Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, December 21, 1922, Page ELEVEN, Image 11

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    L a rtM t Circulation 1 b TambtU County
; UTMTCCX ud o m u l
run sun.
0 . A. H O M O S
Calls promptly attended to, day
or night!
Courteous, sympathstle servies.
Phone Oreen l i t .
0. A. H 0M 0M
Waterloo. Iowa.— A. nation-wide
survey is now being made by the
United States Touring Information
bureau, Inc., headquarters in this
city, to gsther data for the third
edition of the tourists* csmp ground
map and directory of the United
States- This guide, bigger and bet­
ter tn every way than ^preceding
editions, will be ready Jor use by the
time the annual movement of tourists
begins tn the spring.
Landing garages and hotels, such
as can be recommended for tourist
patronage, will be listed, together
with camping ground facilities in
thousands of towns and cities. Aer­
oplane lsndinge will also be shown
on the map, such being s new and
desirable feature.
Every marked transcontinental
highway In the United States, as
well as principal roads are plainly
shown. Different from all other
maps on the market the United
States Touring Information bureau,
Inc., product designates paving In
every instance where It is completed.
L. IkStrothman, engineer and map
designer of many years* e x p e rie n c e ,
has recently completed the map
which will accompany the guide un­
der an attractive cover. The map If
large enough to readily convey all
the information necessary to safe
and comfortable touring, yet not
Farm Loans 6 %
call at
Drainage of wot lands is an ab­
solute' necessity before agricultural
development can progress as it should
as is well known by agricultural
^ ■$» gn.
Sale of 1,592.900 feet a« tile for
farm drainage was reported by mem­
bers of the Oregon Clay Worker# as­
sociation for 1921. Concrete tiles
were also sold for farm drainage, but
this was aboih offset .by clay tile
used for road and basement drain­
This material serves 2000 acres or
more under average conditions, ac­
cording to soil types.
Any increase in drainag« is
counted an asset to the community,
but at the 1921 rate of program it
would take S75 years to drain the
750,000 acres of wet lands In the
Willamette valley alone.
Experimental work showing the
most economic dlethods of draining
various soli types has been conduct­
ed by tbe O. A. C. experiment sta­
tion. a soils specialist who devotee
most of his time in drainage seasons
to helping groups of farmers work
out plans for drainage systems has
been provided by the extension
Demonstrations showing
proper methods, grades and depth
of tiling are oonducted by the spec­
ialist in different parts of the state.
Requeets for this assistance are
made through the county agent, or
when there is none in the county,
direct to tbe extension service, Cor-
University of Oregon. Eugene.—
Five Pacific coast conference and
three northwest conference football
games were scheduled for the Uni­
versity of Oregon football team to
play daring the l l i f season at a
recent meeting of tbe conferences
held in Seattle. Oregon will play
Washington State. O. A. C., Wash­
ington and Stanford In the coast con­
ference and Whitman, Willamette
and Paelfle In the northwest circuit.
Following Is the schedule for next
September 29— Willamette at Sa­
October t— Pacific at Eugene.
October 19— Whitman at Pendle­
* October 27— Idaho at Eugene.
November 9—-Washington State
at Pullman.
November 10— 8thnford at Port­
November 24— Oregon Aggies at
December 1— Washington at Beat
' Poliowing Is the regular varsity
basketball schedule for this season:
January 12— Oregon vx. N. P.
Dental College and Pacific U. at
January I t — Multnomah clnb at
January 19— Willamette at Eu­
January 20— Idaho at Engene.
January 29— U. o f W. at Eugene.
January 27— Willamette at Sa­
February 2 and 2— O. A. C. at Cor­
February 9— W. 8. C- at Eugene.
February 9 and 19— 0. A. C. at
February 17— Whitman at Walla
February 19— Idaho at Moscow.
February 21— W. E C U Pull­
February 22— Spokane A. A. C. at
February 22— U. of W. at Seattle.
Undertaker and E m balm «
Schob Track Service
Portland offlee 99 Front St.
Phone t i l l Broadwqy.
ing for the tourists, both from the
etandpolnt of attracting business to
the town, or city and the value of
good will and advertising so gained.
The United States Touring Infor­
mation bureau, Inc., seeks to fill the
gap by bringing the tourists and tbe
towii’a facilities together and this
Is being accomplished by means of
tbe guide, and map.
It la a service
of great value to both the tourists
and the towns and cities listed.
8. F. TIM BRILA KE, Proprietor
Residence phone Hod 79
Offloe phone, Whit# 197
Sheridan, Or. Dec. 19.— A giant
male cougar, driven out o f tbe main­
tains by the sudden severe cold ahd
snow, was brought to bay at the
very edge of town and slain by Neely
Smith, Gopher Valley huntsman, af­
ter a vicious battle. The animal
measured 7 feet 2tt
inches and
weighed ISO pounds.
Treed after a three-hour chaas by
hounds, the cougar snarled defiance
at 8mlth. As he approached to fet
s good shot It made s sudden leap
across the creek of Wily canyon.
Alert for lost such a move. Smith
fired as tha animal hit the ground,
the bullet shearing.the backbone.
Unable to run, it attacked the two
Kentucky hounds that hgd pounced
upon It. With a savage thrust it
cuffed over one, ripping up Its
As 8mlth reached to rescue the
dog the oougsr turned on him. Smith
grasped tbe dog by • leg, kicked the
cougar tn the head and jumped back.
The cougar lunged at him, but Smith
fired from the hip, the bullet tak­
ing instantáneo« Affect and auving
H e K new ’Em
Here te another sample of muck­
raking directed toward juries. A
lawyer had a somewhat difficult wit­
ness, and finally aaked If he was ac­
quainted with any o f the men on the
"Tea, sir,” replied the witness,
" « o r e than half o f them.”
"Are you willing to swear that
yon know more than half of them?"
demanded the lawyer.
"Well, if It come« to that, I*m
willing to swear that I know more
than all of them put together.’ *— Los
Angeles Times.
So live that some day you’ll get a
dollar a word for your memoirs.—
Jacksonville (Pis.) Timcs-Union.
Try s Graphic classified.
W. L White t Ca Office
T o Prevent Fading
Colored garments are leee liable
to fade after washing If they are
turned inside out to dry and If they
mre taken down as soon as dry.
Frequent and Convenient Service will make your journey
a trip of- pleasure.
General Paaenger Agent
You can buy good merchandise at prices that are right and if
matters are not satisfactory you can easily adjust diem with your
home concern.
. Electrical merchandise, as Christmas * gifts,
is ideal.
Everything useful.
_ . - ‘ — - - — ------------- ” , ; • wl^pPSiMSg'
. . .
W h at would be more acceptable for home and mother than an electric washing
machine, vacuum cleaner or w affle iron?
A ll things equal, merchandise as good, prices the same or better, your fellow
townsmen who operate stores, pay taxes and upkeep for the town and assist in all work
for the common good o f the community deserve your patronage.
If your local dealer does not carry as good goods and does not sell at prices equal
to the neighboring town competitor, no one is obligated to buy at home. It has ever
been our consistent policy to favor home people in the purchase of electrical merchan­
dise at prices less than other places.