SUNNY CREST Correspondence NORTHWEST NEWBERG - Frances Nye was at home last weak end. Mr. Nye has been sick for a few days, but is much better now. The Budd children, who have had diphtheria, are out from under quar­ antine and are back in school. Mrs. Persons, who has been living on Mrs. Hammersley’s place, moved Into town last week. Out of town people attending the tonerai of Mrs. Fred Poet last Satur­ day were A. H. Poet of Chelan, Wash., Mrs. Ruby Behrens of Baker. 'Oregon ; Asa Nichols and family of Dayton. Oregon; and Miss Esther Nichols, also of Dayton. FERNWOOD Mias Desale Jones visited in Port land Sunday with friends. Howard S. Miller spent the week end in Yamhill with friends. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Scherf and Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Livengood motored to McMinnville Saturday. Miss Siva Livengood from New­ b erg spent Sunday with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. H: Livengood. ' The children of Frank Jones have "been absent from school several days account of an attack of chicken There w ill be a Christmas pro­ gram given by the Sunday school children at the gymnasium Satur- «day evening. December 33. Every- vme is invited to attend the enter- A. O. Peterson made the home folks • visit lis t wek. Who swiped opr good Oregon weather? This is getting over being a joke. C. W. Bradshaw attended the copnty Farm Bureau meeting at Mc­ Minnville last Saturday. Homer Fisher home for his usual weekly visit and took the folks back to Gresham with him for a few days. The telephone line has been under­ going some repairs the last day or two. The pole« poles are being reinforced with cedar poets. C. K. Hubbard has been taking a few tomatoes and cucumbers to mar- ket the last week, Rather cool, even for the cucumber. Last Saturday was rather a sad day among the chickens of the neigh­ borhood. Of course they were of the feathered variety and were plucked and sent to market. Miss Maud Kosher and three friends from Portland, paid a short visit at the horns o f her sister, Mrs. Chas. K. Hubbard, Sunday evening. The young folks were gathering mis. tletoe. • . The ladles of the Newberg Farm Bureau will organise the “ Ladles* Department” on January g, 1333. All ladies are Invited to take part and will be made welcome. Those who desire further particulars may get them by calling one of the com- mlttee on organisation, mlttee is Mrs. C. W. Bradshaw, Mrs. E. U. Marr and Mrs. Marie Tangen. CHEHALEM Mrs. McDowell was shopping in Portland last Saturday. During the past week Mrs. E. C. Harmon has been on the sick list w ith a very severe cold. Saturday afternoon. December 9, a few of the ladies gathered at the home of Mrs. F. True to celebrate her thirty-first birthday. Wesley Winters and John Smith v * Ribbon Ridge bagged fourteen nice ducks last Sunday.' hunting at the head of Wapato lake.. - L. B. Winters met with a slight accident in Portland last Saturday. H is truck skidded on the wet pave­ ment and one wheel was broken off. Charles Rein had the misfortune o f losing one o f his work horses last Friday.. The animal became tangled up in a barbed wire fence « a d bled to death shortly after­ wards. Mrs. Ed West is on the sick list hat is able to help Ed put in • the hot and cold water in the house. That is enough to make any woman well— the thought of getting water tn the home. RIBBON RIDGE Rudy Wenger has sold his saw- la g outfit to Emil Jensen. Mrs. Rudolph Wenger, Sr., visit­ ed Mrs, George Wenger Tuesday. Miss Wilda Orr spent Sunday af- Uarnoon and evening with Mrs. Fred 'Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Pattison spent Thurs­ day evening with Mr. and Mrs. W il­ liam Carter. Miss Gladys Hertlg and Fred W il­ liams visited Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Ckrter Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Boyd and son Howard and Billy Sleeper spent Sat­ urday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sallee. Kathryn Harford was a guest of Wvs Sallee Monday night. They were stringing popcorn for the school Christmas tree. Mr. and Mrs. Fay Harford and Mr. And M n. William Carter were Mon- d a j evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. d ia rie s Sallee. M n. Leona Lynch bar returned to her home at Vancouver, Wash., after a two weeks’ visit with her u d e and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. H eorge Wenger were Mrs. ZenZen And eons, Hubert, Gussle and Ray- oeond, of Raybell, Mr. and Mrs. Fay S a rfo rd and daughter, Kathryn, and H m ll Jensen. .Tuesday visitors at the school were Mrs. . Sallee. Mrs. A. H. Boyd, M n . Fred Williams, Mrs. Fay Har­ ford and Mrs. Lou Carter. The vis­ itors and children were treated to ^candy and popcorn balls by the kaachcr, Miss Orr. The children also ^nmelved some nice presents. and expect to make California their home. The Parent-Teachers’ meeting was held last week Wednesday and it was voted that the date be changed to the first Wednesday of the month, instead of the second. Everybody la Invited to attend the next meeting on January 3. Special business is to be transacted. SPRWOBROOK The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Baldwin Is very sick with pneumonia. Ferris White came home from O. A. C. last Saturday for the Christ­ mas vacation. Earl Thorne was absent from school for a couple of days last week on account of a fall he (received while skating at school. Saturday visitors in Portland were Stella Hubbard. Myrtle Newby. Mr. and Mrs. John Rees, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Newby. Mrs. W. W. Whits and Mrs. H. Hobson. Sewell Newhouse came home the, latter part of last week for a few days visit. He says it is quite cold in Bend where he is employed as an irrigation engineer. Miss Eunice Lewis was forced to be absent from her duties at Pacific College for a few days last week. She was confined to her home on ac­ count of a severe cold. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kincaid and Mrs. W. W. Dunton motored to Port­ land Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Kin- eaid returned home in the afternoon but Mrs. Dunton will visit for a few days with her daughter. Lucas Cowgill is confined to hts home with an injury he received while working at the sawmill. He fell on the ice and hit his left shoulder and arm and crushed the ribs and bruised his side. The Sunday school Christmas pro­ gram w ill consist of tableaux, read­ ings. songs and a pantomime. The program w ill be Sunday evening, be­ ginning at seven-thirty in the church. Everyone welcome. Henry Stockman’s house caught fire one evening last week. The firs which had started in the roof, was discovered by a couple of men who happened to be passing and with the aid of some neighbors was soon put out. Revival meetings will begin next Monday evening at the church. Fred Cope from Portland will be the evan­ gelist, assisted by his wife. Meetings will commence at 7:30. Everyone is urged to come out and hear Mr.- Cope. The Parent-Teachers’ club, met last Friday afternoon in the audito­ rium of the school house. A fter hav­ ing been entertained by class recita­ tions by the school children the la­ dies treated the children with candy and popcorn. The next meeting of the club will be the first Friday In January at the home of Mrs. 8tella Carlisle. WEST CHEHALEM D. E. Davis sold some hogs fn Yamhill Tuesday. Louis Amoth was in Portland on business Saturday. Mrs. Fred Beagle was a recent vis­ itor of Mrs. B. F. Yergen. REX Ralph Baker came home from Cor­ Joe Steager is spending a few weeks at the home of Henry Strate. vallis for the holiday vacation Fri- Josephine Whitney has been ab­ Mr. and Mrs. C. Smith and sent from school on account of siek- family were in Portland last Satur­ Miss Mary Strate and nephew. day. Joe Sullivan is home from Port­ Evert Brickley, went to Portland land to spend the Christmas vaca­ Saturday. The Rex community will hold tion. Mr. and Mrs. John Purvis were in their Christmas exercises at the hall McMinnville last Saturday on busi- on Friday evening. Miss May Jones of Portland spent Among other recent v is itó n In Saturday and Sunday at the home of Portland were Mr. and M n. D. P. her father, A. Jones. Dr. Louis Walker, from Aberdeen, Lela Yergen, primary teacher at Wash., visited hia sister, Mrs. Abe No. 10 has again taken up her school Jenkins, last Saturday. Mrs. L. I. Eves, who has for the duties. Mrs. Eds Amoth and two children past two months been at Jesse Ed­ wards of Newberg, returned home motored to Salem Tuesday to visit friends. Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Morgan were Henry Yokel returned home Thurs­ day from Friend, Neb., where he has Sunday vislton of Mr. and Mrs. C. been visiting his parents for the W. Smith. Miles Maxwell is busy preparing past six weeks. R. E. Brown and family were very a large number o f turkeys for the much excited over the captivity of Christmas market. Lois Fendall came home from O. two skunks in a barrel, which was A. C. last Saturday to spend the hol­ standing in the hen house. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Heskett re­ iday season at home. Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Shaw and sons, turned home from Baltimore, Md., Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd and Virgil, were 8unday din­ Hesket have been in the east about ner guests of L. L. Amoth and fam­ ily. two yean. The Ewing Young janitor says he Mr. and M n. D. Morrison and grand-children, Madge and Gene very much appreciates finding the Conway, left for Oakland, Califor­ fire already started on the recent nia, on Wednesday in their car. cold mornings. Thanks are due Mr. Cameron. Mr. and Mrs. V irgil Feudal] and son, Charles Keith, who have been in Albany and Corvallis several weeks, have returned to West Cbe- halem. ' Rev. Paul Lewis gave us another fine sermon last Sunday and will also preach next Sunday. There will also be a short Christmas program before preaching. The boys’ class will stage en en­ tertainment In the church basement Friday evening, December 29th. The nature of the program has not yet been divulged. I f you wish to know, come and see. POINSETTIAS, CYCLAMENS, PRIMROSES Handkerchiefs G r o c e r ie s .SHE: . 7 5 ® in re­ gard to the work. On motion it was decided to hold a social in the near future, also to bring clothee and sew and make them over for the orphan’s home children at the next Mrs. Bdna Cupples was named as superintendent of this work. The hostess very kindly served coffee, bans and cookies, which were ap­ preciated by all. The next January meeting w ill he held at the home of Mrs. Merle Tangen. All the ladles are invited to be present— those in the union and other ladies o f the neighborhood. The Parent-Teaehers’ Parent-Teachers’ association held their meeting lest Friday eve­ ning. There was quits a good-tlied crowd present. Mr. Coleman gave a very good talk to the parents and students in regard to the school work, and what the parent-teachers’ association should stand for. Then followed a debate or discussion on the question, “ Resolved that the home has more influence on the for­ mation of character than the school.” 8. T. Blxler led In the affirmative, also Mr. Oolemen and M. P. Johnson followed, alternating with O. H. Mann, M n. Edna Cupples and Mn. Marie Tangen on the negative. Quite (Continued on page twelve)