ty- "W. V rfw lWI""'ll""1'J ",w ,-. ...' N . 4 ir K f The Bern! Balletm rrinMiimi kvkh hiiu nv MAX U'MUlUMANN ' !) l. Kha HutTim SimSCHllTlOy? KATUft. T )YA, .. ........ .i .mm Bin Sl mottlh.. .. ......,.,. ............ ThtT mntl.. ........ ............. (Invrtti- In dvnee. AdrtttVwn who h Itt cttMii; ihttr Rtlrt HoW have enw n twt WUr than Ttwt4jr www lcntlnR Die Umk in wfaleh ctattcc t ilhwl FRIDAY At'RU.3. 903 I.HWIS AJCl) CLAKK UNrostTlON. If the referendum law is applied to the appropriation net for the Lewis nnd Chuk exposition, there is not very much dungcr of its be hi killed, although there are more fools funning around loose in Ore gon than n person would imagine; nndthc smnll number of votes Mint would be cnt against the bill would have a tendency to give tine project a black eye to a certain ex tent The Lewis nnd Clark expo sition will be the big event of Ore yon's history for many years to come, and it will build up and ad vertise the resources of the state as nothing else could. It will have to be, a co-operative business invest ment for the citizens of Oregon. mid Is something that every man, wom an and child enn help along. There is a bunch of soreheads in most of the smaller towns who think that the exposition is a graft fee the sole benefit of Portland. They do not stop to consider that Port land is the logical place for an event of this kind. It is our mctropolkf and is the terminus of four trans continental railroad lines, to sa nothing of the transportation ad vantages offered by the Columbia river. The only objection we can see in the whole affair is the site chosen. On a hot summer day in x 905.wl.cn the cast wind blows, the exposition will get the full benefit of the ma larial, sewage-laden air from flock's bottom and the Willamette nvcrj which will contain all the drainage of Portland and her 125, 000 people at this point. A north wind will bring in the perfumed nit from the city crematory, the manure-covered Chinese gardens, and the horse cannery, while the south and west winds will carry all the sounds nnd smells of a great city. We trust that the crematories, glue factories, etc., will be closed down during President Roosevelt's visit to the fair grounds. construct n suitable fishwty nt this point, nnd another nt Cline Palls, about eight miles nbovo, then the snlmon would have a clear .run to the uttermost heads of the river, as the falls above here are simply a series of cascades which could eas ily be surmounted by the fish. This would open the finest atronui on the coast to the salmon, and although it may be a menace to the trout, it will more than compensate by add ing iiuothcr breading ground to the great salmon industry of the state. The fishways should bo easily constructed and maintained, as the river does not noticeably rise nor ('all at either of the falls, lloth falls are owned by the Cline Falls Power collapse at any time a heavy strain is placed on it, without waiting" for a flood tontart things. A OK KAY ACCOM I'MSMMKNY. The most important accomplish ment of the Crook county irrigation congress, which wns orgnniml ftt Prineville lust fall, wtis the npjo!t incut of n Committee of several of the most brilliant minds of that body to gather material and uiuliody the ideas of Unit motugtuU aaMmi lily rugurdiuK question of utmost importance to the inhabitants of Central Oregon The Iuhummiltyof Dehorning Hydraulic Rama. Tim committee has prejmied an tuuuM-, ally exhaustive treatise on thus sub- Co., and they would willingly take ijoct, and hoh copiously Mummied charge of the ftshways nnd see that and annotated the body of thoJr Z. F. MOODY, General Commission S Forwarding Merchant SIIANIKO, OKIKJON. URGE AND COMMODIOUS WAREHOUSE. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. Prompt attention xiid to those who favor me with thuir patronage. no one disturbed the fish on their travels up stream. SKLKCY A PA UK SITU NOW. The matter of civic improvement is taking a great deal more atten tion these days than it did when our fathers were young, nnd in all the large cities Civic Improvement clubs are formed, having for their object the beautifying of the streets and buildings, the establishment of a park system, and the introduction labors The committee docs not feel that it can lie accused of plug iari.Mti, as the famous uditor of the l.nmniio Boomerang only dabbled along tlic,sohtre of this momon yOus question, white the C. C. I. C.'s committee has explored uvtry portion and fathomed every un known depth of this great ocunu of public interest. , This tctort is to be submitted to the next convention of the Oregon Irrigation Congress, whutu the prod Shaniko-Prineville Stage Line U. M, COHMItrr, MANAUHK, ui wri unu 111c puuiic uuiuiiUK. --' ..-....- Bend is now iujts swaddling clothes Williamson and Muj. and there will be no time like thoP"- A- 1J C. etc., 1 of art into the public buildings, '"mlcous will be (JiscuswU by Kp. Alfred iT. under Mar- present for an agitation or this sort ' 1ute r CtMwberry rule, at forty to commence. Itjuu been the us- i ! strangle hold, and hitting in ual tliiiiif it buildim? mi WiMtiint ! the clinches barred. towns, o allow the priuciul street take the course of the more well-de- It seems strange that a newspaper of such undoubted high standing and reputation as the Oregoniun would allow its editorial columns to Ix: used for the publication of an ar ticle on the descendants of Alexan der Hamilton which appeared in the issue of March 28th. ' It is just such needlessly published talas as this which cause people to doubt , that our great men were great. Ifc it not much better to have the young and growing generation read of the good tlie.se men brought to their country than to hear of some half cooked tale of intrigue and wrong doing in which they were involved? The Oregoniau has a great influence over the thought uud opinion of the people of the Northwest, and instead of disseminating tides of this nature it had better return to its good hab its of forceful editorials upon cur rent events and public needs. We would call the attention of the state fisheries commission, or whoever has charge of such mat ters,, to the condition of the Des chutes river, as far as the propaga tion of salmon is concerned. Dur ing the season great quantities of salmon run up the river and all its branches, but they are stopped nbout thirty miles' below Bend by a thirty-footfall. The state should fined cow trails, and for the build ings to spraddle out all over the country regardhs&e of natural loca tion and f suitable environment. Kcnd will grow up in the virgin forest, and it would be a fine thing to pick upon a suitable location kioiit now for a permanent public park, so that when we grow up and become a large-sized spot on the map we can invite distinguished visitors to our beautiful little city nd pointy with pride tOjOurpnrk system anu streets. We can take Portland ns n good example of a very batlly planned town. The city authorities there have about twice as many streets to look after ns there should be for general convenience and comfprt. The streets arc very narrow, and so many more than necessary that there is not money enough to kep them clean and in repair. The few main streets which are supposed to be good arc a disgrace to the town, but they nrc all omuch better than the side streets that the Portlanders do not complain. Now is the time for the Haulers to get in nnd pick out the pnrk site. We don't need it now, because the, country is all park; Jjut in a few years from now we in our old age will be very thankful that we had foresight enough to plan a pleasant place in which to spend a Sunday afternoon with our grandchildren, and we will lmvc good cause to in troduce an ordinance in the liend city council providing that our names be inscribed on the walls of the Bend hall of fame in large, bold characters. Let the board of trade take hold of this matter. A rumor wa started at Iloud which may liave found iu way out on the road, ami in juatk to all concerned, and iu order that the traveling public may be tcaMurwL we deal re to state that the illnes at Mr. Slaats' place was not atttalltmx, noraiiythinglikeit. Sylvester StaaU was confiuod to hi room with a se vere attack of la gripjw, am! was very ill for ti time. Medical aid waa not available at tint, and ou account of tiie smallpox scare at ShanikQome o pwpto Jmjuail .SCIlUDWl.ll: Leave Shaniko 6 p. 111. Arrive Prineville 0 a. in. " Prineville 1 p. 111, " tflmnlko 1 . m. First-Class Accommodnlions for (lie Traveling Public l'ASSIiMI!R AM) FKEIGIIT IUTi!S REASONABLE. CI I. Ml' SMITH lOM CUlltK SA1ITH & CL.IHIHK'S nrv Wholesale and Retail Liquor House PRINEVILLE, OREQON. n, in r in Vh 1 a ii"yi I'lnost llrnndii of l.liiiorji mid Clittim. Two Doors South of Hank. iuleiyc&tiJtlrUt' pox hor. a case of small- That was a brilliant stroke of di plomacy on the part of the citizens of Prineville iu getting the city limits ou the west reduced so ns to exclude the New Crooked river bridge. The last legislature passed the act upon fietition of the citizens of our county scat. The drinks are on us. l lie county will rebuild the bridge. There is one feature, just as expensive, though, that they al together overlooked, and that is, they forgot to contract their area so as to exclude the other bridge. That one was an old bridge iu the early eighties, and has been patched arid re-patched until it is liable to The board of engineers has de clared Captain Harts' plan for bull ing a canal at IMvemile rapids on the Columbia river, impracticable. It declares for a canal between Five mile anil Ten mile rapids. The board has raided the estimates above the limit fixed by cougreM, and there is a question whether the war (lemrtment has' authority to pro ceed with the work. It may be dij cidod to proceed with the approved parts of the Harts project and call ou congrc) for a further appropria tIo Crooked River's Antics. We uuderKtand that ou last Sun day afternoon, while Mr. Prank Forrest was sited iu .his rwrlor reading, he vaf arousod by a gun tie tapping at the front door of his dwelling. His hospitable nature immediately asserted itself, so lie opened the door uud prepared to welcome his guot. You can imag ine his Mir prise uud consternation upon finding the bridge lately ucrom New Crooked river at Prineville neatly stacked up ou his front porch. One of the trus rods, which had cmue loose, was knocking ut the door. The county can recover each individual section of the bridge by sending to Forrest's after the same uud paying all costs. We understand Jjmt the Crook county irrigation convention will in vestigate the cause of the flood; why the government allowed all that wa ter to be scattered about Prineville, and why the bridge, washed away; and will recommend that the gov ernment take personal controlof that part of the heavens which immed iately overhangs Crook county, so that (lie citizens who arc-discommoded by such, unties of Mother Nature may have something tangi ble to kick at hereafter. PRINEYILLE-SILVER LAKE STAGE LINE. DICIC VANDHVHRT, Prop. Carrying U. S. Mail and Passengers. Lanves 1'rtnovillc Mondays, Wednesdays nnd Fridays. FnHht ami Passengers waybillwl for Bend. I,av, Uoalaud. and Silver take. Good Viga, careful drivers. C. I. WIN'NKK. Agent. ianford9$ mh Store CAKHIK A Mil. LINK ill General Merchandise, Groceries, Clothing, , Furnishing Goods CALL ON HIM. PRICKS RIGHT. SIIANIKO, OREGON. iffi) PRINEVILLE, OREGON. Hamilton Si & Redby Feed Barn BOOTH & CORNETT, Proprietors. Stock boarded by the day, week or month Fine Teams and Rigs, and Reasonable Rales. First-class Facilities for Handling Locators and Commercial Travelers. t Quick Service and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Columbia Southern Hotel. SIIANIKO, ORIJGON. KAfKS FROM 1.50 UP PUR DAY. Hot nnd cold water on bothiloors. Unths for the use 0 guegts, Kvcry modern convenience at hand, The dining room, under the'direct supervision of Mr. Kcency, is a very model of tasteful, spotless'clegance, and the service is equal to any in the state, , ' - , All stages arrive at aud leave the Columbia Southern..,; J. M. KEENCV, Proprietor. fl 9 m .- -1- "Miimi wmn 1 m tnu-wag- .-, . - 1. M H B W B HB B B L flMlHHHHHOTMVi malm v V ', 'wM.'" KfjfUfiMttMJS&HtaMMMMaMMHaHHHHH .. t- I imf , , ' K2SBBI , . ,-ljMwBBaBMMll