ftuUt'LJ v-cty t-O'C " THE BEND BULLETIN. VOL. I. HEND, OHJ20ON, FlUDAY, MAY 15, lHO'i. XO. 0. fsurfjy fir EVENTS OF THE DAY OATIinKHD FROM ALL PARTS 01' THR TWO HEMISPHERES. Coniprclictulve Review of tlio Import ant Happenings of the Pant Week, Presented In Condensed form, Mos Likely to Prove Intercullnt to Ouf Many Reader. Wlltlii Hwent, of Idaho, tin Im'cii np polnted attorney general of Porto Hlco, KxMnyor Amen, of Mlnntapolli, linn bean foil ml Kiillly of accepting n bribe. Tlio TurkeyHulgarln war cloud linn disappeared, iiirxoy Having wmiurawn. Pecrotary of Wnr Hoot line purchased n pint In Now York on which to uruot n 1160,000 renlduiico. Mnrtlii K. Jitnn. (Iio well known flnnnclor, lini Ikmhi elected president of tlio Kow lork unnmiwr oi commerce. Andrew Garnegln has been decorated with thn Onlnrol Ilollvnr.it Vonextielan honor, second chtii, ni a benefactor to humanity. Tim llrltliili.Aimirlcan tobacco com pany will buy out tlio T. O. Williams company, oi idciimouu, n., ono oi ua trolTgoat rivnli. James Haggln Iim filed imm for two flvo-tory while ninrhla dwelling In Now York. Ho will make ono of tlio palncoa hi homo. Twenty person woro injured, n few erlotisly, In n Chicago atrent cur col llilon duo to nn nccldont to tlio running Hour of ono of tlio car. Oinslin hnn ordered nil saloons cloM tlurloK thohlg ntrlko now on. All wnnhlp hut those of Austria will ho withdrawn from Halonlcn. Tlio moro serious fon-rt fire In th Adirondack are now out nnd tho re mainder under ccontrol. Mr. 0. 1. Huntington lini purchased tho now f 000,000 alx-tory mansion of Mr. J. F. Carroll In Now York. A French-Helglan nyndlcato hni Imxmi formod In Kurope with rnpllnl of 3, 4)00,000 to work tho Ohllonn mine. Thrco thousand dollar of tho inonoy which wa atolon from Kxproan Agent Peterson, of llrltt, In., Inat week, lm bcon found hunoath tho company' building, In n street-car runaway at Hochester, Pa., the conductor wna probably fatally Jiurt. tho motormnn badly bruised and nix iinMaviiirora Injured. Wot rail cnurod tho accldont. Tho rlvora nnd hnrbora rommlllro of tho houao of representative made n tour of tho navigable watora alwut Now York to wo what linprovomuuta nro needed In shipping facilities. Tho rcort thni Oonural Maton, tho jovolullonnij Under, haa landed In Venexuoln from Curacao, la oonflrniod. An naeoclntlon for tho protoction of -Gotmans In tho unforcemontof tho lawn of Argentina haa boon formod at Ituonoa -Ayrcs. Physician of Iin I). Bankey, tlio alngor ovniiKollat, now acknowledge tho (nlluro of tho oporutlou for tho roatorn tlon of hla night. Attempta to wreck two trains nt fttainford, Conn., nro charged to 1ramp, and tho pollco aro now In pur ult of lovon tnon. Bobbers wrecked tho anfo of tho Hank of Anuria, Kan., and escaped on a Jiand car, It la not known how much inonoy thoy aocurod. Indiana haa had nnothor sovoro front which It la bellovod will practically Xc 1 1 1 tho atrawborry crop, plum and othor tondor curly frultn. Edwin O. Kolloy, treasurer nnd gen oral niumigor of the Enamel Ilrlck coin pnny, of Olovolnnd, O., la chnrgod with tho ombozzlomont of $25,000 of tho f undn of tho concorn. Kolloy declares he will bo ablo to provo hla Innoconco. Itlvnlry nmong tho associations of onglnrors In thla country may nullify an offer of Andrew Carnogio to glvn $1,000,000 or moro to establish n National contor for engineer in Now York. A high oillcial in ono of tho bodiua naya It la doubtful if all can llvo in poaco in ono room. Portland Inundrymon havo locked out their omployen. Nonrly 500 touantn woro ovlctod In tho Now York tonumont district May 1. Ruasla oxpoctu war with China and la preparing for it. MOHOS AHU KOUTIil). Americana Win Big Victory In Mindanao Sultan Among Captured. Manila, May O.Cnptaln 1'ornhlng'n column Iiah (lufcalcil tho nullan of Am nnruuunon, a ntrong forco of Moroa in tho Tarucn tnuntry, on tho taat nhore of Ijtko Lnnao, Inland of Mlndanno. Tho American rnpturc ten lorl. Unn hundred nnd fllteen Moron woro killed, lit woro wountlfd and (10 woro nindo nrimimirn, Thu Moro captured Inrud od tho nullan. Two Amorlcaua Mere klllid ami aoven woro wounded. Tho ten fort connlltutod rorioun and atrctig oHitlon on tho baukn of tho lumen river, and from lliem mo .'Moro vlgorounly reilatod Captain rerihiug'a ndvauoo. Tho Amorlcnn troon attack od tho fortn Monday and captured eight of them without nulXering any lomoa, though tho 30 obsolete cannon mounted on tho fortification were red with tho bet of tho enemy' nblllty. Thu garrlron of tho ninth fort roilntod florco ly, nod Captlan IVrsliIng ordered tho fort to Ihi iliolled ami captured by an ault, which wan done, Lleulounuta Hhaw and Qraclo, loading two compan lea of tho Twoutyauventli infantry nnd a detachment of cavalry, aurrounded tho tenth fort, whoro the Riiltati hid ought refugo and it aurrondorod Tuen ,av Tho fortn hnvo been dimnntlrL Captain I'erihlng moved north Turn day to compute tho exploration of tho lake. 1IUKLW) TO OUATII. Thirty Men Thrown Down Precipice by Train n Canadian Pacific. I'ort Arthur, Out., May 0. Ily an accident on tho main lino of tho Can dlan I'aclfla near Hotter itntlon, 'Jt aillua cast of thla place, IS laborora Irn prleontxl In tho wreckago of a derailod work train were either killed outright or burned to death. Hlght other were frightfully burmsl. and n number of them will dlo. Tho men wero naloop whon tho train left the track. Tlio train wai running at a high apoed when It wa derailed, presumably by tho breaking of nn nxlu Kvery car left tho track and plunge 1 down an embankment into tho ditch. The men who wero killed wero anloep In what in known na tho " xMrdlng car " which waa atUcluil to the roar of tho train. Thoro were 30 mon In thu car. It waa cruahed like nn eggtholl, killing aomo of the men outright nnd pinning othorn under the wreckago, ao that they could not exlricato themanlvea. Flro added Ha horror to the acono, tho epllntered woodwork of tho car bulng Ignited ny an ovorturnod atovo. Tho mon who escaped Injury at onco ret to work to liberate tin Imprlvoncd workmen, but they wero driven back by tbo llamoa, which aprend rapidly. Ono of tho Imprisoned men nurcveded In extricating hlmeelf, and annulling a wlndtrw, crowUsi out from under tho w,rocknge. Ho roported that aaveral othera, aomo of them badly Injured wero lying rear tho wlndnw. Tho re cuora Biicccodod in getting ton or 12 men through tho ahattered window. Tho flamen meanwhile wero growlni florcei, nnd tho mon woro finally driven from the work of rescue by tho Intent) heat. IN WATCRY (1RAVIIS. Piltccn Lives Lot In Wreck of a I'Uhlng Schooner. Cnnao, 1). O., May II. Tho Amor Iran llalilng ochoouor Olorlana, Captain George Stoddard, of Oloucoator, Main., ran aahoro lott night during n thbk fog on tho rliffa nt Wale cove, nonr White Point ludgoti, and 16 of tho crow, including tho captain, woro drowned, out of a total of 18. Whon thoGlorlnua struck on the lodge alio panned over tho outer ridges, but upon the innor reef buttod against a (lift of rock, and then foil oft Into tho soa, Tho placo whoro tho Glorlana waa wrecked in ono of tho moat dangerous on tbo Nova Hcotia count. It Is loan than a mllo from where tho steamer Illammnnden was wrockod last year, and only hnlf a mllo from the acono of tho wreck of tho stoamor Tiber in Feb ruary, 1003, whon S3 Uvea wero loat. rho tbroo survivors woro brought boro thla afternoon, and nro being cared tor by tho United Btates consul, Thoy any thnt tho voasol la In total wreck. Nono oi tlio uouios navo boon re covered. ' " ' " " '" '"" Leper Recaptured In n Laundry. St. Ix)u1b. Mny 0. Dong Gong, tho Chinese leper who escaped Monday from tho isolation cottngo nt quaran tine, was recaptured today, and will bo returned to tho quarantine quartern oc cupied bv him for moro than n year. Ho was found in n uiunoso laundry, mnny customers of which burned tliolr linen whon thoy loarnodot tho capture. NEW WAR POLICY GREAT HPITAIN PROCLAIMS MONROE DOCTRINE OP HER OWN. Con it of the Pcralan qulf the lloila of It L'ncroachment by Any foreign Power Will II B Realtted Protection of St . Route to India Ntcenaary to Predom inance of Mrltlih interest. London, May 8. Foreign Pocrotnry Lantdoano ban proclaimed n Hrltlch Monroe doctrino In tho Perlnti Gulf, nnd ban practically notified the com poling powers that any attompt on their part to uktabllnh a navv bfe or forti fied Knt in those water mean war with Great Hrltuln. "I nay without heallatlon," aaid tho foreign eocrotarr, dealing with the sub ject in the Iioum of lord, "that we should regard tho establlthmont of a naval bate or a fortified port in tho Persian gulf by any other powera a n very grave menace to HrltUh Intcrt-nt. and wo nhould certainly ielt it with all tho mean at our dd-ponal." Iord Ijiimlowne preceded thin ex plicit enunciation of ilrltlih policy by a review of tho aituatlon tliero, a It nffettod Hritlsh intrroatt, contending that eo far a tho navigation of the Perolan gull wan concerned Urttat Urlt aln hold a position different from that of other powe, lwth bocauo it waa owing to Dritlab enterprise and ex pvndlturo of llfo and money that tho gulf waa now open to tbo commtrco of tho world, nnd because the protection of the eca routo to India Decoltatcd Urltltih predominance la the gulf. Lord JjnIownb'a .attitude in thla mntlT sonorally meett with approval, although the anawon thereto of the other powera InturoMetV I(.Uio gulf are awaited with omo Mnx.ety. Tho newpM)'n here comment n the analogy of tho prearnt proceeding, which Captain Mehan so strongly recommended, to tho United State policy of Monroeism. Tho Wotmln ator GareHo bolda that the Hritinh mo tive, namely, tho protoction of tho rea routo to India, correKnJe exactly with tho American motlvo in excluding Kuropean (towers from American water becauio their territory Is thereby threat ene.1. WILL DELAY CANAL TROATY. President of Colombia Will Not Call Ilxtrn Session of Congress. Wathington, May 8. Tho Meet ad- viro rocoivod indicate that Pronldont Marroquln, of Colombia, has nlmott decided not to call a tpeclnl soalon of tho Colombian congres to act on the canal treaty. In the election In pro gress tho opposition continue to gain nnd tho prospects for a government majority aro eo doubtful that President Marroquln reema indisposed to act. Tho Colombian congress will, how over, nnscmbln July i!0 Jn regular pen sion, At thnt session thn caual treaty might be taken up, but in view of tho sentiment existing, much doubt in folt hero as to whether it will be acted upon. ' Tho outlook, however, -does not din courngo tho ctllclals here. Tho United State government haa gone eo far In Its negotiations with Colombia that confidence la folt here that President Marroquln will feel himself bound to carry out tho engagements into which ho hna entered. Tho Colombian con stitution contains a provision enlarging tho power ol tho executive In tnco of disturbed conditions, and if thorn la tho sllghtont sign of tor. iblo opposition to tho government or of revolutionary up rlalng, each as nro hinted nt In tho itorloc from Kingston, Jamaica, nnd from iBthmtan points, Indicative of a purKso to .over tho Isthmus from Co lombian soverlgulty, tho pronldont may arrogate to himself dictatorial power and go to tho length of ratifying the caual treaty without tho conr-ont of congress. If ho does eo, tho United Btatos government will sustain tho title thus acquired. Plague Increasing In China. Washington, May 8. Tho state c!e partment to lay melvod a cablegram from UniteJ Btatos Consul General Mo Wado, at Canton, saying that bubonic plague is increasing in Canton, Ilonan, Shuntak, Yokung nnd Yuengshan. Famine is raging In Kwang 81, and nn Amorlcan missionary reports that tho body of n victim had beon eaten, COLLIDQ AT SUA. Ocean Liner Meet In a Dense fog, and Twenty Live are Lost. Norfolk, Vn., May 7. A collision at sea that cost tbo lives of 20 or more opla nnd tho sinking of tho Clyde tleamihlp Haginaw by tho Old Domin ion steamship Hamilton occurred be tween Winter quarter lightship and Fcnwicfe island HghUblp, on the Vir ginia coast at 'I HO o'clock this morning. A dcri'o fog settled along tho thoro shortly after nightfall, and while going through tho fog at reduced speed the Hamilton crashed into the Saginaw'a aide about SO feet from tho stern. Tho fog whistles of both veisois wero distinctly beard by each other for sev eral mlnutea before tho collision oc enrrcd. According (o Captain Hoaz, of tho Hamilton, his ahlp was making about nino miles an hour, and the Sag inaw about ten. The fog was so thick that objects a chip's length away wore invisible, and when the two crafts hove in sight of each othor, bow on, thoro was but a moment's interim before they met. The inrushlng wator canted the Sagi naw to Kittle rapidly at tho atom, and the Impetun of the Hamilton took ber out of alght of the crippled vesnol. The engines, already revorsod, wero put fall steam to the rear, and the Hamilton circled tboscenoof tbowrck, at tho an mo time lowering two lifeboat. There waa consternation among the pas senger ol tbo Old Domlnoa ehip, and tho first thought waa fcr their eafaty, but aa noon as It waa discovered that the ship waa uninjured save that some bow plates were svovo In all efforts wero directed to tho rescne of those on tbo Saginaw. COHPILATtONOP INDIAN TREATIES. Work Also CoveraLaws, executive Or dcra and ProcUmatloR. Washington, May 0. The govern ment printing office haa Juat Issued two quarto volumes entitled, "Indian Affairs, Law and Treaties," compiled by direction of congress by Cbarlea L. Kappler. a clerk in tho senate commit tee on Indian affairs. Tho volumes contain every treaty made by the Unit' ed State with llio Indians, and all tho laws, executive orders and proclama tions relating to the Indians up to De cember 1, 100. together with statistics of tribes, trust funds, etc. The commissioner of Indian affairs, in his annual report, has urged tor some years that such a compilation be nindo for the reason that tho laws and orders relating to the Indiana wero scattered through a great number of documents, making it exceedingly dlffi cult to oe sure that one had beforo it all legislation on any given question ru'ati.e tho Indian. Tho present compilation is Indexed carefully, and in Its general arraugement follows the form of the statutes at largo.. i PEAK OVHRIIANQS TOWN. People Warned to Keep Away From Tur tle Mountain. Vancouver, B. C, May 0. A com mittee of tho board of trade examined Turtle mountain this morning and decided to warn people to keep at a safe distance for at least a week go that the town will be absolutely do rertcd for a time at least. Tho reason for this conclusion Is that an immense peak of Turtle mountain Is now, over hanging tho southern part of tho town. Its fall might destroy the remalniug bulldlnv in the town, although exper ienced mining mon bollove that another slide would spread over tho valley, de stroying tho buildings ot tho coal conn pnny at the baso of tho mountain but not overwhelming tho town proper. Monitor Leaves St. Louis. Washington. May 7. The navy de partment was Informed today of the de parture from St. Louis for Cairo, 111., of tho monitor Arkansas, which was present at the exposition dedicatory ox orclses. Tho vessel will raako fast time down stream, nnd roports rocetyod nt tho department show tho depth of tho rlvor to bo entirely suflloiont for tho monitor. TURKS OFF GUARD SURPRISED BY REBELS WITH MOST DISASTROUS RESULTS. City of Satenlca Plunged Into Darkneaa by Explosion of Homo 100 Turkish 5oldlr Ullled-Clty fs Under Martial Law Of rmany 5enda a Ounboat to Watch Proceedings. London, .May 0. Except as to tho number killed, which Is now (aid to exceed 100, tbo latest tolrgrams and mall advices from Salonica folly con firm the previous reports of the eerlons nature ot tho outbreak there. Advant age seems to have been taken ot tho fact that the Turk bad relaxed their precaution, and the garrison waa ser iously depleted, amounting to only 400 soldiers. Tho first mino that waa ex ploded cut tho principal gas main and plunged tbe city In darknots. Then the Ottoman bank and other buildings were attacked with bombs, as already has been described Boldlors were hur ried up to the scene of tbe disorder. They fired wild volleys, but many of their attackers wero killed or wounded by tho explosion of their own bombs. Attempts at throwing bombs are now being dealt with summarily. At noon Sunday a roan disguised aa a Turkish priest tried to throw a bomb into the telegraph office at Ealonica. He waa apprehended and execnted on the spot. Tbe authorities continue to make arrest, and many Bulgarian disguised as Turkish officers are being seized. Among those arrested are professors in tho Bulgarian school, who are alleged to have been at tho head of tho revo lutionary movement. Kdib Pasha, who arrived in Ealonica last Saturday to carry out the decree of martial law, baa issued a proclamation, , etatiae that tbe sultan has ordered him to deal Sfl7ere)y with all persofis" guilty. 3$Sv of outrages. At Usknb, European Turkey, the po lice have eeixed store of dynamite in tbe bouses of tho Bulgarian settlers. The iiowa that Germany ha tent a warship to Salonica haa led tho Aus trian newspapers to discuss tbe proba bility of European intervention. In both Berlin and Vienna, however, semi official statement have In-en itwned ex plaining that tho object of sending the ships of war is solely the protection ot foreign subjects, and that the veasels will be withdrawn aa soon as the danger is over. MORQ TIMO IN UUTTB STRIKE. Continuance In Hearing of Injunction la Orantcd Western Union. Bntte, May 0. A continuance haa been granted by tbe Federal court to tho American labor union in tho hear Ing on the injunction granted to the Western Unlou telegraph company, re straining all members of tbe union from interfering In any way with the business of the company. The hearing lino been continued until May 18, at which timo thu court will decide whether the order shall be allowed to stand and be made permanent or with drawn. Attorneys have been secured by tho Trades aud Labor assombly to fight the matter out In the courts. It was announced at the offices of tbe American Labor union today that no further action is to be taken in the affair until after the court has rendered a decision. Since the injunction wa IsFiied the messengers of the Western Union company havo been unmolested and there has been no attempt to in timidate them or persuade them to quit tho eerice. Tho "unfair" banner which waa placed in tho street in front ot tho Western Unoln office for several weeks has been taken away. Colombians May Migrate to Mexico. Kingston, Jamaica, May G.Senor Caraach Uribo and several othor prom inent Colombian Liberals arrived here today from Bogotoon their way to Eur ope. They ropcrt that I large numbers of I olombian Llborals have decided to emigrate to'Mexico, having no confi dence in tho government of Colombia. They say also that a majority of the Conservatives havo determined noon tlio rejection ol the canal treety unless a great sum of monoy la forthcoming. Chicago Fire Loas. Chicago, May 0. Fire tonight de stroyed the five-story building nt 151 153 Wabash avenuo, causing a loss ot tl00,000. The building waa occupied by several morcantlloJflrmB, wlioeo stock waa completely dostroyed.