The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 27, 1903, Image 4

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    Spring Medicine
There la no other Reason when good
mcdlclno U o much uccded m In the
Tho blood ta Impure, weak and
Impoverished a coudltlon indicated
by pimples nud other eruptions on tho
faco nnd body, by deficient vitality,
Joss of appetite, lack of strength, and
-want of uutmntlon.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
and Pills
Mako tho blood pure, vigorous nnd
rich, create appetite, glvo Tltnlity,
6tr ugth and animation, and euro
all eruptions. Have tho wholo family
begin to tako thorn today.
"Hood's Sarsaparilla has been uwl In
our family for somo time, ami always with
Kood results. Last spring I was all run
down nnd cot a bottlo of It, and as usual
received treat benefit," Miss Btcuut
Sorer, Stone, Vt,
Hood's Snmnpnrllln promlsos to
.euro and koopa tho promise.
That "O-u-K-h,"
A rough-coated, dough-fsred plounri
man itroda couclitnit and hiccough I iir
through tho streets of Scarborough.
AltcmalUo of education.
"Education," paid tho Impassioned
orator, "begins at home.1'
That's whoroyou'ro off," raid the
calm spectator. "It begins in the kin
dargnrten, i- continual in tho boarding
school, loothall Meld. Paris, London
And Wall street and ends in eithor Sing
Sing or Newport."
Of Course.
The palmist looked fixedly at the
woman's hands.
"Why," sho said perplexedly, "this
Is qnccr. Your right hand and your
left hand cive different fortunes."
," replied the
I never let my
right hand know what my loft hand
dooth, you know." New York Times.
"its, I suppose
woman, placidly.
Toll DliVcd of Its Reward.
"No wonder bankers set the reputa
tion of being frauds and swindlers."
"Rhjthtyoa are," comroontcd the
man with tho jimmy In his hand
"Here wo have worked all night at
opening this safe and there's nothing
in it." Philadelphia North American.
"For a first attempt in public," said
her friend encouragingly, "I thought
yon sang with a good deal of feeling."
"I don't wonder at that," replied
the ambitious young vocalist. "My
heart was In my throat all the time."
Chicago Tribune.
Tltoac Who Roost,
Newcomc They tell mo hens never
lay eges at night. Did you know thatT
rlnbbubc Oh, .yes.
Kcwcome Strange?Isn't It?
Subbubs Not at all. All the hens
are roosters at nlgW, yon know.
Philadelphia Press.
Mind Tiiis.
It nukes nt different
whtlBrr It Is chronic,
taA or WUnuiutory
'of Its mue!t or iotcti
I St Jacobs Oil
Doctor Have you heard of Mr.
Hltiuk'a denth? Friend No. Are you
sure- he's dead? Doctor Positive. I
(rented him myself. Chicago Dally
Mnwum Why, ltohblot Crying nt
tlu tnliler What N tho mutter? Hobby
Oiulte pohhy) The'a four kinds of cuke,
an' I'm only hungry enough to eat two.
Hrookljn Life.
1'osltlvo Testimony: "You nerdu't tell
mo." nvorred Miss Hnteligurl. "that
gulf Isn't good exorclso. It makes tho
young men so slrong In the imns that
that you can scarcely brvntliiN' (.'hi
cago Trlhune.
She You certainly wouldn't marry n
girl for her money, would you? He
Of course not. Neither would I havo
tho heart to let her become nn old
maid merely because she hud money.
Chicago Dally News. ,
Mrs. Aufnlt-Now, Norn, bo very
on refill of this cut-glnKH punch-howl.
It cost n mint of money, Norn In
dade. mum! Well. Its rale tough, Hun."
an' I dropped It three t linen n'rondy,
an tilver faxed It. Life.
Trouhle In Store: Young Iluohniid (to
wife) Dldn'i I telegraph you not to
bring your mother with you? Young
Wife I know; that's what alio wants
to see you nbout. She read the tele
gram! St. IouI Mirror. .
Entirely too particular: Terrenco
(with the hod)-Ycr not workln'. Din
nlo. Arc yer out of n Job? DcuiiIh
Hure. 01 fell off n nlno-sthory bulhlln'
ylstordiiy. nn 01 got ninil nud quit.
Torrvnee Aw, go on! Yer too slusl
tlvo. Judge.
Chirlliel You told mo you wero
never going to wrlto to young Hank
Iiikoii npiln. Anglo He's wrltien mo
n dnxeii letters I hnven't unswercd, I
but In his Inst one lip left n page out, i
nud I had to wrllo nud nk him what ,
It was nbout."-Chlcngo Tribune.
No cause for suicide: Miss Dream-
lor When you stood on the brink of j
Niagara, nnd looked Into the soothing. !
(urging, unfathomable depths In-low, !
did you not fool that you would llko
to Jump In? Mr. Tourlor No, I hadn't
received by hotel bill then. New York ,
Weekly. (
Aids to discrimination: Doctor-
James, did that lady In the wnltlng
rooui come In her own conch or n trol
ley enr? Servant Trolley car, sir!
Doctor Thank! I couldn't toll from
her dress whether to proscribe thrco
mouths at NNMviwrt or sulphur nnd
molamtes! Puck.
Failure: "I thnughtKoonnmorc
was going to marry Miss (larllnglioru.
but I see she has let him got nwny."
"x on; her father dldn t nppear to bo
nt nil anxious for tho match, nnd her i
mother was u little too anxious. Hie
lost him on account of had I on in
work. Chlengo Trlhune.
Fallen Off: A colonel of nn Infantry '
regiment, while limpcctlng his com
maud, happened to bo thrown from his
horse, nud, ns he lay sprawling on tho
ground, said to a brother olllcer, who
ran to his assistance: "I thought I had
Improved In horscmnuHhlp, but 1 find I ,
havo fallen off." Illustrated Hits,
Truuhlu njiond: Weary Willie I'm
gettln' a little nervous ulxnit dose hero
Hying innchliies! Plodding Poto Why J
nervous? Weary Willie--Well, as soon
' For 25 years I have never
missed taking. Ayer'a Sarsaparilla
every spring. It clcaniea my
blood, makes mo feci strong, and
does me Rood in every way."
John P. Hodnettc, Brooklyn, N.Y.
I In Urn. SoM filnmiin
r. k. v.
nm. la-loos,
'URN writing to mlvertlsar pl
tueniioa tun papr
rartlanut, Qrmtan,
A Hoarding and Hay Koliool for ils.
a Nurinat'KlliiMrKarieii '.alnuis ttojar.
iiikiiI, which has a ,itin rililmi) for
kliiitoriatlru CUort, Tlio lloanlltitf Iw.
parliiifiitploTliUa s cheerful suit ivrll ar
;mw linino for vomiir laillr,. Kor cia
lotus or ullior Inluriiikllou applr lo
Ml.irt lll.HANOW TllllllinTM, I'rlndril
ceres and cares promptly.
Price, 23c. and 50c
Iliao usad yoarTluble CASTA-
KK'l'N acd find tbera perfect. Couldn't do
without them. 1 hare used tbem for some time
forlodiwectloa and blllouim-u and am now com
pletely cured. Utcommeoo tnem. werery one.
nee tried, jrou will uerer bo without them In
tns family.'' Kuw. A. Maux, Albany, N. Y.
Pleaiant. ralatabie. l'otent. Tate Oool. no
Gooa. teer Blctuu. Wcaien.or Orlp. lOc.Etf.Oc
(HU, Ktmtif f,jf, CtlM. wlfl. trt. itl
ns dey gits (lying mnehlnes doy'll
glttln aerial freight train, nnd It
don't ho no cinch getlln' chucked off
an ucrlnl freight train, leuuiie tell yerl
-Puck. " , I
lltilllMI.tll I. It...... , M ..
markctl tho small hoy, "Isn't It funny
that everybody calls little brother n
bouncing baby?" "Why do you think
It Is funny, William?" returned his
motluir. "IlccntiKu when I dropped
him off the porch this morning ho
didn't bounce n hlu Ho Just hollered."
Tho llrldo (weeping) Oh, J-Jack,
wo'vo we've got lo, J-Just got to glvo
up b-bonrdlng, and g-go to h-house-lc
kccplng-g. Hubby Why, lovey. what's
tho matter? The Ilrlde M"rs. Worrlls
has Ih-cii telling me all afternoon about
tho trouble sho has with cooks, nud I
didn't havo anything to tell her. Har
per's Iloznr.
Tho hotel of 1MJ03: (JIork-MJehnol,
are you about through moving those
trunks? Porter Yls, sor; In a few
minutes. Clerk Well, when you'vo
llnlshcd, stretch tho life net over tho
front pavement, Mrs. Illhawl has Just
telephoned from tho top Hoor that her
husband has fallen out of tho window.
-Smart Set.
Autotnobllo proverbs: "To nuto or
to bo uutoci), that Is the ruination."
"An nuto In the hand Is worth two hi
tho icpalr shop." "He who nutoos nnd
rides away will llvo to auto another
day." "itim over olhers, as thoy would
run over you anddo Jt llrst." "To
hiivo raced and lost Is hotter than not
to have raged at all." Sluryvlllo (Kan.)
Pure and rich blood
carries new life to every
part of the body. You
arc Invigorated, refreshed.
You feel anxious to be
active. You become strong,
stcady,couragcous. That's
what Aycr's Sarsaparilla
will do For you.
11.11 a Mill. AlWratllMf.
Aik ynur tKlir ht tie think, of Aytr
Si.MHli. lleknowmlltt-uutlriUimid
ol.l family mfllrlli. rllw M d,laOit
we wlUU wlUn.l. .
8 1 r""zzz""""""
H iwfKMyafJeMtSaMiiaWBasMnJBMsl
Boy' And Youthi
Jack Knife Shoes:
Ask your dralrr for th Jack
Knife Shoe. Hvrry buy ctls'A '
k n.1,,1 L..if. ,.jii. i.i. ...i. -r "
-vjlfl shoes. Desl wtailng ihcti. Uaror
acaaiir uttl knlvn.
"a ,
IKRAUSE & PRINCE Wholcaalcra, 87-89 First St., Portland", Or. :
A Canadian's Wise Saying.
Tho greatest nsret of any country Is
tho bralna of Its people. Andrew
Itonur Law, M. P., London.
Little Liver Pills.
Must lear Signature of
5 PacSlmlU Vttnpptr 0Ww.
Toy SMaU a4 mtuy
(8 UJte aus cbe.
rtit Ttnni liyu.
mi r -.. .-...
uaSHumn wnwiuuMi. I
Vmrttr umwKsCa
2J-, ..Scarcely a Dny..
'Sih dill Mit am ralloil Un In rform
i tllllli nil loiilal iiralnii iliat it
llioillrc. i rMiiliiiliiPKlorlliiirtlitt ImIIi
Wnuiiiinil Uli-ti liMXIfiintljf (tin Imuki'I
rnKTrCiniMiiy (( wimittlng' ailoiitlitat
llievvry i)rlUiiii(liHitli IrtiiiMs At
lh start IU.o iroiiMM am ciiilni
iUI(klv ainlal .i,ill.. (iiirinlhHli
a n i-alnlMt anil our work iftuaiilol
twin itiia l)n-nii Ntulti -!.
( i.luinlila tW DjH-ii otoiitlivt till V
hueilays (rum 0 lo U.
HBLLflBsvijR 'jLLLsLsB
WISE BROS., Dentists.
Hr i i II i w
3S,?.1I , JII.JIJ.ll Klllli lllil(,
I'.ir. Tlilrd ana Wmhliisiuu u,
Lots of Snaps in Prices.
Every . opportunity now to get good instru
ments at moderate prices.
Second hand pianos and organs that don't cost
much, but count for a whole lot when it comes to
value. Instruments whose names arc prominent
and young .enough to justify much larger prices.
Write for a full description with names of
pianos, special sale prices and all details of this
great house-cleaning sale.
Washington Street, Corner Park,
Large Houses San Francisco, Spokane and Sacramento.
ssMsftTKkrAT n a rjr ". . nAUiiiiHHU
A nil i TJRsJL-'-flSswO Jjr
Mr a lv 'i )
Wl J
One of tho essentials of the happy homes of to-day la a fund of
Information as to ilcht Jlvlntr and tho beat methods of promotlnj,'
health and happiness. With proper knowlcdne," each hour of
recreation, of enjoyment and of effort may be made to contribute
to that end and art of not less value than the using of tho moat
wholesome foods and the selecting of Uie best medicinal agents
when needed. With the well-informed, medicinal agents are used
only wbn nature needs assistance and while the importance of
cleansing tho system effectually, when bilious or constipated, has
long been known, yet until within recent years It was necessary
to resort to oils, salts, extracts of roots, barks and other cathartics
which were found to be objectionable and to call for constantly
increased quantities.
Then physicians having learned that the moat excellent laxative
and carminative principles were to be found In certain plants,
principally In the leaves, the California Fig Syrup Co. discovered
a method of obtaining such principles In Uieir purest condition and
of presenting them with pleasant ana reiresntng liquids in tne loroi
most acceptable to the system and the remedy becomo known as
Syrup of Figs as flga wero used, with the plants, In making it,
because of their agreeable taste.
This excellent remedy is now rapidly coming Into universal use as the
best of family laxatives, because it is simple and wholesomo and cleanses
and sweetens the system effectually without disturbing the natural
functions and without unpleasant after effects and its uso may be discon
tinued when It is no longer required.
All who would enjoy good health and Its blessings should remember
that it is the one remedy which physicians and parents well-Informed
approve and recommend and uso and which they and their little ones
alike enjoy, because of its pleasant flavor, its gentle action and its
beneficial effects.
Syrup of Figs Is for sale by all reliable druggists, at the regular price
of fifty cents per bottle, in original packages only, having tho namo of
the remedy Syrup of Flgo and tho full namo of the Company
California Fig Syrup Co. printed on the front of ovcry packogo,
H H 9
pma Jifcfrvn
Ban Francisco, Col.
MQ-TQ-BAC &'MW!!&'11S!
kouUvUlo. Ky
tMm ns nvrtwt-' ' 1 1 -
Now York, N. V.
(MWi ..-