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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1903)
mimLmvQfiHiiG&m f mj i.f V "'V 7 1 'V 8 4' j " E!kms d& King; t PRINEVILLE, OREGON. WE WANT THE TRADE Orevcrynuuat lloiid and its vicinity, and nru willing to muut you nil mora tlinit liulf way to gat it. . We know llmt after trading with iw once tliutu will , Ihj no tioubla nbout Kaciidng your Mtibsciiuont ordurs, We will glva your MAIL ORDERS l'lie jflinmnitunUon and prompt slilptnunt that we would wur&yoti prutf tint in puipou. fe will sell you nothing hut (Irst-clnw gftods at as low n price ns it ig jxwgfblc to ittnku, unliiy ling considered. . Suiid uk n trial order. Yours for biisiuus, ELKINS 3b KING. Local Events of this Week. How nro you, stranger? Remember the cntirtulunieul to morrow night. Kor the bcuuflt of the coming school library. A big lwwkel social. Couiu and help the kckkI cause. H. Hond whiskey in to he had nt the Pioneer Saloon, Shaulko, J. J. Wlly. proprietor. A flood grate Ail driiik. tefrerthjug, invigorating. Tlie Reception Saloon, Slmuiko, ofTurrt the most taiuptiiig induce mouts to timber locators going into the woods. The very best brands of whiskies, such ns Cyrus Noble, Old I'opjxjr, Hunter llnltimore Kyc and other standard goods, nlwnys to be had here. Call at the Reccp tion. . C. H. Don, the redoubtable fish orman nod shcepmnnof Silver Lake, was n pahscngcr on Tuesday's stage for Slmuiko. Mr. Don was once a Crook county man, and knows the Deschutes from source to mouth;, bialatuly he transferred hi alio-; gjiiuec and affections to the county of Lake, and is enthusiastic over its prospective bright-lined future. Kcv. J. I. Mllllgau. Snbbnth hohool missionary for the Presbyter ian synod of Oregon, assisted by Kcv. Altar of Princvillc, handed out large bunches of salvation to the citizens of llcnd last week. The reverend gentlemen were, domiciled ju the Drake cottage, in thenbhence pf Mr. and Mrs. Drake, and they were compelled to concoct tholrown hash. The office force of the Ilul letiu partook of a dinner served and cooked by the mmioiiarlutt, ami if uithor of the gontlomen ever desire n recommendation as chef we will be pleased to hand our names iu as references. We arc reliably informed that the new paiwr which is being put in at Uoud is being backed by the direc tors of the Columbia Southern Rail- wav comoanv. This looks as if that company intended to complete their line to that place iu the near future. George Schlecht will have the editorial management of the paper and A. II. Kennedy, foreman of the Review office, will take charge of the 'mechanical depart ment. Central Oiegonlaii. We do not know where the gentleman re ceived the above "reliable" infor ' million, nud we take the liberty of '.correcting some of his statements. The Columbia Southern Ry. Co. is not concerned in the Bulletin iu any way, and D. 1 Rea will haw churge of the editorial department not Mr. Geo. Sehleclitj o'f whom we have nqverhcard. TJie remain-, der of the article Ls about correct, 1 ( Cruiser Alliugham passed Mon day night at Item!. lie was on his way to the tall timber, with a larga party of locators iu tow. When you are at Slmuiko, re member the Pioneer Saloon is the place to gut fine liquors. The best is none too good for you, and wc di.ttusc the very bust. Our Jamie this woek is only one half the sire intended. Owing to a mistake or delay iu shipmuut wc did not receive enough type to fill out eight jxigufl. Hut we hope soon to Iw able to give full niimmire. Clias. I'iuley, accompanied by his wife and two Uibios, passed through Ueud on Tuesday with a lond of freight which he is taking to his much at the upper cud of the llig Meadows. He reports the roads between Rend and Slmuiko as hav ing greatly improved with the past week of spring weather. A party . of twenty-three jcople from Dulutli, Minn., and West -Superior, Wis., passed through Rend on Tuesday, on their way to the tall timber. They Were under the guidance of Mr. Jonos, a promiuunt locator, and will probably find what they are seeking in the vicinity of Silver Lake. The name of thcpostofilceat Rend lms been changed to Deschutes, and mail should be addrussed according ly The usual inconveniences will follow for a time, until the iwoplc become accustomed to the change. The citizens here should inform their corresKudcuts and friends to address all mail to Dehchutcs.Crook Co., Oregon. The survey of the new towusite, "Lytic," hiw been completed, and lots will shortly be placed on the market. There should be no trouble disiwsing of them, as the towusite is unusually sightly and well chos en, being in close proximity to the new mill and directly on the line and near the terminus of the Col umbia Southern Railway. "Dad" West's new City Meat Market has been graced with a very artistic sign, painted by Harney Lewis Instead of writing the pro prietor's name on the sign, the ar tist drew an unusually lifelike pic ture of Mr. West iu the center, to enable illiterate purchasers of beef steaks to distinguish the proprietor without asking foolish questions. The force of men engaged in building Reed &' Steidl's sawmill have been busy preparing timbers for the framework. The frame will be completed iu a short time, and it will not be very long until the mill will be turning out finished lumber of all descriptions. The power will consist of a powerful undershot wheel for the present. Later an improved turbine will be added. Til to office wnffU a lond of Xvood. Hriuff it tu mid got your money. Persons dusiriiig books reviewed, wells dug, wood sawed, lownsitos survoyori.or any mental or muscular work performed in a first-class man ner, should call on D, P. Stefllt. Mr. John Steldl left for Portland Sunday morning on busiuuw con nected with the Reed & flteidt saw mill. While at Slmuiko Mr. Steldl will have the machinery iiow iu the forwarded to Rend im mediately. The ifi to i question U almost a back number, but in Rend the 4 or 5 to 1 question came to n very live ly and exciting Issue one day last week. One man came down to the schoolliouse mid attempted to dis member about four of the school lxys. The mix-up was a warm one while it lasted, and the friends of the man who started the row had to pick their hero up with a rake and a piece of blotting tmper. The Rullctiii has taken up its quarters iu the old log which has been a landmark here for many yours. Our start is simi lar to the first appearance of the Oregoiiiau, which also resided at first iu a log cabin; but God knows whether or not fifty years from 1903 will sec us installed in a magnificent sky-scraper, enjoying the reputa tion of one of the lenders iu journal istic thought and enterprise. The possibilities of this country are un limited, and if wc expand with the country nud increase iu knowledge, experience and worldly goods ac cordingly we shall make no com plaint. Schoot'Untcrtalnntcnt. Kollowing is the program of the school entertainment to be given tomorrow night, March 28. Ren dition of the program will be fol lowed by a bosket auction. The proceeds will be applied on the pur chase of a school library: Opening AMtii.. .. ...Arte C. Hampton -'IKrero !id(JUfr Vh"w.vwm1m Wel KrWliln.................."Ch. l,ow VffcMti Soto.,-.................-. .....A. II. Kennedy Unwlit' Oration .1 OMI) klHtrK-irettrr HUiaU ifete. While Ihr !. Came Drifting Itown" mifm vut. 4tIU)ii-.,;.,-.-"MM. e.udk". Lrtturv MfitK VtiuIHtlt om.Uirnt. IXlH........-. .Twdvr ISiiril. )UU.tur.... -r-..-. ...... The lod4 Lvmoii lOtwn (iMKitliia. AuMteirftig f Bi.--.. ...C). J. CaHton Secretary Hitchcock's Decision. DciMirtmetit of the Interior, Washington, D. C, March 3, 1903 CommiMikmer of the General Laud Office Sir: With your office letter of 3d ultimo were transmitted articles of incorporation nud due proofs of organization of the Pilot Ihttte Development Company, of the State of Oregon; also maps of location of the Pilot Rutte canal, and laterals A and R thereto; the Central Oregon canal, first and iec- ond sections, and the Powell Rutte lateral of the Central Oregon, all of which were filed by the Pilot Rutte Development Compnuy as an appli cation for right of way under sec tions 18 to 21 of the act of March 3, 1891 (26 stat., 1095), ""d in said letter you recommended that the articles of incorporation be accepted for filing under said act and that the maps of location be approved. In this connection you forwarded an appeal by C. C. Hutchinson, president of the Oregon Irrigation Company, from your decision of January 17, 1902, dismissing his protest filed against the Pilot llutte Development Company, before re ferred to. This apjusal was filed out of time, and it is for Unit reason submitted -v with the recommenda tion that it be dismissed. Aside fiom the fact that this appeal was not filed iu time, a careful exami nation of the protest discloses no reason for reversing the action of your office taken thereon. The said protest will therefore stand dis missed, The papers and maps, as sub mitted, have been carefully exam- iitcd aiid the recommendations iu regard thereto made by your office are approved. The articles of in corporation of tine Pilot Rutfc De velopment Company arc therefore herewith returned for filing under the act of 1891, and the mam of location above described arc here with returned with the departmen tal approval noted thereon. IJ. A. Hitchcock, Secretary. The a'bovc official comnjuuicatioii from Secretary Hitchcock to the 'commisaipner o the general land office removes the final obstacle in the way of the Pilot Rutte Develop ment Co.'s project for reclaiming the denert, and effectually prevents further optositiou to the construc tion of their large canals. Work will commence ill the near future, as soon ns men and material am be assembled. Rcndy to Begin Operations. The Columbia Southern Irriga tion Co., which has charge of the large reclamation contract on the west side of the Deschutes, iu the Tumello country, will have a large force of men at work on their ditch es as soon as the snow goes off. The work will be under the direct suj)crvisioii of Col. Smith, the gen ial proprietor of the Rimrock Springs ranch. The colonel has had a great ileal of cxtwriencc in this line, and we feel that the choice of the Columbia Southern Irriga tion Co. was a wise one. Rcfore many weeks the dirt will begin to fly, and by this time next year wc will see the desert dotted with houses. Wc understand that all of the 28,000 acres which this company will reclaim have been spoken for, and it will mean business for the eople of Ueud, as this will be their postoffice and nearest trading point. We will then have hay and the set tlers will have dollars. Portage Road nt Cctlto. In a short time work will have commenced on the portage road around the dalles of the Columbia. The legislature appropriated $165,000 for this work, and altho' this sum seems somewhat inade quate, it will be a great step to wards an open river. And it will be the greatest and most important event iu the history of Uastcrn Or egon since the lime that Meriwether Lewis and William Clark came iu sight of Mount Hood's snowy man tle and followed it down the Col umbia until they were able to greet the rising sun behind it instead Of bidding the day farewell as the sun went down iu the west, bathing the gnqid ofd mountain iu a blaze of glory. CHAMP SMITH SAIITH & RECEPTION Wholesale and Retail Liquor House PRINEVILLE, OREGON. Finest Brands of Liquors and Cigars, SUBSCRIBE WEEKLY OREGONIAN AND . THE BEND BULLETIN. BOTH PAPERS. $2.UU PEI YEA NEW EQUIPPED. HOTEL PRINEVILLE C. M. McDowell. Electric Lights Throughout the House. All White Help. PRINEVILLE, ORE. City Meat Market. J. I. WIIST. ITop. IKJ)(.PH II MEATS OF ALL KINDS Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Potatoes, Vegetables in Season. Opposite P. B. D. Co.'s Store, DEND MONOPOLE " Ask Your Qroccs for THE BEST JT In Teas, Coffees, Spices, Qm and Baking Powders s They are the cheapest High Quality Goods Z IN THE WORLD. Take none but Monopole. If? No tlore U complete without H o 2: o o r m MO NOP OL E .Attorney nd Will praetirc in all court in (he Ute. binary. M. R. BIGGS, V. S. Conimiwlontr. 1'KIXKVIU.K - ORIK10X. Ltil filing iiKl.proofi of ill Mm!. ttreet leading Jo courthoute. onVe on Pilot Butte Inn BEND'S FAMOUS HOSTELRY. OVID RILtV, l-Hor. Klcgnnt Rooms, and Tables sup plied with all the Delicacies 0 the Season. Single Aleals 50c. Hay for team one night - $1.00 Grain for team one night - .75 ISOM CU.l.K CLEEK'S Two Doors South of Bank. lfOR THE LI u VJ 7.-. fmut It . '- , lWWf i ' , . . . :v . u , . ... 1 . msmcjtt. Mm&mm -.mi-i. 'js&mmmmmaBmSBMmMMmMmfib: T&&r jjjgyjgggjgggwjww 111 1 in h 1 " in 1 mil iiiiiiihiiimhii, ii.ijiil!UH