The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 03, 1903, Image 8

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" I had a most stubborn cough
for many yests. It deprived roe
of sleep and I crew very thin. I
then tried Aycr's Cherry Pectoral,
and was quickly cured."
R. N. Mann, Fall Mills, Tenn.
Sixty years of cures
nnH sttrh restlmnnv as the
j above have taught us what
Ayers Cherry Pectoral
will do.
We know it's the great
est cough remedy ever
made. And you will say
so, too, after you try it.
There's cure in every drop.
Ttrae slits tU&,it, II. AtHnflWi.
Cooialt roar doetor.
If ha iayi Uk II.
then da u he Mfi, " he lelli Ta
u uk It. tua dttitH uke tu U tini.
Loero II wilt) Mni. Waerawllllnc.
Mare wi.ij o& ArKR U)wlu Maw
A Feminine Die.
Sniffr Is awfully uppish, isn't
"Yosj made-uppish."
Joster nilfkina has n dog that fol
lows him everywhere ho goes.
JIniron That dog must bo attached
to Blllklns.
Jester Certainly by a rope. Ohio
tato Journal.
The Indian Was Funny.
Whllo on an automobile trip State
Fenator James K. Flood, of Hart.,
Mich., met a mounted Indian, whoro
horse appeared much tightened at tho
machine. Tho tenator called out:
"Joo, is your horeo much afraid?"
".N'aw, heap fool; he only mad. Ho
t'ink you tako his Job." Brooklyn
Essie. '
No Comparison.
First Coy My mamma belongs to
one of the first families.
Second Bot Pooh I that's nothing.
Mine belongs to ono of tho last faml.
lios. Now York Life.
Tremendous Power of explosive.
Fiaico has secured the patent rights
of a new nitroglycerine powder which
It is contended will send a rlflo bullet
seven and one-half miles and Increase
the artillery range eighteen miles.
A Quick Throw-Down.
Cholly By Jovo, I'm quito a pro
, lessor ohawlmmlng, don't you know.
I taught Mabel Galey how to swim in
two lessons.
Jack Gad I That waa quite a
Cholly -What do you mean?
Jack Why. she let mo give hor ten
' lessons before she learned. Brooklyn
New Monument to Lafayette.
Tho Chester county historical socioty
of Pennsylvania has erected on the
Ilrandywine battlefield monument to
Gen. Lafayette.
"I be ooe ia Say it a time wllhaaS m
aaaeenaat r lk tMrl. DOI balof able to
note tban til by Hilar bo ur InJ.cilooi.
CfcreoleeoaiilpaUoo (otiiiit jaaie placed ma la
taiiurrlMeeondiilooi darlntbi time I did or
(rjiblnal beard of but neter found ear relief, tueb
u areata unill 1 began ailnc CabCallKTH I
na fearafftaioaalotbra!aufaadar and If I
vae rich I woald gift IUUXO for ah mortuaoli II
Msucba relief." ArMfiukUoaT.
US) BuuaU SU, Uauull, Ulek.
tsaoi uuim siajanato
PUsMBt. Palaubla. 1'oual. TaU Oood. D
Ccoa, Hrrautu. rln.o0rli'f,10. tc
SllHIt SW Umft, OIH. lnti, S. Iwfc at
This spring' or any other
v time be sure to provide
Between Sf. Paul or Min
neapolis and Chicago by
obtaining tickets via
Detailed information cor
rectly given on inquiry to
210 Mutual Life Bid?., ettl.
373 Stark SU Portland.
'I'VTT'f tittTTtT'rM'tl-TTTTtT
ABca Bans.
A wr-t sheet and a flowing son,
And a wind that follows fmt,
And litis tho white nnd rustling tall,
And bends the gallAUt msst, my boys,
While, like tho englo free.
Away the good ship tiles, mid leaves
Old Kiiglaud on tho lee.
O, for a soft nnd ircntlo wind I
t heart a fair one cry;
Hut i;lve to me tho snoring brecio
And white waves honvlnc hluti:
And white waves henvlns: hlRh. my boys,
liic boovI snip tlRlit anil iree -The
world of waters Is our home,
And merry men nro we.
There's tempest In yon horned moon,
And lightning In you cloud;
And hark tho music, mnrlncrsl
The wind Is piping loud;
The wind Is piping loud, my boys,
Tho lightning llnshlng free
While the hollow oak our palace Is,
Our heritage the sea.
Allan Cunningham.
Trntniit Tramp) Tramp!
In the prioon cell I sit
Thinking, mother dear, of you.
And the bright aud happy home so far
And the tears they fill my eyes
Spite of all that I can do,
Tho I try to cheer my comrades .ind be
Trsmp, tramp, tramp, the boys nro
Cheer up, comrades, they will come,
And beneath tho starry flag
We shall breathe the air ngnln
Of tho free land In our own beloved
In the battle front we stood
When their fiercest charge was made,
Aud they swept us off, a hundred men
or more,
Out before we reach'd their lines.
They were beaten back dismayed.
And we beard the cry of vlct'ry o'er and
So within the prlfott cell
We are waiting for the day
That shall come to open wldo the Iron
And the hollow eyo grows .bright,
And the poor heart nImotgay.
As we think of seeing home and friends
once more.
George F. Hoot.
DrttRKlat Crltlclaca i'eople Who Iora
ledlclna Uncalled Hfor.
The woman left the prescription nnd
said she would call for tho wcdlclno In
bnlf nn hour.
"I'll lct $." she won't," said tho clerk.
'She just looks Ilko tho kind that get
medicine put up foe the fuu of the
"I didn't know there was nuytiody
foolish enough to tnke their fun that
way." remarked the mat customer.
"Oh, yes, there arc such people lots
of them," said the clerk. "Seldom n
week passe that we do not put up n
prescription that Is never called for.
Why In the world the people whu tlum
neglect their romcdle nfter ordering
them compounded will go to the Iron,
hlo nnd espouse of consilium; a doctor
Is more than I can figure out. If they
don't want to tako tbu stuff prescribed
they certainly don't have to, hut they
night nt least have the grace to come
aud take It homo after wo have gouo
to the trouble to prepare It, aud not
throw It back n dead loss on our hands.
Why, I've got n regular morgue back
there for tho repose of uncalled-for (Kit
tles of medicine. I keep tho stuff In
definitely, hoping that In case the ciih
tomcr has not been carried off by sud
den death she will show up ugnln some
tlmo und ask for the bottle. If I happen
lo know tho delinquent's nddress 1 send !
It around C. O, I)., but people who
mnke a practice of ordering medicine
that they never Intend to tako nro not '
opt to leave their cards with tho drug-,
gist. j
"Most of theso nuisances In the drug ,
business are women, and many of
their prescriptions have been written
by out-of-town doctors several months,
or, In some chhcm yearn ago. In sucli
cases the customer probably baa no In
tention of coming back for tho medi
cine, but merely wishes It compounded
through so mo freakish fancy. In order
to guard against loss through sUeli
crazy whims wo ought by rights to do
mojid q deposit on all prescriptions to
be called for luter ou, but such tin In
novation would undoubtedly bring out
a mighty howl, and we huvo never had
tho courage to suggest It." New York
.Medical Hubbies.
Doctors liuvo Invented n new form
of bubbles. Neuralgia, sciatica and
imbago nro known to bo affections
of the ends of tho nerves which llo
just under tho skin of the painful
region. It has been discovered that
by Injecting air under the skin the
ends of tho nerves nro lengthened and-)
tho pain relieved, Tho bubble of ulr
pis pressed by tho flngcru and caused
to move about until all parts nre re
Herod. In dislocations, fractures nnd
bruises tho samo treatment has glveii
relief. London Globe.
ii.iaian.aai I III!
A Stealthy, Insidious, Weakening: Enemy td Women Many Thous
and Women Suffer Needlessly From This Cause.
There aro a nitilllltnle nf women. et
peclnllv huiiacwlve , and all oilier woman
obliged tn be on their lent eontiaiittv. who
are wretched tisvuiui dricriiiibui "Imply
beoniltfl their irVniMli ami vllnlilV la inn.
petl a.r uy catarrhal illiolire from the
ciTioiirKsus. i rip io women pev '
lie morning tired, drag tlietnselve through
their dally ilutle tired, only to go bed ul
wight as tired si heforr,
Uva llartho, U. llait Uth Slrttt. N. V.
Cltv. N. V.. vrrltu. I mtlore,! for three yesr
t wtlhwhll mneralljr kmwn loiioorittea,
t in PKIlllrrllnn u Ith ulrwrallitii nf Ilia uiimu
Tho ilortura mlrrwiinl an ohfrallon which I
droattal very nine h. smt itttmillr oti)cll to
fn unoor it. Kfiillni of tho vaiuo nt rrruna. i
houaht It Uit to (tiro tlilt well known tomnl,
s trial, to I loiiht thro twltletnl It St once
Now I sm a rbancod woman IVnnia ctirel
mo; It took nlno tttlo, Imt I (ell hi much I in
orovexl I kfnt tatlngll, as 1 dreaded an iira
tloil mniucli. I am lodsjr In inoct hoallh,
and haro not toll m violl (or Alteon ear, '
Mrs. kva I'arlho.
Ml Loulie Mhon, i fn IUIII. Slrc.t.
Toronto, Ont., Can., Secretary of tho Klnfi
Oauf hlrra and hcrUry el t-a.lf Maccatwa,
rttti-"ll all woaan Enow ol tea Unortu U.
Ui dorlred from UUnr foruna wa would hurt
manr ramil.r and and tnor ho althful women
Hj health La mrer boon loo robuil. aud I am
fullrlallcutdand can not itand much Aliul
a) caracul waa an run down that 1 ha! tolaio
to in j- ii. ana ixrrame woator ami wrator A
friend advlwd mo ta trr I'eruna, and I fcaTo
treat reaaon to t rratalul tor In two weoti I
waa oui oi it ami in a montn waa roriecu
well, and 1 now And that rar health U mud
mora robuil than lormerlr, k that I tako IVru
na one or twlr a month and kceu wolf
Ijouita Mabon.
renin n Is such norfett ipeclllo for rscb
csm that when iiAileiils liavo onco iiaetl It
thor can Merer be itiducrd lo nuit It until
they sro ixmisneiitl cuml. It Wnlns to
rellero tho dlwiRrrrablo irniptomi at tmre
Tho backarbe reaiet, the trembling kn
srastroiigthenrd, theoptlltreiorrd,tlie
llgetrnii niAi1e4rfcct, tho dull beailsrlir
issioppoianil llio wrsKeiilng Urslns nre
gradually cured. The reinlta crrlaluiv
follow courts oi Ireatmrtit with reruns
Ilarbarn Alberty, corner harmith and
Walnut treelf, Appleton, Wis , writes ai
follows In regard to I'eruni.
"For years I hare Miflerrd with back
aclie and terers palm In the Ida. I doc
tortd in much that I brcamo dticotiraged
A aoliool friend told ma how very much
reruns bnd tioiielllteil tier and I ent ou
fur a bnttie. which did nioroto roller mr
insn an ma oiiiermeuicliie 1 lisveevertsk
Msrrlsge of Domestic Servants.
In Paris male domestic servants nro
encouraged to marry, as they arn ob
fervod to bo more eotttod and attentivo
to tholr duty than when bachelors. In
Loudon such marriages arodiscnuraged.
" rendering rervants more attentive to
their families than to those of tholr
Whcnynucansccuroan Ideal Hharpencr
worth -JOcfor 25c Very convenient for
ladies to uso. If not satlsfartory return
it and get your monoy back. Mall l'5c
to Convex Sharpener Co., 215 31st St.,
Fattens QUICK!
Cattle and Hogs for market. Hhortena
fattening period one-fourth. Haves I'eed,
! t'i I'fBiiUn stock rood hut winter and turtud
onf lb f.luil iUo 1 erir bait for lh. wn, l.naih
Miim..". icoiMlder
I'rui.Un Stock Pood
well worth tbecoit
I would not bo with
out It.-O.W. asms V.
I'srker, o. D.
appvars blow aM ait a
eopr of ine yitaaa'a A
Srocxaia'a iUao uoos
MISS LUUISU MAIION. ' ll 1 1 S .Bll . SM' rM
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaalVIaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaB IWWatCTNa.
alBBBB1aVW.M sVaTaVaT-OsaaBBBBBl fl. v
mv)fsE?mr "
aaalt J L,,'-'f TjwUA
llaatl'rvMtJTaaaal MB
aaaml ASSA 'awaV
1'UUTJ.ANU HKKI) 0O PortUud,
Oomt Agent.
r r
Miia. iiva MiUTfin
I1." mm l mii l ifc
vt vUKt &? vl
(S9aal?54B 1
i s? fcKMy
r mr
jj ( ms' m
. VjttuSTv liSalilM
sv v'wt'aflaTJfawif'
ini s -1' aTirp-iaaBBBSarmt 1 1 -i
W Vaa'f3ms
.n isw?srvafflai,K
-' "- -n -f'fo lIj.ilTjJ. rti
- m-w!P BhtMC aTrC II
i s&ujklm ' v-vur.wzvzni
II UsaE fUzA" ?Wa sbbbV l
It 4J TJ" J
Hi oo pl IM
yiAmmJi i
Slcera, YVooJ and l)rf rU In Ordrr. hhalllnx, I linger I. I'utliya and lliltlnjr.
THU AtcCAULIJV AtACMINI! WORKS, Poot of Morrison St., Portland, Or.
aaawawiiUwiVvIili-.- il 1 1 it"
Uarbcsl Wire, Wire nnd Lawn FTcnclnjc.
Portland Wire & Iron Works
Toot of Morrlion Street.
Can sirs you tho beet bargains In Ilollar
and Knilnei, Wlndmlllt, l'uinaand Dens.
lalMacliliiory Mood sawlns Maiiluoa a
racially Xcs u Uluro huylnr.
V ,., ,.,rf.
Will know you want tho bit ranned
Krulliand VoKelallci In the iitarkel M
you iloily lay
No other brand ) so sood. Wad ham I
A Kerr llroe,, I'orllanu Urogon.
arai aj a ar ai 1'afwrary
rnrru - a rar- coais
unuun iini - ne roni
v 1 a- - s:i.':,
1 TAU l
Groatsat. Ohoapoat Pood
on Karth for Shoop, flwlnf
.l. A.n
Will U wt IM t r.a U rtUVUt I
atjMr'f iiumhji ... rn-
Bllllan Dollar rats
will tttrIr tofc.t H.fcj HUM U
f Kir lt4 IU M fUlt
j fab4 tu Wfiutiir ir ur M
alM Ut.aii, r.Mal, HII,UMW1
vki.l fur .ill, M Mill, U t. 1-1
hi), tte c..lf f". V) " ir
wt ..1 Twlw, TUMI 100 !
i.o.i, rMl, HI-.U", "! n
ForthlaNotloonnd too..
. will Ut ..ulof .M II f.n Sm4 ft
K.TOu, rulir wnU W M il tun.
HMalne. im n ri a j a ;i
neat Vough Bru
uouin nrrun.
in time.
$ br dnieel.ta. Wl
oh. Insedltfrtlllifiillyfortwowrfsaniidlt
eoniplololy cured Ills. 1 have not Imil nuv
pAlii fliico, NUyslioro, hut frol like ii new
woman I nm truly thsiikful fur whnt
j'srit'iM Iiai done for ins." Hsrosnt Al
mi, n.i, iiianfi.
ftl.d L.a- .,
nos llalhuril hlroet. To-
ronltt. tint,, Can., VI
ronio. tint,, tan., Vies I'roi
AM Koclely, willr.i ) ,
prslm lo I'rruna kr tlio iilr
lhrtitih4Utia I mi mi rod
I'roililent of Hie tjidloo
I jiloatod lo ulrn
pimiI rvllol I found
fur vartlth 1
aho and ilrmrnJiiK down lm and oflou hail
i.iK" to l""d and ilr thorn wlirn
that I rould Illy I inarm! Ii
lo Mif ill .mii mill ii.t inni. WhhM I
waaaii luiiv
in hi i muni mr i tiarol
.. - - . i --- - - . ." ...... .
Una tiirfi.s a
lo mr millro Kvrydini roomed lo aire nu
now 111, and aver llmo in tile mo Irol lunch
Iwtlor, and I irotii)iot mtaolf that II I found
that It i urn! mo I would mtvix-at u n ih.i
iilhorturrcrlnifwiiiiirn should knnw ol t I
nara oeen in ifip,i nrallh Inr no year. I on
work and lraaur lrcama lu iiirli
and mi trrlUK liw hearr lo
i nnoiioMih
n Iwar vi bin
llllnltlv Mini
foil ar lu (imm hoalth. IV run a hmli
a hnumliiild hlr'Mlif. and I neror will m w.ili
.,..,,r.,,..., en i--'IBt OS 111 f IIV1V
nl II aialu ' Mrs Kala Mann
ii'iii iuriiif, ami i
Mm. Anna Martin, 47 llot M., IWuaVlyn. N.
V.. writer
'laUDSttld mmurh ,.rina that 1
(eel It
inrdulr liitefOinuielid It tuolharawhu
majr ta ilmllliitly amtelnl AIhiuI a year ago
r-y health warxmpleloly Umken down, had
iaraarhodliilnand IrrrKHlarlllef. and Ufa
icmd itara Imlfnl Via had uw lor IVrusa
lour homa aaa tiinle. and lur roUla aiul ra.
larrh and I decided lu try It for my IrutiM.
luloHlhan Ihrro muntha I Urama lorular,
mr ilno had entirely dliatuwarr.!. aiul I am
iww iertly well " Mro. Anna Martin.
Mrs, Win. Ilnrlrlc K'ennsrd. Waililiig-
ton raiiiilr, Noli . writes:
'I sin filir -alz years old and listo not
fell welt f lure III" CliaiiKool I.I To began Ion
roars sku. I was lu lulirry soniowhrro
moil of the Unto, mv back waa very weak.
and my tleih an tender It hurt mo to Iran
agmtiitl Ilia Iwrk of n chair I had twtlu
under my shoulder hlndr. tit the iiimII of
mv bark slid hlpo. I tomrlliues wlilied
uiTieii oiiiiii mis worui. iisu litis sun
Mild pells, uiiiiueis ami iromiiiiuK or inn
1 1 in In, ami wa lining tteoli alt the tlmo.
Arior loiiowiug your uircciiirii ami inkiiiar
1-vriium I now frol Ilko adlllereiil iiorson."
- Mrs. Win. leirlk.
If you diilmt ilerlvo littimtit and satta-
factory rrtulis from ilia urn of I'rruus,
wrilent ciuro to Dr. Ilnrlmsii, rWIIir a
lull slntriueiil of your eao and h will bs
tdesied lu glva you hit valuable advlco
I'rruna ran m piirriiaini inrai jier ooi
He at ml lirl rln drug olorr.
AiMrtai ur. iinritiaii, rrrtiueiii or i no
llnrmiaii Hniil'urium. t oltiliilitii. Ohio.
Poultry Netting
Wire nnd Iron Fcnclnj:
S i wut to Riiv rnR nisu
,- . ... .-... .... ..... ,
Chlckon, Duck aud Qeceo fcath-
W era. Address
(I ima..m
ft) Urn Urn ami I Urn
2 1Blh andDvtwiB.,Portlattd.Or
Tlili wondirrul C'hl
n.i. dixtor Ii railed
ar.atb.rauio be cuim
j.uil. without opera,
lion loal are gl.n up
lo ill.. He cui.i with
llim wonil.rrul t'lih
Cf. b.ibi, roolii built,
arka and v.i.labl.l
that are enllrrly un
knuwn l nirdlcal ot-
ne ii. itim country Tulouiti lh. ui.odho.i
barml.M rimiUlii lli f.niuu. doctor knawi
the action or ovtrtuOdiniraiil r.inidlii. which
heiucc'iifully umi lu dintient He
fiiaranltea lu cure raiarrli. aiibuta, tunc,
lliruai. rhiuinaium, nirvvuin.u, itoinaeli.
liver, kldiieyi, etc. t baa hundred! of trillinon
iali. Ihnraei nioderaia, fall aud ire him.
I'allenu out of the our wrlle for blank, and
circular!. 8nd 4 cent. In iiampi. CUHriUIr
IJIl, Third St., Portland, Oregon.
ah-nealf aintlllll lusltatr.
p. N. u,
No. 13-1V03.
1IKK wrltliiRr to advertleors pleaia
uiontlua tl
( a7
003323033333: EBBBaEBBEBZm