V Largest Circulation In Tajnhill County NEWBERG GRAPHIC, THURRDAY, APXQ, 80, 1988 W ITH TH E CHURCHES She Discovered church and the ordinance of Chris­ CHURCH 0 7 GOO John Van Lydergraf of Salem will tian baptlam was administered at preach at the Church of God hall, both services. Altogether It was east First street. Sunday, April 23. at * * • » who *>‘ rtlcl* 11:00 a. m. and 2: SO p. m. parea. _______ CHRISTIAN 8CIE1ICE SOCIETY Christian Sclenoe Society holds rices every Sunday morning at 11 o'clock and Wednesday evening ser­ vices at S o’clock at 106 South Col­ lege street. The public is cordially Invited to atttend these services. ---------- o---------- A fine party was given by tbs iMf I intermediate class of thsfBlble school on Friday night of last week. Twen ty-six were present and the evening was spent in a most enjoyable man ner, culminating with a nice lunch We sake a special­ ty of berry aad fruit JO N ES A SC O T T R eal E sta te Too “ After 10 year» of hit or misa baking with various other brand* of powder 1 at laat discovered that tho bitter taste tome- time« found in hot broad« was caused from alum in cheaper grade« of powder. So 1 am now an ardent booster for Royal Powde,” Mr». L. A. J. terms. List yotur place with us for quick action. tMEMtFntSt, N«t«z,anfw The City G rocery Services as usual next Lord’s day Now that the better weather la here MAZAREME CHURCH the Bible school should be filled with young and old. The services should Sunday sehobl 9:41 a- a . Preaching 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. a have a greater attraction for all when .there is so much evidence Flue Freeh Vegetables sud Finks. Prayer meeting Wednesday even around of the providence and love of lag at 7: SO. God. The topic at the evening ser 8S1 714 Young people’s meeting at S'SO vice will be of particular Interest at p. m. Sunday. this time with the prevalence of the Behvury Naur Timet Daily. Rev. C. D. Norris, paster. claims of so many to be “ faith heal era.” Mr. Phillips will discuss the Bible doctrine o f ‘‘faith healing. TREE METHODIST CHURCH Contain« No Alum All who have ever heard the pastor Leave« No Bitter Taste H. E. Kreider, pastor. Residence dtpcum any of tbesd controverted SOS Grant street; phone Blue 70 subjects will bear witness that what Sunday school 10 a. m. ever position is affirmed It Is always Send for New Royal Cook Book—Ws FREE Young people’s meeting at S:S0 In the light of Holy Writ and stated with candor and kindness. Royal Baking Powder Co., 130 William St, New York p: m. The public Is Invited to any of the v Evening sermon at 7: SO. services of the church. The church You are Invited to attend the Is open to “ whosoever will” and we services. spread the Lord's table every Lord's ---------- o---------- day for all who love Him in sincer ity to partake. Nine forty-five, 11 LOCAL STATISTICS ON BAPTIST CHURCH H ousehold H ints Rev. W. H> Cox. pastor; residence 6:30 and 7:30 are the hours. C. H. THE USE OF TOBACCO When bamboo furniture becomes 316 College street; phone White 118. Phillips, minister. cloudy and dull wash it in water in ---------- o---------- Sunday morning— Sunday school, Superintendent Stanbrough has which « little salt has been dissolved. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Ralph Gray, superintendent, 0:4K. been making an extensive study, in­ Wash chamois gloves in warm suds Sabbath school at 9:45 with volving Preaching service. 11:00; subject, nearly eleven hundred and rinse In water of the same tem­ classes for all, and careful Bible stu grades, regarding the effects of to­ perature, to which a little olive oil ’ ’Standing In the Sunshine.” Sunday night— B. Y. P. U.. 6:30: dy. Supt. S. Sanderman. Neglect bacco on the scholarship of high Is added. They will dry soft and as not the word. , school boys. good as new. j Miss Florence Nye president. At the high school assembly on Morning worship at 11:00.— "The ng B. Y. P. U. Junior, 6:30; Mrs. Mc- Whitewash the Inside of your win­ marvels an d meaning of tjie burning Tuesday the superintendent present­ dow box before putting in the earth. Kelm, president. bush.” Good singing. Members re­ ed to the students the results of hia This will keep the box from rotting Preaching service, 7:30; subject, ceived after the service. investigations, emphasizing the fact and prevent Insects. ’’Vigilance the Road to Victory.” Y,. P. S. C. E. at 6:30— “ Overcom­ that he was not presenting a theoret Sprinkle salt on an open fire and Wednesday night— Prayer service, in g;” Num. 13:25-31. A «uccessful leal view, but their own record In hold your plumes over the smoke. 7:30. tbelr own school. Tife must be an overcoming life view of the alarming Increase This will curl the plumes swiftly and Thursday night,— Choir practice, Sabbath evening worship at 7:30 in In the use of tobacco^by boys in the naturally. 7:30. What Stops Anxiety?” I Pet. 5:7 last five years, tbe figures submitted If the pearl buttons on your dress The last week’s services were One. A delightful and profitable hour of become dull rub them with olive oil Large congregations In attendance. evening song and meditation and are significant. The records examined showed that and polish with a soft cloth. This The Sunday Sfehool Is growing, for prayer. of 518 recorded grades made by the will make them look like new. .which we are truly thankful. .W ill Friday, April 21, the DeMoes mus­ you come and bring your wife and ical family at this church, auspices of tobacco users tbe average 1« 82.5. Don’t forget that fresh meat children and get right, and help us the Y. P. S. C. E. Tickets 50c and Of 563 recorded grades made by the should be started to cook in boiling non-users the average is 88.2. to worship God. There Is not a man 25c. Help the young people. water, while salt meats should be Arranged by classes tbe averages put on In cold water and allowed to or woman In all the world that Jesus Tuesday at 2:30 p m.. ladies mis­ are: Christ does not love. Come and let get hot with the water. sionary society at Mrs. Lee’s home. Tobacco users— Freshmen, 84.7; me tell you more. a t 1Mf O A A A _____ ______ ■ ----------------------- M. L - - - S a i - - S - »* ----- 1 ---------- soph-junior, 82.1; seniors, 81.9. Wednesday at 7:30, raid-week WHHH z,u u u p o n ts * t b m t r a n s o tr a i m s * p iro s i Non-users— Freshmen, 87.4; soph- worship. Isaiah 6. This service pre­ METHODIST CHURCH serves the tone of people's spiritual junior, 88.4; seniors, 90.6. During the last three semesters \ The sermon for Sunday at 11:00 life. a. m. will be a post-Easter medita­ The Wicked shall be turned Into the tobacco users have carried 354 tion from the text "If Christ Be Not hell.” Says Bishop J. C. Ryle: “ Let grades, passing In 307, or 86.7 per Risen.” What would such a possi­ others hold their peace about hell if cent of them. The non-users have bility mean?' they will; I dare not do so. I see it carried 491 grades, passing in 477, B Y BUYING YOUR It fs well for us to contemplate plainly in scripture and 4 must speak or 97.1 per cent of them. Exemptions from examinations are both sides of the question of the res­ of it. 1 fear that thousands are on allowed pupils in any subject In that broad road that leads to ft und urrection. would fain arouse them to a sense which the grade for the semester is The evening sermon at 7:30 will 90- or over (with certain require­ be on the subject “ The Influence of of the peril before them." ments as to attendance, etc.). What would you say of the man home religion” based on the text, where you get During the last semester the to­ Joshua 24:15, "As for me and my who saw his neighbor's house In dan­ bacco users earned 23 such exemp­ QUALITY house we will serve the Lord.” This ger of being burned down, and never tions, while the nlon-users earned will be a plea for the acknowledg­ raised the cry of “ Fire!” , Call It bad 123. SELECTION sad ment of God In the home, both as to taste If you like, to speak of.hell. Thus, from whatever angle the BIGHT PRICES example td the children and an In­ Call it charity to make things pleas-’ matter is viewed, there Is found the fluence for good upon their lives. ing and speak smoothly and soothe basis of Pres. David Starr Jordan’s Come and hear these important ser­ men with a continual lullaby of remark: “ The cigarette user need peace. From such notions of • aste not worry abput his future; he hasn’t mons If not attending elsewhere. and charity may I be delivered. My any.” Ceraer First and M eridian notion of charity is to warn men ---------- o---------- Sunday school at 0:45 a. m. plainly of their danger. My notiontof Phene Black 14 Bp worth League at 6:30 p. m.; taste is to declare ail tho co tnsel of OBITUARY leader, Mina Ames; subject, "The God. If I had never spoken o'f hell, Sarah E. Christensen Lapp depart­ vision from the mduntainside.” should think that I had kept back ed this life April 4. 1922, at tbe Prayer meeting 7:30 p. m. Wed­ something that was profitable, t nd home of her daughter, Mrs. Carrie E. nesday. should look on myself as un accom­ Duncan, 171 E. Seventh street, N„ y Portland. Oregon, aged 73 years. The annual banquet for the choir plice of the devil. will be served by the ladles aid so­ Beware of new and strange doc Cause of death, cerebral hemorrhage TH E PH R A SE : ciety, Thursday evening In the base­ trines about hell and the eternity of caused by a fall. She was burled at Newberg, Oregon, under the auspices ment of the church. punishment. Beware of mauufactur ing a God of your own— a God who of the G. A. R. veterans and Wom­ an’s Relief Corps of which she was is all love, but po holy.” The Easter program given last member. Immortality, and eternity' and 'he 8unday morning by the children of Born at Wllkesboro, Pennsylvania, b often used in speaking of these stores. Everyone is treated aike and treated right rewards of faith In Christ alone, and the Methodist church was one of the in 1849, the oldest of a large family. the fearful retribution of wrong that best they have ever given. Some of Her father William Wilkee, emigrat­ the musical numbers showed splen­ is swiftly coming, are being too much ed to Shawno, Wis., when she was S p e c ia l F e a t u r r o , S a t u r d a y a n d M o n d a y , a t a n y 2 0 t h C e n t u r y S t o r e , a r e neglected for the moral good of the did ability. The little tots performed yet a child, and when Shawno had community. Let us turn. seemingly without embarrassment but seven white settlers. She grew ---------- o---------- YELLO W or W HITE CORK M EA L, Nebraska kfln dried, very finest grade, 9 h. sacks . . 2 5 c and greatly pleased the large audi­ up there and married Hans L. Chris­ ence which plainly showed the need UNION 8. S. TRAINING CLASS tensen in 1867. She was ths mother of the new church. The committee A goodly number of the class were of seven children, of whom three are are to be complimented. In 1888 the family present at the examination Monday ■till alive. evening. We will report results la­ moved to Newberg, Oregon, where she has lived ever since. In 1915 ter. CHRISTIAN CHURCH her husband died suddenly of heart We now begin the second division Easter Sunday was a great day failure. In June 1920, she married with the church here. About fifty of our text book. This part deals a civil war veteran, Noah Lapp, who- young people assembled for sunrise with the personal contact of the died four months after their mar­ prayer meeting and breakfast at the pupil and the teacher. We trust all riage. In later years, a serious deaf- church. The hall was filled to the untrained teachers and all who ex­ CHOICE LEMONS FANCY LOUISIANA SWEET POTATOES caused her and her friends great limit for the Bible school exercises pect to be teachers will Join our class distress, but she persisted In living 2 fo r 5 Cents. .6 fo r 14 Cents. .Dosen 28 Cents 6 Pouada 25 Cents....................3 Pounds 13 Cents at this time. Pupils will compare, which were especially good, consist­ alone, until a bad fall changed her ing of readings, songs, and two fine perhaps unconsciously, the public mind to live with one of her child­ MAZOLA OIL— TWQ DAY FEATURE SALE— Pints 25 Cents ; Quarts 48 Cents ; H alf Gallons 89 Cents ; plays, with splendid morals, given school teacher with their Sunday ren, who gave her the needful care. Gallons .......................................... $1.75 school teacher and often to the disad­ by the Intermediate class. Five were 8he leaves to mourn her loss one received Into the fellowship of the vantage of the latter because of a son, Georgs William, and two daugh­ OLYMPIC W HEAT HEARTS M. J. B., INDIA and CEYLON | GOLDEN BOD ROLLED OATS lack of proper preparation on her ters, Mrs. Carrie E. Duncan and Mrs. part. 9-Pound Sacks..................69 Cts Tree Tea, 1 P o u n d ___ 49 Cts. | Large Package................ 25 Cts .49 Cts. I Grace E. Atkinson, six grandchild­ The next meeting of the class will ren, all of Portland, Oregon, four CRISCO— ALW AYS GOOD— I Pound 23 Cents; 1 % Pounds 34 Cents, Three lbs. 68 Cents; 6 lbs. $1.30 be Monday evening. April 34, at 7:30 brothers. John, Charles, Hans and i o'clock in the Presbyterian chapel. Albert Wilkes, all M Tillamook, Ore­ PURE LARD ROYAL WHITE SOAP COMPOUND IN BULK Secretary. gon; two sisters, Mrs. L. D. Krake. Cts Bars ........................... 22 Cts Pounds ........................ 35 P ounds.......................... 35 Cts A ccording to the of Tillamook, Oregon, and Mrs. Olive Some people think that all printing Raymond, of Pasadena, California, SCRIPTURES UNCOLORED JAPAN TEA— Our B 10 X brand, makes splendid enp te a ............. H alf Pound 20 Cents is Just alike. We know different and besides a host of other relatives and can show anyone who is willing to friends. 7 :30 p. m. TEA GARDEN MOLASSES— KNOWN FOR HIGHEST QUALITY ON THE COAST Investigate that there la all the dif­ ---------- o---------- ference in the world between the CHRISTIAN CHURCH Avondale brand, dark molasses, 2 lb. can 12 % cts; 5 lb. 33 cts; 10 pound c a n ., ....................59 Cents Does advertising pay? Ask ths first-class printing which the Graph­ man who advertises. Ths business M agnolia brand molasses, suits the most particular, 2 % lb. can 28 c ts ; 5 lb. can 50 c ts : 10 lb can 98c Don’t miss this sermon. ic does and the kinds that some houses that fall don’t advertise until i others turn out. We make the price ths sheriff makes them. tf SCHELLS NOODLES I SKINNERS MACARONI I CITRUS WASHING POWDER COME! COME! right too. tf 3 Packages......................25 Cts | 3 Packages ................... 25 Cts | Package ................ . 23 Cts -----— o - . A Oraphic classified will soil It. Fortlaad-N ew berg M otor Bus Sched­ ROYAL For Service - QealHjr • Pikes BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure Big Beef Sale a t th e Newberg Packing & Produce Co. FOR S A TU R D A Y Ease Your Eating Problem Boiling B eef, lb. . P o t Roasts, lb . Groceries .. Beef Roasts, lb. 10 c . 12 k 15c . Good Juicy Steaks, lb. 15c A . M . Kendrick Also Specials on Bacon and Hams "They Certainly are Good Places to Trade” Alpine Milk Oregon product, tall cans, extra special 9c I Faith Healing ule E ffective January 15, 1982 FRIENDS C H U R C H SUNDAY SCHOOL 9 :4 5 CHRISTIAN E N D E A Y 01 6 :3 0 «• M orning— “ AH o f L ife Is a Great Investm ent.” Evening— Evangeliatic Message. ALL w \“ W ELCOM E Subject to change without notlee. Leave Newberg Leave Portland Park h Yamhill Imperial Hotel 8 :00 a. m. 8:00 a. m. 9:30 a. m . 9:00 a. m. 11:00 a. m. 10:00 a. m. 1:06 p. m. 11:00 a. m. 2:20 p. m. 1:00 p. ra. 4:16 p. m. 8:45 p. m. 6:30 p. ra. 4:00 p. ra. f : 30 p. m. 1:30 p. Sat. and Sua.— ONLY— Sat. and 8un. 11:16 p. m. 8:00 p. m. Reservations for Theatre Parties, etc., or for Special Tripe «all: Port­ land, phone Main S i l l ; Newberg, phone Blaek ISO. ROBLES PEACHES OR PEARS, good fru it in good s y r u p .......................................................Can 20 Cents PEANUT BUTTER I EXCELO CAKE FLOUR J CURVE CUT MACARONI F ieth made, p o u n d ___ 15 Cts I 3 packages ....................25 Cts | Bulk, 4 p o u n d s .............. 25 Cts 80TH CENTURY COFFEE— Fresh from onr own roaster, is very, very satisfactory if yon like good co ffe e ; Pound, 33 oents ......................................................................................Two Pounds 65 Cents IF IT IS GOOD AND TO BE HAD it is at our stores, and SAFELY PRICED FOR CASH BUYERS STORES ARE CONVENIENTLY LOCATED 20th C E N T U R Y G R O C E R Y Nowborg, Oregon i