Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, December 28, 1922, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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!— !. -!—J
Will Wohlschlegel sent 100 drensed
chickens and F. J. Clark nine dressed
teee to bo Mid on the publle mar­
ket the day before Christmas.
Last Sunday the mountain folks
ho had retired far the night wore
awakened by a charivari at Cattle
Whitmore’s on Mr. and Mrs. Lester
Lee. (Miss Olive Whitmore). The
newlyweds will make their homo at
Cherry Grove in the near future.
Mr. and Mra. Date Hutchens wero
host and hostess at a dance Christ­
mas night, when about sixty neigh­
bors and friends Were present, and
such a good time was enjoyed by aU
that tt was near three o’clock In'the
morning before good night was said.
Mrs. Ira McCormick s u r p r i s e d the
Buck Haven school children and
teacher with a hot lunch Friday.
Mrs. E. C. Wohlschlegel furnished a
big dish of pickles. Other vtsttoaa
at the school this ' w>i*<k were the
Misses’ Grade and Marion Otis, Fred
Haynes and Miss Winnifred Fini­
Largest Circulation In Yamhill County
Get Under a Roof of Your Own
and Smile
Decide rig h t now th a t yon. too, w ill smile the smile of
American independence next year.
Denting is a habit th a t ultim ately becomes slavery. Why
tíre in another's house T ,
Come in and let ns show yon how easy it is to get under
your own roof—and smile!
Chas. K. Spaulding Log. Co.
Lamber and Baäding
su h h y crest
(Continued from page four)
Christmas comes but once a year and
when it comes it brings good cheer.
■ - O- 11- ' -------
nfng as a whole a decided success.
Santa said in his letter he would
come either by alelgh or airplane,
but here was no snow and he said
he lost the oars to his airship, so he
Just wore rubber boots and got along
as beet he could. He had a fine
basketful of eandy, nuts, etc., for the
children. .A m Mr. Graves seemed to
be the biggest "kid” present, his
name headed the list apd none were
forgotten down to the smallest. Ev­
eryone wished Santa a happy and
prosperous new year and promised to
see him again next year.
new berc I
^ b T fw e citizen
(Continued from page one)- - 1
about seven years, beginning with
the first McKinley administration;
he was postmaster at Newberg, dur­
ing the greater part of which period
he was assisted la the management
and editorship of the Graphic by his
son, Walter C. Woodward.
As editor of a live newspaper
with steadfast and forcibly express­
ed convictions, Mr. Woodward was
held In high esteem by the newspa­
per men of thn state, evidence of
which is found in the fact that he
was at one time president of the Ore­
gon State Prese association. At the
time of his retirement his was, per­
haps the longest period of continu­
ous service of any editor and pub­
lisher then active in Oregon. The
last editorial from his pen, a vale­
dictory in which J»e reviewed his
editorial service, on turning over the
paper to his successors, was entitled
“The End of the Road.’’ Little did
he realise the full truth of that cap­
tion. ,
It was natural that so positive a
personality should meet misunder­
standing. criticism and opposition
along the way of duty. Those who
opposed him. however, were ever
mindful of his straightforward in­
tegrity, and respecting his fearless
devotion to the cause he championed,
unite in doing hJn> honor. As for
himself, iHth a breadth qf view,, a
spirit of tolerance for the opinions
of others, and with a warm human
sympathy, it was foreign to his na-
•ture to harbor Jll-feeHngs toward
anyone. Hie was the soul of a Chris­
tian gentleman.
1 «
- Hp leaves his wife, a son, Walter
C.'Woodward of Richmond, Indiana,
general secretary of the Five Years
Meeting of Friends in America and
editor of the American Friend; and
a daughter, Mrs. W. A. King of Port
land. Preceding him were an infant
son, Benjamin, who died! In Indiana;
a son Herman, aged 17, and a
daughter Sibyl, aged 38, who died
In the years 1*08 and 1*20 respec
lively, and who lie tn the family
burying ground In the Newberg cei
etery. There are four* grandchild)1
— Edward and 8ibyl Lou King, and
Bernice Louise and Mary Ellen
He leaves also two
brothers, Ira H. and Riley D. Wood
ward of Haviland, Kansas, and Plain-
field, Indiana,- respectively, who
spent lest winter here; m sister. Mrs
A. E. Moore of Newberg, and a half-
brother, Albert Dixon of San Diego,
J. A. Branson has been quite 111
the last few days.
Mrs. F. J. Clark was in Newberg
the most of last week doctoring.
P. P. Bryan came up Tuesday to
visit his sister, Mrs. J. P. Jones.
L. D. Warden went to Portland
Sunday to spend Christmas with his
’ ^
Alfred Hutchens was a week ago
Sunday guest at the Henry Ed­
wards home.
Frank Smeltier and children are
visiting. this week with the J. P..
Jones family.
Mr. and Mrs. Ansa] Tykerson of
The Misses Irene Barr and Eleanor Sheridan visited relatives on the
Ford were in McMinnville last Thurs­ mountain Christmas.
day and Friday.
Elden McCormick went to New­
The Sunday, school gave a very berg Saturday and remained over
nice Christmas program at the Christmas with relatives.
church Sunday evening. *
I Miss May Jones and Ray Ego went
R. W. Staley was the recipient of to Hebo Tuesday to visit Mr. and
a fine large turkey seat to him by Mrs. Lee Lane and children.
his sister in North Dakota.
Willie Haveman is home from U.
Mrs. Cole and Mary Lou and Jim­ ; of O. this week; his first vacation
my went to Portland to Bpend the since school opened last fall,
Christmas holidays with relatives. j Miss Bernice Finigan la spending
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Ballard and , this week in Hillsboro at the home of
little son and daughter were visitors . her Bister, Mrs. Tom Shuck.
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Last Tuesday week seven couples
Blanchard Sunday.
enjoyed a taffy pulling and game
The Christmas dinner guests at the party at the Pleasant View school
home of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Staley house.
Monday were'Messrs.'Charles1 Shires
Mr. and Mrs. Ira McCormick and
and wife, Robert Sires and wife and children ate Christmas dinner vrith
Forest Staley and wife.
Mrs. McCormick'i father and sister
Mrs. Chester Loveland had the I at Whitford.
misfortune to fall in some way and | Beryl Deford came home Saturday
burn her left arm. very painfully on front Normal at Monmouth to spend
the hot stove recently. She Is car­ the holidays with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. B. F. Deford.
rying her arm* In a sling.
Mr. and Mrs. L. I. Hulit of New­
L. H. Meyer motored to Portland
to tpend the Christmas program with berg, Mrs. Clara Wohlschlegel and
his daughters and their families, Milton Hockenberry were Christmas
(Continued from page one)
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hendrickson guests at Ed Wohlachlegel’a.
The Pleasant View school gave a rian members. It is an important
and Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Cate.
Rev. and Mrs. Herbert Crocker nlee program and had a Christmas event in the life of the community
and son, George, arrived home from tree Friday afternoon. The teacher, and should be largely attended by
Oregon City Friday evening, for a Miss Flossie Vlrden, has gone home fanners, fruitgrowers, citizens of
short Christmas vacation.
Rev. for the week.
Newberg. business people end anyone
The L. T. Finigan family drove to who is at all public spirited. If you
Crocker is doing pastoral work at
Oregon City and George Is attending Hillsboro and were dinner guests at hare been dissatisfied in any way
Tom Shuck's Christmas, where they with the things which hare been
klgh school.
Amidst the holiday Joys and festiv­ were Joined by Joe and Emma Fini­ done by the Berrians this is the time
ities Mr. and Mrs. El wood Johnson gan of Portland.
to come out and say so, and use your
Mrs. John Davis and daughter, influence to get them righted. If
received the end Intelligence of the
death of their daughter. Mrs. Mil­ Mildred, went to Portland Saturday you are satisfied with the work
dred Waterbury of Cleveland. Ohio. and are v i s i t i n g with Mrs. Davis* which has been done, you should
She was talusn sick with pneumonia daughter, Mrs. Brown. They expect come out and encourage those who
which proved fatal. Mrs. Waterbury to remain a week.
have been sacrificing their personal
F. W. Mattern and Earl Etzwiler Interests to make the movement
and children came out last summer
and spent a few weeks witk her par­ drove to Portland Monday of last success.
ents. They have the sympathy of week and visited at the hong| of
The following financial report of
Mrs. Ella Hanson, returning home the treasurer of the Berrians will
all la their sad bereavement.
Last Saturday evening the Christ­ Thursday evening.
show something of where the money
In spite of had .roads there has has come from and where It has
mas program was held at the school
house. The room was nicely deco­ been a.great deal of going and com­ gone. It will be noted that there is
rated with dedar boughs and ferns ing this week. Most everyone, who at present s deficit of nearly |270.
appropriate for the season. The old didn’t go off the mountain to spend This is not large when It Is consid­
school house was filled with people Christmas, entertained at home.
ered that nearly f 1,800 was paid out
Mrs. Jake Young, who has been for band uniforms this year. In fact
of the community notwithstanding
It wad a rainy night. The tree was visiting her mother, sister and It Is remarkable that the Berrians
beautifully decorated with tinsel and brothers on the mountain, spent have been able to accomplish
popoorn. The program was very brother Tom Haynes and family, so much whan the small mem­
well arranged and nicely carried out who live In the Scholls neighborhood bership
has respond ad
with, various recitations and sing­ and returned to her home at Aloha to
ing by the children. One sketch was Friday.
sidered. Any person who lives in
very good, ’‘Courtship Under Diffi­
The program given by the Moun­ trading distance of Newberg and
culties.'* by Mies Smith. Earl Agee tain Top school was very much of a who Is not maintaining at laaat one
and Russell McClafflln. The special success. Id spite of the teacher hav­ membership In this organization
music was furnished by the orches­ ing to be in McMinnville three days should be ashamed of themselves to r
tra consisting of the cornet by Mr. last week taking teachers’ examina­ their lack of public spirit. That*
Coleman, violin by Mr. Stalcup. with tions. There was a good program should be a membership of at least
Mrs. Coleman at tbs piano. All en­ and a large crowd.
800. There should also be fully 50
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Marlin came ap members of the drill team which
joyed the music as each one demon­
strated real talent and this added from Haber Sunday and remained now only numbers 27. Don’t forget
very mush toward making tbs pro­ until after Christmas at the Mcln- the meeting Wednesday night and
gram interesting. Then as the pro­ nis homestead. The Misses Laura come prepared to say something.
gram drew to a close Santa Clans ap­ and Alice Melania returned home
Financial Report for 1988
peared and helped distribute the with them Tuesday and will remain
eandy and ante and some presents to the rent of the week.
the school children. Everyone, ap­
The mountain has been trying to Cash on hand Des. »1. 1821 | 218.41
parently, received a treat, and all do Its hit to help with Christmas Membership dues ...............
departed at e late hour, feeling that dinner this year. L. T. Finigan and Queen contest (net) . . . . . .
Float donations.................... 884.18
Frias money
Festival concessions (n e t). 328.75
Greetings for the New Year
and all A Happy and
Hew Year.
Ds M. Nayberger
Baseball gams . . . .
Two show benefits ...........
Band Concert ......................
Sale of auto plates
Have you founds out that this store has one of the
m o s t up-to-date Grocery Departments in town?
Always right up to the minute, not only in the new
things in the grocery line, jbut in the quality of mer­
chandise carried and also in prices. Because of the
buying power of our combined stores we can give you
fresh, clean stock and at prices that make you wonder
lwMdr we do it. W atch our big front windows for
s rlir lM nlainlv tsaaprl «n von don’t have to
S for your groceries.
We wish at this time to thank our many friends and
patrons for the splendid business given us during the
past year, to you all we -wish you A HAPPY AND
M ille r M ercantile Co.
“ GOOD G O O D S ”
The Nemberg Graphic. Nottags A
Dimond, publishers came out in holi­
day attire last week and the edition
is most creditable to the city from
Which it emanates and. the print shop
from which It was produced. The
ad vs. Vere attractive, and the read­
ing matter In keeping with the Yule-
tide thought. As usual the newspa­
per covered the news of the city and
surrounding •country excellently.—
(Continued from page five)
bushes for the berry project this
winter will bring them to this meet­
ing, it will be appreciated, as we will
need them In the pruning discus­
The legislative committee will
have a report on recommendations to
be made to the legislature. This
should be especially interesting at
this time owing to the active pari
being taken in legislative matters by
the various farm organisations this
The Sunnycreat orchestra will fa­
vor us with a number of selections
and Mr. Bateham will furnish some »
entertainment with some children.
Don’t forget to turn In your or­
ders to the pooling committee. Spec­
ial prices have been sMured on some
items already, and others will be as
eoon s i you let us know what you
The meeting will begin at 10
o'clock In the I. 0. 0 . F. hall.
201 Century Stores
S tart the Hew Year by Mtvinf the (m all m na. W atch yoarsaving« grow. Try oar plan a year.
V e confidently predict yon w ill never go back to the old way. Cash and Carry, w ill help on the way
to Comfortable Competence.
'■ ' /
____ »
v “
Saturday and T u esday W e O ffer
Crystal W hite Soap
—Campbell’s Tomato Soap, e ta
10 Cents.
8 6 .«
Total . . . . . . .
• • «. «224 2.14
Band uniforms . .
$ 289.00
Other disbursements as shown
by vouchers ................
. 1643.38
Total ......................... 82512 2*
N ew boro