Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, June 16, 1921, Image 1

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    N ewberg
G raphic
Hornlbrook and family NEWBERG CELEBRATES
Goldendale. Washington, came
last Friday to visit bis parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Hornlbrook of
this place. They went to Portland
on Sunday with the local people who FLOAT IS PARADED ON STREETS
attended tbe annual Klickitat county
On Wednesday, June 22nd, the
Newberg W. C. T. U. will meet with
Mrs.1 Hannon, at 911 Third street
for work. Quilting, sewing of car­
pet rags, and piecing blocks will be
be anytime between 10 a. m. and 5
: ;
p. in. and there will be work for all
Membership Drive to be Launched at who come.
Grand Opera Company and Other Mu- More Than Eleven Thousand Dollars
Once and W ill be Pushed in Each
Community fo r 500 Members .
No. 37
sical Numbers, Lectures and a
convention and returned borne
Band Plays and B ig Jubilant Crowd
Were Raised at Y early M eeting
Cheer as Qneen Aubrey is H er­
Last Thursday evening was made
Advance information on the Elll-1
At the close of five full days of
Chautauqua program for t work, in which the various activities
night on'the part of the
Play “ It Pays to Advertise.”
For P acific College.
alded Twice a W inner
Three things were fully decided
upon at the meeting of the council
oi tne patch of The Berrt&na which
people of Newberg and vicinity. The
the season indicates a week of lac of the Friends cburch in the North­
was held In the Commercial Club
entertainment and music that west were considered, the last session MRS. COOK D M LAST FRIDAY Berrians had brought home two
rooms on Monday evening. The bills
prizes from the Portland Rose Festi­
should please “ Chautauqua fans.’’ of Oregon Yearly Meeting «vas held
contracted In connection with the
val and there was great rejoicing on
The dates for Newberg have been Monday evening. While the attend­
b u i l d i n g of the float, as well as for Springbrook Cannery to be Leased to definitely Bet Tor July J6th to 2JlL ance was not quite so large as last W ere on W ay to Coast and Autom o­ the part of everyone at so happy an
the current expenses of the Berdans,
outcome of tbe event.
A musical event of unusual 1m year, all the sessions were well at-
bile W ent Over 100 Foot Bank
Company o f Local Farm en and
were presented and gone over by the
went into tbe parade with the sole
portance is scheduled in the com ing! tended.
It was ascertained that
Badly Injuring Aged Couple
idea of getting some publicity.
of the Mary Adel Hays Opera Sing-
One of the most interesting ses-
W ill Be B on by them
there were sufficient funds to pay
Scarcely anyone could have been
ers, under the leadership and direc­ slons was held od Friday, when the
all bills and still leave a small sur­
tion of Mary Adel Hays, prominent subject considered was, "Foreign
Mr. and Mrs. Abram Cook met with found in advance who would have
plus. Only about one hundred mem­
The Oregonian published an arti­ New York coloratura soprano. The Missions," the principal address be a sad accident on June 7th which re­ had the temerity to assert that we
bers have paid their dues so far, so cle in its issue of last Tuesday which personnel is a notable one; including ing given by Arthur Chilson, who sulted in the ultimate death of Mrs. were going to win one prize, let
this is a most satisfactory result.
we deem to be of more tban usual Ruth Pearey, contralto. Claude Schell went to British East Africa as a Cook. They were on their way to alone two. Consequently everyone
Mayor Calkins was present; and, as Interest to our readers as it pertains tenor, and John Weinman, baritone. I missionary to the native black races the beach by auto and about eight was overjoyed at the rtfcwu.
the one appointed to go to Portland to the running of the local cannery. All are soloists of distinction, each nineteen years ago. He has been miles the other side of Dolph, and
Many, who were not able to at­
and receive the prise money awarded The Oraphic has endeavored each one abundantly capable of present-1 home on a furlough for some time 62 miles from here, tbeir auto went tend the parade in Portland, had
The Berdans’ float, he made a re­ week to get some authentic informa­ ing a full concert alone. Familiar ind Is making a tour of tbe various over a 100 foot bank. Mr. Cook, never- seen tbe beautiful float which
port. Mr. Calkins *Btated that the tion on this matter but the cannery selections and excerpts from light yearly meetings representing tbe hearing another auto looked back The Berrians entered in the Roae
Portland people were very lavish people have seined to be loath to give and grand opera will be featured American Friends Board of Foreign and in doing so lost sight of tbe road Festival parade and so It was brought
with their praise of the Newberg out anything definite. It is gener­ in their two concerts on tbe laat Missions. In the course of his re­ ahead for a bare fraction of time. back from Portland that they might
float and seemed to fully understand ally understood that the general day.
marks be stated that while 90 per Mrs. Cook passed away at Dolph on have an opportunity to,see |t. The
the short time which The Berdans management are planning on calling
distinguished cent of Africa had been ttoujehed Friday night as the result of Internal band was kind enough to volunteer
hud for its construction and the a meeting of the farmers some time French violinist, who came to Amer­ commercially only 10 per cent of injuries sustained and Mr. Cook was their services for the evening and
handicaps under which they worked. soon and giving out their policy In lea as a war refugee in 1914, is this same territory had been reached badly injured although it is expected they played and marched ahead of
Mr. Calkins stated that he saw the This way.
the float which was run back and
another artist of prominence to be by Christian teachers. He said fur­ that he wilj recover.
films of the Rose Festival at one of
A meeting was held at Springbrook presented during the week. Mile. ther that for years, out of every 100
The remains were brought to New­ forth on Maine street. The street
the Washington street theatres and the first (ft the week and it was de­ Collette is under contract with one children born to tbe natives in that berg and funeral serTBces were con­ was completely lined with autos and
that they were exceptionally good. cided to form a company among the of America’s leading phonograph land of heathen darkness, 50 to 75 ducted from the Christian church at people and it has been estimated
Only three floats were shown and the farmers there and lease the cannery companies and lg rated as one of the per cent died in infancy, but that 2 p. m. on Monday, Rev. Phillips there were about 1,000 people on tbe
Newberg float was one of the three. at that place from the Rupert suc­ foremost concert violinists in th« owing to tbe improved conditions officiating.
The .Woman’s Relief street. Cheers greeted the appear­
The pictures of The Berrians' float cessors and the preliminaries to this country today. She comes to Chau­ brought about by tbe active work of Corps and the local post participated ance of the float. Queen Aubrey
were very clear and distinct and the are now well under way. The arti­ tauqua as a member of the Lowell the missionaries the ouutlook for the in the services.
Lemon and her little maids occupied
words Newberg and the Berrians cle from tbe Oregonian follows:
Patton company. Mr. Patton needs future wo« more hopeful.
Jeannette Cook, wife of Abram (the throne just as they did in tbe
As a result. of an agreement be­ no Introduction to western Chautau­
showed up very plainly. These pic­
In the field held by tbe Friends. Cook of Newberg, was born in Wood- Portland parade and thus tbe local
tures will be shown all over the Unit­ tween creditors of the A. Rupert qua audiences. He has Just returned Mr. Chlbien said there were now five stock, 111., November 17, 1846, and people were given an opportunity to
ed States and thus Newberg will get company and the recently organized from a highly successful concert tour . regularly established churches,
died June 10. 1921, as a result of an pass their judgment upon the float.
Oregon Canning company announce­ tn New Zealand. Lula Boot, former- i Rev. Frank W. Dell, pastor of auto accident. She was married July
some wonderfuL advertising.
Last week’s account of tbe float
But we are digressing from the ment was made late Tuesday that ly contralto of the Washington Opera | Friends church at Whittier, Califor- 4, 1867, to A. J. Hutchens to which was somewhat incorrect as It was
point of view of this article which at least two of the big Rupert com­ Company, rounds out this splendid nia, gave an address on "Peace.” and union were born five children, four necessary after the plans had all been
was to tell the three things decided pany plants in the Willamette valley artists trio.
Other musical com­ Rev. Elbert Russell, director of Wool- daughters and one son', of whom four made to change them because there
up<fti at the meeting of the council. will be operated this season. It was panies scheduled for double concerts man School of Swarthmore, Penn., are living; Mrd. Chas. Butts of Ore­ were not sufficient flowers of some
The first of these was that a Fourth also said that there is a possibility during the week are the Liberty represented the Friends service com- gon City, Mrs. R. Forsyth of Port­ colors to carry out the color schemes
of July picqjc should be held some­ of more than two of tbe plants being Belles of Boston, the Alexander Trio j mittee in an address delivered Fri- land. Mrs. J. M. Shaw of Portland as outlined, but tbe float was sub­
where in the country under the Joint operated.
and the Stone-Platt-Bragers Trio.
and Homer Hutchins of Baker, Ore. stantially the same as originally
This means that a much larger pro­
arrangement of the Farmers’ club
Among the lecture« scheduled for i Saturday afternoon the educational Mrs. E. S. Hall the otherjdaughter planned. As tbe float journeved down
and The Berrians. It is the intention portion of Oregon's fruit crop will the assembly are Dean Ell wood C. session was held, when Prof. Roberts died in 1910.-- Deceased was married the streets of Portland it was given
that this will be a purely informal find a market this year. The amount Perisho, late President of the State gpoke on behalf of the academy at to Abram Cook, June 16, 1915, and a much more hearty reception on tbe
affair with the farmers taking the handled by tbe plants will depend C°*,ef e
f°,utb Dakota and Educa- 0re4,nieaf Idaho, and Acting Presi- resided with him in Newberg to the part of the crowds than was given
lead and the Newberg people being largely upon the growers.
Uonal Administrator of the A. M. F.; u Um Joh D MUU, gave a talk, fol- time of her death. Besides the hus­ any other and after it was known
their guests. Not that the Newberg
The two plants which wit! defi­ Dr. E. L. House, prominent autM r fT’ “ Inr
of bis report made band and four children, Mrs. Cook that The Berrians had won second
people, will not expert to do their nitely begin operation* in the next and payeholowtet: Dr. Robert Parker :
B^ard of*MImagers and the ,8 survived by twenty-five grand place many said that they believed
share of the work but it was the two weeks are located at Newberg Miles, one of the foremost dramatic eojj e corporation. President Levi children and two great-grand-child that it should have been given first.
consensus of opinion that Instead of and Lebanon. They have a combined I T » » ° n l be
Howevef, we are satisfied as it
PUttarm T Pennlnifton and Dr. W ..V. Coffin ren. She was a member of the relief
having the country always come to packing capacity of about 400.000
corps of the G. A. R. and also of the was. Second prize in its competition
’ L L " " ! ! - and Chief Strongheart, » * » " « ■ , secretary of the Edue. Christian church, in both of which with all outside cities and a special
town It would be nice for the town cases of fruit and vegetables and are •
ttonal Board of the Five Years Meet- .
. ,
^ . .
to go to the country for a change.
tbe largest of the Rupert canneries. noted Indian lecture-entertainer.
Ing followed with Bhort talks merg- ‘ ®he bad many friends who mourn prize in addition and the special
The second matter decided upon Negotiations are also under way for
Two other feature events of the ing the meeting into an appeal for her departure.
Funeral services commendation of the chairman of the
was the holding of a berry festival the operating of the McMinnville and week will be the presentation of the m ^ d p t l o o t for tbe endowment fund were held in the Christian church Rose Festival parade committee. As
In Newberg and the date set for this Roseburg plants and for subleasing great comedy success. "It Pays to
conducted by C. H. Phillips and in­ a result, pictures of the float appear­
event was Saturday, July 9. No de­ the plant at Springbrook. The Ore­ Advertise,” by’ the Keighley New for Pacific College. The amount se­ terment was in the G. A. R. ceme­ ed in alt three of the Portland papers
finite plans were outlined for this gon, Canning company controls all York players with an all-professional
and its picture will be included in
“ m 0 o“
tery on last Monday.
zn 111,000.
affair but it is probable that among five of the plants. In addition the cast and the coming of Electra Platt,
the moving picture film which will
At the Sunday morning meeting
other attractions will be the serving com pay has acquired the Rupert the noted monologlst, as one of the
be shown all over the country.
of free berries to the visitors. It is brands and has taken over the Rupert members of the Stone-PIatt-Brager the speaker was Rev. Arthur Chilson ; NEWBERG WILL HAVE COUNTRY
Newberg could not have obtained*
anticipated that there will be a large office, plant staffs and its nation­ Trio.
a wider publicity through the spend­
Electra Piatt was formerly and in the afternoon. Rev. Frank W. !
attendance from other cities and es­ wide distributing organization. H. on the Orpheum and is said to be Dell. In the evening Rev. Calvin j
ing of thousands of dollars in any
pecially from Portland. A publicity F. Davidson of Hood River is presi­ one of the funniest and cleverest Choate spoke at Friends church and [
way. There was a great amount
Rev. Elbert Russell at the Baptist
committee was appointed composed dent of the company.
of work connected with the float
women before the public today.
i There will be no Fourth of July and there are many persons who de­
of Chester A. Dimond, Dr. Ralph W.
Mr. Davidson is one of tbe most
------ o------
! celebration in Newberg but Newberg serve great credit for their activity
VanValin and Chester Zumwalt. This successful fruit growers of the west.
celebrate the Fourth. This ap­ in connection with the affair. Too
committee will see that extensive In addition he has had wide experi­
FORTUNE— In Newberg, Oregon, were the subjects for Monday, follow- j
which the business was hurried 1 Parently paradoxical statement may
publicity is given the festival through ence in the canning field.
any to enumerate. Committees who
June 11, 1921, to Mr. and Mrs. Roy ing
through for adjournment.
i be accounted for by the fact that it ' tthered flowers, committees who
the Portland papers as well as see­
“ We have acquired the five Oregon Fortune, a son.
ing to the local advertising.
No plants of the Rupert company,’’ said
gathered moss, committees who did
' nic and celebration somewhere in the | the decorating, committees who pre­
other committees were appointed Mr. Davidson, "and it is our Inten­
Monday evening but they will be giv­ tion to maintain the same high SCHOOL ELECTION WILL BE
country this year at which the peo- ! pared the flowers for shipment to
« .n .
ple of Newberg will cooperate and! Portland, committees who gathered
en out later and the public may be standard that gave the Rupert pack
sure that the berry festival will be world-wide market. We will seek the
‘he p «°p * « of ,th« counJry berry vines and decorated the berry
« jin celebrating the natal day. The patch, committees who made suc­
a big affair.
closest cooperation with the grow­
„ entertainment committee of the New-
The Berrians feel that they have ers with the object of building anew
The regular school election will
The Oregon Growers Cooperative berg Farmers Club and the same com- cessful the queen contest, etc. We
established a reputation through a business profitable to growers and
take place at the grammer school Ansoclation will hold an important mittee from The Berrians will have cannot even recall all of the commit­
their Rone Festival participation and ourselves.
at 1:30 o'clock on Monday meeting at Duncan b Hall in this city (j,e details and planB of the picnic tees who helped make the float a
they intend to maintain this reputa-1
"Marketing conditions this year
June 20, when a school at 2 o clock Saturday afternoon when an<j celebration in hand and we un­ success and certainly would not try
tion. The principal idea in holding do not warrant a capacity pack. For
C. Paulus, tbe general manager derstand that they are already work- to enumerate the individuals.
the berry festival is to bring the this reason we will be unable to director will be elected to succeed it.
The band which gave their time
company will be present and ¡nR out p|an8 for this event,
people from Portland and other cities purchase all «fruit offered. We will,
and talent-and went to Portland with
to Newberg and show them what we however, handle as much as we can
The exact location of the picnic only their expenses paid certainly
can do in the way of furnishing them with safety and will pay the grow­ name on the ticket— that of Chas. sociation on important matters. This
should be given praise and the people
with berries. This should have a most ers as good a price as we can afford K. Hubbard, who is a promising! meeting will be exclusively for the *•*
of Newberg should not forget their
salutary effect in securing markets under present conditions. It Will be
willingness, to assist, later when it is
for the berries next year.
the poljcy of the Oregon Canning
to the local growers will be consider- auto* and also playgrounds for any necessary to pay their running ex­
The third thing acted upon was company to pack Oregon fruit under district by consolidation. Mr. Hub­ ed. The Oregon Growers Cooperative
wh,ch U n,a* be thought ad- penses. Newberg needs a good band
the matter of membership. It was the Oregon label. We know north­ bard’s candidacy is urged by his j Association have been doing some ex- visable to have. It is probable that and we have one. Let us see that
decided to hold a membership drive west fruit is unsurpassed, so feel friends on the grounds that the coun - 1 cellent work over tbe state in gett-
they are give due recognition and
Immediately and this will last until ti^at by advertising and selling it we try part of the district is entitled ing the producers together in such
pay their expenses.
the Fourth of July picnic when it Is will assist in building up a market to some representation on the school | an association that they will be
Queen Auhrey Lemon was a real
? k ?
expected that the total membership that will prove of immense benefit board as well as the city. Mr. Hub- enabled to market their crops of var-
queen, and w-i*h her little maids, was
will reach the goal of 600 which has to the industry as a whole."
bard is an O. A. C. man and is a pro-i lous kinds to a much better advan- p,e of ,he town and country together no small part in the beautiful pic­
been set. The membership commit­
greseive in every sense of the word, j tage than they could otherwise. One in a general good time picnic and ture presented In the Berrlan float.
tee. under the leadership of William
He advocated the consolidation of th e' of the best examples of their aid therefore
, It will
. be more
. , Everyone who participated in any
V. Dolph, the chairman, wjll »tart an doing this, and plans will be worked rural and town districts and made a to the farmer was seen in the matter
way should feel well repaid for the
eas () an imP omptu affair. J
Immediate canvass of every commun­ out by The Berfiafs to enable the fight to have the consolidation re -! of getting broccoli started in this those Ik n-i o
ta are always the efforts put forth and on behalf of
ity with a view to Interesting every grower» to get in touch with buyers talned. He will make an excellent community.
The Oregon Growers ”’ °8t interesting and entertaining ,<o the Berrians we want to thank the
individual In The Berrians. A large at this time.
director if elected.
came to the assistance of the local tha‘
«T,111™ 1 *° br J h,eTe public in general and the committees
sign of some kind will be placed in a
But a berry festival to be a success
e i h*A».* * 004 n 1 in particular for their splendid co­
prominent place where'the reports pf must be well planned and must ln- does not Intend to run for the office with the necessary seed when it was and de/* ni,f’ P,ana
f«r the picnic will | operation.
the committees will be shown dally vnhre considerable expense. This can of director again.
However, his I difficult to obtain, but also agreed bp outlined and announced in our
and the total recorded.T he Berrians be easily taken care of if the people friends are urging his candidacy for to look after markets for the products next wut'
ror tnem.
are planning many things In the In­ of the community will simply Join this position on the grounds of his if it could be raised in sufficient
terests of the farmers and the com­ the organization and pay their dues fitness for the position .and hlg pre- quantities to Insure of carload shtp- HIGH SCHOOL PLAY DBEW
munity in general. They should have — $2 per yenr. Not much for each vlous experience as well as his known ; ments. Every local member of the
the unanimous support of the people Individual, but enough taken all to­ high moral standing. We are author- association should make it a point to
Mrs. S. F. Wallace was hostess one
of the community and their goal of gether. to give the organization a Itatively Informed that although Mr. be present at the meeting of the as­
day last week to Chapter L P. E. O..
600 members is not at all too much working capital.
The Junior class play. "Looking j it being the last regular meeting for
Vincent does not expect to make any sociation on Saturday afternoon.
to expect. They have already received
For Mary Jane” was given at the the summer, at which time Mrs. Lyle
Some people may inquire what will campaign for the office and although
20ft memberships and no personal be done with alF this money.. One his name does not appear on the
j Star theatre on Tuesday and Wed- j Palmer gave an interesting review
canvass has been made so far.
I nesday evenings of this week to full j of the state convention held in Wood-
Item alone will he the maintenance ticket, he will not refuse to accept
i houses. The play was a comedy skit j burri in May. when Chapter L Joined
Many people have said that the and uniforming of the band, and we if elected.
Seth B. Dodge, Jr., of Newberg and and gave excellent opportunity for i
benefit from having a winning float don’ t believe that there is anyone
Our public schools are a most nf~,
ini M,M Of»ce Conway of Corvallis were ' some good character work. The play Chapter J as Joint hostess.
in the Rose Festival parade alone was who will be willing to rise up and
The Wallace home was tastefully
,n marr,a** a* Corvallis ia s t w * » exceptionally well adapted to l decorated with white and yellow
worth thousands of dollars to New­ say that this is a needless expense.
t u t " * « ndar-
Mr. Dodge and Miss j home talent work and was a most blooms, and an elaborate lunrheon
berg. The Berrians want to clinch Newberg must take care of the band
these benefits .now by bringing the and if we are going to expect them ^ « " 'T h '. ; n,h,hl
comedy, keeping ,» e . « - I - was served by Mrs. Wallace’s three
and it was here that the romance ences convulsed throughout
Three daughter* and granddaughter. Mrs.
Portland people out to Newberg and to play for us. we must at least pay
Into direct contact with the growers. their expense« nnd uniform them feehT*!hat"the^nuiFnc^have**a^chrdce wh,ch culminated In their wedding, young men got themselves into all Wallace, wife of Dr. Franklin Wal­
mem e V h ifo f ,ln"
t*1« I kind, of d l f n c » ,,l „ . „ d .............. he; lace. Mrs. Guy Edwards. Mrs. Leon
Just as an example of what this may suitably. And then every activity
Z W .IÏ t m J i f n . It,.
HOn of Mr. and Mrs. Seth Dodge of end the complications began to in- Simms and Miss Alice Simms, rll of
mean to the growers of this commun­ of the organisation will be accom­ w
whom are well fitted for the post- Fdurth atPeeti He came here with volve everyone in the cast until fin -’
ity, we cite the fact that on the Sun­ panied by some expense In the long tion
and either of whom will protect his parents in 1911 and graduated | ally the right Mary Jane appears Portland.
day following the Rose parade there run we will all be repaid, hut if we the moral standing of our schools.
Another interesting guest for the
from Newberg high school that year and all ends most happily. Impor­ nfternoon was four week’s old Clif­
were many Portland people came out would eventually draw down the di­
---- *----- ° ----------
> He has been taking vocational tant parts were taken by Robert ford Spaulding. Jr., who was welcom­
here In autos and asked where they vidends we must pay the expenses.
We have Just received word, from training work at O. A. C. and ex- Brown, Louis Parrott. Willie Sand- ed as L's youngest B. I. L.
could buy berries. We have turned Help the committee in their work
their eyes to the Newberg section as and see that your name Is enrolled the Public Service Commission that pects to continue with his studies, era, Myrl Allman. Florence Heater.
---------- o----------
Eleanor Bassett. Bernlc.' Bull
a berry growing section. Now let as a Berrlan. Get a badge and wear the Wlllamlnn Electric Co. has Mr. and Mrs. Dodge are vlaltlng his and Elent
us clinch our advantages by bring­ it. And if your neighbor has no been granted a raise in rates .to take parents at this place at present, but ock was good in the part of a maid
BIXUY - In New berg.
ing them Into direct communication badge see that he gets one too. Altd effect July 1st. but as yet haven't they expect to return to Corvallis while Lee Ryan and Charlie Car­
Henry June 11. 1921. to Mr. and Mrs. Ro­
with the grower. The berry festival don’ t forget that this applies to the heard how much of a raise has been very soon and Mr. Dodge will attend lisle took character parts.
granted.— Times
summer school.
Graves appeared ks a Chinaman.'
bert Bixby. a son.
offers an excellent opportunity for women as well as the men.
« " --*?««* •' ° A