Ctrealailon la Yamhill County g r a p h ic , THUXCDAY, A n n , «, i n s ACim nE AT PACIFIC COLLEGE W IT H T H E C H U R C H E S W ESTINGHOUSE * (From The Crescent) Y . W . Installs Mew Offioera CHUBCH OF GOD Rev. John Van Lydegraf will preach at the Church of Ood hall, eaet First street, Sunday, April 3, at 11:00 a. m. and 2: SO- p. m. — ° — --------------• ADVENTIST CHURCH Pastor Foster will hold services next Saturday at 11:30 a. m. at the Adventist church. Subject, "Pres­ ent Truth." All cordially Invited. ____ _______o---------- In the evening at 7:30, “ The Word of Ood.” Prayer meeting every Wednesday at 7:30. This Is always an hour of spiritual refreshing and fellowship. Some really worth-while tracts are on hand and may be had for the asking. Get one from the ushers. A cordial Invitation extended to all who are able to be with us at any o^ the services. A welcome awaits you. C. H. Phillips, minister. C h r i s t i a n s c ie n c e s o c ie t t FBESBTTEBIAN CHUECH Chris Mas Selenee Seelety holds sse- nees every Sunday moraine at 11 •bleak and Wednesday evening ser- »t I s ’eloek at ltd Sooth Oel- l « e street. The public is oordtaBy Sivlted In attend these ssrvises. ---------- »■ ■ ■ Sabbath, April 9— Sunday school at 9:46, with careful Bible teaching for all. Strangers welcome. Morning worship at 11:00 with Pastor Lee's message on "The Gran­ deur of the Soul.” Fine singing and precious services. Palm Sunday. Y. P. 8. C. E. at 6:30— "The Mas­ ter’s Invitation;” Lu. 14:16-34; Jno. 3:16. Helen Evans. The greatest one of all invites us to prayer. Evening worship at 7:30— Mr. Craw and Mr. Lee will make report of the Interesting actions of the Pres­ bytery on the 4th and 6th. Singing by the junior choir, and everything done to make this a loved evening hour. Wednesday at 7:30— Mid-week service. 2 Kings 11:1-17. Here we are renewed each week and advanced in the knowledge of the love of the Master. Be sure not to miss It If possible. Friday, April 14, is the anniver­ sary of the Savior's crucifixion; and the Sabbath following of His resur­ rection. What stupendous events; do we percetVe the meaning? April 21st;— the famous DeMoss piusical family in this church. Save the date. Watch for the posters next week. Many reform movements are ever being started, and with the best of meaning and intent. They arise from the need of safety for the com­ munity and our homes and posterity. But it seems that on’e after another tbese movements flatten out and dis­ appear. Something is accomplllshed but not much ^apparently, of a per­ manent nature. 8uch movements seem to weaken the Institution that our Creator has given up to do all this work in the very best way. if they seem to take from those insti­ tutions the responsibilities divinely Implanted. The three institutions in which all human welfare and com­ munity are wrapped up are repre­ sented by the home, the church, and the state, or local government. Where each of these functions well, social conditions are good. Instead of starting new organisations for do­ ing what belongs to any of'th ese fundamental institutions, let us rather pray and toil from this time to purify and strengthen these three — the home, the church, the state or local government. Then will crime be diminished, and conditions of public order and safety and decency be produced; and In no other way: for we cannot improve upon what our Creator has provided in these matters. IE E E METHODIST CHUECH Rev. W. R. Coffee, district elder, will hold quarterly meeting April 7 to t. Preaching every evening at 7:30 o'clock and Sunday at 11 a. m. The public is urged to attend these services and hear the gospel preached In a clear and forceful manner. H. E. Krelder, pastor. NAZARENE CHUECH Sunday school 3:46 a. re. Preaching 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. '-T - Prayer meeting Wednesday even­ ing at 7:30. Young people’s meeting at 6:30 p. m. Sunday. Rev. C. D. Norris, pastor. --------- -o ---------- METHODIST CHUECH * Preaching services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at 9:46, C. E. Newbouse, superintendent. Bpworth League 6:30 p. m. every Sunday evening. The league is well attended and they have inter­ esting meetings Prayer meeting at 7:30 every Wednesday evening. The women’s foreign missionary society held a tea and business ses­ sion at Mrs. G. E. Kienle’s home Tuesday afternoon. A pleasant and profitable time was enjoyed by the society. The ladles aid will meet Friday afternoon to conclude plans for the Easter sale Saturday, April 8, at Crede’s market. Ladles of the church please take note and please be pres­ ent. The women’s home missionary so­ ciety will have a tea Tuesday, April 11. All women of the church cor; dlally .invited. BAPTIST CHUECH Rev. W. H. Cox, pastor. Resi­ dence 316 College street, phone White 118. Sunday morning— Sunday school at 9:46, Ralph Gray, superintendent. preaching service at 11:00, sub­ ject, “ Rejoicing With Unspeakable Joy.’’ Sunday night— B. Y. P. U.. Miss Florence Nye, president; 8:30. B. Y. P. U. junior, Mrs. McKelm, president, 6:80. Preaching service 7:80, subject, “ The Entire World Illuminated from One Dynamo.’’ Wednesday night— Prayer service at 7:30. Thursday night— Choir practice at 7:30. We are anxious to have you know the Christ who loved you and died for you and gave you a place in glory. Come and let me tell you about It. ,Our Sunday school Is growing. You come and bring your children and help them Into the best of life here and hereafter. A big welcome awaits you at our church. ---------- o——— CHBIBTIAH CHUECH W . C. T. D , HOTES B A TTER IES 1. OVERSIZE. AND WASHINGTON STREETS, W ILL 2. 18 MONTHS GUARANTEE. 3. ECONOMICAL. AUTOMOBILE R E PAIR WORK OF ALL KINDS. C hristian A ssociations E lect Battery Man Zenos Perisho will head the Y. M. C. A- for the coming year and Har­ riett Hodgln will be leader of the Y. W. C. A. as a result of the elections which were held at the regular asso­ ciation meetings March 16. The new presidents are both members of the junior class and have been closly con­ nected with the associations for a number of years through active ser­ vice as cabinet members. The pres­ idency o f the Y. M. and Y. W. C. A. is one of the most important and re­ sponsible offices which a student may* attain and it Is felt that the associa­ tions chose their officers wisely. The executives chosen by the Y. M. C. A. are as follows: Vice-president, Cecil F. Hlnshaw; secretary, Cecil R. Hinshaw; and treasurer, Horace Ter­ rell. Those chosen by the Y. W. C. A. are: Vice-president. Mary K. El­ liott; secretary. Delight Carter; treasurer, Helen Hester; and under­ graduate representative. Flora B. Campbell. Sophomores Are Entertained The members o f the sophomore class were entertained at the home of Helen Hester Saturday evening,'Ap­ ril 1. The time was pleasantly spent playing a variety of games. Dur- g the evening Eva Miles was pre­ sented with a tiny gold drinking set. consisting of two goblets, tankard and tray, as a birthday gift from the class. After the light refreshments had been served by the hostess, a flash­ light picture was taken. Those pres­ ent were: Ruth Griffith, Eva Miles, Grace Crew, Helen Hester, June Whitlock. Lucille Clough, Dr. and Mrs. Hester, Howard Nottage, C. F. Hinshaw, C. R. Hlnshaw, Homer Hester, Davis Woodward, Alfred Ter­ rell and Daises Leffler. o-- ...... E at M ore Fish Fresh fish, salted fish and shell­ fish are at all times a healthful var­ iant from the usual meat routine. Scientific experiment has demon­ strated that fish contain a large per­ centage of the protein out of which human bone, muscle and tissue are built. Just now there is a plentiful sup­ ply of flounder, halibut,, cod. sole, salmon, smelt, crabs, oysters— almost any fish food one would want. The Three P ra ts The BUICK GARAGE, THE NEW 80x108 FOOT FIRE Of M erit . . . . PROOF BUILDING A T THE CORNER OF FIRST LET ME QUOTE PRICES TO YOU WHEN YOU NEW BATTERY. FRIENDS CHURCH NEED OILS, GASOLINE, ACCESSORIES, G O O D Y E A R TIRES, BUICK AUTOMOBILES FOB SALE. A Storage Osr Specialty W ELLS -Th e rs % m M EW M BG HIGH 8CM 00L , Agri omit ore Department ß AUCTIONEER ir v i n o n n i ■ I m M t T ia C m m a fer renne u 4 eld. U m f r i ss I n sera o f rallsss« r i r a i O H T«r F. KIHrara. Usd M or Rad zzi \ * C. J. Leavitt Realty Co. HOW A SAFE MILK SUPPLY IS INSURED FOE SMALL CITIES Milk inspection is of prime neces­ sity. In most of the larger cities laboratories are maintained ,%here bacteria counts and chemical analy­ ses are frequently made on samples collected from retail delivery wag­ ons, stores, and restaurants. But the small cities and towns can not afford the expense of a tester and labora­ tory find it hard to give proper sup­ ervision to their milk supplies. The United States department of agriculture suggests that a practical way for such cities and towns to In­ sure a safe milk supply is through the cooperation of two or more ad­ jacent towns in hiring a milk in­ spector and maintaining a labora­ tory. The cost of supervising such a plan may be prorated among the dif­ ferent towns on the basis of popu­ lation without the expense being bur­ densome to any one of them. State and federal authorities are always willing to cooperate' in work of this sort This plan of town cooperation In milk and dairy Inspection has been carried out In different parts of the country, probably the most conspic­ uous example being the group of towns in northern New Jersey known as "The Oranges.” In these towns the plan has been in use for a num­ ber of years with results that have been very satisfactory to all con­ cerned. o Thirty cents Is not very much money to pay when you have a cow to sell or a horse or some other ar­ ticle. Yet often times a thirty cent classified ad. has brought buyer and seller together as soon as the paper Is out. Graphic ads get results tf ---------- o--------- * Subscribe for the Qraphic and help us help you. tf •-------- o------------ McCOY BROS, garage open all night. 27tl INSURANCE • LOANS - REN TALS Phone W hite 107 North Main T H E P A L M QUICK LUNCH Under New * Management Good Eats and Good Service At Moderate The Ohdy Place Where You Can. Gat W affles >v MANY NEW SPECIALS Mel Amy Manager 100 PER CENT AM ERICANS:— You fou gh t fo r your cou n try; now safeguard it by join in g Lester C. Rees Poet Am erican Legion. F ise Fresh Vegetables gag Fruits. M ask M l 714 F irst Street Free D ottrorj Fear Tim es Daily. HOT CRO SS BUNS A NECESSARY PART OF EASTER IN COUNTLESS HOMES. A nnouncem ent THEIR POPULARITY IS INCREASING YEARLY. OF AND THIS YEAR TH EY’RE SO DELICIOUS— THE ONLY W AY TO SAFEGUARD AGAINST DISAPPOINT­ MENT IS— Garage All N ig h t Se rvice PLACE YOUR ORDER EARLY 25 CENTS PER DOZEN • Gars Washed aad M is fe d aad Brafes RaHaad at Night fa r Day Time Prices 11 :0 0 A. M. and 7 :8 0 P. M. CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR 6 :3 0 Newberg Bakery OPEN ALL WORT S • s M orning— “ The Dreamer’» Pate and H is H arvest.” WELCOME RECEIVE For Service • Quality • Prices SUNDAY SCHOOL 9 :4 6 Evening— “ The Quest o f the B est.” MONDAY, AFRO , 10th, PALM ER’S City Grocery C a t m 4 0 1 fe rric « ALL BEGINNING. Thb Woman’s Christian Temper­ ance Union will hold a business meeting April 12 at the home of Mrs. Marie Bowerman. Free will of­ fering will be received. Committee will serve up-to-date refreshments. The county convention will be held at the’ Baptist church instead of the Christian church, beginning at Is she very pretty?” 9:30 a. in. Newberg members will Pretty? Say! When she gets on a serve lunch at noon from their well filled baskets and let each member street car the advertising Is a total '— Boston Transcript. feel that the success of the meetings ---------- o---------- will depend on her presence. Mrs. Mary E. C. Scott, sercetary. If you could sit in the Graphic of­ . ---------- o---------- fice week after week and hear people tell of the splendid results they get UNION 8. 8. TH A H IH G CLASS from Graphic advertising you’d be Ajax Paragon Tires, 30x3 ft site, The class will take final examina­ convinced too that Graphic adver­ $11.36. You can’t beat ’em. Doyle’s tion in both the old and new testa­ tising pays. tf Tire Shop. 34tf ment Monday, April 10. at 7:30 o’clock. Bring writing material. Secretary. In speaking of the work of the American Legion and its future pos­ sibilities Mr. Phillips said that it is an accepted truth that no movement can rise above Its leadership. Whilst the grand principle of the Legion Is summed up ln: one word "American­ isation.” the speaker thought that their efforts would be more certain 8. 8. CLASS APPEEC1ATE8 of enduring success If they were to THE PUBLIC PATEONAGE aim for Christian Americanisation. The members of the Out-and-Out- The sermon was based on the words of Peter regarding Jesus, "He is the 1 Sunday school class hereby express Lord of all.” and Mr. Phillips en­ their appreciation and extend thanks larged on the right of Jesus to this to all the Newberg and Dundee supreme position of princely leader­ friends for their generosity In help­ ship by his having manifested In his ing to make their sale a success, Sat­ life an Intellectuality that was cer­ urday, April 1. For the information tainly divine; a will power that was of those Interested, they make the supernatural and sympathy that was following report: Sales on Saturday that of deity. These qualifications amounted to 311-91. Additions of possessed by none other in such a gifts and sales of left-overs amounted degree, fitted Jesus to be the sole] to $3.00, making total receipts leader of every movement for the $14.91. This sum the treasurer, Geo. betterment of humanity, as his su- { W. Wallace, will turn over to the M. prerae sacrifice for man fits him to b e ' E. Sunday school treasurer towards the sole Savior. A splendid audi­ the building fund for the new ence was present among which were church. This class, as other classes many legion boys. We are sure that of this Sunday school, have taken every effort should be made to enlist the “ new church” as their hobby, these fine men in cooperating with yet not forgetting their missionary the church for the uplift of the peo­ pledge. Contributed. ---------- o---------- ple. One of the largest attendances was BRICK COMPANY INCORPORATES seen at the C. E. hour last Sunday, j The Oregon Face Brick company, This is a fine fellowship service and, with Andrew Kershaw. Robert Shel­ prepares one fo r the service to fol- ley and Harry M. Kershaw as Incor­ low. porators, filed articles of Incorpora­ One hundred seventy-five. We j tion with county clerk on March 24. want this number at the Easter ser -1 The capital stock is $160.000. Robert vice of the Bible school. Every mem­ Shelley Is appointed to open stock ber must do his part. None must banks, receive subscriptions and or­ fall. ganise. The company will have its Sermon topics for next Sunday: principal office at Willamina, Ore­ At eleven "A Pertinent Question.” gon. ANNOUNCEMENT The Y. W. C. A. Installation ser­ vices last Wednesday for Harriett Hodgln and her cabinet, the girls who succeed Anna Mills and her cabinet as officers of the college Y. W., were beautiful and impressive. ' The cabinet officials for 1921-33 and their successors are as follows: President— Anna Mills, Harriett Hodgin. Vice-pres.— Gladys Scott, Mary Elliott. Secretary— Lucille Johnson, Do light Carter. Treasurer— June Whitlock, Helen Heater. World Fellowship— Mary Elliott. Lucille Clough. Social Service— Eva Miles, Pauline Terrell. Religious Meetings— Harriett Hod­ gln, Gladys Scott. Social— Beth Paulsen. Ann Silver. Music— Delight Carter, Olive Arm­ strong. Undergraduate Representative— Pauline Terrell, Flora Campbell. McCoy Brothers Garage h I