9 N ewberg A BIG COUNTY CELE­ BRATION AT DAYTON G raphic Not¡45 NEWBERG, YAMHILL COUNTY, OREGON. THURSDAY. AUGUST 11, 1921 VOL. XXXII HANDS GRAPHIC A-BOUQUET V DROWNED IN WILLAM- ¡WEST CHEHALEM IS A COUNTY FEDERATION ETITE NEAR NEWBERG ; j PROGRESSIVE SECTION MEETING ADDS TO WORD PIC­ TURE OF EVANSTON Your opportunity presents itself 2229 Chape] St., on August 16, 1921, at 8 p. m. when B erkley, Calif., tile Am ity people w ill entertain your A ugust 6, 1921. ’ Y am hill County Com m unity F edera­ N ottage A Dlraond. tion. N ew berg, Oregon. A good program is to be rendered I am en joyin g the Graphic very in w hich Dean E. C. R obins of tbe much. You seem to get all the news Business A dm inistration of the U ni­ In the com m unity and It Is w ritten versity of Oregon w ill be the princi­ Music on Every Hand—and Tonfile; Swift Water Drawi Youth on h ag Community Is Doing Things—Raises Will Celebrate the Completion of up In a very attractive manner. ple speaker. A delegation Is com ­ Please send my copy of the paper Education and Recreation are Through Wing Dam—Body {§ Fine Crops, Has Fine People, ing from Marion county: Paved Highways from Dayton to to H ughson, C alifornia, after this Everyone come that the world w ill Chief Pursuits Has Not Been Found '!#» Fine Everything Newberg and McMinnville and oblige. not be against Y am hill county but Yours truly, Y am hill county again st the world. if July 30, 1 9 2 1 . L. L. Thornton, Sec. Roy Drake, who has been w orking : W About six m iles northw est of Ernest Thun. A county celebration of th e com ­ E vanston. 111.. for J. E. Sm ith, near St. P aul, waa ffew b erg there is a com m unity about pletion of the paved highw ay« form ­ The principle pursuits here are hich the papers have not said as drowned in tbe W illam ette river last in g the con n ectin g lin k s betw een education and recreation and b oth uch as t^iey have about some of Sunday afternoon at about four N ew berg and Dayton and McMinn­ are carried on w ith th e utm ost zeal ho other local com m unities, but o’clock. Drake w ith a couple of oth v ille and D ayton and com p letin g a and enthusiasm . The m ost popular hich is nevertheless a very live er young fellow s w ent about a m ile con tin u ou s paved h igh w ay from recreation d u rin g tbe sum m er ia im m unity and one which is doing up the river from the regular sw im ­ P ortland to Sheridan, w ill be held 9 sw im m ing and b ath in g at th e lak e m ing resort near Thoms ferry * n<$ tings. \Ve refer to W est Chehaiem. at Dayton on Labor Day, Monday, We would not recommend to our Did A lexander the Great, colonize w ere riding logs down the river. { Friday even in g this com m unity friends that they take the trip to which is enjoyed by a ll regardless Septem ber 5. Dayton le en g in eerin g Persia by m eans of booklets? Thia einohstrated its life by g e ttin g a Mt. Hood, via the P ow ell VaHey of age, color or previous con d ition » the celebration but U Is to be .a coun­ w a b the basis of an argum ent at the At a point a short distance from of servitude. Gray haired gran d ­ w here they started tbere is a w ing igu.re of international note as a ty celebration rather than a Dayton m eeting of the Farm ers Club hold dam p rojectin g out Into tbe river ipeaker at one of their com m unity Road at the present tim e, for we parents, in fa n ts In arm s and lit t le affair. Dayton being In th e center took that trip last week end and in the cannery auditorium last^Sat- youngsters barely able to w a lk Horace W. H ouldlng, of th is construction work as w ell as urday afternoon Chas. K. H ub­ to prevent the current from w ash­ m eetings. found th at because of detours and alone, all are sp lash in g w ith d e­ ho is at the head of one of the construction in g out the bank. The water here being cen trally located In the cou n ­ work It was in very ty has been chosen as the pl^ce for bard raised the question when he is very sw ift and w h ile the fir st ^ y s ’ industrial and agricultural bad shape, but in sp ite of the terr­ ligh t. Most fam ilies bring th e d o g usserted that A lex, was the first user tw o fellow s succeeded in gu id in g along too. and w ould d oubtless b rin g hools in northern China was the th e holding of th e celebraU pn.v of th is form of publicity and F. A. their logs so that they w en t out an, and ojt China — and con- ible condition of tbe roads, it w as tbe cat and canary bird if th e y A .com m ittee of prom inent- Day- » * * '■ * • »"■ * * * ‘ ------------ — — his talk - - - - - * ------------ Morris took a n egative view of the. the w in g dam, young Drake’s « itio n s surrounding h is work there; worth the effort. Construction work thought the anim als w ould en joy i t . iton citizen s visited N ew berg last m atter. Of course the controversy around is being carried on alon g th is h ig h ­ l^ «a > _* — ». L , — V . (S n t n-nA *i tLn All*« «InoAsinllnnn klnA tvA t\ A rt Spooning is also a very popular ls descriptions of Alin the Chinese peo­ lo g -w a s sw ept * S through betw een the Tuesday ev en in g and presented the was m erely in the nature of a hu­ p ilin g o f the dam. W hether in pass­ p le , their custom s, language, etc;, way in many places and w hen com ­ pastim e, especially in th e p u b lic m atter to th e N ew berg Commercial morous side issue, but it caused pleted it w ill be a w onderful trip. parka, where it is carried on q u it* , in g through the dam be was injured » e r e made most in terestin g as he Club, a sk in g for th e assistan ce and much m errim ent am ong those pres­ is not know n, but it is thought he ¿old them in h is easy-goin g con­ However, at present It is an extrem e­ frankly and unabashed. T he te n n is j cooperation o f th e people of N ew ­ ent. ly hazardous one. courts are liv ely w ith you n g people, was. A t any rate the sw ift w ater versational method. berg. T his com m ittee explained as Leaving Portland the route fo l­ It was really too bad that there pulled him off the log and he w ent fu lly as possible th e plans outlined There are over 1500 enrolled In low s D ivision street ou t to its ju n c­ w hile children am use th em selves for th is celebration and the local was such a sm all attendance on the down. the school of w hich Mr. H ouldlng tion w ith the P o w e ll, V alley road. w ith the old-fashioned gam e of cro ­ ‘ T he lungm otor w as rushed to the Is head, and thjs work is conducted T his is paved as far as Gresham. quet. people present pledged th eir support part of the farm ers for there were several im portant m atters under scene in hope of being able to re­ ^Independently of This' particular neighborhood is any organized From Gresham to Sandy the road is to th is celebration. The com pletion of these h igh w ays consideration. T he first of these was su scitate him , but h is body never church m issionary board. Mr. H ould­ macadam and gravel and Is In very quite proud of itse lf because it w a s the home of Jack H utchinson, ch am ­ la a m atter of great import to the th e question o f endorsing the Coun­ cam e up. E fforts were made to se ­ lng w ent to China about tw en ty-five good condition. From Saiidy ort. people of Y am hill county, and it is ty Federation. There were no op­ cure an expert grappler from P ort­ years ago and his account of the however, the h ighw ay is closed and pion g o lf player of th e world. H is ponents to the principle but some land but as there have been num- U tile girl is a chip of th e old block. circum stances w hich led up to his detour Is neccessary. not Dayton alone who w ill profit T his detour by them for th eir com pletion w ill persons present felt that they did erous cijses of drow ning there re- j going is peculiarly Interesting and is alm ost im passible. For the great­ On the slig h test provocation sh e Mr. H ouldlng shows er part of the w ay, it has been breaks out in to a perfect orgy o f be of great assistan ce to N ew berg. hot wish to g iv e the m atter an un­ cen tly It was thought Im possible to I convincing.- M cM innville, Sheridan, and in fact qualified endorsem ent u n til they let him go. Local people had two very clearly that the Lord called planked, but the heavy triffic occa­ hand springs and cart w h eels on th e to a greater or lesser exten t fo every knew morg about the proposition. sets of grappling irons made and him out of an en tirely different line sioned by construction work has front lawn. Even the autos seem bent v on city In the county. The three m ile Mr, BixJer, w ho w as in attendance worked all day Tuesday tryin g to of thought and prepared him for broken the planking up and left it lan e in to M cM innville h as been com ­ at the former m eetin g of the federa­ get the body out, but w ithout su c­ this great work through a series of in very bad shape. W e passed the pleasure rather than business, w ith pleted and the pavem ent from bere tion. stated that he would lik e to cess. U nless the body \4 snagged and events^over w hich he had no con­ big stage on one of th e steep h ills an utter disregard for traffic regu ­ to W est Dayton is practically fin ish ­ know more about the purposes of held down by som ething it should trol, and ail in answ er to the pray­ and it was la y in g w ith tw o w h eels lations. O ccasionally th ey g et m ix ­ ed and w ill probably be opened up the organization before any d efin ite have come up on the third day, but ers of an old Chinam an who w anted down in a ditch and the body rest­ ed up in a collision and are bent action w as taken and th is opinion so far no trace of it has been seen. a m issionary sent to bis section of still more. They park sideways, prior to that tim e. ing on the edge of the planking. Wc frontw ays, backwards, on tb e w rong w as concurred in by a number of Tbe m other, brother and sister of China. The Dayton people w ill v isit ev ­ those present. It wag fin a lly 'd ecid ­ had Just barely room to squeeze by. Mr. H oulding is in th|p country A little farther on w e passed a big side of tbe street, or out in tb e m id­ ery c ity and tow n in th is county ed to leave th is m atter in the hands the young man came down from Ash- dle, how ever th e im pulse strik es nlR>ht and have been at tjje pre8ent tim e In 'a n effort to and ask them to Join w ith them in of the execu tive board. The m atter car w ith its front axle broken in celeb ratin g th e com pletion of these of issuing a county booklet was dic- a w a itin g the outcom e of th e various secure some high grade c a ttle for two. It had been abandoned there. them. They turn in th e m iddle o f roads, and we see no reason why cussed. T his was one of the propo­ endeavors to secure the body. th e ir dairy herds in China. And in S till farther on, we saw w here a tbe block. They zip alon g as fa st ~ t ----------------- 0 --------- 1 ------------ every city and tow n In th e county sitio n s brought up at th e m eeting this connection he tells a m ost in ­ car had gone over the bank and w as as gasolin e and horse-pow er w ill ad­ teresting story of th at country, layin g overturned a t tbe ^bottom. Of m it. In short th ey do ev ery th in g should h esita te about accepting their of the county federation at McMinn­ Invitation and Joining w ith them v ille lecen tly. Some seemed to favor where w hat to us are such peculiar course ’th is didn't add to our own w hich 1 have relig io u sly tried to in celeb ra tin g th is event. custom s prevail. For exam ple, Mr. feelin g s, but w e were very fortunate avoid even sin ce I becam e autom o- th is su ggestion , w h ile o th e r s were Moulding sa y s th a t th ere are today and didn’t have the least trsuble. r billious. It is planned to open the cele­ 'in doubt as to the ad visab ility o f I stand aghast at such crim es and bration wi*h a com ic patade. T h is such an undertaking. /The scenery alon g th e route ip w ith a self righ teou s m ental attltu d w FVr lack of A p lc n lilfo r fruit grow ers'!* be-f *'*»o have never tasted row's milk is not to be confined to en tries from detailed Inform ation th is m atter was wonderful. The road w inds around in g held at Y am hill today. A ugust and who do not even know that cow s am ong m ountains, along turbulent 1 say. “They ju st ought to have o u r D ayton, but it is hoped that there also left w ithout recom m endation. m arshall and city au th orities from w ill be en tries from all over th e F. A . Morris was present and 11th in F ryers Grove. Though the j K‘ve m ilk. The Chinese have had s t r e a m s , past leaping cataracts N ew berg to enforce the la w s.” county. Then there w ill be all kinds spoke in behalf of the Berrians. Mr. announcem ent is necessarily late b e - : cows for many years, yes. probably through giant forests, past little re­ Education is pursued wKh th e of sports. Including a bail gam e, Morris outlined w hat w as accom ­ cause it could not be A scertained1 centuries, but they never m ilked sorts where cam pers and tourists sam e zeal if not the sam e reckless­ faces, etc. A b ig barbecue w ill prob­ plished by the exh ib its at the recent when one of the speakers could be them , u sin g them sim ply for work, were enjoying the cool m ountain re­ ness. The schools run on high th e ably be the featu re attraction o f the Berry F estival and told of their in this territory, it is hoped that as we do horses. Mr. H ouldlng tells treats, and on up to the very base year around. C hicago U n iversity day and there w ill also be som e not­ plans for next year. He cited the there w ill be a good attendance. . i of a very am using incident of his of Mt. Hood. At governm ent camp, has six thousand sum m er stu d en ts Prunes w ill be the ch ief topic of In trying to get them started m ilk- we found many cam pers, v^ho had ed speakers present to make an ad ­ d ifficu lties under w hich the past ex ­ R. C. *ng their native cows. The attem pt come there .largely for the purpose and N orthw estern has several th ou ­ dress on th is day. A dance and car­ it iblf was secured and called upon discussion at the m eeting. sand. Even th e grade and high nival in the even in g w ill wind up the farm ers to com m ence laying Paulus. general m anager o f the Ore- »'»* made but proved disastrous to of layin g in a supply of huckleber­ schools run sum m er sessions. The gon Growers Cooperative association : would be m ilker. They have th e celebration. ries which abound all around. We plans now for next year’s exhibit. music school is a busy place. S t* — w ill talk on problems relatin g to sin ce imported cow s from America found large q u an tities of ripe straw ­ dents rush about w ith b u lgin g m usic- Dayton Is one of the oldest c ities Mr. Morris also recited briefly some in th e sta te and has a w onderful of the earlier efforts of the com m un­ work of th e association and Ernest and there are no more ardent users berries and It is no exageration to bags or clasp in g to th eir bosoms: dairy products anyw here than sajr that they were the sw eetest lit ­ history. She is situated in the very ity to secure publicity and compared S. Sergeant w ill speak on prune mar- precious volum es and tattered sh eets, ! those C hinese who have once used tle berries we have ever tasted. center of th is n ew h igh w ay con­ them w ith the work of the Berrians. keting. which are worn and discolored w ltb Mr. Sergeant is president of t h e ' Them. About ten or tw elve m ils from the inspiration and perspiration. In the struction work and for these rea­ A fter hearing Mr. Morris, one could Butler A Sergeant brokerage firm F ollow in g the address by Mr. governm ent camp, we entered the not help but feel that the Berrians sons it is on ly proper that th is cele­ halls a great bedlam of sound con ­ bration should be held at Dayton. w as not as dead an organization as of N ew York. T his firm sells more H oulding, the gathering, w hich was national forest reserve and here we tinually beats upon your ears. T here Her citizen s have Initiated the m ove­ a recent editorial com m ent In. a Mc­ dried prunes than any other in the held in the W est Chehaiem church, struck some pretty good roads again is the w ailin g and screeching of v io ­ ment for th e celebration and for M innville paper would give one to world and as representatives of the adjourned to the church basement although the last end of th is was lins. boom ing chords and g a llo p in g thin reason also she is en titled to the believe in fact Mr. Morris took oc­ Oregon Growers they sold more j where the ladies of the church serv- also bad as they were w orking on chords on the pianò, the buzzing and the new road. D uring this short support and assistan ce of the entire casion to m ention th is article and “ M istland” prunes than any other ' ed ice cream and cake and coffee. droning of the organs and above it called upon the farm ers to help us firm han d lin g th at brand. county. W est Chehaiem is a wonderful distance we climbed about 22.000 all ar? the despairing sh riek s of the D uring the last season they sold com m unity, where everyth in g seems feet and one can hardly im agine the The com m ittee w hich appeared prove the fa lsity of th is assum ption. sopranos and tenors risin g ever before the N ew berg Commercial One suggestion of Mr. MorrlR seemed 52 carloads, or nearly 2,900,000 to grow to perfection. Here is seen wonderful view s w hich are offered higher, interm ingled w ith agonized pounds of the association ’s prunes along th is road. We left Portland Club on Tuesday even in g did not to meet w ith the approval of his farm ing in diversified array. Ap­ groans from the bassos. It sounds know exactly w hat they would want audience. T his was that next year and all hut three of these cars went ples. prim es, pears, berries, w heat, at eight o’clock a. m. and after rest­ as if the victim s needed an a n esth et­ ing for about two hours, picking from N ew berg In the w ay of a ssist­ the various com m unities enter com ­ to New York firms. hay, and d airying all seem to ap­ Mr. Sergeant has been studying proach perfection in this fertile sec­ berries, etc., w e started on our re­ ic or ought to have the nerve k illed . ance. but a call w ill be made for a m unity ex h ib its v y in g w ith each Of course it is really very th r illin g the w estern prune situ ation and af­ mass m eetin g elsew here in th is is­ other in th is respect. A motion was tion of our valley. And the people turn trip, arrivin g at Portland at too. th is grand cacophony, and if I sue and at th is m eeting th e Dayton carried td the effect that a com m it­ ter tra v ellin g over a large part of of th is com m unity seem to know about seven p. m. were positively and en tirely m usic W ith good roads this w ill no people w ill make know n th eir de­ tee of three be appointed in each th e prune producing area of this how to get the most out of their mad. I should no doubt be lifted up coast he is in a good position to give doubt become a very popular week com m unity to have charge of this sires. N ew berg should be ready to farms. You have heard of the “Home some valuable inform ation on the P la te” orchard and the W hite Sox end resort and thousands of cars Into the seventh heaven of d eligh t g ive any assistan ce which Dayton m atter* -----------o----------- outlook for th is year’s crop and mar­ orchards, both of w hich are foster­ w ill make regular trips to Mt. Hood, and inspiration. The practice room s m ay find she needs. B etw een Day- w hich open out of the h alls are k etin g conditions. ton and N ew berg there is the stron g­ W. R. MORRIS HAS BUSY ed by B illy S ullivan, the one tim e but at present as stated above w e som ewhat sound proof, as lon g as The speakers w ill start promptly would not recommend it to our est bond of friendship. W e have first strin g catcher o f the Chicago you keep the w indow s tig h tly c lo s­ FUTURE OUTLINED FOR HIM at 11 o’clock and there w ill be an W hite Sox. But perhaps there are friends. m utual problem s and m utual condi­ ed. But they are full o f m usic a t­ interm ission for lunch. Coffee w ill m any others in this section, equally tion s surrounding us. W e are close­ mosphere w hich has been hoarded ly allied In m any w ays and w e W. R. Morris is not com plaining be furnished, and all should bring prom inent w ith Mr. Sullivan in LETTER FROM MRS. McDOUGALL up there for the last tw en ty years. should leave no ston e unturned to of lack o f business these days, in their own cups. bring about better conditions there The Graphic Is in receipt of the It helps to make the m usic school The picnic is for all w ho are in­ and in pushing that th rivin g little show th e D ayton people th at we fact Mr. Morris has business lined a strong in stitu tio n I suppose. T he have a sincere and en tirely unselfish up ahead w ith orders com ing in all terested in the prune industry and com m unity to the fore, of whom you follow ing letter from Mrs. Roy Mc­ general custom during the hot D ougall, our Chehaiem M ountain independent grow ers as w ell as as­ in terest in them and th eir success. the tim e. Just w hy everyone seem s have not heard so much. W e would w eather is to open the w indow s and Above all other th ln g s'sa v e Labor to be in a mood to have their houses sociation members are urged to at- not attem pt to name them- all but correspondent which we gladly pub­ each student attack s h is p racticin g lish as being of local interest. B usiness men are also in- tbere are such men as W. V. Dolph. Day. Monday, Septem ber 5, for the moved, raised or levelled up at th is tend. Hemlock, Oregon. w ith such vigor and sin g le m inded county celebration at Dayton and tim e Is not know n, but for some vlted. E. G. F endall, H. L. Amoth, John purpose as to render him o b liviou s A ugust 8. 1921. plan your a ffairs so th at you can reason there Is a great deal of this U. Sm ith, and many others. to the general w elter of sound. Chi­ Newberg Graphic. attend. work being done at present. Mr. Mr. S ullivan Inform s us that this Newberg. Oregon. nese schools are conducted very su c­ Morris has just com pleted several OREGON PEARS BRING year he w ill have about 100 boxes Dear Sirs: I guess you are w on­ cessfully on the sam e principle I THE HIGHEST PRICE jobs o f th is sort and has the follow ­ of apples on h i s . “ Home Plate" or­ dering why you haven't heard from believe. ing work contracted for now. chard and he has contracted for the your Chehaiem Mountain corres­ Nor is music confined en tirely to H e has a contract to remove a The h igh est price so far reported sale of these at $2 per box. f. o b. pondent but I have been away from these places. From alm ost every­ barn from the property w here the in the coast sta tes for can n in g pears N ew berg. T his is just one of the home for tw o w eeks v isitin g w ith where it seem s you can hear it issu ­ Union Oil Co. Is g o in g to put in waa obtained 1>y the Oregon Growers th in gs which Mr. Sullivan has in my brother and w ife and have an ing forth at all hours of the day and WASHINGTON. Aug. 1 0 — O n their plant at the north end of Col­ Cooperative association for the en­ hands. And Mr. Sullivan is just night. Front 2 to 4 a. in. even the- Septem ber 10. exam in ation s w ill be lege street. The contract calls for tire tonnage of pears in the Umpqua one of the men w ho are doing th in gs item to put in the paper as my broth­ Thomas cats becom e vocal. The held at A lbany, A storia, Baker, Co- h avin g the ground all cleared and and W illam ette valleys. The terms in th is progressive com m unity, so er is w ell know n in Newberg. Born to Mr. and Mrs. H. C. May­ house where 1 live and a d jo in in g qullle. E nterprise, Eugene, Forest ready for construction work by the of the sale were $66, a ton. f. o. b you see that W est Chehaiem is a real nard of Hem lock. Oregon. A ugust 7. ones are fu ll of m usic stu d en ts— Grove, M cM innville, N ew berg, On­ 20th of A ugust. sh ip p in g point for No. l ’s and $35 factor to be considered when dis­ 1921. a son. John Carroll Maynard. young frilly girls, bubbling w ith tario, Oregon City. Portland. Hose- He has made arrangem ents w ith for No. 2’s. Early advances to the cu ssin g the prosperity and future | Mother and babe are doing fine spirits of the kind not affected by burg, Salem . S ilverton, The D alles Chas. Shires to raise his house at grow er after the crop is marketed of th is valley and of Newberg. I Mr. Maynard was a former N ewberg prohibition. One Sunday afternoon and T illam ook to fill vacancies now the corner of Third and W ashington w ill be possible under the arrange­ -----------o----------- j boy and his w ife a M cM innville girl, there was goin g on in the parlor, e x istin g at the follow in g postofflces streets, put in a new foundation and ment. at one and the sam e tim e th e grapho- ' daughter of Marion Palmer. in Oregon: NEWS FROM THE MARTINS thoroughly remodel it. The nearest approach to this fig ­ | There is much road work being" phone. the grand piano and the sa x ­ Bandon, Carlton, C latskanie, Con­ Zack Martin and son. Herbert, Mrs. Campbell’s residence on west ure was $61.75 for No. l ’s and $33 ophone. The last named instrum ent don, C ressw ell, Dayton, Drain, Gas­ Fourth street Is another which he for No. 2 B artlett«. the prices nt motored to W ashington last week to done in th is county and quite a was played wi t h great abandon and tent city at th is place. It ts a very ton, Gresham, H alfw ay, lone,. J effer­ w ill raise and place on a new foun­ which the en tire tonnage o f canning work In the harvest fields, but they pretty and productive country and I titter lack of ^elf-consciousness by a son. M olalla. North Powder, Nyssa, dation, lev ellin g It up. pears of the C alifornia Pear Growers i drove only as far as Dayton and think it would be safe to say that young lady, clad sim ply and cooly In R ainier, Sclo, Stayton. W allowa, Som ewhat sh ock ­ The Joe Btxby house on W est association was sold aorording to landed a job there running a grain w e see as m any cars pass every day a bathing suit. W estport, W heeler, Y oncalla. the C alifornia Fruit N ew s of July w arehouse. Mr. Martin at $6 per and night as In N ew berg, it being ing of course but also am using and Third street, which is the one in The pay ranges from 11200 to Mrs. the main road to Tillam ook and in that costum e with her bobbed w hich Mr. Bixby lives him self. Is to 30th. They felt it advisable to have day and Herbert at $5.50. $2100 per year. the pears canned and sold out early Martin remained at home to hold ocean resorts. hair she .r e a lly looked lik e som e be raised and straightened up. The Baker exam ination w ill be so that the Aiarket would be cleaned down the ranch and look after the charm ing m ythological goddess w ho Yours R espectfully. The H aworth place on the corner held Septem ber 6 The salary Is chorea. The M isses M yrtle and Ruby m ight have piped m som e Grecian Mrs. li.iy M cDougall. of N in th and Chehaiem w ill be up in good shape for next year. $5200 per year.— Telegram . The first 10 carloads of Yakima i Martin w ent to Newport to enjoy __ •, H> nry Simmons, grove. straightened up and levelled up. pears sold for $60 a ton but su b - 1 «he cool breezes and aurf bathing, Next we*'k I sh all endeavor to Hemlock. Oregon. And still another job is the raise sequent sale« w ent down to $45 and ¡Mrs. Martin has been sw elterin g in hand out a few fashion tips per­ MID-SUMMER CONCERT of the L. M. Buell house on West $40 and it 1« probable that the bulk. I the heat and supposes N ew berg has h aps-touchin g lig h tly upon m anners The Sixth annual mid-summer con­ F ifth street, under w hich he w ill of the tonnage there w ill move a t , been doing likew ise CARD OF THANKS Harvest is and morals. cert of the volunteer choir o f the put a foundation. 1 wish to thank alt those w ho' that figure. I about over around Reedavllle. Mr. Jessie E Bt it * M ethodist church, w ill be given Sun­ Then there is some work of this T he Rogue R iver valley has nl-i Martin and son w ill remain tw o o r. rendered kindly assistance and b y 1 ------ -6—------ — day ev en in g in the M ethodist E pis­ nature in prospect over across the read r rolled its first pear« and the (th ree m onths and the girls two their deeds sought to lighten my af- ) MARRIAGE LICENSE copal church at 8:00 o’clock. V. V. river, as w ell as som e other city season w ill soon be goin g at full m onths. M yrtle returning home and fliction tn the .bereavement of my ■ Gould, director. Miss Mabel M iller work w hich Mr Morris Is planning . sw in g s ll over the pear p roducing1 Ruby to her school at Dundee . A lovin g wife. Ruby Frances Yenson, D ayton, to pianist. on doing James W ilson R ichardson. Dayton G. F. Young. areas of the state. Subscriber. v AUTOISTS EXTREMELY RECKLESS YOUNG DRAKE VICTIM OF RIVER VINE ADDRESS THERE LAST WEEK MANNED TO BE HELD LABOR DAY ----- li ^---- TRIP TO MT. HOOD REPLETE WITH MAGNIFICENT SCENERY THE FARMERS CLUB CONSIDERS SOME IMPORTANT MATTERS am m a b GROWERS PICNIC AND TALK .. PRUNES AT YAMHILL TODAY EXAMINATIONS FOR POSTNAST- • ER WILL BEHELD SEPT. 1QTH 1