NEWBERG GRAPHIC. THURSDAY. JULY SI. 1981. Lar»—t Circulation ta Yamhill County THREE \ \ WITH THE CHURCHES W E BUY REST FOX THE RESTLESS and AMERICA’S GREATEST HEED CHURCH OF GOD . Sunday school at 10:00 a. m. Preaching at 11:00 a. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday, 7:30. Every fourth Sunday, 2:30 p. m., , special Divine Healing services. We Invite you all to these meet­ ings. The 2:30 meetings on each fourth Sunday will Interest you and will be to your profit. lltf ------------------------- ° ~ " ■ FRIENDS CHURCH S. 8., 10 a. m. Asa Sutton Supt. Morning Worship, 11 a. m. Ser­ mon Subject,* “The Law of Selfish­ ness and Force as a means of Sur­ vival.” Christian Endeavor, 7 p. m. Evening Service, 8 p. m. Sermon Subject. “After all Is there another ' chance after death for those who have fallen by the way and failed to make good here on earth?” The church is called to meet for prayer each Wednesday evening at eight o’clock. Will your Beat be vacant at these services? If so why? Come. Fred E. Carter, Pastor. --------- o--------- METHODIST CHURCH Sunday School. 9:45 a. m. Preaching. 11:00 a. m. Epworth League, 7:00 p. in. Preaching. 8:00 p. m. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, 8:00 p. m. The Sunday School work at pres­ ent la covering the life of Paul. In­ tense Interest ha» been shown and good results are being obtained. On last Sunday morning, Dr. Gib­ son .preached an' exceptionally fine sermon on the world progress of Christianity, giving a convincing ex­ planation of his optimistic view. At the close of the service, Mrs. Bertha Skuzfe and Mrs. W. A. Bond were admitted to membership by letter. A special Invitation 1 b extended to Jolq the growing congrfcgatlon of mid-week prayer meeting. schools of America cannot be too highly appreciated. i A, > knowledge of God’s work is fundamental to good citizenship, and no man can be truly American who Is not also God­ fearing. Abraham Lincoln at the age of ten had read the Bible through three times. In all hla law addresses he referred to.and quoted the scrip­ tures. U. 8. Commissioner Simeon King, a personal friend of Lincoln's, la authority for this »tatenunt. America needs more Lincolns and the way to produce them is by in­ stalling Into the hearts and lives of our children a respect for the word of God. Despite the Chautauqua attraction, the evening service was well at­ tended and although some were dis­ appointed in not hearing ¿be sermon promised. Brother Phillips announc­ ed a mishap In the loss of the.notes gathered and the story which was told was Interesting and contained a .fine moral. These services last just one hour and are Intended to be helpful as well as interesting. The women’s missionary society held a fine meeting last wefek and the papers prepared did much credit to the authors. The sisterhood meets next Tuesday and all the ladies arc Invited to be present. are the sermon topics at LIVESTOCK CHRISTIAN CHURCH Also good music and fine ' fellowship Phone Red 75 to the 19tb.” Mr. Sanderman and Mr. Lee reporting. All the congre­ gation and all of Presbyterian in­ clinations are cordially Invited. The Sabbath school hour Is 9:45 promptly— one of the most pleasant and Important hours of any one’s week, studying the teachings of our Maker. Subject, “Jesus is Christ:” Acts 9:19-30. Men’s class in church office is studying in Revelation, chapter 11. All not attending else­ where are cordially invited. Evening worship at 8:00, topic, “Christ Our Light,” a theme that every one should understand. Wednesday evening, mid-week service at 8:00, “Paul Teaching at Antioch,” Acts l,J:19-30; 12:26. This Is the real hour of quiet re­ treat and refreshment to the C hris­ tian and every one wishing to re­ new his life and Joy. Session meet­ ing at 8:50 to review and to plan as required. ------- —O---;------ — ELEVEN A. M. and Survival.” WELCOME "The Law of Selfishness and Force as a Means of EIGHT P. M. “Is There Another Chance After Death for Those Who Have Fallen by the Way and Failed to Hake Good Here on Earth f” * FRED E. CARTER, Pastor. Methodist Episcopal Church OUR MOTTO "TO SERVE" S. L. Parrett Mrs. O. W. Dart U. 8. O. Miller Ch. Bd. TrusteeH Pres. Ladles Aid Society Ch. Bd. Stewards REGULAR SERVICES FOR SUNDAY. JULY 24TH 11:00 A. M.— Preaching— Text, Isaiah 46:3— Subject,*“The Treas­ ures of Darkness..” 8:00 P. M.— Preaching—Text, St. John 14:8— Subject. "Visible Christianity.” , 9:45 A. M.—Sunday School— C. E. Newhouse, Superintendent. 7:00 P. M.— Epworth League— Arthur Titus, President Prayer Meeting every Wednesday evening at 8 P. M.—Subject, “Paul—One Trait In His Character That I Admire.” You are wanted. Your attendance Is appreciated. I ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEE T O C U R E DANDRUFF, Itchy Heads and Eczema OR YOUR HONEY BACK Gem Barber Shop A. A. ANDERSON, Proprietor. P EO P LES M AR KET Fresh and Cored Meats of all Kinds at Lowest Possible Prices Cash paid for Beef, Pork, Mutton and Veal a t all times For fair dealing and oonrteoua treatment—Give ns a call KUM M ER & M O O R E Phone Blue 280 Chehalem Valley Mills B ealen is Flour and Feed HAY AND GRAIN ALL KINDS OF MILL FEED AND POULTRY SUPPLIES M l W BERG. OREGON Corner First and Main .Streets, Newberg • HANDTS Meat Market a t 11 A. M. and 8 P . K Two specially Interesting sermons are promised for next,Sunday. "Rest for the Restless” Is the title of the STRAWBERRY GROWERS morning one, and “America’s great­ FIND ADVERTISING FAYS est need" will .be discussed in the evening. Strawberry growers believe that advertising pays since they used It The junior C. E. is still much alive in moving their crop. and .the boys and girls may always When the strawberry season open­ look for a bright happy hour from ed this year the California growers 5 to 6 every Sunday afternoon. were offered 3 Vi cents a pound by C. H. Phillips. Minister! canners for their berries. They felt that this was too low and that the crop should be moved fresh. The BAPTIST CHURCH growers adopted aa advertising cam­ 9:45, Sunday School. 11:00, sermon by Rev. W. H. Cox. paign which enabled them to move Special violin music by Sheridan M. the entire crop at 8 cents a pound through the local markets. „ Delepine from Portland. Results were obtained the first 8:00 p. m., sermon by Rev. W. H. CHRISTIAN CHURCH day with the advertising campaign. Bible schools, 10 a. m., America's Cox. By an agreemeqf with the canners The church has called Rev. Cox, of Bulwark. air of the strawberries not sold by Pendleton church to he its pastor. Communion service, 11 a. m., "If 11 o’clock each day were to be bar­ A cordial invitation Is extended Ye Love Me.” reled. Only the first day found any all. * Junior C. E.. 5 p. in.. Interest the to Let berries left for the canners so well each church member feel that Boy. did the advertising succeed. he has a responsibility in doing his Senior C. E., 7 p. m.. Develop tfce: part. In working with the pastor A modest sum. was used in ad­ Youth. vertising In newspapers and journals in tlie Lord’s work and in all of the Song and Sermon, 8 p. m., H eplful, departments. He will expect it and of the bay cities and retailers were and Cheering. furnished with posters announcing the Lord expects It. fresh strawberries to the trade. The A 100% attendance In the Bible growers received a fair price, the PRESBYTERIAN. CHURCH school has long been the aim of the wholesaler made a profit, the re­ officers of this school and last Sun­ The morning service next Sabbath tailer was kept busy and the pub­ day it was nearly reached, lacking will have for Its topic “The Meet­ lic bought generously. A single only a few. The work of the bible ing or Synod at Corvallis. ‘July 12th day’s slump in the general strawber­ ry market would have cost the grow­ ers many times the cost of advertis­ ing- Friends Church W right’s Cash Store E v e ry th in g in --------------o------------- Professor J. B. Horner’s book. "Oregon. Her History. Her Great Men, Her Literature.” has proved so popular that a second edition pub­ lished by the J. K. GUI company of Portland is expected to be out by August 25. ----------o---------- Groceries and General Merchandise Near berg We do not deliver and our expenses are low, consequently we can, and are, selling below other dealers. * NOTICE OF STREET IMPROVE­ MENT Notice Is hereby given that the council of the City of Newberg, Ore­ gon, propose to Improve River Street from the south line of Fourth street south to the corporate limits of said city of Newberg, In Newberg, Ore­ gon, by grading said portion of said street so as to conform to the es­ tablished grade, by constructing con­ crete curbs thereon, by providing and constructing street drainage therefore, and by paving said porT tion of said street with five Inch gravel bitulithic pavement; that the estimated cost thereof is the sum of 828.43J.18, and that the cost of said improvement is to be assessed to the property abutting upon said portion of said street and collected in the manner provided In the charter of said city and the laws of the State of Oregon. Notice Is further given that the council will, at an adjourned meet­ ing thereof to be held on Mon­ day, July 25th, 1921, at 8 o’clock P. M. on said date at the council •room In said City of Newberg, hear and determine objections and remon­ strances to said proposed improve­ ment and expenditure, if any. By order of the council. Dated July 12th, 1921'. 41t2 REBECCA W. H. SMITH, Recorder of the City of Newberg. A lot of Shoes and Hardware to be Closed Out at Below Cost J. L. V A N BLARICOM Staple and Fancy Groceries Fresh F ruits and V egetables We please the most particular. Phone us s grocery order aad ess if onr prompt service doyen’t surprise you. We went your trade. S P I V E Y ’S P A I N T S T O R E By reducing our rent to a bare minimum we can now sell Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, Brushes, etc. at a t a mack lower price. T . N. THOM E TRANSFER Black 75. Local and Long Distance Hanling Phone Red 178 Rss. aad Barn Res. 293 Center St. f i t East 1st S t Your Summer Outing D r. Koch’ s Remedies Is a m atter of importance to Yon. Where Yon w in spend it is n m atter of interest to ns EXTRACTS AND SFICE8 STOCK AND POULTRY TONICS • For Sals at 210 South Center Street Round Trip Summer Excursion Fares k>ys are now In effect to the following delightful placea for Rest, Recreation and Amusement. pairs TILLAMOOK COUNTY BEACHES. Beyond the Coast Range Mountains are these new and unspoiled places where the ocean and forest meet. w NEWPORT. On the Pacific Ocean and Yaquina Bay is this charming old place where thousands return year after year to spend their vacations. { Try a Graphic Classified. Portland-Newberg Motor Bus Sche­ dule Effective August 15, 1919 Let as show yea. S. M. CALKINS db SON ' Newberg, Oregon Subject to change without notice. Leave Portland Leave Newberg IT FAYS TO BUY IN BULK 4th and Alder Imperial Hotel 8:30 a. m. 8:00 a. m. 9:30 a. m. 10:00 a. m. 11:00 a. m. 11:00 a. m. 1:00 p. m. 1:00 p. m. 2:30 p. m. 2:45 p. m. 4:15 p. m. 4:00 p. m. 5:30 p. m. 9:30 p. m. 6:30 p. m. Sat, and Sun.— only— Sat. and Sun. HEADQUARTERS FOB 11:00 p. m. 8:00 p. m. Reservations for Theatre Parties, etc., or for Special Trips call: Port­ land. phone Main 3314; Newberg. 808 1st S t, NEWBERG, ORE. phone Black 120. Get Seeds That Grow VINCENT’S FEED STORE OLYMPIC FLOUR ! CRATER T.ATF. A world wonder in the Cascade Range. More than a mile above the sea Is this beautiful azure blue lake, set in the crater of a huge mountain. OTHER RESORTS. Detroit (Breltenbuah Hot Springs, Mt. Jefferson Country), McCredie Hot Springs, Jose­ phine County Caves, Shasta Mountain Resorts. Yoeemit# National Park. "Oregon Outdoors” i8 the title of our new summer book­ let which describes the different resorts in western Ore­ gon and includes hotel and camp information. Copy free on request. For further information inquire of ticket agents. Southern Pacific Lines , - JOHN M. SCOTT. General Passenger Agent. Phone White 198 B O B ’S Shining P arlo r IMPERIAL HOTEL LOBBY Ladies’ and Gents’ Shoes Shined, Cleaned and Dyed B. D. Walker ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE FINAL SETTLEMENT OF Notice Is hereby given that the t undersigned administrator of the es­ tate, within the state of Oregon, of Calvin W. Doe, deceased, has filed his final account as said administra­ tor In the County Court of Yamhill County. Oregon, and that said [ Court has appointed Monday. Au­ gust 16th, 1921, at eleven o'clock A. M. of said day. for the hearing ’ of objections to said final account ; and the settlement thereof. Now therefore, all persons inter­ ested In the estate of Calvin W. Doe. deceased, are hereby notified and re­ quired to appear at the County Court room, at the Court House, at McMinnville, Yamhill County, Ore­ gon, at said time, to then and there show cause. If any there be, why said account should not be settled, sllowed. and approved and said es­ tate forever and finally settled and said administrator discharged. Dated this 14th day of July. 1921. Clarence Butt. Attorney for estate. J. C. COLCORD. Administrator of the e«tatc. within the state of Oregon, of Calvin W. Doe. deceased. Date of 1st pub. July 14. 1921. Date of last pub. Aug. 11. 1921. correct lubrication % A Z e r o l e n e D isc ia the identifying m ark of high-grade lubri­ cants, the sym bol of an efficiency in the m anufacture of fine lubricants hard to duplicate elsew here in the world. Zerolene in Correct Lubrication. , Follow the recom m endations of our Board of Lubrication En­ gineers embodied in the Zerolene Correct Lubrication Chart, T h ere’s a grade of Zerolene for the Correct Lubrication of your engine. Ask for a Chart for your car. STANDARD OIL COMPANY Agrade f i r each type o f engine