The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 24, 1903, Image 3

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    Elkins (& King,
Of everyone nt Ucnd ami It vicinity, nml nrc willing to ,cct vou n"
more tliun halfway to yet It.
We know thnt after trading with tin once, tlicrc will be no trouble
about nccurhig your ubtciuent ordcrM.
. We will give our
The same attention and prompt shipment that we would were you pres
ent in person. '
We will Hell you nothing but first-class goods at as low a price as It Is
K)Hiiblc to make, quality being considered. '
Scud us a trial order.
Yours for
Local Events of (ho Week.
II. W. Heed's son arrived in
Ilcud a few days ago. He likes the
place and the country, and will
probably locate among us.
A jwrty of young jwoplc, diaper
lined by Prof. Hampton, made a
visit to I.nvn island last Saturday,
Prof. Ilnmpton stretched himself
out on a nice warm rock and went
to Moflp while the young folks
Ashed. The professor's services
us chajcrone aic much in demand1
The Reception Saloon, Shnniko,
offers the most tempting induce
ments to timber locators going into
the woods. The very best brands
of whiiklos, such ns Cyrus Noble,
Old rcpjHir, Hunter Uoltimorc Rye
and .other standard goods, always
to be had here. Call at the Recep
tion. S. D. Porcival, foreman of the
Silver Lake Central Orogonian,
pawed through Rend Wednesday,
bound for l'rlneville. Mr. l'urcivnl
Hoc to l'rinwvlllv to make a jwr
mumI Inventigntioii of the smallpox
epidemic, having been delegated
for thnt purpose by the citiuns of
Silver I,ku.
Tim Miwmill belonging to the I
11. . Co. is uudurgoiug n thorough
lupulring and cluiiuing up, to be
ready for a big summer's work.
Mr. Dornmcc is the engineer in
charge, and the sound of the whhtlc
three or four timus a day is the first
symptom of the future manufactur
ing activity of Heud.
In sotting up the account of
Miss Marion Wiust's birthday party
Inst week the compositor inadver
tently got his fingers into the wrong
box, picking up an 8 instead of a 7,
and making the article read her
iHth birthday instead of her 17th,
a mistake which nearly caused the
unlucky, blundering typesetter the
loss of his scalp. We assure the
charming little lady wc had not the
slightest intention of making her so
old, and will make up for it on the
Vccasiqn of her next birthday.
J. M. Lawrence, the new U. S.
commissioner for Rend, arrived
heVeon Tuesday, the 21st. Mr.
Lawrence had a hard trip in from
Shanikp, and was nearly starved to
death. lie was taken down to the
"owl's roost," however, and fed on
trout which the Rulletin force had
caught. Wc counted the vertebrtw
of 49 stacked about his plate, the
luast of which was 11 inches long.
If Mr. Lawrence Is as competent a
commissioner as he is a fish-cuter,
the people of Rend and the. people
who have any land business to do
with him need have no fears.
,1 -. ..,.
Mr. Michael Morrison is hard at
work building a house near Dad
West's place. He hopes to lie oc
cupying it some time next week.
Mr. A. L. Hunter, of Rurns, Or
egon, a brother of Joe Hunter, has
moved his family and furniture to
Heud, and will make this place his
Gail Ncwsomc, of Princville, ar
rived in Rend yesterday, with n
stock of badly-needed vaccine
points. lit a few days wc will all
have sore arms.
Mr. Stcidl has moved into the
house formerly occupied by Mr.
Young, and wc understand that the
Yaudevcrt family will soon be seek
ing quarters elsewhere in the neigh
borhood. Mr. J. M. Lawrence, our new U.
S. commissioncri has taken up his
quarters in the "," op
posite the P. R. I). Co.'s slorc,
where he is prcpated to do all sorts
of laud business.
One of Mr. Wiest's full blood
Plymouth Rock hens laid an egg
on Thursday which wns about the
size of n small watermelon. Mr.,
Wiest says that this is n usual oc-1
curreiice, and he intends to raise a
strain of double-headed, four-legged
chickens front these eggs.
The sounds emanating from the
Pilot Iluttc Development Company's
sawmill arc causing the sleeping in
dustries of this section to awaken.
Wc hear the whistle now about four
timus a day, and it makes the pros
pective home builder feul good to
see the lumber stack up in the
yard, .
Mr, D. P .StcAn, of whom we
have heretofore made mention
several times, has nearly completed
the list of avocotious necessary to
qualify for a license as jack-of-all-trades.
He haH now added trap
ping to his menu, uud among a fine
lot of pelts llow in his possession
we will state that he "skun thecat"
yesterday on the limb of u juniper
trco, unci now has the feline peltry,
along with some choice wimples of
skin from his own anatomy.
If a person had liccu passing
down the road past Mr. West's
house on Wednesday afternoon he
would have seen all the symptoms
of a combination minlatora cloud
burst, whirlwind and volcftiiie erup
tion about those prumlKt', The
school board had a meeting: III Mr.
West's house, and alt kinds of blue
smoke and sulphurous vnpOrs came
out of tho window and knotholes
during the session. We know of
no personal damage, and Mr. West
is thankful that his house was thor
oughly fumigated at little cost to
in 1 j-n - in T " '
U'. Rou'd whiskey is to be had at
the Pioneer Saloon, Shnniko, J. J.
Wiley, proprietor. A good grate
ful drink, refreshing, invigorating.
When you arc at Shanlko, re
member the Pioneer Saloon is the
place to get fine liquors. The best
is none too good for you, and wc
dispense the very best.
H. A. Strawbridgc, T.H.McCann
and K. I. Hurley, of Cass Lake,
were in Rend today to file on tim
lwr claims. They were located by
Wnlt Rivcns, of Prinevillc.
Mr. A. M. Drake is expected
home soon, arid will probably bring
in a lot of men to work on the irri
gating ditch. He will also have
some ditching machinery, and it
will not be long unlil a part of the
water of the lordly Deschutes will
be slaking the thirst of the desert.
The annual statement of the
financial condition of Sherman
county as printed in the Wasco
News showing $35Stf75 aggre
gate cash on hand after all cxjxmi
diturcs, is something of which the
inhabitants of Sherman may well
be proud; and it should cause the
officials of some of the other Oregon
counties to go to Sherman and find
out how they do it.
Steady work. Apply by
letter to C. F. Snith, fore-
man, Deschutes, Or.; or per
sonally at the camp on the
We have assurance now that Mr.
u 1; 1 ,.,i r,i... n c ,. .:ti
... A. MfJ ..V . hut. W. W. A1J . .. ..,
have materials assembled and prep
arations made to start Work on the
lioiul extension this season. We
have thought all the time that the
paper talk about the O. R. & N.
extending was simply n bluff, and
are very' glad to learn that the C. S.
Ry. will extend its own road, and
that very soon.
Ucnd to Celebrate.
If our proposed Fourth of July
celebration is a success, it will be a
great thing for Rciurand its busi
ness men. Tlicrc is no reason why
it should not be a success, and a
big one. Of course, the successful
culmination of thin celebration will
have to depend upon the rustling
ubility of the people who have it iu
charge, and they cannot do it nil,
The people of Ucnd must co-opor'
ate and hulp the good 'cause along,
Along tho Deschutes here are- any
numlicr of pretty groves where we
can hold the jollification, and it wilt
be, by long oddtf, the most pleasant
celebration that has ever lieeu held
iu Crook county. There is plenty
of ice to be had for circus lemonade
and ici cntaiii, and we can go up
tho river and get a black pine tree
for the greased pole. The program
committee will meet in a few days
and tniiku a start on the list of
events, and will make arrangements
for a liberal display of advertising
in the shape of posters and news
paper writoups.
Let everyone join hi tho good
work and help the committee in
their labors. It will ba to the in
terest of every one, and the com
munity should step up' as one man
and add their IndiYidtlalniitus,
Baseball Association Organized.
On Saturday evening, the 18th,
the baseball enthusiasts at Rend
met at the district sclioolhousc and
perfected the organization of the
Rend Rascball Association.. The
following officers were elected:
Arlc C. Hampton, president.
Doji P. Rca, vice-president.
A. G. Richardson, sec. andtrcas.
D. P. Stcffa, manager.
Chas, Drock, captain.
The association now consists of
about thirty members, numbering
nearly all the younger people of the
vicinity, and its subscription books
arc open to all comers. A great
deal of interest has been shown by
the young men of the community,
and they have contributed their
initiation fee of fifty cents each very
Mr. Richardson is the man with
the dough. He has ordered a com
plete outfit and intends to superin
tend the erection of a commodious
grandstand, work on which will
commence soon.
On Wednesday evening of this
week another rousing meeting was
well attended at the sclioolhousc, in
order to ratify the constitution and
by-laws and to receive reports of
committees, etc. It was suggested
that the Rascball Association cor
respond with one of the Princville
teams or some other team in the
neighborhood and open negotiations
for a game on the Pourth of July.
It was also suggested, incidentally,
to this, that the association get up
a regular program for a celebration
on that day. The following com
mittee was appointed to arrange the
program and to invite the co-operation
of the firms, business men and
citizens of Rend: I) P Rca, D F
Stcfia, Chas Brock, Will Rrock, H
J Palmer.
A committee of three was ap
pointed to superintend the work of
preparing n suitable ball ground,
consisting of: 1 M Stewart, Chas
Stroud, 1-d Hill.
There will be a meeting of the
Association on Thursday, the 30th,
and everyone interested should turn
out in force, as we want to make
the ball team a winner and the
prospective Fourth of July celebra
tion u sure go.
llow to Cook Trout.
Many of the best cooks in the
country cannot cook the speckled
trout. If you simply throw them
into the frying pan and cook them
as you would a steak, your effort to
tickle the palates of your epicures
will lie a Aat failure, and they will
arise from the table after trying to
eat n piece of one fish and forcing
that down wondering ' whatever
there can be iu trout that people
try to ent them. If the following
rules for preparing the fish for the
table nrc adhered to, you will find
that you will never have enough to
go around:
1. Roll them in a mixture of
flour and corumcal, and,after.greas
ing your pan well with lard (butter
bettor, but not essential), place fish
over a medium brisk fire.
a, Season thoroughly with salt
rilid iepper, Don't be sparing with
3. Fry till there is a beautiful
crust of brown on under side of the
fish. Don't turn until brown.
4. Turn, and season the cooked
side. Sprinkle pepper and salt on
until you have enough, ttd then
add a little more.
5. Then fry tho other side till
the brown covers -the specks on tho
6, Serve hot.
Follow thtfsa rules to the letter,
and you have a feast a gorge.
Omit one of them and your fish arc-
spoiled for the tabls, btit can lie
utilized for fertilizer. This recipe
is given gratuitously by the Rulle
tiu force to the public', and can be
attested to if necessary We olaim
no monopoly in the art of cooking
trout. Rut it isn't every cook that
prepares them properly.
Pin this over your range.
The following we clip from the
Wasco News. Wc do not vouch
for the efficacy of the recipe as a
preventive of smallpox, but as a
good spring medicine fdY everyone,
even those in the best of health, it
is undoubtedly worth trying: "An
ounce of prevention is worth apound
of cure, and one of the best reme
dies for the prevention of smallpox
is a mixture of equal parts of salts,
sulphur and cream of tartar. The
dose should vary from a teaspoon
ful to a tablcspoonful each day, ac
cording to the cfTcct it has upon the
patient just enough to keep the
bowels regular." This, together
with disinfection, vaccination. and
isolation, and a hot bath thrown iu
scmi-occasionally for variety, should
guarantee the absence of smallpox,
and deserves the consideration of
thoughtful people.
By Mny 1st we will have a
full line of Trout Rods and Cane
Poles, Files, Lines, Leaders, Spoon
Hooks, etc, which we will dispose
of nt Princville prices. Reserve
your purchases until you examine
our stock.
At the Bulletin office.
C. E. McDoweU.
Electric Lights Throughout the
- House.
All White Help.
City Meat Market.
J. I. WHST. Prop.
Butter, Eggs-, Poultry,
Potatoes, Vegetables in Season.
Opposlto P. B. D. Co.'s Store, BEND
Attorney mid
Witt practice jti all
court. In the .tale
Vt 8. Comnitatoncr.
rU!NltVI!,I,l OKKGO.S.
Mud Alius nd prool of alt kind. Office on
XrrcMc.dlinr to court hoiic
Pilots Butte hm
ovui kilbv. raori
Ktegnut Rooms, nlld Tables sup4
plied with all tho Delicacies of
the Season,
Single .Aleals 50c.
Hay for team one night Jr.oO
Grain for team one 'night- .7$