The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 24, 1903, Image 5

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    - 'Martyr to Knowledge.
Young Lady Wore yon pleased vrltli
(ho now school, llttlo boy!"
Llttlu lloyNawl Doy mado mo
wash mo faro, mi' wlion I went liotnu
do dorg bit mo 'causa bo didn't know
roql Chicago News. .
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Havo Always Bought
Signature of 0&&ffi&jW.
IXdn't Have To.
Dr. I'alley (looking at tbo thermom
Blr) llumml I don't llko your tem
perature. Hick Htudent Than why did you (ako
itT llarrurit Lampoon.
11 own riiinr
We offer On needled Irallari Rtward (or tar
camoI t'atttrra thateau not be cured br Haiti
Jaurrli Cm. '
K. J. CtlKKTCtf Prop jTolado.O.
Welliauuderilfntd.riaTetnonar. J. Cbener
far th pan t,, and btllT htm
hoai.r.lle In tit Iw.Im triiiiu-Hun. nnd (In
noisily abletotariy uiauyobluaiunsuitd
Wrrr A Tacix.
WhlMl llratiftli.Tnlede,
wiuiiyd KmiiiiiA mart,
... ,. . Whlil nrufiuta, Toledo. 0.
Hall's Catatrli Oar U takaa Inlarnally.anina;
llraotlyontbabloi.d and ranoaui .nrf.iw.of
tatayelein, rrleaTioBrr bnitla. avid brail
driilil. Tutliuaulaltfrfe, '
Uail'i rainlly rill art 111. Uat.
Had AU He Wanted.
"I don't Ilka yr story," said
Hlllvllle reader.
"Marl not now," rapt led tbo auth
or, "but it will Row oa you.''
"I hoi not," wai tbu reply, "far
I'to koI tbroa rarbuueloa now." At
lanta Cotutltutlon.
ITITB lraiaMiar dum
Ilia anarlrM'l.r'. rnr Kllaa'.Or!
Kllaa.nrAI Nmt
Wa. Ita.n.11 aua.LU. Mi.liJuri.U4.laU,r
iw rue ra h w.9m irui
Arnkltton Rtallxcd
Vfhon Andrew Carnrglo wai com
jxiIImI to norrow a dollar to jilaou In a
4)iitrlbutlon bos tho othnr nlghl It
niuat havo boon tba happlait tnomsnt
of I1I1 Ufa, At Uat hit Kreat ambition
liad boon readied. Ito wa peunlleM.
A little thra'yrarold mln whlln
fior mother wai try Ins to sat her to
lcp becanin Intareitrd In a peculiar 1
Jioir, and atktHl what It wai.
"A cricket, dear," replied bor
"Wrll," remarked Ux Utile lady,
"'he oneht to get hlautlt ollod."
Young i'oople'a Taper.
tnr Uyrupl
aiiUdrtu li
Molbra will flna Mr, mnttow'a Booth.
tii Uii i ridr to
t raaiadr to oa lor tbair
l tlunug Utta aatthlnx parted.
One day little four-year-old Cora wna
trylni to ataad on her head. Iter
mother atked ber what alio waa doing,
till anawerrdt
"I'a atandloi on my head to rcet my
feet."I.ltlle Chronicle.
8axfart t Jatin raj.
Tool el Morrtann atraat, 1'artland. Ortion
Wrlla ua tn all Inr rrlrtaon ararjthtnr In
ir.a laaeblnrrr Una ' lualna oulalenat lNai
n, llUf 1 1... I'rtam aralora-aIau all hc
and liana (twdi, In uat room far nw llu
In Canned Fruila and Vrgetnhlra
one. word la all you need to know.
Thnt iAo la
Oot tlii'in from your dealer. Wad
lintnri A Kerr ltrrm., Monnpole Oroo
tira and Dry Colf-ni Hoaatora, I'orilund.
Thaa two irtot
Wadaraar worth
allanllan ofaiarv
Hirdlest Kflowi iriinfiS:
1 Uraaa la wondarfnl la a
lim Hfdr'piwirr. Mr
i in u i ii iut u aunptr on
Tina. Iln II l. qualllr. iVrlla
rlla fur
4a da-
iMvami w.. .rjc aa
llrcred In your town.
IH4 I'ront St., I'jrtlaad, Ofr
Will alto Mild rou at lame lima m
pic and 1'ilrea ol my great iclalilei,
. cie wdsSw
; KRAUMi & PR11NC12, Wiiolciaiers, 87-89 First St., Portland, Or. ,
..ScsrccSy a Bny.
I'mki littt'wn aro ent'ed upnn lo ir'orm
irtno ilinlciilt iloiitnl iH!rntlou thai U
tro direct rrmlluf nuiiledlln'itl.o (unit)
t cannot urgo liKiairotiuly Ibe b no t
i dcoonnruv nl eouiiiltltiir ailo'iuiia
tl.o wry tint iljn ol tiiotli truiible t
IM atari Iheae iri'ttUui aro eorreet l
ruli kly ami at .mail wit. Ourmothuda
a.u laiuloMAtid our work suarnniOMt
Unlit 'ptionon (irtitfiin l-o ut li -'."Ji,
( Kltimbla ran. (mit aiiliii. Ull t
buiida)alroin V tu U,
mVLmffm HfiUk. jJpfcSS
ill "" 1-4.
WISE BROS., Dent'sts. V-i..,i.4vfhOV .;..'
ORXOOH. .u7?
St. Helen's Sohool for Girls.
Tlilrty.thlrd yitr, Commodious building.
Modern equipment, Aeadamloand collet
preparatory eooraee. HiecUt ootirae In
inuileali.ta.rt, Illiialrated catalogue, All
dtrtmtnt new open,
MI8B IIU1AN0H TlinnHTTS, PrladpaJ
tw aurownx mtajucal gateway to
really anna dollar book tnalltd you for M
nuU llf.r, to 1 11 1 rod uo. II It ulli run about
newly dlaeiirerad Dntanlral Itemi-dl.. (or Ih
cur of many dlM.u., new war" to make
inuuey and tat mplnyiant, Id nun and car
for Ida atri, to prolunr crtd age and lira )
rtari, Ilia ntwly rtLo.jT.rM Ingl Worm ull
in.,.. lur rtmoTiug wrinsire arid wtitlfy.
inn iud cuini'iuioii, ni Tarieuea in ri wheal, corn ami
nnwtr inni,rereat rnriM, imitation cala.
rer. ataad. arlda. tiravvntlair .hullr,
pilling., maple ajrrup and atigar from wood,
new aoftrtrlnka. trade .aetata fur ni.niir.nlnr.r
thins, rem need1 not aik Ih.dncior, arral homa
doctor liok and encyclopedia 11 f (Mitral Infor
mation, wanted by every roan and woman that
wanli taallh and wealth, I. about IW page.,
U, pe4rrovtr Coutanl. .bwllrn,
Tie CilifamU Botanical Hdldoe Co..
I4 North Alr.ia.Jo HI., Im Ans.lea, Cat
Are mM iubt to ap.
proral and at a price
that will eaabla jtia
to make aiaod pro ft t
oa a law cawa. The
alaaat.l, lalraat mi
eatnalnalllkawtrld. atrotit In AtX. tkeaa (wIbu tbat any
Oat Skkamlnf . IUar Ctaaak f
Ufl Reaaraf urHHy,
WrtU far Iraa oaulof aa,
aroKANn. wa.k. noisn. idaM
Wan Uadal, faria, )K0.
MIaaBrrM IkaUrlarvaafllaa 4awna4
wltb prairalk f ua bravrat aa br aa.xiaa.
lien win oai.a t wa ami.
itara. 1 raa mkh jr CArlCARtTa la lia
Iowa el Hawaii, la., aa4 aarar ! aarlblag
ta aaaal laaaa. Ta-ar I aaa aallralf tra from
plla aa4 faal Uha a aaw ,"
a . kbit, uii ;hh at-, tieai aty, i
ral.Ukl. r.Mak. Tail Jafl4.
I Alalia, ttaakaa, ar Orl... !.,,
jnilauM aauiviBiViail
tlHaj Um$ JiajHif, , lXmt, m4 ftt
W. L, Bmmmlmm mtmhmm mud mmltm
awawilfawa'ai aTwwrfM.r Ya)M (Hmnl
aVewwaf iVoexxwf mtimthmm awurWA
$25,000 XSWAJID
WtU Va J4 ta iinu wka
aaa aiaxara Ul .uiiim.
Ilecatu W. I.. Iojta mwinfaoiurar
he can lay cb.aptr an
finvluc hi abor at a
owtr coat than othar oon
coma, which enablaa htat
toaall (hoe for 13.80 an
co.w eauai in erarr
way U llit o!d alia
where fr 94 and SiM.
Th. ixa.iu iMmr. UAaWl
uta)ruralMUi lii.i mA will
ww ."rnniuii.
TIia.&J.MkTMtraha d.
tlWavX tk. rit ftnt
MliaHIa Ulia k xi
., wlt inn, II .irrtani
L4.. w f t'iIit..: vv"':" .""'
im i
V." 9tm mwm iHiNftiauTiiiiu
Xftlf la,rM. OH.
T. VU141 aaa .ulu mmA .A I.M..
la Haiti. at i-itiii tfa.ea,ai.
2f LJl9,i5kAS OILT 0 UN,
Worth (a.ooomrad with Other Mukaal
W tmnn.t mU Amttlf Iw.t.tlt. W.r
rvtttt Cflf. tmonwl. ,t 01, Clf, till , Carpaa
Clt, aaa Xttli'tJ, full lyllttK
CiDlllIlt Th aaaalaa hT XT, 1 DOOOUla
IKUIIBil . nam and prlca aHui3k aa baiuw,
tUf .0 ..(;.! W, u-lrm. Jll.i. Cmlahtrwww
P. N. U.
No. 16-1903.
URN writing- to BilvertUere ulaaia
maallail trtU p,w.
Boya' and Youths'
Jack Kiiifc Shoes;
Aik your dealer for the Jack
rtnuc Olio, avtiy cgy gen a. -pocket
knife with hit pair of ;
shoes. Best wearing shots. Rasor -i
steel knives.
fc ram wm uiaaMi
Bwlplmr Jlapoelt In m Mnnalaln 17
R3U Pet A bo i'a the r"aa Lrel.
The hlj?hffit mlno In tho world la In
tho crater of
ffl..,......Jl ...
i, , .1 . i. .
which wna recently aold by Ita former
1 VlHAIIItUklli 4I11.-.JLII.U.
owner, (lull, Ochoa, to an Amorlcnn
ayndlcnlo for n Mini nld lo be f.'.,000,
WW, Tho mine coulnlna Immenac fjtiaii
tltlea of aulphur, and the aupply In nup
poHcd tn h( pinetlcnlly IncxIiHuatllile,
1'opocntcpi'tl la lO.r.'JO feet abovo the
level of tliu hpii, find the crater con
talnliiK tho aulphur hna it circumference
of half n mile mid n depth of 2.7) fWt.
Not all of thla volcanic mountain be
hitKa to tho aypdlcate, na (Jen, Ochoa'a
Km nt from the Mexican uovemment
only Included the bare, rocky aurfneo
of the tiioiiiiliilii nreoa corcred by eter
nal nnow fli'lda. No part of the moun
tain on which a tree, n blade of snn.
or a Hlirul) flnda lodKincnt ever belonKcnl
to Oen. Ochoa, and coUNdiuenlly could
not have been trniiHfcrml.
In the aecurlnK of be aulphur Oen,
Ochoa employed Indian laborers. Thcao
were lowered Into (he crater by menna
of larKe haaka which wire regulated
by n wlndlaiK. When the basket were
filled with the aulphur they wpru mined
and emptied, and In thla primitive faah
Ion the mining operatlona have Ieen
'' ,SaiaJfttbL
mii t mmJLWX mMmmmVmwL
r i WtWr uiTtvm ' -jJfawff
VOI.CAKO or rorocATirrn.
conducted for yenra, Bo rich, however,
la the crater In aulphur that (Jen. Ochoa
haa becomo Immensely wealthy. It la
estimated that a ton of aulphur accu
mulates In the crater every day. The
mineral la bratiKht from the dptha of
the mrth by the ebullitions which are
almcurt constantly Kolnjr. on. It la ex
pected that the syndicate will apply
modern mcthoda In extracting the min
Owner of a Dor- that Did Mot Vat It
Mnat 1'ar for Hepaet.
The Parla newspaper have lately
printed the account of a stranKe law
suit which the Green Has; reporta for
Ha American readers. The complain
ant In the case tctitlflcd that he waa
dJnlnic on the terrace In front of n
restaurant, enjoying the air aa well na
the food. He had Just begun to eat bis
soup, which He found too hot for bis
palate. While waiting for the soup to
cool, he took from bis pocket a roll
of blRs which be had received In pay
ment of a bill.
In countltiK' the money he accident
ally dropped n hundred-fninc bank
nolo Into bis soup. He took It out of
his plate with n fork, and sent the
soup away. The bank nolo was satur
ated with the Krec ll'juld, ami he laid
It down on the table cloth to dry.
Ho was pnrtakltiK of the second
course, when a sudden k'UHt of wind
blew the note off the table. Ho ran
after It, but a dot;, which, although It
wore u collar, and therefore In all prob
ability had a home, yet Showed every
iIku of hunger, seized It. The tnsto of
the soup on (he paper made tl ptilutnble,
utid the dog awullowed the note In tin
Instnut. '
Tho complainant used all bin per
suasive power In nn effort to get the
dog to come, near him. "Good doggy!
Come here J' ho conxvd.
The niilitml, pleased with the taste
or the soup, was iiuaiiy toleu near
enough for tho complainant to read the
nniue engraved on the collar. When
ho Intel made a note of the name and
address of the owner of tho dog, ho
uUmlHAcd him with n Scotch blowing.
Then he sought bin lawyer, and
brought suit against tho owner of the
dog for the restitution of tho hundred
Tho court 'decided that the owner of
tho dog must pay, holding that since
the dog wiib property, tho owner mint
ho held responsible for any act com
mitted by tho animal.
IMnoo lur n Iienriieit Man.
Managing lMltor What la
Applicant (haughtily) I lmvd
graduated from college.
"Well, you might accept tho
tion or etiitor-in-ciuor until soma
your knowlcdgo vrvs offiSMfo,
Call a man u doukoy uud It's
him to kick. '
1 vaaaaaaaMafW L
up to
Maklnc It Caay.
"My Dcr Bir," wroto tho editor to
tho poraUtont yoanK author, "In order
to simplify mattora romowhat we aro
enoloflna a bunch of our 'declined
.-Fvr...W ww wrwwmwwtmw
U.I.I. .I.l.-! ...!-..... Tff u.. . .
wiiii uiniiaa uvinen. ii you will pni
onu t .,,,. . nolo,f with
I mamitcrltit and mall it to youraolf It
will make
it esaior ior nil oi ua, ani
you will bo Mving tomethinx In iioat-
ago aa well."
Oood Cnlsuy,
If yon havo nercr leen perfectly aat
ialled with tho cataup you have bn
cettlriK, we want yon to try a bottle of
Mnnnpolo. Kven if you aro ratlpfled
we want you to try It anyway, for we
aro turo you will become permanent
liner of it. No other brand In the
market haa tho Alio taito, Uio do) lea to
flavor and gives to any dlsli that appo
tlxlnit aeit as doea Monopole. (Jet
Mnnopole cataup from your dealer.
Wadhame A Kerr ilroa., Monopolo
Orocera and Dry Coffee Itoaatora, Tort
land, Ore.
fletween friend.
"I'm rtttlng tireil of rardrnit
houfei." aald tho yonng man wlb pait
hi hair in tho middle. "I'vo half a
mind to got married."
"Of eourre," growled the old bachel
or. "It takea just about that amount
of mind to think of euch a fool thing."
Much you way hare suem?-! about life Ininr
anc may nt wronr Mr II C Mprdncott, c
I'hlladtlphla.oneof the moat forrmoat Iniur
anro autr.orltlM ol the aaf, Jim copyrighted a
little book entitled "The How and Why." It
haa Ucn adopted by htiuI Uiierii cullejrta
to wacn tba flr.t prlnelpala ol lite In.uranc.
and may to had frra byiaddrraalnr Kberman
and Harmon. lenrra! axent I'emi Mutual Ml
lli.uranra Co, Murquam Lulldlnpr, Portland,
Or It may hclpyou to understand How and
ny in itnn miiiuai anriur law wrota
iarit-r amount nr in.urancaln Ortroi
err toiurr written In toe .tat by
(any In one year.
on tban waa
any cam
The Ina and (rata of It.
"Is your master InT" asked the
ier of the rervant at tho door.
in i ..i, r .i..i. i . .
..., run, A UUII . UUW IV " I
"Can't yon find out7"
"Well, tab, Ifa dia way: Et yo'
rometopay dat 5 yo' borrosed of
n m, no say nes in jes' dat much; hot
ji yo- come to Borrow some mo', ho say
110 a uui an 110 a gwina ter no, run."
Latakla Tobacco,
luttakia tobocco obtains its peculiar
flavor through being rprlnkled with j
waUr and allowed to ferment after
thorough fumigation with the smoke of
rrslnoas aromatic wood grovn In Syria,
state a consular report.
Use It.
One of the beet pieces of advice for a
safe Journey through life I aaw on a
sign at a railroad crossing. The sign
read: "Htopl Look! Lletenl" Bal
tlmore American.
Lesrnlag by Degrees.
Little Charlie being asked by hia
teacher tho subject of hia geography
leieon, answered promptly:
"Longitude and Ubortltnde."
Justifiable Hauteur.
Fanllne Have you nothing
to be
proud of?
Tenelope Yea. I'm proud that
haven't any falro pride.
When the cold -wave flag- is up, frcezlnff weather Is on the way. Winter
la here in earnest, and with it all the miserable symptoms of Catarrh
tturn bliadiny; headaches and neuralgia, thick mucous discharges
Vom the nose and throat, a hacking cough and pain in the chest, bad
taste in the mouth, fetid breath, nausea and all that makes Catarrh the
aiost sickening; and disgusting of all complaints. It causes a feeling of per
tonal defilement and mortification that keeps one nervous and anxious while
la the company of others
In spite of all efforts to prevent it,
tke filthy secretions and mucous mat
ter find their way into the Stomach
ind are distributed by the blood to
every nook and corner of the system;
the Stomach and Kidneys, in fact
svery organ and part of the body, be-
tome infected with the catarrhal
poison. This disease is rarely, if ever,
tvcninitscarlieststnges.n purely local
disease or simple Inflammation of the
aoseand throat, and this is why sprays,
washes, powders and the various in
haling mixtures fail to cure. Heredity j
is sometimea DacK 01 11 parents nave
it and so do their children
In the treatment of Catarrh. anU
leptic nnd soothing washes are good for cleansing purposes or clearing the
head and throat, but this is the extent of their usefulness. To cure Catarrh
permanently, the blood must be purified and the system relieved of its load
of foul secretions, ami the remedy to accomplish this is S. S. S. which has
membrane and is carried through the circulation to all the Catarrh infected
portions of the body, they soon heal, the mucous discharges cease and the
patient is relieved of the most offensive and humiliating of all complaints.
S. S. S. is a vegetable remedy and contains nothing that could injure the
most delicate constitution. It cures Cat an h in its most aggravated forms,
and coses apparently incurable and hopeless. Write us if you have Catarrh,
and our physiciaua vill advise you without charge.
Half- Sick
" I first used Ayer'a Saraaparllla
in the fall of 1048. Since tben 1
have taken it every spring as a
blood purlfylne and nerve
atrengthenlne medicine."
8. T. Jones, Wichita, Kans.
If you feci run down,
arc easily tired, if your
nerves arc weak and your
blood is thin, then begin
to take the good old stand
ard family medicine,
Aycr's Sarsaparilla.
It's a regular nerve
lifter, a perfect blood
bUildcr. II.MaWltk. AIIOikIiM.
Aik yor doctor what halblnkaaf Ayaf
p.riapaniia. lia kdo
old UmUy ro.lttn
bow. all about Ikt. erand
la Tailntr Ma idrieaafid 11
w will v .an.naa.
J, C. ATSX OOu Urwttt, Waa.
Lone Time a Poatmasttr.
The dean of fonrth-clnes poatmattera
Is MiloT. Winchester, of Sooth Amen
Is, N. Y., who baa been In offlco fifty
four years, having been appointed Jnly
10, 1840. The salary of his position ia
f 133 per year, and there has never been
a complaint against his office.
"My boy John writes me that be Is
stoppln at tho beat hotels," remarked
Mrs. Corn.
"Ia ho a commercial traveler"
"No; he's drlvin' a parcels delivery
van." Caseeli's Journal.
For bronchial trouMrt trr Phio'a Core
I jor uoniuniptlon. it is a good cough
medlclu. At druggUts, price 25 cents.
Bertln'a Oldest "WtU Bet" Saloon.
IJerlin'e oldest "welsa blfcr" ealoon
j, belne torn down. It waa In the
Charlottenstraaee and had been
121 years.
Knew Her Business.
boltieigb Aro you qnito sura
J3anks Is not InT
The Maid Of conrso I am. She
gave me one of yonr photographs in
order to make me doubly euro.
What She Waa Thinking.
Gladya I'm something of a mind
reader my eel f.
Ethel Indeed?
Gladys Yea; I can usually tell at a
glsnce what a person thlnka of me.
Ethel Wonderful I Hut don't you
often find it awfully embarrassing?
Satisfied With Dog' Warning. s
When a dog entered the cell of Maur
ice Bo ache, imprisoned at Lille,
France, and nnder sentence of death
for the muider of a woman, and licked
bis hand, on the morning of the day of
execution, thn murderer, who had all
along protested hi innocence, and ex
pressed confidence in a reprieve, imme
diately prepared for death.
Mancheater, V, Maroh 0, 1801.
Oentlamen: I had all the ayiaptoma
that acooaapaar this dlsaaae, auoh aa
mnena dropping ia the threat, a. eon
stent deatre to hawk aad a pit, faallnr
of dryneas in the throat, cough and
eplttlntr uponilalnrln thaiaorstnir,
aeabs formtar in the noaa, whloh r-
aiulred much effort to blow out, eoice
tlmea eaualntr the noaa toblatd and,
leavlnr me with a alok headaehe. X
had thus auffarad for five year a.
I eommencad to take 0. 8. 8, and,
after I bad taken three large bottles,
X notleed a change for the better.
Thus encouraged, I eonttnutdto take
it and in a abort while was entirely
Main aad Vine Ste., JUohmond, Va,
110 equal as a bloou punlier. It restores
the blood to n natural, healthy state and
the catarrhal poison nnd effete matter
are carried out of the system through tho
proper channels, S. S. S. restores to tho
brood all its good qualities, and when
rich, pure blood reaches the inflamed