land. Ad June j, 17.. Notice for Publication. V . Land OMor, The UatU. Oregon. May 11, iyj. Notice U hereby given that In complUuce with tke prorlilnnt oftae Aci of Coggrca of June 1, an. cnutud. "An act for tke aaleol Umber Unda In tkealataaof CaliforuU, Oregon, Nevada, and Waabioglou Territory, eaundad to all the public land Mat by Act of Angnat 4. wati Ike lotiowiHg-neincn oeraon naee on im a. named pro liav oat, Med in lid omce (heir aworn atatemtiila, to-wit Tkomat J' Swift, of WamU, coo lily of waaco, atalt of Oregon: aworn Msleiueut No irT. for the purcbaae of the hf w qr, a qr uw qr and lot j ant J. Ip 10 a, r Ij e, w m Llnic Allen, uf Wamic. county of Waci. atate of Oreaon; aworn ataltment No irn. fur the purchaac oflhe ahf HcqraMdleU land ac j, tp w a, r ij c, wm Andrew C Kollirock, of 0 rata Valley, county of Hticruuiii, atale of Ore am. aworn aUletntnt No in, for the nurcluut of Ihe ae qr aec j, tp to a, r ij e, w m. That they will offer iiroof to ahow that IhcUml aongbt m atore valuable fur Ita timber or atone than for agricultural purpoaea, and to eatablWIi Ibrir cUiui to aanl Und before the KcgUlcr uud Keeeiver at 'Jlic Dallea, trcgou, on Saturday, the taih day of July, I ''J They name aa witue4c Lliile Allen, Doug U Allen, Tbomat J bwift, of Waiulc, Oregon, Andrew C Kothrock of tirsaa Vultey, Orrgou, and L II Allliigluin, of Warm Hprluga, Oregon Any and all pcraou cUfinlug adveraely the aboYcdeaeribed land arc rrqunlcd to tile their cUfnie Iu tbU oMice on or before the aaid Mill daytfjuly, u Wnm iiv'iaj;i,i. nui,aiii Mcgiaicr. Timber Mini. Art June j, it NOTICK FOR PUIILIGVTION. HIMIlVHHtlHHMIINr. I'nltcd Htnlea t.niut Ofllve. The DaIIm. orran, April tt. ivs. Notlee k lieteUy alxrii Hull III eotnplMnee Villi Ihrpriniloiiaorlhc Ail ofCuugrfM of June 1, III III tap. eminent All aciiorinranieoi miliar laiiir 14111 iiealatea ihlimtnn yfColll'wiiia Oreaoii, Navnil. uii.l Vah ieirilir iu exltmlnl to all Hit IHiblie land atute tiy act of Ait(iit 4. It. Jacob N QuIIihk. ofHItler, eonnty of 1 '. Ule uf Oteaxii tut ..inj- , tt, luni 111 iii oiur hi aimtn talemwil ,V na, for the int UK pureim 'iirelm nr lit 11 hf w r awl w b if at 11 r nr .. ia. tn 11 a. r is w. w mi. and lll oiler tmiol t hw thai the land aoiuhl aim mil Mlcr tHool I" nw inat ine lanil aoiun la inore'vatiinlfle for U . timlier atone than lor agricultural iMttmae ami to talabllah bU claim lo aaM land Befbre I J Hmlth, County Clerk, at PrtmntUt, Otrjjwi. on 1 1 id) , the jd day of Inly, .my lie nanwa aa w niirve; joe .x tranam. nanuiei wt awl Cha Uuiberg, or mater, or iron; and Sllaa lladara of I'rluerllle. Oretoti. Any nun aU iMni claliiilnij aiteeraely Ihr abore detlbed U claim In IhU nfld laly. tim. ml arc retiiteaieil In lie the miiteateil In ale thefY ee on or Ixlbre mM jh! day of ai-fya MICIIAUI. T NOIVN. KefUler. Timber !anl. Art Jnne j. ij. NOTICU F'OR PUBLICATION. a nap van r iani iirr. U. S. Und oAVe. The Jhtllea. nitron, iirn ta, ioa Notice t narebjr gliTii that InvwntiiuW-r with it nrovurtooa olLr Act of Couvteaa at Jmu l i?a, eitlillad, "Ah an i"r the aale of timber land In ineatateaof Cniii.niM Oreavti Meeada. WatklnaloH Terr Hot t a attended tu all the public land Male b .i of Awul 4, Mat, IUuiuimI U While. or navKtaon. tamntv of of Havidaon, wxtnry of Polk, alatc of MlnjHnota. -. . . ... 3. .V '" " "! if. .W"t "i i onw a p or hw nrnnd tot l t ami i. u.h n.imi,,i o w. pn ir?T i.itinMT i nr aec a I11 , r 11 e.w m, and will onei proof to amnv thai thai Uud aonglilU iiHMe val.iable far tu limber or - ... -... ... i . . . - More IIMM far ajltentlural ptmoca..a. tablUh lib aiatTii to aakl hml hefMo Mer and Uecaivor m ihi olfice at Tl ..ami 10 ru de) Ihe Negv. The IUIU. in-egon, wt PtWay, the ith day of July, nan 11 name a wure j. 11 natter ofBtml, iHijon: Ohm, Klatrr. uoy.1 N Mpunl and Rkh tnlUQiini,a8.ia llonl Mlver. Oieajun A araml alt eau claiming a4veraly the abuvt da.grlbnlnH are requeateil to Die their cUlmain IMauAec on or befote Ihe aaht 10th dayofjulj, iwf. aijio JiraiAKI. T NOL,N. KegUUr. Tlwberind. Art June J, i7 Notice for Publication. U. H. Land ok. e lUlkta I May ii HHJ. Notice U hotajar etren that In comtuuut with Ihe pruvfMoM oTrhe Act of Cungraua of June j, 1 an. rntlUrd, "AM act for Ihe wile of limber Unda In I be aoUtMaTCMMkrnU. On ton. Nevada and Washington TmiUmy.'' a I 10 all lb public land nn. my Act of . 1. iw the oiiiiwing-nanang ptmm 11 their aworH tlilaakatiU. lw .j tn thi-onVr Qonrge Vmlner, of Culver, cuniily of Crook. Mate worn MaUmmt No itw. fcUd Oct 7. purcbaae of Ik a hfveqr and a hi of 1 laoi. for ilw aw qr ai , p 17a, r me, w m. OuaUve TcmVe of Culver, rfWnty of Crooh, Male of Otegon. worn ewiastfultt fto ita), Med Oct 7, met. for the parch of lit ate qr er 1, ip 17 a, riot. wm IroMMll KUIingbeck. of Culver, eMHtf of Crook, Mau uf Orvgju, aworn Malemewt No inn nUd Oct 7, it. for Ike purcka of tka nwqraec m, tp 17 a, r me. w m ItetlL Kltlmgbeck. of Culeer. cavutHy at Crook, atale of Oregon, worn UteaMmt Na . filed tct 7. . for the pureJaaae of lb lie qr aec w, Ip 17 a. r 10 e, w m 1'HMk M lveUnd. of Culver, county of Crook, atate of Oregon, aworn Matement N i. Men Oct 7, im, for the porch. of the acqe aec 10, tp 17 a, r w e. w m. Lmry Kllltngbeok, of CuWea, jemmy of (.male. Male of flitgain; aworn alateruoHl fo Ma7. ftled CM J, Mat. for Uat pueelM.cof tkenwqr qarjlp if ;r Mvwuu KHIle Lawetand, of Cnlver, eoHMry of Ciook, Male of Oregon, aworn Matement No ita. nUd Oct 7, . for Ihe parcbaa of the w hf He qr and He qr ne qr aec 14 and awqr acqr aec 11, tp 17, r loe, w m. , lieUa L lMvU. of Cnlver, county of Crook, Mate of Oregon; aworn Malemeut No lam, lited Oct 7, low. for Ik purchaac of Ihe me qr arc 14, tp 17 a, r w , w m Katkaflna H. (Vomer. of Culver, eounie of CrtMk. Make at ( aworn Malement No lyaa, Maai Oct 7, Not, for the purcnaa of the w hf a qr, n qr ae qr. and ae V ne qr aec 14. Ip 17 a, r M t, w m. Hear M. IMeU, , of Culver, county of Clonk, Male of Oregon. aworn euiemcul No ijbj, Med Oct 7. a", for Hit purcbaae of Ike ne qr aec Ig, Ip 17 a, r 10 e. w m Prod Col p. rounle of Crook, atale of orrooa uf Cul .w.a 1 Utewieal .lo Ijaj. Mod Oct 7 J. ' Ihe purvbaarof the ur awatr, b hf aw or and nwur ae qr aee , Ip 17 a, r w a, r m. Wilkeia frWer, of Culver, county uf Gtuuk- atale of trgon, worn atelemcnl No lilt, fllaa Oct ti.ton, foe lit purcbaae of the awqr bcajr ami w hf aeqr aec 1, and nw qr He qr arc at, IP IT a. t to , w Id Aa at dim. uf Culver, counly of Ctook. Male of Oregoa awotu MaUmcttt No 141a. HUd Oct ji.tSMi.fot Ike purihaaeof thee bfatr qrand nw qr aw qr arc ii. tp 17. r ', w aa. Thai liWy wUI utatr taroof to akow Ikal Ike Und ought U n,urs valuabb for Me limU r or atone llwn for agrindtuul Mntwt, and to eatablUh ibaircUiBM 10 ant Undktfore J. M lwrrace. 1 n CommUMonce, at Peacbnua, Oregon, on tt iday. the Mlh day of July. 104 They name aa wil : lleury M lUeU. Umutl A Unvla, Kiaut lAHWboad, AuMim W Culp. William ; Kiningbatk, Oeorge II Killing lieck. all of Cnlver. Oregon. Auy and all praeuai 'dalmltiK advoraeiy the abovleacribcd lanaV ar ttoquanUd to AU their cUlm In IhU olhce en or Nfor the aaid 14th day of July. lyaj. mtrji MKIIAKL T. NOLAN, Re.Uler Timber Land, Atl June j, itTt. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. MtUUVUKT ItW KT. V. n. Und OwVee, The IKllet, Oregoti, Ajiril , iod Notice U hereby grren ibal In cvmplUnce with the provUion ofth Art ofC.mgieaa of June j, ion, emitted "Au act for the auU of luubrr Unda In the cut afCallforuia, Oregon, Nevada and Waahlngtou Territory," aa eateuded to all the public Und Mala by Art of Aiigual 4, lau, the foiloariug luiiieal jwrao have Med III IhU oflkc their aworn UttmeiiU. lo-wll. John J. MtOulKBii, of The lulUa. ciuwly of Waaco. atale of Oregon, aworn tutemcut No ah, filed AH-il 14. lyea. for the puuhate of the iitqr tec ty, tp it a, r t c, w at, . John HUM. of The JUtlee, county of Wuaco, atale of Oregon, aworn MaUmriit No 44. filwl April 7, lyu. fur thepiircluikeofiheiiixir aec 17, Ip U a, r 10 c, w m. l'etrr MtOufgaii, of The allea, county of Waaco, alajc of Oregiyu aworn auitemeut No 340, llleil Aiirll i. vjut. far the purchaac of the awqr ace 17, Ip IJ a, r Id e, w III. That they will offer proof to ahow thill the land auutlit lit la more taluabic ivr 11a iiiinier or ij,iitT iiiuri lur iiirifliiiiuiui Jul iv,i Hint to talilKh their (Urma to aaid Uud hi frc the Keg- Klrr and Ktcchtr at The Dalle, Oregon, oil I'rhiay. the itth day of July, lyij, , Tlity name a wldiraw. Michael Connor, John lilo, I'rrderlcU W bniitli, I'cler McOul gan and John McCulkaii, ef The lullea, Oregon, .ml iainr 11 1 ... r iliiinratiolU. Minn. Auy and all pcraon' elMmliig advcrjcly Kiel aiiove utacriDca land are rciiicicu iu .. claim Iu till) office on or before tlieaald lot.li Uuy of July, 1003, 01-Jw MICHAliL T. NOLAN, JUgltter. Timber Land, Art June J, iHt NUTICH FOR PUBLICATION. HIMIIVMHtlaHMIMrr, II. H. Land Oirlee, The Dalle, Oiegnli. Nnllce la hrtrby ulven thai In eiiiiiiillaiMe with IUaitavMpitaniie Atl of CimgraM of June j. 1 an, eniiiieii ".mi art rer the aie nr umber iiv I0t. ftltd III IhU Btn llnlr awio-u atntaniaaU. to-wlll l'lnnk 1' limey, of IMiiiilnulim. cohhIv nf Wliltlilan, Ulalt r Waahlnaloh. aworn Maiaiurui Ma im. for it Hircha of the ne ir aec 14, Ip ij a, r i e, w m Hoi Waller. of l'armliigton, vwiiit) of Whltnian, alalt of wavninglim, aworn atatemenl No rat, for Int pntt'mta ot lite e ir aec 14, li 1 j a, r 10 e, w m Willi,. Hi M MalM.Uiul. of I'arnilnmon, cwiiitj nf Whitman, ilale of .,-,.n,vn. WM,n MuatVOirtll W iq, IV1 111 lmicboflhaeqr aec is, Ip ij. r me, w m Hritt H. Wnlker. of I'atmlngion, county of Whitman, Mala of waaniugtoM. anorn atalement No let. for the purcbaae of the tr qr aec 11, tp 11 a, r 10 e, w m tlriKV K HtHvluM of Parmlngton. ronnty of Unit man, atala uf Vah'ni,in, aworti tatemenl No tja, fur Ihe purcbaae of Ihe aw qr tec 15, tp ij a, 1 in a, w M. Tr .1 they will offer proof to ahow that lite Und anitbi u mote lalnahie for Ita timber or atone t,ia 'i for agrltulltiral pnruoaea, and In ceiabtleb. Ibr r i'iiua to aanl Un.l btfote I He MegWei and Mectlwr at The lullea, iHeiron, on TUIarday. ine nihday ol Jul), lunt, . They name a wilne, Ail WnM, nf P, hr City, Waab, Thonta Tweet, of The lUlita, Hi.., and l II Walker, htuva Knoarlea. Wm n Mifanau.l, Joaeph Waller, not Waller ami V I' Howy of PaimlHglow, Wafh Aav null all hrauH eUlmin advorarlv Ihe b-ruciibed land ate fmaoiilnd In U their (.lainu In IM office on or bewiq the aaid nihday ai-Jio, ' MICIIAUI. T NOLAN, KeirUter. Timber ltnd, Notice for Art June j. ilj Publication. v Land timer. The lullei.tteegnn. siav 11. len Notice U hereby given thai In comptUnve wllh the prtMMV oTIIw Act 01 Congrra 1 June J. 17. entitled. ' An act for Ihe aaUof llmbet Unda in lb, atale of California, orvgwu, Neenda and Waahington Trtiitoty. ' aa evUnded lo all the public Umt Male by Act of AwgnM 4. iaat. the foilowlng-namad twraow have on Ihrt , luat. Men in thta omce their aworn utenicni, ha-witi AuawMu II of pat Pntt Ave, hpakane, county of aHobane, atale of Waahington, aworn Matemetil No it, for in pnrchaae of ihe hf w qr and e hf nw qr aec 1$. Ip 17 , r M , w m John llanetaaon, of Oem, eounty of hkuakone. Mau nf Idaho, worn atalement No lam. for Ihe uneebam of Ihe nw qr it, Ip 17 , r i e, w m lieorge W meven. of uvy Pirat Are, npokan. counly nf toohaa. Mat of Wantngtai. aworn Malemeut Wo rtj. I'tr the purctmae of the ae qr e 7, Ip l a. r U , w m , A ine PerkaUwd, of 411 ttcoad Aw, npob. ne, conHly of tjaalmne. Mate of Waahington, aworn Matement No ii. for lb purckn of the tou j ami 4, mc j. tp M a, r 10 e. w m tne N AtmefOjiti. of 4M niroml Ave. ankane, counly of npokan. Mat of Waahinaton, twurn auumevl No lata, for the porch uf the n hf aw qr au . Ip 17 a. r e. w M That they will oiler ptuof to ahow thai Ihe Und ought U more valuable for IU limber ur tum than for agricultural piirpu.. and to eatabliah their rUtm to mid Und before Ihe Kegtater and Meceiver at The luttea. OregoM, on aauirday, Ik Hlk day uf luiy. iuJ They name a wilnei Henry W Heed, of auud, oregun, lieorg II Taylor, Anguyaln n Puwrra, IHorue W Meven. Arae HtrkrUnd, rale N AnaUrauti. Thornton WkaaUey. TburvuUI IUm aou. Kraeat C Hbsaaav. oflaBBbawt. Waah. and John liautrnaon. of Urn. fciaka Any ami jrtl ptnaui efobtruac jnlvofiely II aamAammaldkajuamfaTkhit UaLfcU at.a aUAmVanuJjml .. 1JW. nryti aiiviiahj. Timber lnd. Act June j. 17 Notice for Publication. V Und WW. The Ikalhw. tHegon. May (I, ivaj Notice U brreh given thai la romplUnr with the pruviahma aflb Art of Congrra of June J. ur!, ewtnied. "An n for Ihe a', uf limber Und la the ataU of CallfotaU. Oregon, Nevada, and Waakktgton Terrilory ' tended to all the Cldtc Und MaU by Art uf Anguat 4. dfot. the lowl.ia named ptraua have on Oct 1. ivx.Med in IhU dnW Iheir aworn ataUmeuU. to-wlt. hkhard Kuriahi. 1 KM Orand Poraa. county of polk atale of Mianeaota. awuen ataument No law. for Iu purcbaae uf Ihe lieki an . tp la a, r ij e. w m Jeetamh Knriajht, flUM Orand Pork, county of patk. etaU of Mlaaeaota worn ataltmaai no 14;. for Ike parch of the aw M aec a, tpa, r tje, wm. TttOMkM Hnttabt. of IU4 Orand Pork., twutrty folk, atoto of MtoncaoM, vworn ataument No lata, for Ik puvihateof the nH I. tprae, r ij e, w m. Madia l;MUMO. of Orgud I'orka, counly of llrand Pork. Male of North Dakota; awotn Mairnwni No itav. for tit purcnaac or in aH. a)4aw', and Mluat. Ip to a. r tj r, w m Prank Hmlth. of ThoHipaon, eounty of Orand I'orka. Mai of North otuon: aworn ataUutent No itv, for Ine porch of Ihe hhK aee 11, tp Ut a, r 11 v, w in of Maet OfSnd Pork. touXZl Polk. tiaU of tiiHiiuuta; (want autcment no irji, oKihcpdr cbojg of Umt netf at ii, tp m ,t it e, w m KrfwinT nnaOnd. of ThoupaoH, county of llrand fork, atala of North ftakota; nam atateiuent No lj. for lb purcaaMC or Ine ewl mc v. Ip to , r ij , w MUbardi) aackeU, of Thorn pauw. county of t;ral Fork. ataU of jiin awiaaaai, awurw twirawai no itij, lor in purcbaae of Ibr nwl arc a, Ip a a, r ij , w m. John A HaaiMad. of Orand Pork, county of Orand I'orka Male of Nor.h lukota. aworn atalcmrnl No lias, for the - tne nw) purcnam 01 int wm w, vt w w aec M, and ho a)j c u, I) K ateM and av a, r U e Thai limy will offer proof taTrHow lhal th tend ought la mprr yaluabU for iu ilmUir or Motit Inaa for agatnlKf' pHrpuam. and lo aatabliah their cUlma 10 aaid Und In fore the Hegiator and Haoeivar at Tbe lulhu, Oregon, on Tuetabky, In aalbday of July, iaoj iiwy nam a wantawti iinmuia jickot, Peter j jicvoy, jatry Hnrigni, nicjiaiii juingm, Knrlght, Hltliat.l Kurt Tboma KHrikiii, 01 1 uat nrmnt Parka, M 1 iirmm rarna. limn Jam 1 J llartKk, ol The 1 lullea, or; Slartlu l(id iiieaj, ol liranu I'orka, Norm Oak; Joint A Kiiiii Ud, Kdwlll T Hpaliord, C It llrWiln, Midland O tad, Kdwlll T HMlTbrd, C It llrWiln, Mich nuefceft, prank nnillii, orTiKtinpauii, n lUk ., rn.nK wnmii, w, iiunirwii, r ,iw ,Miy and alt tieraona cUlmiug adveraely the abov-defibitUiHlaiire rnHtil lo nl their otaiwt In till ollk on or liefurc the aakl aoUiilay 01 juiy, iu. tilMijM MICIIAItL T NOLAN. llrglMer, Dwcrt Uud, Itiml I'twif. NOTICU FOR PUBLICATION. V. H. Laud omce, The Dalttt, Oregon, Anril . i'ii. April 7, I'M. Notice I hereby given Uml William N Colib. ofHiMrra.Oreaou.hu filed noli Tiu filed notice of Inleutloii il ilcacrl-lauil claim No So. for til make tiroot 1111 hi ilcacrl-lauil claim No o, lor the N KM ace Ji, Ip 14, r M c. W M, before j J Huillli, County Clerk, nt 1'iliicvlllc, Oregon, on I'liuay, mc win uuy 01 jiiiic. iyuj lie iiamua the futlowiuir wlliicatc to nrove the coiuplcte Irrigation and rccluiuutloiiof aaid In ml 1 ,UHI'I,,, ... ,." .... , Henry Carliii. I! II Kiintka, M Thoiuat, nil ofKUtera, Ol liis-jl? MICilAKI, T. ink, joiiii layior aim m irrguu. NOLAN, Heglttcr. MiKiaiiiiiieainieaorcallloinl, Oreion, NevaiU and Waililimlon Ttirllory," a; oleudeil to all llie IMilillc UihI Ulhy Art of Aniiitl 4, ilt, the fmttmtnit naninl nerMi Inn on Maich . age) lhatr.l . -.. smwmtmcmmm t T. NO (.AN. HavUier. I utpj, for Timber Mini, Art June j, 1H7. NOTICU FOR PUBLICATION. HHAiivimrtaiiMtwrr, V H Land llftlfe, Tli Dalle, Oiegiin, Anril ti. ifrit April 11, f oiniiillancr 1 Nullce lalictiljy ulveii IIhiI In cliinpllancr nllli iliy ulveii Ilia un lit Atl of Hit pravUlniM unlit Atl uf Conat' nf June j, mn. rutUlnl "An dsi for 111 limn biniU lii Iti Male of California. Ortgoti, NtvaiU e.ltHdtVi lo all and Waafilnittm Tettllorv." exlcndi in inutile lanil aiaira oy Atl ui iiuhu. u inr. Ihe fiilbMvtng-imlHrd peranH have llleil III Inn ultlee llitlrairotii aiateniriiU, lo-wlli Clwilva W- Tlmrnlliwalte, iiff.mvUloii, ciHinly i.fNa PeHM. BUleufliUlmi until Malrmenl hfo t, llleil Alieil 14, iyt, for the Mitiheiif thee hf n ijt aoV ju ami w hf nw qr aee n, Ip it a, r 1 1 e, w m Chlhllnr I. Thntnlltiwlle, of I.enUlon, rotinl. nf Net I'vrvi , atale nf Idaho, aworn atairmtlil No tun, Ated April at, laot, for Ihe tiurvbaw uf iheaw nr act m, tu i.. t it e, ... . .. . , .f .. .. 1 .. 1. ..r . . .& AhiiuM t. wW That Ihey will ftr monf to ahow that Ike tandaonglif It more valuable for Ha limber or aione than for agrtcnltnral Huru.ara, ami '. latMinli Iheir rtiilin lo aakl Uml lirfore .be It- later and Keveietr at rh five tulle. 1 1 regain , on rrklav. July 10. 101 They name aa wltuauMai William MnaU and It me II I laner of Hrml, Oregon 1 Le l Oraat, of The lUIha, OrtgnH.and CTir.ll L Thorn Iharalle ami Charle VV Thornlhwalt. uf Lewia Mm, Idaho . Any and all iraon dalntiug adversely ihe above deacrtbad land 1 ate reqijvreil to Hb their claim m IhU oMcv on or before the abt loth of July, 1 m aigi CIIAKI. T NOLAN. HegUtet IKMtfl Uml, I'lnal ITouf. NOTICU FOR PUBLICATION. I, n. Uml Ofllee, The IUIU. Oregon, April if, iwij Nutbaa U bavebv utveM Ibal L,.ul n nu.uk of MMera, Orngon, ha IjWM nutnv of lolrniiun to make prow on her aton uud culm No 4, tor lhftk,ai4Wh amlMIH WM ate i.and HlltfHKH ret.tpua.r It e, W M, lwfor J J Nmiib. County Clerk, al I'rturvillv. INekH. on I'rhiay, lb tith da of Jitoo, totj. the name lh MbiwiHt wln.raitt to Stove Ik compute trrigalkm awl reclamalimi of mM Uml. Will WurmeiUr ana) Ahutander Thorn aon. of Irlnevine. Or . WPPryear, Henry Car lla, A t Atilngham ami ITanh avdyfrli. alt ot mt, Oregon m-j MICKAKL T. NOLAN, HetMer NOTICU FOR PUBLICATION. Uml Omve at Th IMIUa, Oiogan. MMktr U krrb fitea Ikai Inr fol'tnilng named Miller baa lied poller of hi intention fi make Hani proof In anppnet of k emm. and llwtmU proof will be made brfm-e J M Uw teneo. if d CnmmUaiuaet. at Dearhuie. Oreaon. m I'rieUy. Jam ft, ). vit OVID W M KILKV, of Mend Oregon II KNoti7j.for Ihe M V NKm W. and Lot J. e it In 17 a. r it e W M He nemo Ihe fol'vwing w.uiam 10 prove hie caanlmaoo reaidenc upon and ruilivaliun of aatd Und via John I VvM. Menu Wed. John Monaoi and Jam krnham, all nf hvnd, fh.ruti aull MKIIAKL T NOLAN. krgUter Timber Und, Act June 1, i7. Notice for Publication. I' k Und OaV. The mile, May 11 iwJ Notice u herebygiwo that in ownplUnre wllh ine ncovtaiuo ot ine act at lnr iT Jane 1 vfw. winim. nil wn ww in- mtn n la Ihe Mate uf California, orva.-u itya etrlMlol. . u i A. aL . mir id llmbvT tonne .., and Waaklaaton Trrrtlutv." a iiiu1mI iu au I ke mMtc UUd Male try Art of Anguat t joki.lh Mbiwluw-nanteal ueraunt turr m, ii 1 iyjaia la IhU onVe tkeii Mvora Matement.. to-wit Alfred Urana, of rm Pantk lwreill Aw, MitneonoH. counly of llnntdn. taianf Mlniitutai aennn aule m I Ha iggt, fcc am rnrvka JUn aK 1 j. LWt5sferri WW tmtmnnvtxtmmu ant at. tan AUaTatrnt Oammmm ofrm Klertalh Ave outb, Mtnneapoilo, county of Hennepin, atate of Uinarwda. eworn Mat' Mwnt No 1 mo. for Ihe parcbaa uf the t arc 11. Ipaaa, r ije, w m John kberg of 4Ji Chicago Ave. Minn. riU county of Hen urpni Miv nt Mlnneajiia. -ih al.i.iiwiil ,S 1141. for the purcbaae of Ihe nwH ate 14, tp ma r ije, w at John I, heekman uf lt I.Uvwnlb An. aonlh, Miui.'rapnIU. counly of Hrnnei-in, Mat of Mluuewi, wurn Male meat No it' fur law purchuat of in. ark arc 14 tp . r 14 , w m Andrtw N Hea.1, of Cando. niunly of Towner, atair of North laj kola wurnau.caenl No 10 fut th purcluMe of I Ik awl, afc 14 Ip to a. r 1 j c u ui That they will utter kruof luuu. ihatikal.l aougkl m uitif vnltuM for Iu umber or at. n Man wr agrieuuwrai pdrtaaat. .nd laaatallu laeir claim ttiaa. Und U-fni ihe MeaMet and Receiver at Tke lubea, oregoa, ou PrkUy. tke aMkamrofJuly. iuvij. They uatur aewdnoatml J L aUtkntam, Aif.ed tilt a 11. iiahn U RkBwru. Carl It V. l-,.M lh Uron. a n katrnt, aJlofMlamuuNla. Mian, An and ail taMwma dliia. A.i.M.tM ,k. abuve-uoarribed lanua are m,u aed t, gU Ihrlr cUimt In imiuaw on ur before th aaidarihday of July, lyut arjN MICIIAKL T NIU.aN MegUter Ttmber Uml. Act Juoe j, i7t. Notice for Publication. V Uud Onto, The I Mil, Oregon. Notice U hereby given that in tomniuneewiih the provUknui oTla Art oLCi naira. of Inn 1. inpi, eniirled, "An ad Air tb. frornmler Umt lb Iht-atnUaof iallf.MUU, Otvi-oii. Nevada ami WaakingtoH Territory. aa raUu.Ud iu alt ibr Kblle Und atale by Act of Augual 4 itaj th. lowing Haiued ptYaua kavr gird in thu olkcv their aworu alcUmebla, to-wlt fhomaa McCoy of KaM lira ml Poik. count .f Potk, aute ,,1 Mmneuota; aworn atalenienl No u. nUd Oct 1 iy. "r ihe puna of the ael, . 7. Ip tv . r u e. w m. r Jam J cotjaly of t llafrrbl of The IMIUa, coualy ot Www., aute .,f Oregon. ewurit Maleiueul No itjt, nlrU 0.1 1 loat, f. 1 the imrckauworibvehj Hwft and l.-u 1 and i mi . ip lya, r ij. w mi Albeit Count of Ka4 dram) Potk, counly . f Polk, Male of Mlniieaou, aworu aUtomcnt Slu 111, iled neut a, law, lor th Imittuav uf Ihe aw att- g, Iu nV. , IWerJ MoC.v of K11.I Ornml I'ork, omiHty of link, Malr of Mliiucaolu; aworn Maleiueul No 1741. filed Oct 1. ipw. fortliepiirheofUiene,'M i, ti iu r ite, w ill. "i " of llaai llraud Pork, ivuiily ol Polk. Male of MluiiMolii, aworu aUluiueiirNi, 1141, flleil iHt 1 M, fjr Hie puulunw of the c) V aim lota j and 4 arc 7, ipiv, r ,j ,, w ,; " '' 4 V'u, !''V "'" "; inoufloalidw Hint Ihe laud Odglil I iriwc VMluablc for lit ilmlur or alone than for agnculturul puriOMui, ami to eiuMi.h ySLriC,Hl"W? M.la.!a," '" ' Hller "nd et. ... . .. -if. ,. .".'"""l jmi nivitii. milci; 8r?gm,'me B"a J""c" J llmKt" 0f 'f " Any nn J nil ptraon clalmluir mliTrtcly flit nlnivr-i cacilbcd aiiiltorc rcquctttd lo lllc'llic y or" July, ii' m" "" r wii' MM "jil! AVy "JJJ4 ' MICilAKI, T, ,0I,AN, Hester, 1 iitnaanan. au ,..TT.i-. Ti ! '" "legon. 011 ,-iioiHiay, 1 he 7th day of July, ijmj ' u. uXl'Vl" S1! ""'" J'lfy KiiiIkIiI.TIiiiiip ii.il' i,'H' K1'c""l.i""rlglil.'TliuliVaMiCujI !. 1 'rii ,! i"W1,r,' blmmni mil T Hpiif. fold, of Thoni iinii. N i,,..- i..i... u. .1.11 ;.'..'. 1 I lot i 1 -' v rrauhMiitfiPk-aaftr" r"K"" 5sb,ihi. C ""