Largest Circulation In Yamhill County NEWBEBG, GRAPHIC, tion to avoiding the holes In the road or feeding less gas for an Instant while riding over an unavoidable rough place. X A lot o f drivers Imagine they are gaining momentum by rushing over the rough' place«, but they would ac­ complish more by taking It easier. Un­ less the throttle la dosed momentarily while the wheels are going over a very rough spot with the car In second gear the machine will ofttlmea come almost to a standstill. The practice o f cutting curves when there Is no danger in doing so has led to the habit of taking the short cut around curves when bill climbing. This accounts for the “ lost power** o f many a motor because the grade of the Inner side o f the curve Is always «roster than that o f the outer side. The driver who In bill climbing keeps to the outer edge of curves—provid­ ed they are not dangerous—gives his engine the" same sort o f advantage Dobbin used to enjoy when his owner helped him up bills by criss-crossing from one side o f the road to the other. /In hill climbing an apparently In­ consequential thing will often mark the difference between making It In “ high” or resorting to “ second.** Keep­ ing on the crown o f the road is Just one of these determining factors. Tbs driver who keeps getting off Into tbs gutter or ditch unnecessarily Increases tbs road grads when' be again tries to steer upon the crown. In hilt climb­ ing every little thing counts. The point Is-to know what these points are. & H appy C. A/HODSON’S MORTUARY Phones: Office Green 118; Residence Blue 118. t a k e n f r o m d e s k at u. a Bank, silver Evershsrp pencil. Please return promptly. Itti* 809 P in t St. FOUND— A bird dog, Yamhill U- cense No. 475. Owner can have same by paying costs. H. C. Baker, Newberg, Rte. 1._____________ 12tl TO T R A D !— Veils buggy with pots and shaft#, in good condition. W ill trade fo r hogs. 'W in n ie Mc­ Dougall, Phone 16X24, Dayton, Ore. gon. lltf in POR RENT— 8-room house. Call 16X24, Dayton, Oregon. lltf ¿-C am pbell's Tom ato Soup, can northwest, lb. 2 3 c; 2 lb*. 45c 10 cents. WALNUTS— A ll guaranteed IM S grow th, northwestern product, cracking quality extra good, Bud­ ded Stock, 38 oeuta pound; 2 lbs. 78 cen ts...................................................................... .......... 5 Pounds $1.85 C alifornia S oft Shell, Ho. 1 quality, pound SO ce n ts...............................................................5 Pounds $1.45 ------------------------------------------' i .... - ................. ■■ ■■ i ■ 20TH CENTURY COFFEE— Just o n e p f the many things that make your Christmas Dinner perfect 38 cents p o u n d ...................................... ..................................................... .................. .2 Pounds 65 Cents — Olives, Green Spanish, pint — Grape Juice, Church’s, Pint stock, 8 pounds 25 cents. juta, 29 cen ts; Quart jars 55c. bottles, 28 cents. — India — Asparagus, Short Tips, tall — Honey, Comb, 20 cen ts; in cans, 25 eents. Pint Jars 29 cents. — Sweet Potatoes, R elish, IS very Del best Haute LY 0H 8 ROYAL AHH CHERRIES— feven-eunoe bottle .................................................................89 Cents i,..i,,,, . , . . . i - ■ - . — " >■■■« ■ .......... - "-. ■ —. let's Al Nam a Very Berry Christmas g fW ' -je- PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office in Dixon Building FURNISHED rooms, with garage, r rent. Phone Black 202. 10t4* FOR RENT— 2 unfurnished rooms, bath, hot a,nd cold water, lights fur­ nished. 910.60 month. Phone Blue wanted at Vincent’s M tf W ANT PLAIN SEWING. 124. Mrs. W. H. McCarthy. Blue 12tl WANTED— Your old furniture and snto cushions to upholster and Besides lengthening the useful Ufa repair, ¿ h o p at 201 north Main Stf of a car, correct gear lubrication street. Q. W. Thoringtoa. makes it handle more, easily, the gears shift more quietly and deliver a high­ er percentage of engine power. At­ FOR SALE— Modern six-room tention to the gear boxes ta much Much of the Difficulty in Hill worth while. Geers, ca n and power bungalow, with bath, on easy terms. SOtf are expensive, but proper lubrication Inquire o f J. D. Gordon. Climbing in High Gear May Is cheap. FOR SALE— Modern 5-room bun­ Be Averted. galow with bath, large front porch, Baked Chicken full-slse basement and bullt-lns; H Price reason­ Dress a fat chicken, cut In pieces block to pavement. as for frying, roll in flour, sprinkle able with terms. Cell Ernie Dun­ 12t2* with salt and pepper and also sage. can. If you like it. Lay the pieces In a FOR EXCHANGE— My house of stone crock or caaserole. with a six rooms in Sherwood; full line strip or tw o o f bacon or salt pork Rough Places to Be Avoided, Bines Ev­ on the side, put a little water with plumbing, garage, woodshed] trade ery Bounce o f the Wheels Means It to, prevent sticking. Place In for small place outside and close to Certain Lose of Momentum— oven with crock on top and bake Newberg. F. D. Sherwood, -Oregon. U t4 * Dent Cut Curves. | slowly until tender. Much o f the difficulty In hill dlmb- lng In high gear Is due to unnecessary wasting o f power by Incompetent driv­ ing. Many a driver “kills” his engine on a long glade simply because, he does not give the car enough speed et the bottom and thus encourages overheating by denying the engine the off and put back with snaps they can advantage o f the additional draft of be removed before the blouse Is cool air which is available at higher laundered, which will prevent the car speeds Frequently this type of colors from running into the white. hill does not appear particularly steep, In place of a bodkin, use a safety and the consequence is the driver does pin for running in tapes, ribbons'and U rge cords, threading at the hinge not feed enough gas.-allowing the en­ gine to run too alow, to struggle, and and fastening the pin. eventually overheat A source of lost power In hill climb­ ing which la too often overlooked Is T o crisp potatoes by deep frying the bouncing o f rear wheels over a they should first be soaked in cold rough road. Every bounce o f a wheel water for 20 or 20 minutes and then that is driving means s loss o f momen­ dried perfectly before Immersing in tum due to free momentary spinning. the fat. The solution to this la to give stten- the LICENSED CHIROPRACTOR 702 H First St. Nswbsrg. Ora. By Appointment. Evening end Sunday General Practise and X -R ay Diagnosis Over U. 8. National Bank Phones . Office Black 246 Rea. W hits St Dr. A. M. Davis - DENTIST Office over Ferguson's Drug Stoss PHONE WHITE $9 Engins Power. W e j u t unloaded a very large car o f lin e Navel Oranges, ju st in tim e fo r Christinas and, • * • priced in the usual 20th Century close manner. grow n Phones: Res. Blue 191 Hours: Office Red 140 0 to I I . 2 to i Dr. Tho8. W. Hester Tell your friends how much you enjoy reading the Graphic. ' tf CLASSIFIED 7 0 0 First Street, Newberg Dr. John S. Rankin P h y s ic ia n and s u r g e o n Office Phone Black 171 Res. Phone Gray 171 Offioe over U. 8. N ational Bank E. A. Romig, M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office over P in t N ational Bank. Residence Phone Gray 9. Offlee Black I. Newberg, Oregon MISCELLANEOUS WOO DBA WING— Call Black R223 E. F. Hubbard. 12t2* DR. STRYKER. Osteopathic phy­ sician, U. S. National Bank ballding, McMinnville. i- 4tf Butter wrappers printed at the Graphic office. Dr. I. R. ROOT DENTIST WALNUTS— Fifteen and 20 cents. Phone Black 67. 12tl Phone Blue llt 2 * FORI SALE— ▲ good ml Call at Vincent’s Feed Store. Are you in need of help? Do you wish employment r Have anything to sell. Want to buy? Advertise In the Graphic classified. tf REGISTERED JERSEY BULL for FOR SALE — Cream separator, Butterfly, $20; Henry Schuette, Rte. service at Central Transfer and Stor­ *' 12tl* age barn, corner College and Han­ cock streets. Terms strictly cash. FOR SALE— Large sise Majestic nge, with water colU, $50. Phone TH E PORTLAND TELEGRAM Is 1SA6S delivered dally (N o SundAy) at 46 FÖR SALE— Radio, Crystal set; cents per month. If you wish to sub­ I’ve heard Frisco. W alter Anderson, scribe. call Red 12. J. E. Martin, Ex. Dundee. 12tl* local agent. CAN MAKE YOU A LOAN at 6% FOR SALE— Bix-moa old thor- oughbred Angora kittens; Phone on well improved valley farms. See 12tl me at room 10. McMinnville Na­ Red 174. tional Bank Bldg.. McMinnville, Ore. lOtf APPLES— Good stock. 60c box; William Bain. bring your boxes. Apple house near MONEY TO LOAN— On farms at freight depot. 10tl* 6 H % on 10 yra. time. No commis­ sion charge, no attorney fees. Lib­ FOR SALE— Riding pon; eral repayment privileges. ' D. D. so drive single or double; I Coulsoo, Box 7, Newberg. Fire and La Pore, Rte. 2. Life Insurance. 7tf — Cranberries N ewberg, Oregon ML B.T0N B. JONES 0. C., P|L 0. TOE TRADE WANT— Fresh Jersey cow, giving 4 gal. or moré. Frank Baird. 12tl* Clarence Sutcliffe uf Aurora. 111., enough only twelve years or age, con­ structed his own automobile from piuts of old machinery and a motor and some gas pipe and gocart carriage wheel« The boy, who Is shown driving his car with a tender attached, la of mechanical turn o f mind. The little ante will pull twice its own weight Household Hints If the milk strainer gets clogged up, rub table salt through It and It will instantly be cleared and be as bright as new. A broken egg will remain fit for use for some time If placed In a cup o f water. Clean white kid slippers with any mild soap and sprinkle them with talcum powder. When dry, rub off with a soft cloth. This makes them retain that new look. If the colored emblems on the kid­ dles’ ready made middles are ripped LICENSED CHIROPRACTOR — Phone Black 0 — FOUND WANTED— Highest market pries paid for dried prunes at H. S. Oils A Co.’s packing house. 36tf BOY BUILDS HIS OWN AUTOMOBILE Dr. I. M. BJomwiok « ft * J / , Ú DAILY PORTLAND JOURNAL delivered for 46c a month; dally and Sunday, 06c. Subscribe of L. M. Buell, local agent, 621 West Fifth Farm ; 1 mi. east of Newberg on street. Call Blue 214 about trouble highway. Phone Black 172. 1H 4* or subscriptions. X FOR 8AÏ.E— ______N U 15 hogs at r $10 eachT LOANS— Any amount, farm, city also 10 hogs at 98 each; and 10 at property and chattels; no delays. $5.00 each. Vincent’s Feed Store. Mortgages, notes, contracts, bonds, I lt 2 etc., bought and sold. For invest­ FURNITURE, ments, see Attorney R. A. Kllks, Mc­ Minnville, Oregon. stoves, ranges, etc., bought and sold. Old Pinney building opposite Cbe- NOTICE halem Valley Mill. »t** The Morning Oregonian Is deliv­ FOR ffAT.E— Full-blooded, regis­ ered In Newberg by 6:15 a. m. tered Poland China boar, wt. about dally; subscriptions taken at Gra­ 600 lbs.; at Menefee ranch, 2H ml. ham’s Drug stors, next 't o post 49tf southeast o f Dundee. 12t4* offlee. FOR SALE— Poles for radio, swings, bird houses, tents, rastic work; also limb wood. H. C. Bate- ham, across Dayton ave. bridge.l2t2* Including firs brick, r load. See A. T. M< set Sheridan, phone R CONDA J. HAM Accountant and Auditor Income Tax Servlet Associated with Hugh R. Rob­ ertson A Co., member American Institute o f Accountants. Port­ land, Ore., and Minneapolis, Minn. Phone Newberg Red 44 Public W . J. PATTERSON, N . D. V. FOR SALE— French prunes 6 He / • Veterinarian per lb. and Italian prunes at 8 He Formerly of Sa- — per lb. They can be shipped by pereti poet. Chas. H. Graves, Spring- lem and Portland has purchased a i i brook. Oregon- 1111 home In N e w- FOR 8A L S— 1 Holstein cow. dne berg and solicits to freshen soon; 1 Viking separator, patronage along like new; 1 Jersey cow ; 2 pigs 9 lines o f his profes­ wka old. Can be seen at 314 Sher­ sion. . Dr. Patter­ man. or call White 110 for particu­ son has enjoyed a lars. 10t4* wide range o f practice and feels com­ petent to diagnose and treat scien­ TOR «A L E — $10 .0$; horse about tifically the different dleeasee at­ 1000 pounds; will work single or tacking our domegtlc animals. Writes Livestock Insurance for the double; In good condition; easy keeper; gentle and true; good culti­ atrongeet company in ths United vator korse. Roy Hanville. Phone States. Red 904. H t2 * Phone Red 186. Res. 606 Tonrth St. e s t a b l i s h e d 1000 R eliable Tonerai D irectors Lkdy Assistant Phone Black 06 Day or Night BWBERQ. OREGON. C. R. CHAPIN ATTOXHET , » A I LAW Practica in all courts; Probate, Deed, Mortgages and all legal papers. Abstracts examlned. ATTORNEY A T LAW C LA R EN C E B U TT W ill practise in all coarts o f state. Special atteatlon given Probate work, writing deeds, mortgagee, contracts, and drafting o f papers. Office, 2nd floo£ Union Blk. Newberg. Oregon F. B. LAYMAN ATTORNEY AT LAW Office over First National Bank. Practice In all coarta; abstracts examined, deeds, contracts, mort­ gages. NEWBERO, OREGON Captolia Angere Grissen TEACHER OP SINGING Concert— Opera— Oratorio NEWBERG WEDNESDAYS Jeaste Britt Plano Studio Yamhill Co. Abstract COMPANY J. H. GIBSON, Mgr. The only Abstract Books in Yam hill CoumtS. M o MZNNVILLB, OREGON Br. M. Meli Gochmmr CHIROPRACTOR Black 40 fo r appointment. 11Ô N orth Sohool street door north o f Yamhill trio Co.’« office. NEWBERO, OREGON