Z . g . . n h i w r t i r r r r ^ * HIGH SCHOOL AG- ah® discovered her mistake In life RICULTURE NOTES and set about to correct It. CLARENCE B U TT ---------- | After many years she was sot free Will practice to all the courts of tki “ The art of agriculture will never end established a home for girls. ^ T T O R N E Y -A T -L A W •tat«, Special attention f l r a to higher U.D 1 , *tn’ rrom P™*1* ® . |they thought they were leaving Ja- As director of Smith-Hughes A g -Ipan * ut found they wer< Ju8t entw- riculture work in the Newberg cotn-!!n* “ For a,on* on® * tb® munity. and a« a graduate of O. A. l!“ 11* arran* ed on tab,e* b*for* ‘ hem C , we make an earnest plea for t h e ',ay * dUplay of m wie{E o t traT‘ Practice In all courts; Probate, bat'Mgg of til? fgrrners at the com -j*1’ of llvin* and of drees truly all Deeds. Mortgagee and all legal pa­ ing special election o decide on the ^ dlfferent claaaea of j pers. Abstracts examined. higher education mtllage tax. snese citizens, were dressed by * This department— every similar little girl In Osaka and brought to department—fand every last farmer America when Misa Scott came back in the state of Oregon is. in duty H . ITTTER, D, M. D.j| , bound last spring. to back to the last inch and “ The baby traveler wears this H C M T I C T ¡¡¡pound, the state’s higher institu* around hiS neck to help locate him. "X UCwW I 1 9 I Ujttono of learning of which O. A. C. should he wander o ff,” they were told by the girl at the table as she for funds and equipment. showed them a silk purse containing Let no Oregonian, be he farmer or a name and address, and fixed with otherwise, dare to forget when he ribbon to tie around the neck. stands at the polling booth, that ag­ Who can doubt that Japanese take riculture is “ the mother pf all in­ off their shoes as they enter the dustry, and the maintainer of hu­ house after seeing that little row of man life.” and’ more especially in sandals lined up by the door o f the this state. We are making a plea minature hall which was certainly for our very life^-fellow citiiens— Japanese for there hung the scroll our very life !!?. on the wall. We are told, and, figures are of- # i The kitchen, with the queer brush fered to prove it that any one of broonM. rlce bucketB> charcoa, Btoyea some three agriculture departments I Phones and other furnishings was juet as alone at O. A. C., has saved the state truly Japanese. 9 Office, White 22; Res. Red 128 t M * e t e « t e e « t é * M t e t e e M e * of Oregon annually more than the The beds were simple soft “ futous” amount required to finance all three or mattresses, rolled up and stored of the higher educational institu­ in a closet by day. The only seat a .-AS “ tions, namely, O. A. C., the U. of O. Japanese requires is his long suffer­ and the State Normal School. DR. A. M. DAVIS £ Let us show the “ big spirit," and ing heels. • A chest of drawers, very much like a chiffonir, completed the say with all the ferver of “ they shall bed room suite. not pass” — this shall not stop— such The water color paintings of Jap­ splendid work must go on. 5? fc anese women at various tasks were j OWee » « ' fanMon't Drus S Residence Phone Gray 171 (worth while certainly) who meeas methodl you cannot faü to be per- busin«*« but >4 short of cash ■ fectly satisfied. if we want more settlers, and con­ sequently a final lower per capita I DR. THOS. W. HESTER j tax, then we simply must pass this 8 0 4 East First S t millage bill. \ Physician and Surgeon } Phone Black 2 2 0 Newberg Oliver F. Kllham. J Office in Dixon Building ♦ Director Agriculture Department, a P a « M « : O f f i c . W k r t . 11. R c . O r w « . 11 « Newberg High School. ---------- -o---------- I N E W B E R G - - O REG O N ♦ LAW YER I Dr. H. We Make a Specialty of Quality and Service at FRESH, CLEAN STOCK V IN C E N T ’S G R O C E R Y Best the Market Affords HIGH CLASS W C. R. CHAPIN oter Pint Rational ^ Office Phone Black 31 Residence Phone White 174 Kendrick Grocery < , ! I IN SU RAN CE IF“— T - Mrs. LaRose Kelly Corner Center and Sherman. 11 ft. LA. Littlefield ! ; PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office «ver V. 8 National J. P. SOPER, IT HAPPENS IN JAPAN DR, l.M , BLOMWICK (From the Crescent) Cut th e co st of r a isin g y o u r c a lv e s “ It Happens In Japan” was the play that delighted a Newberg audi­ ence last Friday night in the college ' auditorium, being presented by the 808 First s t BlMk 0 girls of the local Young Women’s ' New berg, Oregon ¡Christian Association. When the curtains lifted at eight o’clock exposing a beautifully deco- fv — < y -—*, rated stage in oriental style with 1 j I sixteen Japanese maidens and their | HODSON & ELLIOTT parasols of many colors, the audl -1 FUNERAL DIRECTORS—EMBALMERS ¡ence was inwrapped with the beauty Hone drawn or Auto Funeral Car aa pnfenad of the oriental scene and c> itumeg. Satisfaction Guaranteed Not for one minute did 1 l ‘ ¡rest lag aad Parlors 705 and 705 1-2 First for the spectators from the time the m Oftcc Green I 18. Rea. blue 118, Res. 8 drill began until the final drop of [ the curtain/11" ,,lr' The song by the trio received| CALF MEAL many favorable comments among the V hearers. While the thirty minute D Y raising your calves on visit n> that far away r-wtrrry by Blatchford’s C alf Meal means of the camera and reflect-o- you can save both milk and LIVE STOCK AND acope brought home to each onf; pic-s­ General Farm Sales money. Y ou can save milk ent the terrible conditions under which the children and students because e v e ry p ou n d o f City Phone Blue 76 Farm 19x25 J [ have tollve. B la tch fo rd 's C a lf M eal The play following the “ picture makes a full gallon o f pure, visit” across the Pacific gave a most rich milk-substitute—a milk- realistic netting. The mental in- substitute which contains all anailng of “ Sakl.” the little maiden the nutritive and growth- of humble parentage, by the radical producing properties the calf eep ■ supply o f suffrage literature sent In to her PEARL OIL (kero­ requires Y o u can save country from America, the trouble sene) on hand for use in these Ill-founded Ideals got her into money because at present oil cooketovca, heaters at the girls’ school, were meet real market pnees a gallon of and lam pa. Pearl Oil ia and gripping The stabbing of her milk sells for three to four cleaa and economical. insulter was the logical outcome of Your dealer can eupply time> he retail cost of a such thinking and the future in you. Ask for P E A R L pound of calf meal. prison looked very dark for “ 8 akl,” OIL. had not a friend of hers become STANDARD OIL COMPANY acquainted with the V. W. C. A. and (CALIFORNIA) _____ CHEHALEX VALLEY MILLS brought her a little Testament. ZUMWALT’S FEED STORE From the pages in that little book CHIROPRACTOR Steam baths sad hydropathic treat F R U IT S, V E G E T A B L E S , AND in F A N C Y G R O C E R IE S 5 f Hannings old Stand e Your Patronage Solicited Corner First And C onterete F R E E D E L IV E R Y PHONE RED 2 5 jÿÇ(OOOi080809080>C80BQPCQPOOÇ>OPOPO<>OÇ*X>OOOOOOOOC808flC8080B 'VlfeDo LETTERHEAD I Chehalem Valley Mills PRINTING B m I m i fa Flour and Feed on ] DENTIST DENTISTj A. Fruits and Vegetables ,s the b,K*est and harde8t pressed C.'Dixon * «> HAY AND GRAIN All kinds of Mill Feed Alfalfa Hay, BOND NEWBERG, OREGON acrae»c«HKscKK 8 Gectte»c>c»ttmcHXUM>ca^^ The Most WelcomeTire : -I — ’ - ': ¿7 -....- That Ever Came to Market M en W h o A p p recia te Superlative Values P refer The Brunsw ick - —-----— . *«&----- ~ . ~ • . y y 1 . In every great tlfe factory, the. chief question is : “ H ow much can w e give fo r the m oney?” A nd the 'product depends on, the policy ..... -- adopted,^ Every m an w ho has beccane ac­ quainted w ith Brunswick Tires . knows that Brunswick standards arc again evident- T his fam ous con­ cern — noted as a leader in every line it entered since 1845— has once m ore proved that its policy is right. A perfect tire is simply a matter o f know ledge and standards and skilL N o secrets nor patents pro* vent making an ideal tire. But standards com e first F or ini tire making there is vast room for dam ping, for subtle economies, for hidden shortcom ings. Makers with­ ou t the highest standards don’t build high-grade tires. The Brhnswick organization o f tire makers includes a brilliant staff of technical experts. N ot a man 4 . among them Has spent less than 20 years in handling rubber. Each is a master o f his c r a ft And the new ideas they bring to the attention o f Brunswick tors receive sincere consideration. Every proved b e t t e r m e n t ifi adopted unanimously. The Brunswick T ire is a com bi­ nation o f acknowledged features— plus Brunswick standards o f manu­ facture. - The result is a super-tire, the like o f which you have never known be­ fore. The kind o f a tire you will gladly join in welcom ing. Y et Brunswick« cost n o m ore than like-type tires. T ry O N E Brunswick. W e prom­ ise a surprise. And w e fe d certain that you w ill want A L L Bruns- wicks. Then good tires w in have new meaning to you. a T H E B R U N SW ICK -BALK E-C O LLE N D ER C O . Portland Headquarter*: 4 6 -4 8 Fifth Street Sold On A n Unlimited M ileage Guarantee Basie UNDERTAKERS Boost for the Legion Building A U C T I O N E E R :: N. P. NELSON i: K We kaadle, recommend guarantee It and Coni Tina with “Driving" and “ Swa.tilca" Skid-Not Tnoda Fabric T in » in “ PUin,” “ Ribbed” and “ BBC” Skid-Not Tnada Anderson Motor Company Newberg, Oregon