Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, December 28, 1922, Page TWO, Image 2

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    Largest Circulation la Yamhill County
N ew berg Q raphic
thalr coat. H ovtnr, we art Inform­
ed that shoplifting has hot bean
to the children hy any
means» but after all, adults are only
Editors and Publish««
children grown up, and many of them
very child like feelings.
Published every Thursday evening. have
possible that Just a little
Office; Graphic Bldg., COO First St. of the not
blame for this sort of thing
lies with the merchant himself who
White U displays
his goods out In the open la
such attractive form as to over-tempt
shoppers, who have not the means
to purchase? Does not some of the
I blame also attach Itself to an eco­
nomic condition which puts millions
lntp the hands of a few and leaves
the masses without almost the neces­
In the rush of Ufe and the
- A life of service and usefulness sities?
for a living too many of us
requires the constant giving of the overlook that
brother or sister
vitality and energy of tl\e person who has not other
to buy or
who lives it. Sometimes we are led the equipment perhaps- with
to ask ourselves, is It worth while? to obtain that means. Often which
We see others apparently enjoying class Is too modest and.has too great
a life of ease and irresponsibility,
to tell of their own condition
while we labor under the added bur­ It pride
fact that we often
den of doing their share of endeav­ do not regrettable
of those
oring to make the world a better about us.
place for humanity and we wonder We do not wish to put ourselves
If we too might not better slmpl/ the position of apologising for crim­
enjoy ltle and allow these obliga­ inals or of upholding criminal tend­
tions to shift to the shoulders of
but,we believe that there Is
others. It is a temptation which encies,
difference between the one
doubtless comes to all of mankind. who yields
to a temptation to take
However, what a sordid world It something when
in want and the one
would be If everyone practiced that who steals because
of inherent crim­
sort of existence and what a hard inal tehdencies. When
thing It would be to carry all of our toe merchant in this city we If he asked
own troubles when they come.
In the death of B. H. Woodward, practically impossible for anyone to Is
former editor of the Graphic for over steal from me, for I keep my entire
thirty years and sponsor and backer
out of reach." We believe that
of Pacific College and other worthy stock
Is not oMy protecting
institutions and orsanisations. we himself by so doing,
that he Is
have the answer to that question helping to protect the but weaker
written out in much stronger lan­ of those who visit his place of busi­
guage than any that we may ever ness. Some classes of business are
Inscribe in words on the printed much more easily handled in this
page. For over thirty years, Mr. way than are others, but webelieve
Woodward lived the life which he that
thought along this line
asked others to follow. He pointed on the a little
the merchant might
the way to better things not only find a way to of cover
almost any stock
through the columns of the Graphic so that the temptation
to thievery
but also Inscribed It in the annals or shoplifting might be reduced
of his life history. He did not mere­ minimum. It is surely worth to the a
ly show the way, he led. Did It
pay? Was It worth while?
The years of giving exacted a toll
which no one may ever he able to
measure. Perhaps it hastened the With the coming of the new year,
end by many years, we cannot'say. the. good business man takes account
However, he is today one of the of his stock and totals up his business
most highly respected men in New- to see whether the year preceding
berg and his name Is known through, has been a financial success or a fail­
out a large part of the state of Ore­ ure. If he Is a real good business
gon because he gave unstintedly of man, he analyses his business to see
himself. Many times (it 'required wherein he can make it better the
coming year; where he haa fallen
down and where he has succeeded
the best. Men did not always agree and then after thus diagnosing his
with him. Sometimes they rebuked business he proceeds to apply the
and reviled him, but he stood stead­ remedy in the nature of such
fastly where he believed he was changes as may be necessary for the
right. Whether the people of New- coming year.
berg always agreed with him' or not, As individuals we should take an
they cannot help but admire and inventory of OUr lives Just as the
merchant does of bis stock and ascer­
respect him today for all of thin
There are boys and girls, who tain whether during the past year
have now grown to be men and we have accomplished the things
women, who have perhaps been help- which we set out for ourselves to do
ed by his influence, There are thoee or not. We should also -plan for
te whom this help has perhaps come further advancement during the
without their consciousness.
are many today who live their lives
In Newberg amid the enjoyment of
better conditions little realizing that
back in the earlier days this man
and others like him gave of their
best in the fight to bring about the
best for this city and community and
laid the foundations for what we
have today.
Was it worth while? Would these
men. or this man have enjoyed life life we must look further ahead.
more to have taken it with ease and
thought only of himself? And what
would have been the result for New-
berg and for us who enjoy the bless­
ings of good homes, good schools,
good churches, good influences and
conditions, had they not made the
early fight for our sakss? Ws leave
the answer with you, but we know
what you are saying to yourself, and day following. Too often also these
It Is to be hoped that out of these resolutions have only to do with
sacrifices, the boys and girls of today trivial things m our lives and do not
may, raise np to likewise give battle take up the great matters which we
and see that the future generations should consider. As a race, we are
are given as good environment as we too prone to allow life to take its
of today have been given. Ik was a own course and do not really make
hard battle which Mr. Woodward any plans for future advancement.
and the other pioneers had to fight, Of course there are many exceptions
but there are battles ahead as well. to this rule and we are only trying
Let us follow the guide posts which to state what we believe Is a rather
their lives have made for us and see general' tendency.
that we take up their mantles as
they fall with a determination to things which will make our lives
<ft>unt for something In our homes,
carry on for others.
in our busim or labor world. In
our city, in social circles, In church
Local merchants. Portland mer­ or fraternal organisations Let’s
chants and la fact merchants all over map out a careful plan for the year
the country have reported an unus­ which will help us to carry out this
ual amount of shoplifting during the good Intention and then above all
past holiday season. We are Inform­ let’s stick to that plan. If we do
ed that one local merchant caught this, we may be sure that at the end
about twenty different- persons with of next year we mSL not have the re­
grets which may have marked former
the goods on them and in nearly all years
for us.
lines reports come of small thievery
to a greater or la« extent. There
has always been and probably al­ The weekly industrial review
that Independence has shipped
ways will bo a certain amount of states
pounds of hops to Ire­
such depredations. Children go into
the stores and sse hundreds of ar­ land. Is that what Ireland is doing
ticles which their hearts desire and with her independence?
which they feel sure they can never
hare and the want is too great a When you get to the point where
temptation for them and they find erything seems to be wrong. Just
stop and sse if the trouble Isn’t with
article Into their pocket or under yourself after alL
Father can now, spend
months in recuperating his fli
—W e new scientific dlsoov-
ery. Positive, safe, sure—no
111 after effects and positively
There / • No Hurt
Golden Rule
Twilight Sleep for the teeth
comes only in individual glass
The Lord bless thee and keep thee.
The Lord make his face to shine upon
thee, and be gracious unto thee.
The Lord lift up hie countenance up­
on thee, nnd give the peace.—Num.
lit illi
Evening! and Sunday by ap­
pointment only. Black 243
Dr. C. Y. Peterson with this
See-Valiton Co., Inc.
For fine Printing order of the
Butter wrappers printed at the
Graphic office.
—Light and heavy hauling, general dray business, team work
of all kind». Storage, Etc.
—Hones for Sole. Earn machinery and harness bought and
W A L T E R W IL S O N , Proprietor
Barn at College and Hancock 1 1
Phene Bod 188
Batteries with Bubber Cases for Pordi
Prices $ 2 0 .0 (1 Up
■ ».
"Red Crown” vaporizes readily in the
coldest weather. Fill your tank with
"Red Crown” and nothing else, and
you’ll he rid o f three-quarters o f your
f !
■ __ _ ;; —v’
Wells, the Battery Man
I f you’re having trouble starting—
if you sit in the cold and buzz-buzz
your starter without result— then it’s
time to chance to "Red Crown”— the
Fill at the Red Crown sign—a t»
stations, garages and other <k
W .- /