Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, December 07, 1922, Page TEN, Image 10

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    Ton scarcely realise how cloee the Cbiistmss season really is. It is to suggest to yon that yon
shop early while the stocks are complete. Wo tal& it of oonrse that yon will make this store you*
headquarters for yonr Christmas shopping for neefol gifts. Too will not be disappointed,« as we will
show onr greatest assortment of "useful gifts” that we hare ever shown.
' There is a difference between a house and a home. It isn’t a home unless it combines correct
architecture with practical arrangement that meets yonr personal needs. Creating homes has beoome
a fine art Correct home-building ideas hare taken years and years to develop. The right kind of
a home costs no more— frequently less— than the "hit or mbs” kind.
These oorrect ideas and a Building Service by national experts are yonrs for the asking. Hund­
reds of modern designs are at this cffioe ready for yonr attention. Step in and ask ns about this
Building Service.
Silk Unions .
Silk Step-in-Santees
Rii if Knickers
stout out
Charles K . Spaulding Logging Company
Silk Faatelettes
—Holeproof Hosiery for Child­
ren -in silk and cotton. *
(Continued from page four)
Delmer Hertig is ven ding the
week end in Portland and at Sau-
vie’s Island visiting relatives and
Mis. George Wenger and daughter
Gelene, and Mias Clara Wenger were
the guests o f Mr. and Mrs. Measer-
ley at Salem on Thanksgiving.
Mr. and Mrs. Evan Carter and
two children of Mountain Top, John
Carter and Harry Carter spent
Thanksgiving with Mr, and Mrs.
Avon Slade.
Saturday evening, November 26.
Arthur Lyons was gives quite a sur­
pris« when fifteen of his friends
Kramten’s parents. Mr, end Mrs.
John Kramien.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Newal] re­
turned from their honeymoon trip
last Friday and will visit a few days
with Mrs: Newall’s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Hadley, before leaving
for their home In Seattle, Wash.
. The young people’s class, the
“ Friendship” class In the Sunday
school spent n very enjoyable era*
ning at the parsonage last Friday.
The evening wka spent in playing
games. Eighteen young people were
present. Dainty refreshments were
Mr. Gulley and family from New­
berg moved out to their new home
the last o f last week. Mr. Galley’s
son, Lester, and family moved oaf to
the farm a few weeks ago. The Gul­
leys purchased the farm from W. H.
Dean, who moved to Idaho a few
weeks ago.
Those present at th « family dinner
Thanksgiving day at the Carlisle
, home were: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Stella Hubbard spent Thanksgiv- Lemon, parents of Mrs. Carlisle, sl­
ing vacation with her brother and so a sister, Mrs. ©. E. Hart and bus-
family in Marion.
I band and son from Tillamook, and
H r. and Mrs. R. M. Neill from two brothers, Janies Lemon and wife
Portland spent Sunday and Monday from Seattle and R. H. Lemon and
at the CowgUl home.
family from Newberg.
Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Hart and son, | Outside visitors at th« annual
Sidney, drove over from Tillamook community Thanksgiving dinner in
to spend Thanksgiving with rein- Spriogbrook
Perry Macy from Rex. Mr. and Mrs.
Orte Maey from Portland, Mr. and
Mrs. R. H. Hutchens from Newberg,
Mr. and Mrs. McDonald from Port­
land, Myrtle Hagey from Dundee.
Mr. and Mrs. Charley W hit« and
family from Newberg.
family have their new house nearly
completed end have moved into it.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bristow and
son spent the last few days visiting
at the home of W. A. Parrish In
Mr. Pol shew, we understand, has
traded his place for property in Ar-
leta. Portland, and has moved his
the city.
S r. and Mrs. IS. Gilmore crossed
the Willamette and ate goose dinner
at the horn« of Mrs. Gilmore’s eon,
Chris Morgan, at Buttevttle on Sun­
Mim Lora Bristow and brother,
Alvin, spent their Thanksgiving va­
cation at the home of their sister,
Mrs. Percy Kiser, of Lad HU1 dis­
Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Heater made
the trip over the mountain to New-
berg las Friday, visiting with Mrs.
H.’s sister, Mrs. E. Bush, and her
father. Mr. Felton!
Miss Viola Zehring has ten days
o ff from her high school work In
McMinnville and Is thoroughly en­
joying herself at home. There Is no
other home like our own.
Mrs. Cnrson and son, Donald, v is ­
ited at Mrs. Curson’s home near
Newberg Thanksgiving time, enjoy­
ing themselves with relatives and re­
newing old acquaintances.
We wish to correct one of onr
last week’s items. Our friends and
neighbors who bought the Ross farm
are Mr. and Mrs. Lunsden and fam­
ily— ye reporter mixed names.
Jee Roberta of Lad Hill was on
the mountain last Monday. Mr.
Roberts purchased a purebred O. I.
C. pig of W. W. Parrett and chose
such a nice day to come after his
A Thanksgiving dinner was given
at the home of J. M. Moad. Those
enjoying themselves in the above
home were Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie
— Holeproof Socks for Mon in
silk and lisle.
W atch our windows for the best specials
seen yet in quality groceries.
Miller M e r c a n t i l e C o
“ GOOD G O O D S "
The Store of Useful Gifts
Help the needy. We have them
with us.
A box is now In the post office,
where cash 'contributions may be
placed for the relief of the needy
persons of our eity.
The moneys received w ill be
handled by a committee from each
o f the five city wards, and relief
sens to learn that actual want and
destitution exists at this moment,
bat such is the sad truth.
Halp all that you can for it Is
E. A. Ellis.
W atch and Clock Repairing
Watches, Clocks and Jewelry of all kinds. Christmas
Supplies, etc.
A ll Repair W ork Guaranteed
of arriving at true
Indications are that the county’s
budget for the coming year wiU be
even greater than last and the coun­
ty court Is searching for possible
ways la which the burden can be
shifted from the farmers who ore
clamoring for relief.— Telegram.
N ew Legion H all
W ith «Tory purchase of a cord tiro
Next Saturday Night
and tube we will give away
Decem ber 9
How Does That'Sound?
' . '
N e w b e rg , O rego n
McMinnville, Or., Nor. 30.— In on
HOT TAMALES and everything effort to increase the saeeased valua­
at the Friends Christmas sale, De­ tion of timber lands In Yamhill
cember 9, at Golden Rule- Store.
county. $10,000 has been included
In the tentative budget for 112$ by
the county court for cruising timber.
It is estimated that there era 90,-
000 acree of timber in the county,
much of which is said to he held by
outside interests for speculative pur-
Miss Florence Thompson visited
Sunday with the Mimes Irene and
Elsie Mood.
, .
Miss Let ha Bristow spent her
Thanksgiving with her sister, Mrs.
O. R. Winters.
Fred Parrett made a flying trip to
Portland and back Smurday in spite
of bad weather.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Staples en­
joyed Sunday afternoon at the home
of Mr and Mrs. Cleve Heater.
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Heater and
was nov prevalent, for in many
homes It was Thanksgiving goose in­
stead. Ye writer also snjoysd him­
self in many ways at tbs home of
Mr. and Mrs. Zehring and family.
Here too was the goose served and
relished, but oh, you pumpkin pie!
Some baskets of Thanksgiving
foods mads their way from homes on
the mountain here to some needy
homes in Portland suburbs, thus
gladdeniflg their hearts and bring­
ing forth the real Thanksgiving
spirit to both the receivers and giv­
ers. Homes represented here were
those of Mrs. Hazel Heater and Mrs
F. P. Zehring. Mr. Zehring deliv­
ered the baskets direct to the needy
Halbert’s Orchestra
Watch for the announce­
ment of the big Masquerade
Ball, to he held here Christmas
Priced Low for
Q u ic k S a le
FRAHCE8 WILLARD’S HOKE DRY Ford T ouring............
Evanston, 111., former home of
Francis Willard and headquarters of
w. C. T. U.# did not go w«t a* ru.
ported In the early returns from 1111-
returned a dry majority of
4 i foies as shown by the official
That, historically. Is what
mould have happened.
• ■ • $150
Ford Touring
......... . .. .$*00
Ford Delivery, bed and oab . $300
Paid Track, oab and body.... $300
Newberg Motor Co,
O n « ticket to the Masquerade Ball
at tha Legion Hall.
Any regular 30x3 1-2 cord with tiro
and tuba, or its equivalent