The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 17, 1903, Image 1

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JSJflNJl, OREGON, JfJilDAY, APKIL 37, 1908.
NO. 5.
ComprcheiiAlvo Review of III Import'
ant Happenings ol tlio Past Wck.
Presented In Condensed I'onti, Mos
Likely to I'rove Interesting to Our
Many Render.
Indian mny collect n trllml fro from
outsiders giaxliig caltlo on Inillini Ter
ritory ImiiU.
Tim Republican of the First Oregon
district on tin 24th ballot nominated
Hlnger Hermann for congress.
Rev. Gustavo Gothlol, of New York
In lying at death's iloor with brain
fuvur. Ilo U nearly 70 years old,
Tint United HUl on biscuit company,
with nil authorised rnpltul Mock of 4 ,
M)0,0uU, ha lncorjKjrtftI nt Trenton,
John Hay lamm-md, tlm noted
mining engineer, In going to Mexico
city to nmnnyii tho mining Interests of
thn Guggenheim.
Tlio Nevenlh national bank, of Nrw
York, in to Iw sold to tlio Memuitll.
natloulnl, of that oily, for (2,700,000.
It In 70 years old.
A lrolhy rnr was struck hv a Grand
Trunk train hI Ratlin Greek, Mich., and
miiiliil Into kindling wrod. Two pas
senguis wnro iHirlounly injured.
Hxeoutor of tlio estate of Farnuel J.
Tlidmi huvo presented tlio Nmw York
imlillo library with a col lint Ion of
look, pamphlets, apers and docu
ment. Tim now Chinese minister at Wash
ington says: "Nm first part of my
nanm, which correspond to your John,
is spoiled Clieiitunc all ono word,
Ghentung, Tho mlddlg , par It tny
IrtinUy mtnio,.MnnV jifonouncwl as If
It worn spelled l-oeang. Tlio latter
part It plain Chung. My name, there
lore, I (Imnttitig Liang Cheng."
Tho rannl commission l preparing
fur work at Panama.
Rear admiral Georv" K. ltalknap,
retired, ve eran of tho Civil a d Chi
nwto war, It doad.
Jersoy Olty, under tho tatutn of
Now Jersoy, baa placud a ln on all
p ays of a Tracy naluro.
A ineasnrn li now beforn tho New
York Irglslatmo appropriating (350,-
000 for tho Ht. i-ouli fair.
President Ilcnravolt was escorted to
1 ho Yellowstone park Irom Gardiner,
Mont., by tho fumousBayj. troop ol
Cold weather ban ruined tho peach
and strawberry cropa of tho east and
wost ihorca ol Maryland.
Recent statistics show that that thn
rate of deaths from rancor In Great
llrltaln has doubled In tho last 40
Representative John il. Kctrhsm, of
Now York, who bat been ill In Wash-
liiKton, bis returned homo convales
tout. Mlts Edna Tolfenor, nleco of Mra.
Jonh W. Mackay, Is roportoil to bo on.
gsgod to olgnor Glno do Martluo, ol
Tho cottage at Tabor, la., wbero John
llrown lived for several years, and
whoro hu drlllod his followers, has boon
destroyod by flro.
A largo area of coal and petrolenm
land has boon located In the Southeast
Kootonay district of Ilritlah Columbia,
mostly by Amwrlcana.
Ex-Prosldont Olnvoland has naked
William Pickens, tho Negro who won
tho Ten Eck prise for oratory at Yalo,
lo sond him a copy of tho oration.
All four years of tho col logo courw at
Yalo will horeaftor bo optional, making
it possible for frothmen to drop Greek,
Lntln And mathamatlcs from tho on
trnnco oxauiiiiAtlou.
Androw Carneilo has offorod to pay
the bills ol all Cornell students Incurred
by sickness In tho typhoid fovor opl
dotnlo, where they or tholr parents will
Oscar llarollffe, englnoor of tho train
which collldod with a trolley tar at
Newark, N, J., on January 1, whereby
many school chilli n wro killed or in
jured, is a raving maniac in a hospital
ilo raven aboi it engine and Is. oo.
atantly manlpu. ling imaginary throt
Hob, letors and rives.
I1XP1.05IUN ON Till! IOWA.
Slull llursta IIIk dun and Kills Three Men
All Horridly Mmijjltd.
1'iinsacola, I'lo,, April 11, A dim
trotis explosion occurred on tho battle.
ship Iowa today whllu the voomil was nt
target iractlvo1n tho Gulf. The for
ward port liMuch nun burst from n pre
mnturo explosion of n shell, 12 feet of
tlio outsldu turret httlng dcmollKlied.
Three men were killed and five Injured,
two H'Mounly.
Tim iii'm killed and injured woro on
tho second or g dock hiiiidim. 'J'Jireu
pieces of tlm exploded nun, each weigh
ing over a ton, pantiod downward
through the Hmr deck, fulling iiou Iho
men at'moitn, Inotnntly killing throe of
ilioiii. All ol tho men wuro horribly
niutllato-. Tlio heavy iiilssllvs, after
paNng through the gun deck, contin
ued down to the thlni drrk, whoro limy
came In contact with tho armored detk,
tho heavy tleel brlnxlng them to a Hop,
thus biitIiiu tho enitlneerH and llremun
'who were at work Mow, Although tho
upMir decks were covoreil with men,
rune were furiously Injured.
Iho explosion iturril Juit as thn
tiifi had loen sounded. Tho tiring
Has to havn cenrod alter tlm mot for
the dinner hour. Tho range hud boon
Ml, and tho Iowa was steaming along
at the rK-od of 13 knot an hour when
tho olllmr In i hargo gavo ortlra lo load
and lire. The time ftiro wnx ret, tho
piece charged, tho breech closed and
the word given to flro. Follrwli'g tho
rexirt of the gun there wasasuiotherid
nolr-o as tlm shell exploded midway in
tho gun and pieces of tho buritcd gun
and shell were ncultorod broadcast.
I'hreo great holes were torn through tho
Tho MaMAchuMtts, six miles distant,
was slgualed for aid, and ono of the
cut tern put oil with n surgeon and at
sUtant surgeon. Tho itiJiirtJ men were
Uken to tlm hospital and their injuries
dressed. Tho dead were brought to
Homo claim tho explosion was cnod
by a lefrivevliyll, and- others think
that tlm' frequent firing of the plocoat
Culrbra during tho winter, added lo
tho work done horo during the past ten
duys, s strained the pleco that thu
force of t io clmrgo burst tho gun,
I'rcpnrlnt Alaska Uoundary Case Amcr
lea Depends on flnmnnr.
New York, April 11. The American
embassy Is closely wathlng tho Alas
kan boundary dlsputu, cables tho Lin-
don representative of the Tribune, but
Is not taking an actlvo part in tho pre
paration of Iho cato. It does not have
access to tho archives of the foreign
olllce, and cannot compote with the
Canadian onmmlislnn In making the
exhaustive study of iho documentary
evidence relating to tho treaty ol
Thn now counsel appointed for tin
United Hiatus nro expected to work
up tho raso at Washington, and depend
mainly upon tlm literal interpretation
of tho text of tho treaty and especially
upon tho words "windings or sinuosi
ties of thu coast" In dotormlning the
method of measuring ten murine
leagues. Minister Rifton and bis Cana
dian associates are working quietly,
but with tho hearty co-operation of tho
llritlsh forolgu ofllco.
Flood at llymclla Hursts Its Hounds and
Work Is Abandoned.
Now Orleans, April 11. Hopo ol
closing tho Hymella crevarso was prac
tically nbandonod today. All day a
torrilllo current swopt around tho brok
en ends of tho cribbing and through tho
great 700-foot gsp In tho loveo, under
mining tho light piling which it had
taken 13 days and nights to build.
A delegation from tho crevasso com
mission camo to tho city early today
and made a purclmro of piling, which
will bo sent forward tcmorrow. It is
considered, howovor, that not ono
chanco in a thousand to closo the cro
vatto remains, Tho lovoo board hnx
practically reached tho ond of its re
sources, and planters nro calling away
their hands in rrdor to build protecting
lovoes about tholr places.
Passed Antl-Strlko Bill.
Tho Uauuo, April 11. Tho second
chamber of tho Netherlands parliament
toduy adopted tho itntl-striku bill by til
to 14. Tiio Socialists Mid Liberal
Democrats votod with tho minority.
Tho piinlshmont olauso of the bill was
adoptod, 78 to 15, Tho chamber olno
nuthorUed tho formation of tho pro
posed military railroad brigade to work
on the railroads during itrikea and ad
journod slue die. v
Agricultural College Ktgcnts Order Ux
tcnslva Improvements at Union.
Tho board of rogonta of the agricul
tural college, under whose supervision
tho Kanlorn Oregon experiment station
at Union is conducted, his decided to
erect it barn on the farm to cost about
f6,000, to bo constructed of stono and
wood, and of tho latest Approved design.
A modern coltngx and other buildings
will Iki built tmnr tho barn for tho uro
of tho pooplo in charge of this branch
of exiierlmental work. Thoio build
lugs aro erected to onahlt the station
to properly lo carry on the work oJ
experimenting in thoroughbred live
stock, which tho regents have decided
to add to the work liere.
Will llxtcnd Nallroad.
The Humptcr Valley railroad people
aro quietly preparing to msko a movo
of some kind in tho way cf extending
tlm road tills spring. Chief Kmtlncer
West has been looking over the country
up nlovo Whitney for the psst wi k,
and President Kccle has been consult
ing llh his lieutenants for several
days. While all of the officials are
sbsolutely noniximtnlltal, everything In
dicates that thu road i to be extended
this senon into Harney county, poul
kiy as far as liurns.
Josephine Fruit Prospects are 0xxJ.
Josephlno county orclianltsls have
been busy for tho psst three weeks and
mora spraying their trees. Orahardlsta
there aro taking a much llvllor Inter
est In this work than etor before.
Many orchards that bare nevr been
sprayed before liavo been cloaiiod up
this spring nnd given a liberal sprar ol
llmo solution. Taken as a whole the
orchards of Josephine county look far
better this season thajf they have ever
twloro b-on known, snd indications
point to a good crop of fruit.
Clerk ol State Land Board.
M. I.. Chamberlain, clork of the
stato land hoard, is ill with dropsr,
mid his physicians ssy ho cannot re
cover, tioorgo G. llrown has bon
elected by tlm state land board to All
the vacancy caused by his Illness and
absence from ofllco. Mr. Chamber
lain has boon III sovorsl weeks, but his
recovory was not despaired of until a
few days ago.
Prices of Salmon Fixed.
Tho Columbia river fishermen's pro
tective union held a meeting at Astoria
and fixed the prices of Ash for tho
coming season at 5 cents per pound for
cannery Huh And A rents per pound for
cold storage fish ; that is tho'o weigh
Ing "b pounds or over. As thoso aro
thn prices already practically agreed
ujon by tho packers, no controversy ia
Quartz Property Changes Hands.
Negotiations have lou closed whoro-
by tho Hud llean quart property, locat
ed on Htsrveout creek, was taken over
by a Chicago capitalist, for n IIS.OOO
consideration, with a largo payment
down. Tho mine was bought of Itiggs.
riamm hvans. ol this city. Itlgirn Is
a locomotlvo engineer. lamni and
hvans are pocket hunters.
Dertng (or Oil at Myrtle Creek.
Itnrlnim aril to )mi rnitltnikl at thn nil
well at Myrtle Creek. Tho well Is now
at a depth ol 1,800 lict and the drill
has boon stopped on account of lack o(
funds. Now that n sutllcleut amount
of stock has been sold to resume opera
tions work will commence at once.
Appointment by Chamberlain.
Governor Chamberlain lias appoint
ed T. 11. Howes, of Portalnd, to succeed
Captain llnben as Port warden on tbo
Columbia. The position pays no sal
ary, tho incumbont receiving his coin
ptusatlon in commissions.
Observation of Arbor Day.
HiiK)rlntendontof Public Instruction
J. II. Ackerman lias lean! a nuggortive
manual for tho nw of public schools in
preparing for Arlrar day, which will
bo April 10. Tho paniphlot comprises
ia pagos.
Attendants Want More Pay,
Tho niulo attendants at tho Oregon
stato Insane asylum havo petitioned
tho board of trustees of that institu
tion for a ralte in salarlos of about 6
per cent.
Jackson County Pays Up,
Jackson couqty has paid Ita stato
taxes for 1003 io full by remitting
Patent to Disputed Oregon Lands Set
Aside by Supreme Court.
The supreme court has nil) r mod the
decision ol tho circuit court of appotle
for the Ninth circuit, which affirmed
tho Judgment of DiMrlct Judge Charles
II. Bellinger, setting aside tho patent
Issued by tho secretary of tho Interior
to the Oregon & California railroad
company on February 20, 180b, cover
ing a large area of land within the In
demnity limits of lis grant, and in
effect upholding Urn title ol tattlers
now Uon these lands or establishing
tho rights of settlors to heieafter ac
quire title lo tho same.
All of tho lands alfeeUnl by this de
cision ore moio than 20 and v.-Jihin 80
miles west of the railroad, between
Jefferson, in Marion county, and P.oso
burg, in Douglas county.
Outlaw Mined It.
It has ht on found that tho original
miner and man who dug tho myster
ious tunnels of a "Joist mine" recently
iHrx-overed on Grave creek, Southern
Ori-gun, was Tom Hast, in wiio'e honor
torn hast crock, ono of the tributaries
of Grave creek, was numed. lie was a
notorious charade during the early
days, and gained a bad reputation on
uctount of the number of Indians and
China men 1m killed. It Is evident the
tunnels and development of tho mine
were contented purpooely by Fast, and
thu mysterious part of the affair Is bow
ho could have removed so much dirt
and done so great an amount of work
without being dlsroveroJ.
I'.lectric Sawmill.
Tlio electric sawmill nudor construc
tion at ht. John's, a suburb of Port
laud, will begin operation about the
first ol next month. George W
Hrower Is the Inventor. It is a novel
plant. It will rnprerout un outlay ol
Aiiout 150,000, laud will havo a cut
ting capacity of from 75,000 to 100,000
feet of Inmber per day. The motive
power will be supplied by electricity,
and tho saws will be operated in such
a way that tho largest logs can bo sawed
directly into lumber.
Large Door Factory at St. Helens.
Rainier will probably soon have the
largest oxclusivo door factory in opera
tion in tho Northwest. A few month
ago W. D. Pluo's door factory was
burned down at that pIsco, and is now
being rebuilt in a new location on a
much larger scale.
rish Warden Reports.
Thn monthly report of Fish Warden
Van Duien shows tho roceiptB 'of his
olllce for March to havo been $0110.10,
of which (112.00 was from lines and
sales of contraband salmon, and the
balanco from licenses.
Wheat Walla Walla, 70c; blue,
stem, 7&c; valley, TCo.
Barley Feed, (21.60 per ton; brew
ing, (23.
flour Beat grade, (3.P504.26; grab
am, (3.4SQ3.85.
Mlllbtuffs Bran, (10 per ton;
middlings, ( 24; shorts, (10.5020.
chop, (18.
Oats No. 1 white, (1.16 Q 1.20.
gray, (1. 12KQ1. 15 pr cental.
Hay Timothy, $13318.50; clover,
(lOgll; choat, f 1112 per ton.
Potatoes Best Hurlwiiko, 60o per
sack; ordinary, 25(3 tOc per cental,
growers' prices; Merced sweets, (2(3
2.25 per ceutal.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, 1213c;
young, 13014c; hens, 12c; tnrkeys,
live, 1617o; drossod, 2022o; ducks,
(737.60 per dozen; geeso, (08.
Cheese Full cream, twinB, 10K
17o; Young America, 17 18c;
factory prlcos, lQIXc less.
Buttor Fancy creamery, 3032c
per pound; extras, 80a; dairy, 20Q
22Ko; store, 16Q18o.
Eggs 10Q17Xo por dozen.
Hops Choice, g 22a per pound,
Wool-Valley, 12H15o; Eastern
Oregon, 814Ko; mohair, 82Q33o.
Boot Gross, cows, 3Q3o por
pound; steers, 44?o; dressed, 7o.
Veal 78tfo.
Mntton Gross, 4o per poucd ,
dressed, 7c.
Lambs Gross, 4o per ponnd;
dressed, 7Kc
Hogs Gross, BJ40 pr poucd;
Results from Various Cities In Eastern
States At Chicago.
Chicago, April 8. Carter II. Harri
son was elected mayor of Chicago yes
terday tor the fourth time, his majority
by unofficial count over Graeme Stew
art, tho Republican candidate, being
0,010. Tho Republicans elected John
H. Bmuiski for city attorney by 0,700
plurality, and Fred C. Bender for city
clerk by 3,700; tho Democrats elected
Ernest Hummel for city treasurer by
21,700, Tho new city council will con
sist of 35 Republicans, 3J Democrats
snd one Independent Democrat. Tho
result in one ward Is still in donbt.
Tho other council contained 30 Repub
licans, SO Democrats and one Inde
pendent. Republican Oalni In Kansas.
Kansas City, Mo., April 8. Elec
tions were held in all thu Isrye cltiet of
Katuas yesterday. Tho liquorquestlon
huh an istio in a number of cities,
notubly 1'okepA. The result as a whole
shows largo Republican gains. Kansas
City, tho largest city in the stato,
turned a Democratic plurality of 2.000
two years ago Into a Republican plural
ity of more than 2,600 yeslarday. Thcs.
B. Gilbert was oloctod mayor.
Democrats Sweep Cleveland.
Clovlcund, O., April 8. Complete
retarna from ventenlnv'a mnntetnal
election in this city give Johnson
(Oem.) for mayor a plurality of 6,086.
ljinn f Dimi.l Inr tir.nlilcnt of tlm ifiin.
ell, has a plurality of 10,430 over
nontueimer, ttio Kepumican candidate
The Republicans elected hchrelner for
police clerk and four mcmlrs of tho
sohool council. OtherwlMj the Demo
crats made a clean sweep.
Republicans Make Gains.
Omaha, Neb., April 8. Municipal
elections were held in all tho cities and
towns of Nebraska yesterday, with the
exception of Omaha and Ninth "Omaha;
both of which work nnder special
charters. Party linos woro drawn in
but few Instances. Republicans were
successful in most of the towns heard
from up to midnight.
Democrats Carry St. Louis,
fit. Louis, Mo., April 8. Election
returns at 1 :30 o'clock (complete) show
that Ht. Louis went Democratic by a
plurality of 18,000 in about one-half of
tho registered voto, which w.ts 122,000.
Five Republicans and one Independent
candidate wero clouted to the house of
delegntes. The other 22 members
elected aro Democrats.
Hot Fight at Springfield, HllooU.
fprlngflold, III., April 8. The roost
exciting city election ever held in
Kprlnglleld resulted in tho election of
II. II. Dovercaux, Dem., for mayor by,
engineers to Place Value on Wbat French
Company Is Doing.
Washington, April p, Admiral
Walker, General Haines and Major
Black, the two latter of tho corps of
engineer, will leave Now York next
Thursday for Colon, for tho purpoeo of
appraising tho value of tho work now in
progress on tho canal, which will bo
proocntod by tho French company up
to he moment when tho great property
comes into actual potBoesion of the
United Statos.
Under tho agrcoraent to sell the
canal, as signed by Secretary Hay and
Mr. Cromwell, there being no stipula
tion to tho contrary, the company was
not bound to contlnuo the heavy 'daily
expenditure on account of iuhor and
material and superintendence involved
in the continuation. It Is claimed that
a suspension would have worked harm
and have resulted in the loss ol a num
ber of canal workers who have now be
corao experienced and Inured to tho
cllmato. The canal company under
took to koep the work In progress and
now looks to the United States govern
ment for compensation for tho
Involved In so doing.
British Trade on the Increase,
London, April 0. The March state
ment of tho board of trad shows in
creases of (30,003,500 in imports an d
(14,455,000 in exports. Tho articles
principally making up tho increase in
imports aro grain and flour, over (5,
000,000; cotton, oer (5,000,000, and
wool nearly (5,000,000. The Inrroaro
In exports Includes mnnnfarHuros of
Iron and steel sbout (25,00,000 and
cotton (3,000,000,