Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, March 30, 1922, Image 8

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kinds you will
prices right
Vnceat Feed Store
We Make CsMsctisss
we sue nr oub hajke
J. L Knight. President
McMinnville, Oregon
J. J. Stengel, Manager
Hillsboro, Oregon
Lsc&l sud Long Disturne Haul­
ing.— Wood and hay fo t tale.
Phone Bed 187
Hewberg Produce Co., Blue 129
Why Two New York Stato Bays Bud-
danly Baw Thara Waa Na Reason
far Raja Icing.
If Story la True, Thla Knglishman'a
Middle Nam* Must Surely Ba
Qood Look.
New York money makers have many
•rhemes, but here la one which has
probably not been heard o f before:
Two country boys from up state vis-
1 Itlng an uncle in Brooklyn crossed
the river to Manhattan to “ see New
York proper.” A t Unton square they
eepled a “ peep show” where one can
see all sorts o f things by dropping n
penny In a slot.
While one brother waa gating In one
o f the slot machines the other glanced
down and observed n 320 bill laying
near his feet. As he stooped hastily
to pick It up another man also grabbed
at the greenback, but the country boy
was first and got hold o f the piece of
The stranger Immediately
claimed that he should receive half
of the «20. A compromise was reached
whereby the boy who held the twenty
was to give the stranger all the money
he had In hla pocket and keep the bilL
The amount o f cash given to the stran­
ger was 32 , nil that the ancle of the
boys would permit, them to carry on
their person from Broouyn.
Returning home th e . nephews glee­
fully told o f their great good fortune.
“ Let me see the bill," said the an­
cle, and the boys handed oat their
treasure for his inspection. It was
a counterfeit!— New York Sun.
Am bition I f controlled and guided
by reason. Is a servant to man in hla
journey toward success, but i f It is
unchecked and unbridled, it ie only
an obstacle and becomes the master
o f him.— Louis M. Nothin.*
.......... «
A Graphic classified w ill sell It.
Two «hows each night, 7:30 and 9:00.
■* Saturday matinee 2:15
Lying on a path IS months a leath­
er wallet .containing over 11-10 was
found by the loser after being unnoticed
by hundreds that passed each day,
writes an English correspondent. A
dining-car conductor on the Great
Western railway, who Itvae at Southall,
left home one morning In June, 1920,
and went to Old Oak Common, near
Acton, where the dining c a n are stored.
From Acton station he walked through
a private path used by the railway
staff and leading to Old Oak curriage
sheds. Later ho went to Paddington
station and worked the diulng-car
tie In to Plymouth. When he returned
to London ba discovered that he had
the faintest Idas where or how ha
had lost It, and although he made In­
quiries he could find no trace of It.
The other morning ha walked up tha
same private path on hla way to work,
aa ha has dona scores o f times since
ha lost tha wallet, when he stopped
for n moment, and looking on tha
bare ground just at tha side of the
path ha was amazed to see his wallet
lying there. H e picked It up, and was
further amused to ttnd that the con-
tents had not been touched. The wal­
let was weather-beaten and the notes
were soiled as though they had bean
soaked In rain, but when he found
them they were dry. The path la used
by hundreds o f men every day.
F irs t im pressions count for a
great deal. Y o u should keep
your home looking its best Isn't
it about time it w as repainted?
A n d n o t a lo n e a s a m a tte r o f p erso n a l
pride, b u t a lso b e c a u se p ain tin g g re a tly
in c re a se s th e v a lu e o f a h ou se a n d p re­
v e n ts decay.
T h e 3J-H lin e in clu d es p ain ts, w a ll tints
a n d v a rn ish e s s p e c i a lly p r e p a r e d fo r
e v e ry p a in tin g
Every housewife is aware that the
actual cooking o f a dish la a very Im­
portant factor o f success or failure. A
“ hot oven” and a “ moderate oven" ara
often referred to, and testing by hold­
ing the hand Inside for a few seconds
Is a method frequently employed.
But there is no real dependency on
such haphasard methods, since one
person can bear much more heat than
another. Therefore, in an efficient
household n kitchen thermometer to
register cooking heats should be con­
sidered aa necessary as a clinical
thermometer. There are two varieties
of kitchen thermometers to be had.
The cheaper kind l a , o f white china,
and can only be used fo r oven cooking.
▲ more durable make, o f brass, which
costs a little more, can be used for
testing frying fats, etc., and will not
break so easily. An iron leg supports
the thermometer, so that It stands up­
right and can be read at a glance when
In the oven. Every degree o f beat from
low to high temperature is registered,
and at the side the standard tempera­
tures for cooking are printed—Man­
chester Guardian Weekly.
E ach
p rod u ct
is m a d e acc o rd in g to a fo rm u la th at h a s
------- --- - I - - t t ------- J t
raímame ana metpju*
British Journal Pointa Out How tha
Usa o f Tharmomotar W ill Help
tha Housawifa.
p u rp o se.
W r ite * .
b e h in d it 60 y e a rs o f p a in t m a n u fa c tu r­
in g exp erien ce. T o this, a n d the u s e o f
o n ly th e h ig h e st g ra d e in gred ien ts,
th e
a c k n o w le d g e d
su p erio rity o f
N a s h F u rn itu re C o .
Newberg, Oregon
Population in A. D. 2000.
According to Dr. Edward A. Ross, by
“ Ole.”
raid the preacher to the
the year A. D. 2000 the population of Swedish bridegroom-to-be, “ do you
the United States will number about take Sllda Sorgeeon for your law ful
223.000,000. Extremists are painting wedded w ife fo r better or for worse?’
vivid pictures of our country, pointing
“ Oh, w ell,” replied Ole gloom ily.
A ye s’pose A ye get little of each.”
ont that the condition of China, Japafi
and India will be rivaled hare. They — The American Legion Weekly.
--------- o--------- A
prediet a starving country with too
Honor is unstable and seldom the
many Inhabitants and too little space
In which to house them. In their minds game; fo r she feeds upon opinion
are scenes o f war, famine and misery and is as fickle as her food.— Colton.
as a result
On the other hand, John S. Sommer,
secretary o f the New York Society for
the Suppression o f Vice, says: “ Over­
population Is not a menace to the
peace o f the world, because tbere is
no overpopulation. It Is not the phy­
sical fact of population, but the men­
tal and spiritual condition of people
which determine the question as a
menace to continued peace.”
Coming to
S pecial S a le
U . S . T IR IE S
T f
Before You Purchase Tires Gt Bt Our Prices.
McCoy Brothers’ Garage
Phone White 19i
Dr. MeHenthin
Jade Holt inrti Paramount Picture ¿The Gall of the North*
Wednesday and Thursday,
A P B IL ft AHD 6
Jesse L. Laskey presents JACK H O LT in
“ T H E C A LL of the N O R TH ”
A Paramount Picture
A drama o f lore and soul testing ordeal in a land that belongs
to the strong.
Also International Hews and Pollard Comedy, “ Open Another
Admission 15c and 25c.
Friday and Saturday,
Earle W illiam s in
‘ *
A story in which the hero is the hnnted man.
o f lore and adventure in the Forth west.
A powerful tale
Also Jimmie Aubrey in “ H is Jonah Day.”
Monday and Tuesday
A P B IL 3 AHD 4
W illiam Fairbanks in
“ M O N TAN A B IL L ”
'WDTHEB8 0 7 TH E W E B T ’ and “ Country Stole.”
Little-Known Washington Portrait.
Discovery o f a long-lost portrait o f
George Washington by the American
artist, Gilbert Stuart, In New York
city, directs attention to tha 8tuart
portrait of Washington which hangs la
Memorial hall In the State Library
building at Hartford, Conn. It was
bought direct from the artist by virtue
of a resolution of the general assembly
In May, 1800. The understanding was
that it had been painted by order o f n
committee from South Carolina, and
was then declined on the ground that
It was not a portrait of Washington.
A committee from Connecticut con­
ferred with Gilbert as to a Washington
portrait, and purchased the one be bad
painted for South Carolina.
New Harbinger of Spring
There was a drumming roar above
the city the other day, rising and
waning and passing into distance.
“Listen to her,” said the man la the
street, “ that's the first plane I’ve
heard for months. 8ounda kind o f
good." Hla companion was squally
pleased. “ Yon know what
don’t you?" he rejoined,
spring, that’s what It means,
to depend on the robins, but now a
very different sort of bird
the weather gets decent
al her, would you?" The
far-off wing aa the plane
sudden wind-borne stutter
and spring's modern harbinger drifted
beyond ken.— Portland Oregonian. .
Whan She Has Gene.
“ Woman’s place Is at home, and aba
should stay there,” ,was the opinion of
the municipal board of Veraalllea,
France, when, soma tittle time back,
they considered a proposal to admit
women In the higher municipal posts.
And the report says that women should
. .ot ba encouraged to apply for admin­
istrative positions, but should ramam-
ber that they would do better to ceo-
flae their activities te the home.
in internal medicine for the
past eleven years
-------------------------------------------------------- L I-
■■■■ »
W h y “ Laundered” Shirts
Last so M uch Longer
W ill be fit
BEHS0H HOTEL, (Portlan d)
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and
Saturday, A p ril 12, 13, 14,
and 15
Office Hours 10 a. m. to 4 p. m.
Ho doubt you bave often wondered why g laundered
shirt w ean so much longer; why it keeps so crisply dean.
This is the reason— in laundering these shirts our sci­
entific process fills the pores o f the fabric, and presses the
fibres dosely together, im porting fine, smooth, soil-re­
sisting finish.
Ho Charge fo r Consultation
Dr. Mellenthin is a regular grad­
uate in medicine and surgery and Is
licensed by the state o f Oregon. He
visits professionally the more import­
ant towns and cities and offers to all
who call on this trip free consulta­
tion, except the expense o f treatment
when desired.
According to his method o f treat­
ment he does not operate for chronic
appendicitis gall atones, ulcera o f
stomach, to n ila or adanolda.
He has to hla credit wonderful re­
sulta in diseases o f the stomach,
liver, bowels, blood, akin, nerves,
heart, kidney, bladder, bed wetting,
catarrh, weak lunga, rheumatism,
sciatica, le g . ulcera and rectal ali­
I f you have been ailin g for any
length o f time and do not get any
better, do not fa ll to call, as Im­
proper measures rather than disease
ara very often the cause o f your long
standing trouble.
Remeber above datek, that consul­
tation on thla trip w ill be free and !
that hla treatment la different.
Married women must be accom­
panied by their husbands.
Address: 33« JgfMton Block, Minne­
apolis, Minn.
W e leave no soft, spongy surface to attract and hold
dust and d irt; no loose threads to roughen and tear.
As a result, each shirt stays dean longer; each shirt
gives y «R more servioe— yon feel better and look better
in the shirts which we have laundered.
Oive this modern shirt-saving and shirt-deansing
method a trial.
Telephone and we w ill call tor and de­
liv er your bundle.
Newberg Laundry
Phone W hite I l f