L * r g —t Circulation In Yam hill County NEW BER G , GRAPHIC, WE WILL PAY CASH For AU Your .. HOGS, live or dittoed, VEAL, B IE F , A B U PO ULTBY Connût os before selling, mut price Jo' always rig h t People's Market "W e Treat You Bight AU the Time” PHONE B L U E 290 EYE SIGHT CONSERVA W ork Outlined by Council of Amer­ ica for Preservation of Child­ ren’s Eye Sight Aided by representation from President Harding’* cabinet, feder­ al an«» state officials, unlverkity pro-' fesmrs, engineers. Industrialists, and civic leaders, the Bye Sight Conser­ vation Council o f America, w ith na­ tional headquarters at 42nd street and Broadway, N ew Y ork City, baa set In motion s movement for the ob­ servance throughout the country o f Bye Sight .Conservation day In tha schools. - -— - . -a_____ Defective vision among children and workers in the-Industries has, recent surveys In numerous towns and cities have revealed, caused enormous economic and physical authorities declare, can be wiped out by p r«8 »r and sys­ tematic application o f the prlnelples o f eye hygiene. W ith the cooperation, among other leaders, o f James J. Davie, sec­ retary o f the United States depart­ ment o f labor, Guy A. Henry, gener­ al director o f the Eye Sight Conser­ vation Council, la directing the cam­ paign. which alnft to accomplish vast savings In health and money by carrying the message "F irs t health then wisdom" to every city and ham- let in the land where children are everywhere are being- given 1 net ruc­ tions for testing visual acuity. The Hoover committee on the Elimination o f Waate In Industry stressed the Importance o f eye care, revealin g heavy economic losses be­ cause Of poor vision.. Poor spelling, according to authorities, is due largely to defective eyesight. The eyee o f Industrial workers are now regarded as an Important factor in production costs Millions o f Am eri­ cans are suffering from -.defective vision, most o f which can be reme­ died. ' , \ , . Secretary o f Labor Davis,, in a statement lamed by the Eye Sight Conservation Council, asserts that care o f the «y ea Is a national duty. DAIRY HINTS T IS a remarkable fact that nothin* certain la known as to the actual date o f the birth o f Christ, Dee. 25 be- in* on!| a tradition, adopted by the church about the middle o f the fourth century. Lupl. a learned Jesuit o f the Eighteenth century, aayai “There la not a eln*le -month In the year to which the Nativity has not been asat*ned by some writer or 0tb6T.H The egrllest celebration o f Christ­ mas on Dec. 25 appears to have been held In Borne in the Foeth century, beta* first mentioned In a Boman doc­ ument, the Phllocallan calendar, dating from the year 854, but eontalnln* an older record, referring to the year 884. Christmas was brought to Eng­ land by S t Augustine, and kept la 80S, bnt it would appear that it was not established In Germany until 818, and In Norway about the middle of the Tenth century, by K m * Bukos the Good. The Bomans o f the empire used to celebrate the birth o f the Unconquered Sun on Dec. 25, according to the Julian calendar, the winter sototlca, when the son begun to rise In new vigor, after his autnmnal decline. Therefore, the reason for the choice o f Dec. 25 for Christmas would seem to have been symbolical. Festival la Naturally Associated With Stories o f Haunted Halls and Qapartment of Agriculture Suggests Purebred Calf, Pig or Soma Other Animal. C EN TR AL TR ANSFER A N D STORAGE — Light and heavy hauling, general dray basin e«, team work of nfl kinds. Storage, Etc. Farm machinery and harness bought and W A L T E R W IL S O N , Prop B u n at College and Hancock i l H RI8TM A8 being celebrated in the depth of winter, e’en to morn,” the festival ’ Is naturally associated with tales o f haunted balls and “ things” that are supernatural. Thus Dickens In his “ Christinas Carol,“ gave os the Spirits o f the Past, the Present, and the Future, but Christmas in mind, clothed each o f them In a fas­ cinating mantle o f kindness, sad sent them out on a message of mercy that made Itself felt over all the earth. Over many a stony Scrooge have they cast their mellowing shades, teach­ ing them to say: : -- - “ I will honor Christinas In my heart and try to keep I t qjl the year. I will live in the P a st the Present and toe Future. The spirits o f all three shall strive within me. I will not shat oat toe lessons that they teach.“ ■ - Scrooge, concluded Dickens, “ had no farther Intercourse with Spirits, bat it was always said o f him that he knew bow to keep Christmas well. I f any man alive possessed the knowledge. May that be truly said of us, and all o f us! And so, as Tiny Tim observed. In selecting birthday and Christmas« gifts for children in rural communi­ ties, why not give a purebred pig. calf, •r other animal? This la the sugges­ tion o f the United States Department Agriculture, which, with the various L, ■ ago Burns Brothers took over the business of the Newberg Kotor Co. and handled the local Ford Agency, sales and service in this territory. W o since that time have ______________________________ _ ____________________ __________________ have found many friends among the people of N ew berg and vicinity and have frit ■ pleased with the splendid business reception which has been accorded ns by the public the past year we have sold 52 tonring ears and sedans, 21 roadsters, and ooppet, 4 trucks, tractors, besides scores of second-hand ears. « . Today Ford c an sell at the lowest price in the history of their magnfactarc. In fact they are thg lowest priced oar that has ever been pat on the market. However, in spite o f this low price they have been greatly improved. They now h are the demountable rims, self-starter, one-man top, sloping windshield and many other refinements, which add greatly to their popularity, la keeping w ith other changes, the Newberg Motor Go. have brought their plant and equipment ap to date in-every way. W e employ the most skilled mechanics and guarantee satisfaction in our repair department. T omorrow • Is an unknown proposition. N o one can foretell what it is goi mend that if yon have not already done so, yon get n Ford today. Su any lower and there is always the uncertainty that they may raise, yon can surely afford to bay and drive a Ford— the Universal Car. CHRISTMAS AMO GHOST-TALES M (Prepared hr the United State« Depart meet of jLfiicalture ) DECEM BER 14, 1922 DATE OF BIRTH OF CHRIST EXCELLENT GIFT FOR YOUTH —Better Stock" campaign. A recent questionnaire study o f . the utility value of purebred lira stock showed, among other results, that heme Influence la an Important factor governing the breeding o f superior domestic animals. In fret. It ranks In Importance next The Eye Sight Conservation Coun­ to ealea, fairs, and shows taken col­ c il la enlisting the assistance o f com­ missioners o f education In every lectively. When parents show their In­ atate, and o f superintendent* in ev­ terest In good stock the children are ery county and school district. Ore­ more likely to dy so. One breeder told o f receiving some gon school officials hava been pro­ vided w ith 'a complete Eye Sight purebred live stock as a wedding gift Conaervatlon Day program. T o ex­ from his father-in-law. That begin­ ecute this plan J. A . Churchill o f ning was an important influence, which 8alem, atate superintendent o f pub­ resulted In an entire herd o f well-bred. lic instruction, and county superin­ tendents.-wilt cooperate In the Eye Sight Coeervation Day movement. In­ cluding y f . C. Alderson o f Portland. Multnomah county; O. H. Byland of Astoria, Clatsop county; J. B. W ll- kerson o f 8t. Helens. Columbia coun­ ty ; O. B. Lamb o f Tillam ook, T illa ­ mook county; N. A. Frost o f H ills­ boro, Washington county; S. 8. Dun­ can o f McMinnville, Yam hill county; Brenton Yedder o f Oregon City, Clackamas eounty; and B. H. Castle o f Corvallis, Benton county. Local school superintendents in these counties w ifi also aid In the movement, Including D. A. Grout of Portland, Arthur C. Strange o f As­ toria; Omar N. Bittner o f McMinn­ ville and A. C. Btanbrough o f N ew ­ berg, Yam hill county; and J. O. Mc­ Laughlin o f Corvallis. "T h e object o f an Eye Sight Con­ servation Day in schools la to dis­ cover the fact that a child has a defect o f vision or symptoms o f a defect, rather than to determine the degree o f deficiency," it la stated in the suggested program which the Bye 8tght Conservation Connell la taking up w ith the Oregon officials. "B y « Sight Conservation Day should be observed semi-annually, A Club Member and His Purebred Calf. shortly after the beginning o f each profitable animals, a practical Influ­ school semester, and should be an In­ ence In the couple's prosperity end tegral part o f th e ’ general school happiness. program. On this day the educa­ Gifts of good lire stock, tha depart­ tional program should be omitted until the testa and observations have ment points out are not only accept­ able In themeetves but with proper been completed." Every teacher In the country, ac­ handling multiply and give pleasure, cording to the council, Is a potential satisfaction, and financial benefits for crusader fo r better vision. Teachers an Indefinite period. — H o r s « for Sole. •old! THURSDAY Newberg Motor Co PH O NE W H IT E 7 when “ larifr's the neet fr e e COLLEGE AYR SH IR E COWS MASTE GOOD M ILK SECOND Oregon Panetta J. No. 5t203, A y r­ shire ju nior two-year-old heifer of the college herd^ has finished a rec­ ord. o f 18,691 pounds o f m ilk and 621.8 pounds o f butter fat. Final approval o f this record has not been received but It la approximately what w ill he allowed. This places her among the highest heifers of that age. She ranks eighth In amount o f m ilk produced and fifth in amount o f butter*fat produced. This la the highest record daugh­ ter o f Oregon Peter Pan, the senior herd sire at the college. Another of his daughters, Oregon Panetta K, has Just finished with about the same amount o f m ilk and between Christmas they In­ one or two to have Christmas dinner with them who would otherwise have been alone. It gave them so much pleasure that they never felt they were being “ kindly“ nor that they were “ doing a real chaflty.” So that their guests always had a real Christmas with real Christmas cheer. For they never fU t that they had been invited out o f kindness, nor out o f charity 1 500 and 600 pounds o f butter fat. Fried E r a {M arseilles) F ry four fresh eggs in a little olive oil, drain them carefully and add to the oil rem aining in the pan half cup o f well-seasoned consomme, half fin ely chopped green pepper and six mushrooms. Cook carefully and pour around the eggs. Serve Imme­ diately, Land Crowds Sea The deposit» at th e mouth o f the R iver Po In Ita ly have caused the coast to gain upon the sea so rapidly that a point which In the tim e o f Augustus was a seaport town la now nearly 20 miles from the Adriatic. In G ro w » of Three Three things to love— courage, gentleness and affection. Three things to fig h t fo r— honor, country and home. Three things to think about— life, death and eternity. Three things to govern— temper, tongue and conduct. Three things to delight In— frank­ ness, freedom and beauty. Three things to hate— cruelty, ar­ rogance and ingratitude. /Three things to wish for— health, friends and a cheerful spirit. _ Three things ’ to avoid— Idleness, lbquacity and flippant jesting. Three things to adm ire— intel­ lectual power, dign ity and graceful - Y E VER vited SANTA FOR ITALIAN KIDDIES Befana, Good Fairy, la Supposed te Fill Stockings With Toys en Twelfth N ight character la Italian J f l £ I childhood lore correspond­ e n t — * Ing to our Santa Claus U N jr Befana, a good fairy who is supposed to fill the chll- dren’a stockings with toys on Twelfth N ight She does n ot however, come down the chimney, and the stockings are hung In ton child’s bedroom. When someone enters to HU the stocking, the child, according to a v e ry ' ancient practice, cries out “Bcco la Befana." The legend concerning this lady Is tost the Magi, whlla on their way te Bethlehem, stopped et her borne, but found her too bnay with household af­ fairs to entertain them. She told them that she wonld sea them on their re* turn, bnt they went back by another route, and therefore Befana cornea out la search of them every Twelfth Night H er name Is a coemption of Epiphany, which Js Jan. A the twelfth night after Christinas, according to the church calendar. top Phone Bed 128 Our Store is a veritable Commissary o f Useful and Beautiful Articles That W1U Appeal to A n y Man, Woman, or Child The Lady of the House Rifles Roles Safety E aso n Staving Brushes Shoe Last Stands Socket Wrench S Soldering Irons Squares Tin Snips Vises Wheelbarrows Wrenches Yankee D rills * Aluminum W are Andirons Baking Dishes (P y re s ) Belts (N ew berg H igh ) Baskets, clothes * Baskets, market Bread M ixen Cake Griddles Coal Oil Stoves Crumb Trays Dinner Sets Door Mats Dust Mops Fireplace Sets Fireplaoe Screens H ash Lights Food Choppers Heaters Ironing Boards Kitchen Knives O’Cedar Mops Percolators Automatic Drills Axes Belts (N ew berg H igh ) Basketballs Barber Clippers B a ite r Shears Band Boxes Bucksaws Butcher Knives Butcher Steels Chisels Coleman Lanterns Crescent Wrenches D raw Knives Emery Wheels Extension Bits Fishing Rods S e a l«, household Scissors Silver Tableware Steam Pressure Cooker Table Lamps Teakettles Ton Pots W ash Machines W ash W ringers Vacuum Bottles Hatchets Horae Clippers Ladders Levels Lunch Kits Pipe Wrenches Corn Poppen Plash Lights Footballs Game Traps Gym Shoes Pocket Knives Pocket Knives Pnudng Shears Velocipedes , A ir R ifle« Athletic Goods Boxing Gloves Boy Scout Hatchets Camp Kits LOOK A T OUR W IN D O W S FOR MORE SUGGESTIONS - A N D SERVICE STATION— G E N E R A L R EPA IR IN G Touring Cars, Trucks, and Tractors ^ No Seoond Charge Open • a. * . to 10 p. as. W est D rat Wo Do Towing N E W B E B t, C Christmas Oaks Deesratiena. T o maks attractive Christmas caks decorations, lightly butter the under aids of perfect holly loaves, then «»a t with Icing and let dry. When dry the Icing will toss* off shaped and vetoed like the le a l Make Into a wreath by Joining with Icing /terns. C H E ER FU L SERVICE