The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 03, 1903, Image 2

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The BeiMJ Bulletm
rUnt.i-.iiKD kvkkv mit.Vpv"
ttox l Rtu IUrat)n
,ltr. yenr,... - $i w
81 mouth.,. , m. )( 5
-TUtre mom in... ........... 13
(tivvatUlily In rlrucv.1
tlvrtlri who wlh to change thtlr aWU
ituroM har espy In net late than Tumtay heen
4rtcrtllng the tue In which thatiKV U ilt.lml.
It is not likely that Central Ore
gon will remain long without a rail
.road. It might go unrecognized
indefinitely if there were only the
' Tact of its resources to cqmmeud it.
vto transportation men, for maguifi
vccnt resources arc not alone sufti-
cicnt to justify the building of rail'
roads. Hut those resources .arc
.drawing people, and a numerous
. population will have railroad trans
. portalion. Their presence in the
Jxcouutty will produce a traffic that
JwiK make it an object for railroads
to build there. And where there Is
remunerative traffic there will trans
portation lines be built.
The settlers pouring into Central
Orcgqn and the development agcu
cicsalrcaaV,at work there make it
jccrtain thattthat section will have
adequate transportation facilities.
It cannot be that it will remain iso
lated for any considerable period.
While this may be accepted as an
assured fact, there is no assurance
yet that Central Oregon will have
railroad connection with Portland.
The natural tendency of its trade is
(his way, but there are no commer
cial channels established that would
prevent diversion of the trade of
that section to other centers the mo
ment transportation facilities should
be better in any other direction. If,
for example, the Nevada, Califor
nia & Oregon ' Railroad were ex
' tended up lo -Bend or Prinevilltf.thc
.bulk of the Crook county trade
' would go to San Francisco. And
the chances would be greatly against
our regaining it.
Now is the time, to bend the trade
twig of Central Oregon; now is the
time to bind it to us with rails of
.steel. The field now lies waiting.
There is no enemy to disposes?,
there need be no fight for control.
A proper efibrt on the part of Port
laud will give it railroad connection
with all the Deschutes valley, which
vOu the cast side of the Cascades cor-
responds to the Willamette vallcj
on the west side. Local interest
has been shown by the appointment
of a committee to harmonize di (Ter
ences that now stand in the way of
railroad progress up the Deschutes.
TJiis committee has given its atten
tion to the matter, and its chair
man, Mr. T. H. Wilcox, is about to
go to New York to present certain
propositions "to Mr. Harrimau in
.person. It is believed that some
form of success will result from this
. Portland must keep alive and
pushing. A mere spasm of activity
will not accomplish much; it is the
constant pressure that counts, the
determination not to rest when there
-is work to be done. It would
'aid Mr. Wilcox greatly if he were
to have a general expression of bus
iness sentiment in favor of the open
ing of.thc Deschutes valley to Port
land. We are not greatly concerned
oveOhe method of that opening, so
' Jong as it does not work needless
injustice, but we must have Ceil
t traj Oregon opened, and the door
' Should swing this way. Oregon-
The above from the Oregouian
shows that a kw people at any rate
in Portland are not asleep. These
few recognize the fact that the peo
ple in this Central Oregon country
are anxious to dispose of their pro
ducts, and equally anxious to tratle
for all the necessities of life and a
few of the luxuries. They are not
a sentimental class, and they will
give their 'business to the first peo
ple who will offer them inducements
in transportation, whether they
come from California, Salt Lake,
Spokane or Portland.
If the business men of Portland
want the trade of this great country
they will have to work for it, and
working for business docs not con
sist in sitting dowtt in an office re
pcating in loud accents: "wi iiavk
A t.KAn-wi'K ClKOU,'" with nn ac
cent on the lead pipe. It will be a
case of Mahomet coming to the
mountain; and if some of the mon
eyed people in Portland will realize
that without a venture they cannot
hope to gain, and expend some of
their potential energy and business
enterprise, and also scatter some of
their moss-bcdcckcd safety deposit
in encouraging" and fostering a rail
road from Shaniko to the Deschutes
valley, it will not be long until they
will reap the benefits of good rail
road communication with this coun
try. We want a railroad, and do
not greatly cure whether it reaches
us from the north, cast, south, or
from the west. The Columbia
Southern is logically the first road
to be extended into our country.
It is the nearest to us now, it has
an unusually feasible, easily con
structed, well planned route already
sun-cyed nnd mapped out. It will
place us in the quickest communi
cation with the great mart of North
west trade Portland. It passes
through the barren grain raising
portions of Sherman county and
southern Wasco, and through the
great Agency Plains and Haystack
grain belt where millions of feet
of our lumber can be .exchanged
for wheat, oats, barley, hay, and
other products, which cannot be
obtained here jty, present for love
nor money.
It .will not be very. long until'the
Deschutes Is turned out on the des
ert, and the sage-covered flats will
be transformed into alfalfa fields
where thousands of cattle, sheep
and hogs will be fed and fattened,
all of which will go to the packing
houses in Portland by way of the
Columbia Southern.
The chamber of commerce and
board of tratle in Portland are inter
esting themselves in the matter of
the disagreement between the liar
riman people and the management
of the Columbia Southern, with a
view 10 the establishment of railroad
communication between the Des
chutes valley and Portland over the
Columbia Southern. They have
dallied long over this business and
have not shown energy and enthus
iasm to any great extent. The bast
thing they have accomplished was
the appointment of Mr. T. H. Wil
cox as committeeman to confer with
Mr. Ilarriman in regard to Colum
bia Southern affairs. Mr. Wilcox
is a' man who can realize what trade
expansion means. His company is
probably the largest shipper over
the Harrimau lines in the North
west, and he can undoubtedly bring
Mr. Harrimau to sec titc Portland
side of the question better than any
other man on the coast. We wish
him all the success possible and
hope that his mission may bring
about the extension of the Colum
bia Southern in the very near fu
ture. The people of Portland
should keep their eyes open and re
member that other towns are look
ing tins way besides themselves;
that "actions speak louder than
words," and that nothing was ever
gained without a venture.
In the body changes that take
place as we grow old, Metchnikoff
and other physiologists suppose that
an important part is taken by the
phagocytes, or devouring cells.
Some years ago it was made to ap-
11 ' " "" '
pcur that some of these cells are
color cntcrn, and that they whiten
the hair by seizing the pigment
grains and conveying thctu into the
skin or out or the organism, On
further study the theory has been
evolved that old age itself is due
to phagocytes that destroy thdjtcrvc
cells. The nerve-eating cells have
been found in the brains of many
old people and old mammals, as
well as in persons suffering from
nervous disease, but in no case have
they been known to reach such de
velopment or to have so nearly
taken the place of the nerve cells
as in the brain of it parroqttct that
died at the great age of eighty-one,
after some years of feebleness and
One of the causes of the trouble
between the Columbia Southern Ry.
Co. and the O. R. & N. Co., and
one of the principal reasons why
the business men of Portland and
outside Oregon towns have not at
tempted to assist the Columbia
Southern in its struggle for exten
sion from Shaniko to the Central
Oregon country, is the opposition
aroused by the stories and knocks
which have been circulated' among
those in power by a certain bunch
of houry-hcaded, long-bearded an
tediluvians residing along the Col
umbia river basin. These people
have been here in Uastern Oragou
since Mount Hood was a hole in the
ground. They made the founda
tions for their fortunes in the early
days by roping the miners nnd trap
pers into skin games of various de
scriptions, and 'by selling firewater
of the vilest character to the unso
phisticated red inen. Their for
tunes and their rapacity grew apitcc
and they finally came to believe
that Eastern Oregon and all con
tained therein was their lawful
Mr..E. K.ytle trespassed upon
their territory, seized an opportuu
ity which they had overlooked, gave
the state an industry of which they
had never thought. and began to ac
cumulate a neat stack of this world's
goods, then they immediately waxed
wroth and became sore and envious
because he was corraliug some
money which, by all that they be
lieved was right and just, should
have found its way into their cof
fers. These men are moderately
heavy shippers over the lines of the
O. R. & N. Co., jind control to a
small extent the wheat crops of
Sherman, Wasco, Gilliam and
Klickitat counties, and they have
used this influence to give straits to
their talcs of woe and to bias the
opinions of the Ilarriman Unas and
the business men of Portland
against the Columbia Southern.
If the ieo)lc of Portland would
investigate the business methods of
these men and their heelers if
they would send a delegation to the
seat of war and contrast the differ
ence in feeling towards this set of
grafters and the management of the
Columbia Southernand decide
strictly on the merits of the case,
we of Central Oregon would feel
that the time when we could ride
from Bend to Portland on a railroad
train would not be so far off in the
dim, misty future.
There is certainly enough mail
carried between Hcud and Priue
ville to justify the postal authorities
in putting on a daily mail. We
could then hear the outside news a
trifle more frequently, and could
depend upon receiving our express
with a great deal more regularity
.than heretofore. It will mean more
business for the stage company and
a great deal more comfort and con
venience for U&
Objects too Small or two distant
to be seen like fixed stars are
made perceptible by their light.
nil '"r ' ' ' , ''
, Ask Your Grocer For
in Tens, Coffees, Spices,
ami Baking Powders.
They are the cheapest
'High Grade Goods
Take None But Monopolc.
No Store is (Complete Without
Taking advantage of this fact, Sic
deutoffnnd Zsigmoudy have ma
uificd strongly illuminated particles,
and in this way have made visible
the diffraction discs of specks of
matter approaching moleculos in
minuteness. Their dUervnttous
were made upon particles of gold
embedded in ruby glum. From the
known quantity of the gold anil the
number of discs, it was calculated
that each particle, with an appar
ent diameter of otic millimeter, had
n real diameter of 1 -50.000th of a
millimeter, and it was further shown
that the limit of magnification would
be 150,000 diameters. The grwittttt
powers of this method would show
a particle having tun time the
diameter of a molecule.
We need a great many of the
comforts and conveniences of mod
ern civilization which are oujoyud
by the citizens of more favored lo
calities, and they all depend upon a
railroad. When the railroad final
ly reaches us, the other things will
not leave the new field unoccupied
long. And iutftoad of being com
el!ed to send to Portland, or The
Dalles, or Priucvllle, every time wc
want anything, our morchnuto will
have everything imaginable, which
we can purchase at Portland prics
without having' to pay thrue or
four railroads anil stage companies
express rates.
Among many important things
we neod.a-po.stal money order office
can be found at the top of the list.
It is very inconvenient to have to
wrap up a lot of loose change and
have it registered whenever we
want to send for anything. The
loard of trade, or whoever has an
interest in the development of our
little city, ought to attend to this
matter at once.
Pygmies arc now found only in
the interior of Africa. A Oernuin
anthropologist shows that they have
once lived in Switzerland and Al
sace, and in Silesia down to the
tenth century, and. that some of the
Alsace race were less than four feet
in height-
Po'try Nolo to Jnnte Wliltcomh Ullcy
Thar, twlnta It, m ImrfiM,
"Ml itwh an' wn to llyi"
I'm h It Mtr faMto1 the 4wm,
Vii mt Hi Mu.Wr mHy.
.... 1 .
I vtUhvmnTtiU mr hnwfHilnitwin'' ")
i Mil roitilfy IMfm ""'
An' haw- the Ml l ttttg Ilk fun,
Am' ta a ! it .Hflit'.
I r4kk t. yu mutt Iht tail
A'fMH' jr UM)'' mWr
JM .(tti fa rmr4m
Thf Umr IMwjtlil t Ik h-r.
TtwihtxttjiiKM imnul twMctrr th.n
TtMH I lwt? mi 'CM MMd
lu my nf-tc4r hv tiniy )mk,
tT VM HO MflM fMttw.
Am' IwwM jpm Mm w MUttt nfctail
TIm IiAmAa am Ui 1 1 r tAAfe
Ah' Mton pmir itttHfrf
ttt lM -' Vw tad ("H
WH ffwWI I MM MwlflTM Ti(B THIli rMI
TkH MtlH'l taw W Dm wh tf
AM tav M t tfcoor-l (Sh
Whit Btt mt mf'n Hhlil'
Ah' KttH. MlM nie IlKlltl,
I. 'MmI UmI 4r trie iwhi ofj-fMirm
Tlttl'a htn yu lw.l. lifilo.
WIUi )ur t tft tf Hum-rMl Utg
Am' irtw Into llw tMy
Wtar firry if hi nmh lift lli mt-
Iti ak 1 1 WW. Html n' l4y.
I Iml n fttc (Hiii, JM Hi- jiHtnt,
Hi in4', UiN-1, M' MnUty;
IH MU ym taf-l Hn toii'l,
llnlUit-04 Mi )tm. KMtqr.
v - Ajtrtl CwiM)-.
Columbia Southern
linvtl-; l'tlriwry tj. hn,
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DdllyilAKecoiiiirctltlinntfiliiiiilkA for Anttl-
(iC 1'rltitvlllr, llfiiil
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Cliy, Juliu I)Ay Cliy, ami I'oi.ll.
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