The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 03, 1903, Image 1

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    - m & ' t jH.m-,f.
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VOL.. I.
no. a.
'..JdAI . Al
Comprehensive Review of the Imports
ant Happenings o( the Pnt Week,
Presented In Condensed I'ortti, Mot
Likely to Prove Interesting to Our
Many RtJer.
Hlquro, Maxlco, In now I ho only
plnguu spot lu tlio Mazatlan district.
Itumila In trying to negotiate a loan
of 100,000,000 with a Franco-Belgian
Owing to freight congestion, It In re
ported tliAt tires kill ho put out In
I'.nOO or tnorn cokn oon lu thu New
Jflver, W. V., field.
Four won v. fro drowned nt Ilasn Inko,
iilno mile from Owen sound, Ontario.
They wira fishing In n leaky, lint
botlomod loit, when It dank,
Olnliim against tho city of Now York
for (500,000 thavo lieon filed by per
Mim lujurctl by exploding Iwmbs last
election night in Madison square.
Kvory Lutheran la to Iw axial to
glvo ono tout ft day for n poilnd of
ono yrar for h bonevolonco fund for all
obects of tho church. From the 260,
O0U Lutherans In the synod ltd oxiioet
d toralHt nearly $ 1,000,000. ,
A tirokim' rail wrecked eastbound
Hitntn Fo jmswwger (rain No. 2 nt
Lakln, Knu , ovory car except ono leav
ing tho track. Conductor Pom! was
i Injured bmlly, but tho pasiongern
escaped with n severe shaking up.
Ambassador Choato haa Informed the
state department that n Military con
grein.whlch will ronsldor in altera of
International Importance, will 1 hold
at Bradford. England, irom July 7 to
11, and Unltod Htalos representatives
... I,itll.l
l9HHpHMft4The'roltlo nnd Dominion eVpiess
tmi!"m' sjjt- iv.,..i, in.!, i,
ljliiKtiijr, n ivmm, i.iv..., ."in ,,.-
crvnwtl tho reward offered for thu 23,
C00 Kold bar stolen lust week. Tho re
ward In now $2,000 for tho recovery of
tho bar and 11,000 additional for the
arrest and conviction cf tho thief.
Tho Unltoil Htaten cruiser Albany ban
arrived at Palermo, Klclly, from Algiers.
I.uln Carlo Itlo haa lioon appointed
minister of foreign affairs for Colom
bia, succeeding Dc l'aul.
Tho Unltod Btaton atool orrpoiatlon
baa put In operation moro than 1,100
now ooko ovoni on Tu River, Win.,
Aa innuy moro will bo completed with.
I u 30 days.
Karon Muinm von Schwazstoln, who
wan for n niimbor of yearn secretary of
mbasav nt Washington, Ih to roltovo
Count Vodol aa Imiwrlal Gorman am
bassador at Itomo.
Tho report of Lieutenant Gonornl
Mile on bin observations In thu Philip
Vine and on bin trip around thu world
haa been tubmlttod to tbo 'secretary of
war, but It will not bo mndo public, an
it la regarded aa nu Inapoctlon report.
Two nton entered tho Jewelry (torn of
A. 11. Uubonnan, at Omaha, nnd
walscd out with two traya containing
diamonds of tho valuo of (5,000, thu
clork'a attention being directed to tbo
tolophono whllo they woro looking nt
tbo gums.
Tim Illinois appollnto court for tho
Fourth dlitrlct linn docldod that when
man, la sent to prison for tho murder
of bin wlfo bo la Judicially, dead, and his
children aro untitled to tho insurance
on tho life of tho murdered woman,
oven If It was takon out In favor ipf hor
' husband.
Gonornl William Thomas Olark, of
Washington, I). O., waa knocked down
by a rnb wbllo attempting to cross
Htnto alroot, Chicago, nnd eovoroly I-
Jurod, Ho la 73 yours old, nnd ban
sustained, it Is said, two fractures of
tho skull nnd Interim! Injuries, Ills
recovery Is said to bo doubtful. Gen
oral Clark linn tho distinction of being
tbo only surviving adjutant and chief
of stuff of Grant's army of tho Tonnes, Ho served two terms in congress
from Texas.
Nearly nil Grlpplo Creole mines hnvo
boon shut down.
Tho govornmunt lias commonrod a
suit ngaliiBt Indiana coal coiiBp'.rntorH.
Scarlet favor still rngos nt Lake For
est, nonr Chicago, nnd all public places
nro olobod.
: Mnrk'Twnln has an attack of bron
chitis, but his doctor days 1)0 can soon
resume work.
RICH (101.1) MJaairrs.
Montana Collection Will He a Feature of
Portland Uxpoiltlon,
Helena, MdnUna, March 28.W.G.
Conrad, of the banking linn of Conrad
Ilron,, bo was named by Governor
Toole an ono of tbo honorary commit
nlouern for Montana nt tho Louisiana
I'urnhaoo oxiiosltlon and thn Uiwls and
Olark oxpoltlon, iiirlt, Iiuls nnd I'ort-
laud, reHiuictively, han mndo a most in
terestlng aniiouneeiiifiit thnt bn will
rend what In supposod to bo tho largest
nnd best collection of gold nuygota in
the world to Kt. Louis and I'ortland for
exhibition during tho expositions.
Tho exhibit la owned by Conrad
Ilros., and was formerly tho property of
the rlrst National bank In Helena.
Thu collection Mas purchased by the
Conrad from too receiver of the bank
Hovcrnl yearn ago, upon tho failure of
that Initltutloii, and ban since been
adilinl to.
Tbo collection wns gatiered by ox
(Jovornor Hauier. wbeti nresldont of
tho Mrst National bank, nnd was the-)
roe ii It of many yearn' effort, Kven In
days whon placer ihlnlng wan being
done In htindrodn of claims throughout
the utato, the collection was regarded
nn magnificent. Among the nuggets
In tho collection Is one found In Nelsmi
guloh, abovo Helena, which is said to
bo the largest singlo nugget ovor fctiud
In tho .Northwest.
Tho pieient valuo of tho collection in
about 300,000 If mo tod down, but In
Ita natural state, an coming from tho
earth, It In worth more, n number of
gems Iwlng worth rovornl Union tholr
Height value because of tholr peculiar
It should provo ono of tbo features of
tho exiotlon. It will bo carefully
guarded day and night from tho time
It leaven Montrna until Itn return from
St. Ixnils nnd I'ortland.
Otht r Treaties Will Shire .Same Tate
President OIvcb Up.
"Vnh!nuton. March 28. Tho n
lioiihcenrtht lu tbo' Jamaican leahY
latum rega.dlng tbo failure of the re
ciprocity treaty with the United Ktntes
Is but forerunner nl what may bo ox
imcted in the enco of all agrcomoiita of
a similar character which fnllod to s
euro action by tho United Ktatcs sen
ato. It was evident from theattltudo
of that body that tho members wcro ow
twrod to tho reciprocity idea, nn- out
lined in tbo reciprocity treaties that
were Hint to it by the president, and
all efforts along that lino hnvo been
abandoned by the ndmlnUtrntlou.
Tbo rejected treaties, among which Is
that wltb the French republic, nro not,
It in nutnorltnlholy stated, to bo again
nubmltted to tho sonatn lu December
next, and, bocnusa of tbo attitude of
tbo eenate, tbo president in discourag
ing tho formation of now treaties.
Kugar formed an Important Item of
reciprocal uxchangoineomoof tho treat
ies, noticeably those in tho West
Indies, nnd so far aa that article of Im
port Is concerned tbo administration Is
estcpiMHl from agreeing to any reduc
tion of duty by reason of tbo terms of
tho Cuban reciprocity agreement. This
specifically provides that no sugar pro
duced by any country other than Cuba
shall bo admitted Into tho United
Ktntes ns by treaty on convention while
tho Cuban treaty Is In force, nt a lower
rnto of duty than Is Imposed by exist
ing law.
Swift Current and Favorable Winds Keep
Mississippi Down.
Now Orleans, March 28. With tbo
river practlcully stationary during tho
uay, thoro lias been llttlo change In
tho Hood conditions. Tho phenomenal
speod nt which tbo current Is llowlng
nnd favornblo winds hnvo doubtless re
strained tho rising tendency. A vigil
nut oyo Is lielng kept on ovory foot of
lovco from Itod river lsndlng to New
Members of tho state board of engin
eers nro at various points nlong tho
Mississippi, tho Hod rlvor nnd La
Foucbloro, On tho Inttor stream 'there
are now tbreo crovasres, but planters,
not Immediately within rnngo of tho
breaks have had time in which to con
struct temporary ombankmonta. Much
dnmago will bo dono to tho oyator In
dustry by tho present Hood.
San Pranclsco Samlbaggcrs.
Ban Francisco, March 28. Four
mon, armed with sandbags, soorotod
themoolves Inside tho ontrnnco to
Grconwlch street wharf No, 1 yostorday
morning nnd robbed ovory person who
passed through the gato, Tho place
was absolutely dark and before they
ceo sod tholr operations thorobbers suo
coJod In holding up olght mon.
rnuis on interest from all parts
Contracting for 1 90 J Mops Fruit Trees
In Illaom In Josephine County Med
lord Creamery Nearly Ready Sheep
Dylnf on the Raosci-Oovernor Par
dons n Forger.
A crcamorr will be In operation at
Modioli! In about 30 darn. Tbo plant
will bo en pa bio of handling tho milk of
300 cows.
Contracts for hops for tbo crop of
1(10.1 aro being mndo In tho Willamette
valley nt from 16 to 10 cents, tho for
mer price being generally recognized an
tho prevailing figure.
Almonds aro now lu full bloom In
tho orchards of Josephlno county, ami
if not nippd by frost tbo crop of those
nuts will bo largo hero this year.
I'eacbes aro also beginning to bloom.
A postolllro hai boon established at
Lost Vnlloy, Wheeler countv, to be
suppllod by special -or-lco from Lone
Hock. Tho iKistofllco at Thurston,
Lane county, has been re-established.
Bevonteon canneries and 10 cold
storage plants at Astoria Are making
ready for the fishing season, which
opens April 15. A heavier run than
that of last year Is anticipated on ac
count of tho returns from artificial
Architect W. II. Knlhton ban been
appointed by tho ttato board of asylum
trustees to draw np plans and specifica
tions for n modern horse and cow barn
to replace tbo p recent dilapidated and
unsanitary building,, tho cost of thu
now structure not to exceed f 10,000.
Governor Chamberlain has pardoned
John Gates, who two yearn ago forged
the naino of II. V.orbett to a chock
at Kugenn. Gates jJiA ted half his
throb years' ten (encorrliiS pardon was
granted upon tho petition of a large
number of prominent cltlxonsol Marlon
county. ,
Hundreds of sheep aro dying on the
ranges In Grant and Harney counties
for want of feed. The long, cold win
ter, together with the deep snow and
scarcity of hay, is responsible for tbo
heavy loss among tho hords. Sheep
owners am trying to movo tholr llockn
to lotter rangen, but tho sheep are ton
weak to lo moved.
Linn county real rstato agontn com
plain that moit of the partion from tho
hast who aro cooking homos are accom
panied by an Kastern "agent," who
demands nt least CO per cent of tbo
local agent's commission before
homeocokcrs aro allowod to locate,
tho Linn county people refuse to
bled tho agent moves his party
looking lor greonor pastures.
. Poven thousand dollars in cnli has
Just boon paid as part of tbo bond price
of the Ociioco mines, near Pdnovllle.
Wheat Walla Walla, 74075c; blue,
stem, 84a; valley, 78c.
Barley Feed, (23.60 per ton; brew
ing, 24.
Flour Best grade, (4.10O4.G0; grah
am, 3.483.86.
Mlllstuffs Bran, (10 per ton;
middlings, ( 24; shorts, (10.603X0.
chop, (18,
Oats No. 1 white, (1.15 Q 1.20;
gray, (1.12(31.15 per cental.
Hay Timothy, (11Q12; clover,
8Q0j cheat, 0310 per ton.
Fotatoea Dost Burbanks, 60376a per
sack; ordinary,. 40(360c per cental,
growers' prieee; Merced sweets, (23
3.26 per cental.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, 12313c;
young, llj312c; hens, 12c; turkeys,
live, 1618o; drofuod, 1820o; ducks,
(737.60 per dozen; geese, (78.60.
Cheoeo Full cream, twins, 10 MQ
17Xc: Young America, 17318)o;
factory prices, 1(3 lKo loss.
Butter rancy creamery, au(sassc
nor pound; extras, S0o; dairy, 203
C2Ho; store, 16318a.
Eggs H016o per dosen,
Hops Choice, 2S25c per ponnd.
Wool Vnlloy, 12K15o; EAstorn
Oregon, 814c; mohair, 26Q28o.
Beef Uross, cows, 33o per
ponnd; steors, 1Q4?4CJ dressed, 7?c.
Veal 7fi3840.
Mutton Gross, 4o per pound ;
dressed, 7Kc
Lambs Uroos, 40 per pounu;
dressod, 7e.
uogs Qroas, oho pr pound i
dreB8ed,7(97K0' t
Ust Half of 1902 Far Exceeds Any Half
Veer Previous.
Washington, March 27. Land Com
missioner Itlchnrdn today gave out a
statement showing tho phenomenal In
crosses In wiles of public land in the
first half of tho present fiscal year as
compared with tho corresponding por
tion of tho previous year. In the six
months ondlng December 31, 1001,
thoro were 7,470 cash sales mado in the
Unltod States, representing 707,002
acren, from which $-',710,384 was real
ized. Daring tho corresponding months
of 1002 there were 23,016 salon, of !',
003,013, acren, from which waa realized
Inasmuch as these sates were princi
pally under tbo timber nnd stone act,
thoro seems to bo Justification of tho
president's courso in extending tho for
est reservation system before tho tim
ber landn aro all taken up. The sales
of tbo past quartern exceed thoro of any
corresponding period In tho past his
tory of the government.
Bungling of Treaty Creates Fear of Fur
ther Ammdments.
Havana, March 27. Although there
In much complaint hero on the part of
tho Cubans that tbo United States did
not glvo tho reciprocity treaty a fair
doal, tho publication of tbo text of thn
amendments bashown them that tho
treaty has not been materially damaged
(rem a Cuban standpoint, except
through tho delay and uncertainty en
tailed by tho action At Washington.
Tho present feeling of suspicion is
due principally to tbo lacs: of assur
ances Hut tho treaty cannot be amend
ed in tho United States honto of repre
sentatives and that President Itoosevolt
will call a special tossion prior to tho
regular meeting of eoBcrp. , , k ,j .
Tho presidents of all manufactnrlng
and commercial associations today re
ceived n list of inquiries from tho sen
ato committee on foreign rotations
with regard to the effects of tbo amend
ments. It Is requested that tho repre
sentations bo sent in tomorrow. The
report on tbo treaty will bo completed
Company Whose Employe's are Striking
Suffer Heavy Loss.
Canyon City, Colo., March 27. At
mldnlebt tho malnport!on of tbo
smelting works of tho United States
Reduction and Betlning company at
this place was destroyed by firo, the
loss being (2Q0,000. Immense now
buildings, 200 by 80 foot in area, wore
destroyed. Thn comimnv owning tho
plant Is tho same which owns the
Standard gold mill at Colorado City,
whose employes aro on strike. Tho fire
broka out in tbo refinery from nn un
known cause, and wan discovered by
tho watchman, but could not be sub
dued, and soon tho recently completed
additions, which have been in progress
of erection for tho past year, were n
mass of llamos. Tho plant is not a
total loss, as Its entire valuo was (500,
000, but it cannot bo learned that there
was any Insurance, Ono hundred and
fifty men are mado Idle.
Salvador Must Pay Up,
Washington, March 27. The state
department lias taken measures to col
lect the award astessod cgalnst the gov
ernment of Han Salvador by the arbi
tration In tho case ot an American cor
poration amounting to (634,000. Tho
secretary has accorded tho Salvadoreans
n full opportunity to presont reasons
why thn Judgment should not be paid,
but after patiently considering then)
representations the department baa Just
Informed tho Salvadorean government
that It cannot reopen the case without
showing gross disrespect for tho arbi
trators, nnd that it sees no reason why
tho money should not bo paid,
Heavy Loss by Fire.
Rochester, N. , March 27. Fire
of unknown origin which broko out in
the Haydon building tonight complete
ly gutted that structure nnd caused
heavy damago to tlm adjoining build
ings. Tbo total loss la estimated at
(258.000, Tho bnildlng was sovon
stories high in ono part nnd five In oth
ers. Tho tlames started on the fifth
floor, and rapidly nto their way through
the structure, tho groator portions of
tbo tbreo walls falling bo f ore It was
undor control. No ono was hurt,
quAMtennmo Decided on as Principal Sta
tion In the West Indies Government
Will Purchase Twenty Square MHes
of Land barracks, Drydock and Fort
ifications to Be Constructed.
Guantanamo, Cuba, March 20.
After a personal Inspection of tho pro
!osed site, Secretary Moody has select
ed Guantanamo as the principal
'United btates naval station Ir tbo West
Indies. Secretary Moody, Senator
Proctor and Representatives Cannon,
Fosa and Gillett arrived bero yesterday
on board the United States dispatca
boat Dolphin.
Secretary Moody and his associates
have' worked incessantly during tbo
past two days under a hot sun examin
ing tbo points, the water supply and
tho surrounding conntry. They visited
the locations for tho proposed fortifica
tions, surveyed the coast lino and con
ferred with tho owners of tho land
which it is pioposod to acquire.
tieoator Proctor and the representa
tives will recommend tbo purchase of
20 sqnaro miles of land on both sides
of the lower bay and several small
Islands. As soon as the necessary leg
islation has been secured, tboy (avor
tbo construction of a permanent bar
racks, a drydock and strong fortifica
tions designed against a sea attack
only, fortifications on tbo land sldo not
being regarded aa necessary. No diffi
culty is anticipated in acquiring the
nocessary land, as the Spanish and
English owners aro enthusiastic for the
station. It la thought that both tho
army and navy will maintain forces at
Tbo Dolphin will proceed to Jamaica
'T . n,1
Treasury DepartateRt P!m for Purchase
and Cetaage of Silver.
Washington, March 20. Secretary
Root has been in cablo correspondence
with Governor Toft in relation to the
carrying out of tbo provisions of tho
Philippine currency act and it has been
determined to sell $3,000,000 of tem
porary certificates for tho purchase of
silver bullion for coinago Into pesos.
Theo certificates boar four por cent in
terest, aro free from taxation, and run
for ono year. They will bo issned In
denominations of one thousand dollarn
each, made payablo to tho bearer.
Thctte certificates aro to be sold In this
It is learned that tho Insular divis
ion ot the war department has request
ed tho secretary of the treasury to pur
cbaco tho necessary silver and exocuto
tho coinago of tho Philippine pesos
authorized by tho Philippine currency
act. Although this act authotlzes tbo
coinago of not to exceed 75,000,000
pesos, including recoinage of Mexican
and Philippine coins, it is not contem
plated at present to coin moro than
20,000,000 pem, at the rate of 2,000,
000 a month.
Tho silver for these coins will bo pur
chased In tbo United States, but under
what conditions has not yet been
determined. Tho treasury, it is under
stood, will purchase only At tho market
value, In such quantities as may bo
needed as tbo colpago progresses. It
is said tbat tho department will not
submit to an advance in the prlca ot
silver, if it can possibly bo eocarod At
tho ruling rate.
Ice-Jam Stops the Flow of Niagara, and
Relic Hunters Revel.
Niagara Falls, March 26. The
American Falls is practically dry, and
for the first tlroo in 65 years people aro
able to walk about in tbo river bed.
Thousands bavo clambered over tho
rocks hunting for relics and souvenirs.
Great rocks never before seen are high
and dry, So llttlo water is flowing
over the American- Falls that mon In
high boots almost could hnvo crossed
at tho brink.
Tho extraordinary condition is due
to an ice jam up tho rlvor. Tbo ico
was drivon from Lnko Erie Into tbo
entrance to tbo Niagara and lodged in
tho shoalwator, shutting off tho flow
Into tho American channel. Tho
Horsoshoo Falls is not affected as much
as tho American. The river in the vi
cinity of tho Three Sister islands is
quite dry, and the center falls, between
Qoat and Luna, islands, is a skeleton of
itself. The conditions la likely to last
for aoveral days.
WWiWJ tflf FR'
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