Eruptions Dry, moist, Hcnly toller, nil forma of oczomit or suit rheum, iltiijIe nutl other culunuoiiH ertiptloiw pro. coed from humors, olthur Inherited, or acquired through dufccllvo d. (;ohUoii mid iiKaltnlliitlon. To tront Ihunn eruptions with drying imidlolnrn Ih dangerous. Tlio thing to do Ih to tko Hood's Sarsaparllla and Pills Which thoroughlyclomiHO tho blood, expelling all humors and building up tho whole HyHtein. Thoy euro Hwxl's 8rprlll ptnnanrnllr cun-d J. (J, Illnoi, freak, lll.,of wit-tiia. from which lift had aiitTi-rtd for unino timet Mil Mlit AMna Wolttr, llox III, Aliform. Wit., of pirn' rlt on hr turn and hack ami etiafol iVIu an bar body. by whleh tho had l.nn rrrttlr troubled Tiirro urn inorr tontlmonUU In favor of Hwxl't llian rati Im t-ibll)iI. Hood's Sarsnpnrllla promises to euro and koops tho promloo. Sf tiultct for llucllits. A hariulona bullet, made o( a shell of chalk, Iiai Um Invented by a Parisian physician, and It will no doubt be ex toutlvidy used by French dualist. Whan it strikes a person It merely mark tlio ot without doing tho lonnt Injary. Willi a maik oyer tlio far, men can practice rerolvor sIkmMiir at acli other Jul as they now prsctloo lonclug. CASTOR I A Tor Infant and Children. Tli Kind You Have Always Bought Dears tho of C&&$ff&2a&. Olguaturo Too Curious. "Thcro la novor nny uncertainly whnro I stand," said tho pompous speaker nt tho ward meeting. 'Tin a atnlwnrt." Wlmroupon tho llttlo man with a xqurulcy volcn half rose and putting hl Itaud to hbi car, Inquired: "What kind -of a wartT" Kanaaa City Jour nal. riw'f Curti U a good couth mrdlrlne. Itliaacurnt roiicht and colda tax iotJ ycart. At dniKid'f i M cent. Not Appreciated lIJortki it certainly seem to mo that a man llko HJackson, Who linn worked hard all hla llfn and brought up a family of sixteen children, desorvca a aroat deal or credit. HJones No doubt. Hut he nn't got It at tho stores. Hommonruio (Maea.) Journal. FITS ruOf imi At wii XMlonr. fUB.HoPKKt.ll. OniiUIIHU.rJVU. W, D.ll.ll.Kut-U4. lrrht.rulUUlhJ.r Hit Oot Dlttlnctloa. What nrakes that llttlo cad of a Tommy Tuff nut limp oT" "Jio only does it when ho want to how off. Ho says there's a place on hit tag whore John I. Hulllvan kicked him onco when ho got In lilt war " ARgJou r I4I bbbbV - Jm aaftaiBW sIbV - -saiBr-TI V LI lilt 1 atajr-l "Z ura 1 nL! ijmm xiih i If st tbe your system fa ont of balance, aad there is a flaw sotnovrutre In ysmr constitution, and a possibility that you ore losing health, too. Tucfalllngofl In weight may benllght, but Itmakea a wonderful chance la one's looka and f ccllnea, and unless the building up process is begun in time, vitality and atreugth arc soon gone and health quickly follows. If you are losing weight there is n ranun for iL Your blood is dcterioratinr and a a - A . 1 ...2..l becoming top pejor 10 vvyj .n"u'"" V'",",7 "uu," rauwJ? ,PBnBCU and enriched before lott weight Is retained. It requires something more than an ordinary tonic to huilJup a feeble constitution, for unless tho poisons , and germs that are lurking in the blood are destroyed, they will furtTcr im- povejiflh the Uoodd rkfn the t.dyottUnue to lose weight In B. H. 8. will be found purifying not only builds up weak constitutions, but searches out and destroys germs and poisons of every description and cleanses the system of all impurities, thus laying the foundation for a liealthy, steady increase in weight and future good health. 'Food may be bountiful and the appetite good, but still the system weakens and wo remain poor In flesh unless what we cat Is properly digested and turned Into rich, pure blood. 8. 9. S. re-lnforccs the Stomach and aids tho digestion and assimilation of food, and there is a rapid up-bulldlng 01 Jiealtu nnu strengin. 0, a, o. promptly and beneficially upon the asrrowi system, strengthens and tones it up, nud I'cllovcn tho atrain by producing sound, refreshing sleep. Yoa can find no tonic so invigorating as 3. S. 8., and being composed exclusively of roots and herbs its use is attended with no bad effects. Old people will find that it braces them up, improves the circulation of the blood, and Btrona or well, and who are growing thinner and falling below their usual wclRht. should take a course of 8. 8. S, and build up again. S. 8. 8. is r..i....i .,.r..u.fiiri aa the leading blood Duriflcr and tho safest and best of all tonics. We cheerfully furnish Wlu will write us. Ttf SWIFT ShUMgliU en lllttory, Yeaat WJion did tlio custom origin ate of putting tlio iiiiibIo In tho roar of tlio troop during a battle? Urlmsonbonk Why tho Scotch start od It. ,'IiidncdiM "Ve tliuy uacuMlie bagpipes, you know, and n fellow" would lather run Into thn very huo of tho enemy than go buck whuro that muiilo was. Yonkors BtatuMiian. fliVwth of Cities, During tho nlnctcmith century Ion don grow from n city of 800.000 peoplo to ono of O.COO.OOO that Ih, Increased eightfold. Now York Incronnod from CO.000 to 3,r00,000 nearly iilxtyfold. Usually the Case. "Daughter," anld tho mother who wan Ionic on Holomoulo wisdom, "whnlnvr-r you do, don't marry n man with dreamy vyon." "Why not, mar asked tho beauti ful bud. "Ilecnuso," replied tho tnalnr, "It's dotiKhnuta to fttdgn ho'll also pos sess n dreamy pockotbook." Chlcugo Dally Now. He Wsa AtovtNt, "Old tho notcn of a bird orcr moTO yuti?" naked th;i poo tic Klri. "Ym" replied tho youni; mnn. "I tnnsl to call on a young lady and ornry timo thn cuckoo nnnounccd tho hour of 10 I wont homo." A Modern tleac. Anxlotu Mother Toll me, doctor, Is It a dangerous disease. Physician I fear It Is. Ho has breakfastfoodltla In na adroncefl staue," JudKO. An Obitrvatlwi. "That woman has yet to bo born." observed tho man who occasionally thinks aloud. "What woman has yet to bo bornT" asked tho Inqulnltlvo ponton who over heard thn remark. "Tho ono who can look nt n hole in n nowspapor without vrondorlng 1mt was cut out," replied ho of tho noisy thoughts. IlKArNKNH CATtrtOT JIK CURJCS Jlr Joral appllctttnnt, at tliey rannot ittahUi dltcM(ilunolU ttr, ItltttllODlrOD war loauntdfatiMii.atxi lint It r tmlllu llontl tenifllri. latut It rautl br an h d.in1 condition t Ilia wueuutlUf iiotth KutttrbUli Tut. W'htn lil tuUr iUt In fluinnt ToalitaiiimUln-;iMnii(l InrxT lfflhffln, al Wbtn 11 It enllirlr clut4 riraf nrtt It ikn imbIi, and tmlnlt Hit iDltamTaa. Hon ran l Ukrn ut amt OiW tutw r Mfr4 to lit mil mal romllllbii. titarlatc wltlbt Onlrtn-M lurtitri nlnaraart out .l UD aracauawlbr ctlairh, which u voihlnc but an InOauma tnllllno(tittittcUiiiifacr. WawilliiU oi. lluudrwl IKilUrt lornr CawfOlllralnnafraatMibr tarrli) tlnlcu noi t cured bf ilall't Catartb Curt. Mod tot llroulara, f cnar -CO, TJX Bold br!rui(lMa. 74a . . Uall'a ruaUr ftlu art tbt tuart. Thoufbt It Atlgbt Ac. Mrs. Nowrocks I'm determined that Cynthla'a debut stall paaa oR with great eclnt. Mr. Nowrocks What's -cleat, Maria osponsoT 1'uck. Kcrsatoa. Kerosono oil Is an inerpefiatvo And satisfactory furniture polish, especial ly for tho old fashioned carved fur niture, some of which la in possession of almost every family that has been housekeeping for any lenKth of time. A camel's hair brush can ponctrato tho crovlcea that defy tho dusting cloth or brush of tho most careful houiokccpcr. Kerosene la an excel lent cleaner. it. IW.J M S ... ft.. ulaCt I and tonic properties combined. It WIHDERFUL IAIN IN WEIMT. KunUvlllt, Ala., Jaau 10, 1003. Rome jraara as r Statral btalta csvs wart sir strvona ayaUa was abatttrtd, Bad X eoulA rtt nothlaa- to do an amy sood till 1 baraa to uaa B. B. B. Z oommano4 to improT at oo. aty apptuw utcamo apitBOid aad from ISO poaada X lnoraaatd t 180. X btcamo wall aa-ala by taktna; 8. B. B. and would taks ho amonat for tha a-ood It did saa. Mr ktalth is now parfaot, and X btllav If ovary btdy would take a Dottle of B. B, B. oooaaloBallr, thty would enjoy 11 ulua dolar. W. U W1M8TON. kftl0nT3 aH J w B I aaBBaaa! 1 VssV H fiJhaWVaSM stimulates an tne Douuy organs, ana persons of delicate constitutions can take S. S. S. with safety, as it docs not ikrange the Stomach like the strong mineral remedies, but acts gently and without any shock to the system. Those whose feellncs tell them they are not medical advice, without charge, to all ! MFECIFIO CO., ATLANTA, OJL NOTED CANADIAN MISSIONARY. littlret After 04 Ycara Hptnt Anionir Indiana of tlio Northwett. Aflcr 'Ifty-four ycara of constant and arduous labors Kev, I'ntlier Al bert Lncombc, of tho Oblnto order, n noted Catholic missionary among the Indians, recently retired to n peaceful retreat on I'luch creek in the llocfcy Mountains of the Cunndlnti Northwest, there to nwnlt in meditation mid prayer tho end which aoouer or later cornea o all men. He Is now 77 years old. Ii'uthor Lacombo Is well known throughout Cannda. The work bo has accomplished In tho line of coloniza tion and civilization of tho Canadian .Northwest In enormous mid has made his imino a household one In many parts of tho Dominion, lie was born In thn province of Quebec and In IbMD. on his ordination to the priesthood, was sent to do mlsstonnry work In the Ited lllvcr region. In 1880 ho was sent as a missionary to the Kaskatchc- fTTwT JfTLaaVlL'K I V&flmfe 1 RKV. AI.UI.UT LACOUUn. wan and a llttlo later became vlcar general of the diocese of Kt. Albert. In IbUS he obtained from the Ottawn gov ernment a porpctnsl grant of land, 15,000 square miles In extent, as a reservation for the halfbrceds and In dians of the Canadian Northwest. Kathrr I ji combe often appears dresa ed as a chief of the Hlsckfeet Indians, ninong whom for many years he has lived and labored. KEEP COOL WHILE YOU ROCK An Attachment for Uocklnar Chalra Which Cool. 1'erann In tho Cbalr. This device will discharge contin uous Jet of air on the face, hands or any part of the tody 'as' long as the rnoitucna continuous am. chair Is kupt in motion. lieneath the 1 chair will be seen the apparatus for pumping and storing tho air, consist ing of two pairs of bellows and an expansion reservoir. At each motion of the chair the bellows are alternate ly expanded nud contracted, druwlug the air from the room and passliiK it inlo tho storage chamber. From here two or more tubes lead to tho spray . attached to the ends of the LSabuT rod clam Jed to the cw lr is tbPreisuro on th .tow St.s eon nuS tZ flow S through tho tubes will be maintained as lone aa there Is any air In storage, and smly a slight motion of tho chair Is necessary to pump the air aa fast as it Is exhausted. Merely Hugiccttlon. Miss Ousch "I'm sure something nng happened to Clarence my fiance, you know. He started for lloston two daya ago and 1 haven't heard from him since." Miss llrutlo "Why not advertlso?" Miss (lusch "Advertiser Mr. llrutlo "Yes; say, 'Lost A flanco; woro high collar; answers to nnnio of Clarence,' or something like that." Philadelphia Press. The Inspired Idiot. "Kvery cloud may have a silver lining," said tho Inspired Idtot, "but when n man la caught in a heavy shower he can't help thinking thoy are lined with tho poorest quality of zluo or tin." Ualtlmoro llemld, Kxplorlna; Tlioboa Mr. Davis, tho American who has expended considerable sums In explor ing works near Thebes, Kgypt, has fouod.a snlundtd chariot in tho tomb ; of lung Thothmea. Mil V&&hSR&Sk& Pl A L'htnti htock Hrale. I have an ordinary platform scale (hut I uv to weigh stock to note the Knln. I first started weighing vegeta bles and then to weigh pigs, so now 1 weigh feed and Iwgs every week noil ciiii tell how much they gnln and how much feed It takes to make that gain. In weighing hogs I use u crate made of Ixi slats, with a gate at each end. I set tho crate with one end nt the hog house door, balanced on a plat form scale with blocks underneath to prevent teetering, open gnto In hog house end of crate and let In as many as the crate will hold. After weighing I let them out of the front end and I mil ready to weigh again. In this way two men can weigh forty hogs In about ' half nn hour, after everything Is ready. tiAsnr mix ron wcioiiiho stock. For weighing cattle, I take two pieces 2x10 Inches eight feet long and cleat them together and lay across the scale as In cut and lead the animal on to It. If the animals are not gentle you can set four posts In the ground, nail Sx4s on them, no as to make a chute to lead them through on to the scale. The cor ner of frame, a a, must te made very strong. The piece, b mny be made morahtc at Iwth ends If desired. Kxtrn welshts can be hail nt any scale house. C -J. Davidson, In Farm and Home. Tho Ilnatan Apple. The trouble which comes from the confusing of nnmes Is Illustrated In the case of the Itoseau apple, which Is more generally known by Its common name of Canada Ited, yet which is entirely distinct from the variety known as Ited Canada. Tlio Itoseau apple fairly shown In the Illustration as to form has more than a local reputation, although It Is tiik nosr.AU Ar-fLE. moNt generally found In bearing in Canada and New England. Thcro seems to be no good reason why tho variety should not be planted In all apple sec tions, and particularly lu northern dis tricts, for while It Is not to be classed as n good variety for home we, It cer tainly Is a good late-kecplug variety, hence Is valuable for narket purposes. The fruit Is slightly Irregular, oblate, shallow baslu, calyx small. Color red mottled and splashed, nearly covering dull sreeu ground. Flnvor sub-acid. quality good, season midwinter. Aa a keeper, especially In cold storage, It deserved attention, and If market grow ers will look Into the merits of the va riety they will find It at least worthy of trial. Poultry lMckliiR. Keep the bens scratching. A dark comb Indicates congestion of some kind. Turkeys nre my tender and weak when young. The poultryu'nu who would rlso to highest fame must advertise. Keep the grit boxes well supplied. Without grit Indigestion Is certain. Thcro Is no class of poultry that In crease In weight as rapidly as gosllus. Just turn tho hens over to tho "wlm mlu folks" and theu watch tho results. A smooth bird that is easily cleaned Is a good arrangement lu feeding poul try. Market the old fowls and keep tho young ones on tho farm and lu tho poul try yard. Location Is much, but tho right kind of a inau can raise poultry successfully anywhere, Feather pulling Is a vice that comes from confinement and Idleness, and Is dlfucult to euro. fefevX. sVw'ma .'"'slBaaM-- bKk L?r iff JSr HL v 4)') i (ieeso usually lay early. Tho eggw should bo gathered ns noon as laid to prevent chilling. One advantage with poultry on tho fnrtn Is twit they eat much which otli crwlso would be wasted. Plenty of feed does not mean profu sion. Profits are lost by ovcrfecdlntc as well ns by underfeeding. Home chickens die because of the toughening of the skin at the large end of the egg. They cannot break through It. HIiorMcggcd fowls fatten julckiyr long legs nro hard to fatten. Thoso' which are first hatched fatten quickest In a brood. Taking everything Into consideration we believe n board or cement floor l to be preferred to nn earthen one nluo tlmea In ten. Ctorer I.nnd for 1'ntntoe. lu many sections wbcro farmers' hove succeeded In growing crlmsor clover, the crop rotation Is clover, po- tntoes and corn. This has been found ' to glvo excellent results provided tho clover Is turned under at just the prop er time, and this time Is when thr clover Is In the condition where tho- greatest amount of nitrogen can be put Inlo the soil. Experiments have prov ed that, regnrdless of calendar date;. this condition of the clover Is very soot after It begins to bloom, for at tint time the nitrogen the plant has gath ered from the air Is In the plant, and hence can be put Into tho soil by plow lux under. It Is true that the grawtU of clover may be quite heavy nt that, time, and hard to plow under, but this Is certainly offset by the added amount, of nitrogen gained. It Is not meant to Infer thnt this rotation of crops will do nwny with the necessity for the use of fertilizers, although if previous fer tilizing has supplied phosphoric ncldv In sufficient quantities and cultivation has released the potash, so thnt only -nitrogen Is needed, the use of crlimou clover will, after all. render unnccee sary the fertilizer. However, this Is a v condltlon of affairs that can only be as certained by demonstration. Porcine Heavy Crop. It Is a common practice among tenant farmers and fruit growers, during the last year they handle the ground, to force the largest possible crops regard less of the effect on the sou. Wactlier a' tenant Is warranted In doing this Is not' the point to be discussed. Unfortunate ly many of these tenants go on to farms of their own and, remembering the last heavy crop, carry out the same plan In apparent Ignorance of the effect on tho so 1 1. Take the case of a strawberry plantation ns an Illustration. On aver age soil having a fair quantity of each of the plant foods nitrate of soda used to tho exclusion of other fertilizers would produce n very large crop of ber ries, but It would also use from the soil a greater amount of fertility than one Is Justified In taklug. If other plant foods were used so ns to leave the soil In fair condition, then the use of the nitrate or soda would be Justifiable, but this might bring the expense of gettfns the crop to a ilgurv too gTent to-warrant the outlay. This being the case, It would bo far more sensible to handle the soil with n view of getting the large crop for successive years and retain ing the fertility of the soil, rather than to get an extraordinary crop oncyear and exhaust the soil. x Peedlnir Young Pin. Tho cause of some of the failures ln raising young pigs profitably Is duo to the Improper methods of handling them when young. There may bo dif ferences of opinion as to methods of" feeding, and undoubtedly some feeds do better In the hans of soma feeder than with others. On the other baud, the fact remains that the usual plan of letting the young pigs feed with tbe old one Is wrong; It Is well enough to do this, perhaps, while the pig Is learn ing to eat, but when It Is weaned it must have a better chance of getting; Its share of tho food than Is possible when fed with the mother. Trough for tho young pigs should bo built low nnd bo placed where the old hog can. not get into it It tho usual ground feeds nro given tho pigs, nny of then will bo much Improved if the mixing" of them Is tlono with warm skimmed. milk. Give tho growlug pigs a chance In tho 'manner suggested and the re sults will bo added profit. Vouns Ilroode. It Is the cold damp days that cause chicks to become chilled and droop, nud the small coops and runs should bo placed under a covered Bhed, so an to permit the chicks to stroll outsider the runs without being exposed to tho weather. As they grow and becotne strouger, the runs may bo placed on a grass plot, using tho coops under tho sheds for later broods. Trouble with lice In the poultry house Is caused by neglect every time, and pure laziness a good many times.