The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 01, 1903, Image 4

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'Tims,- - '
Tired Feeling
Is a Common Spring Troubto.
It's a sign tlto blood is tlcuciont
In vitality, Just ns jiiinplcs and other
eruptions am slgu that tho blood
Is impure.
It's v wnrnin;, too, which only tho
linzurdoiiH f.ill to liccd.
Hood's Sarsaparllla
and Pills
Iteinoro it, giro new lifo, now cotir
agc, strength and animation.
Thoy cloanso tho blood and clear tho
Accept no substitute.
' -I felt tired all the time and conld not
aleep. After taking Hood's Sarsaparllla
while I could sleep well and the tired
Famon Southern Woman Now Llrlna
In n World of Her Own.
Mm. Jefferson Davis, the widow of
tho Into lender of the Confederacy, Is
llvlni? In n little world of her own In
New York. Sho recently took tip her
rvwltldico In n hotel In that city nnd
there prolmhly sho will spend the re
mainder of her days. The windows of
her rooms overlook the surroumllnK
roof, nnd rarely doea she lenve her
apartments, which are on the four
teouth floor. She walks with difUculty
nnd docs not hnvo to visit, ns her
friends pny court to her na If sho were
n royal personage. Mm. Davis uses n
tall cane, ns people did 100 yenra bro,
and the hend Is of tortoise shell nnd
gold. She has na a companion a sweet
faced Southern womnn who Is always
with her. On Wednesday afternoons
the famous woman alts In a tilslt hack,
ed chair that enmc rrom Hcnuvolr, the
Davis homestead, and then she recelvea
Xeclltv had eone. Thl crest medicine has lhe ,onj. ,,, of nim,rnK women who
also cured nw of scrofula." Mas. C. M. ,,, ThwH, afe ,)otnb,0 (,nijhcrinBt Hnd
4oct uiuau, vuuu.
Hood's Sarsaparllla promises ta
euro and hoopa tho promise
No Dath. No Ife.
Among the Turks bath money forms
an Item in every marriaco contract,
tho husband engaging to allow hU
wife a certain sum for bathing pur
pose. Should It bo withheld oho has
only to go beforo tho cadi nnd turn
her slipper unslde down, nnd If tho
complain be not then redressed It Is
ground (or a divorce.
rtcrcly a Listener.
"And you never gossip about your
"Never." answered Miss Cnyenne
"I can't bring myself to be so cruel u
to Interrupt my friends when they a -e
fowlplng about one another."
Mot Air Cookery.
''I got a rold snppar when I went
homo tonight, and you hot I kicked
bout it."
"Did that do you any good?"
"Well, my wifa made it warm for
.mo." Philadelphia Press.
iiovt'9 tiiior
Ut tu, tlrute.
Dr. Pollolt I hnto to twit on fact,
Mr. Pharmor, lint how many pontons
do you mippoM you have killed by put
tlnsr up tho wrong inodlclnoT
Mr. I'linrmer Oan't rayt but think
of tho lives I lme raved by full Inn to
follow your prescriptions. lloilon
tforrouelii and cnlile thorn Is no better
medicine than Pile's Cunt for Consump
tion. Price Scents.
llasy In Combination,
"I)oy tella me," raid Undo Kben,'
'Mat contontmoul la bettor dnn rlehen, i
but I 'aplelnua dnt wlf do proper faell-'
Itles I could hnd bof of 'em ut oneo."
.h.y. !'.y,l,rt " r-V,"u,' como off by cnble.'
ctiihln Compound. It Is omik-
una. JKrrrnsoN davis.
Ws oSer One Hundred boiler. Reward foranr
rue ol Cattarrh lb it can cot be cored by UaU
Catarrh Care.
F. J. CIIEXEV&Co.. Preps., Toledo. O.
We lheunden.lcned.baTt known r J.Cseoer
forth patlo)rear.andbcllere htm perfectly
.feoni-rabie In all lu.liif a tramactUma and An
nclali aide tucarrroutanrobllgalloBa mads
.by their Una. .
WxrrA Tacix.
Wfcoleaale DrursliU. Toledo.
Waldivi KiknaxA Mastis,
-. -,..,. . Wb?.11. t"Ww. Toledo. O.
Bell's Catarrh Cere ti MkeulnternaUr.aetlnr
'Wrectir on the blood and raucous lariaeeeet
tee urate m. Price 7Jc per bottle, bold brail
ftninUl. Tratlmoalalifrrr.
Uah's Kamllr Fills are the Lett.
A Jilted Woman In Honduras.
The civil war In Honduras was
started by a girl who was Jilted by
the president-elect Yet, says the
Chicago Record-Herald, some of tho
scformcra think woman Isn't playing
a targe enough part In the affairs of
the nations.
look for tbU trade mark "The
tub stave with.
out eeteie, ubti or heat. Make comfortable
Rtean.Koot Kitchen Kind.1
Finest Uold Plate Service.
The marnnis of Iireadalbane own) s
service ol gold plate which is one of the
finst in the world. It is valued at
$600,000. That of Lord Rothschild Is
worth abont 1500,000.
Mothers will fiua Mrs. lYlnslow's Sooth.
Uta Syrup the best remedy to use lor their
children duriuj tbe teething period.
Painful Subject.
The Admirer "Tho fringo of mag
nolias beyond tho lagoon." There Is
ciomcthlng poetic about tho word
The Poet Yes, except when it re
fers to trousers. Stray Stories.
V tee..,. eaa a-aa, r. ea S
Chicken, Duck and Gccso fenth p
G) era. Address ft
xjim tm amt tilt a
10lh mndDmvlmS4.,PoHlxnd,Or
"A (ape worn atgkteeu feet loaz at
ZoMtcmon the acaoo after taj taking two
ASOAKUT3. Ttual am sure ba caused my
tad bealtb for lae paat three rears. I am still
taklnfCawarets, the only catbtttle worthy oi'
oilee by aeoslble people."
uu. vy. Buwise, ultra, hiss.
there are a mnny Xorthernem ns wom
en from south of the Mason nnd Dlxou
On these occasions Mrs. Davis wetira
stiff blnek silk, with old lace at her
throat, and despite her yenra her white
hair Is abundant nnd glistens brilliant
ly In the nfternoou light. The compan
ion serves tea, nnd Mrs. Davis, who la
a noted conversationalist, holds the at
ten Hon of every one without nn effort.
Her mind Is remnrknbly nlert nnd she
keeps abreast of the topics of the day.
In ber Interesting rooms nothing la so
engrossing as the portrait of Miss Win
nie Davis, her daughter. It Is nn ex
cellent likeness, nnd the former child
of the Confederacy Is depicted wearing
the royal robes of the queen of Mnnll
(iraa. The picture Is surrounded by In
candecetit bulbs, nnd before this Mr
trait the mother spends much of her
time gazing nnd thinking. In the por
trait Miss Davis Is smiling, nnd It Is the
same expression tbnt endeared her to
people when she wn nllve.
borne sensible advice (o
women passing tfaroiifili this
trying period.
Tho painful and annojlnfr nymp
wnHoirorionccu uy moat women
nt thLi period of Hfo nro cosily over
cccuuuo lomnntimi. it m entx'
daily designed to meet tho needs
of vromon's system nt tho trying
timo of chango of life.
it w nocxng;jromtlon to stnto tlmt
IMrs. llnklinin hrw over 8000 letters
like the followlncf proving tho prenl
valuo of hor mctliclno at surh times.
"J wish to thank Mrs. Plulcham for
what her medicine has dano for me
My trouble wna change of life. Four
years ago my Health began to fall, my
hoad began to grow dirty, my eyes
fialned me, and at times it seemed aa
f my back would fall me. had terrible
pains across the kldueya. Hot flashes
wore very frequent and trying. A
friend advised me to trv !ylln
B. PiBkhnm's Veffotnb'lo Coiu
pontuL, I have taken six bottlra of It
and am to-day freo from those trouble.
I cannot apeak in high enough terms
of the medicine. I recommend it to all
and wlah every Buffering woman would
give It a trlal. Ilrtxx Kosa, Mont
elair Ave., Uosllndale, Maft. soooff
-. ii v-iyriw, mt mwmww if npr prwmtf f fji
YanOan flat AlUn'e Kent rttKR.
for a
It make new nrllehl Iiim?i ir A certain
cure (or Cnriii end liiinlont All lUtttslitiaeli
it. tic Duu'l accept any (Ulxlltute.
Write Allen K. Oltniled, Ultoy, N. Y , fr
tree imlit of Allen's Coot KaM. II rnrvi r
blaltia. aweatlnir. damp, swollen, aehlns I
u Tor two years I lutfercd tcr
rlbly from dyspepsia, with great
depression, and was always feeling
poorly. 1 Ihon tried Aycr'n Snrii
psrllla, nnd In ono week I was a
now m an. "John McDonald.
Philadelphia, Pa.
Spoiling for a I'liht. I
"That American prim fighter will '
spare no expuusu In Ida match with '
tho Krenchmnn." I
"Is that bo?" '
"Yes He's oven willing to hnvo It
Don't forget that it's
"Aycr's" Sarsaparilia
that will make you strong
and hopeful. Don't waste
your time nnd money by
trying some other Kind.
Use the old, rested, tried,
ond ituc Aycr's Sarsapa
rllla, tl.Ms kettle. AlUmi'lili.
Aik fntira'Mltir wIiaI ha thlHltsnf A
Srltlll. )) hnawi all at-iutttiif Mfaud
irniMirin. rullQW lilltuitrtamt
u r
lilt bi 4ll.n,l
rTS rriaan
i nrtti.
int tkiim flit tt rMnnwt
MT'iltf llf Vlla4allt4t Nam
,vtorr. soirx riti:i:fri.ootiU umioikjtrv
. Uua.UJ. ulrtniurblUI.I,Ul.r
L'aally Accounted Per.
"Idlllnn." snlil n certain little, girl's
nnmmn, "there were three pieces of
'nko In the pantry nnd now thnro Is
)nly one How did that happen?"
"Well." said tho girl, hor eyes whin
i pen with excltomont. "It wna so dark
In there I didn't aeo the other piece "
Avsa Co, Lowell, !.
Her Palmy Days,
ratlenco When I was young I hid
nt least 50 offcis for my hand.
ratrlic Iltoee aro what you nilght
call alniy days, I uptose.
Creatinar a WntorfUII.
When the waters of the Niagara
Illver Were made to How over turbines
to give electric power nnd light to the
city of liuffalo It wns considered n
great revolutionary feat of engineer
ing. Hut at Nlngnra the dam nnd the
fall were there from the beginning.
The iwwer wns ready In the rough -It
hnd only to be applied to the ma
chinery. When, however, It wna pro
posed to utilize the speed nnd force of
tho Hudson Illver nnd to turn them
Into the power that lights towns, runs
street railways and vitalizes factory
plants the problem was n different
one. The river was there, but the fall
had to be crcntcd, and to do this It
would Im? ueeessary to build one of
tho largest dams ever constructed, it
wall, In fact, 1.100 feet long nnd 1.11
feet hlgli, at certnln points. No such
barrier, great or small, had ever been
placed across n river of a volume nnd
liow equal to tlmt of the Hudson Just
above (Jlens Falls, N. Y., yet this has
now been aueecssfully accomplished. -Leslie's
Lengthening the Joy.
Dot Is that all tho nle I may have
Mother Yes, denr.
Dot Then, mother, will you nlease
cut It In two pieces and glvo mo one
at a time?
pltiKQt. Palatable fotent Taite flood. Bo
-StoriUf S,4 Cwmftmj, (MMf.,, S.w f Ma. SIS
Vn.Tn.aTlr' Sold and rnartnuea br alldrac-
UaIUeMu aituioOVKJfTotoaeeaUatiU.
J tlfttS WlttSt Ml. USB lBJ9. - pa
Beit CiMxb Bynip. TatteaOood. MB
1 In time. Sold br flrotjl.t. M.
One I'liaho or the Nile,
In the Klial) luka pass we have one
of the many Instances In which tho
Nile has burled Itself nt nn opposing
mountain barrier nnd cut Its wny
through. In fact, It often seems to se
lect these uupropltlous pluces for Its
course, when on each side, n few miles
away, there Is a tolerably level, un
broken expanse of desert. For ten
miles tho river twists In and out be
foro escaping to tho open onco more.
Its current Is very rapid, making It
well-nigh Impassable at low water bo-
cause of the numerous rocks: but at
the time of my descent tho summer
flood was well along, and nil but n few
of these barriers were hidden below
tho surface, their presence being
marked only by occasional eddies.
A Doubtful Point,
Mr. Cassldy surveyed tho examining
counsel with undisguised contempt,
which in nowise disconcerted tho law
yer, "And why, may I ask, did you not go
to the help of the defendant, In the
fight?" Inquired the lawyer.
"For tho rnson," said Mr, Cassldy,
In a tone of blighting scorn, "tlmt at
that tolme Oi had no means of know
ing which o thlm would be the de
fendant, sort"
Roy Stannnrd linkers description of
'The Great Northwest" are giving tho
men and women of tho Kast a better
understanding of tho vastness and
wealth of that wonderful region. Tho
magnltudo of tho Northwest's forests
and of Its lumbering Industry Tn
coma can bonst tho greatest sawmill,
with ono exception, In tho world
will bo tho toxt of the fascinating
story. In the May Century, of 'The
Conquest of tho Forest."
Poor Proof of Insanity.
At IMInbursh. Scotland, a lady has
been found Insano who left 82.000 tot
provide a fund for tho rnscuo of sane
persons Improperly placed In lunatic
nsylums. .
Much yotl may bate rtieued stout life Imtir
anew may lie wrong Mr II c I.lpjlti-o(i f
I'tllaileliihla. one f the moat fttremoit mmr
anr autborltle. ol the are. aa rotivrlehtrd a
little U-nk entitled "The Haw end Vifcy It
) reallr a mta dollar twk malted you for U
ranli ullter to Itilrixlure It It I.IWtuii about
newly dlx-utered IMaiiiial llemfdlV (or the
cur "l uiany dlwae. itaw way to make
money and sal eeirliiytnent. to nur and rare
lor the .irk In crolntia old and live Ml
jean, the newly dlteutered Angle Worm (Ml
" fur rrmnvtnc wrinkle and beautify
ItiC the rumi'letloii. new varlellet nt riura,
frulta and eUM. the whtat. mm and lun
Hewer foixl, eereal corTra Imitation rata. rrM
and tllver tamtt acl.l.. tireieullna mallliic
.lttltii(. niaale ijrnip and issar Irom iwl,
ii. w .xiiiiirm... iritup Mrvi. mr manuiaruirer
Suecettors to John feat.
Tool nt Murrltuit etreel, I'uMland, Oron,
Write ue or rail fur wire on ererylhlnr tn
theniaeltlnerylinr linliieout lnnl, I'luwi.
Wun. Itujtdra t ream rlartiit alxiali
MS-otnl hand rxxl. In inaka nxim (or new.
Ihlni you nrnd not ak thadovlur. a real home
ok and eitetcloixxlla nf avneral Infnr
nan anu woman mat
inallnn. wanit-l lir rr
want health and wealth I almitl lt) ae,
.r, -wnr nn.r nri iraa
Tbt CiltfernU CoUnJal VltiMt Co
lo .North AWtiailo ht li AntlM, (at.
P. N. U.
Mo. 17 I90J.
YT'IIRM wrlllnr to adeartUara plaaae
v I mtniia mia
i rarer.
Write fti
TiifpSone rVwnJSi-
YSursfora Clear If each
JLijrtD oz,d JS vjsn-yivjfERjE
fft f!M IHitrmperorrink lire with I'suetitN lleara
WLrUri. I'ownsae. Thev kXl A OMAT BtOOO ruiinci
ASS COKDITIOMa, a eure cure for all alluiente from which hcayee
lkT.taa.tulraMUa ll l"oJ.
r-xl Hrtl aftM 4 la tlul
la. t.i
kaa ci II li.n.r IImvI4 r Ot.UHHr jd a r 1 krla Om.l
rmuUa UumIiu k (la4 a ,rlt.null it l. nrilH
ui lunula. n.ft, imt
pacrkfcslDtttw. MaltMe Freo u-Pm H k. rnUa vr f. . i rf rtia
irltleol the are, ha copyrletitnl
-titltlMt "The llaw end Why
na lon adopted by trrrtl l-tfii rollete
to teach the flrt )rlnrlml nf life Ituuranre
and may be had frre br addrrxlnr Hherman
and Harmon mua-ral nt lenn Mutual Uie
luiuianra Co . MurnuaiN bulldlnr. I'orlUn.l,
Or It mar help you U understand lluw ami
Vthy lha renu Mutual iliirliia M wrot a
tarxrr amount of In.uranee In Oreenu than wee
erer before written in the Hate
I any lui.iieycar
any com
The Only Thing Wanted.
Mrs. Noorlch Isn't It grand to rldo
In your own carriage'
Mr. Noorlch Yes but I'd onjoy It
nioro If I could stand on the side'
walk nnd sco .myself rldo by Ilrook
lyn Life
lir W A nia
1'UUTf.ANU HXKU CO., 1'arlland, Uregen. Caael Agaatt.
..Scarcely a Oay.m
I .,n but wo arerallel ii.iti to airform
anme dtmiult denial niwrallun lha Ii
thedlret rr.ullol iieeleclllislha leell
W annul urite liHinroiiily the bvnetil
ardeoinnmriif coiniiltln ailenllital
tlo ry lint .Inn nl lwth trouble At
II. tiarl Ihmi nimble are iiirreclrd
iiuliklrand at aiuall eol Uurmelhinli
apo alnlre and our work uriilr-t
Itotn iliotiei irieiiun Aiuth .'Jl
(ulumbla Vui DtHiii ctetilnil till w
Huiiil) Hum H to 11
WISE I3ROS., Dentists.
ti i t
. 31131 .11 I , t , lilll ll. I
i or riilrd anJ Waihluslou su.
1'UltTI.ANII. OltKOtlN.
a MrAlwTi I fi 1 J I A 1
Tho Kind Ymt Ilavo Always Douffiit Iinji bortio tlio hIiih-
turo or Jiins. 11. r icu;iier, ami Jins ucoa maiio uudcr ina
personal supervision for ovvr JO vrnrs. Allow no ono
to dccolvo yon in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and
JiiHt-ns-pood " nro lint Experiments, nnd undnnor tho
liculth of Childrcu lispcrlenco Hprainst Experiment
Castorin. is a liarinlcs ntthstitttto for Castor Oil. I'nro
Korlc. Drops and HootliliiK Hyrttps. It lrt Pleasant. It
contnlnfi neither Opium, Morphlno nor other Narcotlo
Hiibstance. Its npo is ita piiurantee. It destroys "Vornin
and allays Favorlshness. It cures Dlarrhwu and "Wind
Colic. It relieves Touthltifr Troubles, cures Constipation,
and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, ref'iilatcs tho
titotnach nnd Ilowels, Rlvliiff healthy and nntural sleeii.
Tho Children's Fanaqcit Tho BIotlter'H Friend.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars tho Signaturo of
fir v
fff t W
Well Machinery
Oil or Water any
rile fur catalogue.
813 Cnmtner
rial lllock
In Use For Over 30 Years.
tmc ecNraua eoMer, tt nuaaav eratrr, mto eirr.
Ihli wondirnil (Ihl
nn. doctor ta cattail
c b.ciu. he cur. 4
iwopl without oixra
lion thai are etvin up
lodlv. lie curr, with
vjfc j ino.a wonu.rrui uai
ifM "' urrba, root, buili.
SrYl bark and vtaul
rtt'&Z. 1'iet " eutlrrly un-i
eiitrlM thuiuumr)- 'ImouiiUlii uoolllio,
brmlu ii'innjl.i tin fuiuuumlof lor know
Hi aolion of orirrtoa 111 rinrille,wlilrh
huiorullr um In dlffxnul ill.Ma. II
nuaranttc 10 cur ratarrli. imiIiiii, tune,
Iliroal, rtieuiiiaiuni. nrroun, ionucl.
ivtr, kldueya, lc 1 Im hunilrwl. oflnUmoo.
al Ilium., modrai. I nil ami r lilm.
rnllriiiB out cf Hi our writ fortilnukaand
nriunn. Hand 4viitln lam. LOMUJU
YAUUN niKK. Alllllli:S
132, Third St., IMrtlanJ, Oregon.
anrUtntiou pp.f. 1
ICJTW rt UeIW-iabf-jk-n
' "w-aassr"