The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 08, 1903, Image 1

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NO. 8.
Comprehensive Review of
Mftt Iflnnfinlnir. nt tlta
the Import
Pust Week,
1 Presented In Condensed Ponn, Mot
Likely to Prove Interesting to Our
Many Reader.
Rnbol In Turkny aro fighting with
bombs, blowing up ovorythlug within
tholr reach,
Hecrotnry nf (ho Navy Moody will
visit (h count with President Koosc
lelt mid Inspect naval stations.
Two tnnkiHl robbers secured a puck
nn containing (10,000 from tho United
H In I ox express ugout at HrKt, Iowa,
nsar Dot Moines.
Tho K)wilor worki nt llollldayahurg,
Pa., wnu wrecked by nn cxploslcn,
Nino iMirnniiK worn killed outright -mid
20 others lntirid, rovoral fatally.
Between 70 mid 80 navnl recruits
Imvn placed In don bio From nt JloMon
ji thn reull of a mutiny which broko
out on tho receiving ship WhImuIi,
Tho dead nt Fiank, Canada, from tho
landslide now numbor 0.1, nd thin
number limy Imi Increawvl. Hlldos coif
(Inun and rescue work li very ilow.
Forest fires In Pennsylvania have
caused great loin of life and proper!).
Wataonvilln nml Himpson have both
Ikhiii entirely wlpod out by (ho flames,
Hlmpton li In tho oil region.
A party of flvo Americans and five
Japanese were attacked by Chlnrao 00
miles from Canton. They barricaded
themselves In a temple and were later
rescued by Ohlnctc troopi.
Investigation of boodleri continues In
Mlsaourl and llllnoli.
Irving M. Hcolt, of Pan Francisco,
builder of tho battleship Oregon, la
William It. Hearst, of newspaper
fame, Man hurtled in Now York to Miss
Mllllrent Wilson.
A movement In on foot In Portland to
organise an association of employers to
reilat growing powor of unlous.
Tb r oo blocka, practically tho entire
business jmrtlon of Melbourne, la ,
was destroyed by Are. Tho loss la
Twunly poople gathered about (ho
colli it of Mn. Martin Meyorhoffur nt
Chlrau'u worn precipitated into tno rol
Inr with the corpse by tho giving away
of tho lloor. coven worn injured,
President itoocovolt will lay tho
cornur atom) for a Y. M. 0. A. building
at Topuka, Knn., during tho session of
tho international convention ot tho
railroad It. M. C. A., April !I0 to May
li, In that city.
Qloranui Ilanalo hat asked a Now
York inaglttrnto for permission to nir ry
it revolver. Ills lifn linn been threat
ened for cuitlng tho arroat of flvo Ital
iana, who, he says, nltempted to ox.
tort money for defense of prlsIonorH in
tho Maduoim murder oiko.
More serious rlotlnif liai occurred at
French monasteries.
A great ovation wan accorded King
Kdward on IiIh urrlval In Home.
It Is reportod (hat Mla Ruth llannn
all Imi inurrltHl at Thomasv.lllo, Gu., on
Juno 0.
Iluaalu denies that she wuuts to clow
Manchurian orta nod ofTurs conces
sions to tho United btatus.
Flro destroyed n largo part of thn
woods at W. K. Vandorbllt's country
homo, "Idle Home," on Long Island.
General Ohaffro Bays tho ofllcers ac
cused by Gunerul Miles Imvo already
been tried it nd tholr cases dlsXsod of.
John J), itnckofellor, Jr., and his son
of the samo iiunio are in constant dread
of nsHiiaslns and are guarded by do
toctlvos. '
Judge Kilpntrick, of tho United
Htatos mipromo court, in Now York, has
ordered tho rocolvors of the Amerlrnn
bicycle company to accept tho offer of
(3,000,000 made by tho reorganization
A posso of citizens who wore on tho
looKout had a running pistol fight with
six would-bo bank robbers at Frank
fort, Imi. Tho Intruders osoapod.
Governor Davis, of Arkansas, has
signed an act of the legislature Making
it unlawful for nonrosldents to hunt or
fish at any season of tho yonr
Arkansas. ,
KussU Has I.onic Prepared lor Opposition
Navsr Meant to llvacuate.
Victoria, II. (J.. April 30. The Itus
slan demands regarding Manchuria did
not coino ns surprise to Japan, accord
Ing to advices received hero today by
tho steamer Oanwi. Japan had boon
preparing for tho crisis and dispatches
to jajtanoso pajwrs irom various sec
tlons Indicate that Ituisla has alro
lireu making warlike preparations,
Ullcers of I tho Oanna say that for
months laruo Importations of rlco imvo
been made by Japan and all export In
forbidden. From Now Uhwang It is
refuted that .1,000,000 tauls Imvo Ixyn
forwardod to rort Arthur to buy pro
visions, and from Nagasaki comes the
news that Ilustlan agents have bought
up 10,000 tons of Cardiff coal thore,
and at Chofoo, all on hand. Largo
purchases of foodstuffs are also re
As for the evacustlon of Manchuria,
dispatches to Japanese papers say It is
patent that Hussla hail no Intention of
oviicuatlng, although one dispatch rnys
that tho garritou of Moukden was en
tralnrd for Fort Arthur when a sudden
Kilogram from Fort Arthur forbade the
departure and tho garrlrou marched
back to Its barracks. A I'ekln dispatch
of April II fays the Ituceisri troops in
Manchuria gavo soma sign of moving
when tho plans weru changed. Thoro
stationed at Now Ohwang were moved
a mllo further from the town and room
to bo settling down In the new location
and making ready for hostilities.
Moreover, days a dispatch from I'ekln
to the Jljl, there aro telegrams coming
to I'ekln from points along tho coast re
porting most suspicious actions on the
part of Kuislan .rarshlps. The b!
battleships coming to reinforce the
Russian squadron In Eastern waters,
consisting of tho 13,700-ton battleship
itotvlan, tho cruisers Fallada and Diana
and flvo torpedo boat destroyers, passed
Hong Kong oo April 13 for Fort
Another I'ekln diipatch to the Asahi
rays that numbers ol soldiers are being
moved Into Manchuria, garbed In civil
1st) clothes. Other dkpatches tell of
the cutting of tho telegraph lines In
Manchuila by Itusslan officers and of
the cutting of the cable between Now
Chwang and Chofoo by Russians.
An olllclal of tho Toklo foreign office,
Interviewed by a Japanere paper, says
that Viscount Aoki has been constantly
shsdowed by Kusslans during his ofu
clal visits at I'ekln. This official also
told of Iluasla's warllko preparations,
of tho auspicious movements of Husslan
warships In tho gulf of i'rchill, and of
the buying up of foodstuffs by tho itus
slan agents.
Another sensational dispatch, pub
llslied by the Jopanowi papers Is that,
Japanese having rat flro to tho forests
at the mouth of the Yclu, Itussla has
dispatched n force of 1,000 troops over
land to that point. It was Intended to
send a force of 1,000 by tho steamer
Wuchari, plying between Port Arthur
and Taku, but this vessel Is llrltlsh,
and permission to carry tho forcu was
refused. It was Increased and sont
overland. Itussla obtained a lease of
thiyo forests In 1800 on the occasion ol
tho lllght of tho Korean emperor to tho
Itusslan legation. '
Chief I'.xcculUe of Wyoming Olcancd by
the 014 Reaper.
Choyenno, Wyo., April 20 Govern.
or De Foieat Richards died at his home
In thlh city nt 8 o'clock yesterday, of
acute kidney dlsoaso.
Govornor Richards was born nt
Charleston, N. II., August 0, 1840.
Ills father was a Congregatlounl mln
later. After flnlrhlng his schooling at
Phillips Andnver acauomy, ho went to
Alabama and ongnged In cotton raising.
Thoro ho was shorlff, lawmnkor and
county treasurer In tuin. In 18S5 ho
established himself at Ohadron, Nob.,
organising thn Ohadron bank. In 1885
he camo to Douglas, Converse county,
Wyoming, nml established tho First
National bank. Ho was elected mayor
of the town, thon state seuator, and in
1808 whs elected governor on tho Re
publican ticket, succeeding hlineelf in
Tho governor's chair now falls to
FenlmoroOhattorton, Decretory of state,
as thoro Is no lieutenant govornor in
Electricity for Dig Tunnel.
Philadelphia. April 30, Piosldont
Oassatt, of tho Pennsylvania railroad,
has nppolntod nn advisory committee
ot exports to assist him in the work of
constructing tho Now York (60,000,000
tunnel. 7110 committee has already
decided to adopt for uso in the tunnel
an eloctrlcal engine, the motor to rest
on a truck, so that it will onlv ha ns.
coisary to increase tho number of trucks
to obtain Increased powor.
"s.sbsis sassBstasi srsrjstisaBiisssBaHBSsaasiSBssssai mmammmmmmmormmmmmm
Harlon County Prult and Wool Mn Or
ganlzs Unions for Mutual IlentflU
Union among producers to compol
competition among buyers wss the
watchword at tho meetings of fruit
growers and woolgrowors in fialem last
Baturday. Tho producers pronoso to
stand togothor for their mutual benefit
and to compel buyers to bid against
each other for tho produce they Imvo to
soli. To secure tho highest price tho
market will warrant is the purpose,
and those who aro IdontlDod with tho
unions fool confident of a successful
outcome of tho co-operatlvo movement.
About CO owners of sheep met and
organized tho Marion county woolgrow
ers' association. A cales commltleo
was appolnU-d. Committees were alio
apjolntod to draft resolutions as a basis
for the organization and lo prepare a
constitution. A largo committee, com
posed of residents of different parts of
the county, will bo appointed to solicit
Tho Kalorn fruitgrowers' union, which
was organized last year, held a meet
ing to discuss tho methods of disposing
of this year's crop of berries and cher
rles. It was tho geooral opinion that
competition must govern the pilces, but
after tho early fruit has been disposed
of tho Halem cannery will bo given the
iireferonco at the same price that shall
be offered by shippers.
The growers wore a unit in voicing
their loyalty to tho canttery and assort
ed their Intention lo give tho cannery
their (tatronge, provided that the pro
prietor would moot the View of ship
pers. Homo of the early fruit will be
shipped fresh, while tho prices are
high, nut after that the fruit will bo
offered to the cannery in preference to
shipping frejh, the prico being tho
same or better. An earnest deairu for
ine success oi tno cannery was ex
profscd by many, or the reason that
tills enterprise furnishes a market for
the fruit and prevents a glut In tho
local market. A determination to pro
duce better quality of fruit was also
Harnessed Streams Will Qlvc Ltrht and
Motion to Southern Oregon Cltlea.
An ngreemont for the sale of tho en
tiro plant and equipment of the Ash
land.elcctrlc power and light company
to tho SUklyou electric power and light
company has boon entered into between
reprcsenttrtlvea of tho two oompanlos.
Tho California company. It is under
stood, takes over the entire stock of the
local company and pays a substantial
premium over the face valuo for it,
Tho California company Is developing
extensive owcr on Fall creek and
Klamath river an tho tonth side ot tho
Siskiyou mountains which will bo
transmitted across the mountains to tho
valley, supplying initios and small
towns on tho way with light 'and pow
or, Including the towns of Klamathon
and llornbrook and a numbor of quarts
mills in that vicinity.
Tho Churchill Ilro., haukors, of file
kiyou county, and AlexIRoaonborotiKli.
of Oakland, Cal., are the controllng in
fluonccs in tho now company, and they
claim to huve available In tho wators
of rail creek and Klamath rlvor total
horseponnr resources of 22,000 which
it Is proposed to develop and with it
prnmoto oloctrlo railways aud manu
facturing ontorprlfes throughout Bonth
era Oregon and Northern California.
Outfitting at Uugene.
Colonel A. R. French, of the coast
gcodetlo and georgaphicnl survoy, is
now in Kugono making preparations
and outfitting for a trip to tho regions
ot tho Dluo river and Rohomia mlnos,
whore ho will nmko somo surveys tor
tho government. Ho will Imvo 20 to
26 men in his party.
River Strikers Won at La Orande
The striking rlvor drlvors havo again
gono to work, having won tholr terms
from Manager Murphy, of the Grando
Rondo lumber company. They aro to
havo 13.60 per day and board and lose
no time. Thoy will also rocolve wages
and oxponses for the six days ot tho
ntrlko spent in town.
Larger Appropriations for Agricultural
Premiums Interest Increasing.
Tho stato fair tills all will moan
mure (o Oregon as an advertising medi
um than It evor has before. The largo
immigration now coming to this state
gives the people of the different sections
of Oregon nn opportunity lo represent
nieir resources ana auvantsKos to a
lorge number of new-comers at compar -
atlvoJy little cost. A majority of those na """no" jn tyety way save ono
who coino to the coast seeking new . ,he rclsca wore an unequivocal suc
homes'do not Invest until after they i c'"' aD1 tbl" ono circumstance was
have spent several woeks or oven tho we',,er It would bo difficult to
months looking arcun'd. Their desire ' P,'De on dliagrceablo day.
is to find tho locality that will taIt ' Tno ,n(1 b,ow fiercolr from the west,
their individual preferences and occu ronJ,nK' c'ooda of duet whirling
patlons beet. Through tho annual state ' ,Dto t,,e f" ot tho rooP8 ey
fair It will be possible to present, in an
attractivo form, Information regarding
the Industries of every county In the
state, and by visiting the fair, Strang
era will learn more about tho different
localities than tbey could In any othor
way at tho same expense.
The last legislature increased the
state fair appropriation from 18,000 a
year to (10,000, and It is provided that ,
! iuid rum iiiup w vuviru inu awaiu-
ed as premiums for agricultural nnd
other industrial products. The increase
In the appropriation for premiums is)
sumcient to make It certain that II the
reason be favorable to crops, this year's
fair will be ahead of anything yet had.
OovtrBsatnt Surveyors at Albany.
A government surveying party, con
slating of O. II. Semler, C. P. Jones,
A. O. Patterson, Frank Neel and Ray
Tel lord, is In Albany preparing to make
n survey of -that UI tlw valley.
Tim survoy is for a geaeritl topograph
teal map, and lines wlllto run out
from Albany in all directions 224 feet
above the sea level.
Fast Cutting the Timber.
Van Ilouten A Messenger hart
coived tho machinery for a new ft.-- Jrfu w,h,ch, dded , dampness ln
i.i .i .-i i- .i... .!.. .ilr,Wo from newly-erected build-
uj..i. u wi.i".iw ... mju ucr rw u'Tnk, nrodnmd - num-trall-ii- -hill .!,.
Union witn a capacity of -0,000 feet
ith a capacity of 20,000 feet
per dar. A numbor of otner mills are
going In, and within a month it is esti
mated there will bo eight sawmills in
operation near that city.
Varney Cannot Ue President.
Rev. George R. Varney has sent a
note to the board ot trustees ot the
MoMinnvillo college, refusing to allow
his taamo to be uted as a successor of
President Hoard man. Mr. Varney had
previously been elected pastor ot the
Now Whatcom Baptist church, which
refused to releaso him.
Whi-at Walla Walla. 700710; bluo
stem, 7478o; valley, 76076c.
BarleyFeed, $21.60 per ton;, brew
ing, f 23.
Flour Best grade, 13.9594.26; grab
am, t3.45Q3.86.
Millstnffs Bran, $10 per ton;
middlings, $ 24; shorts, $10.60320.
chop, $18.
Oats No. 1 white, $1.16 1.20;
gray, $l.lH$(3)l.lo per cental.
.loSlTl'rVllS ton C,m'
$104111; cheat, $11912 per ton. (
Potatoes Best Burbanks, 80c per
sack; ordinary, 25940c per cental, ,
growers' prices; Merced sweets, $3
3.60 per cental. i
Poultry Chickens, mixed, 110112c;
young, 13014c; hens, 12c; turkeys,
live, 16Q17cj dressed, 2022o; ducks,
$77.50 per dosen; geese, $0(36.60.
Cheeso Full cream, twins, 10 &
17c; Young America, 17 17o;
factory prices, llKc less.
Butter Fancy creamery, 32o per
pound; extras, 21c s dairy, 2022)ic;
store, 168 18c.
Eggs 1017c per dosen.
Hops Choice, 18(S20 per pound.
Wool-Valley, 1231Bc; Eastern
Oregon, 814c; mohair, 35Soc,
Beet -Gross, cows, 3;((4o per
pound; steers, 405o; dressed, 7&c.
Veal 8BKo.
Mutton Gross, 7Q7K per pound;
dressod, 80o.
Lambs Gross, 4r per pound;
dressed, 7Kc
Hogs Gross, 77c pw pound i
One Hundred and l:ortyFlvc Thousand
People Present Cold Weather Only
Drawback to Complete Success of the
Day Eleven Thousand Troop Re
viewed by the President.
St. Louis, May 1. Tho buildings of
the Louisiana Pu rebate Exposition
were yesterday formally dedicated to
! ,,,olr PurPM tt' possible pomp
marched past the presiuent, and at
times so nearly blinding the president
that it was well nigh impossible for
him to see across the street upon which
tho troops ware marching.
Added to the discomfort of the wind
and, dust was a temperature which
sought or the marrow and generally
reached it. Tho ladies who,
etreDgth of tho warm weather
on the
of the
day before, came in summer dresses to
the reviewing stand, suffered keenly,
and but for tho tboughtfolnesa of the
oQlccTJ commanding tho guard thrown
around the reviowing stand, who pro
vided them with blankets, many ol
them would have been compelled to
leavo the place. Both President Rooee
volt and ex-President Cleveland re
mained in the reviewing stand exposed
to the icy wind until tho ead or tho
parade, althli tkfit Ucm. tblm&&i,
and their limbs stiffened by tho' cold.
Conditions in the Liberal arts building,
where the dedication ceremonies proper
were held, wore little better. There
was no wind, but there were manifold
... ...i.i . . j "
effect ot this was ovident in all cf the
speochos, as the speakers, commencing
their speeches in clear toucs, were
without exception given over to catarrh
al inllections before they finished.
Despite this heavy handicap, how
ever, the ceremonies proper were splen
didly handled and the programme was
carried out to tho letter. Tho police
work was excellent and the patrolling
of the avenues and passageways by the
First Missouri Infantry was ablydono
and all possible consideration shown
the great crowd.
The great military parade, which
was doslgned to bo distinctively tho
show spectacle ot tho dedlcaory cere-
monies, proved to be all that its pro
moters could wish, aud all that tho
regular army officers who controlled it
could hope for. The sight oi the
marching thousands from the point oc
cupied by President Roosevelt's review
ing ttaud was ono long to bo remem
bered. For a halt mile to tho left and
for an equal distance to tho right, the
winding column was in complete view.
llio president watched
the march oast
with eager attention. Kvery well-set
0 foTlo'n' " "and ve7 ' ? w were
Mt nccurato) ec,tea bIa ,ie.y eomm
mendatlou. From end to end of tho
l0 of march the cheers of tho im-
menro crowd were as cordial as tho
president's approval.
There wore 11,000 men in lino
3,100 regulars and 7,000 ot the
National guard, New York being repre
sented by 1,000 ofllcers and men; Illi
nois, 1,000; Iowa, 000; Missouri, 3,-
000; Oklahoma, 2,200; Ohio,
Toe formation throughout was in col
umn ot platoons, ot all arms, at half
distance, tho infantry marching 10 file,
and the cavalry 12 troopers front.
Tyacr Has Collapsed,
Washington, May 2. Judge James
N. Tyner, recently dismiBced from tho
government service while holding the
position ot aealttnnt attorney general
for the postcfllce dopartment, is criti
cally ill. His health has been verv
poor slnoo last July, when he suffered
a stroke ot paralysis. The strain ou
hie system which preceded and fol
lowed hia dismissal has been too much
for him, and ha ia almost completely
--aits. -,.