The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 03, 1903, Image 3

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    Elkms ( King,
Or everyone at Hand audits vicinity,
mora tlmu half way to gat It.
Wo know tlmt after trading with
about securing your subsequent orders, ' . . .
We will give your
The sumo nttSntion ifud prompt shipment that wu would pros
cubin purson, ,
We will SQll you nothing but first-class goods nt as low a price as it is
possible to make, quality being cousfdored.
Head u&ft trial onlcrv
Local Events of the Week.
Orn Polndcxter, accoiitHiiiiod by
Ida wife, child Hud nephew, Hiilph,
ol Priucvuie. visited his fntlicr-iu-
liiw, J. I. Wet, on I'riday ami Sat
urday of last week.
Dr. Votel. the eminent oculist
from PrlnevHW, wm in Hend on
Wlnsdy mid Thursday. It wm
a sight good for soni cyus to awe the
doctor again.
Win. Brock came in on Saturday
from h vWt to the "plimy woods,"
and returned on Wcdnosday. lie
my that thu country abovu is very
soft and shiftily from the melting
Thu Reception Saloon, Shaniko,
oilers the must tempting induce
ments to Umber locators going into
)tiiVWKXl9r T-ho very boat brands
ofwliljldw, audi as Cyrus Nobju,
Old Popper, Hunter Haltlmore Uc
ami other stnudatd goods, always
to bo had hero. Call nt thu Koccp
W. 11. Ilollinshood, of Dig
Meadows, visited the llulletlu office
on Saturday hut. lie came down
to gat hki miii, Cheater, wito ban
beuu attemliug school hare. Mr.
llolllnskwul reports n long but not
unusually vuie winter, with about
iS inches of snow still on the
John Stuidl niid his brother-in-law,
Mr. Tweut, came in Wednes
day from Portland and way point
Including Prluevllle wheie they
where held up by the Crooked river
flood. ,lr. Steidl wis very anxious
to get home, so he built a batlcau
in which to ferry his wagon and ef
fects ncrosti thu torrent. Ills scow
whs not large and strong enough,
however, and it sank, losing' some
of the goods which Mr. Steidl was
bringing to Uond.
Max Luoddcniann of Antelope
the proprietor of the Bulletin and
P'rcd N. Wallace, the lanky sage of
Pine Hollow, were visitors in Jlcatl
on Friday and Saturday of Inst
week. Mr. Iueddcmnttii expressed
himself as highly pleased with the
outlook here, and Mr. Wallace said
that the outlook would have tickled
hun to death if it had not been so
cloudy. lie hopes to come again
soon when conditions ore mote fav
orable. Mr. Wallace was here just
before I.ava llutte erupted, and is
very anxious to visit that region
again in order to note the change in
the earth's complexion and features,
lie says that he heard the report
from afar, but that the "hot air,"
smeike and general cflluvia were as
nothing compared to the outpour
ings of the Oregon Irrigation Con
gre nud Mr. Wallace knows.
and arc willing to myct you nil
us once there will be no trouble
for business,
J. C. Murray of Portland was a
guest of the Pilot' JJutto.lnn Tues
day night, on his wiy to the tini
ler. A. C. Palmer left for Portland
Monday morning, where he will lw
busily occupied iu courting for a
short time.
Mias Maud Vauderool and liar
cousin, .Mii Utliul Phlllllxtr, were
visitors iu Hem! on Wednesday.
Miss Vauderpool is visiting bur
homestead near here.
Dick Vandevert. of the Prinuvillo
Stiver Lake stage line, whs in Bund
Thursday night, lie says that thu
washout on the line caused his com
pany much inconvenience.
J. A. Hoggs of Priueville visited
visited our office hut Stiudny. Mr.
Hoggs came here on busluuss, and
Icould not stay over for the,.flshi,ug,
the season for which opened on
A large party of locators from
Long Prairie, Minn., pncd
through Hand on Sunday, on their
way to the tall limber. They were
under thu guidance of Mr. Jones, a
prominent locator.
i no ooaru oi trade will meet in
the schoolhouse on Wednesday,
April tith. Matters of importance
to the community will be dibcucd.
Rveryoue interested iu the growtli
and welfare of this place should be
The melting snows and hard
rains of the last few days have
turned the streams into raging tor
rents. On Monday the bridge over
New Crooked river wns wished
away, and as .a result the stage
came into llend satis passengers,
sans express, sans everything but n
small amount of letter mail, which
was scut across the flood on a boat
and met on this side by u team.
The Deschutes, however, has not
changed more than two or three
inches, and if it were nol for the
delay in the mails wc should huvc
known nothing of the Crooked river
Wc need a doctor. There arc
enough people here now to require
the presence of a pnysician, and
people are flocking iu all .the time;
but no one dares to get sick with
malice aforethought, because, what's
the use, when the doctors at Priue
ville have more than they van at
tend to at home without cruising
thirty miles out into the country?
We venture the assertion that if a
doctor would scttle'hcrc there would
be too per cent more sickness than
there is at present. This is an un
usually healthy country, but the
idea of having a physician within
easy reach will cause some of the
people who are well now
into sickness.
to lapse
W. P. Vandevert, of I.ava -post-office,
made himself acquaintcd'with
the Bulletin fprcc on Saturday of
lust week.
Jim Silvorooth the prominent
mill man of Antclojie, wont through
town Saturday on his wiy to Silver
'I,okc, where he will probably open
tij) another mill.
When you arc at Shaniko, re
member the Pioneer Saloon is thu
place to get flue liquors. The best
is none too gopil for you, and we
dispense the very best.
"Dad" West returned from Priue
ville Tuesday. He had a narrow
usCnjxi from drowning when the
Crooked river bridge went out, tbut
he came through unscathed, and
ljvod to bring home n large wagon
load of delayed freight.
PYank Glass, an old "residenter"
iu those parts, returned Sunday
from a trip to the Willamette val
ley. He was glad to get back to
this laud of sunshine and have noth
ing but recollections of the mud and
rains of the Wcbfoot laud.
Wc ore glad to learn that Sylves
ter Staats, who has been very ser
iously ill for the past week, is on the
road to" recovery. He had n very
bad time of it, and owing to the ab
sence of a bridge across Crooked
river medical assistance from Priue
ville could not be procured. He is
wck now, but is on the safe side,
and will be out again iu a week or
When the young Indies of Bend
call at the Bulletin office they arc
always welcome to anything con
tained thoruiti, even to space in our
valuable columns and to the editor's
easy chair. The editor is extreme
ly sorry that he was nut iu to re
ceive the delogutfcm of Bend "blos
soms" which lighted up the dark
corners of our sanctum a few days
ago. Wc tender this as an apology
tp the ladies, and hope that they
will leave their curds next time
they call, and we can assure them
that their names will appear iu
large tyjxj. '-
Dewey's Opinion of the Clcrman Navy
Considerable surprise and inter
est was manifested last week iu an
authentic interview with Admiral
Dewey, in which he makes compar
isons between the American and
German uavics in a manner border
ing on thu sensational. Admiral
Dewey sold:
"The United States navy is the
greatest iu the world, for this rea
son: livery man in the United
States navy is a mrtu of intelligence.
He knows just what tp do,iud the
right time to do it. A warship is
an enormous machine shop, and ev
ery part of thut ponderous creation
must be oimrated by intelligence.
"The German nayy, for instance,
has uu cntiroh different organiza
tion; it is made up of human ma
terial. Iluucuuulca deep study
of that navy. My belief is that its
efficiency in jxmible action is great
ly overestimated. The men do not
bogiu to compare in education and
intelligence with the Americans.
Their men have, in my opinion,
been educated so that they look to
the officers and depend upon them
ffor specific instructions in the least
matters. They have not the self
reliance of the Americans.
"The maneuvers 'in the Carib
bean were not only successful, but
were the greatest object lesson of
the kind probably that the world
has ever seen. It was an object
lesson to the' kaiser more than to
any other person. Think of it 54
warships, including colliers and nil.
Germany could not' possibly get a
fleet over here that could fight such
uu aggregation of warships as
that." '
Speaking of the utility of the
Panama canal in time of war, Ad
miral Dewey said
"It lias been sajd that we could
mobilize a ua'vul fleet from the Pa-
clfic to the Atlantic, or from the
Atlantic to the Pacific, in compara
tively short order. But let the en
emy sink a warship iu the middle
of the canal, and'it is blocked."
He says that ships sailing from
Kurojxinn ports for the Orient and
Australia, which' now retrace their
course, will, with an isthmian can
al, completely encircle the globe,
using both the Panama and Sue,
canals. Ho added:
"The Panama canal, when com
pleted, may force the great British,
German, French and other steam
ship lines that now have their es
tablished routes completely to revo
lutionize their schedules. I call sec
that in this respect the canal would
give to the United States a wonder
fully increased influence in the com
mercial world. Hut this is some
thing no one can predict with ac
curacy. Conditions iti the commer
cial resources of the worlds arc so
constantly changed. You can fig
ure with some degree of accuracy
concerning the ocean currents, trade
winds and other natural conditions,
but you cannot regarding commer
cial (ides."
Admiral Dewey is apparently not
to be reckoned a presidential candi
date. He says the office is dot what
it was 12 or 16 years ago. It now
requires a man in the prime of life,
one who is "not top old," as the
demands arc much heavier upon a
president since we became a world
School Untcrtalnmcnt.
The entertainment at the school
house on Saturday evening was an
unqualified, howling, uproarious
success, both regarding the enter
taining ability of the schoolmaster
and his flock, and from a financial
The evening's program was
opened with a very felicitous ad
dress from Mr. Hampton, the
schoolmaster, in which he explained
the purpose of the entertainment
and apologized for shortcomings on
the part of the pupils, which we all
failed to discover
Miss Iva West then favored the
audience with a beautiful solo,
Porcvcrand For You," and the
audience was keenly disappointed
at the absence of an encore.
Chas. Low's Dutch dialect reci
tation was a prize-winner, and he
retired amidst a storm of applause.
A. II. Kennedy on the violin and
Miss Marion Wiest on the organ
were the only outsiders, and their
efforts were greatly appreciated.
Sylvester Staats, who was to re
cite Lincoln's Oration at Gettys
burg, was unfortunately ill,4ut his
place was ably filled by Mr. Hamp
ton. f
Miss Maude Vandevert gave one
of Mrs. Caudle's curtain lectures iu
a very happy and "Caudlosque"
The calisthenics drill by the pu
pils was performed iu excellent time
to the music of the organ, and was
very pretty.
The entertainment closed with a
character play by eleven of the pu
pils, entitled "The Model Lesson."
The parts were very well acted and
the plot was funny.
Mr. Chas. Cottor then auctioned
the baskets which had been, pre
pared by the ladies with such good
success that after the last one had
been sold the sum of thirty-five dol
lars hud found its way to the school
master's pockets, and a fine nucleus
for u, school library is assured,
A part of the program not down
on the schedule took place after the
visitors had stowed away the con
tents of the baskets. A "Donny
brook" riot was nearly precipitated
outside the door, and if it had not
bceli for the cooler counsel of some
of the older heads a great deal of
hair, Whiskers and gore would have
been contributed for the benefit of
the library fund.
Quicksilver Aline Sold .,
The fact that a quicksilver mine
in Eastern Oregon lias lately been
sold for 50,000 will astonish many
mining men as well as others.
Quicksilver mines arc not often
bought or sold iu the state, as they
are not numerous here. The prop
erty in question might more prop
erly be spoken of as a claim, as it is
not thoroughly developed yet, aU
though two tunnels have been run
for some distance demonstrating the
fact that there is plenty of ore and
of excellent quality, yielding 3 per
cent of quicksilver, which is con
sidered a high grade, The claim is
situated about 30 miles from Priue
ville, and the sale is reported by II.
C. Brodle, who has been prostwet
ing in that section and who says
that, although the transaction has
not yet been put on record, $35,000
of the purchase price has been paid,
and that the remainder will be paid
by April 10. The claim is owned
by three partners, one of whom is n
resident of Portland, one resides in
New Mexico, and the other is trav
eling. The purchasers arc citizens
of Duluth. When $50,000 is paid
for what might be termed a "pros
pect hole," it is evident that the
prospects it yields must be promis
ing, and if there is a good mine in
this claim there may be others iu
the same district. The develop
ment of this mine will be watched
for with interest by all mining men.
H. Bond whiskey is to be had at
the Pioneer Saloon, Shaniko, J. J.
Wiley, proprietor. A good grate
ful drink, refilling, invigorating.
C. E. McDowell.
Electric l.igbis Throughout the
All White Help..
City Meat Market.
J. I. WHST, Prop.
Butter, Eggs, Poultry,
Potatoes, Vegetables in Season.
Opposite P. B. D. Co.' Store, DEND
Attorney and
Will practice In all
court. Iu the atatc.
U. S. Commluiontr.
Laud Gltuca and proofi of all kind. Odice on
atrcct Iradiuic to courthouse.
Pilot, Butte Inn
(iviu kilxv. ruur.
Elegant Roomn, and Tables, sup
plied with all the Delicacies of
the Season,
Single Meals 50c.
Hay for team one uight - $1.00
Grain for team one uight - .75