RMN l* MM NEWBERG GRAPHIC, THURSDAY. APRIL 81. 1981 Large* Circulation la T ambili County. We hope that Portland will suc­ ceed ip yetting the exposition In 1936. It will be a fine thing for New­ NOTTAOB * DIMOND berg Hundreds of thousands of peo­ Editors and Publishers. ple will visit Portland and thousands of them will visit the adjacent coun­ Published every Thursday try. Newberg should make early pre­ Ottica: Graphic Bid«.. «0« U n i S t parations to get many of these visit­ ors to come here and see the many Phone......................................Whtta S3 superior advantages which we enjoy. has a family of four children, two I g r ic u l t u r a l n o t e s sons and two daughters. FROM HIGH 9CH00L He will occupy his new pulpit the If it were not so serious from an first time next Sunday and will move economic standpoint, it would simply 1 to McMinnville as soon as his school cause the farmer to laugh heartily closes in June.— Telephone-Register. were he to read such remarks as we are told by The Rural New Yorker were made by the Hbn.. Norman J. ELECTRIC TRAIN SCHEDULE Gould, representing the thirty-sixth The following is the time of elec­ congressional district. New York tric train arrivals at the city ticket State, during a recent attack on the office at Newberg: bureau. He charged the bureau To Portland Prom Portland ■stared at the postoffice at Newberg, | Newberg will never achieve great­ ¡farm j was arbitrarily trying to increase 6:06 a. m. 9:03 ax m. Oregon, as second class matter. ness through patronising Portland prices hy restricting production, and 9:50 a. m. 11:33 a . m. getting properly keyed up from 1:16 p. m. 3:30 p. m. industries. We are proud of our many after dramatic standpoint, burst forth 4:06 p. m. $L00 Per Year in Adrance industries and we should help main­ jthe 6:36 p. m. {With the, to him. supposedly enlight­ 7:04 p. m. 6:66 p. m. tain them by giving them our patron­ ening statement that the.farm bureau 3:60 a. m Sunday only 13:45 a. m. THURSDAY. APRIL 21. 1921 is "absolutely dangerous to thehealth age Just as far as possible. and prosperity of the country.” The New York State Federation of PortU nd-N ew bng M otor Bas Soho- The auto accident on the highway •THE BERRIANS.” last Sunday afternoon should be a Farm Bureaus came back at him in dale Effective August I f , 1919 a rather dignified way. ^evidently The idea of adopting the name warning to all autoists about trying Intending to be diplomatic. The re­ "The Berrians" to be used here in to overtake another car unless they sponse was not heartily approved by Subject te change without notice. Leave Newberg Newberg seems to be meeting with are absolutely sure of a clear road the farmers, but the come-back of Leave Portland Mr. H. S. Fdllager of .Yates county, 4th and Alder Imperial Hotel favor from many quarters. There is ahead. met with instant whole-souled bacsk- t:9 9 a. m. 1:00 a. m. a great possibility in the proposition ing. Mr. Yates said, among other 9:90 a. m. 19:00 a. m. In the matter of building homes and the public is not slow to see this things. “I want to ask you. Mr. Gould, 11:09 a. m. „ 11:00 a. m. and are calling for some action to put Newberg people seem to have adopted who has a better right to regulate 1:99 p. m. 1:00 p. m. the matter into concrete form. We a "you first" policy. We need more production than the farmer? The 3:39 ». would suggest the organization of a new houses and everyone should be coal operators cut all production in 9rder to create an artificial short­ 4 :16 p. body similar to the Salem Cherrians ready to help out. , age. Result— the public unable to 6:89 p. and the Portland Rbsarians to give get coal at any price. Did you or We notice that quite a good many congress say anything? Woolen mills 0:30 p. 9:30 p. the matter form and publicity. As stated in Prof. Kilham’s article last Newberg people have taken advan­ and cotton mills, in fact all manu~ are doing little or nothing, Sat. and Sun.—only—S a t and Sun. week, this is a berry center and will tage of the clean-up period, but why facturers leaving the raw material that they not take the lesson to heart and keep 11:99 p. m. 9:00 p. ss. be even more so in the future. What should use in the producers hands. the premises clean? Reservations for Theatre Parties, could be more appropriate than to This, you no doubt, think perfectly proper. etc., or for Special Tripe oall organize a .bo-