NEWBERG, GRAPHIC, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 88, 1888 W atch and Clock Repairing BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday school at 9:46 a. m. Preaching service at 11 a. m. Junior B. T. P. U. 6:30 p. m. Senior B. T . P. Ü. 6:30 p. m. Preaching at T:3o p. m. DTJ1DEE M. E. CHURCH aday School 16:00 a. m. caching 11:00 a. m. worth League 7:00 p. » . lyer meeting Thursday I: This should bs a great rally day1 for the entire membership at all ser­ vices. W atches, Clocks and Jewelry o f all Iririds. Chris! Supplies, etc. A ll Repair W ork Guaranteed E G .R E I D At the Wednesday prayer meeting hour next week Mr. Phllllpe will commence a aeries of studies In the book of Revelation. It la hoped that many will avail themselves of this opportunity to gain • deeper knowl­ edge of this most wonderful message Of Jesus Christ to His church. v 9 0 6 First S tre e t The sermon hours for the next few Sunday evening» will be devoted to discussing and answering suggested top lea and questions from the congre­ gation. The plan Is simple. Write , the topic you wish discussed, or the question that you desire answered, upon paper and hand or mall to Mr. , Phillips the previous week end It will receive acknowledgement and form the bads of part of the^ evening's study. The only restriction is that AUCTIONEER U V E STOCK and GEMERAI : Prayer meeting the following Wednesday ovening at 7:11 prompt­ ly; and choir rehearsal at 6:30 sharp. Sunday school at 6:46 a. m. Classes tor all ages. . - Preaching 11:00 a. m. Junior Epworth League 3:30 p. m. Senior Epworth League 6:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Wedneeday at 7:30 p. m. A large and appreciative audience sttended the Christmas exercises at the Methodist church last Sunday evening. The program waa made up of songs, recitations and dialogues by children of the Sunday school, several beautiful selections by the Sunday school orchestra, and three special numbers by the choir. An' offering for the starving people .in the Near Bast waa taken. After the Christmas exercises last Sunday night about thirty members of the Methodist choir went caroling. They sang the Christmas songs for fifteen families, among these were sick ones and people shut In. About 10:30 after singing for the pastor and bidding each other good night and a Merry Christmas, the Crowd broke up. The members of the junior league enjoyed a Christmas party last Sat­ urday in the church rooms. The children played lively games and late in the afternoon sacks of candy, popcorn and nuts were passed. The Chehalem Valley Mills Flour and Feed a l l k in d s O regM -W ashngtM . Track Service or m il l p u d and p o u l t x t su ppu m b NEWBERG, GREG ROURD TRIPS DAILY Betw. Portland and Newberg. Local office Spivey’s Paint S tan. . Phone Blade 78 PRIEHB8 CHURCH Sunday morning subject at Friends church: “ Looking Through the Portals Into the New Year." Fred E. Carter. Sunday evening at 7:30. a Near Bast relief worker. Miss Mary A. Rolfs, will speak. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Services at the Presbyterian church next Sabbath as usual except for the union evening service at the Friends ohmrch, In interest of the Near East rsltef. Warm and urgent invitation to the public, especially those not Identified with any o f the other churehee, to attend theee set* N e s t A m y 's C o n fe ctio H A Y A N D G R A IN Tell your friends how much you enjoy reading the Graphic. tf H. E. Krelder. pastor, resides« C06 Grant street; phone Blue TO. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. Toung people’s meeting at 6: SO There will be no preaching in the evening, and the congregation will Join In the anion service at the Friends church. . Wishing you the Season’s Greetings Portland office 40 Seoond S t PROGRAM AT CHURCH OF CHRIST The Bible school entertainment given at the Church of Christ on Fri­ day evening of last week, exceeded the expectations aroused by the pub- IIshed program, The house was fill- ed to capacity, late-comers having to stand. The children were at their beat a n i evesyttiing went off with­ out a hitch. It would really be hard to say which was the beet number- rendered as all were good, yet some deserve special mention. ■The little play was splendid and the acting was devoid of all stiffness, the Brownies being especially good and creating a wealth of amusement when they brought In their Christmas pie, which when opened revealed a beau­ tiful little fairy (Ruth Collins). A fine drill by the intermediate girls was well received and the pantomime by the senior girls was really beau­ tiful. The stage effects were fine and the decorations, chief o f which was the- Christmas tree, were in keepiqg with the season. A collec­ tion was received for -benevolent work. Altogether It was a splendid evening’ s entertainment and fully re­ paid the efforts of those reeponslble. A vote of thanks is due the various committees who made possible the event and particularly the program committee. Ethel Johnson, Freda Parrish and Zells Hughes, who were untiring In their work of training the children. RELIC OF SAXON DAYS The New Year begins precisely at midnight and almost everyone now­ adays ssee the New Year in by gener­ al festivities and many good resolu­ tions, which are promptly forgotten on January 3. The festivities marking this oc­ casion, says Hereward Carrington, scientist and author, are very ancient and in old Saxon days It was the cus­ tom to partake o f a bowl of spiced ale, which was passed around with, the expression •‘Waashael,’’ which meant “ to your health!” . Hence the DORT LOSE YOUR TEETH Thousands of people are wearing false teeth today because of the ravages of PYORRHEA. Pyre-Form *.• — a newly discovered scientific remedy is guaranteed to give per­ manent relief In any case of pyor­ rhea. Your druggist will refund the purchase price if you are not entirely satisfied with the results obtained. LY1H B. FERGUSON Newberg W eft P in t Street REWBERG, OREGOH C. A. H0D80H Calla promptly attended to, day or night. Courteous, sympathetic service. Phone Green l i t . Schob Track Service Bill B e st, the Plumber Bill, th e Plumber (Mot a partner. W orking interest only) LOCAL OFFICES That’s what you want If you are a walnut grower; and that’s what you want to positively know about if you are thinking of starting wal­ nuts. To help you in properly cultivating the rich walnut soil in your section and make it yield the greatest har­ vest at the least coat, we have illus­ trated literature prepared by wal- without any obligation on your part. Simply use the attached cou­ pon. Regardless of how many trees you want or of what variety (we have anything you want). It la important that you plant trees of the best quality, healthy, vigorous and pro­ ductive. That’s the only kind we UNITED NATIONAL BANK Neuberg Transfer Go. This hank issues interest bearing coupon certificates that provide a safe, convenient and profitable form o f investm ent Interest rates 4 per cent for twelve months, SVs per cent for six months. 8. F. TTMBKBT.AKF., Proprietor Residence phone Red 7* Ottoe phone. White 187 Safety deposit boxes, protected by heavy reinforoed con­ crete vault, massive burglar proof door and complete electric alarm system, $2.50 per year. A ROLL OF HONOR BANK 8. L. PARRETT, President J. L. HOSKINS. Vice Pres. J. C. COLCORD, Cashier H. M. HOSKINS. Aset. Cashier W. E. CROZER. Asst. Cashier R. A. BUTT, Asst. Cashier Oregon Nursery Co., Orenoo. Ore. Send me information referred to above without obli­ gation to me. Name ........... .............. Address Last week Mrs. Brown was in despair. For the third tin e her laundress had failed her. And the fam ily simply had to have clean things to C. 0 . Cdllard, Prop. KAYE TROUGHS, CORNICES, CHURCH OF CHRIST C. H. Phillips, minister. Services: Bible school 9:46; communion 11 a. m .o r ; P. S. e . 1» . 6 and 6:36; song service 7:80. Prayer service Wed­ needay 7:80 p.m. A cordial greet­ wifi thus be seen that the New Year, ing for all who attend. observed on January 1, is relatively A number of eeqlpr Endeavorers new, though we are accustomed to played Santa Claus to some needy think that It dates back from^tlme people of the town ett Sunday eve­ Immemorial. It was Julius Caauar, In the year ning last. They collected groceries, etc., and deposited them on the steps of the bouses visited aa a pleas-' sat surprise to those who were with­ tronomer Sosigenes. He made it a in and anticipating a rather lean few minutes too long, and a second Christmas. This is real Christmas correction was necessary. Pope Greg­ endeavor and we Should thank God ory made certain ehanges In 1008, for the young people who, In the A. D. and additional minor ehanges midst of festivities, are able to think were made later on, from the "old of the needs of others and visit style” to the “ new style’’ calendar. We now employ the new style. them in the name ofi Christ. After the French revtdntion France Next Lord’s day la to he a busy decided to set up an entirely new or­ one for the church. The morning der of things. A new calendar was session will commence with the Bi­ made. The Christian ora waa wiped ble school, and Brother Phllllpe at the worship hour of the church will bring a massage appropriate to the New Year celebration. “ The Price of Program” Is the title. Following the last two sermons sounding an op­ timistic note, this should be helpful snd full of Inspiration. At 13:30 a basket lunch will be served cafeteria style in the basement. Church and BIMe school officers are to be elected, __ s&gssRm: ssp&fissr'fti ansmxs tor of the church at McMinnville. I verted Into a "Temple o f Reason.” SKY LIGHTS Since 1907 Stoves Lined Furnaces 718 H ist S t Phone Black 88 She had never tried our Family Laundry Service— she was quite certain that it was terribly expensive. But something had to be done, so she bundled, np her wash­ ing and called us. ........... “ Imagine my surprise,” she told us, “ to find that my week’s washing had oest me no more than I had been paying my laundress.” “ And the work was so nioely done— everything was so fresh and spotless. The littlsi hit o f ironing le ft flw me took hardly any time at all.” We w ill call for your bundle, and wash your clothes in oceans of rainsoft water, with the mildest o f pure, white soap. We ll iron all o f the heavy flat piooes, and w iU return your washing promptly, with only a few gar­ ments left for you to iron. Just phone usf when your bundle is ready. Newberg Laundry