Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, December 21, 1922, Page TWO, Image 2

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Newberg Qraphic
Editora and Publlahara
Ottica; Graphic Bid«., «00 First 8t.
Largest Circulation In Yamhill County
Entered at the postonica at Newberg.
Oregon, aa second class matter.
Thoee who have studied tbe ques­
tion of state development and better
advertising for Oregon, point to the
great need of more national adver­
tising for Oregon products. Many
of our readers probably saw in last
week’s Issue of the Saturday Evening
Post a double page center spread ad­
vertisement in colors for the Oregon
City Woolen Mills. In two different
issues of the Saturday Evening Post
this year the Oregon City Woolen
Mills have taken this great adver­
tisement. which is the largest and
most expensive advertisement in the
world. Its cost is 117,009 per Issue,
but the Oregon City Woolen Mills
have found, as bave many otber ad­
vertisers, that by putting tbe merit
of their products squarely before the
nation, they have enlarged their
This advertising for the Oregon
City Woolen Mills la handled by
Botaford-Constntine company, the
leading national advertising agency
of tbe northwest, with offices at
Portland and Seattle. Boetsford-
Constantlne company are • also con­
ducting large advertising campaigns
in all parts of the country for such
products as Tillamook cheese. Hood
River apples, Snowflake crackers,
Albers cereals, Mapleine, Jantsen
swimming suits, Goodyear rubber
footwear, and others.
Oregon Is rapidly approaching the
point where we should bave many
other nationally advertised products,
particularly our fruits, salmon, lum­
ber, etc. It is estimated that Cali­
fornia cooperative associations and
such products as tbe Del Monte can­
ned goods are spending around six
million dollars a year for national
advertising. This has helped to
build tbe wonderful reputation for
California products which exists In
all parts of the world.
If you are a producer or manufac­
turer of butter, were you disappointed
in tbe price you received for that last
shipment 1 Quality is the chief factor
in determining butter prices, and ac­
cording to United States' Department
of Agriculture circular 296, Just issued,
even small defects la quality may re­
sult In the loss of a sale or a cut in
Several million dollars annually are
lost to producers and manufacturers
because of imperfect conditions and
methods in production, manufacture
and marketing of dairy products, the
circular states. During 1920 the mar­
ginal difference In the .prices of high
and low quality butter amounted at
times to as much as 16 cants between
97 score and 92 score., Lack of
proper attention or care In tbe cream­
ery in grading tbe cream, or In churn­
ing, working, salting or packing tbe
butter are stated to be mainly respon­
sible for this condition.
The circular enumerates and de­
scribes the various factors such ss
flavor, body, color, salt and package
that influence price. These factors
are given specific ratings by local and
federal butter inspectors, and receiv­
ers, in determining tbe final Score of
tbe product, and the ratings are gov­
erned by the absence or presence of
certain defects described In the circu­
It Is stated that there has never
before been a time In the history of
American butter making when it paid Lucy XABBIAGE
McMinnville, to
so well to produce high-quality butter Albert William Younger,
as during recent years. But to secure ville.
Probate M atten
The estate of the late Nora Peffer
has been estimated at |8,37> for
real property and personal property
at |1,000.
The estimated value of the estate
of Margaret A. George who died at
Newberg Is given at flSOO; the val­
ue of the estate of Jens Peter Chris­
tensen is estimated at 30,250 real
property; the value of the sta te of
the late Major Levi Driakell who
riled In McMinnville on November 3
is given at approximately |1343.
Petitions have been filed for ad­
mitting the estate of Margaret A.
George to probate, also that of Jens
Suits Are Filed -
Edward A. Boyrie, attorney, has
started an action for money in the
circuit court for the Credit Service
Co. va M. L. Amy.
Sarah A. Strichler, through her
attorney, James E. Burdett, has filed
£ divorce suit against Stehnas J. T.
Other Matters
The authority of Alvar Konsta
Leppanen to officiate at marriages
was filed with the county clerk on
Evenings and Sunday by ap­
pointment only. Black MS
Dr. C. Y. Peterson with this
A u c
W atch and Clock
Watches, Clock» and Jewelry of all land». Christmas
Supplie», etc. All Repair Work Guaranteed
ld iu u u a
m a i o c iu a io c
u r .
— The following is the time of elec­
tric'train arrivals at the city ticket
office at Newberg:
To Portland
Electric Co
Taking Butter From Churn.
sn active demand and the largest net
return not only high quality and uni­
formity of the product are necessary,
but a knowledge of market require­
ments and good marketing methods-
are required.
Circular 236, entitled “Defects in the
Quality of Batter,” has been prepared
so that producers and manufacturers
may know precisely how butter is
rated for quality in the markets, and
how tbe defects which lower the price
may be obviated. Copies of tbe circu­
lar can be obtained free upon re­
quest to the United Sutes Department
of Agriculture, Washington, D. C.
i »oooooooaooooooooosoooaooooo
Notice Is hereby given that the
undersigned, Marion George, has
been duly appointed administrator
of the estate of Margaret A. George,
deceased, by the County Court of
Yamhill County, Oregon, and has
Now, therefore, all persons having
claims against the estate of Marga­
ret A. George,, deceased, are hereby
notified and required to present the
same-with the proper vouchers, duly
verified, to the undersigned admin­
istrator at the office of Clarence
Butt, in the city of Newberg, Yam­
hill County, Oregon, within six
months from the date of this notice.
Dated this 14th day of December,
Administrator of the estate of
Margaret A. George, deceased.
Clarence Butt, attorney for es-
Since 1907
Withes you all a Happy and Merry Christmas, and
may the New Tear be ever so prosperous to you.
We thank you for your past patronage and hope that
we can serve you and our new.patrons to the beat of our
ability in the new year.
Tours for a larger and better Newberg,
Groth Electric Co
S II Vint* Street
Shop phono Bino 195
Bos. phono Blue 0.
B. E. Evans, Phono Black 101
Influence of Breed
The breed of a dairy cow has
a distinct influence on the water
content of her mUk. For ex­
ample, Jersey milk as an aver­
age coo tain* 14.7 per cent total
solids, of which 5.35 per cent is
fat, while Holstein milk con­
tains, on the average, 11.86 per
cent total solids, of which 8.42
per cent is butterfat. In other
words every 100 pounds of Jer­
sey milk contains 86 pounds of
water, while every 100 pounds
of Holstein milk contains 86
pounds of water. Tbe differ­
ence In feeding value amounts
to 2.61 pounds of milk solids per
100 pounds of milk in favor of
Jersey milk.
Bill Best, the Plumber
A man named Dodgin was recent­
ly appointed foreman, but his name
was not known to all tbe men under
him. One day while on his rounds
he earns across two men sitting In e
comer smoking end stopped near
Proper Feed far Carves.
‘Tm Dodgin, the new foreman," After e calf Is four weeks old It
be replied.
mast hive balk la Its ration, skim
“So are we. Bit down and have milk end grain will not nourish it
a smoke.“—Chicago Tribune.
We can supply thd gift that it sure to
Shop Phone Black 31
Residence Fkone White 146
Bill, the Plumber
(Not a partner. Working interest only)
Shop Phone Black 31
Residence Phone Black 31
There's Money In Milking.
The frestness of the dairy industry
is more appreciated now than for sev­
eral yean past Dairying actually
shows e gain daring tbe past year of
several hundred million dollars, while
most of the otber farm branches show
'fake known your wants through
Graphie clami fled.
Golden Rule
ways associated with the beginning!
of tbe French revolution, but the
real revolutionary tune with which
the Terror started, was the “Carmag­
nole,“ of which not one man in a
thousand has aver heard. The “Mar­
seillaise" came later.
( News-Reporter)
The tentative appropriation in the
county budget for % 10,000 to re­
cruise the timber sections of Yam­
hill county, was not included in the
final budget estimate, an official
publication of which was made in
this paper this week.
Some shrubbery has been planted
on the court house lawn.
Coutv P uts Bounty Money
Yamhill county has recently paid
bounty money to the following:
Jack Roberts of Portland, $7 for tbe
skin of a female eoyote and a male
coyote; to Sam Obye of Yamhill, 02
for a bobcat pelt; to M. O. Delash-
mutt of near Yamhill, |4 for a fe­
male coyote.
See the Foot Fewer
AU the kiddies are wild
aboet it
With rubber tíre», baU bear­
ings, adjustable handle ban
and seats. AH styles and
Roller-Bearing Coaster Wagons, with ar without rubber
tires, with or without dioo wheels. Friese Sad sino to sa it