NM M * 4 UN **r«—* Circulation la Yamhill County, % WITH THE CHURCHES J The Glad Hand AW AITS YOU AT THE teacher Arloulne Johnson, on Mon­ day last. A very pleasant time was Sorrlces next Sunday at 10:30 a. m. Benediction after regular ser­ spent In lawn games and later in­ doors concluding with a nice light vice. * luncli Sunday school at I t: 00 a. m . Preaching at 11:00 a. m. Prgyer meeting Wednesday, 7:30. Every fourth Sunday, 3:80 p. m., special Divine Healing services. We Invite you all to these meet ings. Th^ 2:30*-meetings on each fourth Sunday will Interest you and will be to your profit. 18tf The Junior C. E. spent the usual hour Sunday by calling at the home of Orlando Scott and singing a few hymns, later visiting the pastor and concluding their meeting after which punch and cookies'were serv­ ed. W E BUY Everything in Wright’s CASH STORE C orner First end Mein Streets LIVESTOCK OATHOLIC CHURCH CHURCH OF GOD THRU IS W B X B O G R A P H ». THURSDAY JULY SS. 1921 CHRISTIAN CHURCH 11 A. M. AND 8 P. M. Dry Goods Staple and Fancy Groceries Saturday Special! Sugar $7 a sack, HANDrS Meal Market GOOD SERMONS GOOD SONGS Phone Red 7$ WHILE N ew berg Mrs. Lea on Tuesday afternoon. The Next Friday evening a social will program was most stirring and in­ ^e held by the Junior C. E. In the teresting and the refreshments * de­ city park. All Juniors are urged to lightful, New members were added. be there. JAPAN MISSIONARY TO SPEAK At no time of year is It more pleasant. to meet in comfort and Rev. T. Kawabe from Japan Is A special missionary meeting will quiet for tho Master’s service Ahan In this country on an evangelistic tour especially to his own country- be held by the senior C. E. on the now In this fine summer weather. * men. Rev. Kawabe was converted church lawn beginning at 6:15 It takes infinite care and Study to to Christianity over twenty-five sharp. Much preparation has been drive away the ignorance s0 natur­ years ago while In the United States. put into tbe program and none al to all of ub ; and this is the last time of any In the year for slack­ He founded the Methodist Episcopal should miss it. W hy waste money on an ness in this important and precious Mission for the Japanese In Port­ Sermon topics announced for next work. Ignorance means unfairness land. Later he returned to Japan inferior battery fdlr your Knowledge and Christian to work among his people there. Lord's day are as follows: At 11 a. of life. Por a number of years he has been m. “ The Lord's Supper;” 'a t 8 p. m. nurture come by steady and continu­ car. The best is the . ous effort, making life a blessing to associated with the Free Methodist the theme will be "Religion.” ■«c those about us. Mission in Japan. His wife accom­ cheapest in the long run. Goethe, the famous German phil­ panies him and they are both very - Interesting speakers. They will speak osopher once said, "the further the CHURCH TO HAYE AD MAN G et a threaded rubber at tbe Free Methodist church in this ages advance In cultivation, the NEW YORK, July 18— Advertis­ i city next Tuesday evening, August more can the Bible be used.” “ To ing columns of daily newspapers are W illard. second, at 8 p. m. All are Invited. which he might well have added^the to be used for general church adver­ more the Bible is used the fuqRfcr will the ages advance in ’ cultiva­ tising as well as for evangelistic BAPTIST CHURCH tion. Read It and let the children purposes, it was announced today by officials of the Protestant Episcopal Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. become familiar with it. m church. Preaching service, 11:00 a. m. o---------- . The publicity department of the Preaching service Sunday' evening PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH church has been instructed to add a at 8. Subject, “ A Royal Proclama­ Our streets look' so well since the competent advertising writer to Its tion. Wednesday night, prayer and new pavement has been laid and so staff. The extent of the new ven­ many have been. fixing up their ture in church publicity was not an­ business meeting at 8 o'clock. N ewberg, O regon These services are for you. A lawns and parking strips to look nounced.— Oregonian. well too, that It now seems time to warm welcome awaits you. Come fend bring your family and neigh­ remind those who throw torn paper AT THE BAKER THEATRE bors. There will be special music about, and Utter the sidewalks and DURING THE COMING W EEK T ry a Graphic Classified. and Binging. We preach the old time lawns with such things, that old papers and orange peelings and the Dos pel. The mysticism and -romance of Rev. W. H. Cox, the .new pastor like should not be thrown around South Africa, its diamond mines and of the Baptist church comes strongly any more, to make the’ streets look the witchcraft sti|l practiced by recommended and Is a strong force- badly or for some one else to pick some of the natives form the back­ T. H. THORNE TRANSFER fu preacher, one everybody should up. All who wish are welcome to ground of “ Sins of Rosanne,'” starr­ eat lunches on the lawn of the Pres­ ing Ethel Clayton, which will be Local and Long Distance H a d in g hear. He has a message for you. byterian church, but recently '.some shown at the Baker. Theatre Sooth Center Street The annual Epworth League in­ Morning preaching'service at 11, stitute at Jefferson Is now on. and conducted by Pastor Lee; sermon you’ re married when you're not. At least It was for Constance T&lmadge will continue over Sunday. This in­ theme, "Bible Examples." —jr in "Dangerous Business” which will stitute is held for recreation and Y. P. S. C. E. at 7:00— "Material­ be shown at the Baker on Monday for special training In Epworth ism;” leader, Helen Evans. The ex­ and Tuesday nights of next week. League work. ercise of this hour is a vital need According to advance reports this . The one day camp meeting which In the life of all young people. drama is entirely different from the was to have been held In the park Evening song and worship at 8— usual run. It does not follow the on July 31 has been cancelled. The Topic. “ Idols All About.” Prelude. outside speakers could not be ob­ "The Protocols and the Jew.” All conventional line of the persecuted tained. The regular Sunday services who attend divine worship nowhere heroine, the villian and the rescu­ ing hero. Nancy Flavell, the mad­ will be held In the church. else are urgently invited to seek the cap society girl who is always fall ---------- o---------- Savior with us. ing in and out of love. Is about to Mid-week worship Wednesday at marry one man when at the very CHRISTIAN CHURCH Bible school. 10 a. m. Know the 8— Acts XIII. The sweet hour of altar in order to escape a distasteful prayer. Divine presence promised. marriage, she declares she is already book. Union teachers-training class led married and the wedding is off. But Communion service, 11 a. m. In by Bro. Phillips. Monday at 8. The she merely Jumps out of the frying Memorlam. - S. M. CALKINS A SON Junior C. E., 5 p. m. Train the greatest need of the church Is com­ pan into the fire of rueful troubles. petent teachers. Great blessing It's a different story all the way child. N ewberg, Oregon • Senior C. E., 6.15 p. m. Special awaits those who seek to fit them­ through. selves for this service. meeting. That fatuous Harry Leon Wilson Preparations are In progress for story, "The Spenders.” will be the 8ong and sermon. 8 p. m., topic. IT PAYS TO BUY IN BULK the annual Sunday school picnic. Religion. feature offering at the Baker on Attention Is called to the new ad­ C. H. Phillips, minister. and Thursday nightB of dress of tbe pastor and Mrs. Lee. Wednesday next week. A perfect reproduction Interest In the Bible school Is who have removed from 212 'N. of the novel in story, characteriza­ about to receive an added spur. The School street and are now at home tion and setting, it carries to the school In the xhurch at Sheridan is at the new address, 509 N. Edwards screen the well known Harry Leon prepared to enter Into a contest dur­ street, and invite their friends to Wilson) humor, unique and unexr ing August and September to main­ come and see them there. celled. Joseph J. Dowling takes the Mr. Sanderman and Mr. Lee at­ role of “ Uncle Peter.” Robert Mc- tain a better average attendance tended the meeting of Synod at Cor­ HEADQUARTERS FOR during these months. This congre­ Klm plays Rulon Shepler. The gation will unhold the good name vallis. July 12-19. and reported at beautiful young Claire Adams, has of the town by putting up a good the morning service last Sabbath. the part of Avlce Mllbrey and Niles fight. Newberg must lead in spirit­ Synod was royally entertained by Weleh is the ideal romantic hero as the Agricultural College and the Perclval Bines. The general theme ual things as well as secular. 806 1st S t.,. NEWBERG, ORE. Presbyterian church there. of the story is the awakening of re­ A large meeting of the Mission­ sponsibility and manhood in a fine Phone W hite 198 The Intermediate class spent a so­ cial evening at the home of their ary society was held at the home of young fellow who seems at first to be but a purposeless spender. One of the interesting points of the Rtory is the way the villian helps the hero while thinking he is working his ruin. Dr. Koch’s Remedies 4r tolls Get Seeds That Grow VINCENT’ S FEED STORE OLYM PIC FLOUR Methodist Episcopal Church CHAS. E. GIBSON, D. D. Pastor M orning Service, 11 A. M.— S u bject: “ Heaven, W hen, W here and W hat?” • E vening Service, 8 P. M.— S u bject: “ A Great R eception.’' . Sunday School at 9 :45 A. M ., C. E. Newhouse, Supt. Epworth League, 7 00 P. M., Mrs. Hiram Gould, Leader. When irrigation is necessary in the garden, an abundance of water ahould be used to insure fhe thorough wetting of the lower and outer roots of the plant. To check evaporation after irrigation the ground should be stirred Just as soon as dry enough to be worked. ------- —o---------- T ry a Graphic Classified. Prayer M eeting every W ednesday, 8 P. M. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE FINAL SETTLEMENT I ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEE T O CURE DANDRUFF, Itchy Heads and Eczema OK TOOK X 0H K T BACK • Gem Barber Shop A. A. ANDERSON, Proprietor. Chehalem Valley Mills Baden hi Flour and Feed H AY AND ALL KINDS OF MILL T O D AND NSW BERG, i GRAIN POULTRY SUPPLIES OREGON OF Notice to hereby given that the undersigned administrator of the es­ tate. within the atate of Oregon, of Calvin W. Doe. deceased, has filed his final account as said administra­ tor In the County Court of Yamhill County, Oregon, and that eel*1 Court has appointed Monday. Au­ gust 15th, 1921, at eleven o'clock' A. M. of said day, for the hearing of objections to said final account | and the settlement thereof. Now therefore, all persons Inter­ ested In the estate of Calvin W. Doe. deceased, are hereby notified and re­ quired to appear at the County Court room, at the Court House, at McMinnville, Yamhill County. Ore­ gon. at said time, to then and there show cause. If any there be. why said account should not be settled, allowed, and approved and said es­ tate forever and finally settled and said adminlstrltor discharged. Dated this 14th day of July. 1921. Clarence Butt. Attorney for efctate. J. C. COLCORD. Administrator of the estate, within the state of Oregon, of Calvin W. Doe, deceased. Date of 1st pub. July 14. 1921. Dats of last pub. Aug. 11. 1921. LAST« PEOPLES MARKET # Freah end Cured M eets e ll K indi at Lowest P ou ib le Prices Gash paid fo r B eef, Pork, M utton and Veal at all t i» * « For fa ir dealing and conrteona treatment— Give n i e eeN M r. Car Owner Grbth Electric Co. nr KUM M ER & M OOR E r Bhone Blue 220 J. L. V A N B LA R IC O M Staple and Fancy Groceries Frasti Fruits and Vegetables We please the most particular. Phone as a grocery order and see If our prompt service doesn’t surprise you. We want yoer trade. S P I V E Y ’S P A I N T S T O R E -« ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ - - dp - — - ■ — ‘- • i * _ . • By reducing our rent to a bare minimum we can now a d i Paints, Oijs, Varnishes, G lass, Brushes, etc. at a much low er prioe. Let us show you. Phone Black 75. let St 910 Your Summer Outing Is a m atter o f im portance to You. W here You w ill spend it is a m atter o f interest to1 us Round Trip Summer Excursion Fares are now in effect to the following delightful places for Rest. Recreation and Amusement. Beyond the Coast Range Mountains are these new and unspoiled places where the ocean and forest meet. * * NEWPORT. ° n the Pacific Ocean and Yaqutna Bay is this charming old place where thouaands return year after year to spend their vacations. TILLAMOOK COUNTY BEACHES. T.AITF. A world wonder in the Cascade Range. More than a mile above the sea is this beautiful axure blue lake, set In the crater of a huge mountain. CRATER i ' Detroit (Breitenbush Hot Springs, Mt. Jefferson Country), McCredie Hot Springs, Jose* phlne County Caves, Shasta Mountain Resorts, Yoeemite National Park. OTHER RESORTS. “ Oregon Outdoors,” 18 the title of our new summer book­ let wbich describes the different resorts in western Ore­ gon and includes hotel and camp Information. Copy free on request. For further information inquire of ticket agents. Southern Pacific JOHN M. SCOTT. General Passenger Agent. Mexico to Canada Automobile engines at «very type, in city end country, over highways and mountain pees eeare lubricated with Zerolene. More than half the motorists of the Pacific Coast use Zerolene for Correct Lubrication. oAgwdefor cadi type of engine