r"';r. "'.'yrtr.'u waw,wwmw'w WmBwwammm m m -JJpr( i,'.;, , . '".fW"!i T"l 'VWil r If, l!.V 0, f: f- The Bend Bulletin rt'KUmiKii.iivrnv rmiuv at intciii)tiiMiHiM MAX I.VHIim.MANN. Publisher. tkm P. Kha .... ltiirtH SIMSCHUTION KATHSf Per jrnrh... St tuntilh. Three month.... .IWIWWH .MM...... (InvtlMy In ml tuner.) $I,IM Atltrtler who wlh to cliniipr their IU hoiibl 1it copy hi not Utcrtlinn TucxUynnon prrcrttlng the Iwie In which change Is itrslml. FRIDAY APRIL 34, 1903 KAILKOAD PKOSPKCTS. Mr. T. H. Wilcox, committee man from the Portland board of trade and chamber of commerce to confer with Hnrriman about a rail road to Central Oregon and also to investigate the difficulties which cause the delay in the settlement Iwtwccn the Columbia Southern and the Hnrriman people, returned to Portland on Sunday. While in New York City Mr. Wilcox and Mr. Hnrriman had n conference in which Central Oregon was prom ised n railroad as soon as arrange ments could be made. The rail road specialist on the Orcgonian immediately conjures up n talc of the O. R. & N. building a line up the Deschutes river. The Deschutes route is a very feasible one, but our private opin ion is that some O. R. & N official told this to the Orcgonian man in order to bluff the Columbia South ern into coining to their terms. We believe that the O. R. & X. Co., rather than build about seventy-five miles of new line, will absorb the line now owned and operated by the Columbia Southern, and will ex tend it over the route now surveyed and mapped out to Bend and Cen tral Oregon. The Portland merchants should now get in and see to it thnt Harri- man keeps his promise. It will be the means of making the most fer tile, most resourceful and largest part of Oregon tributary to Port land and its -merchants, and1 will also make the people who have been hanging on in this country for the past few years by their eyelids rich beyond their present wildest dreams. This is very goal news for Central Oregon, ami it is up to the people of Portland to make it good and re ceive our buiinefcs. As Artemus Ward says, "You scratch my back, and Ik scratch yourn." before the federal grand jury. Ilia fine slfall not exceed two hundred dollars, or imprisonment not to ex ceed ninety days, or both. Regis, ters and receivers, or either bf them, when requested in writing by either party to a cause- pending before them, will issue a subpama for such witnesses as the applicant may de sire to testify in his behalf at such hearing. In a characteristic "editorial" appearing in the Prineville Review this week, the editor displays his vulgarity and training, nud also places us in an unfavorable position before the very few who take his article as the truth. Far from mak ing sport of the smallpox epidemic in Pnncvillc, we- simply printed last-week a scries of daily reports as they were brought to us by peo ple who were scared almost to death; and as this happened before Dr. Rosenberg began circulating his daily bulletins we of course heard all manner of exaggerated talcs about the spread of the dis ease a great deal more, in fact, than was published. If we unwit tingly offended any of the people in Prineville we earnestly sue for par don; but we should like to hear from others besides the editor of the Review, as we feel that intelligent people will not misunderstand our article on the smallpox in Prine ville. It is only people who wear a number 5 hat and a number 14 shoe, like the Review man, who pick flaws where there are none, and who troth at the mouth every time the wind changes direction. The advertisement of the Colum bia Southern' Irrigation Co., which appears elsewhere in these columns, is of interest to the people in this community, and shows, despite the efforts of knockers, that the segre gated area west of the Deschutes is very apt to have water before the land on the cast side. Dr.JRosenberg is to be commondad for taking steps to inform the citi zens of the spread and progrcaa of smallpox in Prineville.' The doc tor is city physiciun, and he issue n bulletin every day, which is dis tributed over the entire county, 'in forming the public of the exact con dition of the patients, who the sun jwcts are, nnd in some instances the treatment employed. It is needles to soy the reports are greatly ap preciated out at IJend; not a line in the little printed sheet goes unread. It is shameful nay, almost crim inal, to hush up the fact of the ex istence of smallpox, or any conta gious disease, in a community, and the step taken by Dr. Rosenberg is well timed. Country newspajwra generally hesitate about telling the truth in such cases for fear of giv ing their town a black eye, and the result is that what is left undone by the papers is attended to with a vengeance by the traveling public; and reports from the latter source lose not a tithe of their magnitude while in transit. In compliance with instructions from the general land office, regis ters and receivers of the various land offices may compel attendance of witnesses in land cases. They are authorized to issitc subpoenas for attendance, and any failure to comply with the same subject the recipient thereof to an indictment Cliaj. 0. AtcOowell Dead. The sudden death on Saturday of lost week of Clms.jJ. McDowell. theApropriotor of the Hotel Prine ville, was the greatest shock this community has sustained for a long time. Mr. McDowell was one of the best known and most popular men in Crook county, and the sin lit of his genial countenance in the Hotel Prineville will be greatly missed. Mr. McDowell's sickness was short and his death very sudden and unexpected. It seems that on Wednesday of last week he rode a horse down to his ranch, about three miles from Prineville, and as sisted in branding some calvos. He was taken sick on Thursday, and on Friday Dr. Woods Huteliinsnii. of the state health bnrd, assisted by several of the'PrineviJle doctors, performed an operation on him for appendicitis, from which he was unable to rally, and he peacefully passed away on Saturday evening. It hardly seems just to take away a man like Charley McDowell, whom everyone liked, and who was a good-hearted, whole-souled, gen erous man, just in the prime of life, when there are so many people in the community who have no object in life and simply live the existence of a human sponge, whose depar ture for "that undiscovered coun try" would not attract general no tice nor comment. Mr. McDowell had an influence for good over every one with whom he came in contact, and his place cannot be easily filled. pears"; M gives the .rld unsur once, qf. maturity. 1'ho boy with a iiiustnclm feels himself n man, and many of the sex who do not wish to wear mustaches themselves but are sometimes obliged to do so accept him at his own -estimate, It helps him to look old, nnd the look of ago is useful in business, and inspires confidence. The youth of twenty- one looks thirty with n mustnche, and without it he would look six teen. This is a real reason, and about the only one for wenring it, In age, the wearer is keenly alive to the fact that if he cut it off at sixty he might upcar 11 blooming youth of fifty, but he is helpless for the cause already given, nud can only sigh, and advise his posterity never to grow a mustuchc. For himself, he can indeed reduce it to the smallest sixc, us is now much the fashion. The flowing mus tache, the uP'tiud-out-brauchiitg, deeply-drooping, neither of these is now any more the mode than the mustaches which used to meet the fringing whiskers; and the barbers haw even got a name for the close- cropped mustache which remains. They nsk you if you mint it stubbed. The flowing whiskers have long vanished; the beard that once streamed metcor-likc upon the wind now streams only fiom the checks and chins of rustic sages; the im perial and the gORtcc are rarer than the mutton-chop whiskers; the square-cut ohiu-beard has ceased to be significant of .our nationality, 'it is so inadequate to our numbers; nil other dots and dabs of hair upon the human countenance have been gathered confidently into the full beard, or have perished before the remorseless sweep of the razor. The gain of manly beauty through the fashion of clean shaving has not as yet, it must be confessed, been very great. Those who had not grown (wards of course remain as they were, in their Jiutfvc plainness; but it is in the case pf those who had worn beards that the revelations arc sometimes frightful; retreating chins, blubber lips, silly mouths, brutal jaws, fat and flabby necks, which had lurked unsusoccted in their hairy coverts now appear, and shake the be?o!dcr with surprise and consteniati tn. "Oood heav ens'" he asks himself, "is that the JZ, R MOODY, General Commission Forwarding Merchant SIIANIKO, OKIKION. LARGE AND COMMODIOUS WAREHOUSE. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. Prompt attention paid to those who favor nic with their patronage. hanikoPrineville Stage line O. M. COHNItrr. MAKAOHK. SCUIJIHJI.Ut Leave Shaniko 6 p. in. Arrive Prineville 6 a. m. " Prineville 1 p. m. Shaniko 1 a. in. First-Class Accommodations for the Traveling Public PASSENGER AND FREIGHT RATES REASONABLE, CHAMP SMITH MOM CI.IIIIK SMITH & CLEEK'S RECEPTION Wholesale and Retail Liquor House PRINEVILLE, OREGON. HiiMt lirnrtd of Muor nnd Cljiars. Two Door South of Hank. Mustaches a nit Beards. The mustache will probably sur vive every other form of the beard, becaunc it in the most flattering to the vanity of the young. It is on the upper lip that the down' of adolescence, fajr or dark, first ap- way Jones always looked?" Jones, in the meanwhile, is not seriously troubled. He Is pleased with the novelty of his aspect; he thinks upon the whole that it was n pity to hnvc kept so much loveliness out of sight so long. As he passes his hand over the shapeless expanses, with the sntinfaction which nothing but the smoothness of u freshly shaven face can give, he cannot re sist the belief that people are ad miring him. At any rate he has that air. Perhaps they are; and yet to our own taste, we think he mostly looked tetter in his beard, Of course it was foul; a beard cannot really be kept clean; but,it yas nat ural, and it wis dignified. It hid certain things, cortain features, ex pressions, that were best hushed up. That smirk, that sensual pout, that bulldog clinch, they were all merci fully hidden or thej' were at least so much palliated that they re- remained a dark suspicion, and not this dreadful conviction with which they now afflict the spectator. It can be said that there is a gain for honesty if not beauty in the new fashion of shaving, and this cannot well be denied. Hut it appears that the Creator could not trust the hu man countenance to itself, at least as it was given to men,, and found it uest to liusli it up ill a jungle of hair. Women were fashioned so fair tliat they could be allowed to look what they really were; but with men it was another story. Harper's Weekly, ' PRINEYILLE-SILYER LAKE STAGE LINE. DICK VANDUVURT, Prop. , Carrying U S. Mail and Passengers. Leavjy. Prineville Mondays, Wednesdays and Pridnys. freight and Passengers wnybilled for Bend. Iavn, Rowland, nud Silver I.uke. Oood rigs, careful drivers. C. I. WIN'NKK, Agent. Scinford's Cash Store VAKUIIM A Mil LINK 1)1' 'General Merchandise, Groceries, Clothing:, Furnishing: Goods CALL ON HIM. PRICKS RIGHT. SHANIKO, OREQON. BOOTH & CORNETT, Proprietors. Hamilton Stables ""' 0M- & Redby Feed Barn Stock boarded by the day, week or month. Fine Teams and Rigs, and Reasonable Rates. First'class Facilities for Handling locators and Commercial Travelers. Quick Sen-ice and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Columbia Southern Hotel. SlfANIKO, ORUdON. , RATHS l'KOM 1,50 UP PIJR DAY, Hot and cold water on both floors. JJnths for the use of guests. Itvery modern convenience al hand, The dining roonl, under tlio direct supervision of Mr, 'Kecjtcy, is a Very model Of tasteful, spotless elegance, and the service is equal to any in t,he titnttt, v ' ., All stag nrrivH at wild ltfaVd the Columbia Southern. V J. M KIJUNUV, Proprietor, &Lku