Newberg Graphic subject and thsn talk. It over w ith aoucu» of your M aud» whu think as you do and | d thsm to do Ukswls«. In this way public a#inion la aroused and bafors Ion* somethin* happens. But don't blamq your newspaper for chronlclln* the facts partalnln* to happanln«s In tha community, «ran though they don’t approve o f them, until you yourself have dona some­ thin* to help stop the praetloas. c o l i x o t i o x i Chehalem Valley Mills surrycrmt ------------------- 1 AM AMERICA* PRINCIPLE , The Graphic thoroughly believes fin that oM American principle of' M ajority rule. W e do not always Agree w ith what tha m ajority ac­ cepts and some times take up a de­ fense of a minority as against the m ajority, but we do believe that When the m ajority say that, they Want a certain thing they have a right to I t However, the publishers o f thq Graphic do not feel that just because the m ajority jtrant some­ thing which we feel not to be for the beet, that the m inority have to partake o f the same and If we find ourselves In the m inority on some matter we shall try to give the ma­ jo rity the same righ t which we would ask if we were In the m ajority, while at the same time maintaining our. own rights regarding the some. For example, if th jjs a jo rlty o f the eltisens o f Newberg favor football, they have a right to enjoy that sport and the Graphic should as a courtesy to its readers and the m ajority, pub­ lish the news o f the various foot­ ball games, whether its publishers enjoy that sport or not. It happens in this ease that we do enjoy a good game o f football. However, the point is just the same whether wa do or do not. In our _estlmatlon. the same rale should apply to other pas­ times which we do not ourselves par­ ticipate in at all, hot which we try to chronicle out o f fairness to those yh o do. Wfe realise that we are sometimes criticised for thingB published in tha Graphic, but believe that the public at large, does not take Into consider­ ation that we do not necessarily en­ dorse everything which occurs in the community and which we give space In our paper. It is true that the newspaper * should lead public thought along the lines of m orality and better livin g, but there are lim ­ its beyond which a newspaper can­ not go In this, ir they do overstep those bounds, they only tend to an­ tagonise those whom they oppose and at the same time fa ll to accom­ plish the desired result. The Graphic Is open at all times to communications on various sub­ jects o f public interest and If per­ sons feel that right and m orality are being sacrificed in the community, we believe that it would be much more effective for them to take up the matter than for the paper to at­ tack it, singlehanded. Our idea In this is to bring the pressure o f united public opinion rather than the ideas o f the editor alone to bear on the subject. " ~ During the last two berry festivals street ooneeaslons were brought to Newberg and among them were a large number o f stands where kew- ple dolls were given as prlsss on chances. The Graphic objected to these stands as being of a rather de­ grading nature and offering the pub­ lic poor entertainment, with a very nominal chance o f winning any­ thing for money expended. However, |n spite o f personal and newspaper opposition, the stands were here both this year and ths year before. W e believe that this illustrates to a Walked degree the Ineffectiveness of g newspaper taking such a stand alone and unsupported. A fter the last festival, one reader o f the Graph­ ic did w rite an article In which he endorsed our stand. Howevsr, ths public are inclined to ait back and critic lie without themselves doing Anything to bring about a change. 1 If you nee something wrong In ¿oar community, don’t expect your newspaper to right it alone. It probably couldn’t do it. no matter how much It desired. Just sit down And w rite an article yourself on the Mr. Brown was a Portland visitor last Friday. Lester Hanna accompanied the W hitney Boys’ cherun to Portland last Friday. Mark Hanna was one o f the agri­ cultural boys to visit tha stock show lsst Friday. Mrs. Pilfer and children were, vis­ itors at the home o f her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Stubblefield last Saturday. Mr. sad Mm McCredie visited the home place last Sunday, returning home with what things they had left at the farm. Last week was beef canning week In this locality. A. W. Hubbell and Harley Hall both killed beeves, which were disposed o f among the various neighbors. Mrs. L. H. Gable and children made a whole day celebration Satur­ day at Newberg. They remained over night with Mrs. Gable’s mother, Mrs. W. H. Hubbard. Eugene Hubbard and his father- jp^lkw Mr. DUllnger, vial ted the stock show In Portland last Satur­ day. They said seme o f ths stock was fat enough for beef. - Sunnycrest was nearly a deserted neighborhood for Arm istice Day. Those who djjj not attend the Legion celebration were In attendance at the Church of Christ convention. If* va D evlre e and n f f fam e m llw 1 Mr. and V Mm Parks ily. Mr. and M m DUllnger, M m W . H. Hubbard and son, Dannie, were guests for Sunday dinner w ith Mr. end Mm. Eugene Hubbard last Sun­ day. Ben Craven was a visitor to the, stock show last Wednesday. Ben said he did not know there were so many fat cows, and that he was glad he did not have a -herd like the champion Holstein to milk. Mr. and Mrs. Linas Chrlatenaen were visitors at the H arley H all home for a day or two the latter part of the past week. Mr. Christensen hurt hie foot by stepping on a nail to was unable to work fo r a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Bradshaw made a trip to Portland last Saturday. Mr. Bradshaw attended a meeting o f the state Farm Bureau. M m Bradshaw spent a very enjoyable day renewing acquaintances and visitin g fam iliar places. - — _ A Mr. E llis from near Hebo has been visitin g with C. ▲. Crater fo r the past few days. Mr. Crater re­ turned to Hebo with Mr. E llis on his returning home Wednesday. Mr. Crater expects to return Friday or Saturday o f this week. As this has to ha to press quite early In the week, we can only say we have heard rumors of a wedding with a Sunnycrest young man as one o f the principals, or shall we say necessary parts? Perhaps the edi­ tor may note in another place this happy event; If not next week we w ill do better. The annual meeting of the Sunny­ crest Telephone shareholders was held at the home o f C. K. Hubbard last Monday evening. Reports of the treasurer and secretary were read.. Business pertaining to renewing the poles was taken up. Robert Shires Baalera I b •: > Flour and Feed H A Y AND G H fAIN AMD POULTRY SUPPLES» OREGON Batter W rappers Printed at the Graphic Ofltee TIME CERTIFICATES issued by this baak are n safe, ooatenient and profitable investment. On certificates issued after July I, IM I, the following interest rates will apply: Twelve month certificates, 4 per ©eat, payable semi- right by taking hies fin the Twilight S l s s p annually. le 'i-z c p his I f you are not one o f our largo number o f satisfied eue- tomers, we Invite you to make use of our facilities, believing that we eaa render n service unexcelled by any bank In the W illam ette Valley. THE TEETH* This wosulerfdl m w mdlwfit for the tooth is available only at my office and I « a M m eely dentist Brahes d by the association to nrtministor it in this oom— nty. A Sell of Honor Bank THERE IS NO HURT • Neither are than alter effects. It pels the teeth to sleep, that’s att. DR. E. R UTTER, Dentist Dipping plates directly Into hot water is the quickest and beat way o f heating them fo r table use. This method makes all the plates o f a uniform heat. To avoid having your lemon plea watery be sore that ths fillin g is sufficiently cooked before patting In to the pastry shell and also that it contains a sufficiency o f flour. ACKERMAN a H A R R l S V; A Graphic classified w in sell it. t í FORD CAR PRICES NOW IN EFFECT C ars s a d Tracks BAB’S RESTAURANT . te MOHAIR. n m U K U n t co- -* M G K £ Ï Qu The Phonograph Known for Tone a 3» Ol RADI VARA l K T í VARA ± RA r PI PHONOGRAPH : —— STR ADIVA STRADI Kt fro n factory, HS Urol & Page 0 WE WANT uO n romana, uregon KIMBALL CO. _ Turkeys and Fresh E ggs Pianos and Phonographs sold on InataUmsat McCORM l¿K MUSIC CO. Or »son Distributor, «SS-4S1 ^Washington Otrost. ■ Portland. Orogou R ed a ced O ver $ 5 0 .0 0 IN F O R M A T IO N DEPARTM ENT. R H E U ifros CHASSIS, REGULAR ................................. CHASSIS, WITH STARTER...... ............ SSI1 PLEATING SPECIAL $ 3 9 4 .7 2 85 cento ptet"Jurt. CHASSIS WITH 8TARTER AMD BEX. RIMS. . . . $ 4 2 0 .3 2 B0U6TEB REGULAR .......... B a s ^ g g t g g g ir ir $ 3 6 3 .7 6 Ô L tA N IN Q A N D O YBINQ ROADSTER, WITH STARTER . LOCAL male quartet 80108 AT DAYTOB The male quartet, consisting of Messrs. Craw, Frost, G ill and Phil­ lips, visited Dayton and sang at the revival services being conducted there by Mr. Phillips. This is the third public appearance of this quar tst, they baring sung twice in New­ berg during the past month. They plan to visit Dayton next week and also to render some of their num­ bers in town in ths nsar future. ------ o ■ Use a Graphic classified to sell I t ...... ___ $ 4 3 6 .5 6 ROADSTER WITH STARTER A DEM. RIMS...... $ 4 6 2 .5 6 T0UBJHG, REGUIAR ............. .................... $ 3 9 3 .9 2 $ 4 6 6 .7 2 TOURDTG WITH STARTER A DEM. XDfS....... $ 4 9 2 .7 2 SEDAS ........... $ 7 0 2 .8 0 COUPE . . . .... ...................... $ 6 3 5 .2 0 TRUCE.............. $ 4 7 1 .5 2 TRUCE, WITH STARTER....... $ 5 4 3 .2 0 TRACTOR ......... $ 4 8 4 .6 0 Cleaning êm û ua w . pay rotara postaos. Information and prisas g iv a » upon raquaat. USED TRUCK BAR6AINS X N K F I C ITY DTB WORKS ISSO Portland PLÔÔÂL— — a p l 6 * a L DksiqNè 1 to I ten GMC, RopubHcs, Whitoo, stc. §ür>Lw*Ro Clarks Broa, Florista, MT Morrison S t load far oar List. TOUEESG, WITH STARTER rH ? » . ......... rtllib lt During sonríe. Mud parda to f oun n d d r r Y y WENTWORTH & IRWIN, Inc., A A n d m a c h in e w o r k s Comi.,«rctal Iron Works, 7th fa MsdISOU F W r c o r r e c t lO N ta f Feaih.-! w Irh t Arch Supports m a d * t * Orogon Distributors for OMC Trasks SOS Bsoosd 01, Cor. Taylor Portland, Ol Portland' S’ ? ” " " " » ’ *1* Plt**ok eiook» RADIATOR ■ditte us. ¿ r a n t». Wadding Bouquets and Panarsi Pisaos LabUaar Florista, MS Morrison St. m a s a r * ™ » « a a .* »««. m m a n a l ----------- H otel — H o y t er -“ ,c„*&r,rta?~TSU'2fflK Lssstsd Sixth end Hoyt Strictly Flroprosf and Uodsrn. Nsar both depots and convsnisnt oar ssrrisa to aO parts of city. Above Prioes Delivered Mewfeerg Mew is the time to come in and select your Christmas Gifts and haws teem laid away. *- We ate anxious to just show yon omr gifts this year, no matter if yon don’t want to buy. Tor the new stock in new fixtures is really beautiful. GIFI JEWELRY THIS CHRISTMAS C A. MORRIS - i - THE JEWELER - OTTICIAR -- ~~— -■ - two km fhs aapsaranc. of woman. Tw.nty-two lack owttofe or tras B'JgtfjMsteuJriBC- Newberg M otor Co. Newberfc Oregon work. r ■ ____ Crowns M H , lu ta 1 ’ THOUSAND S o f „ natom i Montero* poopls * o m«roi«iydm|i m m M jr m N M wkk> back If I fad to i voua Y O U » cam., Only Authorized Ford, Lincoln and Dealer in »«SW* •F . i • M P BOpdM adriso- sa aar WiUs.or sag far OR. cusa. APEAR wSTry? Inoom. tax pr obtsasa. Bov .ral - f ysarr c actual ------r ----- ment us la s .ts v lM t^