Spring Humors Como to inoit iiooplo nntl cauio many trouble, pimples, bulls nud other criipthum, besides loss of appetite, tlmt llrod fooling, fits of biliousness, liidltfoetlon nud hentlacfio. Tlio sootier ono gets rlil of iliom tho bailor, nml tlio way (o got rid of thum mid (o Imlld up tlio lyitom that has suffered from thorn U to (nko Hood's Sarsaparllla and Pills Fornilnff In combination tho Bprlnj? Modlcluo;ur excellence, of unequalled ttroiurth In purifying; tlio blood m ahown by unequalled, radical and per manent curci of Scrofula Salt FJhoum 8coltl Hond' Bolls, Plmplou All Kinds of Humor Psoriasis Blood Poisoning Rheumatism Catarrh Dyspepsia, Kto Accept no aubitltttto, but bo luro to get Hood's, Mid got It today. The Appreciation, Tho Author (alter tho first perform anco) Well, what do you think of tuy play7 l'omlnlno l'rlnnd It wn ut lorolyl Who designed tho heavenly drowa7 Brooklyn 1,1 fo. Pate'a Injustice. Nocnsh (disconsolately) Tho rich nrn getting rlclior mid tho poor pooror. J'rlcnil What's wrong now7 Nocnsh Mis l'tillpurmi linx refused mn nud In going to marry Mr, Coupon, Now York Wwikly. Will Smash Him Then. "Ho ha chnllongml you," Mid hli friend. "Why don't you fight him?" "It Un't tho r!(ht tlmo of tho moon yet," exclaimed tho enraged nir.ii, grinding his tooth horribly. Chicago Trlbiino. A Dlfftrant Specie. "I thought you anld Drown wn a regular bibliomaniac." ( "Not on your Ufa. I wild ho wae n blbuloua maniac." Baltimore Now. BInfl'rrltlng fur tlio April Century "ThoKvoloollon of American Census Taking," which glvoa Interesting de tatla of tho magnitude aid intrlcacloa of tho "decennial snsp-shot of the na tion," the Honorable W. 11. Merrlam ha resigned tho oMen of director of the ceo mi , to become vice president of tho International mercantile agency. tlarmteia InfaUiatlQn, "Confound theae illterary clulm, I ray. My wlfo'a craxy over Drowning." "8o'a ml no. Hut I'm not tailing any objections. Hrownlng'a dead." Washington Tlrncn. Mother will find Mrs. mnslott's Booth. Ine flyrup the bait remedy to us for thtlr Bhlkirvu Uurlug in teaming period. Same 014 Complaint. - Old Hindoo Well, how do you llko your profrmlonT loting I.mdr Profession's O. K. Just Suited the Scorcher. And tho soul of tho wlckrd ono wna next rondemnod to fall through apace nt tho rnto of a mile a minute for 10, 000 yearn. "Hay," ho shouted an he panned tho 10,000th ghostly mile post, "thl beat any rlilltifc I aver tried!" Antomobilo Mngaxlp.0. You (lax Out Allan'! Foal Kaea FIIKE. Write Allan a Olmttfd, UUoy, N. Y, fur a tree tampls at Allan's Koot llaae. It euro ehll. Maine, wfllnir, damp, awollen, aclilrt fret. It make new or tlrht ehiws t'j, A rerlaln cure lor Conn and iitmloni All ilrureliteeeli it. lie. Ilun'l accept aiirsuUlltute. One Perm of Argument. A Denver Juntlco cornea to the sup port of the New York cruiado against wheellug baby carriage on tho aide walka by eaylng that if God meant liable to go on wheels ho would have put wheel on them, PIT farsMaiaer hM f Pie ef mm annua file) arUfflrti-lti'diMaf lr Ktla.'iOrMlNenrt &Mtjr. aNutrvrrunitRj.oeirutuiuixiuM. tie. ba.U.aUuae.Ue.uiAMriSU.t'BUWaleUa.ira. Ocean Liners of IHH0. Ily tho breaking up of tho Bervln and tho Alaska there disappeared two of tho three famous Atlantic linora whose appearance twenty yuara ago waa re garded aa tho oiwnlng up of a new and moat important page In tho history of Atlantic steaming, AU'INK CUUI1WO. Somewhat of a Dampencr. Mr. Simpson Just see what mothoi i. i , .. - , ... , , . . , , If tho predict) I'm kicking about. -":T" U,T7" 'Y"J u, mraeyiorour Town and Country. oi rmiiiae million it caino uj oxprois Bawara or Olntmrala rr Catarrl That Cuiilaln 91 a roil r, As mireurr "III lurelr daitror the n ol mall ami completely ott ansa the whula aja. urn whanantarli) llttiruiifli tbamueoiiaaur iaeaa. Hueliartlelraalinuld nner ba uloi. eil on Mftcrtplloni Irora itimtabla phyal dim, aa lua daniaxa Ihar will do It ln (old to the aon-l rouran NnlbIf darlra (torn than llalPa Catarrh Curt, inanulariurad by r. 1 Cheney 4 Co.,Tolelo.O , enmalnt no mercury, and la taken Internally, aelln itlractly upon irta uioeq ana muroue eurraote 01 ma lyaiain Cugiyinr natrt waiarrn cure u eur a lennlne. It It taken lnternallr, an In Toledo, Ohio, Xijr.i, Chanty A Co. uonlalalrra. hoi.i by nrurtnu, pr lea 7 Jo. per bottle. I thla morning. Kimpaon (Joyfully) Hlcsa hor heart) That's just llko her. Mra, Hlmpton And alio aent ua a noto raying sho would bo hero to holp us cat it. Blmpaon (not qtilto ao Joyfully) The dickens! That' Just llko her, tool Now York Time. OUfM mnie Tottb urs Hy UaU'arataUy llllt era the Ivk Woraf Thsa That. "lie wroto a girl a lovo-tntler onco, and it'a costing him a prtitty jK-tiny now," "Urrach of promlao nult' "No, alimony." Philadelphia Treta. Kor forty year's I'lso'a Cure for Con sumption has cured coughs and cold. At druggists. Price 30 cants. Her Plan. "I've been two week trying to get my husband to giro mo ISO to buy a now drost," complained Mr. Oairam , to Mra. Willie. "I nover do that." "What do you dot" "I have my dress charged and leavo my husband to fight It out with tho collector." Harper'a Ilaxaar, Our Aristocracy. "film claim, I belle vo, to bo de scended from a king." , "Yea. lleforo her grandfather atruck It rich ho mbi known a the poker king of White Hosa Flats." Th ecclesiastical Tender. Cashier In what denomination do you want your monoy? Undo Itubo Wa'al, I'm a Methodist myeelf, eo y might a well make 'em that. Princeton Tiger. At the Horse Show. Mcllrler Pld ye ever eoo a horse Jump folvo feet over a fencu? McHwatt Ol'vo seen 'cm Jump four feet over. I didn't know that a horao had folvo feet. Wisdom of Age. Ilea (aweet alxtveu) Did you not be what a knightly air Mr. Dashing lias? Aunt Mary Yea sort of an up-all nightly air. aa it were. Chicago New. Bxsxsxsxi sxtBlxsxtsxf ' BBBBBBBBBiaV sxsxsxsl saxtBBxl slBBBBBl axsxl Maxk BBSM aaasf aBtfl 'Xho JCIntl You Htivo Alwnya Itouffhc linn borne tlio nlffita-. ttiro of GIuih, II Flotclicr, and lina been xundo under his pcraonal nuiorvlnion for over UO yearn. Allow no one to docolvo you in this. Counterfeits, Imltatlonn and "JiiHt-aH-prood" nro but Experiments, nnd cndniifrcr Um JioaUh of Chlldrou Kxporlenco ngalnst Kxporlmcut. What is CASTORIA Cnstorln Is a harmless Htibstltuto for Castor Oil, Par Korlc, Drops nud Huothlntr Syrups. It la lMcasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotlo mibHtnnco. Its njro is its ctiarantco. It destroys "Wnrmi and allays Foverlahneas. It cures Diarrhoea and AYlnd ollc. It relieves Teothlnfr Troubles, cures Conatlpatloa and riatulcncy. It assimilates tho Food, regulates the fltomnch and Dowels, Klvlntr healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. The KM You fee Always Bought- Bears the Signature) of 2Lym2& In Use For Over 30 Yeart. rxa eenTv . rr aiuaaat araear. mwraaii airr. ALPINE CLIMBINQ. I'erlla mtit Dunuera Wlilcli Man Courta A in 111 the Itteriial Hnotva. Tht'rti la aomi'tliliia; wonderfully ox-' hlliirntliiK In tho HUggcatloii of tho Imnd to hnntl conlllct with a motinliilii, nays it writer In Mimst'y'N In mi In tcrcatliig nrlli'lu on "Tho I'trlls of Al plnel'lliiibliiK.,"J'l)o ronl ibiiigcr, the trcmciitloiiH dllllcnl tit) thill hcHH tin way, nr iioti'iit fue tors In ruiiMing men tonctlon, Tin.' height nml tho nppnrent limceHKlblllty of thy Miimmltnri'ln them hcIvcn a coimtnut clinllcngi1 In tho daylight the pcitka nre so grimly tremendous, mi aelr-auill dent, Hint limn bitterly resenta the feel lug that ho la it pitiful pigmy tumble to fret their hugeness. It I not tho great pntiorumle view from the summit that oppenla to the thoiiHuiidH who climb the high penka every year. It la simply the game the hand to bund atrugule with mivugc na ture. Thu Hturlea of nccldenta thrill the tourist with horror nnd make him long to atnud on the very apot where aome allocking disaster occurred. The tales of tho frightful atorniH nt high alti tude, of tho fearful nvahtiicliea, of tho fulling rocks, of plunges Into crevasse, of lalxirlou cutting of Ice step", of the elltublng nrtund ledges with only n linger nud too hold over a precipice from which one can look down thou sand of feet, Hie night spent on the miow on the mountain aide, atorlta of frost bite, of hour of Intense toll, theae HilngH merely apur liliu on. Borne of tho balr-breadtb escapes of mountain climbers nre nluiost Incredi ble. Men have managed 10 throw them selves under n sheltering ledge while a rock thundered over them. They have lain so for nn hour or more, listening to the mighty cannonading. Ononwftil catastrophe mark tliefirat nsceut of the Mntlerhorn In IKUTi. Tor years the terrible peak had battled nil effort to scale It. IMwnrd Whymper, n noted climber, hnd made atx unstie ceasful nttempts before he succeeded. In hi party were Charles Hudson, tlio most necoinpllaucd climber of lilt time; Lord rrnucla Douglas, nnolher famous climber; a Mr. Ilndow nml three guide two TnugwnlderM and the great Mi chael Crut. They reached the summit; but early In the dcaccut Mr. Ilndow became exhausted. Cruz bad to place tho young KuglUliman' fret lit the Ico steps. lie slipped, struck Croz In tho back, nml both fell. The strain ou the rope dislodged Lord iVtwcIk Douglas, And Mr. Hudson was dragged after him. Mr. Whymper and tho Taugwul ,!rxs braced themsdves, nnd the Jerk eiimo ns ou one man. The rope parted above old Peter Tnugwnlder, nnd the four fell from precipice to precipice to the Mnttcrhoni glacier below, n perpen dicular distance of -I.OOO feet. The ter ror nnd horror of the tragedy so pur nlyxed the survivors that they barely escaped being frozen to death." THE STQDENT CONGRESSMAN. lUaliolClectau VounuMon WlilloStudjr I ar In Chlcavo UnUeraltr. lltirtou It. l'n'iicb, the Congressman- elect from Idaho, ettjoj tho unhitio distinction of having heeit eleetedto thu lower brunch nt Washington w tillc still a student. .Six years ago he waa n farmer'K boy with out political ambi tion nml with little Idea of politic. In IbUS ho entered the Htnto Unlveralty, and there IiIh tint IHilltlcal honcr enmo tit li 1 III when lu wna 1.1BTO.N L. VIICSCII Ilomhintednad elected to the Statu Legislature, lie eened acceptably and galtied ipilto n reputation aa uu orator and nlso aa nu advocate of the untlonul ndmlulstrn tlou's policy In dealing with tho Phil ippines, In 1001 ho was re-elected, uud wits tho cntidldute of the minority for Speaker of tho lower house. At the close of tho legislative session, Kruicli having been graduated from tho Uni versity of Idaho meanwhile, went to Chicago to work for n master's degree In the university there. Ho hud little menu nnd was compelled to work for hi support while studying. Lat Juno when ho returned homo It was to find that ho hnd been nominated for Con grchs. IIo Immediately entered Into tho campaign and visited every county In tho Statu except two, nnd these had no towns. Mauy of the points nt which ho apoko had to bo reached by stage or horseback, and long drives over moun tainous country had to bo taken. lie was elected, however, defeating his op jKinent by 8,000 votes. lleoord fur Scotland. Scotland shipped U,'JTi,-l2 tons of coal Inst year, constituting a record. Kleotrlolty In I'nrlm Tarls Is supplied with electricity by soveu different companies. Nover Judgo a woman's mind by tbn tlmo It takes hor to make ltip. ' "litm rrpIIU harvesting of Ico for n city II such ns Montreal Is no mean proposition, even In tho obstruct, but for n moment wo will .enter Into figure and see Jimt what it means. There have beon harvested In tho city during tho present winter softie thing like 11)0.000 tons of Ice. Multiply this by y.000 nnd wo arrive nt a total of 320,000,000 pound Divide this Into thu population of the city nnd otitlylug district, nllow for tho neces sary waste, nnd It I found that every man, woman nnd child consume In the neighborhood of f3f0 pounds during tho yenr. However, n great deal of this consumption I Indirect, ns It were, for In these figure come the restnurauts. butcher nnd other Inrgo consumer of Ice. Thu calculation Is a fair one. how ever, for sooner or Inter the members of tho community benefit thereby. Tho Ice upon which Montreal de pend I drawn from several source; for Instance, the Hack Itlver f unilshes ome. the St. Lawrence below St. $?& j:3&' THE SAW AXtl DAH IX fLAT. Mary's current furnishes more, while thu river opposite Nun's Island con tribute by far the larger share. The Ico in thl latter locality I beautifully clear nnd 1 now being harvested ns fast ns men can cut nnd teams can draw. Tho process proper of procuring tec begin with tho removal of tho now, thl being accomplished with horses bitched to scrapers. Next comes a mn chine termed n marker, which Is a ileSk" ICE JIAItVtSTr.113 AT WORK. aerie of teeth set nt given Intervals. The teeth nro ho adjusted that they cut nt Interval of forty luetic nnd again at twenty Inches, tho width nnd length of nn onllunry eate. A cutter, consist ing of a aeries of big teeth, set ono In front of tho other, 1 then run over theso marks byuneans of horses, mak ing tho cuts sotiio live Inches deep. Next tho saw comes Into play. In tho old days each cake was sawn, but experience ban proven that Ice, if prop erly handled, enn bo broken very rend lly with n sharp iron bar, thus saving n sBBBBBBBlBBBBfefaTea? -M. Alat HpfWm pJIt "at ai 1I01BTINO ics nr STEAM vower. great portion of tho necessarily slower method of sawing. Tho City Ico Company's mon In placo of sawing tho Ico Into comparatively Bmnll cakes content themselves with gqlng through It with tho toothed In strument nt lntorvals of sixty-four feet, cutting through only tho short tvny. This raft, sixteen cakes long and-four wldo. Is then broken off tho main body by means of bars nnd with sharp Ico hook, act In long handlers the men conduct It down toward tho skid, ono end of which Is In tho wntor nml the 'other ending in n long plat form, set nt n convenient height lo load the sleigh without nny lifting to apeak of. At tho foot'of the skit' the men tackle the Ico raft with barn again. fiSJffTr'-, H I I T JLL1 aeaaaaBBacvXSM JTVId K ssr"aaw -wDV f (r-, tn3Prl Ma rrri 7yfaS aaaii mm i ,aa.ac SHEAIIISO OUT TUB BTIlirS OF ICE. breaking off the cakes which go flying; up tho skid propelled by a team of horses, bitched to n long rope. ' Tlio rest in all easy, for the sleighs stand there waiting for their loads to take over to the houses. - Tho work of the Ico harvester Is not unlike that ef tho lumberman, nnd on share tho dangers ns well as the fas cination of tho other. That it lmstts fascinations la shown by tbo fact that ono hongy old gray-beard told that he had been cutting Ico every winter, for twenty-tiro years, nnd ns he worked the saw up nnd down through tho blocks of blue crystal he renlly ap peared to enjoy It, nnd that too Ire spite of tho fact that tho wind wsi blowing keen nnd strong over tbo St Lawrence. making tho footing nny Hflng but secure. A cubic foot of Ice weighs flfty-scT-en nnd one-half pounds. Cut that Into quarters nnd the result is four Ycry smnll pieces, hardly sufficient to fill nn ordinary Derby hat four times over, nnd still each will weigh upward of fourteen pounds. Montreal Star. '. PICKING OUT THEIR CAREERS: Children Ilegln In Theae Dajra aa Boon aa They Tulle A group of flvo Brooklyn children, cousins, were playing in tho nursery a few mornings ago, tho eldest perhaps 10 years of ngo nnd the youngest, tb only boy, nearly 5. Their mothers ro ? club women, alert and Intelligent, and theso youngsters had beard much dis cussion of "tbo new woman" nnd of "advanced" topics mentioned In ad dresses before tho clubs. They bad absorbed more of the information than their parents reallxed, says tho Brook lyn Eagle. On tho morning In question the chtN drcn were talking over what tbey bad heard and tbo oldest said: "WelL ev erybody's got to bo something now-' a day. Mother says you can't be Just humdrum and comfortable and sit around home any more. Must hayo a career. I shall bo a musician. Peoplo wll come to bear mo play nnd will clap nnd give mo lots of 'plaws.' " "I," said Jeannette, "shall be n sculp tress. I already make very nice things. In cloy modeling at school." "Prouflool" yelled the others. "No, 1 nln't. "I know, my llmmut tatlons,' as mother says when sho rends a paper. Itut I know what I can, do! So nowl" Mario thought sho would bo an act res or a teacher, she had not decided which, only that sho "would know a lot" and wear a long gold chain. "I'll bo a p'leesman," piped up llttlo brother. "Nen If you ain't good I'll ketch you an' you'll bo sorry. 'N'at's. nil." Dear little MarJorle,! 0 years old. who had many dolls to caro for, sat eouteut cdly In her little chair rocking, hugging: her baby doll and crooning a "byo-low"-to it. Sho bad not spoken nnd was ask ed to contribute her Idea of a career to this symposium. Sho glanced up. n puuled look on her contented llttlo fnce. "Yes, I beard you all talkln'," said she with a sigh. Then her usual: happy expression returned, sho lifted baby doll to her shoulder close under her chin nnd said: "I'm Just goln to bo a mother with n nlco fambly o cblPron " A Cerebral Handow. Sharpo A Baltimore man Is busy or ganising all the joko writers Into a union; I wonder what kind of an em blem they will use. Whealton-Why, course (And Immediately replaced about his Philadelphia Itccord. a chestnut, of tho Ico-pack was fevered brow.V Death Itate of St. lcterslitirfr. St. Petersburg has tho highest dcaUt rate of any European'cnpltaL When n'toper stops drinking It may bo cither to his credit or to his lack of credit. '"''aMaUaWieiaw