The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 24, 1903, Image 4

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National Organization Adopts Resolution
an Labor Qoestlea and Decides on a
Counter Movement n Clastic Cur
rency Mrdd-Dcfcat of the Eight
Uaur Law Dcman dcd.
New Orleans. Ia, April 17. The
ilntunilri to the eoavaaUoa of kthe N'a
tfamal Association of Manufacturer
devoted pracOoally all at the time of
Let mmIom today to the dlscoMkw
of the Jabe- owostloa. There was
much ulffereace of opiaton to the
nature of the attitude which the or
ganization should take toward trade
uariOMism iM tne aeoate at ua Be
caaae boated, bat when the adoption
of a dtctaratkm of nrtaelMM was fla
ally reached, the resolution embodylBg
It m aeceotea ny a aaanimou toio.
An effort was made to hoM the reso
lution for Printing aad further coatM-
-ratroa. but the delegate demaadea
lwsMdiate action, and the protest was
overruled. The resolutions, which
Prestdeat Parry characterized as "the
rdstorm of the association." are as
follows -
"We. the members of the National
Association of Manufacturers. United
States of America, In convention as
embted at New Orleans, do hereby
declare the principles whkh shall gov
era this convention in Its work In con
nection with the problems of labor:
"1. Pair deallag Is the fundament
al and baste principle on which rela
tione between employes and employ
ers should rest.
"2. The National Association of
Manufacturers! Is not opposed to or
gaaisaUoaa of tabor as such, hut It Is
unalterably opposed to Boycotts.
MeekHets and other illegal acts of In
terference with the personal liberty
of employer and employe.
"3. No person should be refuted
caapteymeat or in any way discrimi
nated against on account of member
ship or non-membership la any labor
argaaixstloe. and there should be no
dlserisalnattoa against or laterfereace
with nay employe who is not a mem
ber of a labor organization by mem
bers of sueh organization.
"4. With due regard to contracts,
it is the right of the employe to leave
his employment whenever he sees fit.
and It Is tbe right of the employer to
discharge any oraploye when be sees
"5. Employers must be free to era
ploy their work people at wages mutu
ally satisfactory, without Interference
or dictation on tbe part of Individuals
or organizations not directly party to
such contracts.
"G. The employers must be unmo
lested and unhampered In the manage
ment of their bui!ncs and In the use
of any methods or systems of pay
which are Just and equitable.
"7. No limitation should be. placed
upon the opportunities of any person
to learn any trade to which he ot she
may be adapted.
8. -This asioclatlon disapprove
absolutely of strikes and lockouts and
, favors an equitable adjustment of all
differences between employers and
"The National Association of Man
ufacturer pledges Itself to oppose any
and all legislation not In accordance
with the foregoing declarations.
Toledo Evades Puriuers -Cholera Attacks
Pershing's I'orce,
Manila. April 17. Tho campaign
Dgalnst tbo bandits In the Province of
Albay has proved unsuccessful, the
loader of tbe ladrones, named Toledo,
evading a fight with the American
forces. Tbo government Is preparing
to organize another movement. Three
hundred and fifty scouts and constab
ulary arc now following Toledo's band
and It- Is Intended to Increase this
force. Tbe concentration system In
Central Albay Is still effective.
Cholera has Attacked Captain Per
shing's troops, who are operating
against tho Moros In tho Island of
Mindanao. Five cases and many sus
pected cases are reported. It Is sup
posed tho disease was contracted
pear Bacolod, which Captain Par
thing's forco captured April 8. The
sick have been cent to tbe hospital at
Oamp Vlckars.
Tho government will award a con
tract to furnish 10,080 cariboos to ro
tJock plantations. It Intends to soil
these animals to tbe planters at cost
and to expend half tbo gift of $3,000.
000 voted, by congress In restocking
tho farms.
right In Santo Domingo.
St. Thomas D W. I., April 17 Tho
Trench crulsor Troudo arrived hero to
day from Santo Domingo City. She
reports that fighting took placo there
Sunday night and Monday morning
botweon tho revolutionists and tho
government troops, during which sev
eral men wore killed and many
woundod, among tho latter being a
jioaman of tho German crulsor Vinota.
Dominican government troops cap
tured a fort, but were eventually re
pulsed and tho fort retaken. When
tho Troudo Balled the revolutionism
were preparing to pursuo President
Vasquez and his troops.
Negotiations Are mocked.
London, April 17. Tho Morning
Post correspondent at Shanghai tele
graph that tho tsoaty negotiations
aro at a deadlock through China's re
fusal to abolish all tbo Internal cus
lom.houscB In accordance with tho
American demand. China admits, foro the flro In reached. Thl will
Adds tho correspondent, that over 1000 require an estimated 450,000,000 gal-cuatom-houBes,
aro still open. Ions of water.
Winter Wheat Looks Well-frost Nip
Fruit In California.
Washington. April 16. The Weather
Bureau Issued the following weekly
summary ot crop conditions:
In tho districts east ot tho Rocky
Mountains during the week ending
April 13, tho temperature haj been
highly favorable fer growing vegeta
tion, but farm work was very general
ly retarded by rains In the Lake re
gie, central valleys and Atlantic coast
district, while cotapialat of lack of
saoteture are received from portions
of the Central and West Gulf states,
la the Central and Northern Rocky
Mountain districts and on the North
ern Pacific coast the aoason Is
very backward, and Washington and
Oregon have suffered from coW. wet
weather. la California, the coadltloas
have beea generally favorable, with the
exception of some damage by frosta.
Tbe eoadltlon ot winter wheat Is
generally excellent, and It has made
splendid- progress since the flrnt of the
mvaim. in ine upper uaio ancy.
however, the freeze of the -tth and Sth
caused war Injury. On the whole
tbe coadltloas of the crop In the winter
wheat belt east of tbe Rockies Is more
proattelng than tor years, in Califor
nia the outlook Is also promising, but
In Oregon and Washington the condi
tions of the crop aro less favorable,
specially In the hut named state,
where about one-third ot the acreage
will be resown.
Spring wheat seeding Is nearly com
pleted In Iowa and Nebraska, and Is
progressing well In South Dakota;
none has yet beee sown in North Da
kota and In Northern Minnesota, but
In Southern Minnesota tamo has been
mwd on rolling lands. By the cloo of
March, which was a very mild month.
all fruits were unusually far advanced.
The reports now Indicate that many
varieties of fruit have suffered severe
ly for the moath, partlculary the
la California, while some damage
has beea done by frost, the outlook
Is favorable; on the North Pacific
Coast the season is so backward that
fruit has not beea exposed to Injury.
Storm Sweeps Over Remote Part of Ala
baraa With Deadly Brtrct.
Birmingham. Ala.. April 18 A spe
cial to the Age-Herald from Bvergreen.
Ala., says:
News has Just reached here by tele
phone cofiflrmlng rumors of heavy tos
of life and property In the neighbor
hood of Peterman and Durnt Corn,
wrought by tho tornado which passed
near there yesterday. Ten persons are
known to have been killed, numerous
barns and residences and outhouses
were swept away, entailing a loss
which will reach high In the thousands.
On account of the bad condition ot tho
wires communication Is dlQcult.
II. P. Salter and bis mother and
child were riding along a road and
were opposite a clump of trees when
the storm overtook them. A heavy
tree that was uprooted by the wind fell
across the wagon, crushing all ot tho
occupants to death. Several residenc
es were demolished, tbo timber falling
on tho occupants, killing or injuring
all within the buildings.
It will probably be several days be
fore a correct Hat of the casualties
ran be obtained, as there Is neither
telegraph nor railroad connection. Tbe
heavy rains have rendered the roads
almost Impassable. Peterman Is In
Monroe county, and la not within 25
miles of a railroad or telegraph sta
tion. All the news so far received hu
come over tho telephone lines which
are several miles from the path of the
Freak of Tornado That Visited Illinois
Score of People Injured.
Sprlngfleld, III., April 15. Ono
death, a fatal Injury and a scoro or
mora of Injuries resulted from a tor
nado that swept Logan, Dewett and
Piatt Counties this afternoon. Tho fa
tallty occurred on tho Halsadarser
settlement, a farming community
three miles from Atwood. Piatt Conn
ty. The home of Clifford Halsadarsor
was demolished, and after the storm
Halsadarsor's Infant son was found
dead 300 feet from whero tho house
stood. Ills wife was hurled across
the street and fatally Injured.
Mrs. J. I). Martin's homo was do
stroyed and soveral guests wero pain'
fully Injured.
Deer Creek, In Logan County,
where tho storm first struck, was
swept dry of water. Reports from
this district state that three bouses
were destroyed and a number of people-
more or less Injured. Supervisor
Schanaour'a handsomo resldonco wn
destroyod. The family of several
children and a numbor of visitors, 15
In all, sought safety In tho cellar, and
the houo wnB torn from over thorn.
The homos of Samuel V. Baldwin
end Gus Knecht woce destVoyed.
Mrs, Baldwin and two farm hands
took refugo In a smokohouso In which
they wero hurled several hundred
feet and painfully Injured.
Hooding Burning Mine,
Sydney, N. S. V,'.. April JC
Through a sluice cut through a darn
opening Into tho old workings, wator
is now pouring into trio burning col
liery No. 1 of tho Dominion Coal Com
pany, at tho rato of nearly 3,600,000
gallons an hour. Tho rnlno Is flooded
up to tho seventh level, and there
aro four more levels to bo flooded bo.
Decision on Plans Will Then Be Reached
May Modify Marts Plan to Keep
Within Limit -Will Also Uxamln
Route Schema for Continuous Canal
From Big Bddy to Celllo.
Washington. April 15. Representa
tive Moody, before leaving Washing
ton, had n final conference with tho
member of the Board of HnglRcers
having under consideration the open
lag of tho Columbia River from The
Dalles to Celllo. and waa Informed
that the Board will meet In Portland
May 11 to coastaer raoro fully all data
that has recently been collected by
Major Langfitt regarding tho portion
ot tne river to be Improved.
Mr. Moody says that, while It la Ira
poetlble to say what the Board will
finally report, Ita conclusion will
largely depend upon calculations to
be baaed on data that has boon com
piled by Major LangfltL bearing on
the several modifications or substi
tution for the Harts' project
Mr. Moody also had under consider
ation with the engineers tho removal
of ono of the reefs at Ten-Mllo Rap
Ids, with a view to facilitating steam
boat navigation up to the lower end
of the proposed state portage road.
That proposition will be considered
by tho Board when It meets. Tbe
Board will prooabty visit tbe obstruc
tions in the river and will determine
for Itself the need of blasting on this
reef. Having viewed the river, dur
ing the Summer, the Board at Its
coming meeting will havo opportunity
to see the stream at the hlah atnie of
the water and form a better Idea of
tne volume of water to be controlled.
The Beard will make an extraordl
nary effort to devise a practical plan
that enn be carried out at a coat not
exceeding Captain Harts' estimate for
nis original scheme, and there Is
some hope that such a plan may
eventually be found. In the light of
data that has been collected by Ma
jor LaagfitL tbe Board will be able
closely to estimate the cost of the
several modifications of the Harts'
project that have been proposed and
will also be ablo to estimate the cost
of other schemes that have been
brought forward by other engineer.
Mr. Moody has urged that If tho
Harts' plan in an amended form Is
not agreed upon, the Board seriously
consider the proposition of a contln
uous canal from tho Big Kddy to Ce
lllo. and determine whether or not
4ucb a canal can be built by making
use of natural cbannels through tbe
rocks to the south of the river, at a
cost not greater than Harts' estimate.
This suggestion will be Investigated
and. If It proves fcaslblo at reason
able cost, may be accepted, as tho ad
vantages of a continuous canal are
recognized by many of the officers.
Four Are Killed and Two More Will Die
Detail. Meager.
Halifax. . "8.. April 13. Four per
sons killed, two fatally hurt, at least
one missing, and several others slight
ly Injured Is the record of a head-on
collision on the Intor-Collonlnl Rail
way which occurred Just before mid
night last night near Windsor Junc
tion. 17 miles from Halifax.
The poles and telegraph lino along
tho roadsldo wero wrecked, and this
city was cut off from communication
with the outside world for hours.
Tho trains In collision wero the
Canadian Pacific Railway express
from Montreal and Boston for Hall
fax, and a fast freight from Halifax
for Montreal. Tho conductor nnd
driver of tho freight had orders to
tako tho siding at Windsor Junction
and lot tbo express cross, but. for
somo unknown reason, Driver wpo
land, of the freight, ran mtt the
Junction on tho main lino and met
tbo express two miles boyond.
It Is thought that Copcland may
havo lost control of his train, which
was made up of 75 cars. Tho freight
waa running 26 mllos nn hour, nnd
tho oxpress, which was two hour
late, was traveling about 45 mile- an
hour. Both trains wore hauled by
new and powerful locomotives, and
they crashed together on a lovel pleco
ot road skirting n lake.
Proposed Treaty With Cuba.
Havana April JR. Minister Sntilrea
today outline to President Palmn and
Forolgn Secretalry Hnldo tho detail
of the pormanont treaty botweon Cuba
arid tho United Stntos In accordance
with the proposition prepared nt
Washington. Tho nnval stations
ngroemonl. tho ratification of which
Is now pending In the Senate will not
bo reoponod, but It Is understood that
ownorehli) of tho stations la covorml
In tho treaty, Jn addition to tho Isle
or 1'ines and tho I'mtt nmciximont
fcaturo. There la no doubt that a
permanent treaty will bo concluded
Coal Mine Explosion.
Kansas CJty, April lG.-A special
to the Journnl from South McAllstor.
I. T., snys- FJvo men woro killed and
two iiovorely burned today by a gas
explosion In Mlno 77 of tho Kansas &
Toxas Coal Company at Carbon, I. T.
Tho cause of tho explosion Ib un
known. Sovortty-fivo men woro In tho
mine, but all escaped Injury nxcopt
tho fovon who wero working In the
chamber whore tho explosion occurred.
Schooner Run Down on Out? Two Chit
drtn and Sailor Drowned.
St. Louis. April IS. A special to
the Republic from Galveston, Tex,,
Tho schooner Margaret I Wan!
waa rammed and sunk by the South
ern Pacific steamer Kl Rio, 25 miles
east of GalvcJton Bar, Inst night
Two children of Captain McKown. of
the schooner, wero lost and one sen
man of tho same veeseL-
Aceordlng to Captain McKown. all
his lights were burning brightly and
every possible signal made to avert
tho collision, but the big steamer bore
straight down upon the deemed vm
sol. cutting her In two and sending
her to the bottom Immediately. From
account of the colllsloa given by the
engineer. Clark, ami Chief Mate In
galls. It was about 3d seconds from
the time of tho coHoslon until tho
Ward sunk.
The captain had his family on
board. They were asleep In the cab
in. The mato saw the steamer nnd
started to ring the bells. Tbe whole
crew turned out; all bells were ring
ing, the whistles wt blowing, all
hands on deck were shouting for dear
life and both anchorage lights were
showing when the It Rio struck the
schooner carrying away her alt-gang
way and wheel-bow and cutting Into
the cabin.
All hands took to the rigging. Cap
tain McKown had his son In his arms,
but was struck with temcthlng In gel
ting Into the rigging and the little fel
lew slipped Into the sea. Mrs. Mc
Kown gave the little girl to one of
the sailers who was lost In trying to
savo her.
RAISUD FROM 71113 D till P.
One ol the Spanish Ships Sunk by Dew
ey's Fleet nt Manila.
Manila. April It. The warship
Reins Christina, the flagship of Ad
miral Monte Jo. which waa sunk by
Admiral Dewey, was floated and
beached yeeterday. The skutetona of
about M of her erew were found la
the hulk.
One skeleton waa evidently that of
an officer, for It bad a sword by Its
side. There are fifteen shell boles In
the hull of the Reins Chriatlaa. one
made by aa eJght-lfch and others
smaller. The main injection valve Is
missing, showing the ship waa scut
tled when abandoned. The hull .la In
fair condition.
Captain Albert R. Coudvn. torn
mantling tbe naval station at Cavlte.
took charge of the remains of tbe sail
ors, etprt-sslng a dedre to give them
an American naval funeral. The
Spanish residents are anxious, bow
ever, to ship the skeletons to Spain.
and It Is suggested that the transport
Sumner convey thorn to Spain by the
way of the Suez Cannl In June.
A wrecking company la-endeavorlng
to raise all thS sunken Spanish war
Dr. Max L'hle Mas Been Able to Trace It
Back 2,000 Yeara
San Francisco. April 13. Tho car
Host American civilization, for ante
dating tho genorolly accepted limits
of prc-CoIumbua culture, ha been
Ltrnrcd In Peru by Dr Max Uhle. di
rector of the anthrologlcal excava
tions and explorations ot tho Univer
sity of California In that country.
Whore heretofore Inrn traditions had
led scientists to bollove that Peruvian
civilization extended bark only n few
centuries before tho coming of tho
Spaniards, the archeologlcol work of
Dr. Ublo tins established the fact
that a great civilization flourished
2000 year earlier, at tho loat esti
mate, and that a cultured race, of
higher development than tho Inens,
wn In existence boforu tho Trojan
Thl remarkahlo discovery follow
as a result of the studies made In the
two expedition which Dr. Utile led
in recent years at tho oxponio of Mr.
Phoebo Hearst and under tho aus
pices of tho 'University of California.
Irrigates Valley Too Suddenly and I)rlc
Out Resident.
Delta. Colo.. April H. The dam of
tho Bonnoy rosorvolr, near Olatho. 15
mile Trom this city, gave way oarly
today, causing dnmsgo estimated at
from 160.000 to 175.000. T ho reser
voir Is owned by tho Garnet Ditch &
Reservoir Company and furnlslios
water for Irrigating the Garnet nioeu.
Tho company' houso bolow the dnm
was ilomollslinil. nnd It occupant
bnroly escaped with tholr llvoa. being
forcod to wado through Hovoral fool
of wator In tholr night clothor.
Rider were ent out to notify tho
farmer living nlong tho Uncompatv
grco River nbovo Dnltn, and It I
thought that all esoapod boforo tho
Hood reached them. Crops In tunny
piacos win no riiinou, ami covornl
hundred lioad of cattle nrn roportoil
na lost. Tim Donvor & Rio Orando
track was wanned out for n distance
of about throo-quartOM of a inllo.
She Wants No Reform.
Pukln, April 15. Tho Dowager Km
pross has Issued nn edict repealing
tho comprohonlsve ntnmp taxation
Bclicmo, whlrh Yuan Shi Knl, Gover
nor of tho Provlnco of Chi LI, was
about to Innugurnto throughout thl
province. Tho edict assign tho nov.
erty of tho peoplo as tho reason for
tho repeal of thu schomo, but It la bo
lloved Yuan, Shi Kal's enumlaa pro
cured It for tho pdrpoHo of crippling
his proposed reforms,
Dr. Lyman Abbott I now at work
on a biography of Heurf Ward Ileecb
Thin paper edition of standard
works, bound lu limp I'atW. are
growing lu favor with liugllsh pub
Ushers. The Ithrp Publishing Company Is
sues Irving Bacheller' third novel,
"Darrel of the BIcmcU Islrs." It denl
with life lu the north before the war.
H. R. Crockett latent story. "Strong
Mac." Is a tale of life on the moor of
Scotland, with a later shifting of
sceno to Hpaln durlug the peninsula
K. P. Dutton h Co. have Just pulx
Halted the new hook on "Italy nnd the
Italian," by Hdwnnl 1 1 ill ton, vvIiomi
"studies In tbe Uvm of tho HuliiU"
h already nude favorable eommettt.
The Hcrlbiier announce a novel by
France Powell cntllltd "The House
ou the Hudson." Thl maiden work of
a new writer I described aa "blending
tbe chnrncterlstlc of a detective story
with ttiove of a passionate and force
ful drama of love."
Mary Catherine Crowley, the au
thor of "The Heroine of the Htrall." a
romance of Detroit In the time of Pott
tlsc, 1m written another novel with
Its scenes laid In that Interesting see
tlou. but with the war of IHI'J for the
historical background.
Richard (1. Badger will lu the
only aile(tito rendering obtainable of
Tannhauner," the romance ujon whteh
Wagner mot famous tper Is based.
It Mug translated In a xM ami spirit-
fd manner from the original German
by Charles (!. Kendall.
Mlsa Ottllle LUJcnerant. the anther
of -The Thrall of Lvlf tbe Lueky."
ha written another historical eel.
ThU time she has choen the rusiod
of the Danish conquest of Britain for
her theme and haa decided to call the
tale "Tbe Ward of King Canute." It
will be putdUhcd at au early date by
A. C. McClurg Co.
McClure. Phillip K Co. annotinre
The Blue (towe." by Frank I. Nu.
sou, author of "To the llml of the
Trail." It la a story of mine and min
er lu thrt gold region of the Roeklea.
Hlnci Bret Hnrte wrote of the "Forty
Nluera" In California and nloiu the
transcontinental trail the mining world
baa completely cluuigt-d.
It will probably to a surprlwi to
many to be told that Joseph Conrnd,
the author of "Youth," I not wrltliitf
In hi native tongue when he write
In Kugtlsh. Mr. Conrad I. It ecni.
a Pole, and wn born In n southern
province of Poland. HI father wn a
noted critic and pot, who edited u
patriotic review at Warsaw.
"Ronald Cnrnaquay, a Commercial
Clergy tun n," n novel ou the pre for
curly Issue by thu Maonlllan Com
pany, will find many render. Thit
never-falling hunter and pa I be of n
pastor rotation with hi eoimnum
Hon. hi trustee and .oiHit of the
women of hi (lock huve been skillfully
handled by the author, Bradley Oil
man. For the last twenty yi-nr hardly n
spring lut gone by that litis Hot wl
coined n new volume of short Urft
from the pen of lint Hnrte. Hi dwtlh
hit May brought many etpreloH of
regret that thl annual cotttrlliHtbM to
gtiotl fiction could no longer go on, Mr.
Marte's literary executor have found,
however, thnt he left mnteabtl ready
for una more book, which will be pub
lished under the title of "Trent1
Trust." It contain seven storied. In
which some of tit- favorite oharacttir
havo one more word to my.
Tlin iltial OniMsti-oplin.
"My dearl" sold a frlglitout.1 tin"
band In tho middle of tho night, hHk
lug hi wife, "where did you put thnt
bottle of strychnine"
"On the sliolf next tn tbe pop-pur-mint."
"Oh. Iord!" ho groaned, "I've swal
lowed It!"
"Well, for goodnew nk." whltJUuretl
hi wife, "keep iiltu or you'll wake,
tho baby," Philadelphia Ledger. .
F.tliol-You miy Algy ha boon heart
loiily deceived by u young wenwn.
Did mIio Iwid him on to think' thnt h)iu
loved him?
Mny-Oli, no, Kim led him on to bo
llovo that ho didn't care, n rap fur
him, iiml thou when ho enrulojsly pro
posed nccepted him on the spot.
Ono Dlllltmliy In itio Wny.
"I can marry any girl I plenBo." re
marked tbo Wlso (luy, '
"Ych, but you don't nooin to please
any of them," murmured tbo tilmnU
MugM'hlluilolplila Record.
Try I n n (Juiuk Modioli.
BlngH-Whnt nro you going to do
with that Mick of dynnmllo, old iimnl
Bangs-l'm going to blow n uJQnla
plaator oft my chost.-liidlauntioll
, Journal.