Howard Webber from Iofra has been visiting here with his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Da via Mr. and Mra Wm. V. Dolph and children spent the past week end with friends and relatives in Port­ land. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bltton and Mr. Sitton s mother, Maggie 81tton, from McMinnville, were Sunday vis­ itors at the E. O. Fendall home. Professor Kenneth D. Fendall has been appointed Sunday school super­ intendent to fill out the rest o f the year, owing to the vacancy created by the resignation of Wm. V, Dolph, who plans to go to California for the Wluter. CHEHALEM MOUNTAIN WEST CHEHALEM Harold Follett ts now driving a Chevrolet touring car. Mrs. Ma£el Washbond entertained company last Sunday from Gearhart. Mr. and Mra. C. W. Finch of Port­ land were visitors last Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. H L. Amoth. . The Ladles’ Aid society meet this wssk all day Wednesday. This w ill be the first masting this falL Bill Rogers and family have gone to southern Oregon on s visit. E. O. Ostch on the Far View farm took in the stock show last week. Mias W lnnifred 1 guest st Ed Wohlw il’s Sunday. M. J. Boatwright trip to Hillsboro one day last weak. J. P. Jonas and son, Wayne, were dinner gusaU at John Haynes' Sun- Am-w i day. '$.'->’ "7 i 'i t * E. C. Wohlschlegel was among the crowd who attended the stock show last week. John Orpduff and Orval Hanson, who with his w ife srs visiting there, motored to Portland Monday. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Howard and son, Arnold, mads a trip to Port­ land Thursday and visited the stock show. Potato harvest Is in full blast with s good variety and an abundance of tubers. Nothing small about them but the pries. The stork visited the home of Mr. and Mra. M. J. Boatwright Sunday morning and left a seven and a half pound baby girl., Mr. and Mrs. A. McCormick came out from Portland Saturday and spent Sunday with Mra. McCormick’s father, Q. W. Whitmore. Several of tha schools on the mountain were closed three days last week, while the teachers at­ tended Washington county- insti­ tute. —■»—*-—— — , '1, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wohlschlegel have moved up to their mountain home where they w ill stay while they dig their eighteen seres of spuds. ' E. L. McCormick, d ty recorder of Hillsboro, spent the week end on the mountain, visiting his father, W. H. McCormick, brother C. M. McCor­ mick, end sister, Mrs. W. R. Davis. Miss M s/ Jones, who ts staying with the A. Allens of Dondee, wss home for s short time Sunday. An­ other visitor st the Jones home Sun­ day wss F. J. Haynes. Myron Bryan, who has been in the' United 8tatee veterans’ hospital since last January, with the excep­ tion of one week in June, was oper­ ated on again last1 week and Is Very low. There la little hope of his re­ covery. Mrs, Ella Hanson, an old time res­ ident on the mountain and who still owns a farm here, has been visiting at the John Omdulf home. Mrs. Hanson and her two sons, Ernest and Orval, and Mrs. Orval Hanson, re­ cently drove down from Btettler, Al- berta. Mr. and M rs L. T. Flnigan and daughters, Berniece and Wanda, went , to Pacific City last Wednesday week after salmon, but could not stay long enough to get any on account of Wanda having an attack o f tonaill- tln. They spent two days at L. L Hunt’s In Newbsrg on the- return trip, where Dr. Wendt treated both daughters, Berniece having had an attack of the same disease. Mr. and Mrs. L. L Hulit returned with them Saturday and remained until Sun­ day evening. —Lemon and Orange Feel, 86 cents pound; Flag Brand; of course (hie best 84.7»; choice «tock. sine. —Royal Baking Powder, 18 ounces 40 cento; 8Vt pounds $1.19; 0 pounds $8.85. —Honey, pint Jars, 89 oents; 1988 crop; light eolsr. —Oysters, oan 16c; 6 ounce sine. h at it? Cun you BUY HOLIDAY HUTS HOW Hew Crop Filberts, special 80 oa ts pound........................................................Five Founds 86 Cento Manchurian Walnnto, hard shell, cracking quality very fo o d .....................................Found 80 Gats Oroner’i Rxtm Fancy Padded Oregon Growth Walnuts, pound 4 0 o ;.............. .Five Founds $1.90 « Best by Five Y o n ’ Toot " Groner’s 8-X Band, pound 88 cents.. . .................. r . . . . . . ............... Two Founds 66 Cento Gxanor’s Ho. 8 Quality, pound 88 cents........... ................... ................ Two Founds 66 Cato Almonds, paper (helled variety, pound SO o a ts ........................................ I..............Five Founds $1.40 CANNED G00D8—Good Standard Tomatoes, Cut String Beans, Feus or Corn, . . . .Two Guns 86 Cato ^ mm^ m m wmi mm ■ mm m ~ m m — —Kuala Oil—Pinto 88 o a ts; quarto 65 oats. —Preferred Stook Catsup—Fiat bottles, qteh 86 osata. How «took. . - „ mmmmmm M mm b m ^ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ — • Ever a faithful friend to careful cooks. —Del Monte Beans, Buffet (ine, 5 oats. — New Fuck Shrimp, can 16 eats. WHY DRINK MOONSHINE?—80th Century Coffee has tho kick, aad furnishes the shock absorber. Ho harm done, and all the benefits reoeived. Roasted today by os, on your table tomorrow. Pound 88 oents. Two Founds 65 Cents FL0UX—Crown, Olympic, White ▼im» Hetoher’s ....................................49. Pounds $1.83 SUGAR—Fare Ohne .Fourteen Founds ONE DOLLAR SOAP—F. A G. White Naptha, all purpose soap. Swift’s White Soap 0KI01 .Five Bars 86 Cento .Bight Bars, 85 Cento -Five pounds, 10 o a ts . FANCY SWEET P0TAT0E8. .Per Sack $1.86 Seven Founds 86 Cato IF ITS GOOD TO 20= Century Stores 7 0 0 First S treet, N ewberg FOB RENT— Three large unfur­ nished rooms, water on porch. «02 north Main. 7tl FOR RENT— Four or five nlsbed rooms, with hot aad e Ur. bath and toilet. SIX street. Dr. Tho«. W . Hester FOR 8 ALE— Sixteen Barred ‘Rock pullets at 90e each. Vincent's Feed Store. 7 tl Office in Dixon Building PHONES: White 289 R«a. Orange 869 PHYSICIAN tnd SURGEON FOR SALE— Modern FOR 8ALB— Two dos. nice White bungalow, with bath, on Leghorn pallets. Vincent’s Feed Inquire of J. D. Gordon. Store. 4tf GOOD BUILDING LOT thru» WEANED PIGS and Chester W hite blocks north of First street for sale. brood sow. Geo. Wenger, phone Call X00 Franklin street. Phone Blue it f IX A lt. 7tl* XOX. " Dr. A. M. Davis Oregon Blllich. toilet, electric lights; pared street; 6 t 2 * all improvements paid. Inquire 101 north Main. 4t2* ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Notice Is herby given that tbs un­ dersigned, Q. M. Kelling, has been duly appointed administrator of the estate of J. O. Oustln, deceased, by the County Court o f Yamhill County, Oregon, and has qualified. Now, therefore, all persons having claims against the estate of J. O. Oustln, deceased, are hereby ««tided and required to present the same, with the proper vouchers, duly veri­ fied, to the undersigned administra­ tor at the law office of Clarence Butt, in the city of Newberg, Tam- hill county, Oregon, Iwlthin six months from the date of this notice. Dated this 9th day of November. 1988. t ■ Q. M. KEELING, Administrator of ths Estate of J. O. Gustin, deceased. Clarence Butt, attorney for estate: First pub. Nov. 9. 19X8. -, . —■» Last pub. December 7, 19X8. Dr. I. M. Blomwiok FOR SALE— Shetland pony and harness. Harvey Bros., Amity, Ore­ gon. StX Dundee. Don’t be worried. "What diali I do for Thanksgiving Dinner?” That’s (he question, and its at toast half solved after a visit to one of then stono. They an chodk fall, and ao an the «tore opera- m. 8 pounds 86 c a ts ; 1988 crop, good CARROTS FOR BALE, cheap, on Hurlston Place, north Main. 9t2* FOR SALE — Improved strawberry plants. J. E. MRS. HOUSEWIFE —Fig Pudding—Small 81 cents; medium 45 cents. Heins variety. CLASSIFIED FOR r e n t -H ouse, | rooms, 1 nlsbed, strictly m odera See J. Nash. 7 Bradley. APPLES— Good stock. 60c bring your boxes. Apple bouse freight depot. FOB SALE— 5-room house, bath, toilet, hot and cold water, lights, street Improvements all naid. Price 11X60; some terms; call at X01 north Main street. ' t tl* Hydro-Theiepy, Treatments and Steam POTATOES, POTATOES— X 6c to 75c per sack. You’ll have to burry. Laurel Cottage. 7tl* ORDERS TAKEN for fruit trees and nursery stock of all kinds at Vin­ cent’s Feed Store. 50tf FOR SALE— Leghorn pullets and hens; also Incubators, brooders and .wire. Harry Rockwell, Portland Road. 7 tl Phone Black 40 for 110 North School street FOR SALE— X Vs scree, many kinds of fruit for family use, 7- room house, hot and' cold water, elec­ tric lights, phons, cement walks, barn, close in, good location. W ill take in small car as part payment. Box 184. Newberg Ctf First door north o f Yamhill trie Co.’s office. NEWBERG, OREGON Dr. John S. Rankin PHYSICIAN and SUB6E0M FOR SALE— Fat geese; dreesed beef and veal by the quarter. Free DRESSMAKING— Work called for recipe to keep meat fresh. Jim Hess, and delivered. Call White 141. Mrs. Rte. 1. 7tl Morecroft. 7tf FOR SALE— Registered _ DR. STRYKER, Osteopathic phy­ bull, SunnyfieMs stock; e sician. U. 8. National Bank building, taken soon. Phone XXA5X. McMinnville. 4tf Hutchens. I TAKE ORDERS for home-made POTATOES— DOLLAR per sack. 6 sks. |4; nice butter 45 cents; wool knit sox. Phone Red 44. 1X98 5t4* Edwards barn, Ninth street. Oscar Seventh street. Huddleston. 6t4* FOR LEASE— «0 scree, stocked FOR SALE— Bronte turkey gob- and equipped; immediate possession. 7tl* lers, Guinea fowls, Pekin ducks, D. E. Hughes, Newberg. chickens, geese. T. B. Hamxnersly, SU. 1, Xtt mi. west o f Newberg «12* THREE COWS, giving milk, |40 and |50. 2 brood sows, 1 male, reg­ TRAINED NURSE will do emer­ istered Poland China. D. E. Hughes, gency nuralng by day or'hour. Call West Chehalem valley, Newberg. Blue 18 or 114 Sheridan at. 60tf WOOD SAW-—Have taken aver STOVE FOR SALE— New range, Nelson wood saw. W ill give prompt oven 18x18, only used 6 months; service on short notice. Leonard parties going away; will sell cheap. King, at L L Fortune’s. Black 27. Inquire at Van’s Cash Grocery, Dun­ 7t4* dee, Oregon. 7tl* MRS. DON CARLOS CLARK, teacher o f Harmony and Stringed In­ struments. Next door to City Re­ corder’s office. Thursday p. m. BOARD AND ROOM— Two rooms only. 7tf with board, close In business center o f town. Can Blue 72 or call at 404 THE PORTLAND TELEGRAM is Hancock street. 4t4* delivered daily (No Sunday) at 45 cents per month. It you wish to sub­ scribe, call Red 12. J. E. Martin, Office Phons Black 171 Ras. Phons Gray 171 OGce over U. 8. National Bank E. A. Romig, M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGED! Office ever Pint National Bask Office Black X. Office of DR. RALPH V . VANVAUN the place- where you got DENTISTRY Over the U. S. National Bahk Dr. H. C. Dixon DENTIST TELEPHONES Office, White 88. Res. Blaek 188 Dr. I. R. ROOT DENTIST Office over Ferguson’s FURNISHED BOOMS TWO FURNISHED housekeeping FIRST CLASS AUTO MECHANIC suites for rent, 1 room and on# 2- w ill call -at your home and fix your room; wood, light and water fur­ car; 60c per hour. John Olofsou, nished. Laurel Cottage.